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Preview E/A Promotes Five VP's Reagan Names Fowler To Head FCC Al Casey Appointed

ISSUE NUMBER 374 THE INDUSTRY'S NEWSPAPER MARCH 20, 1981 INSIDE R &R: FARACI, BUTTICE, HOLZMAN, REINSTEIN, SHARELL PLANS TO MOLD "NEW COMMUNICATIONS LANDSCAPE" E/A Promotes Five VP's Reagan Names Fowler A Mark Fowler Profile. Details on the new FCC To Head FCC Chairman's radio background and indications of his broadcast President Reagan has designated philosophy 4 Mark Fowler of the Washington communications law firm Fowler & Meyers to become the next Giant AT &T Hike For Chairman of the Federal Com- Broadcasters? A 16.4% munications Commission. Fowler, increase in private line expenses 39, was nominated to fill the term is before the FCC 4 of former Commissioner Tyrone Brown, which expires in 1986. Syracuse Stations Jump dioF obwrolaedr csapsetnetr 1b0e fyoeraer sb eacso ma irnag- Ganud nd eOsisnt Wordheor cLoPm.p lWieBd cweitahs e Vic Faraci Jerry Sharell wa itcho mthme uWniacsahtiinogntso nl afwirmye ro fi nS m19it6h9 subsequently 3 In a significant restructuring of Their promotions satisfy the need & Pepper. In 1975, Fowler and its top executive level, Elektra/ for updating our reporting struc- David Meyers left amicably to WWWE, Cavaliers Settle Asylum Records has promoted tures and recognizing those con- establish their own firm. Fowler Mark Fowler Differences. si 0 million suit five Vice Presidents in recognition tributions." was born in Toronto, Canada but backlog of appointments coming dropped, station will no longer of their expanded responsibilities. Faraci joined the company a is a product of American radio. out of the White House. "Mark carry team's basketball games .. 3 VP /Director Of Marketing Vic year ago following nine years with From 1959 to 1969, including the was the leading contender at all Faraci becomes Executive VP/ WEA, culminating in an Execu- years he spent in law school at the times and there was never any Marketing, while Kenny Buttice tive VP position there. Buttice has University of Florida, Fowler held lack of confidence on the part of Radio Host Assaulted moves to Sr. VP /A& R, Keith Holz- been with E/A for seven years, a variety of radio positions, in- the White House," the official told On -Air. Dispute over religious man to Sr. VP /Production, Jack serving as VP /Promotion before cluding a three -year stint as morn- R&R. pwriotngerasmsemdi nbgy eorpuepnts m iinkteo violence,3 RJSeeerrirvnysict eeSisnh. atroe lSl r.t oV SPr /.F VinPa n/Cciraela, taivned Hbbeeocclzoommmaiinnn ggi s VVaP P1 //7AP- yr& eoaRdru lcaat bioyenle va iern t ear1ag9no71,. iWfnogrD aV mmHa o/nGr,e a disneaetlasevislimeldlea np,r( osafeineled ) P. PaDge a4t Reagan CSearmvpeda iAgns Advisor E/A Chairman Joe Smith, com- and Director of E /A's classical The appointment of Fowler had Fowler came to the attention of Jones Asks To Abolish menting on Faraci's promotion, label Nonesuch in 1980. Reinstein been widely rumored for several President Reagan and his advisers Character Qualifications said, "Vic has demonstrated his came to the company in 1968, months, and a source close to the by serving as communications Examination of licensees' ability to reorganize and direct serving as Treasurer and then VP. selection process told R&R the counsel for both the 1976 and 1980 characters would no longer be the many facets of the marketing E /A/See Page 24 perceived delay was caused by the Reagan campaigns. Last year pcrairtet roiaf F CC's qualification 4 aabreilai.t yH misa kteesr rhifimic vaadsmtlyin qisutarlaiftiivede Al Casey Appointed Fteorewsltesr i nr espurcehs ecnatseeds aRs etahge aCna'sr teinr/- to direct the sophisticated and Mondale Committee's request for complex strategy now required by Charter VP/Programming free air time to counter pro-Reagan a progressive record company ads placed by independent cam- FCC Reconsidering such as ours." paign committees. kosslyn Move. Local pressure Vice Chairman Mel Posner AI Casey, most recently PD at lion to reporting to their GM's, Another newsmaking case han- leads to new vote, but Virginia stated, "Some of our Vice Presi- WHB /Kansas City, has been ap- would also report to Casey on pro- FOWLER/ See Page 20 toruatn sfer still expected to win 4 dpaenndtse' d rebsepyoonnsdib iwlithieast' s haimvep lieexd- pgorainmtemdi ngV/Oicpe erPartieosnids efnotr thoef CPhraor-- graBmaymliisnsg t omlda tRte &rRs., "From a can- Hallam New PRoadsiitoio'sn iInmga Cgeo.u Fnutrrtyhe r bawconyind tthth r JeibEeiurr/ tArtiyiot nlaesnhs d.at o Kv heeta hnvlenee yn l,gam btKheaeyld'is et h tg,em rnJoauawcjrotkehrs,. tBllioesrcrso a al Bedxpcrparoolsaatgidirnnacgemad sP trdietnihsrgiaed tce tCnotohtr. s eJ, oCihgnhn ro aaBudrpdtaeyi's-r- dappslired otagett rheaef mr leimebstde iosnotmgf. sHcteohve a eninmhg,a epsAsl e l mthheeeme n dete creogammnedys- WWVVW PD dmeidbdaltee oonf t hwe hreotahde ro tro shtreeasds ftohre the BROADCAST REACTION MIXED naedcdeistisoanryal." acBqauyilsiistsio andsd erde,c e"nTtlhye pure country approach 21 Arbitron Proposes Elimination announced, our new headquarters in Mission Valley (San Diego) and New Metro Definitions To Of Telephone Retrieval new facilities, and now the addi- Change Market Ranks? tion of Al Casey further demon- Tine tnatbalteiv feo rsmh ifts in rank displayed 13 ilnisgFt eomnlleoertwsh,i onAdgsr bsfeiotvrroe mnra elh aayssue arainrnsng oo ufb ntlceaesctdk- ltehvee Hlsi gfho rD neonns -ibtyla cBklas cakn dA brelaac."k s in smbtrrioatmatede cntahts ett ionC gch.o"a nrtteinru egdr ougpro'sw tcho min- the planned elimination of its cur- Industry Concern Casey, who has programmed Pete Porter Programming rent Telephone Retrieval technique. Industry reaction was varied. KCMO /Kansas City, WXLO /New WQYK -FM. Former WJJD/ The company proposes to send Leading researchers like the NAB's York, KXOK and KSLQ /St. Louis, Chicago PD goes to Tampa blacks diaries, augmented with Larry Patrick and the RAB's Dick WDRQ /Detroit, and WHBQ /Mem- Country station 3 aadnddi tmioonrael fmreoqnueetnatr yf ollporwe m-uipu mres- Maboonutte stahneo raersee a"rcvhe rys ucpopnocretr nfeodr pcehlisle, ntto ldf acRi &litRie, s "Canhda rtseorm hea sv eerxy- Dene Hallam minder telephone calls The imple- DST." Montesano told R&R that fine people. I am looking forward Dene Hallam has been named Country mentation of what Arbitron calls "the announcement about the to meeting everyone in the com- Program Director at WWWW /De- RSPWeiacodmtruidoirns ea sAr. nInd tnWhieqAin urtebe""irDt r'8wiof2nfi lse'lsur erbvnReet iiypeaf. l f RecSidtuigvreevw eywa yit Thce octmhh-e- Wsanenoetis nmwtaese r r '8pthh2rieg e imhmqeuarpet lusecrtmaieol"ein bn eotaarf ntwidothe nle eodtphfo heeDors SnnoTe'tr paghnaeendtl py is Ine gotht vloeetphdre e mthtinh.e te oyI n'ltekhl xnetoh wefble puw istm i nwese oseusea nksd so,sfI twfHrroohaiimltcl, ah tAmh erO'e sSRc he ptanormte lCyvro oiocuskunw s-t oirtpywcr