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Dynamos and Differential Rotation: Advances at the Crossroads of Analytics, Numerics, and Observations KyleAugustson1,(cid:63) 1CEA/DRF/IRFUServiced’Astrophysique,CEA-Saclay,91191Gif-sur-YvetteCedex,France 7 1 Abstract. The recent observational, theoretical, and numerical progress made in understanding stellar mag- 0 netismisdiscussed. Particularly, thisreviewwillcoverthephysicalprocessesthoughttobeattheoriginof 2 thesemagneticfieldsandtheirvariability,namelydynamoactionarisingfromtheinteractionbetweenconvec- n tion, rotation, radiationandmagneticfields. Somecarewillbetakentocoverrecentanalyticaladvancesre- a gardingthedynamicsandmagnetismofradiativeinteriors,includingsomethoughtsontheroleofatachocline. J Moreover,recentandrapidlyadvancingnumericalmodelingofconvectivedynamoswillbediscussed,looking 0 atrapidlyrotatingconvectivesystems,grandminimaandscalinglawsformagneticfieldstrength.Thesetopics 1 arelinkedtoobservationsortheirobservationalimplications. ] R S 1 Introduction (a)   (b)   . h p Whencecamethecrossroads? WithHMI’snewadditions - tohelioseismology,Kepler’smagnificentasteroseismicca- o pabilities,andnumericalbreakthroughswithdynamosim- r t ulations,thelastfiveyearshavebeenanexcitingtimedur- s a ing which the community has uncovered a few new plot [ twistsinthemysterythatisthedynamicsoccurringwithin 1 stars. v Onesuchmysterythathaslongdoggedastrophysicists 1 has been the source of the Sun’s magnetism and its vari- 9 ability. Whilepiecesofthismysteryappeartobesolved, 5 Figure1. Helioseismically-determinedlarge-scaleflowsinthe therearestillmanyvexingdetailsthatareleftunexplained, 2 Sun. (a) The solar differential rotation, with specific features suchaswhythecycleperiodis22yearsandwhyitvaries 0 highlighted [Adapted from 1]. (b) The meridional circulation, . in both duration and amplitude. Moreover, why surface withthemajorcirculationcellshighlighted. Solidlinesdenotea 1 0 magneticfeaturesmigratetowardthepoleandequatoras counter-clockwiseflow,whereasdashedlinesdenoteaclockwise 7 thecycleadvancesisstillnotclearlydetermined. Also,a flow[Adaptedfrom5]. 1 long-runningdebatewithinthestellarcommunityhasbeen : whatisthepreciseroleofatachocline,whichistheregion v dynamo simulations, as well as having been scrutinized i where there likely is a distinct change in a star’s rotation bothanalyticallyandinlocal-scalesimulations,aswillbe X profileneartheboundariesofitsconvectivezones. Inpar- discussedin§4. r ticular,thetermtachoclineoriginatesfromobservationsof a One such mystery was lurking in the large set of Ke- theSun’sdifferentialrotation[1],asshowninFigure1(a), plerdataforredgiants. Whenparsedinthedictionofas- wherethelatitudinaldifferentialrotationinitsconvective teroseismology,thisdatayieldsthemeasurementofmany exteriorisseentotransitiontoalatitudinally-uniformro- mixedmodes. Thesemodesbehavelikeanacousticwave tationinitsconvectively-stable,radiation-dominatedinte- (p-mode)nearthestellarsurface,butchangetheircharac- rior. Part of the debate resides in a tachocline’s role in a tertobuoyancy-drivengravitywaves(g-modes)withinthe dynamo,beingwhetherornotitinfluencesthedurationof convectively-stablecoreofthoseredgiants[e.g.,11,12], thecycleperiodortheeven-oddcycleparity[2]. Another wheretheseconvectively-excitedmodesevanescentlytun- piece of the debate regards the role of turbulent diffusion nel into the core. These modes can thus provide both in- processesinhomogenizingtherotationprofile[3],aswell formation about the envelope and the core of the red gi- asitsapparentparadoxicalabilitytopreventthespreadof ant, such as identifying the current evolutionary state of the differential rotation into the stable region [4]. Some thestar[e.g.,13,14],aswellasassessingtherelativedif- ofthesetopicshavebeguntobeaddressedinglobal-scale ferential rotation of these two zones [e.g., 15, 16]. The (cid:63)e-mail:[email protected] enigmahiddeninthisdatawasthequestion: whyarethe Figure2.StellarX-rayluminosityobservationsforalargerangeofstellarmasses.(a)AverageX-rayluminosityL versusbolometric X luminosityL normalizedbytheirrespectivesolarvalues. Spectraltypeisindicatedalongthetopabscissaanddemarkedwiththin Bol dotted lines. The black line illustrates the average behavior for three distinct mass ranges. The data sources are [6–10]. (b) L to X massratioplottedversusmass,emphasizingamassrangewithwind-drivenemissionwhereL dependslinearlyonmass.(c)Theratio X L /L versusmass,whichhighlightsthemassrangewhereL islinearlyrelatedtoL . ThelocationoftheSunisplottedwithits X Bol X Bol symbol(cid:12),showingitsrelativelylowX-rayluminosity. dipolemixedmodessuppressedforasomeredgiantsand peartobethreedistinctmass(orluminosity)rangeswhere notforothers? Anastutepredictionproposesthatthisef- therearechangesinthepowerlawrelationshipbetweenX- fectisduetothemagneticfieldpresentwithinandnearthe rayluminosity(L )andbolometricluminosityasinFigure X coreofredgiants,beingdubbedthemagnetic“greenhouse 2(a). The L -MassratioinFigure2(b)showsthatthein- X effect”[17,18]. Thus, Keplerobservationshaverevealed termediatemassrangebetweenthelow-massA-typestars theasteroseismictracesoftheremnantsofpotentiallyvery andthehigher-massB-typestarshasL ∝ M,whichmay X strong magnetic fields that were earlier built deep within be due to strong shocks in their winds. When scaled by theconvectivecoreofintermediatemassstars,suchasthe L ,asinFigure2(c),twootherregimesbecomeevident, Bol F-type and A-type stars. Such dynamos will be the topic withoneforthelowermassstarsandanotherforthemas- of§7. siveO-typestarswhere L ∝ L . Thelowermassstars X Bol havearelativelyhighlevelofX-rayemission,whereasthe