SerioefsT eachings 220E CONTENTS JULY6'h TheT ruSee nsoef t heD zogcheTne achiOnugr:R eaNla ture7 JULY7'h SutrTaa,n tarnad D zogchen 31 JULY8'11 DireIcntt roduction 57 JULY9'h Gmuyogaan dS econdaPrrya ctices 71 JULY 10'11 DailLyi fe 93 INDEXO F TIBETANN AMES AND TERMS 121 5 TH JULY6 THET RUSEE NSOEFT HEDZOG CHENT EACHIONuGR:R EANLA TURE Welocmet oM erigIak rn.o we veroydyb has tnaas daec ri ficet oc otnhee rfeor t hirse treSaotm.e pemoapylh ea vsea cri ficetdn orteh aont herse,v ebruoytdyb hasm ade saa criifinc e so1new ayW.e arvee rbyu siyno ur dlaviielsEy.v erybhoadsy somethitnogd o.W e alwaynese tdn onteoyl ievo url ief and titnmeo niesyS .oi tis naoltw aeyass tyofi ndt ittnoce o meo n ar etr.We haetnw e do ciomtme ea,n wse h avten adseo tknien d ofs acfirciei no rdetrod edicoautres eltvote hste e achainndg praccteIi.n' atwaret hoaft . Theroerfee,a cthi twneed oa r etrIet artty,o h elypo uu nder satnd ttrhuese en soef ttheea chOiftnegn.w, h enp eopaln-ei ve atM erigtahre,y ndorotea litshere e atlneanoifnt ght ee ahcign. Pmiiculwahrelnty h earrel eo tosfp eopleev,e rybotdeyn dtso beoctnaeb iatg itaetveedtn,h pee opwlheo a re organising the retreTahtep. e opalteM erigaru sauraelq luyir teel axbeudti t seettnhsa t wwheeh na vae r etrtehaeten v eroydyb becotnes charguepd.O fc ouer,sw hent hep eopwlheo l iev heraer e charugpea dnt dh pee opcloet nfii·noogm u tsairadele cs hoa rged up,t hetnh ree alisoaft itohne reatslroce haatr guieps!dT hat is nowth awte n eeda lla.t Manyp eophlaev ceo mefr otfna arw ayI.ft h ewya ntto t alk tot nei ti sn otv ereya sbyec austeh eraer es ot nanpye oplIe . ca'ntta ltkoe vebtoydoyn eb yo neb ecausweed on'hta ve the tniet.E veni f dIe dciateadl dla y andn iaglhtltot alkiintg woul'dwnto rkE.v eryomnuse tb e bai atw aret hoefts hei ngs. Thenr athtehra gne ttwionug nudp b ecautshee cyan 'tta ltko tnea,s kad viocrem eewti tthn et,h esyh ouulndd ersttahenrde 7 is rnoeta lvleyrm yu ch to atseka cthbheeerc ,a utshete e acher alwatyesa cheevse rhyitntgh enye etdok no.w Iti si ipnortawnhte nw ea red oing a retreatt,o that you try lsitetnow haitsb eintgr ansn1aintdwt headit s b einsgai d.Y ou 1nusbte a waroeft hiasn dt rtyo l itseant ntteiyv.eIl h avhea d thiesx peliaegnaciaenn da gaitnh aIet xplasio1nne tnhgit oday andr epeiaattg ain thdeay .Tn heexnt dtahyea ftetrh asto tne onew antst atltoko m ea ndt heays km es otnentgth hiaIth ad alreadeyx jpulsatio nveetdrh lesa tc oupolfe daTyhse.nI s, o 1ne titnseasy" ,B uyto ud ind'ltsi tne tow hatIt olydo u"I.fy o u reallliys tweelnlt ,h eyno uw ill agltelht ae n sweIrtis s.s uffi cietnhtay to uo besrvyeo urseall vtietsal ned ls itecnae rfully. Thiissi n1oprtabnetc autshete e achiisnn go to nlayt ech niquaeb out yhoousw i atn dh owy oud o eaching isa lso ahboowu tltv ioe y oulrie wf ithsionc tiyeT.h iiss what wen eetdo k nowa bovael l. For eevxeainmft p hlteee ,a ching doe'stnte ylolu h owt ow orikn y ousrh owph,e ny oua rteh ere, itca ns howy ouh owt ow orkw ityho u1rni nadn dy ouerx sit encTeh.r outghhte e achiynoug , claaent nh owt og uidyeo ur 1ninadn d how to deasli twuiatthi oyno.u r Thefi rstth intgh ayto u neteold me n ish ow bteoa ware. Whatevyeorua rdeo i,ny gous houalldw abyesa warIep .a rticu larwlayn tto r entinldo n-gtenpnr actittihosin,be ercsa utshee y oftetnh in"kl'n,t ano lpdr atcitiorn.Ieh ave rectehiiavsne dd thatte achianngdt" h,e 1yn aakk ei nodfm entlailos fta ltih e teachitnhgehsya vree ceiYveetds .on 1etint1heesdy on 'ktn ow whatth ee ssenocfte h tee achrienagl ilsiy n a p ractwiacya.l Sucahs w hat sohnoeu dlodi nd aliyl ief.T haits ngoootd . Sotnpee opslaey" ,I' mo lpdr aicttieorn"b,u ityf o uo besrve thaotl dp ratcitiotnheearyr ea lwawyosu nudp a nda gitated. When twhaenytt o atshke tesaocmheetrh tihnegsy a y",O hI, havaep robnl.eT"th en tahseky abporuoetbt lnn mnbeorn