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Dynamics of Quark Gluon Plasma and Interference of Thermal Photons Dinesh K. Srivastava1,∗ Rupa Chatterjee1,2, and Somnath De1 1 1Variable Energy cyclotron Centre, 1/AF, 1 Bidhan Nagar, Kolkata-700064, India and 0 2Department of Physics, University of Jyva¨skula¨, PO Box 35 (YFL), FI-40014, Finland 2 The quantum statistical interference between identical particles emitted from a com- n pletelychaoticsourceisexpectedtoprovidevaluableinputforthespacetimedescription a J of the system. Intensity interferometry of thermal photons produced in heavy ion col- lisions is a very promising tool to explore the structure and dynamics of the collision 5 fireball. ThermalphotonshavingKT ≤ 2GeV/cget competingcontributionfrom both hadronic and quark matter phases and this competition gives rise to a rich structure in ] h theoutwardcorrelationfunction,owingtotheinterferencebetweenthephotonsfromthe t two sources. The temporal separation between the two sources provides the lifetime of - l the system and the correlation results are found to be sensitive to quark hadron phase c transition temperature and the formation time of the plasma. The outward correlation u functionstronglydependsontheequationofstateofthestronglyinteractingmatterand n isseentoclearlydistinguishbetweenthelatticebasedandbagmodelequationsofstate. [ 1 v I. INTRODUCTION smaller separation in space time as well at 7 smallerrelativemomentum,providesthemost 3 directtoolto get spatio-temporalinformation The primary motivation of the relativistic 9 of the system [7]. heavy ion collision studies is to investigate 0 . the properties of a deconfined strongly inter- In 1950s’, Robert Hanbury Brown and 1 acting matter, Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP) RichardQ.Twissmeasuredtheangularsizeof 0 produced in the collisions. The observation adistantstarbyutilizingthemethodofinten- 1 1 of elliptic flow [1, 2], jet quenching [3, 4], sity interferometry for the very first time [8]. : and the success of parton recombination [5] Theoretically the photon bunching was first v as a model for hadronizationat the Relativis- explained by Purcell [9], in one of the key ex- i X tic Heavy IonCollider (RHIC) have advanced periments of quantum optics. In 1959 Gold- r ourunderstanding ofthis hotanddense novel haber et al. [10] observed an unexpected an- a state of matter (Fig. 1). The evolution of the gular correlation among identical pions while system produced in the collision is explained studyingthe ρ0 resonance,whichwasthe first quite successfully using the powerful method observationof intensity correlationin particle ofhydrodynamics[6]. However,numerousim- physics. Very soon it was realized that the portant questions like; how quickly (if at all) correlations of identical particles emitted by does the plasma thermalize, what is the life highly excited sources are sensitive not only time of the system, if there is a phase transi- to the size of the system, but also to its life- tion or not, are still to be addressed. time and the momentum dependent correla- Thesmallsize(∼fm)andtransient(∼fm/c) tion function contains information about the nature of the collision fireball make it ex- dynamics [11] of the system produced in the tremely difficult to obtain space time infor- collisions. mation of the system. Correlation between The heavy ion community often uses the two final state particles which is stronger for term HBT in reference to the original work of Hanbury Brown and Twiss for any analy- sis related to the spatio-temporal aspects of the particle emitting source. Several interest- ∗Electronicaddress: [email protected] ing theoretical works on correlation study in )(pv2t000...0111.6241 200 ΛπpKG+ e+S0+ +V p :Λ πσ-/σgeo 0-80% -2dy) (GeV/c)11010-1 Thermal photDSDSJo.....AnRTdKls’ua.aES:rsm nbrAaiti vdeneuaeret+r s naieAat alt.e-u vDaTt a →l.a0.P. lT=. Te γ0T 0+r3 e0=X=0 s= 03s4 [ o755M0u080-en1 0-MV-k0 6Mo%,e0 τ.Ve 00 TcV=, 0Mτe0, 0 τn=.