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tHe LanDinGs CLub Th e island of MUCH MORE JULY - AUGUST 2015 Bring Potential members for a Weekend in Paradise DON’T MISS OUR NEXT SHOWCASE WEEKEND SEPTEMBER 18-20! Save the date and tell your friends about this special opportunity. this is the year to extend an invitation to your friends to join you for a taste of life at the most desirable club in the southeast. mark your calendars and invite your friends to this exciting, event-filled weekend. all guest fees are waived for registered By invitation Only guests. Help us spread the word about The Landings Club lifestyle and invite others to experience Th e island of MUCH MORE For more information, contact the membership team at 912-598-8050. For more information visit www.landingsclub.com or contact the membership team at 912-598-8050. editor’s note things are heating up. Look at your thermometer. on page 22. Make sure you cool down with a Pimm’s Cup (recipe on page 6) and register for the annual Breakfast It seems the searing heat that made itself at Wimbledon Party at Franklin Creek Tennis Center comfortable in May is here to stay. It’s on Sunday, July 12. Th ere you’ll enjoy the traditional hot outside, and Club operations are strawberries and cream breakfast complete with Pimm’s following the trend set by the mercury. Cups, a viewing party and competitive match play. Be sure We wish safe travels to those members heading north to to wear your whites. enjoy cooler temperatures during the summer months. Our Facebook presence continues to grow with over 1,090 But those who remain on Skidaway Island will enjoy fans following Th e Landings Club. To join the conversation, many summertime favorites, including dive-in movies at turn to page 23 for easy to follow instructions for liking, Marshwood Pool, the popular Independence Day celebration sharing and inviting your friends to like us as well. at Deer Creek, and some newer events including the sprint Every day is a new adventure here at Th e Landings Club, triathlon in August and the Captain’s Challenge Golf and we’re happy you’re a part of it. Stay cool out there! Tournament and International Street Food Bazaar and Beach Bring Potential members for a Weekend in Paradise Party on July 18. - Cara Slider, PR & Communications Manager Th ings are also heating up in kitchens across the island, and you’ll learn all about our distinguished pastry chefs DON’T MISS OUR NEXT SHOWCASE WEEKEND SEPTEMBER 18-20! Save the date and tell your friends about this special opportunity. table of Contents this is the year to extend an invitation to your friends to join you for a taste of life at the most desirable club in the southeast. 3 Editor’s Note 9 May BIO Weekend Recap 18 Eating to Live mark your calendars and invite your friends to this exciting, event-filled weekend. 4 Welcome New Members 10 Dollars & Sense 19 Welcome Margo + Aquatics News all guest fees are waived for registered By invitation Only guests. & Why I Serve 12 Plantation Project Update 20 Clubhouse Happenings 5 A Message from Steven Help us spread the word about The Landings Club lifestyle 14 Get Personal with a Trainer 21 Pastry Chef Feature and invite others to experience 6 Summer Tennis Events 15 Summer Skin Care + LEAF Events 22 Summer Pastry Recipes Th e island of MUCH MORE 7 Golf Instruction & Ask a Pro 16 Wine Crossword Puzzle 23 Facebook How-To’s 8 Sun Safety & Hydration Tips 17 Franklin Creek Cafe + Snack Bar Club Line Editor Cara Slider • Contributing Editor Madelyn Morgan • Designer Michael Ortiz • Executive Director Steven Freund For more information, contact the membership team at 912-598-8050. Th e Club Line is published bimonthly by Th e Landings Club, Inc., 71 Green Island Road, Savannah, GA 31411 ph: 912-598-8050 • www.landingsclub.com • Facebook: Th e Landings Club Th e Landings Club Line | page 3 Welcome new members toTh e island of MUCH MORE LET US BE THE FIRST TO WELCOME YOU TO THE LANDINGS CLUB! PLEASE INTRODUCE YOURSELF TO OUR NEW MEMBERS WHEN YOU SEE THEM ON THE COURSES, ON THE TENNIS COURTS OR AT THE CLUBHOUSES. Douglas & Barbara Ramey Full Club from Coto de Caza, CA John Agar Athletic from New York, NY Tom & Penny Cloft Full Club from Glastonbury, CT Carol McCarthy & Raymond Hinsen Athletic from Baltimore, MD Robert Hainly & Shirley Newhart Full Club from Hummelstown, CT Th eodore Yachik & Lynne Gilfi llan Athletic from Woodbridge, VA Randy & Margy Hatch Full Club from New Canaan, CT Jonathan & Sharnette Dunn Athletic from Savannah, GA George Hilliard & Sarah