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Dynamical model of electroweak pion production in the resonance region PDF

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by  T. Sato
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Dynamical model of electroweak pion production in the resonance region 6 0 T. Satoa, B. Szczerbinskab, K. Kuboderab and T. -S. H. Leec 0 2 a Department of Physics, Osaka University, Toyonaka,Osaka 560-0043,Japan n b Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC 29208,USA a J c Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL , USA. 4 2 In this report, we will briefly review the dynamical model of pion electroweak production reactions in the ∆ resonance region and report on our study of neutrino-nucleusreactions based on this model. 1 v 9 6 0 1. Introduction by the quark model is about 40% lower than the 1 empirical value. Furthermore, the predicted E2 0 Itiswellrecognizedthatthepreciseknowledge G andC2G formfactorsshowpronouncedQ2 6 E C of neutrino-nucleus reactions is crucialin analyz- 0 dependence due to the pion cloud effects, which ing neutrino oscillationexperiments [1]. For neu- / suggests the deformation effects in the N∆ tran- h trino reactions around 1 GeV, quasi-elastic scat- sition. This model is further extended to investi- t - teringandpionproductionprocessesarethemain gate neutrino reactions, which involve the axial- l c reaction mechanisms. The pion production takes vector responses of hadrons [4,5]. The N∆ axial u place through both non-resonant and resonance vector form factor G is found to contain large n A : processes, and in the latter the ∆33 resonance meson cloud effects. v plays a central role for neutrinos in the 1 GeV The dynamical model starts from the non- i region. Since experimental data on the neutrino- X resonant meson-baryon interaction and the res- nucleonreactions in the resonance regionare not r onance interaction, and the unitary amplitudes a asextensiveaselectronscatteringdata,atheoret- areobtainedfromthe scatteringequation. Fairly icalstudyoftheweakpionproductionamplitude consistentdescriptionsofalltheavailabledatain willbe valuable for the study ofneutrino-nucleus the ∆ resonance region have been obtained from reactions [2,3,4,5,6,7]. the dynamical model. The well tested dynamical In the recent years, extensive studies on the model for the single-nucleon case will be a good electron- and photon-induced meson production starting point for investigating the reaction dy- reactions in the GeV region are in progress to namics of neutrino-nucleus reactions. investigate the nucleon resonance properties [8]. In this paper we give a short review of our dy- ∗ The objective of the N study is to understand namical model for meson production reactions in the non-perturbative dynamics of QCD by test- thedeltaresonanceregion. Subsequentlyweshow ing the resonance properties against the predic- the results of our first application of this model tion of QCD-inspired models and/or lattice sim- toneutrino-nucleusreactionsinthedeltaproduc- ulations. Two of the present authors with their tion region. collaborators have developed a dynamical model for describing photo- and electro-production of 2. Dynamical model pions off the nucleon aroundthe ∆ resonance re- gion [2,3]. It has been shown that including the We briefly describe our dynamical model of pion cloud effect in theoretical analyses can re- pion photoproduction. We start from the inter- solve a long-standing puzzle that the N∆ mag- action Hamiltonian (H) for the N,∆,π,ρ and ω netic dipole transition form factor GM predicted fields. By assuming that only ‘few-body’ states 1 2 are active in the energy region we are interested t calculatedfromthenon-resonantinteractions γπ in,wecansimplifytheintrinsicmany-bodyprob- v and v . The second term in Eq. (2) is the πN γN lem. The effectsdue tomany-bodystatesareab- resonant amplitude. The self-energy Σ is defined sorbed in effective interaction operators. In our as work, the effective ‘few-body’ Hamiltonian H eff Σ(W)=ΓπN→∆G0Γ¯∆→πN(W). (3) is derived from H using the unitary transforma- tion method [9]. The resulting effective Hamil- The ‘dressed’ γN →∆ vertex is defined by tonian H is defined in a subspace