relativeX-rayemissiondeclinessignificantlywithhigher 2 Magnetism Across the HR-Diagram massandbecomesnearlyconstantbeyondabout16M . (cid:12) The physics underlying the generation of magnetic fields The precise nature of the physical processes driving in astrophysical objects, including stars, appears to be thesechangesinX-rayemissionisnotknown. Though,as quite generic, with an interaction of plasma motion and always, there are a few hints about what might be occur- large-scale rotation playing key roles. In stars, the most ring. For instance, the saturation of LX at low masses is vigorousmotionsoccurintheirconvectiveregions. Mas- potentiallyaresultofthestrongmagneticconfinementof sivestarshaveaconvectivecorebelowaradiativeexterior, their winds or a saturation of those stars dynamos, both whereasstarslessmassivethanabout1.6M haveanouter of which could be due to the rapid rotation of the star. (cid:12) convectiveenvelopeabovearadiativezone,andthelowest The saturation for higher mass stars may result from two mass stars are fully convective. The magnetic field gen- mechanisms: one could be dynamo action in the Fe- and erated in those regions is largely responsible for the ma- He-opacitybumpconvectionzones;theothermaybedue jority of the observed magnetic phenomena in, or above, to changing properties of the winds and mass loss for thestellarphotospheresuchasstarspots,achromosphere, the O-type stars. It may be possible to disentangle these coronal plasma, flares, and coronal mass ejections. The processes through asteroseismic measurements of these detailed study of our nearest star, the Sun, has provided higher-mass stars, looking for a shift from a dominance at least a framework for interpreting the X-ray emissions ofg-modestop-modes. of other cool stars [19]. Indeed, most cool stars, except coolgiantstars,havebeenfoundtoexhibitcharacteristics 3 Magnetic Activity-Rotation Correlation grossly similar to what we know from the Sun. Most of these stars have variable X-ray emission at temperatures WilliamHerschelwasthefirsttoextendthecontemporary ofatleast1-2MKandoccasionalflaring. ideaoftherotationoftheSunandtheplanetstootherstars Some of the behavior exhibited by low, intermediate, [20]. In fact, he went so far as to attribute the periodic and high mass stars is displayed in Figure 2. There ap- light curves that he observed for other stars to star spots Figure 4. X-ray and Ca II observations of individual stars are shown,whichcoverarangeofrotationratesandmassesforlower mass stars. Ratios of X-ray luminosity L and chromospheric X CaIIluminosity(L(cid:48) )tothebolometricvalueL (normalized HK Bol so that these ratios are unity for the Sun; L /L ≈ 10−6 and X Bol L(cid:48) /L ≈10−5),displayedwithrotationalperiodsasabscissa. HK Bol Thecolorindicatesastar’smass,withM-typeinred,K-typein yellow,G-typeingreen,andF-typeinblue. Thedottedlinede- markstheboundarybetweenX-rayandCaIImeasurements.The solidlineshowsanestimatedfitfortheRossbynumberscaling Figure3. Rotationperioddistributionsofstellarpopulationsof of L . The location of the Sun is shown with its symbol ((cid:12)). differingagesandmass, showingtheinitiallyuniformdistribu- X ConstructedwithCaIIdatafrom[30,31]andX-raydatafrom tionofaveryyoung1Myroldclusterthatevolvestowardslower [10]. rotationwithgreaterage. Thepanelintheupperrightillustrates theVaughan-PrestonGap,withapopulationofslowrotators,of fastrotators, andveryfewstarsbetweenthem. Theredlinein thelowerrighttwopanelsdenotesthetransitionat0.3M from madewhenemployingconceptspioneeredindynamothe- (cid:12) stars with a radiative interior to those that are fully convective ory[2,27]. Assuch,itispositedthatthelossofanouter (Adaptedfrom[25]). convectionzoneleadstoaninabilitytogenerateastrong, large-scalemagneticfieldthatwouldotherwiseefficiently brakeastar’srotation. Though,thislogicwouldnothold rotating in and out of the line-of-sight [21]. Eighty years forthemostmassivestarsastheytoohaveouterconvec- later,thefirstDopplermeasurementsoftheSun[22]were tionzones,howevertheirrelativelyshortlivesleadtoless made confirming its rotation. Shortly thereafter and us- timeforwind-relatedbreakingonthemain-sequenceeven ingsimilartechniques,studiesofstellarrotationshedlight iftheirmass-lossrateisgreater. ontworegimesofstellarrotationalongthemain-sequence For lower-mass stars, the link between age, magnetic that depends upon mass [e.g., 23, 24]. In particular, they activity,androtationratewasputintoperspectiveandfor- found that stars more massive than about 1.6 M(cid:12) rotate mulated into what is now widely accepted as the “Sku- fairly rapidly at an average speed of around 140 kms−1 manich t−1/2 law” for the decay of a star’s rotation rate with a slow increase with mass and reaching a plateau and chromospheric magnetic activity [28]. In particular, aboveabout10M(cid:12).Starslessmassivethan1.6M(cid:12),onthe two regimes of dynamo behavior seem apparent along otherhand,showasteepdeclineinvsiniwithdecreasing the main sequence. As the star spins down, there is a mass. Thereisadistributionoftheirprojectedequatorial transitionbetweentworegimesofchromosphericactivity, rotationspeed(vsini)aboutthismean,asthestatisticsin with a sparsely populated gap between them dubbed the theabovereferencesshowandascanbeseeninFigure3. “Vaughan-PrestonGap”[e.g.,29]. Thiscanbeseenmost Spectroscopicsurveysofnearbyfieldstarsandclusters easilyinFigure3,whichshowstherotationperiodversus reveal a potential reason for the rapid decline of a star’s massforseveralclustersofincreasingage. rotationalperiodwithage. Basedonobservationsofchro- The relationship between stellar rotation and proxies mosphericlinesinyoungclustersandoldfieldstars[e.g., ofmagneticactivityremainsanimportantdiagnosticofthe 