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Dynamics of a Compact Operator 1 1 Teck-Cheong Lim 0 Department of Mathematical Sciences 2 George Mason University n 4400, University Drive a J Fairfax, VA 22030 6 U.S.A. 1 e-mail address: [email protected] ] S January 18, 2011 D . h Abstract t a LetT :X →X beacompactlinear(ormoregenerallyaffine)operator m from a Banach space into itself. For each x∈X, thesequence of iterates [ Tnx,n = 0,1,··· and its averages 1Pn Tk−1x,n = 0,1,··· are either k k=0 bounded or approach infinity. 2 v Keywords: compact operator, dynamics of linear operator, average,iterate 5 7 2 Let X be a set and f : X X a map from X into X. For an x X, 0 → ∈ . the sequence of iterations x,f(x),f2(x), ,fk(x), can be considered as a 2 ··· ··· trajectoryofadynamicalsystemwheretimeisthediscretenonnegativeintegers: 1 starting with the initial (time t = 0) state x, the state at time t = k is fk(x). 0 1 Suppose now X =Cn and f is the transformationdefined by ann n complex × : matrix A. What can one say about the general behavior of trajectories of A? v More generally, we consider affine maps on X, i.e. maps of the form Ax+c, i X where A is linear and c is a constant vector, and we also allow X to be infinite r dimensional. Moreover,we study the behavior of the sequence of averages: a 1 Ave f(x)= (x+f(x)+ +fk−1(x)),k =1,2, k k ··· ··· Note that the method of averaging was used in [2] in approximating solutions of a system of linear equations. In case of linear operators,problems about the linear span of the iterates Tkx,n=0,1, can be found in [4]. ··· RecallthatasquarematrixN iscallednilpotentifNs =0forsomenonnegative integer s. Throughout this paper, for nonnegative integers k,j,k j, C(k,j) denotes the ≥ binomial coefficient k! j!(k j)! − 1 By convention, C(k,0)=1 for k 0 and C(k,j)=0 if k <j. ≥ k If k <j, the sum u is considered as an empty sum and its value is 0. i=j i Theorem 1 Let TP:Cn Cn be an affine map defined by Tx=Ax+c, where A is an n n complex ma→trix and c a constant vector in Cn. Let be a norm on Cn. Th×en for any vector x Cn, the sequence k·k ∈ Tkx,k =0,1,2, ··· is either bounded or lim Tkx = . k k k ∞ Proof. By Jordancanonicaldecompositiontheorem, Cn =V V V for some 1 2 m ⊕ ⊕···⊕ subspaces V ,i = 1,2, ,m with the following properties: (a) each V is an i i invariant subspace of A·,··i.e. Av V for all v V , and (b) there exists λ C i i i ∈ ∈ ∈ and a nilpotent matrix N such that Av =λ v+N v for all v V . i i i i Let P be the algebraic projection of Cn onto V associated wi∈th the decompo- i i sition Cn =V V V . 1 2 m Define a new no⊕rm ⊕·o·n·⊕Cn by |·| v = P v + P v + + P v . 