hno(eeRgddr& apfRmroo mr1pm -ie2nar3gtt)ys. mented on the DST plan: "Dif- technique could improve upon Ar- trite to say I'm excited, but I am. experience includes stints at Special guest Arthur Godfrey ferential Survey Treatment meth- bitron's current TR efficiency in This is the kind of job that comes WEEP /Pittsburgh, WFEC/ Harris (pictured) highlighted the 12th ods showed higher average ratings retrieving black listening. along only once in a lifetime." burg, and KBZT(K- BEST) /San annual event in a successful for blacks than did Telephone Re- Leading black broadcasters Charter owns K101 /San Fran- Diego. series 50,54 trieval, with Black format sta- seemed divided on the issue. Cody cisco, KCBQ & KITT /San Diego, Shamrock President Bruce John- tcioonntsi nsuheodw, in"gT hthe e umseo sotf gtahien ."m Haiel APhnidlaedrseolpnh, iGa Ma nofd WthDeA oSn-AlyM -b FlaMck/ WKSOLKQY /S t. &L ouWisM, IaLn d/M WilDwRaQuk /Deee,- sriognh tto tlhd inRg &s Ra,n d" Dheisn etr saacikd arellc othrde diary produced higher listening ARBITRON /See Page 20 troit. HALLAM /See Page 20 Z1! slipt?! CPETOES LAST YEAR THE CRETONES INDELIBLY STAMPED A THIN RED LINE ACROSS THE FACE OFAOR RADIO --NOW, WITH THE RELEASE OF THE NEW ALBUM, EVERYTHING SNAPS INTO PLACE! Produced by Peter Bernstein Recorded by Gabe Veltri Management: Norman Epstein with Ron Weiss ms 1981 Planet Records Dlstribuled by Elektra, Asylum Records. O A Warner Commun¢atwns Co. WPCE Air Personality Porter To Program Victim Of On -Air Attack WQYK -FM PAGE 3 Byron Sneed, air personality/Assistant MD at Pete Porter has been WPCE /Portsmouth, VA, was assaulted while on -air appointed Program Direc- this week... last week (3 -10). Sneed, who described the station's tor at Country- formatted 3 -20 -81 format as "black- oriented religious and gospel pro- WQYK- FM /Tampa. Por- gramming," told R&R he was hosting his customary ter was PD at WJJD /Chi- 3 -7pm show when he was confronted by Wilson Wil- cago until recently, when liams Jr., who demanded that Sneed interrupt the he stepped down to do tape that was currently playing to broadcast a middays at the station. AOR'S TIGHT PLAYLIST ADVOCATE SPEAKS OUT religious tape that Williams had brought to the WQYK- FM VP /GM Rod Consultant Frank Felix is known for paring down AOR libraries station. Brosig told R&R, "Pete to the bone, and he explains his programming philosophies Sneed said that he explained the situation to really impressed me; he in a forthright interview. Williams and told him that WPCE would air Wil- has a lot of class. When I Page 38 liams's tape in a half an hour (about 7:30pm). lost (former PD) Joe Pat- Williams then reportedly became angry and, cursing rick, it was a matter of Sneed, knocked over the station's mike and began taking stock of the station Pete Porter INTERVIEWING ARTISTS ON THE AIR throwing items around the studio. Sneed then asked and furthering its growth, and I knew I had to have WLW /Cincinnati's Jim La Barbara shares the experience of nearly Williams to leave. When Williams refused, Sneed a man with Pete's ability. When I flew to Chicago two decades of on -air interviews with recording artists. went to the telephone to call the police. to meet him, I was quite taken with him. I saw Page 56 Williams quickly ran over, ripped the telephone a man with integrity, honesty, a hard- working, tal- out of the wall, and began beating Sneed with the re- ented man. He's the kind of guy we want in our FROM BRITISH HIT RECORDS TO AMERICAN ceiver. In the ensuing commotion, Sneed opened the organization." mike and began issuing the station's address, telling Brosig added that he would discontinue his own NEWS/TALK RADIO Williams that listeners would be calling the police. programming participation with Porter's appoint- The controversial Jonathan King discusses his WMCA /New York The first squad car arrived within minutes. ment. "I'm going to bow out of programming," show, and some opinionated positions on the U.S. radio and According to Sneed, he originally let Williams, he said. "I've got a radio station to manage. If I record industries. who he said had been drinking, into the station be- can't trust his judgment, I hired the wrong guy." Page 37 cause Williams was a representative of the Lily Porter, who previously worked at TM and KBOX/ Owhf icThh Se neVeda lldeeys crCibheudr cahs aa n"ds toWreofrroldnwt- tiydpee Mchiunricshtr.y" , Dallas, will start the first week in April. USING OLDIES ... WITH CAUTION Shande edas kneodte df otrh ea iNr etwimpoer t pNreevwiosu, sVlyA, -bbaust edh acdh usurcbh- Early Who LP Airing Oldies can enrich ac aCnH hRe lfpo rymoaut , cobnust ifdoellorawbinlyg. certain guidelines mitted defective tapes. Sneed also said that WPCE Page 22 had gone as far as to show the organization how to Stirs Syracuse Controversy produce broadcast-quality tapes. The police promptly arrested Williams and WAQX /Syracuse world -premiered the new Who COMPUTERS COME TO THE NEWSROOM charged him with destroying public property and as- album, "Face Dances," on March 10, a full 21,1 Attempting to cope with a complicated computer complex can saulting Sneed. Williams is currently awaiting trial. weeks before its original release date (since moved frustrate a traditionalist radio newsman. STATION DROPS CAVS BROADCASTS uenpt ibrye tyW, awrnitehr tBhero Ws.)A. QTXh ep earlsbounma liwtieass dpilsacyoeudr aign initgs Page 20 Cavaliers Drop Suit tina pbientgw oefe nt hceu tLs.P by listeners or competing stations ARBITRON RATINGS RESULTS Against VVWWE statioTnh ea nnde xrte amd oar n"incge asWe Ba ndre pdoerstiesdt"l yo rcdaelrle tdo tthhee The figures for OmahaP, Gagreee n1vi4lle , and Grand Rapids. WAQX receptionist on the phone. WAQX PD Ed The $10 million "breach of contract" lawsuit Levine picked up the story at that point: "WB then features filed against WWWE /Cleveland by the Cleveland sent a mailgram of the 'cease and desist' order, and Cavaliers (R &R 2 -13) has been dropped and the con- even though a mailgram is not an official document, Washington Report 4 Brad Messer 20 tract binding the station to broadcast all Cavaliers I took the LP off the air because I didn't want to What's New 6 Media Marketing 21 gTahme eso ufto -or f- tchoeu rnt exste tttwleom eyneta rsw hasa s abneneonu ndcisesdo lvlaedst. pushA ict.c"o rding to Levine, competitor WSYR began RStarteinegt sT a&lk R esearch . 1163 POipcptuorret uPniatigees 3616 Friday (3 -13). playing the Who album on Thursday (3 -12), so he Gary Owens 18 Marketplace 63 dealC haavsa blieeern actotnosrnuemym Kateendt. ISt cbhansieciadlelry staeirdm, in"aTtehde put the album back on WAQX. WLHevOin /Se ees aPida,g e" M14y TfVo Nremws ats 18 tgshuaebm sceeqso un.et.rn.at c artis g hrwitgse hlolt fs afisro sfr te WrqeufWuirWsianElg. " ftoor fbeirtouarde caosf t thoeuirr R&R Subscription CNoenwtesm /Tpaolkr ary Hit Radio . 