26],itisapparentthatmagneticactivitydeclineswithage. dynamoprocesseslikelyresponsibleforstellarmagnetism Indeed, the observational link between rotation, convec- inlowmassstars. Chromosphericvariabilitymeasuredin tion, and magnetic activity was described in [24], where Ca II, and other chromospheric lines, as well as the X- an attempt is made to ascertain why stars less massive ray observations that probe stellar coronae, indicate that thanabout1.5 M rotatemoreslowlythanmoremassive thereisamonotonicincreaseinactivitywithrotationrate. (cid:12) stars. A direct link between these physical processes is This increase is halted as the rotation rate reaches a crit- icalpoint, afterwhicheithertheseindicatorsofmagnetic activityorthesestar’sdynamosbecomesaturated. Indeed, both coronal and chromospheric activity measures show such a saturation (Figure 4), though it is more prominent intheX-rayobservations. ThefirsttentativeconnectionbetweenX-rayluminos- ity and rotation was established by [32], reporting that X-ray luminosity scaled as L ∝ (vsini)1.9 for low mass X stars and that the X-ray luminosities of higher mass stars depends only on the bolometric luminosity. The scaling with rotation for low mass stars suggested that, like the Sun, X-ray emitting coronal magnetic activity is linked to the rotationally-constrained convection that drives the magnetic dynamo running in the outer convection zones of these stars, whereas more massive stars without such an outer convection zone likely produce X-rays primar- ily through shocks in their powerful winds. With more data,thenearlyquadraticproportionalitybetween L and X vsiniwasfoundtohavealimiteddomainofapplicability, since the ratio of X-ray to bolometric luminosity reaches apeaksaturationofabout10−3thatiseffectivelyindepen- dent of rotation rate and spectral type [e.g., 33–35]. The rotationalperiodatwhichthissaturationlevelisreached, however,doesdependuponspectraltype,withlowermass starsreachingthisstateatlongerperiodswhencompared tohighermassstars(Figure4a). Thiscanbeattributedto the decrease in the vigor of the convection as one moves downtherangeofmasses[36]. ItisunclearwhethertheconstancyoftheX-raylumi- nositybelowathresholdrotationperiodisderivedofafun- damentallimitonthedynamoitself[e.g.33],aquenching arising from the pervasion of strong magnetic structures Figure5. X-rayobservationsareshownforindividualstarsthat across much of the stellar surface [33], or a centrifugal are binned by their spectral type, which cover a range of rota- tionperiodsandmasses. X-rayluminosity(L )normalizedby stripping of the corona caused by the high rotation rates X thesolarvalueanddisplayedwithrotationperiodindaysasab- [37]. TherecouldalsobechangesintheX-rayproduction scissa.Thecolorindicatesastar’smasswithinthespectraltype. mechanismsaswellastheirX-rayspectralcontent. How- (a)SpectraltypeGstars,withtheSun’spositionindicated. (b) ever,recentworkhasaimedatmodellingthecouplingofa SpectraltypeMstars, withstarsabove0.3 M asstarredsym- (cid:12) simpledynamotoawindmodel,withtheaimofdescrib- bols and those below this mass as diamonds. The dotted lines ingthistransitionthroughfairlysimplephysics[38,39]. indicatefitstothedataforthescalingwithperiod,thesaturation Characteristics similar to the X-ray flux also hold for value,andtherotationperiodcorrespondingtothebeginningof chromospheric measures of magnetic activity as can be thesaturation(Constructedwithdatafrom[10]). seen in Figure 4. This figure shows the ratio of chromo- sphericCaHandKluminosityL(cid:48) tobolometricluminos- HK ity for a sample of main-sequence stars ranging in mass X-ray emission involving increasing emission with more between 0.3 and 1.6 M , with data from [30] and [31]. rapid rotation and a regime of saturated emission. What (cid:12) The ratio of X-ray luminosity and bolometric luminosity, differs between them is the rapidity of the onset of this also plotted with data from [10], has a much greater dy- state of constant emission with rotation, the rotation pe- namicrange,spanningsixordersofmagnitudecompared riod at which it saturates, and the maximum luminosity. to the roughly 1.5 orders of magnitude for the Ca H and The maximumluminosity seemsto bedetermined bythe Kobservations. Yetbothshowanincreaseofactivitywith bolometric luminosity, as surmised from Figure 4 where decreasingrotationperiodandaneventualsaturation. Itis thedatacollapseontothesamefit. Therotationperiodat of note that the chromospheric activity seems to saturate whichitsaturatesmayberelatedtothemaximumachiev- atlongerperiodsandthattherearefewstarsthatarerotat- able dynamo action, wherein the dynamo can no longer ingrapidlythatshowCaHandKemission,atleastinthis extract energy from the star’s differential rotation due to sample. strongLorentzfeedbacks. IfwenowseparatetheX-rayobservationsbyspectral The rate of increase of X-ray emission with decreas- type, the trends become more obvious as in Figure 5(a) ing rotation period suggests a direct link to the Rossby fortheG-typestars. Speakingbroadly,thelowmassstars numberoftheflowswithinthesestarsinthatitmeasures of K, G, and F-type share similar characteristics in their theefficiencyoftheinteractionofrotationandconvection 1.0 harbormagneticdynamosquitedistinctfromthoseinSun- likestars. Itseemsappropriatethatthereshouldbeadif- 0.8 ferencebetweenstarsthathaveaninterface-typedynamo, e witharegionofpenetrationandconvectiveovershoot,and Activ0.6 gion thosethatarefullyconvective. on Re Fracti0.4 sition An intriguing suite of observations of low-mass stars n a inHαindicatesthatthereisatransitioninmagneticactiv- 0.2 Tr ity lifetime from the more