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Dynamical and correlation properties of the Internet Romualdo Pastor-Satorras,1 Alexei Va´zquez,2 and Alessandro Vespignani3 1Departament deF´ısicaiEnginyeriaNuclear, Universitat Polit`ecnicadeCatalunya, CampusNord B4,08034 Barcelona, Spain 2International School for Advanced Studies SISSA/ISAS, via Beirut 4, 34014 Trieste, Italy 3The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), P.O. Box 586, 34100 Trieste, Italy 2 (Dated: February 1, 2008) 0 0 The description of the Internet topology is an important open problem, recently tackled with 2 the introduction of scale-free networks. In this paper we focus on the topological and dynamical n properties of real Internet maps in a three years time interval. We study higher order correlation a functionsaswellasthedynamicsofseveralquantities. WefindthattheInternetischaracterizedby J non-trivialcorrelationsamongnodesanddifferentdynamicalregimes. Wepointouttheimportance 9 ofnodehierarchyandagingintheInternetstructureandgrowth. Ourresultsprovidehintstowards therealistic modeling of theInternetevolution. ] h PACSnumbers: PACSnumbers: 89.75.-k,87.23.Ge,05.70.Ln c e m Complex networks play an important role in the un- ternet. In most cases, the map is constructed by using - derstanding of many natural systems [1, 2]. A network a hop-limited probe (such as the UNIX trace-route tool) t a is a set of nodes and links, representing individuals and from a single location in the network. In this case the t s the interactions among them, respectively. Despite this result is a “directed” map as seen from a specific point t. simple definition, growing networks can exhibits an high on the Internet [5]. This approach does not correspond a degree of complexity, due to the inherent wiring entan- toacompletemapoftheInternetbecausecross-linksand m glement occurring during their growth. The Internet is othertechnicalproblems(suchasmultipleIPaliases)are - a capital example of growing network with technologi- not considered. Heuristic methods to take into account d n cal and economical relevance; however, the recollection theseproblemshavebeenproposed[9]. However,itisnot o of router-level maps of the Internet has received the at- cleartheirreliabilityandthecorrespondingcompleteness c tention of the research community only very recently of maps constructed in this way. A different representa- [ [3,4,5]. Thestatisticalanalysisperformedsofarhavere- tion of Internet is obtained by mapping the autonomous 2 vealedthattheInternetexhibitsseveralnon-trivialtopo- systems (AS) topology. Each AS number approximately v logical properties. (wiring redundancy, clustering, etc.). maps to an Internet Service Provider (ISP) and their 1 Among them, the presence of a power-law connectivity links areinter-ISPconnections. Inthis caseit is possible 6 distribution [6, 7] makes the Internet an example of the to collect data from several probing stations to obtain 1 5 recently identified class of scale-free networks [8]. completeinterconnectivitymaps[3,4]. Inparticular,the 0 Inthis Letter,wefocusonthe dynamicalpropertiesof NLANR project is collecting data since Nov. 1997, and 1 the Internet. We shall consider the evolution of real In- it provides topological as well as dynamical information 0 / ternetmapsfrom1997to2000,collectedbytheNational on a consistent subset of the Internet. The first Nov. at Laboratoryfor AppliedNetworkResearch(NLANR) [3]. 