2327 CPoopu n/Atrdyu lt 5560 WWWE President/GM George Francis told R&R, AOR 38 Black Radio 59 "We have released Mr. Stepien (Cavalier majority Rate Increase staff stockholder) from his current contract with us. We neither ask nor seek any indemnities for current or future obligations which Mr. Stepien had with our rthaed iop esotpalteio onf. WClee vhealavned t awkehno tdheisse arvctei ofna ro nm obereh atlhf aonf and Othne Mgeanrcehra 2l 1p Rub&liRc,, awliolln gb ew situhb joetchte rt op au bdlriacamtiaotnics EVidcieto Pr r&esPiduebnlits, heSra leBsO &B M aWrkIeLtSinOg:N DICK KRIZMAN thhaes bTerhmoeub gcahortnr autrsposovinne gtrhs yen maapt."ipo anraeln tplyu belircuitpyt edM or.v eSr toenp -iaeinr cpionriscotrsre iatoysf e fm iirnas tip lcoinlsagtas stlh rema taneiesl.w sIcsnph aeopdrdeurel era , tnwod e c tomov uemsrt a tihrneetl auhicingt ahoneutrr- EACCxroote nuDctneuitrmrteyivcp eEtoo rdEra idroyRitr o IHCrJsaIH: M RKAa ERdDNiDoU EBNZdAiUCtRoMArN NWEJ OSA,E LJLTO D HENN VLEERA DER comments made by WWWE's play -by -play announc- ly raise our annual and quarterly subscription rates, NAOasRh vEildleit oErd. itJoEr:F FB IGFFE LCBO LLIE eFrr aJnokel iTn aictr iatnicda ls taotfi onC asypso rtcso- ataclhk pBeilrls oMnaulistsye lmPeatne fmoer doiantleyl yt,h ea syeceoanrldy tsiumbes csriinpctieo n1 9t7o3 . RE &fRfe cwtiivlle ciomst- PNRaeotwpin'sAg 'sdT ua6ll klR EEedsdietiotaorr rc MhG IAKEdIELit oKMr AIJTSHCAAHBENOL HL IBER a"nbdr eaocwhn oefr cSotnetpriaecnt." Tshueit Cagavaianlisetr Ws WthWenE . fiFlerda ntchies $T1h7e0s, e wrahtielse bqeucoamrteer leyff escutibvsec rwipitthio ynosu r wnilelx tc roesnte w$5a0l.. AASssAssoNoccDiaiaRteteA NEBdeiwOtosBr sEE dKCit.oH Cr RADIRSOOTNILN YWANA ALPNLAETRRHK OSN. YSY. ELVLLIAE NS BAALRAZNAERS.. CLAUDIA STEWART CAVALIERS /See Page 14 RCeresaetaivrech C. oJnAsuCltaKn tT OMOATRHKM SAHNIP PER Associate Art Director MARILYN FRANDSEN Photography: ROGER ZUMWALT Production Directors. LESLIE HALPERN. RICHARD AGATA Typography: KENT THOMAS. GARY VAN DER STEUR, ELIZABETH WESTON Washington Bureau (1f 01 Connecticut Ave_ NW Surf. 1001 BWuraesahui ngCthoine.f .D JCO 2N00A3T6H. A12N0 2H1A1L6L6. 4960 National Saes Director. BARRY O'BRIEN Washington Editor: BRADLEY WOODWARD Office Manager VIVIAN FUNN Legal Counsel. JASON SHRINSKY Vice Presklenf. Business Affairs: ROBERT KARDASHIAN Advertising Rep. RICK HAROLD Marketplace Coordinator: PAM BELLAMY Office Manager. NANCY HOFF CAsosnistrtoalnlet:r : CMAARROGL ATRAYELTO BRE CKWITH Cfrcubliom KRISANN AGLIO ApY eocrrslkuo sMntenarer kl oegft aRNthaeedwrioe dYB orarokta 'stdh cteao spst iexartishr NtAaasYnlesnnoMutc aiaaRl ntNiodAY nMmD) Ra" nBANaiDgge eAm(tpNspee nlewNt ewBwW rooYPwrLtohnJ;,'rs k (Jl-W riNm, N oBrKeCteaa'rrsr) , b WDlWeoCVnsBN SJlm''ssu sPB, aillt WEPOmaRers'rsso onn,J ,o hWfon rNmEGeWarm 'sbW liTnPegLd,J RLamfmBe.baeAaanlcedyt.de.k o ecDr CRidaOa6 aAr l fe goRar earc9e .tpc a0ceprkoB0opuerr6ddtbnee7us kad b ckc (euN.r2dsfrt os n1 pn.nnr3 oup 1 bawMur5nihebso5dahssk3 ltpeae r4A edof3ppod na3nrrds ow0se,td..dr« uyp.yM c Sa FPtiau loral esibdnrwstasa tule6clyaemrrh nlspsbied wf.y aid omat d R nnfwadoedsyrhrd e SiotSuseTt nsr1nh6ees7e eod0RDrth e feecfopTocm4 aeorRelerkar dd &sYb smaRsee.r i aea ooru enr nrs oen cifertrga .sdo id.5 s mE.15t Rfed o9t0rih6rt3pe oeR0dter hs Pri Crts roeu waesIwbdminealnie rtspbuvmeheoerreya ss.6r r e3.Pak A3.slTa it rhno krnNegfs , oheaWtRetfdhsasre iom dAnsiinllgt osl. AmHwaerrarcyriad Hlss"a rtoroifs pothnree, s eWyneHta Nrt.h 'seP Dhiceotlun orDersed M f(olo -rnr , ttrheferuo xnb,te )s WtW EraCZdBNioS's - cFPoMamu's-l OBVrwPit/ ntGaeiMnd aFn(nMdo wSBtr aiaKtnioI KnWKsi /lsHVooPnu . Bstoobn HGylMan) d,N aicnkd TWriAgBonCy's, RCoBsSs 8AEH inarRpgnellaaecynoH/dr3ad.0 s' A..k usAR sCpatrpdoaliimlociaa m.t6 iou NRnnesiecw ca obtiryoZd neRssa.e .b Pdaoidn .6t a Reilne idnco rUJda.sSp. .aAnIn. .c .M 1 Mfo1er 9rde8 gl1ai sstRte arcedladios sa6 alo tl RaIlMenca omUrdsns it.pe odtni cSd.it saQ tAe sfod. riv NCisaaiotninoa ndoaafl. Knight, WKTU's Dale Reeves, and WCBS's Ben Fams- Page 4 R &RlFriday, March 20, 1981 Report Washington Broadcasters Face MARK FOWLER'S RADIO BACKGROUND Giant AT &T Hike From Announcer To FCC Chairman Radio broadcasters are facing a stiff 16.4% increase in the rates they pay for AT &T's series 6000 "private lines," "Hello. Yes. I'd like to speak to the mayor. please. Thank you. "He weighs all questions before he which connect stations to their networks, transmitters, "Hi, Mr. Mayor. This is Jimmy Rock and I'm calling because our makes decisions, and I don't think and remote broadcast sites. AT &T has asked the FCC to family. that is -th e entire Rock clan, is planning a family reunion here his term will be radical at all." approve the higher rates effective May 14. in Gaine-sv ille what? That's right. There will be about 22,000 Rocks Smith told R&R. AT &T filed for the increase af- lines, instead of computing the in town and my task is to bake the cake for the occasion. I'm planning Associates unanimously regard ter the FCC ordered the firm to rate of return on the individual a cake that will span the end zones of the University of Florida's stadium. Fowler's 10 years in radio as a big make sure all of its services pay services. which cover television, And I'd like to rent a few of your company's cement trucks to mix all the plus. "He'll start out knowing a lot for themselves. The Commission telegraph and data transmission, batter. There will be tons of flour and about a 100 gallons of rum ..." more about communications law has been worried that some serv- in addition to radio. So it went on morning drive ra- on communications issues are than Chairman Ferris did," said ices are earning far less than "In terms of radio services. dio on WDVH /Gainesville from largely unknown, and he is still NAB General Counsel Erwin Kras- AT &T's authorized 10.5% rate of AT &T hasn't made a showing 1966 to 1969, where a law school keeping his views under wraps, now. At NRBA, a spokeswoman return, while customers of other that they aren't already paying student named Mark Fowler was the portrait of the new FCC Chair- agreed his prior experience will services are being overcharged. the appropriate rate of return," an announcer, PD, and sales per- man-designate from conversations be a plus for radio broadcasters. The FCC contends private lines Kittner told R &R. "There's good son. with friends and associates is one Another Washington lawyer earn only a 3% rate of return. evidence to indicate that they are. In 1964 Fowler was at WMEG/ of a friendly, hardworking young who worked with Fowler on a de- Broadcaster Opposition They just can't do it on that kind Melbourne, FL (now WMEL). awyer who knows broadcasting regulation task force foresees the of slapdash basis," Kittner main- Sometimes working sixteen hours The attorney for ABC, NBC, and tains. "If they want to raise rates a day, he signed on at Garr and did Fowler Profile: CBS in the matter, Joseph Kittner for a particular service. they've morning drive. At loam he switch- of Washington firm