massive stars that become rel- 0.0 ativelyinactiveafteraboutonebillionyearstothelower- L5 L4 L3 L2 L1 L0 M9 M8 M7 M6 M5 M4 M3 M2 M1 M0 SpectralType(byincreasingmass) massfully-convectivestars,whichappeartoremainactive for much longer [43]. Indeed, the trend likely continues Figure6.FractionofactiveLandMdwarfs,showingthetransi- past the pp-chain fusion limit into the category of giant tionfromalowtohighactivityforstarslessmassivethanspec- planets [40], with those objects potentially remaining ac- traltypeM4[Adaptedfromdatain40].Theredlinedenotesthe tivefortheirlifetimes. Moreover,asseeninFigure6,the meanvalueandtheblueboxesshowtherangeofuncertainty. fractionofspectral-typeLandMdwarfsthatareactivein Hαdropsfromapeakvalueofabout85%atspectral-type inbuildingboththedifferentialrotationandthemagnetic M9toabout2%atspectraltypeM0. field. In particular, there appears to be a change in the slopeofthedecreaseofX-rayemissionwithrotationpe- Atrend thatislikelyrelated canalsobeseen inopen riod,from1.7to2.5betweentheFandK-typestars. This cluster data, wherein the variance in the distribution of may indicate that the K-type stars have the most efficient the rotation rate for stars in the cluster decreases with conversion of kinetic to magnetic energy. An interesting time [25]. For stars with masses between about 0.3 and feature of stars about the mass of the Sun, namely the 1.3 solar masses that are evolving along the main se- G and F-type stars, is that there seems to be a regime of quence, the rotation-rate distribution slowly transits from super-saturation with the X-ray luminosity decreasing at anearlyuniformdistributiontoatightdistributionabouta the rates of greatest rotation, which is a topic of ongoing mean value. However, if the stars’ masses fall below the research. What is also evident from all of these obser- fully-convective threshold value, the distribution of rota- vationsisthattheSun,whilethoughtofasamagnetically tion rates appears to remain nearly uniform. This picture activeandrobustlyinfluentialobject,isinfacthundredsof oflong-termactivityremainingevenifthestarspinsdown timeslessactiveinbothchromosphericandcoronalprox- islargelyconsistentwithobservationsbothinX-ray,Hα, iesthansomeofitsmorerapidlyrotatingbrethren,which andCaIIspectralbands. serves to accentuate the overwhelming activity that must bepresentatthesurfacesoftheseotherstars. Hence, for these three observational measures of ro- tation rate, activity fraction, and activity lifetime, the be- 4 Tiny Stars with Strong Magnetic Fields, havioral transition occurs over a specific range of stellar mass. In particular, it occurs where main-sequence stars and the Influence of a Tachocline shiftfromhavingaconvectiveenvelopetobeingfullycon- IntheSun,thetachoclineisasiteofstrongradialshearre- vective. Furthermore, suchatransitionmaydemarkare- vealedbyhelioseismology,whichisamatchinglayerbe- gionwhereatachoclinehasadecreasinginfluenceonthe tweenthedifferentiallyrotatingouterconvectionzoneand star’smagneticandrotationalevolution,giventhatthera- an interior rotating as a solid body (see Figure 1). Other diusoftheconvectively-stableradiativeinteriordecreases stars with a radiative interior may also have a tachocline. forlowermasses. In an interface-type dynamo, the tachocline is thought to play a major role in the overall dynamo action. Such a Stitching these pieces together hints at a question: it layer below the convection zone can store and, through appears that stars with a tachocline, or at least with a ra- theradialdifferentialrotation,combsmall-scalemagnetic diative interior, spin down more rapidly than their fully- field into a larger toroidal structure. When the magnetic convective counter parts, so is the spin-down related to field strength is sufficiently large, this field can become the internal dynamo? When comparing these two kinds buoyant and thus could provide the seed magnetic field of stars, the fully-convective stars tend to have stronger fortheconvectivedynamointheexteriorconvectionzone magneticfieldswithsimplergeometry[44,45]. Theyare [41,42]. alsomorerapidlyrotating. Thisallshouldleadtoamore WhatispossiblymoreremarkableintheX-raydatais fiercewindandstrongerangularmomentumloss[46]. So, the transition between stars that possess a radiative core why is it that these stars remain active so long and retain and those that are fully convective (Figure 5(b)). Indeed, much of their zero-age main-sequence angular velocity? most of the stars in our galaxy are less massive than our It may be that the presence of a stable region is a criti- Sun, with more than half of all stars being M-dwarfs. calcomponentinthedynamothatinherentlydrivesthese ThesearestarsthatarelessthanhalfthemassoftheSun stars’magneticactivityandhenceimpactstheirrotational and thus between tens and thousands of times less lumi- history. Yetpreciselyhowasucharegioncouldinfluence nous than it. These low-mass stars had been believed to bothofthesefacetsofstellarevolutionisunclear. 