1997 map contains 3180 AS, and it has grown in time m In particular, we will inspect the correlation properties untilthe Dec. 1999measurement,consistingof6374AS. - of nodes’ connectivity, as well as the time behavior of In the following we will consider the graph whose nodes d severalquantities relatedto the growthdynamics ofnew represent AS and whose links represent the connections n nodes. Ouranalysisshowsadynamicalbehaviorwithdif- between AS. o c ferent growth regimes depending on the node’s age and In dealingwith the Internet as anevolvingnetwork,it v: connectivity. The analysispoints out twodistinct wiring is important to discern whether or not it has reached processes; the first one concerns newly added nodes, i a stationary state whose average properties are time- X while the second is related to already existing nodes in- independent. As a first step, we have analyzed the be- r creasing their interconnections. A feature introduced in havior in time of several average quantities such as the a thepresentworkreferstotheInternethierarchicalstruc- connectivity hki, the clustering coefficient hCi and the ture,reflectedinanon-trivialscale-freeconnectivitycor- average minimum path distance hdi of the network [10]. relation function. Finally, we discuss recent models for The first two quantities (see Table I) show a very slow the generation of scale-free networks in the light of the tendency to increase in time, while the average mini- present analysis of real Internet maps. The results pre- mum path distance is slowly decreasing with time. A sentedinthisLettercouldhelpdevelopingmoreaccurate more clear-cut characterization of the topological prop- models of the Internet. erties of the network is given by the connectivity distri- Several Internet mapping projects are currently de- bution, P(k). In Fig. 1 we show the probability P(k) voted to obtain high-quality router-levelmaps of the In- that a given node has k links to other nodes. We report 2 the distributionfor snapshots ofthe Internetatdifferent 100 times. In all cases, we found a clear power law behavior P(k)∼k−γ with γ =2.2±0.1. The distribution cut-off 1997 1998 is fixed by the maximum connectivity of the system and 10−1 1999 is related to the overallsize of the Internet map. On the other hand, the power law exponent γ seems to be in- ) dependent of time and in good agreement with previous (k 10−2 m measurements[6]. This evidenceseemsto pointoutthat u P the Internet’s topologicalproperties havealreadysettled to a rather well-defined stationary state. 10−3 Initially, the modeling of Internet considered algo- rithms based on its static topological properties [11]. However, since the Internet is the natural outcome of 10−4 100 101 102 103 a complex growth process, the understanding of the dy- namical processes leading to its present structure must k be consideredas a fundamentalgoal. Fromthis perspec- FIG. 1: Cumulated connectivity distribution for the 1997, tive, the Baraba´si-Albert (BA) model, Ref. [8, 12], can 1998, and 1999 snapshots of the Internet. The power law beconsideredasamajorstepforwardintheunderstand- behaviorischaracterizedbyaslope−1.2,whichyieldsacon- ingofevolvingnetworks. UnderlyingtheBAmodelisthe nectivity exponentγ =2.2. preferential attachment rule [8]; i.e., new nodes will link with higher probability to nodes with an already large 103 connectivity. Thisfeatureisquantitativelyaccountedfor Internet 1998 by postulating that the probability of a new link to at- Generalized BA γ=2.2 tach to an old node with connectivity k , Π(k ), is lin- i i Fitness model γ=2.25 early proportional to k , Π(k ) ∼ k . This is an intu- i i i itive feature of the Internet growth where large provider hubsaremorelikelytoestablishconnectionsthansmaller > 102 providers. TheBAmodelhasbeensuccessivelymodified nn k with the introduction of several ingredients in order to < account for connectivity distribution with 2 < γ < 3 [13,14],localgeographicalfactors[15],wiringamongex- isting nodes [16], and age effects [17]. While all these 101 models reproduce the scale-free behavior of the connec- tivity distribution, it is interesting to inspect deeper the 100 101 102 103 Internet’s topology to eventually find a few discriminat- ing features of the dynamical processes at the basis of k the Internet growth. A first step in a more detailed characterization of the FIG.2: Averageconnectivityhknniofthenearestneighborsof anodedependingonitsconnectivityk forthe1998 snapshot Internetconcernstheexplorationoftheconnectivitycor- of Internet, the generalized BA model with γ =2.2, Ref. [8], relations. This factor is best represented by the condi- andthefitnessmodel,Ref.