1 2 m | | k k k k ··· k k Let x be a vector in Cn. Let x =Tkx=Akx+c+Ac+ +Ak−1c,k=1,2, . k ··· ··· For any vector x, we have the following equalities: x = P x+ +P x 1 m ··· Akx = AkP x+ +AkP x 1 m ··· Akx = P Akx+ +P Akx 1 m ··· The last equality follows from the commutative property of A and P ,i = i 1, ,m since A is invariant in each V . j ··· Fix an i and write v = P x,d = P c,λ = λ ,V = V ,N = N . Let s be the i i i i i smallest nonnegative integer such that Nsv =0 and t the smallest nonnegative integer such that Ntd = 0. Then for k > max s,t and s,t 1 (if s = 0 or { } ≥ t=0, the corresponding sum below is defined as 0), one has P x = (λI +N)kv+d+(λI +N)d+ +(λI +N)k−1d (1) i k ··· s−1 t−1 = C(k,j)λk−jNjv+ S(j,k)Njd (2) j=0 j=0 X X where S(j,k)=C(j,j)+C(j+1,j)λ+ +C(k 1,j)λk−1−j. ··· − 2 Using the identity C(j,i+1)+C(j,i) = C(j +1,i+1), we have for λ = 1, S(j,k)=C(k,j+1), and for λ=1, S(j,k) is given recursively by 6 1 λk S(0,k)= − 1 λ − and (by subtracting λS(j,k) from S(j,k)) (1 λ)S(j,k)=S(j 1,k) λk−jC(k,j),j =1,2, ,t 1,( for t 2), − − − ··· − ≥ from which we get an alternate formula for S(j,k): 1 λk j−1 C(k,i+1)λk−i−1 S(j,k)= − ,j =1, ,t 1 (3) (1 λ)j+1 − (1 λ)j−i ··· − − i=0 − X Note that (3) is also valid for j = 0 for −1 is an empty sum. We shall show i=0 that for λ=1, 6 w−1P P x =B+ λk−jC(k,j)A (4) i k j j=0 X where w =max s,t ,and A ,B,j =0, ,w 1 are constantvectors indepen- j { } ··· − dent of k; and for λ=1, l P x =v+ C(k,j)B (5) i k j j=1 X where l = max s 1,t , and B ,j = 1, ,l are constant vectors independent j { − } ··· of k. More precisely, for k >max s,t , { } t−1 1 A =Njv Nid,j =0, ,min s,t 1, j − (1 λ)i−j+1 ··· { }− i=j − X t−1 1 A =ǫ(s t)Njv ǫ(t s) Nid,j =min s,t , ,w 1 j − − − (1 λ)i−j+1 { } ··· − i=j − X and t−1 1 B = Nid; (1 λ)i+1 i=0 − X and B =Njv+Nj−1d,j =1, ,min s 1,t , j ··· { − } B =ǫ(s 1 t)Njv+ǫ(t s+1)Nj−1d,j =min s 1,t +1, ,l, j − − − { − } ··· 3 where ǫ(r)=1 for r 0 and ǫ(r)=0 for r <0. ≥ Indeed substituting (3) into (2), we get s−1 t−1 1 λk j−1 C(k,i+1)λk−i−1 P x = C(k,j)λk−jNjv+ − Njd i k (1 λ)j+1 − (1 λ)j−i ! j=0 j=0 − i=0 − X X X s−1 t−1 1 t−1 j C(k,i)λk−i = C(k,j)λk−jNjv+ Njd Njd (1 λ)j+1 − (1 λ)j−i+1 j=0 j=0 − j=0i=0 − X X XX s−1 t−1t−1 C(k,i)λk−i = C(k,j)λk−jNjv+B Njd − (1 λ)j−i+1 j=0 i=0 j=i − X XX s−1 t−1t−1 C(k,j)λk−j = C(k,j)λk−jNjv+B Nid − (1 λ)i−j+1 j=0 j=0i=j − X XX s−1 t−1 t−1 1 = C(k,j)λk−jNjv+B C(k,j)λk−j Nid − (1 λ)i−j+1 j=0 j=0 i=j − X X X Now (4) follows by considering cases s>t,s=t or s<t. Nextconsiderthe caseλ=1. Substituting S(j,k)=C(k,j+1)into(2), weget s−1 t−1 P x = C(k,j)Njv+ C(k,j+1)Njd i k j=0 j=0 X X s−1 t = v+ C(k,j)Njv+ C(k,j)Nj−1d j=1 j=1 X X Now (5) follows by considering cases s 1>t,s 1=t or s 1>t. − − − We now proceed