Yarborough Full Club from Savannah, GA Reed & Marcy Stepleman Athletic from Marietta, GA Lyle & Teresa Myers Full Club from New Albany, OH Shelia Stallings Athletic from Chapel Hill, NC Sam & Melissa Peters Full Club from Savannah, GA Christian & Quanah Hall Athletic from Baton Rouge, LA Mark & Patricia Oldfi eld Full Club from Cummings, GA Scott & Jennifer Singeisen Athletic from Savannah, GA Nathan Alexander Full Club from Savannah, GA Edward & Kathleen Field Athletic from Johns Creek, GA Jeff rey & Christina Parker Full Club from Savannah, GA Douglas & Krystal Leichtner Athletic from Savannah, GA Gary & Mary Pat Fisher Athletic from Savannah, GA Glen & Lee Scarbrough Athletic from Savannah, GA Philip & Debra Wilson Athletic from Bedminster, NJ Refer Your Friends - Do you love life at The Landings Club? Then share it with your friends and family! Our members have proven to be the very best source for introducing potential new members to our Club. In appreciation of sharing our Club with new members, the reward for referring a golf member is a $500 TLC gift card; the referred new Full Club member joining us will also receive a $500 gift card. The reward for referring a House or Athletic member is a $200 TLC gift card; the new member joining us will also receive a $200 TLC gift card. To refer a potential new member, simply click the “Member Referral” option under “My Profi le” when logged on to www.landingsclub.com. WHY i SeRve: FORMER BOARD MEMBERS REFLECT ON THEIR EXPERIENCES By ed Conant running a good size business and at the same Boyer, Board member 2005-2007 Are you willing to work with a time serving your friends and neighbors.” “Serving on the Board of Governors of group of talented and dedicated Jerry Th imme, Board member 2012- Th e Landings Club was one of the most colleagues to maintain and 2014 challenging, vigorous and rewarding “Willingness to sit on our Board is all experiences of my retired life. Board eff orts strengthen our Club? Do you about a mindset of service to the Club and a included the highly successful Ambassador have ideas to contribute to the sense of responsibility for the future of it. It is Membership Initiative, a stronger investment Club that you are able and willing about thinking and acting strategically, while in national marketing, a closer working to articulate? If so, please consider allowing and supporting our management relationship with Th e Landings Association running for Th e Landings Club team in their day to day eff orts to make and Th e Landings Company, and a stronger Board of Governors. our Club the place we all enjoy. No doubt, commitment to budgeting.” Norm Sanders, it does require a time commitment, but it Board Member 2009-2011 While there are no specifi c qualifi cations is manageable.” Vicki McElreath, Board “Th e Landings is like no other place in the necessary to serve on the Board, a strong member 2010-2012 U.S. We are lucky to have so many talented desire to help the Club and its members “I found in retirement that I was happier people who are willing to give of their time is essential. Please reference the article in if I did something other than my usual to serve on our committees and Board. Th ere the May/June edition of Club Line which pursuits such as golf. I was interested in is no better way to ensure that we remain lists desirable characteristics for Board the day to day operations of the Club as the great community that we are than membership. well as its long-range planning. If you have through Board and Committee service.” Rex Serving the Club in this capacity can be a particular skill which would be useful Templeton, Board Member 2009-2011 a rewarding experience, as refl ected in the to the Club, why not serve on the Board If you would like to experience following comments from previous Board and contribute to the Club’s future?” Len ssaattiissffaaccttiioonn aanndd ccoonnttrriibbuuttiioonnss ssiimmiillaarr members below. Griffi ths, Board Member 2011-2013. ttoo tthheessee ffoorrmmeerr BBooaarrdd mmeemmbbeerrss,, “My three year tenure as a member of Th e “Serving on Th e Landings Club Board yyoouu ccaann lleeaarrnn mmoorree bbyy rreevviieewwiinngg tthhee Landings Club Board of Governors was by provided me with the opportunity to give aapppplliiccaattiioonn ffoorr BBooaarrdd mmeemmbbeerrsshhiipp oonn far my most rewarding activity since retiring. back to the Club and community that had ttthhheee CCCllluuubbb wwweeebbbsssiiittteee uuunnndddeeerrr ‘‘‘MMMyyy CCCllluuubbb’’’ iiinnn ttthhheee Even today, when people fi nd out about given me so much. Working with and getting ‘‘‘DDDooocccuuummmeeennnttt LLLiiibbbrrraaarrryyy...’’’ IIIfff yyyooouuu hhhaaavvveee aaaddddddiiitttiiiooonnnaaalll my tenure on the Board, they thank me for to know a professional and competent staff qqquuueeessstttiiiooonnnsss,,, yyyooouuu mmmaaayyy tttaaalllkkk tttooo aaannnyyy mmmeeemmmbbbeeerrr my service and acknowledge the time and was a real joy. Board service allowed me ooofff ttthhheee NNNooommmiiinnnaaatttiiinnnggg CCCooommmmmmiiitttttteeeeee llliiisssttteeeddd ooonnn impressive list of things accomplished. Serving to learn how the Club operates as opposed tthhee aapppplliiccaattiioonn.. AAAppppppllliiicccaaatttiiiooonnnsss aaarrreee ddduuueee bbbyyy on the Board of Governors is tantamount to to relying on rumor and innuendo.” Phil AAuugguusstt 1144.. 4 page | Th e Landings Club Line NOW WHAT? Dear Landings without sacrifi cing the outcome is Club Members, “in other words, this setback actually moves us one of our goals. Debt, however, is trickier. Without drawing down closer to the end result of improved facilities, better In the last issue extant cash reserves, the deferral of of Club Line, competitive positioning and a unifi ed Club. this is maintenance and/or waiting many I concluded the outcome we will pursue until we get it right.” years to accumulate enough cash a message on to begin work make debt a more assumptions - Steven Freund, Executive Director palatable approach. We are open to invisible to members or not overtly suggestions on how to reduce the discussed but perhaps as important as provided directly to staff , there are issues need for debt, but there are no easy answers if those explained as part of the logic behind that need to be vetted before an updated we want to get the work moving quickly. the Facilities Master Plan (FMP). One of plan can be introduced to our members for To keep the most important considerations our most important assumptions was “our further consideration. Some of the critical my top priority, I will limit comments on members are smart and want what is best considerations include: the next steps to the three primary points for all concerned.” In light of the defeat of noted above. While we’ve received many the plan as presented, I have been asked 1. additional analysis of renovation more comments, those above were the most whether I still believe that statement to be options and alternatives frequently cited and where we believe we true. My consistent response is that my high Exactly how many members prefer a should place our attention. As the plan opinion of our members has only grown. renovation approach v. new construction develops and a timeline becomes clear, our Disagreement does not infer disrespect is diffi cult to know. Our current sense Board, Planning Committee and staff will or disregard. It is part of life that well- remains that pouring nearly the same develop a communications plan to facilitate intentioned people see the same situation amount of money into a structure that has dialogue with membership. Our membership and interpret it diff erently. In this case, a real limitations, and therefore compromises is diverse and all members need to be heard majority of our members believed the plan the end result, is not wise. However, cost as we continue to work through the process. as presented fell short of delivering on what assumptions related to the renovation As has been the case all along, our goal is to I believe most members agree on; that is the option have been questioned and our Club develop a plan that: fact that areas of our Club’s infrastructure has engaged the services of a construction • meets the expressed wishes and desires of must be updated. Th ere may be disagreement contract management company to provide our members; on the degree of necessary updates or means a third opinion on probable costs of a • improves our Club’s competitive position of doing so, but our sense is that even the renovation compared to new construction. in the marketplace; most vocal of critics acknowledge that • improves the perceived quality of our something must be done for the well-being of 2. bundled v. unbundled voting option Club; and current and future members and the health Members have commented that they would • supports the stabilization and growth of of our Club. So, if we agree that something have preferred to vote on the plan’s elements our membership. must be done, what are the next steps? Or, to separate from one another. Many went as far With these goals in mind, I am