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e-Governance Roadmap PwC e-Governance Roadmap PwC PDF

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CChhaannddiiggaarrhh UUTT’’ss ee--GGoovveerrnnaannccee RRooaaddmmaapp AAnn IInniittiiaattiivvee ooff UUnnddeerr NNaattiioonnaall CChhaannddiiggaarrhh ee--GGoovveerrnnaannccee AAddmmiinniissttrraattiioonn PPllaann ((NNeeGGPP)) PPPwwwCCC 22000066 2 AAcckknnoowwlleeddggeemmeennttss PricewaterhouseCoopers Pvt. Ltd would like to thank the Chandigarh Administration for the opportunity given to undertake this challenging assignment. PwC would like to thank the nodal officers of various departments for the time & efforts spent on this exercise & for holding discussions, sometimes even at short notices, in spite of their hectic schedules. They played a vital role in collection of information required for developing the e-Governance Roadmap for Chandigarh Union Territory. Finally, PwC is grateful to Mr. R.S. Sandhu, Finance Secretary; Mr. Manjit Singh Brar, Director IT and Mr. Vivek Atray, Former Director IT for their guidance & inputs and all the staff of the Department of Information Technology for coordination & logistical support provided in undertaking this assignment. 3 TTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteennttss S. No. Title Page No. 1 Preface 4 2 List of Abbreviations 5 3 Introduction 6 4 Chandigarh – An Overview 10 5 e-Governance in Chandigarh 17 6 Institutional Framework for Implementation of Roadmap 32 7 Measures 43 8 Next Steps 45 9 Annexure I – Framework for Prioritization of Services 47 10 Annexure II – Output of Service Value Analysis 52 11 Annexure III – National e-Governance Plan (NeGP) 70 12 Annexure IV – Department Questionnaire used for the Study 75 13 Annexure V – Participating Departments 81 14 Annexure VI – Department Reports 82 4 PP rreeffaaccee Today, the Internet and technology are fundamentally changing the way government operates. But it’s not just about giving the residents and businesses the ability to interact with government over the Internet. Rather, it’s changing the way the government delivers services to the residents and businesses. The government at all levels and in all global regions are embracing e-Government and they are adopting proven best practices and technologies for improving customer service and business performance. Government of India (GoI) has approved the National e-Governance Plan (NeGP) that seeks to lay the foundation for the long term growth of e-Governance in the country. NeGP is aimed at improving the quality, accessibility and effectiveness of government services to citizens and businesses with the help of information and communication technology. NeGP is structured on the philosophy of a centralized initiative with decentralized implementation. GoI plays a co-ordination role at the centre with the respective state governments / UT administrations managing the implementation of the planned e-Governance initiatives. Considering the nature and scale of e-Governance initiatives planned under NeGP, the role of the State Government / UT Administration in managing these initiatives is seen as critical. It is also well recognized that for State/UT to play its role effectively, significant capacities need to be built/upgraded. Thus, for the success of NeGP, it is necessary to build a strategic roadmap and enhance the capacities in the State/UT and its nodal agency to enable issues to be dealt with in a competent manner, with a holistic perspective & with speed. In this context, pwc have been engaged by the Chandigarh Administration to prepare strategic e-Government and Capacity Building roadmaps for the UT. While the preparation of the e-Government Road Map (EGRM)is aimed at detailing the strategic priorities of the UT and ensuring that they are in alignment with NeGP, the Capacity Building Road Map(CBRM) addresses the issue of Capacities required by the Government (from a resourcing perspective) to implement the EGRM. This report articulates the ‘e-Governance Roadmap (EGRM) for Chandigarh U.T. in alignment with the objectives and guidelines of NeGP. 5 LLiisstt ooff AAbbbbrreevviiaattiioonnss ACA Additional Central Assistance BOOT Build, Own, Operate, Transfer BPR Business Process Reengineering CIO Chief Information Officer DeMT Department e-Governance Mission Team DoIT / DIT Department of Information Technology DR Disaster Recovery GoI Government of India IAS Indian Administrative Service ICT Information and Communication Technology IT Information Technology ITES IT Enabled Services LAN Local Area network MMP Mission Mode Project NeGP National e-Governance Plan NIC National Informatics Centre PeMT Project e-Governance Mission team PIO Public Information Officer PIU Project Implementation Unit PSU Public Sector Undertaking PwC PricewaterhouseCoopers Pvt. Ltd. RDBMS Relational Data Base Management System RFP Request For Proposal SDC State Data Centre SeMT State e-Governance Mission Team SPIC Society for Promotion of IT in Chandigarh SWAN State Wide Area Network UT Union Territory 6 11 IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn Objective of the Study While, the primary objective of the roadmap is to align the UT Administration plan for e-Governance in line with the national strategy, there are multiple objectives for preparation of the roadmap including: • Articulate the e-Governance vision for the Chandigarh UT • Understand the UT’s priorities and develop a strategic approach for achieving the e-Governance vision of the UT • Bring citizen focus in the e-Governance • Define the immediate action points based upon the UT’s priorities Scope of Work The scope of work for the assignment has been structured across three key areas relating to: 1. Design of e-Governance roadmap for the Chandigarh UT that includes: (cid:1) Preparing a blueprint for the UT that documents the overall strategy and action plan for development of e-Governance in Chandigarh (cid:1) Identify high pay-off e-Governance initiatives that are aligned with NeGP (cid:1) Plan for implementing the recommended e-Governance initiatives 2. Design of capacity building roadmap for Chandigarh that includes: (cid:1) Administrative structure for implementing the e-Governance plan (cid:1) Assessment of the capacity gaps for implementing the e-Governance initiatives (cid:1) Sourcing plan for bridging the capacity gaps 3. Detailed Project Report with details of funding requirements for implementation of the capacity building plan: (cid:1) Budget estimate for implementation of the sourcing strategy and bridging the capacity gaps This report dwells on the first part of the scope of work i.e. the e-Governance roadmap. 