spanned by eff πN, ∆, γN states and has the following form: Γ¯γN→∆(W)=ΓγN→∆+Z ΓπN→∆G0tγπ(W). (4) Heff =H0+ΓπN↔∆+ΓγN↔∆+vπN +vγN. (1) An important consequence of the dynamical model is that the influence of the non-resonant Here v and v are non-resonantinteractions, πN γN mechanisms on the resonance properties can be which consist of the u- and s-channelnucleon ex- identified and calculated explicitly. The ‘bare’ change and t-channel pion and vector meson ex- resonance vertex ΓγN→∆ is modified by the non- change processes shown in Fig. 1(a). The exci- resonantmesoncloudt to givethe dressedver- γπ tation of ∆ is described by ΓπN↔∆ and ΓγN↔∆ tex Γ¯γN→∆. shown in Fig. 1(b). An important feature of our approach is that the effective Hamiltonian is en- 3. Pion electroweak production and N∆ ergy independent. Hence the unitarity of the re- form factors sulting amplitude is automatically satisfied. Fur- thermore, the non-resonantinteractions v and The dynamical approach described in the pre- πN v are derived from the same unitary transfor- vious section was used to study π-N scatter- γN mation and hence πN and γN reactions can be ing, pion photoproduction and pion electropro- described consistently. duction reactions [2,3]. The model was subse- quently extended to investigate neutrino induced reactions [4,5]. Since the weak currents in the π standardmodelare closelyrelatedto the electro- ∆ magnetic current, it is straightforward to extend ∆ ρ thedynamicalmodelofpionelectroproductionto ω weakpionproductionreactions. Theelectromag- (a) (b) netic current (jEM), the weak charged current µ (jCC) and the weak neutral current (jNC) can µ µ be expressed in terms of the vector current V µ Figure 1. Graphical representation of γN → ∆ and the axial-vector current A as µ and γN →πN interactions. jEM = V3+VIso−Scalar, (5) µ µ µ jCC = V1+i2−A1+i2, (6) µ µ µ From the effective Hamiltonian, it is straight- jNC = (1−2sin2θ )jem−VIS −A3. (7) µ W µ µ µ forward to derive a set of coupled equations for Using CVC, V1,2 can be obtained from V3 by πN andγN reactions. The resulting pion photo- µ µ isospin rotation. Guided by the effective chiral production amplitude is given as Lagrangian method and using the unitary trans- Tγπ = <πN|ǫ·Jem|N> formation method, we can construct Aµ for pion Γ¯∆→πN(W)Γ¯γN→∆(W) production. The resulting Aµ consists of the = tγπ(W)+ W −m0 −Σ(W) , (2) nucleon-Born term, rho-exchange and delta ex- ∆ citation terms. The ‘bare’ N∆ magnetic and where W is the invariant mass of the πN sys- electric form factors G (0) and G (0) are ob- M E tem. Thefirsttermisthenon-resonantamplitude tained from the analysis of the (γ,π) reaction. 3 We assume the Siegert theorem to determine the CoulombquadrupoleformfactorG (0)fromthe C transverse electric form factor G (0). The Q2 3V ) 3V )4 E Ge5 Ge dependenceoftheformfactorsareassumedtobe 2/m 2/m Gα(Q2)=Gα(0)RSL(Q2)GD(Q2), (8) −30210 (WdQc −38210 (WdQc2 where G = 1/(1+Q2/m2)2 is the dipole form σd/d σd/d factor ofDthe proton with mV2 = 0.71GeV2. The 0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 V W [GeV] W [GeV] correctionfactor R is defined as SL R (Q2) = (1+aQ2)exp(−bQ2), (9) SL where a = 0.154GeV−2 and b = 0.166GeV−2 Figure 2. Cross section dσ/dW/dQ2 of ′ p(e,e′π+)n (left) and p(ν,e−π+)p (right) reac- have been deduced by fitting the (e,eπ) data at Q2 = 2.8 and 4GeV2 [10]. For the N∆ ax- tions. ial vector form factor G (Q2), we also assume A the form given in Eq. (8) with G (Q2) replaced D by the nucleon axial-vector dipole form factor instance, the longitudinal-transverse interference with mA = 1.02 GeV. We further assume the term σLT′ for a polarized electron is given by in- SU(6) quark model relation between G for the terference between the real and imaginary parts A N∆ transition and g of the nucleon. Having of the amplitude and hence it is sensitive to A determined the axial N∆ form factor, we have the non-resonant mechanism. As an example, no further adjustable parameter in our model to we compare in Fig. 3 our predictions for the describe neutrino-induced pion production reac- e+p→e′+p+π0reactionwiththeJlabdata[11]. tions. Thecrosssectionforvirtual-photonpionproduc- In Fig. 2, the energy dependences of the tion can be expressed