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Dynamical Expansion of Ionization and Dissociation Front around a Massive Star. I. A Mode of Triggered Star Formation PDF

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Preview Dynamical Expansion of Ionization and Dissociation Front around a Massive Star. I. A Mode of Triggered Star Formation

DraftversionFebruary2,2008 PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.11/12/01 DYNAMICAL EXPANSION OF IONIZATION AND DISSOCIATION FRONT AROUND A MASSIVE STAR. I. A MODE OF TRIGGERED STAR FORMATION Takashi Hosokawa1 and Shu-ichiro Inutsuka2 Draft version February 2, 2008 ABSTRACT We analyze the dynamical expansion of the H II region and outer photodissociation region (PDR) around a massive star by solving the UV and FUV radiation transfer and the thermal and chemical processes in a time-dependent hydrodynamics code. We focus on the physical structure of the shell swept up by the shock front (SF) preceding the ionization front (IF). After the IF reaches the initial 5 Stro¨mgren radius, the SF emerges in front of the IF and the geometrically thin shell bounded with the 0 IF and the SF is formed. The gas density inside the shell is about 101−2 times as high as the ambient 0 gas density. Initially the dissociation fronts expands faster than IF and the PDR is formed outside the 2 H II region. Thereafter the IF and SF gradually overtakes the proceeding dissociation fronts (DFs), and eventually DFs are takenin the shell. The chemicalcompositionwithin the shellis initially atomic, n a but hydrogen and carbon monoxide molecules are gradually formed. This is partly because the IF and J SF overtake DFs and SF enters the molecular region, and partly because the reformation timescales of 8 the molecules become shorter than the dynamical timescale. The gas shell becomes dominated by the molecular gas by the time of gravitational fragmentation, which agrees with some recent observations. 2 A simple estimation of star formation rate in the shell can provide a significant star formation rate in v our galaxy. 0 Subject headings: Circumstellar matter – H II regions – ISM: molecules – STARS : formation 8 0 1 1. introduction dynamical aspects of the expansion in both homogeneous 1 and inhomogeneous ambient medium. However, these do 4 As the H II region expands around a massive star, the notinclude the outerphotodissociationregion(PDR) and 0 shock front (SF) emerges preceding the ionization front thermal processes dominant in PDR. / (IF). This SFsweepsupthe ambientgasandthe gasshell h We perform the time-dependent calculation including is formed at the edge of the H II region. Many authors p the IF, DF, and the shell, which has been very limited. have studied the scenario that the shell becomes unstable - We solve the UV and FUV radiation transfer and hydro- o and next star formation is triggered around H II region r (collect and collapse model, see, e.g., Elmegreen & Lada dynamicsnumericallytoinvestigatethestructureandevo- t lutionoftheshellandPDRaswellasHIIregion. Sincethe s 1977, Whitworth et al. 1994, Elmegreen 1998, and refer- a compression rate behind the SF depends on the thermal ences therein). Recently, Deharveng et al.(2003, hereafter : processes, we include the thermal processes which domi- v DV03)observedthefragmentedmolecularshellaroundthe nate either in H II region or PDR. In this letter, we con- i classicalHIIregion,Sh104andshowtheyoungstars(clus- X sider the simple situation that there is one massive star ter)isformedinthecoreofonefragment. Theyarguethat r within the homogeneous ambient medium, which can be a this is the evidence of collectandcollapse model. Now we compared with Sh104 observed by DV03. The detailed can refine the theory for the evolution of the shell and quantitativeaspectsoftheevolutionwillbegiveninsubse- compare it with the detailed observation. Especially, we quentpaper(Hosokawa&Inutsuka2004,hereafter,Paper can focus on the amount of the fragmented molecular gas II). they observed. The SF initially emerges in front of the IF, where sufficient FUV photons to dissociate molecules 2. numerical methods are available. Therefore, it is not clear whether the SF can gather the molecular gas in the shell as observation We use a one-dimensional