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Dynamics of dissipative multiple exciton generation in nanocrystals Maryam Azizi and Pawel(cid:32) Machnikowski Institute of Physics, Wrocl(cid:32)aw University of Technology, 50-370 Wroc(cid:32)law, Poland (Dated: January 21, 2013) Thepopulationdynamicsofsingle-andbi-excitonstatesinsemiconductornanocrystalsismodeled numerically in the presence of Coulomb coupling between single- and two-exciton states and a dissipationchannelinordertostudythetransientbi-excitonpopulationthatoccursinanoptically excited semiconductor nanocrystal. The results show that the system evolution strongly changes if the dissipation is included. In a certain range of parameters, the growth of the exciton number (MEG process) is fast (on picosecond time scale) and the following decay (Auger process) is much 3 slower (hundreds of picoseconds). In some cases, the maximum occupation of the bi-exciton state 1 increaseswhendissipationisincluded. Thedynamicsofanensembleofnanocrystalswithacertain 0 sizedispersionisstudiedbyaveragingovertheenergyofthebi-excitonstatewhichcanbedifferent 2 for each single nanocrystal. The validity of Markov and secular approximation is also verified. n a J I. INTRODUCTION producing the density of X and BX states in the high- 8 energy sector of a nanocrystal29,31,34–36. In many cases, 1 dissipative effects are included in these models on a phe- One of the possible ways of improving the efficiency of nomenological level and expressed by a number (usually ] theexistingsolarcellsistoexploittheprocessofmultiple l small) of dephasing rates26,30,31,33. In this way, the mul- l excitongeneration(MEG)insemiconductornanocrystals a tiple exciton generation could be described as a process (NCs)1. Such an effect consists in generation of two or h competing with exciton relaxation30,31 and, in certain - more electron-hole pairs by a single high energy photon s and thus converts the excess above-bandgap energy into cases, suppressed by coupling to the dissipative environ- e ment (typically considered to be phonons)26. m useful current. This process is enabled by Coulomb cou- plingbetweensingle-pair(exciton,X)statesandtwo-pair In this paper, we study the time evolution of the X- . t (biexciton, BX) states in a NC (or, in general, between BX system within a minimal, three-level model that ac- a m states with n and n+1 pairs) and consists in an intra- counts both for the impact ionization and Auger recom- bandrelaxationofacarrier(typicallyanelectron,dueto bination in the presence of dissipation. Expressing the - d larger energy scales of confined states in the conduction couplings to the environment in a generic form in terms n band) accompanied by a creation of a new electron-hole of a physically motivated set of spectral densities allows o pair (an inverse Auger process). In this way, the excess ustocharacterizetheemergingcouplingtotheCoulomb- c energy obtained by an electron upon absorbing a high- correlated X-BX eigenstates and to discuss the depen- [ energy photon is not dissipated in a phonon relaxation dence of the rates of various phonon-assisted processes 1 processes and becomes available for photovoltaic conver- (relaxation and impact ionization) on the Coulomb cou- v sion. plingitself. Weshowthat,onthegenerallevel,thedissi- 4 The initial experimental results, showing very high pativeMEGprocessisdeterminedbythesamecouplings 0 values of the quantum efficiency of photoconversion in to the dissipative environment as the carrier relaxation 3 4 various systems2–9, were subsequently reinterpreted10–14 anddephasing. Furthermore,wefindoutthatthesystem . based on the growing understanding of the experimental dynamics realizes various dynamical scenarios, depend- 1 difficultiesthatmightleadtooverestimatingtheachieved ing on the alignment of the X and BX levels and on the 0 3 numbers of excitons per single absorbed photon15–17. relation between thelevelspacing and thespectral prop- 1 Nonetheless, more recent experiments on real NC-based erties of the coupling to the environment (in particular, : solarcelldevices18,19 doprovideadirectproofoftheuse- the high-frequency cut-off of the spectral density). As v fulness of this process in solar energy conversion. The- we show, the presence of dissipation considerably mod- i X oretically, the description of the X and BX spectrum ifies the system dynamics and, in many cases, increases r and the X-BX couplings that are essential for the MEG the efficiency of the MEG process. We study also the a process has been proposed using the methods of density roleoftheexcitationconditions(pulsed,continuouswave functional20,21, pseudopotential22–25, tight binding26–29, or incoherent thermal) and show that the strong differ- and k·p theory30–32. encesbetweenthesystemkineticsunderdifferentexcita- tion conditions33 are washed out by dissipation. Finally, Along with the investigation of these structural prop- we assess the validity of Markov and secular approxima- erties, much attention has been devoted to the carrier tions for the description of dissipation-assisted MEG in dynamics in a nanocrystal under optical excitation at nanocrystals. energies high enough to generate multiple excitons, in particular to the role of decoherence and relaxation. The paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II, we de- Thesestudiesincludeddynamicalsimulationsoffew-level fine the model (Sec. IIA), describe the Master equations models30,33 aswellasofmany-levelmodelsaimingatre- for the system evolution (Sec. IIB), and discuss the for- 2 50 8 (a) (b) 40 6 30 (nlm)= (1 5 +5) 4 eV) 20 eV) 2 (nlm)=(3,0,0) m 10 m (1)E - E(--21 000 (1)E - E(-- 042 4222 1 -30 -6 4 -40 -8 -0.4-0.3-0.2-0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 -0.4-0.3-0.2-0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 R - R (nm) R -R (nm) 0 0 FIG.1. (Coloronline)RelativeenergyofBXstatesinvicinity ofselectedbrightXstateswithquantumnumbersasindicated as a function of the NC radius around R = 3 nm. The 0 numbers on the right denote degeneracy. mal structure of the carrier-environment coupling in a NC (Sec. IIC). In Sec. III, the results of our simulations are discussed: first the dynamics in the Markov limit is studied (Sec. IIIA) and then non-Markovian corrections are discussed (Sec. IIIB). Finally, Sec. IV concludes the paper. FIG. 2. (Color online) (a) The schematic diagram of sys- tem states and couplings. The green arrow shows the lase II. MODEL excitation while the black arrows represent the environment- induced transitions. The Coulomb coupling between X and BXconfigurationsisshownwitharedarrow. (b)Thediagram A. The system ofsystemeigenstateswiththeopticalexcitationpaths(green) and environment-induced transitions (blue). (c) Graphical Although the density of BX states in a nanocrystal representation of the processes involved. is very high, only a few tens of them are coupled to a given bright X state37. Moreover, usually only a few coupled BX states lie in the vicinity of the X state while our dynamical modeling, we consider a four-level model vast majority of them is relatively distant. In Fig. 1, of a nanocrystal, as shown in the Fig. 2(a). Here the we show two selected examples of the spectral positions state G refers to the ground state (empty nanocrystal), of BX states relative to selected X states to which they A and B denote the two X states and 2 is the BX state. are coupled (the quantum numbers for the selected ex- We assume that the BX state 2 is coupled only to the citon states are the same for the electron and the hole state B by a Coulomb coupling V which is taken to be a and are shown in the figure). This approximate result real parameter. is obtained within the single-band envelope function ap- The Hamiltonian of the carrier system is then proximation with Coulomb interactions included in the H =(cid:15) |A(cid:105)(cid:104)A|+(cid:15) |B(cid:105)(cid:104)B|+(cid:15) |2(cid:105)(cid:104)2| lowest order for an InAs nanocrystal with the radius R 0 A B 2 close to R = 3 nm37,38. As can be seen, only one or a +V(|B(cid:105)(cid:104)2|+|2(cid:105)(cid:104)B|), (1) 0 fewBXstatesappearinthespectralvicinityofagivenX where (cid:15) ,(cid:15) and (cid:15) are the energies of the states A, B A B 2 state. Thus, the essential features of the MEG dynamics and2respectively. Wesettheenergyofthegroundstate can be expected to be determined by impact ionization to be zero. Moreover, the system is excited by a clas- within groups of a few states. sical light pulse which has the frequency Ω close to the Consider an optically active (bright) excited X state G ←→ B transition. By standard selection rules, this of a NC. At lower energies, other X states are present pulse couples the ground state only to the X states. We to which the carriers can relax. For our purpose, it is assume that only the state B is bright. The correspond- sufficient to consider one such level. We will consider ing Hamiltonian of the excitation is situations in which a BX state Coulomb-coupled to the bright X state is present in between the two X states, H = 1f(t)(cid:0)|G(cid:105)(cid:104)B|eiΩt+|B(cid:105)(cid:104)G|e−iΩt(cid:1). (2) which is a common situation for highly excited X states, las 2 where the coupled BX states are rather dense. Taking In addition, the system undergoes dissipative dynamics into account the selection rules for interband Coulomb due to the interaction with its environment. We do not couplings37, it is rather unlikely that this BX state will assume any specific form of the coupling to the environ- alsobecoupledtotheother,lowerXstate. Therefore,for ment and aim at a model which is independent of the 3 nature of this coupling. The only restriction on this cou- formalism by solving the appropriate quantum Master pling is that in the absence of Coulomb-induced mixing equation. between the X and BX configurations no interband pro- Thus,thestartingpointforourmodelingofthesystem cesses are allowed [see Fig. 2(a)]. Thus, the interaction evolutionisthetime-convolutionlessMasterequationfor with the environment can be described by the following the reduced density matrix of the charge subsystem in Hamiltonian the NC in the lowest order. In the interaction picture, this equation has the form39 H =|A(cid:105)(cid:104)A|R +|B(cid:105)(cid:104)B|R +|2(cid:105)(cid:104)2|R int AA BB 22 1 (cid:90) t +|A(cid:105)(cid:104)B|RAB +|B(cid:105)(cid:104)A|RBA, (3) ρ˜˙ =−(cid:126)2TrR dτ[Hint(t),[Hint(τ),ρ˜(t)⊗ρR]], (7) 0 whereR (withα,β =A,B,2)arecertainenvironment αβ where H (t) and ρ˜ are the interaction Hamiltonian operators with the property R =R† . int αβ βα andthereduceddensitymatrixofthenanocrystalinthe Thesystemevolutionisdescribedinthebasisofeigen- interaction picture, ρ is the density matrix of the reser- states of H : |G(cid:105), |A(cid:105), |+(cid:105) and |−(cid:105), where |+(cid:105) and |−(cid:105) R 0 voir at thermal equilibrium, and Tr denotes the partial result from the Coulumb coupling between the X state R trace over the reservoir degrees of freedom. Upon sub- |B(cid:105) and the BX state |2(cid:105), stituting the interaction Hamiltonian from Eq. (5) and taking the partial trace this yields |+(cid:105)= cos(θ/2)|B(cid:105)+sin(θ/2)|2(cid:105), |−(cid:105)=−sin(θ/2)|B(cid:105)+cos(θ/2)|2(cid:105), (4) 1 ρ˜˙(t)=− ei(ωi−ωj+ωk−ωl)t 2 Here, θ is the mixing angle, defined by tanθ =2V/((cid:15) − B ×Γ (t)[σ σ ρ˜(t)−σ ρ˜(t)σ ]+h.c., (8) ijkl ij kl kl ij (cid:15) ),whichiscloseto0forweaklymixedXandBXstates 2 and goes to ±π/2 if a nearly degenerate pair of X and with ω =E /(cid:126) and the time-dependent rates i i BX states is strongly coupled. The energies of these states are E = E¯ ± U, where E¯ = ((cid:15) +(cid:15) )/2 and 2 (cid:88)(cid:90) t (cid:68) (cid:69) U =[((cid:15) −(cid:15)±)2/4+V2]1/2. In the eigensBtate b2asis, the Γijkl(t)= (cid:126)2Re dsei(ωl−ωk)s R(cid:101)ij(s)R(cid:101)kl , (9) B 2 ijkl 0 interaction Hamiltonian can be written as Hint = (cid:88) σijR(cid:101)ij, (5) wpihceturereR(cid:101)wiji(tsh)dreesnpoetcetstthoetohpeerraetsoerrvRo(cid:101)iirj Hinatmheiltionnteiaranctainond i,j=A,± we have neglected the imaginary parts of the rates that where σ =|i(cid:105)(cid:104)j| and describe reservoir-induced energy shifts. ij The reservoir correlation function (“memory func- tion”) (cid:104)R(cid:101)ij(s)R(cid:101)kl(cid:105) is related to the spectral density θ θ R(cid:101)A+ =c1os2 RAB, R(cid:101)A−1=−sin2 RAB, (6a) R(cid:101)ijkl(ω)= 2π1(cid:126)2 (cid:90) dteiωt(cid:104)R(cid:101)ij(t)R(cid:101)kl(cid:105), (10) R(cid:101)±± = 2(RBB +RAA)± 2cosθ(RBB −RAA), (6b) for i,j,k,l =A,±, which fully characterizes the dissipa- 1 R(cid:101)+− = 2sinθ(R22−RBB), (6c) tivecouplingtotheenvironment. Inthesameway,spec- traldensitiesR (ω)aredefinedintermsofcorrelation αβγδ functionsbetweentheoperatorsR intheoriginalbasis with R(cid:101)+ij =R(cid:101)ji. [Eq. (3)]. If the reservoir correlatioαnβs decay on a certain time scale (reservoir memory time) then, on longer time scales, the rates become constant and equal to B. Evolution: Master equation t→∞ Γ (t) −→ Γ (∞)=2πR (ω −ω ). ijkl ijkl ijkl l k WhileMarkovapproximationhascommonlybeenused to model the dissipation effect on the MEG process in Moreover, as follows from Eq. (9), in the absence of de- nanocrystals (often on the level of phenomenological de- generacy, the rates other than Γ and Γ contain an ijji iijj phasing rates)29–31,33–36, its validity is not obvious for oscillating factor and can be assumed to be small if the the present system. Indeed, as observed in experiment separationofthelevelsislargeandtheoverallsystemdy- andreproducedbyoursimulationsdiscussedbelow,only namicsisslow. Therefore,itiscommontousethesecular theAugerrecombinationphaseofthesystemdynamicsis approximation where the terms containing such oscillat- slow, while the initial impact ionization dynamics takes ing rates are neglected. The rates of the type Γ at iijj placeonmuchshorter,picosecondtimescales. Therefore, long times are proportional to the corresponding spec- in this paper, we will compare the Markovian dynamics tral density at zero frequency, which vanishes in many with a more general approach, where the reservoir mem- common situations (super-Ohmic reservoirs and Ohmic ory is taken into account. In both cases, the evolution reservoirs at zero temperature, see below). Thus, one of the system will be described in the density matrix reaches the commonly used Markov approximation with 4 the evolution equation in the Lindblad form39, which in value on the order of ps−1. This can be different if the Schr¨odinger picture can be written as multiple-phonon processes are included. The values of the coefficients a follow from the physical nature i (cid:88) 1 αβγδ ρ˙ =− [H ,ρ]+ Γ (σ ρσ − {σ σ ,ρ}),(11) of the carrier-environment coupling: The spectral den- (cid:126) 0 ij ji ij 2 ij ji sities R (ω) result from diagonal couplings between ij ααββ the carriers in the NC and their environment. It seems where Γ =Γ (∞). ij ijji reasonable to assume that these couplings are at least approximately proportional to the charge density (this is true, e.g., for carrier-phonon couplings as well as for C. Environment: Spectral densities Coulomb couplings to fluctuating background or impu- rity charge). Thus, typically, R = 2R and, in con- 22 BB Obviously, the spectral densities defining the transi- sequence, a = a = 2,a = 4 and a = 1 22BB BB22 2222 αβγδ tion rates are related to those in the original basis. In otherwise. particular, As we will show, the system dynamics in the dissipa- tive MEG process depends to some extent on the exci- 1 tation conditions. Nevertheless, instead of including the R(cid:101)−++−(ω)= 4sin2θ[R2222(ω) electromagneticfieldexplicitlyinoursimulationwenote thattheexcitationmayfallessentiallyinthreeclasses: a −R (ω)−R (ω)+R (ω)], 22BB BB22 BBBB short (spectrally broad) pulse excites an optically active 1 R(cid:101)A±±A(ω)= 2(1±cosθ) RABBA, (12) (bright) X state, a long (spectrally narrow) pulse excites selectively an eigenstate of the system and broad band with R (ω)=R (ω). thermal radiation excites an incoherent mixture of sys- jiij ijji tem eigenstates, proportionally to their overlap with the It is clear that the relevant spectral densities R(cid:101)ijji de- bright X state (see Appendix for details). Thus, as the scribing the transitions between Coulomb-correlated X- initial state we take the state |B(cid:105), corresponding to an BX configurations are combinations of the spectral den- ultra fast coherent excitation (a broad band laser pulse), sities R that describe dephasing and interaband re- αβγδ a pure |+(cid:105) or |−(cid:105) state for a narrow band laser pulse or laxation between X and BX states. Interestingly, the a mixture of the eigenstates |+(cid:105) and |−(cid:105), corresponding transition between the two Coulomb-mixed states, that to incoherent excitation by thermal radiation. is, theimpact ionizationprocess, described by R(cid:101)∓±±∓ is entirely related to the diagonal couplings between the original states and the environment. Obviously, the III. RESULTS corresponding rate vanishes for small X-BX mixing as θ2 ∼ [V/((cid:15) −(cid:15) )]2. On the other hand, the transition B 2 to the other X state A (relaxation or impact ionization) A. Dissipative MEG dynamics is governed by the off-diagonal couplings, which are