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JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL AND APPLIED MECHANICS 46,3,pp.679-692, Warsaw2008 DYNAMIC STABILITY OF WEAK EQUATIONS OF RECTANGULAR PLATES Andrzej Tylikowski Warsaw Universityof Technology, Warsaw, Poland e-mail: [email protected] The stability analysis method is developedfor distributed dynamic pro- blemswithrelaxedssumptionsimposedonsolutions.Theproblemismo- tivated by structural vibrations with external time-dependent parame- tric excitations which are controlledusing surfacemountedor embedded actuators and sensors. The strong form of equations involves irregulari- ties which lead to computational difficulties for estimation and control problems.Inordertoavoidirregulartermsresultingfromdifferentiation of force and moment terms, dynamical equations are written in a weak form.The weakform ofdynamicalequations oflinear mechanicalstruc- tures is obtained using Hamilton’s principle. The study of stability of a stochasticweaksystemisbasedonexaminingpropertiesoftheLiapunov functional along a weak solution. Solving the problem is not dependent on assumed boundary conditions. Key words:weakformulation,dynamicstability,differentboundarycon- ditions, Liapunov method 1. Introduction The strong form of plate equations involves irregularities which lead to com- putational difficulties for estimation and control problems. In order to avoid irregular terms resulting from differentiation of force and moment terms, dy- namical equations are written in a weak form. The weak form of systems is useful for development of identification methods and general computational methods(Banks et al., 1993). We considerdynamical systemswith parametric excitations, e.g. plates with in-plane time dependent forces. The plate motion is described by partial differential equations that include time dependent co- efficients implying parametric vibrations. The response of such systems can 680 A. Tylikowski lead to a new increasing mode of oscillations and the structure dynamically buckles. The classical Liapunov technique for stability analysis of continuous elements is based on choosing or generating of a functional which is positive definite in the class of functions satisfying structure boundaryconditions. The time-derivative of the Liapunov functional has to be negative in some defined sense. Almost sure stability of the beam equilibrium state in the strong for- mulation was examined by Kozin (1972). The technique of stability analysis was extended to plates and shells with in-plane or membrane time-dependent forces (Tylikowski, 1978). Uniform stochastic stability analysis of laminated beams and plates described by partial differential equations with time and space dependent variables was presented in Tylikowski and Hetnarski (1996). The weak form of a distributed controller in an active system consisting of electroded piezoelectric sensors/actuators with suitable polarization profiles (Tylikowski, 2005) is useful for the feedback theoretical developments. For the purpose of active vibration and noise control, piezoelectric devi- ces have shown great potential as elements of passive absorbers and active control systems as they are light-weight, inexpensive, small, and can be bon- ded to main structures. They can not be modeled as point force excitations, and partial differential equations