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DYNAMIC EVENT GENERATORS FOR EVENT-TRIGGERED CONTROL SYSTEMS ANTOINE GIRARD 3 1 Abstract. Inthispaper,weintroduceanewclassofeventgeneratorsforevent-triggered 0 control systems. The main contribution lies in the introduction of an internal dynamic 2 variable, which motivates the proposed name of dynamic event generators. The stability of the resulting closed loop system is proved and the influence of design parameters on n performances is discussed. It is also shown that the guaranteed lower bound on inter- a J executiontimesusingadynamiceventgeneratorcannotbesmallerthanthatobtainedfor 0 a classical static event generator. Some numerical results are provided to support these 1 statements. They show that the inter-execution times are significantly larger in average and that their variability is smaller thus rendering the behavior of the closed loop system ] more predictable. Y S . 1. Introduction s c [ Cyber-physical systems often involve several control loops with shared computational and 1 communication resources. Efficient usage of these resources is therefore a central issue in v cyber-physicalsystemsdesign. Traditionaldigitalcontroltechniquesoftenassumethatcon- 2 trollersexecuteperiodically,independentlyfromthestateofthesystem. Thistime-triggered 8 1 paradigm may result in unnecessary high workloads when computational and communica- 2 tion resources may be more usefully affected to some other tasks. These limitations have . 1 resulted in a recent regain of interest for event-based control (see e.g. [HJT12] and the ref- 0 erences therein). In event-triggered control systems, the inputs of a system are not updated 3 periodically but only when some events are generated. Most of the recent effort has been 1 : devoted to the development of systematic techniques for the design of event generators that v can be used for the implementation of a given stabilizing feedback controller. The most i X commonly used event generators typically consist of a static rule given on the state of the r system as in [Tab07]. a In this paper, we present a new class of event generators that use an additional internal dy- namic variable, which motivates the name of dynamic event generators. The use of internal dynamic variables in event generators can be found in several works such as [WL08, SP11] where the proposed generators are equipped with internal clocks, or in [PANT11] where one of the proposed generators uses an internal autonomous dynamic variable. Another approach described in [PTNA11] uses an internal dynamic variable which follows a contin- uous differential equation which explicitly depends on the current state of the system. We use the same idea in this paper; however, the proposed dynamics for the internal variable is quite different. Weconsidertheframeworkintroducedin[Tab07](sameclassofsystems,sameassumptions). The paper is organized as follows. In section 2, we introduce the class of dynamic event generators in the general framework of nonlinear control systems. We prove the asymptotic stability of the closed loop system. The influence of design parameters on performances is discussed and we show that the guaranteed lower bound on inter-execution times (i.e. the 1 2 ANTOINEGIRARD time between two input updates) using a dynamic event generator cannot be smaller than that obtained for a static event generator presented in [Tab07]. In section 3, we specialize ourframeworktothecaseoflinearsystems. Finally,insection4,weprovidesomenumerical results which show that, using dynamic event generators, the durations between two input updates are not only larger in average, but that their variability is reduced, thus rendering the behavior of the closed loop system more predictable. 