re- latedtointrabandrelaxationbetweenthesestates. Ifthe Several parameters play a crucial role in the dissipa- diagonalandoff-diagonalcouplingsareofsimilarmagni- tive MEG process: the energy differences between the tude(asitisthecase,e.g.,forcarrier-phononcouplings), X state A, the excited state B and the BX state 2, the then the impact ionization and Auger recombination are CoulombcouplingbetweentheXandBXstates,andthe formallysuppressedbyafactorsin2θ orsin2θ/2ascom- parameters governing the dissipative relaxation process pared to relaxation. However, as we will show below, (the magnitude J and the frequency cut-off ω ). In this 0 0 what really matters is the frequency dependence of the section, we study the dynamics of the dissipative MEG reservoirspectraldensitywhichcanmaketheimpaction- process for various energetical alignment of the states, ization process favorable, depending on the X-BX level assuming fixed values of the dissipation parameters, and alignment. compared the results to the case without dissipation. The details of the system-environment coupling may In the absence of Coulomb coupling, there is no mech- varyfordifferentnanocrystalsystemsand,toourknowl- anism for a transition to the BX state (this state is com- edgenogeneralmicroscopictheoryhasbeenproposedfor pletely decoupled), hence, only relaxation between the itsexacttreatment. Hence,inmostofoursimulation,we states B and A takes place. This is shown in Fig. 3 (the takethespectraldensitiesintheoriginalbasisinthesim- dynamics in this case is independent of the excitation plest Ohmic form, R (ω) = a [n (ω)+1]J(ω), conditions). In this case, the BX state is indeed never αβγδ αβγδ B where J(ω)=(J ω/ω )exp[−(ω/ω )2] (see Sec. IIIB for occupied and the total number of excitons, N , remains 0 0 0 x comparison with a super-ohmic case). equaltoone. Theonlyoccurringprocessistheintraband Here, n (ω) is the Boltzmann distribution function, occupation transfer from the initial state B to the dark B J is the overall magnitude of the dissipation and ω X state A. 0 0 is the cut-off frequency. In the simplest case of lowest- Thevariationofthestateoccupationsandtheaverage order acoustic phonon processes, ω is on the order of numberofexcitonsinthepresenceofarealisticCoulomb 0 R/c, where c is the speed of sound, which yields a coupling (V = 1 meV) is shown in Fig. 4 for the case B 5 N 1 x ccupation 00..68 εB N - AεA=4.5 meV εB ε2 e O 0.4 ε2 - εA=4.0 meV Stat 0.2 NB εA N 0 2 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 Time (ps) FIG.3. (Coloronline)Thevariationofthestateoccupations N , N and N and the average number of excitons N in A B 2 x the absence of Coulomb coupling at T =0 K. of coherent ultrafast excitation. As mentioned above, undertheseexcitationconditions,theinitialsystemstate is |B(cid:105), hence N = 1. When the bright state |B(cid:105) and x the BX state |2(cid:105) are close to each other, Fig. 4(a,b), the Coulomb interaction leads to strong mixing of the states FIG. 4. (Color online) The occupations of the system states |B(cid:105)and|2(cid:105). Asaresult,transitionbetweentheresulting (rightpanels)andtheaveragenumberofexcitons(leftpanels) eigenstates are efficient which means that the dissipative forV =1meVfor2possiblealignmentsoftheenergylevels B impact ionization is very fast as manifested by the rapid atT =0K.Intheleftpanels,theaveragenumberofexcitons growth (below 1 ps) of the occupation of the state |2(cid:105) inthecasewithoutdissipation. Coherentultrafastexcitation and the corresponding increase of the average number of is assumed here. excitons (the lower eigenstate is still predominantly bi- excitonic). Sincetheinitialstate|B(cid:105)isasuperpositionof system eigenstates, there is an intense oscillation at the beginning of the process but its amplitude goes to zero in about 10 ps. Later on the system relaxes to the state |A(cid:105),whichcorrespondstotheAugerrecombination. The BX state decays in this process on a time scale of about 150 ps. The slow rate of the Auger process is due to therelativelylargeenergydistancetothestateA,which makes the relaxation to this state ineffective. For another configuration, Fig. 4(c,d), when the BX state is shifted closer to the state |A(cid:105), the relaxation be- havior does not change significantly. However, the max- imum occupation of the state |2(cid:105) is much lower. This resultsfromthelargerenergyspacingbetweenthestates whichisbeyondthefrequencycut-offofthespectralden- sity, which considerably suppresses the relaxation to the state |−(cid:105) which is a predominantly BX state. Thus, in the competition between the impact ionization (transi- tion to the state |−(cid:105) or, almost equivalently, to the BX state|2(cid:105))andtheusualrelaxation(transitionto|A(cid:105)),the FIG.5. (Coloronline)AsinFig.4butatT =50K(a,b)and latterstartstodominate. Inaddition, thesimilarenergy T =300 K (c,d). spacings(cid:15) −(cid:15) and(cid:15) −(cid:15) makestheAugerrecombina- B 2 2 A tion from the state 2 to the state A much more effective in comparison to the impact ionization. In this case, the excitons oscillates constantly (green lines in Fig. 4(a,c)). oscillation amplitude decays in a slightly longer time of However, as one could expect, the amplitude of the os- a few tens of picoseconds. In both of these configura- cillation is different for various configurations due to dif- tions, the impact ionization competes strongly also with ferent degrees of mixing between the eigenstates. Note the Auger recombination, the latter being faster in the that for the first alignment (Fig. 4(a,b)), the number of second configuration. excitonsgeneratedinthepresenceofdissipationislarger In the absence of dissipation, J = 0, for both the than that achieved without dissipation (taking the aver- 0 above mentioned configurations, the average number of age of oscillation in both cases). 