=e50t V0= 5rf.a0,m93 τl.030]1/c = 7Mf0m fe.m2/Vc /f,cm τ0/=c0.15 fm/c 0.08 Cascade 2π dpT10-2 PPrHoEmNpItX γ :A NuL+OAu p [Q0C-1D0 %× TcAeAn[t0ra-1l]0%] 0.06 N/(10-3 2d 0.04 10-4 0.02 Hydro curves Huovinen 10-5 0 TC = 165 MeV, Tf = 130 MeV -0.02 10-6 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 p [GeV/c] 10-7 t 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PPHHEENNIIXX AAuu++AAuu ((cceennttrraall ccoolllliissiioonnss)):: pT (GeV/c) RAA10 DπηDπη00iirreecctt γγ FIG. 2: Thermal photon predictions for central GGLLVV ppaarrttoonn eenneerrggyy lloossss ((ddNNgg//ddyy == 11110000)) Au+Aureactions at RHICcomputedwith differ- ent hydrodynamical and dynamical fireball mod- 1 els along PHENIX experimental data [17]. 10−1 II. INTENSITY INTERFEROMETRY 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 OF PHOTONS p (GeV/c) T (a) π++π- (PHENIX) p+p (PHENIX) (b) 0.1 KK+S0+ (KS-T (APRH)ENIX) ΞΛ-++ΛΞ +( S(STTAARR)) theErlmecotmroemteargnoeftitcheramdieadtiiuomn,, khnaoswlonngasbethene considered as one of the most promising and nq efficient probes for the hot and dense state /v20.05 ofmatterproducedinthe relativistic collision of heavy nuclei [17]. Intensity interferometry withidenticalhadronsorlightnucleihasbeen animportanttooltolearnaboutthedynamics 00 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 of the subatomic or nuclear collisions. How- pT/nq (GeV/c) KET/nq (GeV) ever,thehadronssufferfinalstateinteractions and their correlations mainly carry informa- FIG. 1: Elliptic flow (upper panel) [14], jet tion aboutthe late dilute stageof the system. quenching(middle panel) [15], and thesuccess of parton recombination as a model for hadroniza- Photons on the other hand, decouple from tion(lowerpanel)[16]attheRHIChaveadvanced the system immediately after their creation, our understanding of the hot and dense medium suffering negligible re-scatterings with the produced in relativistic heavy ion collisions. medium (α ≪ α ), and carry undistorted s information about the circumstances of their production to the detector. Obtaining direct information about the earliest hot and dense stageofthesystembystudyinglargeK pho- T heavyioncollisionswerereportedin1970s’by tons is very promising. A large production Shuryak [12], Gyulassy et al. [13] and many of photons having very high transverse mo- others. Other important contributions in the menta is expected from the pre-equilibrium eighties include parametrization of the source stage,andsome additionalsourcesofphotons function and a more detailed analysis of the havealsobeenproposedrecently[18,19]. The role of final state interactions in the system major problem of-course arises from the mea- (see review article [7] for detail). ger emission of direct photons compared to thehugebackgroundofdecayphotons(mostly of photons, EdN/d4xd3k from the quark and from π0 and η mesons) produced in the colli- hadronic matter phases produced in the col- sions. Of late, there have also been tremen- lisions and the correlation function C(q,K) dous advancesinmethods foridentificationof is decomposed in terms of the outward, side- single photons [20]. ward,andlongitudinalmomentumdifferences; The theory of the intensity interferometry qo, qs and qℓ respectively. One can write the of photons from relativistic heavy ion colli- four-momentum of the ith photon in-terms of sions has been pursued in considerable detail transverse momentum k , rapidity y, and az- T byseveralauthors[21–23]inlasttwodecades. imuthal angle ψ as, These studies further refined the early ex- pectations of photon as powerful tool to get ki =(kiT cosψi,kiT sinψi,kiT sinh yi), (2) spatio-temporal aspects of the fireball evolu- tion. In a recent study by Frodermann and andthethreemomentumdifferencesqo,qsand Heinz [24], the details of angular dependent qℓ are of the form: intensity correlation of thermal photons from qT·KT non-central collision of heavy nuclei as well qo = K the dual nature of thermal photon emission T resulting from the superposition of QGP and = (k12T −k22T) hadronresonancegasphotonproductionhave