1.1. Notation. R+ denotes the set of non-negative real numbers. A function α : R+ → R+ 0 0 0 is said to be of class K if it is continuous, strictly increasing, α(0) = 0 and α(r) → +∞ ∞ as r → +∞. Given a function g : R+ → Rn, for all t > 0, we denote by g(t−) the limit 0 of g(s) when s approaches t from the left. Let us remark that if g is continuous at t then g(t−) = g(t). A function f : Rn → Rm is Lipschitz continuous on compacts if for every compact set S ⊂ Rn there exists a constant L > 0 such that (cid:107)f(x)−f(y)(cid:107) ≤ L(cid:107)x−y(cid:107) for all x,y ∈ S. 2. Event Generators for Event-Triggered Control Systems Weconsidertheframeworkintroducedin[Tab07]andconsideracontrolsystemoftheform: (1) x˙ = f(x,u), x ∈ Rn, u ∈ Rm. It is assumed in the following that a feedback controller k : Rn → Rm has been designed such that the closed loop system (2) x˙ = f(x,k(x+e)) is input-to-state stable (ISS) with respect to measurement errors e ∈ Rn. As in [Tab07], we assume that there exists an ISS Lyapunov function for (2): Definition 1. A smooth function V : Rn → R+ is said to be an ISS-Lyapunov function for 0 system (2) if there exist class K functions α, α, α and γ satisfying for all x,e ∈ Rn ∞ α((cid:107)x(cid:107)) ≤ V(x) ≤ α((cid:107)x(cid:107)). ∇V(x)·f(x,k(x+e)) ≤ −α((cid:107)x(cid:107))+γ((cid:107)e(cid:107)). We assume that the controller is implemented on a digital platform so that the actual control input of (1) is given by u(t) = u(t ) = k(x(t )), ∀t ∈ [t ,t ), i ∈ I i i i i+1 where the elements of the increasing sequence (ti)i∈I are the execution times at which the control input is computed and updated. If there is an infinite number of executions, then I = N and we denote t as the limit of t when i goes to infinity. If there is a finite number ∞ i I ∈ N of executions, then I = {0,1,...,I} and we define t = t = +∞. Defining ∞ I+1 e(t) = x(t )−x(t), ∀t ∈ [t ,t ), i ∈ I. i i i+1 the closed loop system is of the form (2). In event-triggered control systems, the execution times are triggered by events that are generated according to a rule on the state of the system. This rule is called the event generator. DYNAMIC EVENT GENERATORS 3 2.1. Static event generators. In [Tab07], it is proposed to generate a triggering event whenever γ((cid:107)e(t−)(cid:107)) = σα((cid:107)x(t)(cid:107)) where 0 < σ < 1. Then, the sequence (ti)i∈I is formally defined by (3) t = 0, t = inf(cid:8)t ∈ R| t > t ∧σα((cid:107)x(t)(cid:107))−γ((cid:107)e(t−)(cid:107)) ≤ 0(cid:9). 0 i+1 i It can be shown that using this event generator, it holds for all t ∈ [0,t ), ∞ d (4) V(x(t)) ≤ (σ−1)α((cid:107)x(t)(cid:107)). dt which guarantees that x(t) converges asymptotically to the origin provided t = +∞. ∞ Also, in that case, the level of performance can be adjusted using the parameter σ: when σ approaches 0, the performances of the closed loop system approaches that of the “ideal” system (when e(t) = 0 for all t ∈ R+). 0 An important question in event triggered control is the existence of a minimal inter- execution time, which is some bound τ > 0 such that the sequence (ti)i∈I satisfies (5) t −t ≥ τ, ∀i ∈ I. i+1 i Indeed,letusremarkthatifthereexistτ suchthat(5)holdsthent = +∞andthestability ∞ of the closed loop system is proved. Moreover, this lower bound between to successive execution times provides us some requirements on digital platforms on which the controller can be implemented. In [Tab07], under some mild Lipschitz conditions on the maps f, k, α−1 and γ, it is shown that for all σ ∈ (0,1), for all compact set S ⊂ Rn containing the origin, there exists τ > 0 such that for all initial condition x(0) ∈ S, the sequence (ti)i∈I defined by (3) satisfies (5). We call the event generator, given by (3), static because it only involves the current value of x and e. In the following, we propose dynamic event generators, that use an additional internal dynamic variable. 