e, nu1nbetrw on,u tnbtehrr eteh,en ye ver fiTnoidsahty.h, e ays k 8 abouotn ep roblaenmdI g ivtehe tsn otnaed vibcuet, totnorrow thefiyn da s ecopnrdo bnl.Se otw hy dtohe hya vael tlh epsreo b lems? Because theoifpr r akncotiwinslco eeitd n gtee grated with theliierf. Ifw ea rree alalblyet oi ntegrtahtteee achiinntgoo u rl ief, ouurn derstaonfid dtii nntign isohuerss e nosfea nxideitrye ctly. Iti st hroutgehn stihoanat lo lu prr obleamrsia sned tneasnItif.f youa rne otte nes,t haitsc aleldr elaxaItfiy oonua. r ree laxed youh avneo p rolbmes.E veinf ap robltenamn eisftyso,ud o'nt feelw eighdeodw nb yi tb,ec ausyeo uk nowi ti sp osbslie to overcoimte. cYaondu o s otnheitnBgu.t yiofu a re wouupn,d theenv einf thiesars em alplr oebtlny,o ui tnmedigaetutep ly setT.h eny ouw inydo ursuepls fo tnteno reN.o w,i nsteoafd disappreiantgh,pe r oebnlg1 rowtswi ce baisgS .oy ous eteh at tensiisto hnre o ootfo uprr obnlseW.te e xperiteenncsewi hoenn wea rneo t integrtahtteee da cwhiiMtanhyg b.e hyoauvh ee ard tnes ayitnhigsa h undrtehdn epsa,rt icultahreol lydr pe racti tionearndsm ,a ybseo tpnee optlhei nk, "Oh, shaeyt sha ilsw,a ys Ia lreuanddye rnsdt.Ba"ut i yfo ud on'utn dersttharene das le nse ofw haItm n sayinegv,ei nf ykonuo w twhoer dist,d oes'nt work. Sow heny ouc omet oa r etryeoaut nteoeu dn dersttahned trusee nosfet htee achbiefnogr e goaiwnagyT .h er eatlneaning isn otth yaothu a vceo mhee rteol eahtonwt od os otnn1eu dras andh owt os inTgh.i isss omethrienlga tYiovuec .a na lsdoo practviecrewy e lwli thosuitn ggi onrd oinagn yt nuads.rY o.u tnusutn derstwahnadt thep otitnina sia,nn dw henw er eally understthianspd r inciaplsllee oc,n datrhyi nbgesc omlei kaen oman1.e nt Fore xamplief, yaorueo na mountaiintn h ew inetri,ti s oftevne rcyo lMda.y be istn oiwgsi. Wn hatd oy ou neYeodu? neewda nnc lotbheecsa utsheey no uh avfeew er prnosbT.lh eatt ist hten apino itn in stihttauitao Onn. t hten ountyaoiudn o n't 9 think",In eesdo tvneer nyi ceea ninogrss o moem a1nentYso"u. can'otv ercotthnpeer obloefmc olwdi th soornmaet nsen.St o youh avteo u nderswthaantdth 1en apioni inst . Whenw eh avneo p robleitmtne sa,n tsh awte h avael ready understthoteon da pioni nTth.e wn ec ana dda nyk inodfo ma n1entth awtel ikaen de njoyi t.t w Becu ana lsloie vw ithoaunty itissa v eriym potipaonitnI tm'. a lways staoy ing tnnye ws tudeanntdos dl eprr actiti"oPlnaeesrets,r, y utnod er statnhdte n apioni tsw hat ynoeue. d'I'fy oul eatrnh si, wheny ou fihnt ihsree traenadgt o cbkah on1aetl, e aysotuw ill knowt htena ipno int baean bdl teo luitziiet . Ofc ournseew,s tudesnhtosu bledg ibny learntihniwgsa y it1nnediatPearltyi.c uliafyr oluwy a ntto s ay",O hI,' nr1e ceiv inDgz ogchteena icnhgst,h"ey no uh avteou nderswthaanttdh e Dzogchen treeaaclh1linynes gaT.n h eD zocghetne achiisn gn ot aw ayo fs ingionrdg o inaPg ujao rr itTeh.eD zogchen teaching andp ractciacnbe e d onwei thoduoti nagn yP ujsa.A Puja is likaeno rnamentth ayto uc auns weh eny ouh avteh tei et,n place andt hoep portunTihteyon. fc ourysoeu,c and oa P ujab uitit s noitn dispbelneTs.ha iissw hayto us houlleda irnn t hDez og chetne ach.i ngs Youa lreakdnyo w thatte rtDmhz eo gchtenne aonusrr eal conditSioo nfi.r st of aldli swceot vhheiarIvsf e. dwtieo s cover this,t htehiresetn h peo sisbiliotfby e inignt hset aotfeD zog chenw,h icihso urr eaclo nditBieoinni.gnt hastt a1tneea ns practiDszionggc hIefny .o ut hinDkz ogchiessn o tne okfi nd teachbionogok,rt radiitmtie oann,ys o ua rvee ry fl'foatrDn z og chen. You can nhiaciveede a asm baonuyt btuhtii tds o sen't helypo urre aclo nditOinocnye. o uh avdei scovyeoruerrde al conditioyno ula invident haktn owledygoeuc, a nr ealelxyp e rienscoem bee nefit. "Liviinnog u rr eaclo nditmieoann"ts h awte a re cnoontd i tionbeydd ualivsitsiicIo nng .e nerwaels ,a tyh awte h avfiev e 10