confi dent quote a member I see frequently at the fi tness to say they would have voted for one or two our Board and Planning Committee will center, “Now what?” elements of the plan if it would have been present a plan that our members will support I believe I speak for all senior staff , Board possible to do so but instead chose to vote and one that unifi es our Club. What about members and our Planning Committee in against the entire plan. It is important to note the timeline? Th ere are some complicating acknowledging that there was a moment of that we have heard this and will consider this factors making it diffi cult to clearly defi ne disappointment as we learned the results. It’s option the next time around. dates when a new plan will be presented. human to feel sad that nearly two years of Some factors include the execution of the work has been rejected. However, following 3. Debt and cost actual analysis and work required, upcoming a brief moment of emotional letdown, it Th ese two items overlap a little. Th ere were votes for new Board members at TLA and became evident that this was less a defeat some members who thought the plan was our Club, and the impending TLA vote on and more an opportunity to learn, refi ne too aggressive and others struggled with the the next three-year assessment. Information and improve the plan. In other words, concept of debt. It’s interesting to note that in will be forthcoming as it unfolds but until this setback actually moves us closer to 2007, our Club approved a $24M plan and then, I extend my sincere gratitude to all the end result of improved facilities, better the recently proposed Facilities Master Plan who have off ered their opinions and support competitive positioning and a unifi ed Club. was $22M. Th at aside, it should be pointed as we continue to move closer to our stated Th is is the outcome we will pursue until we out that we are not a normal sized club. objectives. get it right. Th ere are only a handful of clubs as large and SSiinncceerreellyy,, What are the next steps? We have heard complex as Th e Landings Club, and $22M that our members do not want to be to our Club would be a little over $3M for surveyed again. Based on many member a traditionally sized club of 400 members. to member conversations with Board and However, we acknowledge that it is not a committee members, in addition to feedback trivial amount of money, and cost reduction Steven Freund Th e Landings Club Line | page 5 Fun FaCT During the fortnight of championship tennis at Wimbledon, thousands of spectators chow down on the event’s signature snack: strawberries and cream. Last year the official Wimbledon food vendor, Facilities Management Catering Ltd., served 28 tons of fruit and 1,849 gallons of cream! How did the fruit become synonymous with the world’s premier tennis competition? Popular legend has it that King George SummeR TenniS evenTS V introduced strawberries and cream to courtside crowds. But the tradition actually dates from around the time of By Rebecca Beloungea & Cara Slider the first Wimbledon tournament in 1877, Our summer tennis events are action-packed! We have several opportunities during according to Audrey Snell, a librarian at the Wimbledon Lawn Tennis Museum. July and August for our members to get involved in some tennis fun. We’ll kick Strawberries and tennis, she said, both off July with one of our favorite events of the year. As the professional players head signaled the arrival of summer. to Wimbledon in July, we will be glued to our televisions to watch them play on “Strawberries were normally available the grass courts at the All England Club. Join us Sunday, July 12 for our annual only at that time of year,” said Ms. Snell. Breakfast at Wimbledon Social and Exhibition. Riveting tennis, delicious food and “When the championships started in the a fun exhibition will be enjoyed by all. late 1800’s, it was a fashionable thing to eat. The appearance of strawberries just The event begins at 8am at Franklin Creek Tennis Center where we’ll gather and watch the Wimbledon happened to coincide with the event.” Finals on the flat screen TVs. Breakfast will be served with a side of strawberries and cream, The official Wimbledon strawberry Wimbledon’s signature snack. We will conclude the day with our round robin social. This year all is the Elsanta variety, grown at farms players must wear their Wimbledon whites to be entered to play, so please dress for the occasion. in Kent. Picked the day before, they While August will slow down a little, we