5 Prandtl Numbers and Large and Small-scale Dynamos Apowerfultoolcurrentlyavailableinmoderndynamothe- oryis3Dnumericalsimulations. Indirectnumericalsim- ulations (DNS), all the turbulent processes are fully cap- tured, from the driving scale to the diffusion scales. Al- though these simulations are typically far removed from thelengthscalesimportanttoastrophysicalprocesses,they can shed light on the small-scale dynamics that strongly influence the transport properties of the larger-scale sys- tem.Theaimofthesesimulationsisusuallytotrytomake contact with theoretical predictions of turbulent spectra, suchastheKolmogorovscaling. However,aswithlarge- eddysimulations(LES)thatparameterizethesmall-scale physics,theyarelimitedbycomputationalresourcesinob- taining ever larger resolution and are constrained in their ability to run large suites of simulations that accurately probelargeswathsofparameterspace. There are many approaches to these problems: some that are true DNS in the sense that a particular physical system with its empirically determined diffusion coeffi- cientsaresimulated,somethatutilizeotherdiffusiveoper- Figure7. Asketchofenergyspectraforlowandhigh-Pmdy- ators,andstillothersthatemployonlyanimplicitnumer- namoswithwavenumberk. (a)Saturationphaseofthehigh-Pm ical diffusion. The first method assumes that the number dynamo,withkineticenergyinblueandmagneticenergyinred. of atoms within a grid cell is still large enough that the (b)Saturationphaseofthelow-Pmdynamo. Herek isthedriv- diffusion approximation to the collisional interactions is ing scale, k the viscous dissipation scale, and k t0he magnetic ν η valid,whereasthelastassumeseffectivelythesamething energydissipationscale. butwithanumericallydefineddiffusioncoefficient. This numerical diffusion could be considered a running cou- plingconstantunderthenomenclatureofrenormalization areroughlysimilar,withalowPmthroughoutthebulkof theory. The same can be said for LES schemes that ex- theirdomains. Higher-mass,main-sequencestars,incon- plicitlyandartificiallyincreasetheleveloftheLaplacian trast,haverelativelylargemolecularvaluesofPmranging diffusion in the system. Thus there is some connection fromabout10throughouttheconvectivecoreandremain- between these twoschemes, though it maynot be simple ing nearly unity until the near-surface region is reached due to the anistropropies that are often present in LES of at which point it drops to about 10−2. So, the convective global-scaleflows. coresofmassivestarsandtheconvectiveenvelopesoflow For simulations retaining the diffusion approximation mass stars represent very different dynamo regimes with to collisional interactions, there are two dynamo regimes respect to the scales possessing the greatest magnetic en- oneoflowmagneticPrandtlnumber(Pm)andanotherof ergy. large Pm. Theoretically, one should expect that at large Atsmallscales, the Pmparameterregimeshavebeen Pm the magnetic Reynolds number is much greater than studied extensively with numerical simulations. The pri- that of the fluid Reynolds number, which leads to the mary results of these simulations are that, at large mag- lengthscalesofthemagneticfieldbeingsmallerthanthat netic Prandtl number, the magnetic field generation is of of the velocity field. At low Pm, the expectation should the stretch-twist-fold variety where its structures are of a betheoppositethatthegeneratedmagneticfieldsroughly smallerscalethantheviscousdissipationscale[e.g.,48]. tendtobeoflargerscalethanthevelocityfield. Thisdoes OntheothersideofthePrandtlnumbercoin,thelow Pm not preclude smaller scale intermittent fields for the low- regimehasthestretch-twist-reconnectmechanism,where Pmregimeorviceversafortheconverse,ratheritismore the flows act similar to the large Pm regime, but instead astatementaboutwhichcomponentsofthemagneticfield of the flows dissipating and the magnetic field folding containthemostenergy: thelarge-scalesforlow-Pmdy- on itself, the magnetic field dissipates leading to recon- namosandthesmall-scalesforhigh-Pmdynamos. Using nection [e.g., 49, 50]. These two dynamo regimes are theBraginskiidefinitionsoftheviscousandmagneticdif- sketched in Figure 7, showing the saturated phase of the fusivities [47] and stellar models, one can determine the dynamo. While such simulations are instructive for cre- ranges of magnetic Prandtl numbers within a star. For ating subgrid-scale models and understanding the small- dynamos in stars with convective exteriors, the low-Pm scalephysics,theylackadirectconnectiontotheglobal- regime is of greatest interest. Using the Sun as an exam- scalephenomenathataremoredirectlyobservableforas- ple, the molecular Pm ranges between about 10−1 in the trophysicalobjects. coretoroughly10−6 atthephotosphere,decreasingexpo- Likewise, there are many well-studied analytical or nentiallytowardit. Otherlow-mass, main-sequencestars semi-analyticallarge-scaledynamos,forinstanceconsider thoseof[51],[52],[53],and[54]. Thesedynamosgener- AveragePrandtlnumbers 2 atemagneticfieldsthathavespatialscalesgreaterthanthe velocity scales producing them. The Sun and the Earth, 0 amongmanyotherastrophysicalobjects,seemtopossess Convective global-scale fields and as such they are likely large-scale m Envelope ConvectiveCore P dynamos with a cascade of energy moving from small- g10 −2 log10Pr o scaleturbulencetolarge-scalemagneticfields. Forstellar r,l log10Pm and planetary dynamos, the mechanisms building large- P 4 scale field is directly linked to their rotation. In these og10 − l global-scale dynamos, one manner in which the rotation 6 − is crucial is that the Coriolis force induces a net kinetic helicity in the small-scale turbulent flows. Correlations 8 − 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 between the fluctuating velocity components of the tur- − − − log M/M bulence consequently yield Reynolds stresses that act to 10 (cid:12) maintain the bulk differential rotation through an inverse Figure8. ThethermalPrandtlnumber Pr (blue)andmagnetic cascade of kinetic helicity and energy. This inverse cas- cade is thus the indirect source of the differential rota- PrandtlnumberPm(red)forstarswithmassesbetween0.03and 100 M . The convective region being averaged is the core for tionthatfuelsthegenerationoftoroidalfield,whereasdi- (cid:12) starsaboveabout1M ,andiseithertheconvectiveenvelopefor (cid:12) rect action of