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Volume 6 APPLIED PHYSICS AND ENGINEERING An International Series Dynamic Stability of Bodies Containing Fluid Dynamic Stability of Bodies Containing Fluid v. v. N. N. Moiseyev and Rumyantsev Edited by N. H. Abramson SOUTHWEST RESEARCH INSTITUTE SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS Translated by Scripta Technica [$1 SPRINGER-VERLAG NEW YORK [Ne.· 1968 Originally published under the title, Dinamika Tela s Polostyami, Soderzhashehimi Zhidkost', by Nauka Press, Moseow, 1965 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be translated or reprodueed in any form without written permission from Springer-Verlag. TSBN-13: 978-3-642-86454-4 e-TSBN-13: 978-3-642-86452-0 DOT: 10.1007/978-3-642-86452-0 © 1968 by Springer Verlag New York Ine. Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1s t edition 1968 library of Congress Card Number 68-22688 Title No. 3896 Translation Editor) s Preface The dynamics of bodies containing fluids is a subject of long-standing im portance in many technical applications. The stability of motion of such bodies, in particular, has been the subject of study by Soviet engineers and applied mathematicians who have brought their fuH powers of analysis to bear on the problem, and have succeeded in developing a very weH-founded body of theory. It is difficult to find a more striking example anywhere of the application of the classical methods of analytical mechanics, together with more modern concepts of stability analysis, in such a comprehensive and elegent form as that presented by Profs. Moiseyev and Rumyantsev. Therefore, it is highly significant that this recent monograph has been trans lated and made available to the English-speaking community. H. NORMAN ABRAMSON San Antonio July, 1967 v Foreword During the last 15-20 years, problems of dynamics of rigid bodies with fluid-filled cavities have increasingly attracted the attention of scientists. These problems, which have long been of theoretical interest, have also turned out to be very important from the practical viewpoint. The stimulus for intensifying studies in this field was probably the development of missiles and rockets. The large amount of fluid contained in a missile creates a num ber of problems that are pertinent to this theory; the development of space ships taking off from orbits of artificial satellites (orbiting space-stations) will even further enlarge the range of practical problems. However, it would be incorrect to regard missiles and rockets as the only source for technical problems of dynamics of fluid-filled bodies. Considerable work in this field is devoted to problems of earthquake resistance for various types of fluid storage reservoirs. Similar problems occur in the theory of ships and sub marines; they are pertinent to the theory of aircraft wing flutter, etc. Hence during the last few years, hundreds of publications devoted to analysis of various aspects of the theory of motion of a fluid-filled body have appeared. In the opinion of the authors the extent of the results obtained and the interest expressed in the theory make timely the writing of a monograph that would review these studies. However, the authors have not attempted such an extensive task, but have concerned themselves only with some prob lems that are dose to their particular fields of interest. This book consists of two independent parts. The first, written by V. V. Rumyantsev, presents the general problems of dynamics and the theory of stability of a fluid-filled body, which involve the systematical application of the methods of analytic mechanics, particularly the second method of Lyapunov. Here the body and the fluid contained in its cavity are con sidered a single mechanical system and nonlinear equations of motion are considered. The second part was written by N. N. Moiseyev and is devoted to the theory of small vibrations of fluids and of a fluid-filled body. Only linear problems are considered. The core of this part is the traditional prob lem of small vibrations, i.e., the structure of the spectrum. No effort was made to give a unified presentation; each part of the book is written in the style of the respective author. vi Foreword vii In the first chapter the equations of motion of the system are derived from the principle of least action in the Hamilton-Ostrogradskiy form. Varia tional formulations of problems of dynamics have a certain theoretical merit (for example, from the viewpoint of substantiating the necessity and sufficiency ofthe derived equations and boundary conditions) and also are of great importance in practice since direct methods are most efficient for numerical calculations. The mechanical meaning of the equations thus ob tained is clarified, and formulas are derived for the forces through which the ideal fluid in the cavity acts on the body. The equations of motion are represented in several different forms, particularly in the form of J;.,agrangian equations. The conditions under which the equations of motion have one or another solution are pointed out. The chapter closes with a discussion of the equations of motion when the liquid is viscous. The second chapter is concerned with the motion of a rigid body with cavities entirely filled with an ideal fluid. It is assumed that the motion of the fluid in the cavity is vortex-free, or that it is a homogeneous vortex motion. These cases are elementary in the sense that the motion of the system is described by ordinary differential equations and by the Laplace equation. After the latter is solved, the motion of the fluid is completely defined by a finite number ofvariables. First the fundamental results ofN. Ye. Zhukovskiy are presented [15]. These were obtained in a study of vortex-free motion of a fluid in a cavity and in this case, the motion ofthe rigid body. Then the homoge neous vortex motion of the fluid contained in an ellipsoidal cavity and to the corresponding motion of the body is considered; the statement of the problem of stability in the sense of Lyapunov is presented, and theorems on