Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics Volume 63 Editors:BrunoSiciliano·OussamaKhatib·FransGroen Bram Vanderborght Dynamic Stabilisation of the Biped Lucy Powered by Actuators with Controllable Stiffness ABC ProfessorBrunoSiciliano,DipartimentodiInformaticaeSistemistica,UniversitàdiNapoliFedericoII, ViaClaudio21,80125Napoli,Italy,E-mail:[email protected] ProfessorOussamaKhatib,ArtificialIntelligenceLaboratory,DepartmentofComputerScience, StanfordUniversity,Stanford,CA94305-9010,USA,E-mail:[email protected] ProfessorFransGroen,DepartmentofComputerScience,UniversiteitvanAmsterdam,Kruislaan403, 1098SJAmsterdam,TheNetherlands,E-mail:[email protected] Author BramVanderborght VrijeUniversiteitBrussel Pleinlaan2 1050Brussel Belgium E-mail:[email protected] ISBN978-3-642-13416-6 e-ISBN978-3-642-13417-3 DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-13417-3 SpringerTractsinAdvancedRobotics ISSN1610-7438 LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2010928125 (cid:2)c 2010Springer-VerlagBerlinHeidelberg Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.Allrightsarereserved,whetherthewholeorpartofthematerialis concerned,specificallytherightsoftranslation,reprinting,reuseofillustrations,recitation,broadcasting, reproductiononmicrofilmorinanyotherway,andstorageindatabanks.Duplicationofthispublication orpartsthereofispermittedonlyundertheprovisionsoftheGermanCopyrightLawofSeptember 9, 1965,initscurrentversion,andpermissionforusemustalwaysbeobtainedfromSpringer.Violations areliableforprosecutionundertheGermanCopyrightLaw. Theuseofgeneral descriptive names,registered names,trademarks, etc. inthis publication does not imply,evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfromtherelevantprotective lawsandregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. Typeset&CoverDesign:ScientificPublishingServicesPvt.Ltd.,Chennai,India. Printedonacid-freepaper 543210 springer.com EditorialAdvisoryBoard OliverBrock,TUBerlin,Germany HermanBruyninckx,KULeuven,Belgium RajaChatila,LAAS,France HenrikChristensen,GeorgiaTech,USA PeterCorke,QueenslandUniv.Technology,Australia PaoloDario,ScuolaS.AnnaPisa,Italy RüdigerDillmann,Univ.Karlsruhe,Germany KenGoldberg,UCBerkeley,USA JohnHollerbach,Univ.Utah,USA MakotoKaneko,OsakaUniv.,Japan LydiaKavraki,RiceUniv.,USA VijayKumar,Univ.Pennsylvania,USA SukhanLee,SungkyunkwanUniv.,Korea FrankPark,SeoulNationalUniv.,Korea TimSalcudean,Univ.BritishColumbia,Canada RolandSiegwart,ETHZurich,Switzerland GauravSukhatme,Univ.SouthernCalifornia,USA SebastianThrun,StanfordUniv.,USA YangshengXu,ChineseUniv.HongKong,PRC Shin’ichiYuta,TsukubaUniv.,Japan N SdeTrAtRhe(aSupsrpinicgeesrTofraEcUtsRinOANd(vEaunrcoepdeRanobRootbicost)ichsasRbeeseeanrpcrhoNmeottwedorukn)- RERuersoOepaeracBnhROO************TICS NetworkU E Foreword Roboticsisundergoingamajortransformationinscopeanddimension.From alargelydominantindustrialfocus,roboticsisrapidlyexpandingintohuman environmentsandvigorouslyengagedinits newchallenges.Interactingwith, assisting, serving, and exploring with humans, the emerging robots will in- creasingly touch people and their lives. Beyondits impact onphysicalrobots,the body ofknowledge roboticshas produced is revealing a much wider range of applications reaching across di- verseresearchareasandscientific disciplines,suchas:biomechanics,haptics, neurosciences, virtual simulation, animation, surgery, and sensor networks among others. In return, the challenges of the new emerging areas are prov- ing an abundant source of stimulation and insights for the field of robotics. It is indeed at the intersection of disciplines that the most striking advances happen. The Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics (STAR) is devoted to bringing totheresearchcommunitythelatestadvancesintheroboticsfieldontheba- sisoftheirsignificanceandquality.Throughawideandtimelydissemination of critical researchdevelopments in robotics, our objective with this series is to promote more exchanges and collaborations among the researchers in the community and contribute to further advancements in this rapidly growing field. The monograph written by Bram Vanderborght is the third in the series devotedtobipedrobots.Theworkspeculatesonthestudyofhumanwalking toensureasuitablecompliantbehaviourforapneumaticallyactuatedbiped. A complete hardware and software architecture is developed and different planning and control techniques are tested for energy efficient walking. The monographis expanded from the doctoral dissertation of the author, whichwasafinalistfortheEightEditionoftheEURONGeorgesGiraltPhD Award. A very fine addition to STAR! Naples, Italy Bruno Siciliano January 2010 STAR Editor Preface This book reports