should be used to describe the response of the structures driven by them. Active damping in composite structures with collocated sensors/actuators were studied by Tylikowski (2005), Tylikowski and Hetnarski (1996). Electrodes on sensors/actuators are spatially shaped to reduce the spillover between circumferential modes. In order to avoid irre- gular terms resulting from the modelling, the action of piezoelements as the Dirac delta function concentrated on their edges and dynamical equations are written in a weak form. 2. Weak formulation of plate dynamic equations Consider an elastic rectangular plate of the length a, width b, thickness h, mass density ρ and bending stiffness D subjected to the in-plane time- dependent forces F (t) and F (t) acting in the X and Y direction, respecti- X Y vely.Therefore,theonsetofparametricvibrationsispossible.Inordertoavoid developing modes of plate motion, viscous damping with the proportionality coefficient α is introduced. The strong form of plate dynamical equation in the transverse displacement w is given in the following form ρhw +αw +D∆2w+F (T)w +F (T)w = 0 (2.1) ,TT ,T X ,XX Y ,YY Dynamic stability of weak equations... 681 where (X,Y) 0,a 0,b . Introducing dimensionless variables ∈ { }×{ } X Y T x = y = t = b b k t equation (2.1) becomes w +2βw +∆2w+[f +f (t)]w +[f +f (t)]w = 0 (2.2) ,tt ,t ox x ,xx oy y ,yy where (x,y) 0,r 0,1 , r = a/b is the plate aspect ratio ∈ { }×{ } 1 αk k2 = ρhb4 β = t t D 2ρh 1 1 f +f (t) = b2F (k t) f +f (t) = b2F (k t) ox x X t oy y Y t D D and the solution should be fourth time partially differentiated with respect to x and y. If the plate is simply supported at the end, the transverse displa- cement and bending moment equal zero. For clamped edges, the transverse displacement and the slope equal zero. Similarly,wecananlyseothercombinationsofsimpleboundaryconditions, i.e. a simply supported – clamped plate. We write the action integral of the plate without damping in the form t2 r 1 1 A[w] = [w2 (w +w )2 2(1 ν)(w2 w w )+ 2 ,t− ,xx ,yy − − ,xy − ,xx ,yy tZ1 Z0 Z0 (2.3) +f w2 +f w2]dxdydt ox ,x oy ,y where ν is Poisson’s ratio, and applying Hamilton’s principle d A[w+εΦ] =0 (2.4) dε ε=0 (cid:12) (cid:12) where εisarealnumber.Addingthevisco(cid:12)usdampingandthetime-dependent components of the in-plane forces as external works, the dynamical equation can be written in the weak form as follows for all Φ r 1 (w +2βw )Φ+(w +νw )Φ +(w +νw )Φ + ,tt ,t ,xx ,yy ,xx ,yy ,xx ,yy Z0 Z0 n (2.5) +2(1 ν)w Φ [f +f (t)]w Φ [f +f (t)]w Φ dxdy = 0 ,xy ,xy ox x ,x ,x oy y ,y ,y − − − o 682 A. Tylikowski where Φ is a sufficiently smooth test function satisfying essential boundary conditions. There is no demand on the existence of higher derivatives than the second order. As detailed in Banks et al. (1993), usual integration by parts the terms containing derivatives of the test function Φ with respect to the in-plane variables x and y and the assumption of sufficient smoothness of the plate displacement leads to strong formulation (2.2). 