pk12T +k22T +2k1Tk2T cos(ψ1−ψ2) been highlighted. (cid:12) KT(cid:12) It is generally felt that the experimental qs = (cid:12)qT−qo (cid:12) (cid:12) K (cid:12) efforts for these studies have a larger likeli- (cid:12) T (cid:12) hood of success at RHIC and LHC energies 2k1Tk2Tp1−cos2(ψ1−ψ2) = bpleacsamusaeaonfdlaarglaerrgeinsituipaplrteesmsiopneraotfuprieonosf dtuhee pk12T +k22T +2k1Tk2T cos(ψ1−ψ2) to jet-quenching. qℓ = k1z −k2z Till date only one measurement of photon = k1T sinhy1−k2T sinhy2. (3) intensity correlation at very low transverse The radii corresponding to these momentum momentum K has been reported by WA98 T differencesareobtainedbyapproximatingthe collaboration for central collision of lead nu- correlationfunction to Gaussianparametriza- clei at CERN SPS [25]. tion as; 1 2 2 2 2 A. Formulation C(qo,qs,qℓ)=1+ exp(cid:2)−(cid:0)qoRo+qsRs 2 2 2 + q R (cid:1)(cid:3).(4) The spin averaged intensity correlation be- ℓ ℓ tween two photons with momenta k1 and k2, The root mean square momentum difference emitted from a completely chaotic source can hq2i and the radii are obtained as, be expressed in terms of the space-time emis- i sion function S(x,K) as [21, 26]: 2 hq2i = R (C−1)qi dqi, (5) 1 (cid:12)R d4xS(x,K)eix·q(cid:12)2 i R (C−1)dqi C(q,K)=1+ (cid:12) (cid:12) 2R d4xS(x,k1) R d4xS(x,k2) (1) 2 1 R = . (6) wheretheobtainedcorrelationisafunctionof i 2hq2i i the relative q(= k1 − k2) and average mo- menta K(= (k1 + k2)/2) of the two pho- Itistobenotedthatthe1/[2hqi2i]1/2 becomes tons. The space-time emission function S is ausefulmeasurewhenthecorrelationfunction often approximated as the rate of production has a more complex nature. 1.6 is assumed that a thermally and chemically Au+Au@RHIC, γγ Intensity Correlation Thermal Photons, k =1.95 GeV/c equilibrated plasma is formed at a very small 1.4 y1=y2=0, ψ1=ψ2=0, q1Ts=ql=0 initial time τ0 (0.2 fm/c for RHIC and 0.1 q sum (QM+HM) fm/cforLHC).Anisentropicexpansionofthe 1.2 o (only) QM; 1 + 0.5 |ρi,Q|2 plasmaisconsideredwheretheinitialtemper- (only) HM, 1 + 0.5 |ρ |2 i,H ature T0 is obtained from the relations, 1.0 y1=y2=0, k1T=k2T, qo=ql=0 2π4 1 dN =4aT03τ0, (7) 1.4 |ρi,Q| = IQ exp[ - 0.5 (qiRi,Q)2] 45ζ(3)AT dy C q |ρ | = I exp[ - 0.5 (qR )2] s i,H H i i,H here A is the transverse area of the sys- 1.2 sum ~ 1 + 0.5 [|ρi,Q|2 + |ρi,H|2 + T 2 |ρ | |ρ | cos(q∆R)] tem, dN/dy is the particle rapidity density, i,Q i,H i and a = 42.25π2/90 for a plasma of mass- 1.0 less quarks and gluons. The initial energy ψ=ψ=0, k =k , q=q=0 1 2 1T 2T o s density is estimated by combining 25% con- 1.4 tributionfrombinarycollisionsand75%from q l number of wounded nucleons. The bag model 1.2 equation of state is considered for the sys- tem evolution where a first order phase tran- 1.0 sition takes place at a temperature of about 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 q (GeV/c) 180 MeV and the freeeze-out temperature is i takenas100MeV.Therelevanthydrodynamic FIG. 3: Outward (top panel), sideward (middle equations are solved under the assumption of panel), and the longitudinal (lower panel) corre- boost invariant longitudinal and azimuthally lation functions for thermal photons produced in symmetrictransverseexpansionusingthepro- central collision of gold nuclei at RHIC. Symbols cedure discussed in Ref. [27] and integration denote results of the correlation; curves denote performedoverthehistoryofevolution. Fig.2 fits [26]. shows thermal photon results from from hy- drodynamic model by different groups along with direct photon data from PHENIX. B. Initialization and system evolution The complete leading order results for pro- duction of photons from quark matter by Theexcitingpossibilityofobservationofthe Arnoldetal.[28],andtheresultsofTurbideet interference of thermal photons in the inter- al.