6 Average Number of exitons 111111......123456 εε N2B x-- εεAA==44..05 mmee VVN x-nodiss (a) State Occupation 000000000.........123456789 ( bN)B NA N2 εεεAB2 Average Number of exitons 111111......123456 Nx εεN2Bx ---n εoεAdAi=s=s44..05 mmeeVV ( a ) State Occupation 0000 ....12468 N(bB) N2 NA εε ABε2 1 0 1 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 200 400 0 10 200 400 Time (ps) Time (ps) Time (ps) Time (ps) 1.7 1 ns Nx-nodiss (c) (d) aFbexgeIceGriotn.afu6tem.ixo(bcnCietbrooylnoosfrth(eobxen)rclmiittnhoaeenl)ssrTyaisndhtieetamhtdieyosnnctaaaasmteteiocwTscict=ohufop0(uaaKtt)iod.tnhiIsnsesifa(poavar)eti,rinoatcnghoeehisnearuavelemnsrot-- umber of exito 1111....3456 Nx εB - εA=4.5 meV Occupation 000...468 NA εε ABε2 shown (green line). age N 1.2 ε2 - εA=4.0 meV State 0.2 N2 Aver 1.1 NB 1 0 At higher temperature, T = 50 K, Fig. 5(a,b), the 0 200 400 0 10 200 400 Time (ps) Time (ps) relaxation dynamics does not change considerably but, the oscillation amplitude decays in a shorter time. At T = 300 K, Fig. 5(c,d), the initial average number of FIG. 7. (Color online) The variation of state occupation and excitons is slightly decreased and the oscillations vanish the average number of excitons as a function of time at T = quickly. The final average number of excitons goes up at 0 K. (a,b) for the initial state |+(cid:105); (c,d) for the initial state highertemperaturesbecauseofnonzerothermaloccupa- |−(cid:105)(narrowbandexcitation). In(b,d),theinitial10psofthe tions. evolution is expanded. Under incoherent excitation, according to the Fermi golden rule, the system eigenstates are excited propor- tionally to their coupling to the light, that is, to the ad- Under the third possible excitation conditions, when mixture of the bright state |B(cid:105). Since in the presence of a spectrally narrow light field is used, a light beam is theCoulombcoupling,theeigenstates|+(cid:105)and|−(cid:105)aresu- tuned to excite just the state |−(cid:105) or |+(cid:105) (see Appendix perpositionsoftheoriginalXstate|B(cid:105)andBXstate|2(cid:105), fordetails). ThesetwocasesarecomparedinFig.7. One they are characterized by the average number of exciton canseethattheonlydifferencebetweenstartingfrom|+(cid:105) between 1 and 2. Hence, the initial number of excitons or |−(cid:105) is the behavior of the BX occupation at the very may exceed 1. The system dynamics in this case, shown beginning of the evolution, which rises during the first inFig.6foroneofthelevelalignments,isverysimilarto few ps for the initial state |+(cid:105) (Fig. 7(b)), which can that following a coherent excitation but no oscillations easily be explained. Since the energy of the state |+(cid:105) is are seen since no coherence between the eigenstates is higherthantheenergyofthestate|−(cid:105),startingwiththe present. There is again a strong competition between state |+(cid:105) will cause the transition from |+(cid:105) to |−(cid:105). After the impact ionization, the X relaxation and the Auger this initial redistribution of occupation, the occupations recombination. As a result, the occupation of the BX ofthestatesdonotdependontheinitialconditions. This state again grows rapidly and then decays completely on isincontrastwiththecasewithoutdissipationwherethe a longer time scale. average number of excitons remains about 1.4 and 1.6 in Under these excitation conditions, in the absence of the case of starting from |+(cid:105) and |−(cid:105), respectively, in dissipation,theaveragenumberofexcitonswouldremain accordance with the composition of these eigenstates in constant but in the presence of dissipation it increases terms of the X and BX states. Obviously, no oscillations considerably to a maximum value and then decays. It canbeobservedintheevolutionofthesystemwhichwas is clear that the maximum average number of excitons initially prepared in one of the eigenstates |+(cid:105) or |−(cid:105). resultingfromthedissipativeMEGdynamicsinthiscase In order to understand the dependence of the ob- exceeds that following the excitation in the absence of served dynamics on the energy spacing between the lev- dissipation. This is due to the dissipative transition to els, we will now discuss the case when the energy differ- the predominantly biexcitonic state |−(cid:105), which develop ences between the states are 1.4 times larger than the on a time scale much shorter than the subsequent Auger set of parameters in Fig. 4. The dissipation parameters transition to the lowest state |A(cid:105). J = 1 ps−1 and ω = 2 ps−1 are kept unchanged. The 0 0 It can be seen by comparing Fig. 6 and Fig. 4 that for results of the simulations are shown in Fig. 8. The im- incoherent excitation, the value of the average number pact ionization now appears in a shorter time interval of excitons is equal to the mean value of the oscillations (about 10 ps). If the state |2(cid:105) lies close to the state |B(cid:105) that could be seen in Fig. 4. The same holds true also [Fig. 8(a,b)], because of the large energy difference be- for the other level alignments, not shown in Fig. 6. tween the states |+(cid:105) , |−(cid:105) and |A(cid:105) (beyond the cut-off 7 FIG. 9. (Color online) As in Fig. 8 but for T = 50 K (a,b) and T =300 K (c,d). FIG. 8. (Color online) The state occupations (right panels) and the average number of excitons (left panels) for 2 align- keeping (cid:15) and (cid:15) constant. A B ments of the energy levels in the case of increased energy The results are shown in Fig. 10 for different sets of differencebetweenthestates(1.4timeslargerthanFig.4)at parameters. In Figs. 10(a,c,e), we fix the mean BX en- T = 0 K. In the left panels, the upper envelope of the oscil- ergy (cid:15) at 4 meV