on the developments of the bipedal walking robot Lucy. Special about it is that the biped is not actuatedwith the classicalelectrical drivesbutwithpleatedpneumaticartificialmuscles.Inanantagonisticsetup ofsuchmusclesboththetorqueandthecompliancearecontrollable.Fromhu- man walking there is evidence that joint compliance plays an important role in energy efficient walking and running. Moreover pneumatic artificial mus- cles have a high power to weight ratio and can be coupled directly without complex gearing mechanism, which can be beneficial towards legged mecha- nisms.Additionally,theyhavethe capabilityofabsorbingimpactshocksand store and release motion energy. This book gives a complete description of Lucy: the hardware, the electronics and the software. A hybrid simulation program,combining the robot dynamics and muscle/valve thermodynamics, has been written to evaluate control strategies before implementing them in the real biped. The current control architecture consists of a trajectory generator and a joint trajectory tracking controller.Two different trajectory generators have been explored. The first is based on an inverted pendulum model where the objective locomotion parameters can be changedfrom step to step. The sec- ond is an implementation of the preview control of the zero moment point developedby Kajita.The jointtrajectorytrackingunit controlsthe pressure inside the muscles so the desired motion is followed. It is based on a com- puted torque model and takes the torque-angle relation of the antagonistic muscle setup into account. With this strategy the robot is able to walk up to a speed of 0.15m/s.Higher walking speeds are difficult because the robot has to walk flat-feet and the valve system is not fast enough to follow the predescribed pressure courses. On a single pendulum structure a strategy is developed to combine active trajectory control with the exploitation of the natural dynamics to reduce energy consumption.A mathematicalformulationwas found to find anopti- mal compliance setting depending on the trajectory and physical properties of the system. This strategy was not implemented on the real robot because the walking speed of the robot is currently too slow. Acknowledgements First of all, I would like to thank my promotor Dirk Lefeber to let me walk freely where I found the road ahead myself, but also for assisting me when needed. Robotics is a very multidisciplinary research domain, which demands for themostvaryingcompetencies.Itisthusimmenselyimportanttoworkwithin a team of enthusiastic people. This was for me one of the key factors for deciding to do my masters thesis and afterwards my doctoral thesis in the Robotics & Multibody Mechanics Research Group. Although a dissertation hasonlyoneauthor,theworkwasonlypossiblebyaclosecollaborationwith thegroupmembers.I’mespeciallygratefultoBj¨ornVerrelstandRonaldVan Ham who started the research towards Lucy. Also Micha¨el Van Damme for his help, particularly on programming issues, Joris Naudet and the other members. Also the technicians Jean-Paul Schepens, Andr´e Plasschaert and Gabri¨el Van den Nest for the crucial help in the construction of Lucy and Thierry Lenoir for keeping the computers alive. I also want to thank the people of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, the Fac- ulty of Engineering, the Polytechnische Kring, Liberaal Vlaams Studenten- Verbond, HVI,... I am very grateful to the people that have been with me to share this whole experience. They have stretched me academically and personally. My best friends come out of this splendid period. Thanks Ken, Rianne, Sophie VH, Niels, Sophie H, Jan, Daft, Xtel, Jean-Marc, Nathalie, Nancy, David, Olivier, Rina, Laurent, Jean-Jacques, Eva, Peter, St´ephanie, Emma... You have always been a great support for me. Thanks to Kazuhito Yokoi I had the opportunity to work for 6 weeks on the humanoid robot HRP-2 at the ISRI/AIST-CNRS Joint Japanese-French Robotics Laboratory.It was a wonderful experience thanks to Olivier Stasse and the other members of the lab. I would also like to thank the jury members of my PhD: Jean-Paul Lau- mond, Martijn Wisse, Yvan Baudoin, Rik Pintelon, Jacques Tiberghien, Philippe Lataire and Patrick Kool for their comments and suggestions to improve the dissertation. XII Acknowledgements Sidney Appelboom learnedme asswimmingcoachtopushmy boundaries and helped me to overstepmy own limits. His training schedules were some- times extremely hard, some said they were crazy. Although I never reached the top, they were important lessons for me. So many thanks Sid! Finally, my most profound thanks are to my parents and the other mem- bersofthe family,especiallymy brother,oma,opaandbompafortheir love, supportandunderstandingthroughouttheyears.Mymotherhasspentmany hourstotinkerwithme;myfatherhelpedmealotbuildingmodelboatsand airplanes.They bothwereconvincedonecannotstartexplainingscienceand technology at an early enough stage. Probably these were the first steps to- wards robotics. They showed that science and technology can be fun and I hope the work done for Lucy and my efforts explaining it to children has inspired many to start a career in exact or applied sciences. Brussels Bram Vanderborght January 2010 Fig. 0.1 Visit of His Majesty KingAlbert II of Belgium. Contents 1 Introduction............................................. 