will continue our monthly adult socials along with our arrive at the championships at 5:30 Tennis School. Our monthly socials have become very popular with players on all levels of play enjoying a.m. for inspection and hulling. They are a night on the court. Our Tennis School is also a very popular monthly event hosted on the second accompanied by double cream, which Saturday of each month. A morning theme will be provided and two and a half hours of on court drills, contains at least 48 percent butterfat. match play and strategy will keep members active and focused. -Amended from a The New York Times We look forward to seeing you on the court this summer! article by Thomas Vinciguerra Pimm’s CuP – Drink Like You’re at WimbLeDon! Pimm’s Cup: Drink Like the brits On average, over 230,000 glasses of Pimm’s are served at Wimbledon each year. The Pimm’s Cup is the signature drink of Wimbledon, featuring Pimm’s No. 1 Cup Gin. Pimm’s Cup is to Wimbledon as the mint julep is to the Kentucky Derby. (Yes, it’s that popular)! There are many variations of this summertime cocktail. Enjoy the recipe below from Creative Culinary. Prep time - 15 mins total time - 15 mins serves: one cocktail ingredients 2 oz fresh lemon juice ½ to 1 oz simple syrup (equal parts water and sugar boiled just until sugar dissolves; cool) 1.5 oz of Pimm’s No. 1 Cup Club soda, sparkling soda water or plain seltzer water Garnishes: Cucumber spear or slices, mint, lemon, orange and strawberries Preparation Combine lemon juice and simple syrup to make lemonade (start with 4 to 1 ratio and increase to half of each if sweeter is desired) Fill a tall glass with ice; add Pimm’s and lemonade and top off with soda; stir to mix. Garnish with cucumbers, citrus and strawberries. Cheerio!! 6 page | The Landings Club Line GoLF Youth Golf opportunities Youth Golf Camp July 7-11 or July 23-26 instruCtion Advanced Youth Golf Camp July 18-19 Last-Chance Summer Camp ((aaggeess 44--1177)) AAuugguusstt 44--55 oPPortunities Youth Golf Club Championship July 19 Thursday Youth Practice Clinic ((wweeeekkllyy)) 33--33::4455ppmm LPGA*USGA Girls Golf at The Landings Club JJuullyy 1188 // AAuugguusstt 1155 (both 9:30-11am) Drive, Chip & Putt Sub-Regionals (viewing of 2nd level on the way to Augusta! TBA information) Kids Club After-School Youth Fall Golf Program begins August 26 and 27 (ages 2-10) Youth Coach & Train After-School Youth Fall Golf Program begins August 28 (ages 11-17) Also, weekly workshops are held at all four golf shops with Golf Professional Staff and daily Practice with a Purpose with Nicole Weller (Tues-Sat unless otherwise noted on TLC website schedule) TLC member students can now book/cancel/reschedule lessons and practices and register for most golf schools directly through the TLC website by logging on with TLC website username/ password, going to GOLF and then the nicole Weller Lessons drop down. Brittany Wilson can also assist with scheduling at 912-598-3551 or [email protected] monday-Friday. Youth Golf tips Parents and grandparents, do you want to engage the youngest members of your family in the great game of golf but not sure how? Leave it to the professionals! Nicole Weller, award-winning LPGA pro and youth golf extraordinaire authored a brief but comprehensive guide, now available to all members on the website. Click “Nicole Wellers Diff erent Strokes” under the “Golf” tab on the member website, and you’ll fi nd Tips for Golf Instructors and Adults Working with Junior Golfers ages 2 through 9 for your personal review. Happy reading, and happier golfi ng! Youth Golf spotlight This new feature will spotlight a young Landings Club golfer each month, courtesy of Nicole Weller. The fi rst youth spotlight is Luke Kirkpatrick. Visit http:// www.nicoleweller.com/LandingsClub/YouthGolferSpotlight.aspx to learn more. aSK a PRO FeaTuRinG BRaD Baumann Dream destination vacation: Australia Something that would surprise the members to learn about me: My family is nationally recognized for our history in the sport of Bicycle Motocross racing and the brand “Vector BMX USA.” my favorite golf brand: Titleist if i were an animal, what would i be? Being a Leo, I have to say a lion. Best life advice: Don’t place expectations on people; you could only be setting yourself up for disappointment. Photo by Terry Johnson BCeelsetb groitlyf acrduvsihce: :S Lceatr laeltlt t Jhoeh taenchssnoonlogy available in the sport help you, as it can very much do so. Th e Landings Club Line | page 7 DON’T SKIMP ON THE SUNBLOCK Smart skin protection means applying