2.2. Dynamic event generators. We propose to enrich our event generator with an in- ternal dynamic variable η statisfying the following differential equation: (6) η˙ = −β(η)+σα((cid:107)x(cid:107))−γ((cid:107)e(cid:107)), η(0) = 0. wherethesmoothK functionβ andσ ∈ (0,1)aredesignparameters. Then,letusconsider ∞ the event generator defined by the following rule: (7) t = 0, t = inf(cid:8)t ∈ R| t > t ∧η(t)+θ(σα((cid:107)x(t)(cid:107))−γ((cid:107)e(t−)(cid:107))) ≤ 0(cid:9) 0 i+1 i where θ ∈ R+ is an additional design parameter. In the following, we assume that for all 0 i ∈ I, x(t ) (cid:54)= 0 (otherwise finite-time stabilization is obtained). Let us remark that such an i assumption is implicitly made in [Tab07] where stability of the closed loop system is proved by analyzing the evolution of the ratio (cid:107)e(t)(cid:107)/(cid:107)x(t)(cid:107). Then, we can state the following result: Lemma 1. For all smooth K functions β, σ ∈ (0,1) and θ ∈ R+, for all t ∈ [0,t ), ∞ 0 ∞ η(t)+θ(σα((cid:107)x(t)(cid:107))−γ((cid:107)e(t)(cid:107))) ≥ 0 and η(t) ≥ 0. Proof. By construction, the event generator (7) ensures that for all t ∈ [0,t ), ∞ η(t)+θ(σα((cid:107)x(t)(cid:107))−γ((cid:107)e(t−)(cid:107))) ≥ 0. 4 ANTOINEGIRARD By remarking that for all t ∈ [0,t ), (cid:107)e(t)(cid:107) ≤ (cid:107)e(t−)(cid:107), we obtain the first inequality. If ∞ θ = 0, the second inequality is equivalent to the first one. Then, let us assume that θ (cid:54)= 0. The first inequality gives us 1 (8) σα((cid:107)x(t)(cid:107))−γ((cid:107)e(t)(cid:107)) ≥ − η(t). θ Then, from (6), we have that for all t ∈ [0,t ), ∞ 1 η˙(t) ≥ −β(η(t))− η(t), η(0) = 0. θ Then by the Comparison Lemma (see e.g. [Kha02, pages 102-103]), it follows that η(t) ≥ 0, for all t ∈ [0,t ). (cid:3) ∞ To show the asymptotic stability of the closed loop system, we consider the following can- didate Lyapunov function W : Rn×R+ :→ R+ for the augmented dynamical system given 0 0 by (2) and (6): W(x,η) = V(x)+η. It is clear that W is positive and radially unbounded. Moreover, for all (x,η) ∈ Rn ×R+, 0 we have W(x,η) ≥ V(x). Also, for all t ∈ [0,t ), we have ∞ d W(x(t),η(t)) = ∇V(x(t))·f(x(t),k(x(t)+e(t)))+η˙(t) dt ≤ −α((cid:107)x(t)(cid:107))+γ((cid:107)e(t)(cid:107))−β(η(t))+σα((cid:107)x(t)(cid:107))−γ((cid:107)e(t)(cid:107)) (9) ≤ (σ−1)α((cid:107)x(t)(cid:107))−β(η(t)) which guarantees that W(x(t),η(t)) decreases and that x(t) and η(t) converge asymptoti- cally to the origin provided that t = +∞. ∞ The following proposition shows that, for a given state of the system, the next execution timegivenbyadynamiceventgeneratorislargerthanthatgivenbyastaticeventgenerator. Proposition 2. Let β ∈ K , σ ∈ (0,1) and θ ∈ R+, let i ∈ I, t ∈ R+, x(t ) ∈ Rn and ∞ 0 i 0 i η(t ) ≥ 0, let ts be given by the rule (3), let td be given by the rule (7), then ts ≤ td . i i+1 i+1 i+1 i+1 Proof. Let us assume that ts > td . Then, by (3), we must have i+1 i+1 (10) σα((cid:107)x(td )(cid:107))−γ((cid:107)e(td− )(cid:107)) > 0. i+1 i+1 We will now consider two different cases. If θ > 0, then we must have by (7) and Lemma 1 0 ≥ η(td )+θ(σα((cid:107)x(td )(cid:107))−γ((cid:107)e(td− )(cid:107))) ≥ θ(σα((cid:107)x(td )(cid:107))−γ((cid:107)e(td− )(cid:107))) i+1 i+1 i+1 i+1 i+1 Thiscontradicts(10). Ifθ = 0,thenthetriggeringconditiondefinedby(7)givesη(td ) = 0 i+1 and η˙(td− ) ≤ 0. Then, (6) gives i+1 0 ≥ η˙(td− ) = σα((cid:107)x(td )(cid:107))−γ((cid:107)e(td− )(cid:107)) i+1 i+1 i+1 which contradicts