the convection is largely to transform this starsbelowabout1M orfullstarforstarsbelow0.3M . toroidalfieldintopoloidalfieldasinanα-effect. Thusthe (cid:12) (cid:12) structureoftheconvectionandthedifferentialrotationthat Inmostcases,theradiativediffusivityisseveralordersof it supports is key to the overall nature of the global-scale magnitudelargerthantheelectronconductivity,soitdom- stellardynamo. inatesthethermalPrandtlnumber. Iftheentirespectrumoftheconvectivedynamoandits This prescription for the Prandtl numbers has been associateddynamicsisresolved,thedissipationoftheen- applied to MESA models of stars on the zero-age main- ergyinjectedintothesystemisgovernedbythemolecular sequence in the mass range between 0.03 and 100 M as valuesofthediffusivities. UsingBraginskiiplasmadiffu- (cid:12) shown in Figure (8). There, it is clear that all stars fall sivitiesforasolar-likemetallicity[47]andasetofMESA intothelowthermalPrandtlnumberregime,whereasone stellar models to obtain the density and temperature pro- canfindtworegimesofmagneticPrandtlnumber. Thisis files [55], one can define the average expected molecular directlyrelatedtowheretheconvectiveregionislocated. magnetic Prandtl number in either the convective core of For massive stars with convective cores, the temperature amassivestarortheconvectiveenvelopeofalowermass anddensityaveragedovertheconvectivevolumearequite star. Tobespecific,theequationsofinterestare high when compared to lower-mass stars with a convec- tive envelope. Such a high temperature leads to a large T5/2 ν=3.210−5 e , (1) magneticPrandtlnumber. Thisimpliesthattherecouldbe ρΛ two fundamentally different kinds of convective dynamo T5/2 actioninlow-massversushigh-massstars. κ =1.810−6 e , (2) cond ρΛ η=1.2106ΛT−3/2, (3) e where ν is the kinematic viscosity, η is the magnetic dif- 6 Solar-like Stars and Their Cycles fusivity,κ istheelectronthermaldiffusivity,κ isthe cond rad radiative thermal diffusivity, Te is the electron tempera- Fromtheperspectiveofdynamotheory, lowermassstars ture in electron volts, and Λ is the Coulomb logarithm. fall into the category of large-scale low-Pm dynamos. ThesewerecomputedassumingtheconditionsofaMHD Nearlyallsuchstarsareobservedtorotatetosomedegree plasma. Inparticular, it isassumedthatchargeneutrality andtohavesurfacemagneticactivity,asdiscussedabove. holds and that the temperatures are not excessively high, Moreover,forsufficientlymassivestars,theyarelikelyto so the Coulomb logarithm is well-defined. Moreover, in supportatachoclinethatseparatestheirconvectiveregions thecharge-neutralregime,themagneticdiffusivityisden- fromthestableradiativezonebelow. Simulationsofsuch sityindependentbecausetheelectroncollisiontimescales starshavebeguntoshowhowthetachoclinecaninfluence as the inverse power of ion density and the conductivity thedynamoinwaysthatgobeyondtheoriginalideaofthe is proportional to the electron density times the electron interface-typedynamosuchasthoseof[64]and[42]. collision time. So, one can find that the thermal Prandtl Havingexaminedsomeofthebasicprinciplesofhow numberPrandmagneticPrandtlnumberPmscaleas differentialrotationisbuiltandmaintainedandexamined how accurately global-scale models can capture such hy- ν Pr= , (4) drodynamics, the topic of global-scale dynamo simula- (κ +κ ) cond rad tions in a solar setting must be addressed. To date, sev- Pm=2.710−11 Te4 . (5) eral different numerical models of solar convective dy- ρΛ2 namos have achieved cyclical polarity reversals, whether ��� �� �� ��� �� �� ��� �� ���� � � � ̀��̀ ̀��̀ ̀��̀ Ȁ Ȁ Ȁ ��� �� �� ��� �� ���� ��� �� ���� � � � ̀��̀ ̀��̀ ̀��̀ Ȁ Ȁ Ȁ ��� �� �� ��� �� �� ��� �� ����� � � � ̀��̀ ̀��̀ ̀��̀ Ȁ Ȁ Ȁ Figure9. Modern3-Dglobal-scaleconvectivedynamosimulations,showingsnapshotsoftheirtoroidalmagneticfieldsinMollweide projection.TheeffectivemagneticPrandtlnumber(Pm)androtationrateΩofeachsimulationisindicated.(a)Firstdynamosimulation usingASH[56]. (b)ASHsimulationwithatachocline[57]. (c)Large-scale,persistenttoroidalstructuresdubbedwreathsmaintained amidstmoderatelyturbulentconvectionatlowerPm[58].(d)EULAGsolutionwithregulardecadal-time-scalemagneticreversals[59]. (e)ASHsimulationwithquasi-periodicreversals[60]. (f)Recentcontinuationof(c)withlowerdiffusionandhigherresolution. The greaterlevelsofturbulencepermitsquasi-periodiccyclestoemerge[61]. (g)CyclicdynamosolutionwiththePencilcode,showing wreathformationinasphericalsegment[62]. (h)EULAGsolutionrotatingat3Ω ,forcomparisonwith(c),(f),and(i)atthesame (cid:12) rotationrate[63].(i)Recentsimulationusingslope-limiteddiffusioninASHexhibitingveryregularcycles.Typicaltoroidalmagnetic fieldstrengthsarebetween1and10kGinthesesimulations,withsenseoffieldssuggestedbycolor. ornotatachoclineispresent. Inallcasesofsuchcycling todiffusion),Taylornumber(ratiooftheCoriolisforceto global-scaledynamos,theinteractionofconvection,rota- viscous diffusion), and thermal Prandtl number (ratio of tion,andmagnetismarecrucialingredients. Though,pre- viscoustothermaldiffusion),thereisapeakdynamoeffi- cisely how the mechanisms are arranged so that a solar- ciency with Pm ∼ 1. For Pm below unity, the efficiency like differential rotation can be maintained, and simulta- reachedaplateauandforthosecaseswithPmaboveunity neously yield a large-scale, periodic dynamo, has yet to itdecreased. be ascertained. Indeed, how the multiply-scaled convec- Yetthemismatchbetweenthoseearlysimulationsand tionofathermallydrivensystem, liketheSun, sempiter- helioseismic inferences effectively ended that line of in- nallymaintainsaglobal-scalekinetichelicityandsustains vestigation for about 15 years. A similar approach to the massively disparate scales of the Sun’s