McKenna, Wilk- got to first determine that service ed hats and hit the streets selling "Not from the typical Washington mold." inson & Kittner, criticized AT &T's isn't returning what it should. And advertising. Because the station decision to apply the rate hike they haven't done that." only paid 15% commission, Fowler across the board on all private wduacse ,e anncdo uvroaigcee dc otpoy a l-soa w jroibte ,w phrioch- "A very strong proponent of deregulation." FCC: At A Glance sometimes took until 10pm to fin- ish - and earned him an addition- "He'll start out knowing a lot more about FCC Reconsidering Rosslyn Move al five percent commission. communications law than Chairman Ferris." Under continued battering from critics, the FCC has decided to He also worked fulltime at officially reconsider its plan to move the agency to Rosslyn, VA. A WfGoarKein EeEtshv a/iHltl, eu,n ptiWanrgHt t-OotinOm, /eO WraVlta ndaWnoDd, VabnHed-/ fPirrsetshiadnendt aRneda gawnh'so dwerilelg uplautrosruye nsterwon cgh pairrompoann ebneti"n go fa d "evreegryu.l avtieorny colbosseerdv -edros odri sde snsoito fno roens ethee e nisosuugeh w vaost essc thoe oduvleerdtu fronr t Thhe umrsodvaey. (3 -19), but WABR /Winter Park, FL (now philosophy at the FCC. - that serves the public interest. Form 324 Secrecy Upheld Deadline Extended on WehaoArunrJe Ld)s .h $iI6fn5t,i tiaap lwlluyes ae tk p WrfooDdr VuhcHitsi,o hnteh rheraeed- - sbcei"regMn,t aiworukhso iwpsr oaarc ktietcrree,"dm eslaanwidd o wuAistrhlty W Fcoeowinnl--- etrxaTpnehsceitt sioh neFa otdew aolmef r, thMtoe i cpRkreoeyav giGdaean r dsFonCmerCe, eBaeTrtlhtieeer r CModemednmiiaai'lss s irooefnq uhAeaslsta sfukoparhn aesn ldnF uioatsrl AA tuwtoo-mmoantitho nex otefn AsiMon Dhaast bae en sponsibilities. er at Smith & Pepper in Washing- needed inspiration at the FCC. financial reports of Northern Tele- granted for the filing of comments And then there was the time ton. "Sometimes he even over- "He's refreshingly not from the vision, Inc.'s KBYR & KNIK /An- on the FCC's proposal to automate Fowler called the local pet store worked himself." typical Washington mold," Gard- chorage, KFRB /Fairbanks, and the use of measurement data for ... (to be continued). Fowler is seen as taking "a cau- ner told R&R. "He's a quick study two television properties. In a AM stations to speed licensing. Knows Radio tious approach" by Tom Smith, and a very personable guy. He'll lengthy report the Commission At the request of the Association From Inside Out asnta tiNonAsB. WBoDaErdN -AmMem-FbMe r/ Mwahcoosne, prleea lolvye gr etth tehree .m" ost out of the peo- wbeelnietf outht ato f irtesl ewasaey toof sftirneasnsc iiatsl osuf lFtinedg eEranlg iCnoemersm, unneicwa tidoenasd lCinoens- Although Mark Fowler's stands GA, are clients of Fowler's firm. data would harm a station's com- are May 9 for comments, June 8 petitive position. for replies. Washington Street Talk Trade Association News No Deregulation Litigation NAB Sending Three To Geneva One reason public interest groups have yet to file to block radio deregulation may NAB's Executive Committee, meeting last week in be simple lack of awareness. Several weeks after the FCC issued its final rules, a United Washington, decided to send up to three engineers to the Church of Christ lawyer contacted by R &R didn't know they'd been issued. UCC eight- week Panel of Experts (POE) session in Geneva beginning April CChoimcamgou nircaadtiioo nst alDki rsehcotowr Eapvpeereatrta nPcaer. keWr itwhoaus t alas o" sctaauyg,h"t doefrfegguuarladt iodnu ritnagk eas reefcfeenctt 2hA2eM.l p Ti nwh epit rhce opPsaOtr atEot'i soN ncA ofBom r pitsah riesas tftiaivmlel'a sst etRuded giaeiots n $o 3f2 0 ac,0ol0tne0fr enfroaertn ect hese.p aecxipnegr tssc,h ewmhoe s wfoilrl on April 3. Lareau Takes Over Allocations Group New Jones Target: Character Qualifications Mike Lareau of WOOD /Grand Rapids is new Chair- Expect Commissioner Anne Jones to spearhead a campaign to abolish "character man of NAB's Radio Allocations Task Force. He replaces Arnie qualifications" of licensees in the FCC's interpretation of qualifications for broadcast Lerner of WLLH /Lowell, MA. licenses. Lawmakers At Convention Wirth Panel Goes West At least 15 members of Congress are signed up for Look for Tim Wirth's House Telecommunications Subcommittee to go west to hear CNhAaBir mperno grGaomldsw aint erL aansd VWeirgtahs onf etxhte Smeonnatteh . anHde aHvyowuseei gChotms minucnliucda-e first -hand the impact of early broadcast news reports of returns and projections on tions Subcommittees, House Majority Leader Jim Wright (D -TX), elections. Los Angeles is a good bet for the hearing site. and Minority Leader Bob Michel (R -IL). S. 270 On Hold NAEB Recruiting Executives The Senate Communications Subcommittee is working on drafting a backlog of The National Association of Educational Broadcast- bills, so don't look for radio deregulation bill S. 270 to go to mark -up for several weeks. ers has started a project to recruit executive level women Reagan Radio Propaganda and minorities into the public telecommunications field. Workshops and meetings highlight the year -long program, for which five years' The Reagan administration reportedly sees radio as a cheap, effective way to previous executive experience is requested. Further info from project combat Soviet influence abroad. Despite heralded budget cuts, the Voice of America will director Lelani Turrentine at NAEB, 1346 Connecticut Ave. NW, get the extra $87 million recommended by President Carter. Radio Free Europe Washington, DC 20036, (202) 785 -1100. and Radio Liberty are earmarked for a $4 million increase. Portland Broadcasters Associate Reagan Backing Off NPR Twenty -two Portland, OR -area radio stations have Senate sources report the administration may be backing off its insistence that btiaonnd. eKd YtoTgEe t/hKeLr LBto fGorMm tVheer lG rWeahteeerl ePr owrtalas ndn aBmreoda dcParsetseirdse nAt,s sowciiath- NPR budget cuts all come out of national programming. That might save programming, KEX GM Greg Reed elected VP and KINK GM Ron Saito Secre- but still deal a financial setback to local public stations. tary/Treasurer. THE MASTERPIECE IS READY. THE DA S IN THEIR LIFE A thirty -hour chronology tracing the life of four musicians who had a dramatic effect on directions taken by others. The group that inspired and redefined the boundaries of contemporary music. Call TM Special Projects collect at 214- 634 -8511. Special Projects 1349 Regal Row Dallas, Texas 75247 214 -634 -8511 ©© r\1 1AL 1'RO)ECTS, 1981. Page 6 .. R£tR/ Friday, March 20, 1981 AWN, Self-Employed Commuter Cycle Americans On The Rise Americans still want to be their own boss. According to recently -released findings from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of self -em- ployed Americans has grown at a fast- er rate in recent years than the ranks of those who work for someone else. Those who are self -employed are also younger and