1 1.1 Motivation ........................................... 1 1.2 Robotics ............................................. 3 1.2.1 Humanoid Robots ............................... 5 1.2.2 Overview of Humanoid Robots.................... 7 1.3 Focus on Legs......................................... 19 1.4 Compliant Actuation .................................. 22 1.4.1 Biological Aspects of Walking and Running......... 22 1.4.2 Passive Compliant Actuators ..................... 29 1.4.3 Use of Compliant Actuators in Robotics............ 31 1.5 Goal of the Lucy Project ............................... 38 1.6 Approach............................................. 38 1.7 Outline .............................................. 39 2 Description of Lucy...................................... 41 2.1 Introduction .......................................... 41 2.2 Pleated Pneumatic Artificial Muscle (PPAM) ............. 42 2.3 Concept.............................................. 44 2.4 Force Characteristic ................................... 45 2.5 Volume Characteristic.................................. 47 2.5.1 Antagonistic Muscle Setup ....................... 48 2.5.2 Compliance Characteristics of an Antagonistic Muscle Setup ................................... 50 2.6 Modular Unit ......................................... 52 2.6.1 Complete Robot ................................ 61 2.7 Electronics ........................................... 63 2.7.1 Complete Electronic Hardware .................... 71 2.7.2 Safety Board.................................... 75 2.7.3 Control of Treadmill ............................. 76 XIV Contents 2.8 Interface Program ..................................... 77 2.9 Virtual “Lucy”........................................ 79 2.9.1 Mechanics...................................... 80 2.9.2 Thermodynamics................................ 85 2.9.3 Complete Simulation Model ...................... 86 2.9.4 Use of Middleware............................... 88 2.10 Conclusion ........................................... 90 3 Trajectory Generator .................................... 93 3.1 Dynamic Balance...................................... 94 3.2 Trajectory Generator .................................. 98 3.2.1 Natural Dynamics-Based Control.................. 99 3.2.2 Soft Computing ................................. 100 3.2.3 Model-Based Trajectory Generation ............... 101 3.3 Requirements ......................................... 102 3.4 Trajectory Generation Based on Inverted Pendulum Mode ................................................ 103 3.4.1 Objective Locomotion Parameters Based Inverted Pendulum Mode (OLPIPM) Trajectory Generator... 105 3.4.2 Calculation of the Joint Trajectories ............... 113 3.4.3 Influence of the Complete Multibody Model ........ 116 3.5 Implementation of a Preview Controller of the Zero Moment Point to Generate Trajectories .................. 117 3.5.1 Introduction to Preview Controller ................ 118 3.5.2 Cart-Table Model ............................... 119 3.5.3 Trajectory Generation as Servo Tracking Control of ZMP ........................................ 119 3.5.4 Trajectory Generation Using Preview Control....... 121 3.5.5 Methodology and Influence of Parameters .......... 123 3.5.6 Complete Multibody Model....................... 127 3.6 Comparison between OLPIPM en Preview Control Method .............................................. 132 3.7 Dynamically Stepping over Large Obstacles by the Humanoid Robot HRP-2 ............................... 133 3.7.1 Introduction to Stepping Over .................... 133 3.7.2 Feasibility Unit ................................. 134 3.7.3 Spline Foot Trajectories.......................... 135 3.7.4 Preview Control on ZMP......................... 136 3.7.5 Trajectory Adaptations for Higher Obstacles........ 137 3.7.6 Simulation Results .............................. 138 3.7.7 Experimental Results ............................ 138 3.8 Conclusion ........................................... 141