spherically-symmetrical nu- indicates or not. merical method. The numerical scheme for the hydrody- Roger & Dewdney (1992) and Diaz-Miller, Franco & namics is based on the 2nd-order Lagrangian Godunov Shore(1998)studiedthetime-dependentexpansionofHII method (see, e.g., van Leer 1979). We use the on-the- and PDR solving the radiative transfer of UV and FUV spot approximation for UV and FUV radiation transfer. photons. Although these works do not include hydrody- We assume that all hydrogen molecules are in the ground namics, they have shown that the IF gradually overtakes vibrationallevelofX1Σ andortho/pararatiois3:1(Diaz- g the dissociation front (DF) and this means that IF and Miller, Franco & Shore 1998). For the Lyman-Werner preceding SF gradually enter the molecular region. The bands to photodissociate hydrogenmolecule, we solve the numericalstudyofthehydrodynamicalexpansionoftheIF frequency dependent transfer using the representative set has been studied since 1960’s (e.g. Mathews 1965, Lasker of lines. The UV and FUV photon luminosity of the 1966, Tenorio-Tagle 1976, Tenorio-Tagle 1979 , Franco et central star is adopted from Diaz-Miller, Franco & Shore al. 1990 etc.). These works successfully show the various (1998) for the case of Z = 1Z⊙. The main thermal pro- 1 YukawaInstitute forTheoreticalPhysics,KyotoUniversity,Kyoto,Japan, 606-8502;[email protected] 2 DepartmentofPhysics,KyotoUniversity,Kyoto,Japan, 606-8502;[email protected] 1 2 T. Hosokawa & S.Inutsuka cesses included in the energy equation is UV/FUV heat- 3 ing(e.g.,Hphotoionization,photoelectricheating)andra- diative cooling (e.g., H recombination, Ly-α, OI (63.0µm, t=0.1Myr (1) Velocity 63.1µm) , OII (37.29µm), CII (23.26µm, 157.7µm), H , 2 t=0.3Myr and CO, see Hollenbach & McKee 1979, 1989,Koyama &2 s) t=0.5Myr m/ Inutsuka 2000). Non-equilibrium reaction equations are k 1 implicitly solved for the species of e, H, H+, H2, C+, and 2.5 CO. The ionization rate of O is assumed to be the same v ( 0 as that of H. We adopt the simple approximation for the t=0.7Myr dissociation process of CO molecule given by Nelson & -1 t=0.9Myr Langer (1997). The hydrodynamic equations and the ra- diative transfer equation, energy equation, and reaction equations are combined following Tenorio-Tagle (1976). 100 (2) Density The dust extinction is included only outside the IF and the dust temperature is calculated following Hollenbach, c) Takahashi& Tielens (1991). We havecheckedour numer- 0 / c 10 ical code with the well-studied problems (e.g., Franco et 0 0 1 al. 1990). n ( 1 3. results of the numerical calculation 0.1 In this letter, we consider one typical case where there is one massive star of Teff = 40000 K (M = 41 M⊙) in 10000 the ambient medium. This corresponds to the O6V star, which is the central star of Sh104. The initial ambient number density of the hydrogen nucleon is unknown, and K) 1000 we adopt a typical value of the giant molecular cloud, T ( n = 103 cm−3 (n = 500 cm−3). As in the stan- H,0 H2,0 dard picture (e.g. Spitzer 1978), the IF expands rapidly 100 as the weak R-type front in the recombination timescale, (3) Gas Temperature t ∼ 100 yr for n = 103 cm−3 (formation phase). As rec H,0 the IF reaches Stro¨mgren radius, R = 0.56 pc, the pho- 10 st toionization rate and the recombination rate in the H II region becomes equal, the H II region begins to expand 1e-09 owing to the pressure difference between H II region and outer PDR or molecular cloud. At this phase, the SF ap- -2m ) 1e-10 pears in front of the IF and the IF changes to the weak c s/ D-typefront(expansionphase). Theexpansionlawinthis e n y phase is given by d 1e-11 P ( (4) Pressure 4/7 7CHIIt 1e-12 R (t)=R 1+ (1) IF st (cid:18) 4 Rst (cid:19) 0 1 2 3 4 5 r (pc) (e.g. Spitzer 1978), where CHII is the sound speed in the Fig. 1.