more likely to be women than ever before. FM 100 Plan Adds Custom Music Division From 1976 to 1979, the number of self- employed workers (excepting those The FM 100 Plan, a leading Beautiful Music syndicator, has announced in agriculture) increased 17 percent to the creation of a Custom Music Division, which will produce single vocals, 6.7 million. Women accounted for 20 group vocals and instrumentals on a monthly basis. FM 100 Plan President percent of the self -employed in 1972, Darrel Peters will produce these sessions with the resultant selections The commuter car of the future may well be a motorcycle. Designer rising to 25 percent in 1979. Those available to present FM 100 Plan subscribers (at no extra cost) and to markets Ferdinand Porsche's prototype (pictured) is based upon a Yamaha self-e mployed persons aged 16 to 44 not competitive to the firm's present clients (at special introductory rates). "Sß500" and features fully- enclosed wheels and engine to keep the rider swelled to 51 percent of the 1979 For further information contact Raymond Lowy at the FM 100 Plan clean. The commuter bike also sports an automatic transmission and a single total, up from 40 percent in 1972. at the John Hancock Center, Suite 3112, 875 North Michigan Ave., Chicago, brake pedal to make it easier to drive. Self- employed persons labor longer IL, (312) 440 -3123. and for less money than those who work for others. In 1979, those who Households Growth Triples U.S. '80 Population Increase were self -employed averaged 41.9 working hours per week, compared to The number of households nearly increase in the number of one- person the number of households is most pro- The Mid -Atlantic states saw a nine per- 38.5 hours for other workers. While tripled the growth rate of the American households (currently 23 percent of nounced in the West, where the num- cent gain in housing units despite a self -employed persons averaged less population over the past 10 years, ac- the national total compared with 15 ber of households jumped 41.7 percent four percent decline in population. The in earnings, this statistic is deceptive cording to recently -released 1980 cen- percent in 1960) and the number of from 1970's figures to 17 million while Northeast Central states added only because self -employed persons may sus figures. While the national U.S. households headed by women (almost population rose 23.4 percent to 42.9 1.1 percent in population, but saw an receive certain benefits through their population gained 10.9 percent to 225.4 doubled to 8.5 million since 1960). million. Figures for the South are simi- 18.3 percent increase in housing units. businesses that cannot be counted as million, the number of housing units This latter figure is a reflection of high lar as housing units limbed 39.5 per- The Northwest Central states reported income. rose 28.5 percent to 88.2 million. divorce rates that more than offset a cent to 29.9 million and population a 6.9 percent rise in population with a Furthermore, those persons who Census officials attributed this surge decline in widowhood. swelled 19.1 percent to 74.8 million. 26.1 percent gain in housing units and own the corporation they work for are in household formation to a dramatic In regional terms, this increase in Even in the eastern and central states the New England states, where popula- not considered self -employed, as the where population growth lagged, the tion climbed 13.1 percent, saw a 26.1 government views them as employees Kraco Doubles '8 worth of car stereos last year, will number of housing units increased. percent jump in housing units. of the corporations they own. Auto Stereo Ad BIu dget utilize radio and network TV spots AIMI AMP' Kraco Enterprises, a Compton, epmropdhuacstsiz iinn gi tsth ee ffodrutr atob ilcitay rvoef oiutst Ultrasonic Typewriter nology, the "Typetronic" sports sev- CA- based auto stereo manufactur- a larger segment of the car stereo eral features designed to reduce typing er, has announced it will double its market, currently dominated by Smith- Corona's " Typetronic" type- "daisy- wheel" spins into place, a plunger errors. For example, a memory-correc- 1981 ad budget to $3 million. major Japanese electronics mar- writer features an ultrasonic keyboard smacks the petal against ribbon and tion system allows you to erase the last The firm, which sold $80 million keters. that eliminates half the failure -prone paper. 10 characters typed using only one mechanical parts found in conventional Along with all this electronic tech- key. LINKS HOME, STUDIO EQUIPMENT typewriters and allows the unit to be RTS Debuts Dual -Channel Amp ptrroicneicd" mata kuens dtehris $p9o0s0s.ib leT hbye v"irTtuyep eo f- an ultrasonic rod (basically a steel bar RTS Systems Inc. recently introduced a dual two-channel amplifier, with teeth that correspond to keyboard the "444," designed to link home equipment (videocassette recorders, audio positions) and a microelectronic "brain" reel -to -reel and cassette recorders, graphic equalizers, noise -reduction devices, On reality, a Very- Large-Scale Integrated FM tuners, electronic crossovers, and large screen video projectors) with profes- (VLSI) chip with the equivalent of sional studio systems, a procedure not often possible due to differences in 30,000 transistors). operating levels, impe- Here's how it works: When you de- dences, and balanced/ press a key on the typewriter's key- unbalanced modes of board, a key lever strikes a spring lever operation. which in turn strikes one tooth on the The "444" accepts a ultrasonic bar. Ultrasonic waves then 1 stereo pair of balanced travel toward both ends of the rod lines, isolates them where crystal transducers are located. through active circuitry, These transducers help convert the and feeds them to a pair sound waves into signals that can be OM) 4CEITEI of "phono" jacks at the recognized by the VLSI chip. IHF nominal level of 0.5 By calculating the difference between volts rms, unbalanced. pulse -arrival times, the microcircuit de- Simultaneously, the "444" accepts a pair of unbalanced lines, which it amplifies termines which letter to print. The and transformer -isolates to feed a balanced pair of lines at a nominal +4 dBm. microcircuit then signals the glass- Level controls in the IHF -to-balanced section permit the user to trim gain and reinforced nylon print wheel. This "daisy- channel balance as needed. wheel," so- called because of its nar- Smith -Corona's "Typetronic" and its major components (clockwise from upper Self- powered and self-c ontained, the 13/4" x 83/8" x 83/8" unit is priced row spokes which resemble the petals right): print -wheel and cassette ribbon mechanism, electronic circuit board, at $312. For further information, contact Ron Fuller at RTS at 1100 West on a flower, has characters imprinted ultrasonic rod and keyboard. Chestnut St., Burbank, CA 91506 (213) 843 -7022. on the ends of its spokes. As the tALUTES /.1Fe-rOsoffritinibC 410w- iLvifnve One of over 1500 Great Radio Stations carrying Westwood One programs. Programs like: The Dr. Demento Show, Off The Record with Mary Turner, Off The Record Specials, Live From Gilley s, The Concert of the Month, The Rock Years: Portrait of an Era, The Great American Radio Show, Daybook, Spaces and Places, Ace and Friends, Star Trak, Special Edition, Shootin' the Breeze, Tellin' It Like It Was. WESTWOOD 9540 Washington Blvd., Culver City, CA 90230 12131 204 -5000 Boston AMERICAS NUMBER ONE PRODUCER OF NATIONALLY SPONSORED RADIO PROGRAMS WILLIE NELSON, BETTE MIDLER, THE BLACKWOOD BROTHERS, LINDA RONSTADT, .LOHN WILLIAMS, AMANDA McBROOM, BILL EVANS, BARRY and ROBIN (PRS) GIBB, GEORGE JONES, GEORGE BENSON, PINK FLOYD (PRS), JAY GRAYDON, JOE ZAWINUL, B. J. THOMAS, REGGIE LUCAS,JAMES MTUME, WAL'T'ER and TRENTAINE HAWKINS, BOBBY BRADDOCK,CURLY PUTMAN, JAMES CLEVELAND,CAL TJADER, THE MANHATTANS,JAMES TAYLOR, AL JARREAU,ROY ORRISON and ALBAN BERG all help-ed BM- I once more get the lion's share, 28 of the GRAMMY awards Thank you all, and NARAS BMI SERVING MUSIC SINCE 1940 ii iiiAPP Page 8 R &R /Friday, March 20, 1981 Nets N /IS ('RC Q 4n1Illlr(1 Mutual "The Movies '81," a 20 -part week- NBC Radio udteeb" Ouhtn oS uTasthiunerg d Hayion, mfoMremafrraocthnio t2n,"8 afoe nat htourvreeeer. -3mw0ini0ll- eismtnadpr os rsttpaoen cmt iaafl iklmee stnh, ceoitrrm empnadassrks, iunspgto onrtih etesh ,e m amonosd-t WCiJtWyA,G ZTR /NAN:l b-W aWnRyCO, CFGM -FA M:/ G/WCraJepSeeOn /Cv Jiololreha,nl , sToFNnL:: ssBtisaottb ioo nfM sino. toeHmrvoeiseytwé, ds thbweyit hbp rerooxagpdreacramtss two vniel l bteucrioaldnn-- tbtihoreon a dpAciccaatusdrte emv iayin dtAhusewt arynr deslta so(tS nay ettuharerd, aweyv ilel a bnoedf athnedi Wr aAffMiliaRtiNone nwiciteh, tFhLe hnaevt.e announced ing and buying, financing, energy con- Sunday. March 28 -29). CBS Radio servation. remodeling, and other hous- Network Entertainment Editor Lee Reps /imngin- uretela tepdro gtorpaimcss. -Twwillo asier peaarcahte tSharetuer -- Jproorgdraanm sa.n cwhhoircsh thfee aftouurer- m iinntuetrev ileownsg day. "On The Homefront" is spon- -with Robert Redf-ord, Donald Suth- -ABC EntIertainment sored by the Chicago -based National erland, Mark Hamill, Glenda Jack- No Bands, No Parades," a 10- Association of Realtors. son, and Sissy Spacek, among oth- part series on the plight of America's T ers. Vietnam veterans, was aired during Torbet Radio news broadcasts last week (Monday- ! El/TERRINE RAW Friday, March 16- 20). Anchored by H -R /Stone ABC News correspondent George Cheryle Hangartner has joined the National Black Network The net has announced the acquisi- Engle, the series will continue through fiNFnirragme tis'ofsnrn ooaSm.la nhS eFarrl aemns coissMct aorn eascgaeelnert s spatota sfift,Ki oKnco DraJns/- nFeriTdwhasey e, vneGertay,m hw- omhuiicdr hno nig ahthitr es ahbnoldau crk S-( Moartouienrnddtaaeyyd.- tMlfoiioetintaled m,o, if, WM thKAKeU;R LfWGoFl O/ l/oMHRwooCinbu /gsiWl etoa,o nfrWf,icl iaeSWtsPetSRse:O /rS,CW Wp/GCrLinhBIQagSr-//- cMitehaseas rtscwhh eoil aln 2r t3M b -eao2 fr7 c.fah e Sd31 u40b1i n-s/32 e1-q m ouaviennenudrt tnlewyig ,il Alh ttBbh Ceenc eoswEmesnre--- 6am- 11pm), was the subject of an Portland, OR; KFIV /Modesto, CA; tertainment Radio Network special article in the Wall Street Journal WBIA/Augusta, GA: and WOPI /Bris- which aired March 19 and will be re- recently (3- 3). tol, TN. broadcast on March 26. RKO Radio Sales dicators Watermark TM Programming syndicated shows will still be made to Lou Mahacek, a Senior Vice Presi- The Dallas -based radio consulting/ Syndicom's San Luis Obispo office at dsiebniltit yfo rf otrh eT ofirrmbe. tw'si ll Aatslasnutma e sraelesps oonf-- psirgongirnagm mofi nagn fiarmgr eheams eannt nwouitnhc eTdr atnhes S1a4n2 2L uisM Oonbtiesrpeoy, CPA ro9f3e4s0s1io.n al Plaza, fice, coming from his current post as Corn to supply on -board airline pro- Creative Radio Shows head of the firm's New York sales of- gramming for over 40 national and in- ftiucree.d )C. oan cthurrereen -tylye,a rA vlaente rHana rorifs oTno r(bpeict,- toef rnthaeti oSnuanl satirralinneds C. oTrrapn..s isC tohme, laar guensitt a t"wCoo -uhnoutrry wMeueskilcy' sc oRuandtiory Mmaugsaicz ipnreo,-" has been elevated to New York Group supplier of entertainment for the airline gram, is currently being offered for Sales Director. industry. syndication by Creative Radio Shows, Harry Durando has been appoint- In related developments, six -year According to TM Programming a Burbank, CA -based firm. Hosted by ed to the newly- created post of Di- Torbet veteran Don Young has been VP /GM Lee Bayley, "We'll (TM) be Harry Newman, the show consists of a rReacdtoior oSfa leSst.a tMiono st Rreelcaetinotnlys, aDtu rRaKndOo uMpapneadg efrro man adc cNouanntc eyx eBc ator tnNeewtt Yhoarks parreoadsu cifnrogm prorocgkr, ambemaiuntgif uiln maull simc uasnicd wmeueskicly's itnotpe rvsiteawrs , wthithe loantees t oifn ccoouunnttrryy served as VP /National Sales Manager joined the New York Sales Staff as country to classical, opera, comedy music news, and the "Star Hotline at RTVR, having previously held the an account exec, coming from her and kids shows. Plus our special pro- Report," a behind- the -scenes look at 4pSoas1lte s1.o f 1Pr,e4side1nt 7at 4MieitrioF RAadioM fwoPirtmh eW/r 1XpLoO1s /t N1easw/ 4aY or1lokc. a1l 1sale1sp1ersIon Gary Owens, air personality at jheocutsr spceocmiaplsa nfyo r wthilel abierl inceresa."t ing one - aH igphalrigtichutsla irn acospuenctrty omf uscico ufrnotrmy am puasritci-. People KtoM hPoCs /t Lo"sS oAunngdetrlaecsk, hOasf bTeheen n6a0m'se,d" Peters Productions cinu lairt s yethairr tya -rfeif tha lsow eienkc luodfe d.p rCoduurrcetinotnly, the three -hour weekly radio series Jack Merker has been promoted to "Country Music's Radio Magazine" is produced and distributed by Water- Director of Operations for the firm, presently heard via 87 stations nation- mark. The program is currently heard retaining his present post as Director wide. Rates for the market-exclusive in over 100 U.S. and Canadian mar- of Programming in addition to his new- show are determined by market size. Washington, DC Daytona Beach kets. Owens replaces Murray The K ly- acquired responsibilities. Progressive Radio to CVhicuec Pk reSscidhemnt/iFtti nhaansc eb eeant GprAoNmSoAteTd. PreJsaicdke nAt /Gliie nhearas l Mbaenean genra amt eWd 0V0ic0e. f(eRc &tivRe 3im -1m3e).d iaHtiesl y.a ppointment is ef- tovIn haa rse blaeteedn dneavmeelodp cmoemnmt, erSctiaelv es aCleos- Network the Gannett Company's recently -es- coming from his previous post as VP/ London Wavelength account executive for the firm, coming An "April Fool's Day Special" is tACa obmlfiisvpheaen -ydye, asSarc thevmlelititteet r aimnnof osrtom fr eacttiheoenn t lnyGe astwenrnoverektdt. Smtaotniodn, VMA.Qa naugienr cfyor, WILG OE /Rich- wWilRal bvSeeO lfe /eVnagitrutghrie'nsd rien"B ccoBorCdnicn egrR t ogocnrko LupoH