7 Approach to the Study The approach followed for developing the e-Governance roadmap report is as follows: • Comprehensive understanding of the UT developed by reading the UT development report and secondary research reports • Undertaking of a strategic workshop involving the key officials of the UT representing various departments. The objective of the workshop was to: • Make the department officials aware of the importance of the present exercise • Get the acceptance of the department officials on the approach and time lines for the exercise • Detailed interactions with the key officials in the prioritised departments for: • Understanding the vision and objectives of the department • Key services provided by the department to citizens, businesses or other government departments • e-Readiness assessment of the departments covering current and planned e-Governance initiatives, detailed IT infrastructure assessment of the department • Assessment of the current capacity within the department • Analysis for identifying key e-Governance initiatives • Drafting of the hypothesis for UT-level e-Governance roadmap • Preparing the e-Governance blueprint for the UT • Finalize the strategy and action plan for the UT; and • Articulating the recommendations and finalization of the roadmap Key Design Considerations The e-Governance roadmap consisting of the vision and strategy for the UT have emerged out of a number of “given considerations”. The key considerations and its implications are discussed below: 1. Developmental priorities of the UT The UT Administration has identified Information Technology (IT) and Tourism as the core sectors as part of ensuring comprehensive and sustainable development of the city. 2. Alignment with NeGP 8 NeGP1 is designed at a national level with a focus on the citizen, service delivery and on undertaking projects on a mission mode. Alignment of UT’s plan with that of national level plan is an important consideration. 3. Right To Information Act This is a recent legislation passed by Government of India aimed at increasing the accountability of the government officials. The citizen can now demand the requisite information and if denied, can escalate to higher authorities or demand an explanation. This legislation would drive streamlining of processes in all the citizen facing departments. The application of information technology in automation of the processes would greatly facilitate compliance to the legislation. Limitations of the Study Indicated below are some of the key limitations of the study and approach to the assignment that may have implications on the recommendations contained in the e-Governance roadmap report: • The study is limited to 17 departments within the UT. It is assumed that this is a sufficient and representative sample for the roadmap formulation exercise. • In line with the terms of reference, the report is based on the inputs provided by the departments during the interactions with PwC consultants. No separate field visits/detailed study has been undertaken to validate the inputs provided by the UT administration departments • The report is expected to set the agenda for e-Governance in the UT. Thus, the extent of detailing captured in this report needs to be evaluated against a ten week time frame provided to PwC for the study. It is expected that departmental plans would be prepared separately in detail based upon the direction and strategies contained in this document • While, the roadmap bases its strategy taking into account all common e- Governance initiatives in the UT and those in the 17 prioritized departments, there are bound to be independent and isolated initiatives that do not form part of the study and thus do not reflect in the roadmap. However, this should not restrict them to pursue other initiatives, as long as they are in conformance with the overall UT e-Governance roadmap. Structure of the Report This report comprises the following chapters: (cid:1) Chapter I introduces the subject, highlights its need in the present context and details the approach followed for preparation of the report; 1 An Overview of the National e-Governance Plan is provided in the Annexure 4 9 (cid:1) Chapter II provides an overview of Chandigarh and presents some statistics about the city; (cid:1) Chapter III describes in detail the e-Governance vision of the city, the strategy for UT to achieve the vision and the various components of the strategy; (cid:1) Chapter IV presents the institutional framework for UT for implementation of the e-Governance roadmap; (cid:1) Chapter V details the measures to check if the progress made on the roadmap is as per the conceived plan, and lists quantitative measures to check the progress; (cid:1) Chapter VI talks about the steps needed to be taken by the administration to implement the roadmap, in the immediate time frame; (cid:1) Annexure I details the framework used for prioritization of the services; (cid:1) Annexure II details the output of the service value analysis; (cid:1) Annexure III presents a snapshot on the National e-Governance Plan; (cid:1) Annexure IV lists the department questionnaire used for performing this study; (cid:1) Annexure V lists the participating departments; and (cid:1) Annexure VI contains brief reports on the participating departments. 10 22 CChhaannddiiggaarrhh –– AAnn OOvveerrvviieeww Chandigarh is India's youngest city, planned by the famous French architect Le Corbusier. It is Capital of the States of Punjab and Haryana but does not belong to either of them. Instead, it is a Union Territory. It means that the City is under the direct administration of the Government of India and not constituted as a state with its own legislative assembly. Chandigarh is known for: • Planning and Architecture • Quality of Life • High Educational Level • Pollution-free Environment • Low Crime Rate • Aware & Active Citizens

National e-Governance Plan. NIC. National Informatics Centre. PeMT. Project e-Governance Mission team. PIO. Public Information Officer. PIU. Project Implementation Unit. PSU. Public Sector Undertaking. PwC. PricewaterhouseCoopers Pvt. Ltd. RDBMS. Relational Data Base Management System.
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