sunblock early and liberally Provided by our health partners at St. Joseph’s/Candler It is a joyous occasion—pulling out the beach towels from the back of the linen closet, dusting off the big umbrella, blowing up the infl atable beach ball. But if you dig up a half-empty bottle of sunblock as you get ready for the return of summer, your beach supply list needs two more items: a brand new bottle of sunblock and a vow to do things diff erently this year. Sunblock needs to be applied often and liberally to provide eff ective protection against skin damage caused by the sun. Th is damage puts people at risk for melanoma, one of the most deadly skin cancers. Using every last drop of sunblock the sunblock works against both types of sun radiation, UVA and by the end of the summer is a good habit to get into, especially since UVB. there is a chance that it will lose effi cacy over a year’s time. • Applying sunblock 30 minutes before stepping outside. It can take “When you consider that every medication has a shelf life, generally up to a half-hour to absorb into the skin. a year, then we should look at sunblock similarly,” says Howard A. • Reapplying sunblock at least every two hours. Dr. Zaren stresses Zaren, MD, Medical Director for the Nancy N. and J.C. Lewis that this is the maximum amount of time between applications, Cancer & Research Pavilion (LCRP). “We don’t know for certain especially if you are swimming or sweating. which products lose eff ectiveness or to what degree because suffi cient • “Children are especially at risk because they are the ones running studies have not been done on these sunblocks. But intuitively, around the beach and sweating,” Zaren says. “Dry them off and knowing that medications have a limited shelf life, we should be using reapply the sunblock every time they come out of the water.” and reapplying sunblock as much as we can and have none left over • Dr. Zaren notes that women are more fortunate than men in that by the end of the summer.” many of their regular skin care products can now be found with Using your sunblock generously is one of several basic an SPF of 15. But both men and women often forget that their recommendations from Dr. Zaren to protect your skin. Others lips also need protection, and should seek out lip balms with a 15 include: SPF as well. • Buying sunblock with a sun protection factor, or SPF, of at least 15. • Hats and SPF-infused clothing are also smart choices to buy in Lower SPF’s don’t provide full protection. addition to that new bottle of sunblock. • Using higher SPF’s, which provide slightly more protection, on areas • “Wear protective clothing and hats as much as possible,” Zaren where cancer was previously present or any sensitive area that you says. “Protection of your children is really important, so be a good are concerned with, such as the nose or ears. example to them. Use your sunblock without reservation. SPF 15 is • Choosing products that are labeled broad spectrum to ensure that all you need, but it must be applied rigorously.” CHeCKinG YOuR FLuiDS But is that truly the best way to stay hydrated? dehydrated more quickly. The thirst mechanism is Eight glasses of water a day isn’t a hard rule, but “Eight glasses a day is a good gauge, but it is also not as well developed in younger children, and older hydration is an every day concern. a rough gauge,” Almeida says. “The body has a thirst people may have other health conditions that require Though there is no set percentage of how much of mechanism that can tell you if you need water or not. more fl uids throughout the day.” the human body is made up of water, we know we’ve If you’re thirsty, your body needs more fl uids. If you’re Water is obviously the best source for hydration, got a lot in us. Water can average anywhere from 55 not, drinking more than you need may not be helpful.” but Dr. Almeida says that decaff einated teas, fruit to 75 percent of our body weight. But it doesn’t just Dr. Almeida also notes that there are a variety of juices, and fl avored water such as Crystal Light are sit there. factors involved in how much water a person needs also viable sources. He discourages the use of drinks “Water is in every cell and is essential for cellular to stay hydrated. High heat and humidity can cause a with a large amount of sugar or caff eine. and organ function,” explains Joenie T. Almeida, MD, person to become dehydrated more quickly. Strenuous A parched mouth is one of the fi rst warning signs of of St. Joseph’s/Candler Medical Group – Eisenhower. activity and