[18]. Thefulllinehasaslope−0.5. tional probability Pc(k′|k) that a link belonging to node The scattered results for very large k are due to statistical fluctuations. Year 1997 1998 1999 with connectivity k points to a node with connectiv- hki 3.47(4) 3.62(5) 3.82(6) ity k′. If this conditional probability is independent of hCi 0.18(1) 0.21(2) 0.24(1) k, we are in presence of a topology without any cor- hdi 3.77(1) 3.76(2) 3.72(1) relation among the nodes’ connectivity. In this case, P (k′|k)=P (k′)∼k′P(k′), in view of the fact that any c c TABLE I:Average properties for threedifferent years. hki is link points to nodes with a probability proportional to the average connectivity. hdi is the minimum path distance their connectivity. On the contrary, the explicit depen- dij averagedovereverypairofnodes(i,j). hCiisthecluster- ingcoefficientCiaveragedoverallnodesi,whereCiisdefined denceonkisasignatureofnon-trivialcorrelationsamong as the ratio between the number of links between the neigh- the nodes’ connectivity, and the possible presence of a borsofianditsmaximumpossiblevalueki(ki−1). Figuresin hierarchical structure in the network topology. A direct parenthesisindicatethestatisticaluncertaintyfromaveraging measurement of the P (k′|k) function is a rather com- c thevalues of the corresponding months in each year. plextaskduetolargestatisticalfluctuations. Moreclear 3 indications can be extracted by studying the quantity 0.6 hk i = P k′P (k′|k); i.e. the nearest neighbors aver- nn k′ c (cid:1)t0 =7 days 0:5 age connectivity of nodes with connectivity k. In Fig. 2, t (cid:1)t0 =30 days weshowtheresultsobtainedfortheInternetmapof1998, that strikingly exhibit a clear power law dependence on 0.4 i the connectivity degree hknni∼k−ν, with ν ≃0.5. This (t) result clearly implies the existence of non-trivial corre- ki h lation properties for the Internet. The primary known 10 g structural difference between Internet nodes is the dis- o 0.2 l tinctionbetweenstubandtransitdomains. Nodesinstub domains have links that go only through the domain it- 0:1 self. Stub domains, on the other hand, are connected t via a gateway node to transit domains that, on the con- 0.0 0.5 1.5 2.5 trary, are fairly well interconnected via many paths. In other words, there is a hierarchy imposed on nodes that log10t is very likely at the basis of the above correlation prop- erties. As instructive examples, we report in Fig. 2 the FIG. 3: Average connectivity of nodes borne within a small averagenearest-neighborconnectivityforthegeneralized time window ∆t0, after a time t elapsed since their appear- ance. Timetismeasuredindays. Asacomparisonwereport BA model with γ = 2.2 [13] and the fitness model de- thelines corresponding to t0.1 and t0.5. scribedin Ref. [18], with γ =2.25,fornetworkswith the same size than the Internet snapshot considered. While in the first case we do not observe any noticeable struc- Fig. 3, where it is possible to distinguish two different ture with respect to the connectivity k, in the latter we dynamical regimes: At early times, the connectivity is obtainapower-lawdependencesimilartotheexperimen- nearlyconstantwithaveryslowincrease(hk (t)i∼t0.1). i tal findings. The general analytic study of connectivity Later on, the behavior approaches a power law growth correlationsin growingnetworks models can be found in hk (t)i ∼ t0.5. While exponent estimates are affected by i Ref. [19]. A detailed discussion of different models is be- noise and limited time window effects, the crossover be- yondthe scopeofthe presentpaper; however,itisworth tweentwodistinct dynamicalregimesis compatible with noticing that a k-structure in correlation functions, as the general aging form obtained in Ref. [19]. In partic- probed by the quantity hk i, does not arise in allgrow- nn ular both the generalized BA model [13] and the fitness ing network models. model[18]presentagingeffects similartothoseabtained In order to inspect