—Thesnapshots ofthegas-dynamical evolution. Ineach H II region. The dynamical timescale is now given by panel, five snapshots represents the profiles at t= 0.1,0.3,0.5,0.7, t = R /C ∼ 105 yr. Fig.1 shows the time evolu- and0.9Myrrespectively. dyn st HII tion of the physical quantities of the gas in the expansion phase. The radius of Sh104 is 4 pc and the IF reaches up with the preceding DFs (e.g. Roger & Dewdney 1992, this radius at t = 0.7 Myr in our calculation. For each Diaz-Miller, Franco & Shore 1998). The upper panel of snapshot, we can see the H II region (T ∼ 104 K), the Fig.2representstheovertakingoftheIFmoreclearly. The gas shell swept up by the SF (n ∼ 104−5 cm−3) and position of the SF is very close to that of the IF. As the H the outer PDR (T ∼100 K) and the outermost molecular systemswitchesfromtheformationphasetotheexpansion cloud (T ∼ 10 K). The SF emerges just in front of the phase, the timescale of the expansion of the IF suddenly IF.The densitybehind the SFsignificantlyincreasesfrom becomes longer to t . Even in this phase, the preceding dyn the ambient value owing to the line cooling, and the gas DFs continue to expand. Then the regionbetween IF and density within the shell is about 10-100 times as high as DFs appears as a PDR. However, the DFs gradually slow the ambient density. The more detailed inner structure of down because the FUV flux at each DF decreases owing the shell is shown below (Fig.3). The geometrical thick- to the geometrical dilution and the dust extinction in the ness of the shell, h increases throughout the calculation, PDR. The IF expands because of the pressure difference h∼0.02−0.2pc. ThePDR(T ∼100K)becomesnarrow between the H II region and the outer PDR, and the de- as the IF expands, that is, the IF gradually catches celeration is more slower according to eq.(1). A Mode of TriggeredStar Formation 3 moleculesalreadybegins wheneachDFisstilloutsidethe 5 SF pc) 4 100 s ( t = 0.3 Myr osition 3 DF of H2 Sh104 c ) 10 (1) Density P c nt 2 0 / Fro 1 IF DF of CO n ( 100 1 0 0.1 6e+21 XCO=0.8 SF XCO=0.2 -2m ) 4e+21 XH2=0.8 10000 (2) Gas Temperature c (H XH2=0.2 N 1000 2e+21 K) T ( IF 100 0 6e+21 SF 10 -2 (cm )H 4e+21 unstable 2cm ) 1e-10 (3) Pressure N s / 2e+21 yne 1e-11 d IF P ( 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1e-12 Time (Myr) 1 Time (Myr) XHII Fig. 2.— Upper panel : The time evolution of the various 0.8 (4) Compositions front positions. The solid and dotted lines mean the position of tthhee IDFFanodf HSF2 r(eCspOe)c.tiTvoelyd.efiTnheetbhreokDenFs(dooft-Hso2lida)ndlinCeOre,pwreeseunstes ee 0.6 XH2 XCO XshHa2de≡d r2engiHo2n/ncoHrnruecsp=ond0.s5toantd<XC(GOρ)≡−1n/C2Ow/inthCinnucth=e s0h.e5l.l,Tanhde degr 0.4 hence, thegravitational fragmentationisexpected (see §4.1). Mid- dlepanel: Thetimeevolutionofthecolumndensityofeachregion. ThincontourlinesrepresentthepositionwhereXH2 (broken),XCO 0.2 (dot-solid) = 0.2, 0.5 and 0.8. Lower panel : Same as the med- dle panel but for showing the gravitationally unstalbe region. The 0 shadedregioncorrespondstotheregionwheret<(Gρ)−1/2. 0 2e+21 4e+21 6e+21 8e+21 1e+22 NH (cm - 2 ) ThelowertwopanelsofFig.2representsthetimeevolution Fig. 3.— Thedistributionofgasdensity,pressure,temperature, andthechemicalcompositionsatt=0.3Myr. Inthelowestpanel, of the column density of each region. The column density ofthe HII regiongraduallydecreasesbecausethenumber XXHHI2IaisndthXeCioOnizaarteiomnorleactueldarefirnaetdiosas(sneHe+t/hneHcnaupct.ion of Fig.2) and density decreasesasn ∝R−3/2 inthe expansionphase, HII IF where R is the radius of the H II region. The column IF density of the gas shell σ increases. The ambient mass SF. Therefore, the accumulation is not simply explained swept up by the time t is proportionalto R (t)3 and the by the fact that the IF and the SF overtakes the DFs IF mass within the H II region is ∝n R (t)3 ∝R (t)3/2. and that the SF enters the molecular region. The gas HII IF IF density within the shell is so high that the reformation Then the most of the swept-up mass does not flow into timescales of the molecules become short enough. The the H II region but remains in the shell. The calculated reformation timescale of the hydrogen molecule is about mass of the H II region is 430M⊙ and the shell mass is ∼ 106yr for n ∼ 103cm−3. The dynamical timescale is 9000M⊙ at t =0.7 Myr (including both PDR and molec- about t ∼H1,005 yr, then the reformation of H on the ular region), which is in good agreement with the obser- dyn 2 grain surface is not important with the ambient number vation (see DV03). The PDR initially spreads outside the density. However, the reformation timescale in the gas shell,butH andCOmoleculesaregraduallyaccumulated 2 shell, ∼ 104−5 yr, is shorter