magnetism is simulating global-scale dynamos was, however, restarted seeminglyamystery. roughlyaround2004withtheinclusionofmagneticfields The earliest attempts to address these issues with intotheanelasticsphericalharmonic(ASH)code(see[56] global-scale solar dynamo simulations were those of for instance). These 21st century global-scale convective GilmanandGlatzmaier,whousedananelasticandspheri- solar dynamo simulations were carried out at moderate calharmonicbasedspectralcodetosimulatethedynamics Pm, ranging between 2 and 4. Hence it was much more [65] rather than the finite difference Boussinesq scheme difficultforalarge-scaledynamototakehold. Inkeeping of[66]. Aseriesofsimulationswerelaidoutin[67]that withthatnotion,thefluctuatingfieldsdominatedthemag- aimedatassessinghowvaryingthemagneticPrandtlnum- neticenergy, accountingformostoftheback-reactionon ber Pmandtherotationratemodifiedthecharacterofthe theflowviaLorentzforces,whereasthemeanfieldswere resulting dynamo. In general, it wasfound that magnetic relatively weak. There were also no hints of periodic re- cycles are a common feature, provided that there is suffi- versalsordynamowavebehavior. Againasexpectedwith cientenergyinthebulktoroidalfieldsandthattheLorentz a large Pm dynamo, the magnetic fields exhibit a com- forcefeedbackontheestablisheddifferentialrotationwas plex and small-scale spatial structure and highly-variable not too large. Moreover, Gilman also noted that there timeevolution. Theradialmagneticfieldissweptintothe is little preference for symmetry or anti-symmetry about downflow lanes, being stretched and folded there before the equator and that the toroidal bands of magnetic field reachingtheresistivescaleandreconnecting. Thetoroidal tended to propagate toward the poles. It was also found fields are organized into somewhat larger scales near the that,forafixedRayleighnumber(ratioofthermaldriving equator appearing as twisted ribbons, whereas they form ��� ��� Figure10.(a)Asketchofpossibledynamoregimeswithrotationrateandelectricalconductivity,illustratingthecyclingandpersistent dynamoregimesaswellasthosewithoutsustaineddynamoaction[adaptedfrom[67]]. (b)Asetofnumericaldynamoexperiments carriedoutwithvaryingPrandtlnumbersandrotationrates,exhibitingmanyofthebehaviorspredictedin[67]andsomethatwerenot, particularlyatlowrotationrate[adaptedfrom[68]]. smaller scales at higher latitudes (Figure 9a). In [56], it has shown that solutions with very regular cycles can be wasalsofoundthattheconvectionmaintainedasolar-like achieved within its implicit large eddy simulation (ILES) angular velocity profile despite the influence of Maxwell framework. Third, the Pencil code that simulates com- stresses,whichtendtoextractenergyfromthedifferential pressiveconvectionhasalsofoundcyclicalsolutionswith rotation and thus reduce its contrast throughout the con- large-scale toroidal field structures within its spherical vectionzone. wedgegeometry. Thenextlogicalstepwastoincludeastableregionand Thefirst3Dnonlinearconvectivedynamosimulation, toemulateatachoclineinordertoassessitsimpactupon beyond those of Gilman and Glatzmaier in the 1980s, the global-scale dynamo [57]. Both this simulation and thatindicatedthatsustainedlarge-scaletoroidalmagnetic that of [56] were fairly laminar with respect to the scales field structures could be built within the solar convection presentinthevelocityfield. Thedynamoactionachieved zonewaspresentedin[58]. Asnapshotofthissolution’s intheconvectionzoneofthissimulationisalsoquitesim- toroidalmagneticfieldisshowninFigure9canditsevo- ilartotheearliercalculationof[56],thoughwithaneven lution is shown in Figure 12a. The persistence of such larger Pm. Thus, as one might expect the scales of mag- structureshadpreviouslybeenthoughtimpossible,asone netism become much smaller than the scales of the con- might expect that the highly turbulent convection should vection(Figure9b),withthebulkofthemagneticenergy rapidlyeviscerateit,transportingthemagneticfluxtothe appearinginthefluctuatingmagneticfieldsandverylittle boundariesofthedomain. Whatseparatedthissimulation in the mean fields within the convection zone. The ma- from those undertaken a few years earlier was its higher jor difference between the dynamo action present in this rotationrate(orlowerRossbynumber)anditslower Pm, simulation,ascomparedtothat[56],isthatthestablere- being about 16 times smaller. The salient point that this gionprovidedareservoirforstoringmagneticenergyand simulation brings forth was that the rate of generation of the tachocline may have provided a means of generation magnetic field through the mean shear of the differential oflarge-scalemagneticfield. Indeed,withinthestablere- rotationcouldoverpowertherateofitsdestructionbycon- gion,large-scalefieldswereabletopersist,withthemajor- vection and dissipation. Indeed, the convection instead ityoftheenergybeinginthemeanmagneticfields. How- acts to sustain the differential rotation through Reynolds ever,therewasasyetnolarge-scalestructurethatmightbe stresses, which indirectly aids in the generation of the abletoappearatthesurface(i.e.nomagneticallybuoyant toroidal fields. The convection then in turn converts the structures)norwerethereanycyclicalpolarityreversals. toroidal field into poloidal field, creating a positive feed- Rapidprogressoverthelastfouryearshaveconfirmed back loop that sustains the wreaths against resistive de- the role that convection and rotation likely play in stellar cay. Although this simulation hinted that perhaps fields dynamo action through global-scale dynamo simulations could be sustained within the solar convection zone, it as well as suggested additional mechanisms that may