3. Almost sure stability definition Dynamical equations (2.2) and (2.5) contain terms explicitely dependent on time. The time dependency of the axial forces f (t) and f (t) parametrically x y excites the plate and an increasing form of vibrations can occur. In determi- nistic parametric vibrations, the stability properties are determined from the Mathieu equation together with the corresponding Ince-Strutt diagram. If the excitation is narrow-bandedor has onelatent periodicity, a series of wedges on the amplitude-frequency plane can be expected, analogously to the determini- sticparametricresonance.Thetaskismuchmorecomplexwhenthestochastic excitation is wide-band and continuous systems with an infinite numberof na- tural fequencies are analysed. Due to the fact that the norms and metrics in infinite-dimensional spaces are not equivalent, the stability holds for just the norm or the metric used in the analysis. If the parametric excitation becomes random, the stability criteria depend on the statistical characteristics of the excitation and the systems parameters. The present paper examines dynamic stability dueto an action of in-planeforces in theform of stochastic physically realizabletime-dependentprocesseswithgiven statistical properties.Equation (2.5) with zero initial conditions posseses the trivial solution w = w = 0 (3.1) ,t The trivial solution to Eq. (2.2) or (2.5) is almost sure stable if with probabi- lity 1 if the measure of distance between the perturbed solution with nonzero initialconditionsandthetrivialonetendstozeroastimetendstoinfinity(Ko- zin, 1972). Usually, the measure of distance is defined by a positive-definite functional. The trivial solution is called almost sure asymptotically stable if P lim w(,t) = 0 = 1 (3.2) t→∞k · k (cid:8) (cid:9) where w(,t) is ameasureof the disturbedsolution w withnontrivial initial k · k conditions from the equilibrium state, and P is the probability measure. The Dynamic stability of weak equations... 683 almost sure stability is equivalent to the clasical Liapunov stability in linear systems. 4. Stability analysis in weak formulation In order to examine the almost sure stability of the plate equilibrium (the trivial solution), the Liapunov functional is chosen in the form r 1 1 V = w2 +2βww +2β2w2+(w +w )2+ 2 ,t ,t ,xx ,yy Z0 Z0 h (4.1) +2(1 ν)(w2 w w ) f w2 f w2 dxdy ,xy ,xx ,yy ox ,x oy ,y − − − − i The functional is positive-definite if the constant components of the in- planeforces f and f fullfilthestaticbucklingcondition,i.e.aresufficiently ox oy small. Therefore, the measure of disturbedsolutions is chosen as a squareroot of the functional V w(,t) = √V (4.2) k · k As trajectories of the solution to equations (2.5) are physically realizable, classical calculus is applied to find the time-derivative of functional (4.1). Its time-derivative is given by r 1 dV = (w +βw)w +βw2 +2β2ww + dt ,t ,tt ,t ,t Z0 Z0 h +w w +w w +2(1 ν)w w + (4.3) ,xx ,xxt ,yy ,yyt ,xy ,xyt − +ν(w w +w w ) f w w f w w dxdy ,xx ,yyt ,yy ,xxt ox ,x ,xt oy ,y ,yt − − i Substituting βw and w as the test functions in Eq.(2.5), we have two ,t identities, respectively r 1 (w +2βw )βw+(w +νw )βw +(w +νw )βw + ,tt ,t ,xx ,yy ,xx ,yy ,xx ,yy Z0 Z0 h +2(1 ν)βw2 (f +f (t))βw2 (f +f (t))βw2 dxdy = 0 ,xy ox x ,x oy y ,y − − − (4.4) i r 1 (w +2βw )w +(w +νw )w +(w +νw )w + ,tt ,t ,t ,xx ,yy ,xxt ,yy ,xx ,yyt Z0 Z0 h +2(1 ν)w w (f +f (t))w w (f +f (t))w w dxdy = 0 ,xy ,xyt ox x ,x ,xt oy y ,y ,yt − − − i 684 A. Tylikowski Subtracting identities (4.4), from the time-derivative of functional (4.3), we obtain the following form 1 dV = βw2 β[w2 +w2 +2w w +2(1 ν)(w2 w w )]+ dt − ,t− ,xx ,yy ,xx ,yy − ,xy − ,xx ,yy Z0 n (4.5) +βf w2 +βf w2 +f (t)(w +βw )w +f (t)(w +βw )w dxdy ox ,x oy ,y x ,xt ,x ,x y ,yt ,y ,y o After some algebra, we rewrite the time-derivative of functional as dV = 2βV +2U (4.6) dt − where U is an auxiliary functional given by 1 1 U = 2β2ww +2β3w2+ ,t 2 Z0 h (4.7) +f (t)(w +βw )w +f (t)(w +βw )w dxdy x ,xt ,x ,x y ,yt ,y ,y i Now we attempt to construct a bound λV U (4.8) where the stochastic function λ is to be determined. In an explicite notation, the function λ has to satisfy the following equation for arbitrary functions w and w satisfying suitable boundary conditions ,t r 1 λ[w2 +2βww +2β2w2+(w +w )2+ ,t ,t ,xx ,yy Z0 Z0 n +2(1 ν)(w2 w w ) f w2 f w2]+ (4.9) ,xy ,xx ,yy ox ,x oy ,y − − − − [2β3w2+2β2ww +f (t)(w +βw )w +f (t)(w +βw )w ] dx 0 ,t x ,xt ,x ,x y ,yt ,y ,y − o It should be noticed that the way to obtain estimation (4.8) is purely alge- braic contrary to systems described by strong equations, where the derivation of stability conditions is based on integrations by parts and manipulations with higher order partial derivatives. Usually, the Liapunov stability analysis of plates is performed for all four simply supported edges (Tylikowski, 1978). Dynamic stability of weak equations... 685 In order to extend the field of possible applications, let us assume the fol- lowing combinations of boundary conditions: a) c-c-c-c, b) c-c-c-s, c) c-c-s-c, d) c-c-s-s, e) s-c-s-s, f) s-s-s-s, shown in Fig.1, where ”s” denotes a simply supported edge, and ”c” denotes a clamped edge. Contrary to the Levy me- thod of determination of displacements of a rectangular plate with two simply supported opposite edges, the proposed technique of determining the stability domains can be applied to plates with arbitrary combinations of simply sup- ported and clamped edges. In the first combinations of boundary conditions for plates with all four edges simply supported, we have ∞ mπx w(x,y,t) = w (t)sin sin(nπy) (4.10) mn r m,n=1 X If the plate with mixed simply supported-clamped edges is considered, the plate displacement is written in the following form ∞ x w(x,y,t) = w (t)X Y (y) (4.11) mn m n r mX,n=1 (cid:16) (cid:17) where X and Y are beam functions depending on boundary conditions for m n x = 0, r and y = 0, 1, respectively. For example, if all four edges of plate are clamped, the beam functions in Eq. (4.11) have the following form β x β x n n X = sin sinh (cosβ coshβ )+ m n n r − r − (cid:16) (cid:17)β x β x n n (sinβ sinhβ ) cos cosh n n − − r − r (cid:16) (cid:17) (4.12) Y = (sinγ y sinhγ y)(cosγ coshγ )+ n n n n n − − (sinγ sinhγ )(cosγ y coshγ y) n n n n − − − Integrating, we have the following equality r r 1 1 X2 dx = κ β2 X2 dx Y2 dy = χ γ2 Y2 dy (4.13) m,xx m m m,x n,yy n n n,y Z0 Z0 Z0 Z0 Using the orthogonality condition, we can also write r r 1 1 β2 γ2 X2 dx = m X2 dx Y2 dy = n Y2 dy (4.14) m,x κ m n,y χ n Z0 m Z0 Z0 m Z0 686 A. Tylikowski where the first few constants κ and χ used in equalities (4.13) and (4.14) m n are given in Table 1 for the most commonly used boundary conditions: a clamped-clamped beam (c-c), and a clamped-simply supported beam (c-s). The constants tend to 1 as n . In order to unify the notations in the → ∞ case of the simply supported beam, we assume β = nπ and κ = 1. Using n n properties of the functions X and Y , we have m n r 1 ∞ r 1 w (x,y,t)w (x,y,t) dx = w (t)w (t) X2 dx Y2 dy ,xt ,x mn,t mn m,x n Z0 Z0 mX,n=1 Z0 Z0 (4.15) Substituting