to finish the proof of the theorem: Case1: λ >1. IfoneoftheseA ,j =0, ,w 1isnonzero,thenweseefrom j | | ··· − (4) that P x as k ; otherwise P x =B is a constant vector. i k i k k k→∞ →∞ Case 2: λ = 1 and λ = 1. If one of these A ,j = 1, ,w 1 is nonzero, j | | 6 ··· − then we see from (4) that P x as k ; otherwise the sequence i k k k → ∞ → ∞ P x =B+λkA ,k =1, , is bounded. i k 0 ··· Case 3: λ = 1. If one of these B ,j = 1, ,l is nonzero, then we see from j ··· (5) that P x as k ; otherwise P x is the constant vector v. i k i k k k→∞ →∞ Case 4: λ < 1. We see from (4) that the sequence P x ,k = 1, , con- i k | | ··· verges to the constant vector B. We conclude that for each i, the sequence P x ,k = 1, is either bounded i k ··· or tends to infinity. If one of these sequences tends to infinity, then since x P x , the sequence x ,k = 1, tends to infinity in norm and k i k k | | ≥ k k ··· |·| 4 henceinnorm ,sincethetwonormsareequivalent. Otherwiseallsequences k·k P x ,k =1, are bounded for all i=1, ,m, and from which it follows that i k ··· ··· x ,k =1, is bounded. This completes the proof. Q.E.D. k ··· The following example shows that in infinite dimensional spaces, Theorem 1 is false. Example 1 For nonnegative integers n, let c = 1n(n+1). Define λ = 1 n 2 i 2 for c2n i c2n+1 1,n = 0,1, and λi = 2 for c2n−1 i c2n 1,n = ≤ ≤ − ··· ≤ ≤ − 1,2, . Define a linear operator A : l l such that Ae = λ e ,i = 2 2 i i i+1 ··· → 0,1, . Then the sequence of iterates Ake0 =λ0λ1 λk−1ek,k=1,2, con- ··· ··· ··· tains subsequences that converge to 0, (e.g. Ac2n−1e = 1/2n,n = 1,2, ), 0 ··· subsequences that approach infinity (e.g.Ac2ne = 2n,n = 1,2, ), and in- 0 ··· finitely many bounded nonconvergent subsequences (e.g. Ane = e for n = 0 n 2,4,8,12,18,24,32,40, ). Clearly A is bounded but not compact. ··· Remark 1 For T linear, Theorem 1 appeared in a 1997 unpublished article “On the behavior of the iterates of a matrix” of the author. In the case that the mapping T in Theorem 1 is linear, we can actually say more: Theorem 2 Let A : Cn Cn be a linear map. Let be a norm on Cn. Then for any vector x C→n, either limk→∞Tkx=0 orkli·mkk→∞ Tkx = or ∈ k k ∞ F Tkx G for sufficiently large k’s, where F,G are positive numbers with ≤k k≤ F G. ≤ Proof. If c=0 in Theorem 1, then the constant vectors B and d in its proof are 0. It follows that in all cases where P x ,k=1,2,... is bounded and not convergent i k to 0, it is bounded away from 0. If P x is bounded away from 0 for some i, i k then so is x = Tkx since x P x . Otherwise P x 0 converges to 0 k k i k i k | | ≥ k k → for all i and hence so does x . Q.E.D. k Example 2 The following simple example shows that linearity is