stability and instability are given. For the elementary cases considered in this chapter, it is natural to present the problem of stability as that of Lyapunov for sys tems with a finite number of degrees of freedom. The chapter gives a solution to a number of problems, stated in this manner, of stability of motion of a fluid-containing rigid body. By constructing Lyapunov's functions, sufficient stability of conditions are obtained; in many cases, these are also identical to the necessary conditions. The third chapter considers the stability of motion of a rigid body with a cavity partially or completely filled by an ideal or viscous fluid, making no assumptions on the type of motion of the fluid, except for that of continuity. Here the state of the system is described by an infinite number of variables, and the problem of stability becomes quite complex. However, in this case it is also possible to state the stability problem with respect to a finite num ber of variables by introducing certain quantities that integrally describe the motion of the fluid. Two theorems on stability with respect to apart of the variables, which can be regarded as modifications of the Lyapunov stability viii Dynamic Stability 01 Bodies Containing Fluid theorem, are proven. Sufficient stability conditions for a number ofproblems are obtained by constructing functions satisfying these theorems. The fourth chapter presents a second method for studying stability of steady motion of a fluid-containing rigid body. This method involves ideas developed by Lyapunov in the theory of equilibrium patterns of a rotating fluid. The problem of stability is stated with respect to parameters defining the motion of the rigid body and to the mode of the equilibrium of the fluid. The chapter contains the proof of a number of theorems that reduce the problem of stability to finding the minimum of a certain expression, for which a solution is given. The chapter ends with the presentation of the solu tions of several problems of stability of steady motion of fluid-filled bodies. The fifth chapter is concerned with the statement of the problem of oscil lations of an ideal fluid subjected to gravity and clarifies certain features of the motion. It also analyzes elementary examples and cases that demonstrate physical context of the theory most clearly. The sixth chapter gives a rigorous presentation of the theory of small vibrations. It is shown that, from the mathematical viewpoint, the theory of small vibrations of a rigid or elastic body that satisfies the hypo thesis of plane sections (beam) containing a fluid and situated in a field of conservative forces is quite elementary and is fully within the scope of the spectral theory of linear, fully continuous, self-adjoint operators. One significant property of these systems is c1arified in detail. As was shown by N. Ye. Zhukovskiy, if the fluid complete1y fills the cavity of the body, then this system is equiv alent to some other rigid body. If the fluid has a free surface, then this theorem does not apply. Nevertheless, it is possible to introduce, an equiv alent rigid body in a certain sense; i.e., it turns out that for stability of the equilibrium position it is necessary and sufficient for some other rigid body to be stable. Here the term "stability" is used to denote that all the principal vibrations are bounded. The concept of stability thus defined differs from the one used in the initial chapters. In general these definitions are not equiv alent, although in some cases (e.g., equilibrium position of a pendulum) the same condition imposed on the geometrie characteristics of the system is sufficient for stability of the position of the system equilibrium in either sense. Knowing the values of the natural frequencies of the oscillating fluid and having a set of eigenfunctions describing the vibrations of the fluid in a stationary cavity, the problem ofmotion of a fluid-filled body can be reduced to a system of integro-differential equations in terms of the generalized coor dinates of the solid body. This system of equations can be studied by well known methods (operational methods, reduction to infinite systems, etc.). Hence the basic problem that arises here is the development of numerical methods for caIculating the spectrum of natural frequencies and eigenfunc- Foreword ix tions. These problems cannot be examined in detail within the scope of this book. We have restricted ourselves to re marks on the expediency of using the Ritz method for this purpose (this fact is substantiated by the computing practice of Soviet, American, and Japanese specialists) and we also give a substantiation of it. It is precisely the role of the Ritz theory that determines the style of the presentation; it is based on Hamilton's principle. In the fifth and sixth chapters a special place is given to various problems in the theory of perturbations. Experience shows that skillful utilization of the methods of this theory frequently makes it possible in applied problems to avoid time-consuming numerical calculations. Among these are all prob lems where the energy of wave motions of the body is small in comparison with the energy of the system in which the free surface is replaced by asolid cover. During the last few years, in connection with the launching of artificial earth satellites, the problem of oscillation of a fluid placed in weak gravi tational fields, previously regarded as exotic, acquired practical signifi cance. Here surface tension forces begin to play an important role. The seventh chapter is devoted to these problems. The theory of motion of a body containing a weightless fluid which partially fills its cavities is still very little developed. Nonlinear problems are of greatest interest here. Even moderate accelerations can result in breakups in continuity. However, just these problems are of the greatest interestto engineers, but have not as yet been studied. This chapter considers the simplest problems, such as the theory of small oscillations of a fluid subjected to the action of surface ten sion fo~ces, some