as p(e,e′π+)n and p(ν,e−π+)p cross sections are dσ dσ dσ dσ T L LT shown at Q2 = 0.1(GeV/c)2 and Elepton = 1 dΩ = [dΩ +ǫdΩ ]+ 2ǫ(1+ǫ) dΩ cosφπ π π π p π GeV. The solid lines show the full results and dσ TT thedashedlinesshowthe contributionoftheres- +ǫ cos2φ . (10) π dΩ onance amplitude which is the second term of π Eq. 2. Clearly the non-resonant amplitude plays The transverse cross section σ is mainly deter- T a crucial role. It is well known that the Kroll- mined bythe contributionofthe magneticdipole Ruderman term dominates low-energy charged- form factor G . Interference between the trans- M pion production reactions. We note that even in verse and longitudinal currents (σ ) is sensitive LT the p(ν,e−π+)p reaction, where only the isospin totheproductG G . Ourmodelgivesareason- C M 3/2amplitudecontributes,thenon-resonantcon- able description of the angular distribution from tribution to the cross section amounts to 15% at threshold to the delta resonance region. Reason- W =1.2GeV.Thustheappropriatetreatmentof ableagreementhasalsobeenseeninthe compar- thenon-resonantmechanismsplaysanimportant isonofour dynamicalmodelpredictions with the role in interpreting the N∆ transition form fac- extensive pion production data in the delta reso- torsG (Q2)andalsoindeterminingtheneutrino- nance regionobtainedat LEGS,Mainz,Jlaband α nucleon reaction amplitudes that are needed for MIT-Bates. calculating the neutrino-nucleus reaction ampli- We compare in Fig. 4 the calculated Q2 de- tudes. pendence of the cross section for the ν +p → µ Thepionproductionmechanismofourdynam- µ− + π+ + p reaction with the ANL [12] and ical model may be tested by comparing the the- BNL [13] data. Here we take into account the oreticaland experimental values of the cross sec- variation of the neutrino flux in the experiment tions for a wide energy ranges also useful. For and the finite mass of the muon. The results 4 150 Tot full 1.2 VA A V 1 2GeV 100 −3822σ102[]d/dQcm/GeV000...468 Events/0.05 50 0.2 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 00 0.2 0.4Q2[GeV20].6 0.8 1 Q2[GeV2] Figure4. Differentialcrosssectiondσ/dQ2 ofp+ ν →µ−+π++p reaction µ and the dressedaxial-vectorform factor, G , ex- A tracted from our present model. The pion cloud effectisseentobe essentialinexplainingthe em- pirical values of G directly extracted from the M data. The pion cloud effects are sizable also for Figure 3. p(e,e′π0)p cross section at Q2 = G . The dynamical model explains why most of 0.4(GeV/c)2. A the quark models underestimate G and G . M A of our full calculation (solid line) agree reason- ably well with the data both in magnitude and Q2 dependence. The contribution of the axial 3 1 vectorcurrent(dashedcurve)andthevectorcur- GD 2 Dressed rent (dot-dashed curve) have rather different Q2 *G/M 1 Bare 0.5 GA*/GD dependences in the low Q2 region and interfere constructively with each other. Since the vector 00 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 current contributions are highly constrained by Q2 [(GeV/c)2] 0 0.5Q2 [(G1eV/c)2]1.5 2 ′ the (e,eπ) data, the results in Fig. 4 suggest that our model for the axial vector current reac- tion is consistent with the data. This in turn im- Figure 5. G (left) and G (right). M A plies that the axial-vectorN∆ coupling constant predicted bythe SU(6) quarkmodelis consistent with the existing data of neutrino-induced pion production reactions in the ∆ resonance region. A precise measurement of parity-violating asym- 4. Neutrino-nucleus reaction ′ metry ofinclusive p(~e,e) canbe used to improve thedeterminationoftheaxialN∆formfactor[5]. We now apply the dynamical model explained Finally,weexploretheeffectsofthepioncloud in the previous section to neutrino-nucleus reac- ontheN∆transitionformfactors. Fig.5displays tions in the GeV region. The charged-current the dressed magnetic dipole form factor, G , neutrino-nucleus reaction cross section can be M 5 written as θ=10o θ=30o wdEhde′σdreΩL′ µν=is tpphl′leGle2Fp8ctπoon2s2tθecnLsoµrν.WTµhνe hadron(t1en1)- −38Ω102 (/GeV sr)dEcm 000...468 −38Ω102 (/GeV sr)dEcm 000...468 sor Wµν is given as 2−1σAd/d 0.2 2−1σAd/d 0.2 0 0 Wµν = ¯ (2π)3ET δ4(q+P −P ) 1.1 1.2W [GeV]1.3 1.4 1.1 1.2W [GeV]1.3 1.4 i f XiX MT f <f|Jµ|i><f|Jν|i>∗, (12) Figure6. Crosssectionofν+12C →e−+π+X. where P is the initial or final hadron momen- i,f tum, q a momentum transfer. As a first step of our neutrino-nucleus reac- tion study, we consider the following points: (1) 1.1 GeV at θ =37.5o [16]. The magnitude of the Fermi-averaging of the elementary amplitude is calculated pion production cross section is com- takenintoaccountbycalculatingthereactionen- parablewiththedata,whileourresult(solidline) ergy W = (q+p )2 of the elementary process tendstooverestimatethequasi-freecrosssection. N from the npucleon momentum p inside nucleus Furthermore the ‘dip’ region between the quasi- N and momentum transfer q. (2) We also take into free and delta-excitation peaks is not explained account Pauli effects on the final nucleon after within the model. pionproduction. Werequirethatthemomentum Recently there have been detailed studies of of the final nucleon |p~′| = |p~ +~q−~k| be larger nuclear effects in inclusive neutrino-nucleus reac- N than the Fermi momentum. This correction is tions [17,18]. Meanwhile, in the present first at- calculated for each pion momentum~k and initial tempt to apply the dynamical model of Refs. [2, nucleon momentum p~ . Fig. 6 shows the cross 3,4,5] to neutrino-nucleus reactions, we have in- N sectionforthe ν +12C →e−+π+N+(A=11) cluded nuclear-medium effects only by incorpo- e reactiondividedbymassnumberforE =1GeV rating the Fermi-averaging and Pauli effects in ν and for the two values of the lepton scattering the way described above and by introducing the angle,10o and30o. The dash-dottedcurveshows structure function. It is obviously important to the average of the cross sections for the proton investigateanypossiblenucleareffectsbeyondthe andneutrontargets,(σ +σ )/2. Fermiaveraging level considered in our present work. p n is included in the dotted curve, and furthermore the Pauli-effect is included in the solid curve. As discussed in Ref. [6], the Pauli effect is apprecia- ble at low momentum transfers, i.e. at forward 700 400 lteapkteofnulalnagclceos.unItnoefvtahlueaptiionngatnhgeuPlaarudliisetffriebcut,tiwone GeV sr)560000 GeV sr)300 as predicted by the dynamical model. Ω (nb/dE340000 Ω (nb/dE200 desTcoriebxeatmheindeattoa,wwheathaevxetesnttudoiuerdtirnecaltumsievnetecleacn- 2−1σAd/d120000 2−1σAd/d100 tron scattering on 12C. The quasi-elastic pro- 00.8 1 1.2 1.4 00.8 1 1.2 1.4 W [GeV] W [GeV] cess is evaluated using the relevant formula in Ref. [14]. The pion production process is calcu- lated as described above. Here the nuclear corre- lationistakenintoaccountbyusingthestructure Figure 7. Inclusive cross section of 12C +e → ′ function given in Ref. [15]. In Fig. 7, our results e +X atEe =0.96GeV(left)andEe =1.1GeV are compared with the data for E = 0.96 and (right). e 6 5. Summary 6. E. A. Paschos, Ji-Young Yu and M. Sakuda, Phys. Rev. D 69 (2004) 014013. We have developed a dynamical model of elec- 7. O. Lalakulich and E. A. Paschos, Phys. Rev. troweak pion production reactions. Most of the D 71 (2005) 074003. availabledataofpionelectroproductionandneu- 8. V.D.BurkertandT.-S.H.Lee,Int.J.Mod. trino reaction on the nucleon in the ∆ region Phys. E 13 (2004) 1035. can be described reasonably well by the model. 9. M.Kobayashi,T.SatoandH.Ohtsubo,Prog. The N∆ transition form factors extracted from Theor. Phys. 98 (1997) 927. the data exhibit a large contribution of the pion 10. V.V.Frolovetal.,Phys.Rev.Lett 82(1999) cloud effects to the N∆ form factors, and these 45. effects explain why the simple quark models fail 11. K. Joo et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 88 (2002) to explainthe magnitudeandtheQ2 dependence 12001. of the empirical form factors. We have studied 12. S. J. Barish et al., Phys. Rev. D 19 (1979) neutrino-nucleus reactions using the dynamical 2521. model that has been well tested by the electron 13. T. Kitagaki et al., Phys. Rev. D 42 (1990) scattering data. We have examined the effects of 1331. Fermimotion,Pauliblockingandnuclearcorrela- 14. R. A. Smith and E. J. Moniz, Nucl. Phys. B tionsusingthedynamicalmodel. Itisshownthat 43 (1972) 605. these effects are important and significantly im- 15. O. Benhar, A. Fabrocini, S. 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