needed in Theorem 2: Let T : C C be the map Tx = ix+c, where c C is nonzero → ∈ and i = √ 1. Then T4n(0) = 0 and T4n+1(0) = c for all positive integers n, − showing that Tk(0),k = 1,2, is neither convergent to 0 nor bounded away ··· from zero. Definition 1 Let X be a Banachspace and A:X X a linear operator. We → say A has property (P) if X is a direct sum of two closedsubspaces V ,V such 1 2 that (1) eachV is invariantunder A, (2) V is finite dimensional, and (3) there i 1 5 exists 0 r < 1 and a positive integer N such that Akx rk x for all ≤ k k ≤ k k x V and all k N. 2 ∈ ≥ NotethatbyGelfand’sspectralradiustheorem,condition(3)aboveisequivalent to that A, as an operator on V , has spectral radius less than 1. 2 Itiswell-knownthateverycompactoperator,ormoregenerally,Rieszoperator, has property (P), see e.g. [1]. Theorem 3 Let(X, )beaBanachspaceandA:X X aboundedoperator k·k → having property (P). Let c be a constant vector in X, and let T(x) = Ax+c for x X. Then for any vector x X, either Tkx,k = 0,1, is bounded ∈ ∈ { ···} or limk→∞ Tkx = . Moreover, if c = 0, then either limk→∞Tkx = 0 k k ∞ or limk→∞ Tkx = or F Tkx G for sufficiently large k’s, where k k ∞ ≤ k k ≤ 0<F G< . ≤ ∞ Proof. Let V ,i = 1,2,N,r be as in Definition 1. Let P ,i = 1,2 be the projections of i i X onto V ,i=1,2 respectively. Define a norm on X as i |·| x = P x + P x . 1 2 | | k k k k is equivalent to and T commutes with P ,i=1,2. i |·| k·k For any v X, write v =P v,i=1,2. Then for x X, and k N one has i i ∈ ∈ ≥ Tkx = Akx +c +Ac + +Ak−1c 2 2 2 2 2 k k k ··· k rk x + c + +AN−1c +(rN + +rk−1) c 2 2 2 2 ≤ k k k ··· k ··· k k 1 rk x + c + +AN−1c + c , 2 2 2 2 ≤ k k k ··· k 1 rk k − showingthatTkx ,k =1,2, isbounded. ByTheorem1, Tkx ,k =1,2, 2 1 ··· k k ··· iseitherboundedorapproachinginfinity. Hence Tkx = Tkx + Tkx ,k= 1 2 | | k k k k 1,2, is either bounded or approaching infinity. Since norms and are ··· |·| k·k equivalent, the same is true for Tkx ,k=1,2, . k k ··· If c=0, thenc =0 andTkx 0 as k , andthe lastpartofthe theorem 2 2 → →∞ follows readily from Theorem 2. Corollary 1 Let (X, )be a Banach space and A:X X a Riesz operator. k·k → Let c be a constant vector in X, and let T(x) = Ax+c for x X. Then for ∈ any vector x X, either Tkx,k =0,1, is bounded or limk→∞ Tkx = . ∈ { ···} k k ∞ Moreover, if c = 0, then either limk→∞Tkx = 0 or limk→∞ Tkx = or k k ∞ F Tkx G for sufficiently large k’s, where 0<F G< . ≤k k≤ ≤ ∞ Corollary 2 Let (X, ) be a Banach space and A : X X a compact k · k → operator. LetcbeaconstantvectorinX,andletT(x)=Ax+cforx X. Then ∈ for any vector x X, either Tkx,k =0,1, is bounded or limk→∞ Tkx = ∈ { ···} k k . Moreover, if c=0, then either limk→∞Tkx=0 or limk→∞ Tkx = or ∞ k k ∞ F Tkx G for sufficiently large k’s, where 0<F G< . ≤k k≤ ≤ ∞ 6 Let us consider now the behavior of the sequence of averagesof T: 1 Ave T(x)= (x+Tx+ +Tk−1x),k =1,2, k k ··· ··· We have 1 1 Ave T(x)= (x+Ax+ +Ak−1x)+ ((k 1)c+(k 2)Ac+ +Ak−2c) k k ··· k − − ··· As in the proof of Theorem 1, we may assume that A = λI +N, and that s,t are defined as in there. By replacing c by x, x by 0, and hence s by 0 and t by s in the proof of Theorem 1, we obtain: For λ=1, 6 s−1 1 1 C(k,j) (x+Ax+ +Ak−1x)= B+ λk−j A j k ··· k k j=0 X where s−1 1 A = Nix,j =0, ,s 1 j − (1 λ)i−j+1 ··· − i=j − X s−1 1 B = Njx. (1 λ)j+1 j=0 − X For λ=1, s 1 1 (x+Ax+ +Ak−1x)= C(k,j)Nj−1x. k ··· k j=1 X By expanding Aj we have (k 1)c+(k 2)Ac+ +Ak−2c=T0c+T1Nc+ +Tt−1Nt−1c − − ··· ··· where k−2 T = (k i 1)C(i,j)λi−j,j =0, ,t 1. j − − ··· − i=j X Assume that λ=1. By subtracting λT fromT and using the geometric series 0 0 6 formula, one gets k 1 λk T = − 0 1 λ − (1 λ)2 − − Using the relation (i j)C(i,j)=(j+1)C(i,j+1), we see that − 1 d T = T j+1 j j+1dλ We shall prove in the Appendix that k j+1 C(k,j)λk−j T = + D(k,j,λ) (6) j (1 λ)j+1 − (1 λ)j+2 (1 λ)2 − − − 7 for j =0, ,t 1, where ··· − 1 D(k,j,λ)= (1 λ)j[B0(k,j)λj +B1(k,j)λj−1+···+Bj−1(k,j)λ+1] − and C(k j,2) B (k,j)=( 1)j−iC(j,i) − , i=0, ,j i − C(k i,2) ··· − Note that B (k,j) ( 1)j−iC(j,i) i → − so that D(k,j,λ) approaches1 as k . Substituting the formulae we obtain →∞ thus far into Ave T(x), with w =max s,t , we get for λ=1, k { } 6 1 Ave T(x)=E+ F +G(k,λ) (7) k k where w−1 1 D(k,j,λ) G(k,λ)= C(k,j)λk−j ǫ(s 1 j)A +ǫ(t 1 j) Njc k − − j − − (1 λ)2 j=0 (cid:18) − (cid:19) X (8) t−1 1 E = Njc, (1 λ)j+1 j=0 − X s−1 t−1 1 j+1 F = Njx Njc, (1 λ)j+1 − (1 λ)j+2 j=0 − j=0 − X X and ǫ(r)=1 for r 0 and ǫ(r)=0 for r <0. ≥ If λ=1, then T is equal to j S =C(k 2,j)+2C(k 3,j)+ +(k j 1)C(j,j) j,k − − ··· − − We have Sj,k Sj,k−1 =C(k 2,j)+C(k 3,j)+ +C(j,j)=C(k 1,j+1) − − − ··· − where the last equality follows from repeatedly applying the identity C(j,i+1)+C(j,i)=C(j+1,i+1). From this it follows that Sj,k = Sj,k−1+C(k 1,j+1) − = Sj,k−2+C(k 2,j+1)+C(k 1,j+1) − − = ··· = S +C(j+2,j+1)+ +C(k 1,j+1) j,j+2 ··· − = C(j+1,j+1)+C(j+2,j+1)+ +C(k 1,j+1) ··· − = C(k,j+2) 8 Therefore for λ=1, 1 Ave T(x) = [C(k,1)x+C(k,2)Nx+ +C(k,s)Ns−1x] (9) k k ··· 1 + [C(k,2)c+C(k,3)Nc+ +C(k,t+1)Nt−1c] (10) k ··· Case 1: λ >1. Suppose that t>s. Then from (7) and (8), 1λkC(k,t 1) dominatesa|ll|othercoefficients. SinceD(k,t 1,λ) 1ask kandNt−1−c= − → →∞ 6 0, we see that Ave T(x) as k . The same is true if s > t since k k k → ∞ → ∞ As−1 = 0. So assume that s = t. In the trivial case s = t = 0, we have 6 Ave T(x) = 0 for all k. So assume that s = t 1. Direct checking (see k Appendix, item 1) shows that C(k,j)C(j,i)C(k−j,2)≥=C(k,i)C(k i 2,j i) C(k−i,2) − − − so that C(k,j)D(k,j,λ) is a polynomial in k. Then from (8), we have t−1 1 D(k,j,λ) G(k,λ) = C(k,j)λk−j A + Njc k j (1 λ)2 j=0 (cid:18) − (cid:19) X λk t−1 = p (k,j,λ)A +p (k,j,λ)Njc 1 j 2 k j=0 X where for fixed λ, p1,p2 are polynomials in k. Since limk→∞ λkkp(k) = ∞ for any polynomial p(k) we see that if t−1 H(k,λ)= p (k,j,λ)A +p (k,j,λ)Njc, 1 j 2 j=0 X asapolynomialink,isidenticallyzero,thenclearlyfrom(7)wehaveAve T(x) k → E, otherwise Ave T(x) . k k k→∞ Case 2: λ = 1,λ = 1. Suppose that t > s. Since D(k,t 1,λ) 1 as k andN| |t−1c=0,6 weseethat Ave T(x) ask −ift 3→,andit k →∞ 6 k k→∞ →∞ ≥ approachesto0orisboundedift 2. Thesameistrueifs>tsinceAs−1 =0. ≤ 6 So assume that s = t. In the trivial case s = t = 0, we have Ave T(x) = 0 for k all k. So assume that s = t 1. As in Case 1, we consider the polynomial (in ≥ k) t−1 D(k,j,λ) H(k,λ)= C(k,j)λ−j A + Njc j (1 λ)2 j=0 (cid:18) − (cid:19) X so that λk G(k,λ)= H(k,λ) k If degree of H is one or less, then we see from above that G(k,λ) is bounded and hence Ave T(x) is bounded by (7). If degree of H is two or more, then k G(k,λ) as k and hence so is Ave T(x) . k k k→∞ →∞ k k 9 Case 3: λ = 1. We refer to (9) and (10). If s = t = 0, then c = x = 0 and Ave T(x) = 0. If t = 0 and s = 1, then Ave T(x)= x. If t = s 1,s 2 and k k − ≥ Nic+Ni+1x=0 for all i=0, ,t 1, then Ave T(x)=x. In all other cases k ··· − lim Ave T(x) = . k k k k ∞ The previous discussions yield the proof of the following: Theorem 4 Let T :Cn Cn be an affine map defined by Tx=Ax+c, where A is an n n complex ma→trix and c a constant vector in Cn. Let be a norm on Cn. Fo×r any vector x Cn, define k·k ∈ 1 Ave T(x)= (x+Tx+ +Tk−1x) k k ··· Then the sequence Ave T(x),k =0,1,2, k ··· is either bounded or lim Ave T(x) = . k k k k ∞ If T is linear, i.e. if c=0, we can say more: Theorem 5 Let A : Cn Cn be linear map. Let be a norm on Cn. For any vector x Cn, define→ k·k ∈ 1 Ave A(x)= (x+Ax+ +Ak−1x) k k ··· Then the sequence Ave A(x),k =0,1,2, k ··· is either (i) convergent to 0, or (ii) lim Ave A(x) = , or (iii) F k k k k ∞ ≤ Ave Ax G for sufficiently large k’s, where F,G are positive numbers with k k k ≤ F G. ≤ Proof. Ifc=0inTheorem4,thenE =0,andbyexaminingitsproofweseethatinall caseswhereTkxisboundedandnotconvergentto0,itisboundedawayfrom0. (InCase2oftheproof,ifH(k,λ)isofdegreeone,thenG(k,λ)isboundedaway from 0, and if H(k,λ) is of degree 0, i.e. a constant vector, then G(k,λ) 0.) → Q.E.D. ThefollowingexampleshowsthatTheorem5isfalseifthemapisnotlinear. Example 3 Let i 1 A= 0 i (cid:18) (cid:19) 10

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