exercise will also cause the body to lose dehydration. Weakness and dizziness will result as the If we don’t get enough water and become water faster. Put these two factors together dehydration becomes more severe. Almeida suggests dehydrated, we become ill. Severe dehydration and eight glasses of water may not seem like that people listen to their body’s thirst mechanism to can even be life-threatening. This is why much at all. avoid even approaching those later symptoms. people are encouraged to get 8x8 every day: “Age is also a factor,” Almeida says. “If you feel thirsty,” Almeida says matter-of- eight glasses with eight ounces of water each. “The elderly and the very young tend to get factly,”you need to drink something.” 8 page | Th e Landings Club Line BiO WeeKenD maY 15-17 By invitation Only: a Weekend in Paradise Many thanks to all members who invited prospective member guests to experience The Landings Club during our By Invitation Only weekend. More than 50 guests visited Skidaway Island May 15-17 for a taste of life at the Club. Enjoy these photos of the reception at Franklin Creek and the wine tasting at Plantation Ballroom. Save the date for our fall By invitation Only weekend September 18-20. Mark your calendars, reach out to friends and prospective members, and register online for this fabulous biannual event. Th e Landings Club Line | page 9 D OLLARS AND SENSE Number Nine in a Series on Club Finances By Jesse Ruben and Scott Edwards A T T R A C T I NCGha rGt  2O  -­‐  L%F  o f  MGoElf  MMeBmEbeRrSships  vs  %   Other  Membership  Types   Our Club is committed to the goal or “We can’t sustain our Club because we you see that in 1996 our Club had 2,600 of improving communication with ar1e0 l0o%sin   g so many members.” total memberships, and we ended 2014 membership on the topic of Club U80n%de  rstandably, these are concerns many with just over 2,900. Of course, much of fi nances. Th is marks the ninth article me6m0b%e  rs have. Club membership levels are that growth was driven by the build out of the4 m0%o  st important assumption that we the Deer Creek and Oakridge areas. Our in a series that began in 2014. For make during our budgeting season and are total membership levels since 2008 are 20%   your reference, the fi rst eight articles impacted by a variety of factors such as the more insightful. Our Club has maintained 0%   are available on the Club’s website in economy, '9re6a  l 'e9s7t  at'9e8 i  n'v9e9n  t'o0r0y   a'0n1d   's0a2le  s' 0a3n  d' 04   a'0p5p  r'o0x6i  m'0a7t  el'y0 82  ,9'0090   'm10e  m'1b1e  rs'1 f2o  r' 1e3ig  h'1t 4   the Document Library tab. resignation rates, among others. consecutive years which is a terrifi c result %  of  Golf  Memberships   %  of  Other  Memberships   considering the economic environment of Our overall approach to Club fi nances Total Memberships the time period. Th is number represents     continues to focus on managing our Our Club’s total membership base has been approximately 70% of all homes at   operating and capital expenditures in quite stable for many years. In Chart 1, Th e Landings.   a manner that provides our diverse   membership with the variety of amenities   and services they desire at reasonable costs.   Chart  1  -­‐  Year  end  Total  Memberships   In short, we strive to deliver a strong value proposition. We utilize the same tools at  The  Landings  Club  -­‐-­‐  1996  -­‐  2014   and techniques as successful “for-profi t” businesses, including disciplined budgeting, in-depth cost accounting and cost 3000   management, preventive maintenance and forward planning for routine maintenance 2900   of our capital assets, competitive bidding, industry benchmarking, oversight by 2800   experienced volunteer committees, and independent auditing. We apply these concepts across the entire Club, reaching all 2700   our disciplines including golf and food & beverage operations. 2600   Th is article will focus on our Club’s membership levels. 2500   We sometimes hear statements around the Club such as, “We are losing members fast,” 2400   '96   '97   '98   '99   '00   '01   '02   '03   '04   '05   '06   '07   '08   '09   '10   '11   '12   '13   '14     10 page | Th e Landings Club Line

and you'll learn all about our distinguished pastry chefs on page 22. TLC member students can now book/cancel/reschedule lessons and practices and register for most golf Dr. Zaren notes that women are more fortunate than men in that many of Part man, part ageless boy; comedian Dwight.
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