be still did not have cyclical behavior. Furthermore, it was presentinthesolardynamo. Severalresearchteamshave stillquitelaminar,sotheabilitytosustainsuchlarge-scale concurrently made inroads into solar dynamo theory uti- magneticfieldstructuresatgreaterlevelsofturbulenceand lizingthreedistinctnumericaltechniques,butnonetheless increasedcomplexityofthevelocityfieldwasstillinques- realizing similar dynamo action. The Anelastic Spher- tion. ical Harmonic (ASH) code has provided a framework That question was partly answered in concurrent dy- forconstructingandunderstandingthedynamosthatpro- namo calculations utilizing the EULAG code. The ILES duceandsustaincoherenttoroidalfieldsexhibitingquasi- implementation of this code allows it to minimize the cyclicbehavior. TheEulerian-Lagrangian(EULAG)code impacts of diffusion and achieve more complex velocity ��� ��� ̀ ���� ������� ������� ����ଏ�� ����ଏ�� ���� � ��ଏ�� ��� � �������� ��������������������� ���� ����� ̀ ���� Figure11.(a)AsketchoftheprocessesleadingtomagneticloopformationinASHsimulationswithdynamicSmagorinski:downflows pinthefootpointsoftheloops,shearbetweentheupflowanddownflowbuildsalargemagneticdiffusivitygradientattheedgeofthe loopleadingtodiamagneticinductionthatbuildsradialfieldofthecorrectsign,whileadvectionandbuoyancylifttheinnersectionof thetoroidalfield.(b)TwomagneticloopsachievedinanASHsimulationutilizingadynamicSmagorinskischemeshowninafieldline rendering[adaptedfrom[69]]. and magnetic fields at a given resolution than ASH can however, Lorentz-force feedback quenches both the con- achieve. The solar dynamo modeled with this compu- vectionanddifferentialrotation. Similarly,astherotation tational framework exhibited many multi-decadal cycles rate is increased, cycles become more likely to a point of roughly 40 years that were quite regular and persisted and then past this threshold they become less likely due forroughly500yearsofevolutiondespitethefairlycom- to the rotational suppression of convection. Yet another plex flow fields permitted by the low numerical diffusion set of simulations that sought to determine the influence [59, 70]. A snapshot of the toroidal magnetic field from of the density scale height and convective driving has re- this simulation is shown Figure 9d and its character in cently been carried out that finds distinct transitions be- timeandlatitudeisillustratedinFigure12e.Theturbulent tweendipolarity,multi-polarity,andcyclicdynamos[71], EMF in these simulations is more amenable to a mean- though in less of a solar context. Indeed, they found that fieldtheorydescriptionthantheearlierASHsimulations, theiranelasticdynamomodelsproducedabroadrangeof whichmayinpartbeduetothegreatercomplexityofthe magneticfieldgeometries,withdipolarconfigurationsfor velocity field. Part of the reason for the greater agree- theleaststratifiedandmostrapidlyrotatingandagradual ment between these dynamos and mean-field theory may transition to multipolar configurations if either the strat- lieinthesimpleargumentthatasthenumberofconvective ification or the rotation rate was increased. As the den- cellsbecomesincreasinglylargetheaveragepoloidalmag- sity stratification is increased the convective columns in neticfieldgenerationmayapproachameanvalue. Sucha their simulations become increasingly concentrated in a characteristicmightbeexpectediftheaveragingoperator thin boundary layer near the upper boundary and at low obeysthecentrallimittheorem,oriftheargumentsgiven latitudes. Such patterns of convection tended to be non- in[51]hold. axisymmetric solutions. Furthermore, in multipolar solu- tions, zonal flows became more significant and led to the FurtherexplorationoftherotationrateandPmparam- productionoftoroidalfieldthroughtheΩ-effect. Inthose eter space using the ASH code continued apace, with a cases, dynamo waves seemed to then play an important quasi-periodiccyclingdynamosolutionpublishedin[60] role,leadingtopolarityreversingdynamos. andamultitudeofsolutionsexploredin[68]. Thetoroidal fields of the cycling solution are shown in Figure 9, ex- Continuing the rapid pace in solar dynamo model- hibiting the high degree of longitudinal connectivity that ing and under the assumptions of dynamic Smagorinski, canbeachievedwithinalow-Pmglobal-scaledynamoand mildly buoyant magnetic structures have been realized in alsolendingcredencetotheirmonikerofwreaths. These a cycling dynamo simulation [Figure 11; 61, 69]. In this fieldsformatorneartheregionsofthegreatestlatitudinal fortuitous simulation, the dynamic Smagorinski diffusion shear in the differential rotation, which is why they tend permitsagreaterdegreeofturbulencethancanbeachieved tobegeneratedclosertotheequator. Suchcharacteristics intheeddyviscositymodel. Ithelpstoestablishapattern canbeseeninseveral ofthedynamosolutionsfrom[68] ofquasi-buoyantmagneticstructuresthatformwithinthe asshowninFigures12a–d. Thedynamobehaviorsexhib- convectionzone,whichisincontrasttothecommonwis- ited within the menagerie of simulations in this latter pa- dom that they could only form in the tachocline as sug- per seem to roughly correspond to the regimes described gested in [42]. Regardless of how these structures come in [67], as is illustrated in Figure 10. The Gilman pic- about,theytendtohavestatisticsstrikinglysimilartothe ture suggests that, as the magnetic diffusivity is reduced, statisticsofsolarobservationsregardingJoy’sandHale’s dynamo action becomes increasingly likely and that cy- laws[72]. Thesemagneticstructuresarisefromthestruc- clesbecomemorelikelyoverasmallregion. Eventually, ture of the flow field, natural buoyancy, and partly from

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