noXduoTrn,C" ftMororD.m 's hDdiseu btpiebrseie.v ioWuse lpsohs tw ailsl Masussuimc eD irtehce- csdiuivorer eNbnaetlstywi sa ovfrrakoi mlaabs ltehp eao rntP oraof gtmhreea rsfkisremitv- e'es x Rc1lau2--- aTrTtfcGDiiesvoeeo cieannrlAInetne r to-s elvccyyrsoaDert,e io smyaisrrtr hr eaeemW hancvflraoauvsetti otrs lentel Ce ribdiad croebt a amfhmaeoentdesnire po e ntnoAvrnHW Gosfesa ali DllsAGmdioepliimNeprsrpae etmfrodnSaoci n nitnerAno egntttSeTr etht,ttlP.y o.,dee sar vnTofmtnaWie oPrddtmomneru NisoJle.dcslt odeir t a,iuhwor mDetcnnsoia--- mftvcnBphoeeearoerotAnes et taettrhnrl iHsyddanedi ncgx ara tB,esr ooysrrew efitos h rVa va atrPehidJCvcsCderciue.no aoh egdfsriPa turpittms ccrnow ePt,easr osraD roJrigd ktuidDireeoheeuoidnavnctc tt ist.tn s/os Eieo rinb nrDAn eg o imevif1Hfnn ioso3e ariso e-Ertynrp rtniehi rsrgnooae'esigf--r- sMta1htc9 aeh8r eac1U hd .B SuL2rl.oe i2tnwid.sd ihloflO o natrv oi re bucrtrrh o.o en1a c5dpe0crr oat sgstrtad atutmihorei,nn sgrw e ceaXoecTrkrdo Ceso'dssf oR9f4ofTia0chd2ee,5s .f iSr(m4luo1 ictSa5ean) t nye3o1d2nu71 n0 da-c,9 tei 1csM2 5o4ei4t.smn 5 lPo m aoMyPvmiead erdtkonl,e tsnfiC eefoAwldr pmPFfDeomorafooaaeifugryepottrr it ccln e/-'rAsmtiadoas" ldH cl isnuktao Dsuo lnaltptm ai dedroybe ur a oe asypifSc ndis craocipo ,oiP llroldeu eatafucdodg scipce eantkitdavsclaia"o iat ta giainolo seo nAfn ce"fwsagO oa,elmi RmsAtlulee,tr.p mrh adrreiCediyeilsc ,i Hos kF. Rss "tocohA .F oouarpoer1nln'nrsr2dedi-- l Journal. Hider comes to his new post from his previous position as Director/ J. Herman Sitrick has announced Sales Plans and Proposals at the American the formation of J. Herman Sitrick Satellite Co., while Garvey, a 14- Advertising Inc.. a full- service ad ylGype uaahbnre lnilcdvea ettttth'iesoe rn a.Pn Cr ooocdf ouGacat,i nonnF eLtD -t,bi ramesceotdos rt rpTeoocsedtn aaty-t aaavtsge erVGtniPsca yi/rnB.d grMno,e aorsdh,tca avSrisnettgec eAinncp tclryaoe,nuv indSot iu trFsiSclrykau nphskeee rarvvAdiseedodd-r - siBnorgWlod a CYbdFyoc Aratph/s.Pe t tiaonBt gctrhh oeoCo gkLouhorepan,v. g e NfnoIYs r Bl a$rnho6daa2s d0 M,c0bau0esse0tinc,- Philadelphia rcaadgioo, aBnadlt imteolreev.i sainodn Bsirtmatiinognhsa min. ACLh. i- RROobBeErRt TKSl ei&n R(cOeCntHerE) Sa nd RBooboemrtt owFnrl pRp at(sth irleda dferor mB olebf t)G, ewladso f c(othllairrde df robmy s&u Cbjoemct ptaon yF CbrCo kaepreprdo vtahle. trBalnascakcbtiuornn. G1as0stea1 Mnt iGeoiFkrneaMe.nl )e.M rMMaaloa rdsnStae agrrl eeehcrsa e sna Mtbtl yea,en WMnaE gapeArrdorZ em rf oo(strEee Adrvt ZhetYeod Cpatro eHKnvatFirolo WulsleBW r/ p LaoSaoitsts eta KAnJaJnsQr . g DYAe,sl heisaecsisso.g t maboninetg e nC foronnmtarom lelhedirs rafrbeia gratoh rtaetua)dcr,s ece wsan wsht tcie lttealhal nepdsa inusiwdg re r aoce uooknf lmoi vdfmeet hM deep an ertbacr"yfhRro y Rro 2mb2ofr.eac ornhmtc e esKt hle(felri n -or ,mi nvSR etauhndzetizoo yr s ,i SonfMgh ionFagwrgi pg."pRi e -o,tT rcohhaenen i cdps sr Tiosagetnerrdarrsy m,) t,,h ewd wiuhllhr eiinacbhgde bCCFeoCoeWr.Cnp A I.san LopcKtlp.do- rA obfMtvohyar- el Ft. h$Me3Is /.PNl8a aenmwtdc ih lYlioBoognrru,ok ea s,Hd ucoNbarjYeisz cthoitan nvgtseo MISTER SANDMAN & MISTER CROSS CAN NOW BE HEARD AT ALL THESE STATIONS: AVERAGE MOVE 44 WAEB 16 -15 KJRB 15-8 WFIL add KHFI27 -20 KRQ add WKBW 20-17 WHYN add KCPX 17-12 WIP add KXX 106 add KTKT add WWFIPIL o 2n 5 -22 WKLKAEZE aodnd 36 KWEANCOZ a2d6d- 19 WRKO on WAAYdeb 27 WHEB add KVIL deb 23 KXX 106 on WTSN 20-19 KRBEdeb 27 WAXY add 14WK add 94Q 25 -21 WERC 20 -16 WHEB 18-10 94Q 29 -26 WBBQ deb 30 WHHY 24 -20 CKLW 26 -22 WSGN 22.19 14WK 25-19 Y100 add 29 WOKI on Z102 28 -17 WZZP add WAAY on WHHY 29-26 KEARTH add WBCY add WSGA 29 -20 WOKYdeb 28 WHBQ 25 -20 WFOX on WFYR on KX 104 on WFLB 30-22 KSFX on WCSC add WFOX on KEARTH 26-22 WRJZ 21 -15 WROV deb 21 KOPA deb 27 WQRK add WCGQ add KRLA on WNOX 29 -27 KPUR on WFBR on WTWR add 35 WANS -FM on KFI on WAYS 27 -24 WISE on WHFM add KWEN 28 WXLK on KIQO deb 30 WVLK on KKLS on KEZR deb 28 WTWR 30 -28 WTRU add WTRY add WNAM add FM99 32 -28 KYYX 30 -28 WLOL -FM add 32 KSLYdeb 22 WPST deb 32 KNBQ add KILE 39 -31 KPLZ 29 -26 KSTT deb 22 KDZA on WAEB on KSPZ add 27 KPUR add WOLF on KRA V deb 24 KATl21-16 KSRR 32 -31 KENO add WTRY on WNAM deb 29 KODI on KC101 30 -24 WOHO 22 -17 KBOZ 27-22 KTSA on KZZP 24 -21 W1CC 29 -27 WHOT 26 -21 KFXD on WPST 32 -30 KWLO deb 22 KRLC 30-24 i "MISTER °SAY YOU'LL SANDMAN" BE MINE" EMMYLOU CHRISTOPHER HARRIS CROSS . i > m Oj .1 AZ t ,`, ... k. r. . O; = J .. - P-- k- _i.4V°k.,-, . ¡, ON WARNER BROS. RECORDS ii Page 10 R &RlFriday, March 20, 1981 Study Shows B. B.'s Authorized Bio Available 1980 Filmgoer cropper to his initial appearances ohne Bweoarlek eSd traese ta ind isMce mjopchkeisy. winh ethree Total Hits early days of WDIA and changed his name from Riley to B.B. (the 118 Million latter a contraction of Beale Street Blues Boy King). The book con- tinues to follow B.B.'s career The number of moviegoers over the through his days on the chitlin cir- age of 12 reached a new high of 118.9 cuit and his subsequent "discovery" million in 1980. up five points from by white audiences in the mid- 1979's figures. according to a recent Sixties to his current position as study of 2572 individuals conducted the best -known bluesman of mod- by the Opinion Research Corp. of em times. Princeton. NJ Meanwhile. the Motion AMP' ANN' In writing the book, Sawyer avoids Picture Association of America is- Panasonic Intros the simple show- biz rags -to- riches sued a survey reporting a six percent saga to delve into the sociology of decline in film attendance in 1980. Mini -TV isziendg ebri /ogguriataprhtSihKoysean ti n wowgjyfAo ,heu"rtor rhriw,nsve eaar isi liti n sttceotha ntoeerC f edb aeh yur abB tBlhru.lhooeBeasrss.--s bdhtopfodorfnlieueor us)insvmct ebotaodasrl rnutyil ix etde.emsh d suse itOu )msht ,s o foemdp is cf el ah albpivr(baflanyesaolrr tue ectatoieevkcctofesdi r uonomrBe l naapnt.et lorBph tB ne i.ceni.',rstnBh tag atraa.xo eo inp nwra(gdetrmodne ers, nere ctasb ewno br t rhiars aadiinu esrpisnedp-a-f - seiopfenehdvve roTee retbwhcrrhn yyeeeec 1 nfd eai85l tgm O 0myien pgoe otifogaon tvehrr iitosoeerh5 sn u oe9 patf s w t etRoaaaoeeggvden ieeemsdsnr uaeg iascnra 1cvfsacre8cecieto weohy engus exison nrCc. rtc ieesmyor ep.dTr oepat h vxAs.fe iptoeedh ldrsaupo .diols7 ntisilef4n-l- aAttttbeuhe uerri1lsdPey e1o .ivs ao/p2ui s n-elaWitinaorr iaacsnesbh-t .ioe ucg dbhnoihl latTmiia cn-onhic ngpfdekf,r a l-ee yca"rocdteoTnn e cuRdlnmyhbr- -t awyl ocy1 rd1h ag0.eiiare2tn1e 'l as tO crpp bo1abPool.dena8ru"u t t -natcifbaendbeelraclssaydehto,-.