[29]forradiationfromthehadronicmatter mediate K (≤ 2 GeV/c) range has been ex- areusedforthisanalysis. Thevaluesofcharge T plored in detail in a recent work of Srivastava particle multiplicity at mid rapidity are taken et al. [26]. Photons in this momentum range as 1260 [19] for 200A GeV Au+Au collisions areuniqueastheygetcompetingcontribution at RHIC and 5625 [30] for 5.5A TeV Pb+Pb fromthetwophases;theyhavetheiroriginei- collisions at LHC. ther in the hot and dense quark phase of the system or in the relatively cooler but rapidly expandinghadronicphase,wherealargebuild C. Correlation functions for thermal up of the radial flow boosts their transverse photons momentum. This competition gives rise to a rich structure specially in the outward corre- The results for the outward, sideward, and lation function, owing to the interference be- longitudinal correlation functions for thermal tween the photons from the two sources. photons at RHIC having K ≈ 2 GeV/c are T For this particular study, central collisions showninFig.3. Thefour-momentaofthetwo of gold and lead nuclei at the top RHIC and photons are chosen so that when the outward LHC energies respectively are considered. It correlationisstudied,q andq areidentically s ℓ 20 Au+Au@RHIC, γγ Intensity Correlation Thermal Photons y1=y2=0, ψ1=ψ2=0, qs=ql=0 1.0 Au+Au@200A GeV TTC == 210800 MMeeVV 16 (a) C T = 160 MeV ∆R 0.8 IH = dNH/(dNQ+dNH) C R (fm)o128 o R I or IQH0.6 o,H 0.4 [ 2 < q2> ]-0.5 4 Ro,Q o 0.2 I = dN /(dN +dN ) Q Q Q H 00 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2 0.00 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2 KT (GeV/c) KT (GeV/c) FIG.4: Transversemomentumdependenceofthe FIG.5: Transversemomentumdependenceofthe outward radiiandtemporaldurationobtainedby fractionofthermalphotonsfromthequarkmatter fitting the final correlation function for thermal andhadronicmatterphasesatRHICwithvarying photonsatRHIC.Radiideterminedfromheroot- transition temperature [26]. mean-square momentum difference for the corre- lation functionarealso givenforcomparison [26]. K ≈ 2 GeV/c, at RHIC, the value of ∆R T o is 12.3 fm obtained from fitting whereas ∆R s zero and the dependence on q0 is clearlyseen, and ∆Rℓ are of the order of zero. andsoon. Consideringonlythe quarkmatter These results imply that, while the spa- or the hadronic matter only, it is found that tial separation of the two sources is negligi- the correlation functions for the two phases ble, their temporal separation is much larger, can be approximated as which gives the lifetime of the system. If the mixed phase is of shorter duration or absent, 2 C(q ,α)=1 + 0.5|ρ | (8) i i,α this will obviously decrease. The K dependence of ∆R , and the out- where i = o, s, or ℓ, and α denotes quark T o ward radii for the hadronic and quark mat- matter(Q)andhadronicmatter(H)inanob- ter sources of photons obtained from fitting viousnotation. Thesourcedistributions|ρ | i,α are shownin Fig. 4 which clearly explains the is well described as a Gaussian function, fact mentioned above. The outward radius |ρi,α| = Iα exp(cid:2)− 0.5 (qi2Ri2,α)(cid:3) (9) for the quark contribution depends weekly on the transversemomentum, whichisindicative where I = dN /(dN + dN ) and I = of a mild development of the radial flow dur- Q Q Q H H dN /(dN + dN ) are the fractions of the ing the quark matter phase. The correspond- H Q H photonsfromquarkmatterandhadronicmat- ingradiusforthehadroniccontributionshows ter respectively. a stronger dependence on the transverse mo- The final correlationfunctions are then ap- mentum resulting from a more robust devel- proximated as, opmentofradialflowduringthelatehadronic phase. 