problems of the theory of equilibrium patterns, and the asymptotic behavoir at large Bond numbers. The eighth and final chapter is devoted to a study of the effect of viscosity on the oscillations of a fluid and of a fluid-filled body. Problems of prime importance in this theory involve the study of limiting cases at large and small Reynolds numbers. These problems are presented by using examples of elementary motions. As can be seen from this outline the authors have concentrated their efforts on certain selected problems; an attempt has been made to present the sub ject systematically. This selection of problems makes it possible to consider this monograph an introduction to the dynamics of bodies with fluid-filled cavities. The authors are sincerely grateful to V. A. Pal'mov, who carefuUy reviewed the manuscript and made a number of useful remarks. N. N. MOISEYEV AND V. V. RUMYANTSEV Introduction The problem ofthe motion of a body with cavities completely filled with a fluid first began to attract the attention of scientists over one hundred years ago. Stokes was apparently the first (1842-1847) who turned his attention to this interesting problem ofmechanics; it occupied Helmholtz (1860), Lubeck (1873) and Lamb (1873), who considered a number of particular cases, as weH as Neumann (1883), who considered this problem in connection with the study of motion of solid bodies in a fluid. The first detailed general study of the dynamics of a rigid body with cav ities completely filled with homogeneous incompressible fluid was performed by N. Ye. Zhukovskiy (1885). He showed that the potential motion of the fluid in such a cavity is determined by the motion of the body, while the body proper moves as though the fluid were replaced by an equivalent solid body. At thc same time that the motion of solid bodies with fluid-filled cavities was being studied, scientists became interested in the stability of motion of such bodies. In experiments with a fluid-filled thin-walled spheroidal top, Kelvin (1877) discovered that the top is stable if it spins rapidly and if the shape of the cavity is sufficiently reduced. However, if the top is slightly extended in shape, it becomes highly unstable, no matter what the angular speed with which it rotates. The mathematical explanation of this phenom enon also occupied Greenhill (1880), F. A. Sludskiy (1895), Gaf (1895), Poincare (1910) and Basset (1911), who considered homogeneous vortex motion of a fluid in an ellipsoidal cavity. In particular, Gaf studied the small oscillations in the vicinity of the state of uniform rotation of a rigid body, and the fluid filling its cavity, considering them as the oscillation of one rigid body about the principal axis of intertia, obtained the necessary stability conditions and analyzed them for the case of a shell with a negligible sm all mass. Poincare also considered this problem, taking into account the elasticity of the shell and inhomogeneity of the fluid. Great interest in the problem of motion of rigid bodies with fluid-filled cavities has arisen again in our time, particularly during the last 15-20 years; x Introduction xi here, together with the study of the motions of bodies with completely fluid filled cavities, there has arisen the new problem of the motions of a body with cavities incompletely filled. The development of this theory was stimulated by the appearance of a variety of applied problems. These include problems of the dynamics of fluid-filled missiles and rockets, as weIl as problems involving considerations of the strength of reservoirs and other containments subjected to earthquake loads. A large number of similar problems has been published in connec tion with hydraulic engineering and with the theory of ships. Because of these circumstances, a large number of studies published in various countries has been devoted to different aspects of the dynamics of fluid-filled bodies. In the Soviet Union, many results of this theory were obtained by S. L. Sobolev, N. G. Chetayev, L. N. Sretenskiy, D. Ye. Okhotsimskiy, G. S. Nariman, A. Yu. Ishlinskiy, M. Ye. Temchenko, S. V. Malashenko, B. I. Rabinovich, I. M. Rapoport and many other authors. A bibliography of publications in the field contains so many titles that it is impossible to enumerate all the authors. In this tremendous number of publications it is possible, however, to dis cern three basic trends: 1) study of the linearized equations of motion, utilizing the methods of the theory of small oscillations and the spectral theory of operators; 2) study of the complete nonlinear equations of motion, utilizing the methods of analytic mechanics; 3) experimental studies. The greatest number of publications are devoted to various linear aspects of the theory. Foremost are problems of small oscillations about the equi librium position of a rigid body containing an ideal, incompressible, heavy fluid. This is the simplest part ofthe theory, and one with extensive practical applications. Here the solution ofthe corresponding mathematical problems have been exhaustively clarified; i.e., the structure of the spectrum has been determined, the existence ofthe solution ofCauchy's problem has been proved, etc. A large number ofmechanical features of vibrations of a fluid-filled body have been clarified. It was established, for example, that for stability ofvibra tions of such a system with an infinite number of degrees offreedom, it is neces sary and sufficient that a certain rigid body be stable. The computational aspect of this theory has also been developed. The solution of many prob lems of the theory of vibrations has been reduced to the level of standard programs. The case when the fluid is acted upon by surface tension forces is more complicated. Purely mathematical problems of the theory of small oscilla tions have also not posed difficulties, since the problem can be reduced to an operational equation with compleiely continuous self-adjoint operators, and the entire mathematical context is easily reducible to elementary facts of the

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