and the energy (cid:15) at 4.5 meV above lationsoftheaveragenumberofexcitonsinthecasewithout 20 B (cid:15) andshowtheresultsforthreedifferentvaluesofσ. In dissipationisalsoshown(greendottedline). Coherentultra- A Figs.10(b,d,f),asmallstandarddeviation,σ =1meVis fast excitation is assumed here. chosen and the results for two different level alignments are shown. energy (cid:126)ω ), the rate of the Auger recombination is de- Comparison of Fig. 10 with Figs. 4 and 5 shows that a 0 creased as compared to the previous case and the BX smallinhomogeneityofthelevelalignmentintheensem- occupation persists much longer. The oscillation ampli- ble(redlinesinFigs.10(a,c,e))doesnotchangetheover- tude is much lower than in the previous case (due to all system dynamics. The amplitude of the oscillations a smaller mixing between the X and BX states) and de- at T = 0 is reduced due to ensemble dephasing but the caysrapidly(inafewps). AsitisdepictedinFig.8(c,d), averagetrendisalmostexactlythesame. Thisistruefor when the BX state gets closer to the state A, the degree all the level alignments studied here, and at all temper- of the impact ionization decreases dramatically. Besides, atures, as can be seen in Figs. 10(b,d,f). On the other oscillation amplitude decays in a much longer time of a hand, increasing the inhomogeneity reduces the ampli- fewhundredsofpicoseconds. Theachievednumberofex- tude of the initial peak of the average number of exci- citons is much lower than in all the previously discussed tons,inparticularathighertemperatures,andleadstoa cases. nearly featureless time dependence of this quantity after At higher temperature, Fig. 9, the impact ionization the initial ultrafast growth. For larger inhomogeneities, process takes place on the time scale of several picosec- also the overall (long time) value of the average number onds (decreasing with increasing temperature) and is ofexcitonsisreduced. ThissuppressionoftheMEGeffi- thenfollowedbyaslowAugerrecombinationontheorder ciencyintheensembleinourmodelisduetothefactthat of nanoseconds for this set of parameters). in a strongly inhomogeneous ensemble the contribution In a realistic sample, one deals with an ensemble of from NCs with very distant levels becomes larger. nanocrystalswithacertainsizedispersion. Toobtainthe dynamicsforthewholenanocrystalensemble,weaverage our results over the energy of the BX state |2(cid:105) which B. Non-Markovian corrections can be different for each single nanocrystal. We use a Gaussian distribution for the value of (cid:15) , 2 In this section, we discuss some further technical as- f((cid:15)2)= √1 e−21(∆σE)2, (13) pasescetsssotfhtehecomrroedcetiloinngsodfutehetoMtEheGrdesyenravmoiircsmienmNoCrys.(Wbee- 2πσ yond the Markov approximation) and study the differ- where∆E =(cid:15) −(cid:15) andσ isastandarddeviation,while encesbetweenOhmicandsuper-Ohmicreservoirmodels. 2 20 8 1.8 1.8 2 (a) 2 (b) Average Number of exitons 1111111 .......11234567 NNAAxx ,,T σσ=== 0 13 K mmeeVV (a) Average Number of exitons 1111111 .......11234567 NNAAσxx=,, ε ε1BB -m- εεe22V00==, T20..=55 0mm KeeVV (b) Average Number of exitons 1111 ....12468 εεBB -- lεε iT2Atnc=d==l004.K.55 mmeeVV Average Number of exitons 111111111 .........1123456789 εεBB -- εεT2A===004K..55 SS mmEEleCCeiVntV..cd12 l 0.9 0.9 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 30 500 1000 0 150 1.0⋅104 2.0⋅104 Time (ps) Time (ps) Time (ps) Time (ps) 1.7 1.7 1.6 1.6 ns 1.6 (c) lind ns 1.6 (d) lind age Number of exitons 11111.....12345 NNAAxx ,,T σσ=== 5 130 mmKeeVV (c) age Number of exitons 11111.....12345 NNAAσxx=,, ε ε1BB -m- εεe22V00==, T20..=55 5mm0ee KVV (d) Average Number of exito 11111 .....112345 εεBB -- εε T2A===034.0.55K mm teceVlV Average Number of exito 11111 .....112345 εεBB -- εεT2A===3040..5K5SS m mEEeCCeVtV..c12 l er 1 er 1 0.9 0.9 Av Av 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0.9 0.9 Time (ps) Time (ps) 0 30 500 1000 0 150 1.0⋅104 2.0⋅104 Time (ps) Time (ps) FIG.11. Comparisonofthesimulationresultsusingdifferent 1.5 1.5 ns (e) ns (f) Markovian and non-Markovian approximations. xito 1.4 xito 1.4 e e of 1.3 of 1.3 mber 1.2 NAx , σ= 1 meV mber 1.2 NAx,εB- ε20= 0.5 meV when non-Markovian effects are dominant. ge Nu 1.1 NATx= , 3σ0=0 3K meV ge Nu 1.1 NAσx=, ε1B m-εe2V0=, T2.=5 3m0e0V K corArescotinoenscatnosteheeiMn aFrikgo.v1i1a(na)d,yantamzeircostaermepraetrhateurrsemtahlel vera 1 vera 1 and essentially amount to a reduced amplitude of the A A 0.9 0 30 500 1000 0.9 0 150 1.0⋅104 2.0⋅104 oscillations observed during the first few tens of picosec- Time (ps) Time (ps) onds after the excitation. Both the time-averaged value ofthisoscillatingexcitonnumberaswellasthelong-time FIG. 10. (Color online) The variation of the average number asymptotics are nearly the same in both cases. This is of excitons as a function of time at three different tempera- alsovisibleinFig.11(b), wheretheinitialperiodoftime tures. Leftpanels: fortwodifferentvaluesofσ. Rightpanels: is shown in more detail. A close look at the curves re- for two different energies of the BX state for σ = 1 meV. veals that the difference between the Lindblad and TCL (a,b) T = 0 K, (c,d) T = 50 K and (e,f) T = 300 K. Ultra resultsisduetoinitialdampingwithinafewpicoseconds fast excitation conditions is assumed here. from the initial time, while the subsequent evolution is characterized by the same exponential damping of the oscillations and decay of the populations in both cases. In Fig. 11, we compare the simulation results for one This initial damping is due to the fact that the short- selected set of system parameters obtained from the time values of the non-Markovian damping rates involve Lindblad equation (red solid lines) and from the non- interaction with the whole reservoir spectrum, while