- selcypon ant2ent7arnt0iean disnp mamogveoeenrsret i 7ntinhd0 au snlpet arn3ygg0.e t Ahsyp. e opaftr horspex ih minbo aottothoesek-. tctreaarlA ne Bssw.ctB ort.ior pgk t uimoritiuncas hria c snianodl /l oeoa.nr natael lryhtsaisiisnt omoryfe .n ao t tfyh piisni--- Cisno oHnfrrpsoe. w qsaeuugvereevndert. y 1 a2fto ttheuaennn ddd a Osonigvpcenienri fi,oi bcnway nhtto hR inoeacsscreeec aaoprsuceenhrst- isstao pnred 1a 1ask/lr2eie gr .hi ntalcEylhs aooerv pseh riohn snicgilexhu s,di n eacdn3h/ .d-e i snAT cdChhee e apdwu.a indpiet- mlisahneyd . of them previously unpub- teovreiarnyws,h seoreci.o loTgihsets Aarnridva bl luOesf fBa.nBs. fwohr il8e4 repperrecseennt tinogf tjuhseta t2re6 apdemrciessnito nofs Stars Set For NARM Convention KinBgr,ie" flytr, acesT heK inAg'rsr ivcaal reOerf Bfro.Bm. Kdiisncgo"g raalpsoh yin. cAlvuadileasb lea nf roamut hDoroituabtilvee- tfhinee dp uabsl iocn. cFer epqeur emnot nathtt.e ndance is de- corTdhine gN Mateiorcnhaal nAdsisseorcs ia(tNioAnR Mo)f cRoen-- CPehtaerrli eA lleDna nwieillsl leBnda ntdh eiarn tda leAn t&sM t'os his youth as a Mississippi share- day Books at $14.95 (hardbound). As in the past males attend more vention, which takes place April 11 -14 the scholarship dinner and awards ban- films than females and single people at the Diplomat Hotel in Hollywood, FL, quet concerts, respectively. Brett Named Asst. To President At Arista sseoen s.m Fourreth emrmoovirees, tthhea nn ummbaerrri eodf ppeeor-- wtyi llo sf hmouwscica. sMe oannd uanyp (r4e- c1e3d),e n2t0etdh vCaerine-- Polygram Launches Jonathan Brett has been appointed ple who never attend movies dropped tury-Fox recording artist Stephanie $5.98 List Line Assistant to the President and Executive to 34 percent from 36 percent in 1979. Mills will perform at the organization's Vice President /General Manager at Arista first luncheon show to feature black Polygram Records has announced RBuescionerdsss. AMffaoisrst refocre nStilrye VRiceec Porrdess.id eBntr eotft 3M Announces mrisu swiicil,l Wplaayr naite trh Be rNosA1.R' ME mSumndyaloyu c Houanr-- 1tlihnee , infetraotduuricntgio ns eloe0fc tae d$ 5ti.t9le8s lfisrot mp rtihcee previously practiced entertainment law in try music luncheon, and Word Rec- firm's current catalog. There will be England. "Scotty "Awards ords' Mighty Clouds Of Joy will 106 LP's in the initial (March 25) In his new post. Brett will aid Arista become the first gospel act to appear release, including albums by Rush, President Clive Davis and label Executive before a NARM audience at the Tues- Rod Stewart, Hank Williams, the VP /GM Elliot Goldman in the implemen- 3M has announced the creation of day luncheon. Village People, Chuck Mangione. titnaivvteioo lnav cetodivf itviniea srti hoeau ts bA purirssoitnjaee. cstss aasff awires lla ansd bcereinag- Jonathan Brett "oeSnn gciotnhteetey r"s te.a awamnadr d oss.tf u tdoai ortbsise t sibn. evosptlvoroewddeu dicn e utrhpse-. A&TMhe's oCpheuncinkg Mnaignhgti ocnoen.c ewrht ilefe Eatpuirce'ss tnChyoe, reMPao aot adnTyd r aBvtlhueeer ss,,A SlRlmoauaintnhb soidBwre,o tJChoehhricsnk.- Atlantic's Cooper Adds TV Promotion Duties creation of RIAAcertified gold and platinum recordings that have been "Record Finder" Eliminates Perry Cooper has been promoted to Director of Television Promotion completely mastered and mixed upon ahtis Actluarnretnict Rpeocsot rdass. CDoiroepcteorr woilfl rAerttaisint "taSpceo. tcA hp"a pnerol foefs ssioixn jauld gaeusd,i or erepcreosrdeinntg- Pain In The Neck Relations for the label in addition to his ing the musical, audio engineering. and new responsibilities. record producing communities as well Craining your neck to read the titles printed on the album's spine can leave In his new position, Cooper will super- as 3M will select the winning creative you with chiropractor bills roughly equal to the money invested in your record vise the TV appearances of all label artists. teams, with all members receiving collection (this problem. not to mention the ensuing aggravation. is compound- whether live or via videotape. West Coast "Scotties." ed if you find yourself repeatedly searching your station's library). Now. the Artist Relations Director Tony Mandich The awards themselves are original MJ Weber Corpora- and Artist Relations/ Development Mana- sheet music style paintings of the tion has developed "Rec- ger Susan Stein will focus on generating winning artist, personalized to highlight ord Finder." a color - exposure for Atlantic artists in the com- the record being honored. The record- coded record locating mercial television arena, while label Mer- ing artist will receive the original paint- system. designed to pro- chandising Department member Ben Hill ing, with the other members of the cre- vide instant record ac- Perry Cooper will coordinate the use of video materials. ative teams getting reproductions. In cess and eliminate mis- AMP addition. 3M will contribute $1000 to filing. the Muscular Dystrophy Associa- Based upon plastic Pro:Motioiñs tion in the winning team's name: an- colored labels and a step - other $100 will be donated to MDA in down sequence of num- Kaplan Forms the name of each studio submitting a bered white bars, the American Airplay Firm qualified nomination. basic "Record Finder" Furthermore. one recording will be system accommodates Sammy Kaplan has announced the for- selected from the ranks of all "Scotty" 120 records with add- on mation of American Airplay, an indepen- winners yearly, with the winning artist sets for larger collec- dent promotion firm to be based in Los allowed to name an aspiring musician tions (up to 390 records) available as well. You simply list the record's title on a Angeles. Kaplan, a longtime independent who will then receive a $5000 scholar- separate index card and give each disc a code number. which is then attached promoter, notes that the firm will be na- ship from 3M. Recordings from all to the LP itself via a plastic- coated label with pressure- sensitive backing. tional and multi -format in scope. American categories of music (pop. jazz. rock 'n' For further information contact MJ Weber at Box 262, Cambridge. MA Airplay is located at 6464 Sunset Blvd., roll. gospel, country. and classical) are 02138. Basic "Record Finder" system price: $8.95. Suite 935, Los Angeles, CA 90028. (213) eligible for the "Scotty" awards. 856 -8100. Sammy Kaplan Gersh, Keep Upped At EMI-L iberty Gary Gersh has been promoted to Director of Talent Acquisition and Kathy Keep has been elevated to Director of A &R Administration at EMI America /Liberty Records. Gersh most recently served as A &R JINGLES Manager for the label, having previously held regional and national promotion CONHINEI RAI RECORDINGS posts with EMI America as well as having served as a Regional Promotion STATION IIDD''SS 210 SOUTH STREET BOSTON 07111 Manager with Capitol Records. = Call us collect for a ffrreeee demo Keep formerly served as Manager of A &R Administration for EMI America. (617) 426 -3131 having been with the company for a number of years.

current geographic lineup in their markets, may see a whole new introduction in late 1981, with the revised intro date reflecting the manufacturers' desire .. good human -sounding jocks can be properly Yogi 19-72 G110-1S. 141x 24-21 n eN. NM 21.17 . 125 27.72. Evc2o2: ,. 2-11 t4: : i 12.
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