2 2 C(qi) = 1 + 0.5(cid:2) |ρi,Q| + |ρi,H| A very interesting structure is observed for + 2|ρ ||ρ |cos(q ∆R )] the duration of the source, which increases i,Q i,H i i (10) slightly at higher KT as the momenta of the photons emitted from the hadronic phase is where the cosine term in the above equation blueshiftedtomuchlargervalueduetostrong clearlybringsouttheinterferencebetweenthe radial flow. The saturation of ∆R towards o twosources[31]. Here∆R standsforthesep- low K has its origin in the competition i T aration of the two sources in space and time between radial expansion and decoupling of and q is the four momentum difference. For hadronic matter as it cools down below the 1.6 1.6 Au+Au@RHIC, γγ Ιntensity Correlation Au+Au@RHIC, γγ Ιntensity Correlation 1.5 Ty1h=eyr2m=0a,l ψP1h=o tψo2n=s0, ;k q1sTid =e=1q.9lo5n gG=0e,V 1.5 Thyer=mya=l 0P,h ψot=o nψs,= k 01;T q==2.q0=5 0GeV/c τ=0.2 fm/c 1 2 1 2 s l 1.4 τ0=0.6 fm/c 1.4 τ0 = 0.2 fm/c TC = 160 MeV 0 T = 180 MeV C1.3 τ=1.0 fm/c C1.3 C 0 T = 200 MeV C 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 1.0 q (GeV) 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 out q (GeV/c) o FIG.6: τ0 dependenceoftheoutwardcorrelation function at RHIC[26]. FIG.7: TC dependenceoftheoutwardcorrelation function at RHIC[26]. temperature of freeze-out at the edges. the temporal distribution of the source func- As seenfromEq.(6),theinverserootmean tion, where a large duration of the hadronic square momentum, which is a measure of the phase is observed which controls the parame- correlationradius,isseentovaryrapidlywith ter ∆R . transversemomentumfortheoutwardcorrela- o tionowingtorapidvariationofthecompeting contribution of photons from the two phases. D. Sensitivity to formation time and Asthenatureoftheoverallcorrelationfunc- transition temperature tion strongly depends on the relative contri- bution from the two phases, the fraction of the quark (I ) and hadronic (I ) contribu- We know that a smaller value of the initial Q H tions are investigated as a function of trans- formation time of the plasma implies a larger verse momentum as well as varying critical initialtemperature. Thesensitivityofthecor- temperature(seeFig.5). Onecanseethatthe relationfunctionstotheinitialformationtime transversemomentumatwhichthequarkand of the plasma is investigated by considering hadronic contributions become equal is sensi- systems with identical entropies but varying tive to the transition temperature and a de- formation time. Smaller τ0 leads to a larger creasing T increases the fraction of photons production of photons from the quark matter C coming from the quark matter. phase and as a result the outward correlation The variation of the source function as a functionchangesitsnatureasshowninFig.6. function of transverse distance and time for It is to be noted that a larger value of for- different values of transverse momentum has mation time (∼ 1 fm/c) would necessitate been studied in detail (not shown here) in or- inclusion of the pre-equilibrium contribution der to understandthe correlationsresultsand of the photons, that must surely be there at the relativecontributionsofthe twophasesin leastatlargervaluesofthetransversemomen- it. It is observed that the radial distribution tum. Another important contribution, pho- for both the phases are centered at r near tons from jet conversion processes also likely T zero and the source function for the hadronic to contribute at higher KT. These contribu- phase extends considerably beyond the same tionswouldincreasethefractionofquarkmat- for the QGP phase. This is of course due ter contribution in the correlation measure- the large transverse expansion of the system ment, which in turn could mimic an effective and results in a good amount of thermal pho- smaller value of the formation time. ton production from hadronic phase at larger In another potentially powerfulobservation radii. A more valuable insight is provided by thesensitivityoftheoutwardcorrelationfunc- 103 0.3 HHL 102 HHB -2V ) 101 0-5% PHENIX 2 Cs00..21 lhhhhaaaaatddddtirrrrcooooennnn p ++gg4HHaa;ssaa N gg(veeτ=oddl8oo. rr cnno ggraar.ss) (vol. corr.) 2dN/dpdy ( GeT1100-01 Aup+iAonu@RHIC, central collsion T = 100 MeV 10-2 f 00 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 10-03.