in Markovian TCL equation (blue dashed lines). In order the Markov limit only the resonant modes are involved, to understand the role of various approximations made corresponding to the relatively low values of the spectral on the way to the Markovian description in terms of the density in its high-energy tails in the present case. Lindbladequation,wepresentalsoresultsfollowingfrom In Fig. 11(b), we have also displayed the results ob- twokindsofsecularapproximationstotheTCLequation tained from the non-Markovian TCL equations in which (greendottedandgraydash-dottedlines). Intheapprox- thenon-secular(oscillating)termshavebeenremoved. It imation labeled “SEC.1”, only the rates Γ (t) appear- isclearthatbothclassesofseculartermsmustbekeptin ijji ingintheLindbladequationarekept(butnoMarkovian the non-Markovian description even though only one of approximation is made, which is reflected on the level of themappearsintheLindbladequationwhichyieldsquite the TCL equation by the time dependence of the rates). accurate results. Otherwise, the initial, non-Markovian In the second secular approximation, denoted “SEC.2”, dampingisoverestimatedbyanorderofmagnitude. Still, alsotheothersubsetofsecularrates, Γ (t)isretained. however,thetrendisreproducedcorrectly. Similareffect, iijj At long times, these rates become proportional to the althoughwithalargerquantitativedifferenceintheoscil- spectral density at zero frequency, hence they tend to lation amplitudes, is seen in a system with lower energy zero in the zero temperature limit. Therefore, at low spacing between the levels (not shown here). temperatures, they are only important in the initial pe- A similar comparison for T = 30 K, presented in riod of the dynamics (for times on the order of 1/ω ), Fig. 11(c), shows a larger difference between the Marko- 0 9 2 1.9 sensitivitytotheapproximationused. Inparticularcom- umber of exitons 111111......456789 SSEElCCint..cd12l Occupation 11111.....45678 SSEElCCint..cd12l pabrepyadrptuirhscooeexndLimbimneadttawbigolennaeidsnturstdahhetoeewosresfΓsttiujhhljteais.tsoTptbhehtceiatsirdncayealndndawbemneitisachisttyvtirasiirbniduoeuttthesedersmetvcoiiucntliehander- Average N 111...123 εεBB -- Tεε=2A=0=0K4..5 5 mmeeVV State 111...123 εεBB -- Tεε=2A=3=004.K.55 mmeeVV irstahytoerostfenrωott=imon0e,lsy.wihTnihcthihserreloodlneugcoeftsimtthheeelsirmeocliuetlaobrfuttthearelmsoosthaolefrretashedecyuseflaocrr- 1 1 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 ond type is larger at higher temperatures [Fig. 12(b)], Time (ps) Time (ps) where neglecting them leads to strongly overestimated damping. Remarkably, the non-Markovian corrections FIG. 12. Comparison of the Markovian and non-Markovian are much smaller in the super-Ohmic case and both the approximations for an Ohmic and super-Ohmic reservoir. average trend of the evolution of the exciton number as well as the long-time value are nearly the same here, in contrast to the Ohmic model (especially at higher tem- vian and non-Markovian modeling results. Now, the peratures). Markovapproximationoverestimatesthedampingofthe initialoscillationsandyieldsahighernumberofexcitons (the latter depends on the level alignment; we have ob- IV. CONCLUSIONS served an opposite situation for smaller inter-level spac- ings,notshownhere). Muchmoreinterestingistheanal- We have formulated and studied a few-level model of ysis of the role of secular vs. Markov approximations dissipativemultipleexcitongenerationandrelaxationdy- in this moderate temperature case, shown in Fig. 11(d). namicsfollowingaphotonabsorptioninasemiconductor Here, both secular approximations yield the same long- nanocrystal. We have accounted for the interaction with time asymptotics but differ in the way the initial oscil- thereservoirbyintroducingaphysicallymotivatedsetof lations are reproduced: if only the terms entering in the spectral densities which allowed us to relate the impact Lindblad equation are kept the oscillations vanish com- ionizationandAugerrelaxationratestothediagonaland pletely, as is also the case for the Lindblad description. off-diagonal carrier-reservoir couplings, respectively, and The other, more complete secular approximation, repro- to highlight the role of the interband Coulomb coupling duces the oscillations qualitatively correctly, although for the magnitudes of the rates governing these two pro- withashiftoftheaveragetrend. Eveninthiscase, how- cesses. ever,thequantitativecharacteristicsoftheMEGprocess With this model, we have solved the Markovian quan- are very similar in all the approximations. tum Master (Lindblad) equation to investigate the im- So far, in all our simulations we have assumed a reser- pact of dissipation on the evolution of the single- and voir with Ohmic spectral characteristics (J(ω) ∼ ω at bi-exciton occupation. We have shown that the system ω → 0). This is the standard choice for generic model- evolution strongly changes if the dissipation is included. ing of the dynamics of an open quantum system in the Inmanycases,themaximumaveragenumberofelectron- absence of any detailed knowledge about the particular hole pairs (i.e., the efficiency of the MEG process) is reservoirinquestionandhasalsobeenemployedinsome increased if dissipative transitions are allowed and can studiesofthedissipativeMEGprocess36. However,some be close to 2. Thus, dissipation can play a construc- specificreservoirsareknowntohaveotherspectralchar- tive role in the MEG process and is not neccessarily a acteristics. In particular, the three-dimensional acous- competing factor26,30,31. In a certain range of parame- tic phonon reservoir shows a super-Ohmic behavior with ters, thegrowthoftheexcitonnumber(MEGprocess)is J(ω) ∼ ω3 at ω → 0. This leads to vanishing spec- veryfast(onpicosecondtimescale)andthefollowingde- tral