than t , therefore the for- from the outer side of the shell. The accumulation of the dyn 4 T. Hosokawa & S.Inutsuka mation of H molecule is significant in the shell. induces the next star formation. Here, we assume that 2 Fig.3 shows the detailedstructure of the physicalquan- non-gravitational instabilities (e.g. decelerating shock in- tities and the chemical composition of the shell at t = stability (DSI)) themselves are not the essential ones for 0.3 Myr. As this figure shows, the molecular fraction the sequential star formation. Elmegreen (1989) showed in the shell is higher than the value in the PDR out- that the gravitationalinstability couples with DSI for the side the shell owing to the rapid reformation. As H II deceleratinglayerusingthelinearanalysis,butMacLow& region expands, the DFs are taken in the shell and the Norman(1993)pointedoutthattheDSIquicklysaturates denser (n > 104cm−3) PDR is formed in the inner side in the non-linear phase. H of the shell. Once the molecules are reformed in the However, Garcia-Segura & Franco (1996) showed the shell,the FUVradiationisconsumedbythephotodissoci- DSI is strongly modified with the presence of the IF. The ation of these molecules, which decelerates the expansion shell rapidly fragments and the finger-like structures are of the preceding DFs to accelerates the accumulation of formedin their 2D calculation. Furthermore, the shadow- the molecules. About 80 % (55 %) of the hydrogen (car- ing instability and corrugation instability of the IF were bon) atoms within the shell exist as H (CO) molecule at studied by Williams (1999, 2002) and these instabilities 2 t =0.7 Myr in our calculation. Fig.3 also shows other in- also can disturb the IF and the shell. Although these terestingfeaturesoftheshell. Thethermalpressureinside complexities are beyond the scope of this paper, it will theshellishighandaboutconstantatthevalueoftheHII be interesting to study the effect of these instabilities on region. The gas temperature has negative gradient from the evolution of the DF and the post-shock layer with 2D the inner side to the outer side of the shell, because the or 3D calculations in the future. FUV radiation is attenuated owing to the dust extinction Elmegreen & Elmegreen (1978), Miyama, Narita & throughtheshell,andthephotoelectricheatingdecreases. Hayashi (1987), Lubow & Pringle (1993), and Nagai et Conversely, the gas density has positive gradient to the al.(1998) have studied the stability of the dense gas layer outer side of the shell. and show that the earliest gravitationalinstability occurs withawavelengthwhichcomparabletothelayerthickness 4. discussion and the growth rate is ∼ (Gρ)−1/2. The calculated shell 4.1. Dust in H II Region suffersfromthisinstability,andtheshadedregioninFig.2 represents the unstable region, where t ≤ (Gρ)−1/2. Al- In this section, we discuss the possible effect of dust thoughthemassscaleatthemaximumgrowthrateiscom- grains in the H II regions (e.g. Spitzer 1978). For ex- paratively small, ∼ σh2 ∼ 1 M⊙, larger mass scale per- ample, the grains can be driven by the radiation pressure turbation gradually grows in turn. As mentioned above, during the expansion of the H II region (e.g., Arthur et the gas density is higher in the outer part of the shell, al. 2004). Arthur et al. have shown the small grains then the unstable region extends from the outer edge to are destroyed by the sublimation but the large graphite the inner part of the shell. By the age of Sh104, 0.7 Myr, grains can exist close to the star. In contrast, the recent the outer part of the shell dominated by CO molecule be- observation by Roger et al. (2004) found no far-infrared comesunstable. Therefore,thedensemolecularfragments componentcorrelatedwithHIIregion,Sh170. Thephoto- are formed around H II region and the triggered star for- electric heating works even in H II regions comparatively mation may occur in the core of them, as DV03 shows. with the photoionization heating (Weingartner & Draine 2001) and is sensitive to the uncertain abundance of the 4.3. The Role of this Triggering Process small dust grains. If we adopt the dust absorption cross section,6×10−22cm2 (Hnucleon)−1 inHII region,which Evenifthemoleculargasissuccessfullygatheredaround we adopt in the PDR and