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FFIINNAALL PPRREESSEENNTTAATTIIOONN OONN PPRROOJJEECCTT NNoo 22 AAUUTTOOMMAATTIICC PPEETT FFEEEEDDEERR IInnssttrruuccttoorr:: DDrr.. PPiissuutt KKoooommssaapp PPrreeppaarreedd bbyy:: GGrroouupp NNoo 33 NNgguuyyeenn TThhaannhh BBiinnhh NNgguuyyeenn VViieett DDuunngg NNgguuyyeenn TThhii TThhaannhh VVaann DDaanngg PPhhii VVaann HHaaii NNggoo HHooaanngg AAnnhh MMaarrcchh 2299tthh,, 22000055.. 1 CONTENT OF PRESENTATION INTRODUCTION IDENTIFY CUSTOMER NEEDS ESTABLISH TARGET SPECIFICATION CONCEPT GENERATION CONCEPT SELECTION FINAL SPECIFICATIONS PRODUCT ARCHITECTURE PROTOTYPING AND DEMONSTRATION DETAIL DESIGN CONCLUSION 2 INTRODUCTION PetCare Ltd, a company specialize in pet feeder, pet foods, pet (cid:122) toys etc. in Vietnam with the hundreds of retailers. To scope with market opportunity, it has been assigned a (cid:122) Product Development Team to design an new model of Automatic Pet Feeder 3 Brief mission statement Product description: Twin compact automatic pet feeder Key business goals: - First Product Introduction in 3rdQ 2005 - 20% gross margin 4 HOUSE OF QUALITY DIRECTION OF IMPROVEMENT E g y V n pl O ti p HOW'S et u R s s P T uct e er E M C WHAT'S ost of prod ange of tim Way to feed win design ype of pow MPORTAC etMate etCS URRENT UTURE EED TO I ALE IMPA CORE C R T T P P C F N S S I Reasonable price. 9 3 5 4 4 3 5 1.7 1.5 12.5 Automatic operating 9 3 5 5 2 4 5 1.3 1.0 6.3 Rugged and compact design 3 5 3 3 5 1.7 1.2 6.0 Twin pet feeder 9 5 1 1 1 5 5.0 1.5 37.5 ABSOLUTE IMPORTANT 3 3 6 8 3 . . . 1 9 9 3 2 1 9 6 3 7 % % % RELATIVE IMPROTANT % % 2 6 7 1 1 8 3 8 5 CCoonncceepptt GGeenneerraattiioonn COMBINATION TREE Twin design Power Supply Way to feed Yes Wall outlet/ Rotary lid backup No Battery Dispenser 6 CCoonncceepptt GGeenneerraattiioonn ((ccoonntt..)) RESULT: Solution #1: Twin design/Wall outlet with backup/Rotary lid Solution #2: Twin design/Wall outlet with backup/Dispenser Solution #3: Twin design/Battery/Rotary lid Solution #4: Twin design/Battery/Dispenser Solution #1 Solution #2 Solution #3 Solution #4 7 CCoonncceepptt SSeelleeccttiioonn RESULT: Solution #1: Twin design/Wall outlet with backup/Rotary lid 8 FFIINNAALL SSPPEECCIIFFIICCAATTIIOONNSS Develop the technical model of product Dimension Mass model (Analytical) Net weight Selected Materials & Components Type joints, fittings Standard test model Vibration test (Physical) Type of selected components Material Standard test model Weatherproof Type of selected (Physical) components 9 FFIINNAALL SSPPEECCIIFFIICCAATTIIOONNSS ((CCoonntt..)) Develop the cost Model of the Product - Selling price : 110$ - Retailer's Margin: 20% - Company's Margin: 25% - Target manufacturing cost: 66$ 10

Control system 1 20 17 Food block 1 13 11 Water block 1 4 3 Misc. - 3 3 Control panel Power supply Control board Food tray Stepping motor Water container
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