Eq. (4.14) , yields 2 ∞ r 1 w (t)w (t) X2 dx Y2 dy = mn,t mn m,x n mX,n=1 Z0 Z0 (4.16) ∞ β2 r 1 = mw (t)w (t) X2 dx Y2 dy κ mn,t mn m n mX,n=1 m Z0 Z0 Similarly, we have r 1 w (x,y,t)w (x,y,t) dxdy = ,xx ,yy Z0 Z0 (4.17) ∞ ∞ r 1 = w (t)w (t) X X dx Y Y dy mn ij m,xx i n j,yy mX,n=1iX,j=1 Z0 Z0 Integrating by parts the terms in the right-hand-side of Eq. (4.17) for simply supported or clamped edges, we have r r r r X X dx = X X X X dx = δ X2 dx (4.18) m,xx i m,x i m,x i,x mi m,x 0− − Z0 (cid:12) Z0 Z0 (cid:12) (cid:12) where δ denotes the Kronecker delta function mi 1 1 1 1 Y Y dy = Y Y Y Y dx = δ Y2 dy (4.19) n j,yy n,y j n,y j,y nj n,y 0− − Z0 (cid:12) Z0 Z0 (cid:12) (cid:12) Dynamic stability of weak equations... 687 Substituting Eqs. (4.18) and (4.19) into Eq. (4.17), yields r 1 r 1 w (x,y,t)w (x,y,t) dxdy = w2 dxdy (4.20) ,xx ,yy ,xy Z0 Z0 Z0 Z0 Table 1. Numbers κ n m, n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 c-s 1.3396 1.1649 1.1086 1.0809 1.0645 0.90205 1.0537 c-c 1.8185 1.3392 1.2224 1.1648 1.1309 1.10857 1.09276 Combining Eqs. (4.9) and (4.20) and substituting expansion (4.11), we have ∞ r 1 [λw2 +2β(λ β)w w +2β2(λ β)w2 ] X2 dx Y2 dy+ mn,t mn,t mn mn m n − − mX,n=1n Z0 Z0 r 1 r 1 r 1 +λw2 X2 dx Y2dy+2 X2 dx Y2 dy+ X2dx Y2 dy + mn m,xx n m,x n,y m n,yy (cid:16)Z0 Z0 Z0 Z0 Z0 Z0 (cid:17) (4.21) r 1 [(λf +βf (t))w2 +f (t)w w ] X2 dx Y2 dy+ ox x mn x mn,t mn m,x n − Z0 Z0 r 1 [(λf +βf (t)]w2 +f (t)w w ] X2 dx Y2 dy 0 oy y mn y mn,t mn m n,y − Z0 Z0 o Using Eqs. (4.14)-(4.17), yields ∞ β2 γ2 λw2 + 2β(λ β) f (t) m f (t) n w w + mn,t − − x κ − y χ mn,t mn nX=1n (cid:16) m n(cid:17) β2 γ2 β2 + 2β2(λ β)+λ β4 +2 m n +γ4 (λf +βf (t)) m + (4.22) − m κ χ n − ox x κ m n m h (cid:16) (cid:17) r 1 γ2 (λf +βf (t)) n w2 X2 dx Y2 dy 0 − oy y χ mn m n ni oZ0 Z0 Therefore, the variational inequality is reduced to an infinite system of quadratic inequalities λw2 +2A (λ,t)w w +B (λ,t)w2 0 (4.23) mn,t mn mn,t mn mn mn 688 A. Tylikowski where β2 γ2 A (λ,t) =β(λ β) f (t) m f (t) n mn x y − − 2κ − 2χ m n β2 γ2 B (λ,t) = 2β2(λ β)+λg β4 +2 m n +γ4g + mn − m κ χ n m n (cid:16) (cid:17) β2 γ2 [λf +βf (t)] m [λf +βf (t)] n ox x oy y − κ − χ m n The unknown function λ is determined from the zero determinant condi- tion for all m and n of the form λ A (λ,t) mn = 0 (4.24) A (λ,t) B (λ,t) (cid:12) mn mn (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) After some algebraic man(cid:12)ipulations, (4.24) yield(cid:12)s λ = max λ (4.25) mn m,n=1,2,... where β2+f (t) βm2 +f (t) γn2 x 2κm y 2χn λ = (4.26) mn β4 +2(cid:12)(cid:12)βm2 γn2 +γ4 f βm2 f (cid:12)(cid:12)γn2 +β2 m (cid:12)κmχn n− oxκm − oy(cid:12)χn q Combining inequality (4.6) and (4.8), yields an upper estimation of the time-derivative of the functional dV = 2βV +2U 2(β λ)V (4.27) dt − ¬ − − Integratingwithrespecttotime,yieldsthefollowingupperestimationof V t 1 V(t) V(0)exp 2 β λ(τ) dτ t (4.28) ¬ − − t h (cid:16) Z0 (cid:17) i Therefore lim w(,t) = 0 (4.29) t→∞k · k if the exponent in (4.28) is negative t 1 β lim λ(τ) dτ (4.30) t→∞ t Z0

Dynamic stability of weak equations 681 where (X, Y ) ∈ {0,a}×{0,b}. Introducing dimensionless variables x = X b y = Y b t = T kt equation (2.1) becomes w,tt + 2βw,t + ∆2w + [fox + fx(t)]w,xx + [foy + fy(t)]w,yy = 0. (2.2) where (x, y) ∈ {0,r}×{0,1}, r = a/b is the plate aspect ratio k2 t
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