the outer region, the radius of the H II region and the triggered star formation actually the H II region becomes slightly smaller, but the differ- occurs, its impact on the global star formation is still un- ence from the case without dust in H II region is always certain. However, we can show its significance in a sim- less than 5%. The temperature in the PDR decreases by ple argument. In our galaxy, most of stars are formed in 10-20% because of the attenuation of FUV photons by clusters (e.g., Evans 1999), then the feedback effects from dust grains in the H II region. The gas density within massivestarsareubiquitous for the globalstarformation. the shell rises by a factor, 1.4-1.5. Theses changes in the If every massive star gather the molecular gas of M on sh shell, however, only slightly promotes the accumulation averageandthetriggeredstarformationoccurswithinthe of the molecular gas. If we include the standard photo- shell,the induced starformationrate SFR is estimated HII electric heating rate and dust recombination cooling rate as in the H II region (Bakes & Tielens 1994), the tempera- SFR ∼SFR ture near the central star in the H II region rises, but the HII 0 −1 temperature nearthe gasshellhardly changes. Therefore, × Mav f (>20M⊙) Msh ǫ (2) the existence of dust grains do not significantly alter the 0.6M⊙! 0.0006 ! 104M⊙! 0.1! results in this paper. , whereSFR is the currenttotalstarformationrate inour 4.2. Fragmentation of the Shell 0 galaxy,Mav istheaveragestellarmass,f (>20M⊙)isthe The triggered star formation scenario predicts that the number fractionof the massive star which creates relative shocked layer fragments and these fragments collapse to large H II regions (> 20M⊙), and ǫ is the star formation stars of the second generation. Although the fragmenta- efficiency for the swept-up gas. The normalization values tion of the shocked layer is studied by many authors, it is ofMav ∼0.6M⊙ andf (>20M⊙)∼0.0006arecalculated still uncertainwhich instability actually occurs andwhich with the initial mass function (IMF) given by Miller & A Mode of TriggeredStar Formation 5 Scalo (1979). Equation(2)showsthatif the averagemass 1 ThedensegasshellisformedjustinfrontoftheIF, of the gas shell is ∼ 104M⊙, this triggering process even andthisshellisinitiallyatomicbutgraduallydomi- alone can sustain the current galactic star formation rate. natedwithmolecules. ThisispartlybecausetheIF In our calculation, the molecular gas of ∼104M⊙ is accu- and SF overtake the preceding DFs and SF enters mulated around one massive star owing to the expansion the molecular region, and partly because the refor- of the H II region by the time of t ∼ 1 Myr. There- mation timescale within the shell becomes shorter fore, this mode of triggered star formation should be an thanthedynamicaltimebecauseofthehighdensity important process. The efficiency of triggering should de- of the shell. pendonthephysicalconditions,suchastypeofthecentral 2 Thecalculationsuccessfullyreproducetheobserved star, ambient density structure and so on. For example, propertiesofSh104. Themassofthe shellandHII many H II regions show the “blister-like” or “champagne region, and the location of the IF at t ∼ 0.7 Myr flow” (Tenorio-Tagle 1979) features. In these cases, the agreewiththeobservation. Thegravitationalinsta- IF rapidly erodes the parental cloud and only a part of bility occurs after the gas shell is dominated with the swept-up mass remains within the shell , which might the molecular gas. By the time of t∼0.7 Myr, the result in smaller M (e.g., Whitworth 1979,Franco et al. sh gravitationally unstable molecular shell is formed 1994). More realistic estimation including such cases will around H II region, as the observation shows. be explored in Paper II. 3 In our calculation, the molecular gas shell of the 5. conclusion order of ∼ 104M⊙ is formed in 1 Myr around one We have calculated the dynamical expansion of H II massive star. With simple estimation, we show the region and PDR around a massive star, focusing on the triggering process owing to the expansion of H II dense gasshellaroundH II region. Ourresults aresimply region is important in context of Galactic star for- summarized as follows, mation. 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