the Internet dynamics, we focus in real data. A more detailed comparison would require our attention on the addition of new nodes and links aquantitativeknowledgeoftheparameterstobeusedin into the maps. In the three-years range considered, we the models and will be reported elsewhere. have kept track of the number of links ℓ appearing new Abasicissueinthemodelingofgrowingnetworkscon- betweenanewlyintroducednodeandanalreadyexisting cerns the preferential attachment hypothesis [8]. Gener- node. We have also monitored the rate of appearance of alizing the BA model algorithm it is possible to define links ℓ between alreadyexisting nodes. In Table II we old models in which the rate Π(k) with which a node with see that the creation of new links is governed by these k links receive new nodes is proportional to kα. The two processes at the same time. Specifically, the largest inspection of the exact value of α in real networks is an contributionto the growthis givenby the appearanceof importantissuesincetheconnectivitypropertiesstrongly links betweenalreadyexistingnodes. This clearlypoints depend on this exponent [14, 20]. Here we use a simple out that the Internet growth is strongly driven by the recipe that allows to extract the value of α by studying need of a redundancy wiring and an increased need of the appearance of new links. We focus on links emanat- available bandwidth for data transmission. ingfromnewlyappearednodesindifferenttimewindows A customarily measured quantity in the case of grow- ranging from one to three years. We consider the fre- ing networks is the average connectivity hk (t)i of new i nodes as a function of their age t. In Refs. [8, 19] it is shown that hk (t)i is a scaling function of both t and i Year 1997 1998 1999 the absolute time of birth of the node t0. We thus con- sider the total number of nodes born within an small ℓnew 183(9) 170(8) 231(11) ℓ 546(35) 350(9) 450(29) observation window ∆t0, such that t0 ≃ const. with re- old spect to the absolute time scale that is the Internet life- ℓnew/ℓold 0.34(2) 0.48(2) 0.53(3) time. For these nodes, we measure the average connec- tivityasafunctionofthetimetelapsedsincetheirbirth. TABLE II: Monthly rate of new links connecting existing The data for two different time windows are reported in nodes to new(ℓnew) and old (ℓold) nodes. 4 PB97-0693. We thank M.-C. Miguel, Y. Moreno-Vega, links from new nodes −1 and R. V. Sol´e for helpful comments and discussions. links from old nodes −2 ) [1] S.H Strogatz, Nature, 410 , 268 (2001). k ( [2] L. A. N. Amaral, A. Scala, M. Barth´el´emy, and H. E. (cid:22) 0 −3 Stanley, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 97, 11149 (2000). 1 g [3] The National Laboratory for Applied Network Research o l (NLANR), sponsored by the National Science Founda- tion,providesInternetroutingrelatedinformationbased −4 on BGP data (see http://moat.nlanr.net/). [4] The Cooperative Association for Internet Data Analysis (CAIDA),locatedattheSanDiegoSupercomputerCen- −5 0 1 2 3 ter,providesmeasurementsofInternettrafficmetrics(see http://www.caida.org/home/). [5] B. Cheswick and H. Burch, Intenet mapping log10k project at Lucent Bell Labs (see http://www.cs.bell- FIG. 4: Cumulative frequency of links emanating from new labs.com/who/ches/map/). and existing nodes that attach to nodes with connectivity k. [6] M.Faloutsos,P.Faloutsos,andC.Faloutsos,ACMSIG- Thestraight linecorrespondstoaslope −0.2. Theflattailis COMM ’99, Comput.Commun. Rev. 29, 251 (1999). originated from the poor statistics at thevery high k values. [7] G.Caldarelli,R.Marchetti,andL.Pietronero,Europhys. Lett. 52, 386 (2000). [8] A.-L. Barab´asi and R. Albert, Science 286, 509 (1999); quency µ(k) of links that connect to nodes with connec- A.-L.Barab´asi,R.Albert,andH.Jeong,PhysicaA272, tivity k. By using the preferential attachment hypoth- 173 (1999). [9] Mapping the Internet within the SCAN project esis, this effective probability is µ(k) ∼ kαP(k). 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