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 T [GeV] pT (GeV/c) FIG. 8: Speed of sound for (i) hadron resonance FIG.9: PionpT spectrafortheequationofstate, gas, (ii) volume corrected hadron resonance gas, HHB and HHL for central collisions of Au nuclei (iii)hadron andHagedorn resonancegas, and(iv) atRHIC.Experimentaldataforpions(0-5%cen- volumecorrectedhadronandHagedornresonance trality bin) [36] are shown for comparison [32]. gas with lattice results [32]. having M < 2 GeV and all mesons having tiontothetransitiontemperatureT isshown C M < 1.5 GeV, along with Hagedorn reso- inFig.7, wherethe changeinthe interference nances [33] in thermal and chemical equilib- pattern at larger q0 can be easily understood rium, matches rather smoothly with lattice in terms of the relative life time of the two equation of state (p4 action, N = 8) [34] phases. τ for zero baryon chemical potential for T up ThecorrelationresultsforPb+Pbcollisions to ∼ 200 MeV, when corrected for the finite at LHC energy also show similar qualitative volume of hadrons. nature as observed at RHIC. As the initial temperature likely to be attained at LHC is Furthermore, two equations of state for much larger than that at RHIC, the study of strongly interacting matter are constructed; the properties of QGP phase and the dynam- one, HHL, in which the above is matched to ics of its evolution will be more interesting at the lattice equation of state at T = 165 MeV LHC.Ahigherinitialtemperaturewouldlead and the other, HHB, where it is matched to a toalongerdurationoftheinteractingsystem, bagmodelequationofstatewithcriticaltem- which in turn would provide ample opportu- perature TC = 165 MeV. The lattice equa- nity for the mechanism of expansion to de- tion of state displays a sharp cross-over for velop. 180 < T < 190 MeV. Theresultsfortheenergydensity,pressure, andtheentropydensityofthehadronicmatter III. EQUATION OF STATE AND withsuccessivelyincreasingrichnessofthede- INTENSITY CORRELATION OF scription; viz., hadrongas, hadron+Hagedorn THERMAL PHOTONS gas,andvolumecorrectedhadron+Hagedorn gas have been studied in detail (see Ref. [32] In a very recent work by De et al. [32] the for detail). Best agreement with the lattice equation of state (EOS) of strongly interact- calculation is obtained when the hadron + ing matter and how the change in EOS af- Hagedorngasiscorrectedforthefinitevolume fects the results of system evolution, particle of the particles and as a result the hadronic spectra as wellas the intensity interferometry matter for both HHL and HHB equations of of thermal photons have been explored in de- state is constructedby combining hadronand tail. It is shown that an equation of state for Hagedorngaswithvolumecorrection. There- hot hadronic matter consisting of all baryons sults for the square of speed of sound for the 1.6 Au+Au@RHIC, γγIntensity Correlation 103 Thermal photon spectrum for Au+Au @RHIC 1.5 Thermal Photons, k1T=1.7 GeV/c 1.4 HHHHLB -2GeV) 101 HH0-HH20LB% PHENIX C1.3 dy (10-1 1.2 QM+HM 2N/dk T QM+HM d10-3 1.1 1.00 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 10-50 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 q (GeV/c) k (GeV/c) o T FIG. 10: The outward correlation function for FIG.11: Thermalphotonspectrafortheequation thermal photons at RHIC[32]. of state, HHB and HHL for central collisions of AunucleiatRHIC.Experimentaldatafor(0-20% centralitybin)[37]areshownforcomparison[32]. four description of the hadronic matter and their comparison with the one obtained from forthebagmodelandlatticeEOSinRef.[38] the lattice calculations are shown in Fig. 8. atRHIC earlier. It is to be notedthat a com- pletedescriptionofphotondatawouldinvolve additionof promptcontributionscaledby ap- A. Particle spectra for HHB and HHL propriate nuclear overlapping function. equations of state Corresponding results for the LHC (see Ref. [32] for detail) show that the difference Considering an ideal hydrodynamic (az- between the transverse momentum distribu- imuthally symmetricandlongitudinallyboost tion of photons and the hadrons for the two invariant) evolution of the system and the EOS is further reduced. However, a slight in- same initial conditions as used in Ref. [26] crease in the inverse slope for the HHL EOS for Au+Au collisions at RHIC as well as for is observedas a result of