densities R(ω) at ω = 0 and, as mentioned above, cay of the biexciton population (Auger process) is much to suppression of a class of damping rates in the long slower (on the time scale of hundreds of picoseconds), time limit. It seems interesting to study how this quali- which means that such a dissipative dynamics following tative difference affects the system dynamics both in the an ultrafast excitation cannot be excluded based on the Markov limit and in the non-Markovian model. To this observed very fast time scale of the process3. In addi- end, in Fig. 12, we show the simulation results for the tion, the differences between the system dynamics under same system as in Fig. 11 but with a super-Ohmic spec- variousexcitationconditions,whicharepresentinthedy- traldensityJ(ω)=J (ω/ω )3exp(−ω2/ω2)withtheam- namicsofanisolatednanocrystal,arewashedoutbyfast 0 0 0 plitude J and cut-off frequency ω chosen in such a way reservoir-induced dephasing. We have verified also that 0 0 that the Markovian transition rates from the states |+(cid:105) similardissipation-relatedfeaturesinthesystemkinetics and |−(cid:105) to the state |A(cid:105) are the same as in the previ- areobservedinaninhomogeneousensembleofnanocrys- ous Ohmic case. The zero temperature results presented tals. in Fig. 12(a) show a very similar behavior to the Ohmic Wehavestudiedalsothesensitivityofthemodelingre- case at the same temperature [Fig. 11(b)] but much less sults to various formal characteristics of the model. We 10 have shown that the dynamics very strongly depends on where ρ = |G(cid:105)(cid:104)G|. The occupations of the |+(cid:105) and 0 the position of the high-frequency cut-off of the reser- |−(cid:105) states appear in the 2nd order term, assuming a voir spectral density. The simulated dynamics depends Gaussian envelope for f(t), to some extent on the chosen class of the reservoir mod- els but the observed differences between the Ohmic and super-Ohmic models are mostly of quantitative charac- f(t)= √1 e−21(τt)2, (18) terandchangeneitherthequalitativefeaturesofthedy- 2πτ namics nor the quantitative expectations for an overall MEG yield in a nanocrystal ensemble. We have investi- one finds the density matrix elements corresponding to gated also the role of non-Markovian corrections to the the coherent excitation in the form system dynamics. Although the evolution found from non-Markovian equations differs in some cases from that obtained in the Markov limit these discrepancies mostly 1 1±cosθ havetheformofoscillationsthatarepresentonlyduring (cid:104)±|ρ|±(cid:105)= √ e−τ2∆2± 2πτ 2 the first few tens of picoseconds after excitation and are notexpectedtoaffecttheoverallquantitativepredictions (cid:104)+|ρ|−(cid:105)=(cid:104)−|ρ|+(cid:105)=− √1 sinθe−τ22(∆2++∆2−)(19) for the MEG yield. 2 2πτ where τ is the pulse duration. V. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Inthecaseofanarrowbandexcitationcondition,when ThisworkwassupportedbytheTEAMprogrammeof ∆±τ (cid:29)1,alltheexponentsinEq.(19)vanishexceptfor the Foundation for Polish Science co-financed from the the one corresponding to ∆± = 0. Thus the only non- European Regional Development Fund. zeroelementwillbe(cid:104)−|ρ|−(cid:105)or(cid:104)+|ρ|+(cid:105)correspondingto the laser tuned to ∆ or ∆ , respectively. On the other − + hand,forabroadbandexcitationcondition(shortpulse), VI. APPENDIX: THE DENSITY MATRIX ∆±τ (cid:28)1, all the exponents in Eq. (19) are almost equal ELEMENTS CORRESPONDING TO VARIOUS to1. AfterinvertingEq.(4)andsubstitutingtoEq.(19) EXCITATION CONDITIONS onefinds(cid:104)B|ρ|B(cid:105)=1and(cid:104)2|ρ|2(cid:105)=0. Hence,underthis conditions, only the state |B(cid:105) is excited. Inthisappendix, wederivethestateoccupationsafter Second, let us consider broad band thermal radiation. optical excitation in various excitation conditions. First, Then an incoherent mixture of system eigenstates is ex- we consider the interaction between a strong coherent cited, so that there is no coherence between the |+(cid:105) and field (as a pulsed excitation treated classically) and our |−(cid:105) states. The interaction Hamiltonian is described by 4 levels system. A single mode radiation source, such a laser, will produce an electromagnetic wave with ampli- tude E0(t) and frequency Ω, H =d · E = (cid:88)g (b +b† ) (20) int kλ kλ kλ E(t)=E0(t)cosΩt. (14) kλ (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) θ θ The interaction Hamiltonian between this electromag- ×(|G(cid:105)(cid:104)A|+cos |G(cid:105)(cid:104)+|−sin |G(cid:105)(cid:104)−|+h.c.), 2 2 netic wave and our system is H =−d · E(t)=f(t)cosΩt(|G(cid:105)(cid:104)B|+h.c.), (15) int where b and b† are photon annihilation and creation where we defined f(t) = −d · E0(t). In the eigenbasis kλ kλ operators respectively. The occupation of the system (|+(cid:105),|−(cid:105)) and in the rotating wave approximation, we states resulting from this kind of excitation are propor- have tional to the corresponding transition states, which can 1 θ H = f(t)(|G(cid:105)(cid:104)+|ei∆+tcos be found using the Fermi golden rule. Since the states int 2 2 |+(cid:105) and |−(cid:105) are very close compared to the photon en- θ −|G(cid:105)(cid:104)−|ei∆−tsin +h.c.), (16) ergy, the difference in the photon density of states and 2 coupling magnitude is negligible and one finds up to a where ∆ =Ω− E± is the detuning from the transition constant. ± (cid:126) energy. The system state after the optical pulse up to the 2nd order in E (t) is 0 1±cosθ (cid:104)±|ρ|±(cid:105)∼ , i (cid:90) ∞ 2 ρ=ρ − dt[H ,ρ ] 0 (cid:126) int 0 (cid:104)+|ρ|−(cid:105)=(cid:104)−|ρ|+(cid:105)=0. (21) −∞ 1 (cid:90) ∞ (cid:90) t − dt dτ[H [H ,ρ ]], (17) 2(cid:126)2 int int 0 −∞ −∞

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