the larger lifetime of Pb+Pb collisions at LHC, transversemomen- the system at the LHC energy. tum spectra of various hadrons and photons One can conclude from these results that are calculated for the two equations of state. particle spectra (even for thermal photons) The freeze-out is assumed to take place at can not distinguish between the equations of a temperature of about 100 MeV and the state,oneadmittingafirstorderphasetransi- particle spectra are obtained using Cooper- tionandtheotheradmittingarapidcross-over Frye formulation [35]. Whereas for the pho- as suggestedby lattice calculations. However, ton production, the standard rates from the it is to be noted that the history of evolution Refs. [28, 29] are used. ofthetwosystemsisdifferentastheyaresub- Transversemomentumspectraofpionsand jected to different rates of expansion due to thermalphotonsforcentralcollisionofAunu- the varying speed of sound. clei at RHIC and at midrapidity are shown in Inthesamestudyitisobservedthatthere- Figs. 9 and 11 along with experimental data sultsforthetemporalevolutionofaverageen- from PHENIX [36, 37] for the two cases. It ergy density, temperature and radial flow ve- is observed that both the equations of state locityforboththeRHICandLHCenergiesdo give a reasonable description of the particle notshowsignificantdifferenceforthetwoEOS distribution with a slight preference for the HHL and HHB. The most profound variation HHLEOSandtheinverseslopeofthespectra is observed for the radial velocity for the two for HHL EOS is larger than the same for the EOS, where the radial velocity for HHL rises HHB EOS.Similarresultshavebeenreported continuously, stays below that for the HHB, Thermal Photons, Au+Au@RHIC A very clear difference in the underlying 20 radii for the hadronic matter contribution HHL (shown in Fig. 12) for the two equations of 16 HHB ∆R state is observed; where the one for the HHB m) o R (fo12 Ro,H equOanteiocnaonfsseteattehbateitnhgeedffieffcetrivenelcyem∆uRcho,lwarhgiecrh. 8 corresponds to the lifetime of the system is 4 Ro,Q slightlysmallerfortheHHLequationofstate, asitdoesnotincorporatemixedphaselikethe 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 HHB. The Ro for the hadronic matter for the KT (GeV/c) HHLequationofstateisalsomuchsmallerfor the same reason. FIG. 12: Transverse momentum dependence of Similar qualitative nature for the correla- the outward radii for hadronic and quark matter tion functions and radii is observed at LHC sources for thermal photons [32]. energyalso. Inviewoftheseimportantobser- vations, it would be quite interesting to ana- lyze this behavior using a fully 3+1D hydro- but overshoots it once the later stalls due to dynamics [39]. the onset of the mixed phase. As a result, fi- nal v fortheHHL EOSisslightlylargerthan t that for the HHB. IV. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS B. EOS and intensity interferometry of The interference of thermal photons from thermal photons the quark matter and hadronic matter phases produced in relativistic heavy ion collisions gives rise to a unique structure, specially in It is observed that the HHL equation state the outward intensity correlation function for leads to a larger production of photons at intermediate transverse momenta. The corre- smaller radial distances as well as at inter- lation results are found to be quite sensitive mediate times. We know that the photons to the initial conditions and the equation of fromquarkmatteroriginateatearlytimesand state of the strongly interacting matter. This those from hadronic matter are emitted from can be used to distinguish between the bag the later part of the system evolution As the model and lattice based equations of state. interferencebetweenthetwodepends ontheir relativecontributions,thisdifferenceholdsout a promise that we may see a difference in the V. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS intensityinterferometryofphotonsforthetwo equations of state. 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