again (10). Hence, ts ≤ td . (cid:3) i+1 i+1 Remark 1. The previous proposition has to be considered carefully, since it only shows that for a given state x(t ), the next execution time will be larger if we use a dynamic event i generator (7) rather than a static one (3). However, we cannot say anything on further execution times as generally we would have x(ts ) (cid:54)= x(td ) and thus we cannot apply the i+1 i+1 proposition again. Similarly, it can be shown that a smaller value of parameter θ results in alargervalueoftd (thelargestvaluebeingobtainedforθ = 0). Wewillseeinsection4an i+1 example where the maximal average inter-execution time is obtained for a non-zero value of θ. DYNAMIC EVENT GENERATORS 5 We can now state the main result of the section: Theorem 3. Let us assume that f, k, α−1 and γ are Lipschitz continuous on compacts. Then, for all smooth K functions β, σ ∈ (0,1) and θ ∈ R+, for all compact sets S ⊂ Rn ∞ 0 containing the origin, there exists τ > 0 such that for all initial conditions x(0) ∈ S, the sequence (ti)i∈I defined by (7) statisfies (5). Moreover, x(t) and η(t) converge asymptotically to the origin. Proof. The theorem is essentially a consequence of Proposition 2 and of Theorem III.1 in [Tab07]. Let µ = max V(x). Let R be the compact set of all points x ∈ Rn such x∈S that V(x) ≤ µ. In [Tab07], it is shown that there exists τ > 0 such that if x(t ) ∈ R i and if t is generated according to rule (3), then t − t ≥ τ. Clearly S ⊆ R and i+1 i+1 i x(t ) ∈ R. Also, we have that W(x(t ),η(t )) = V(x(t )) ≤ µ. Let us assume that for 0 0 0 0 some i ∈ I, W(x(t ),η(t )) ≤ µ. Then, V(x(t )) ≤ µ and x(t ) ∈ R. Let t be generated i i i i i+1 according to rule (7). Then, it follows from Proposition 2 and Theorem III.1 in [Tab07] that t −t ≥ τ. Moreover, it follows from (9) that W(x(t ),η(t )) ≤ µ. Hence, we i+1 i i+1 i+1 have shown by induction that t −t ≥ τ, for all i ∈ I. Therefore, t = +∞. Then, (9) i+1 i ∞ allows us to conclude that x(t) and η(t) converge asymptotically to the origin. (cid:3) From the proof of the previous theorem, it also follows that, given a lower bound τ on the inter-execution times generated by the static event generator (3) that is valid for any initial condition in the set R defined above, the minimal inter-execution time generated by the dynamic event generator (7), for any initial condition in R, cannot be smaller than τ. The proposed dynamic event generator has design parameters β ∈ K , σ ∈ (0,1) and ∞ θ ∈ R+. From equation (9), it appears that the choice of σ ∈ (0,1) and of the function 0 β allows us to tune the performances of the closed loop system. It should be noticed that, unlike when using a static event generator, the function V(x(t)) may not be strictly decreasing. However, weknowthatitisupper-boundedbythefunctionW(x(t),η(t))which is a decreasing function by equation (9). Also let us remark that if θ > 0, Lemma 1 gives us that for all t ∈ [0,t ) ∞ d 1 V(x(t)) ≤ −α((cid:107)x(t)(cid:107))+γ((cid:107)e(t)(cid:107)) ≤ (σ−1)α((cid:107)x(t)(cid:107))+ η(t). dt θ Hence, it appears that parameter θ can be tuned to limit the potential increase of the function V(x(t)). 3. The Case of Linear Systems In this section, we specify the results developed above to the case of linear systems of the form (11) x˙ = Ax+Bu, x ∈ Rn, u ∈ Rm. We assume that we are given a linear feedback controller u = Kx such that the “ideal” closed loop system (12) x˙ = Ax+BKx, x ∈ Rn, is globally asymptotically stable. This implies the existence of a Lyapunov function V(x) = x(cid:62)Px where P is a symmetric positive definite matrix such that (13) (A+BK)(cid:62)P +P(A+BK) = −Q 6 ANTOINEGIRARD whereQisasymmetricpositivedefinitematrix. Then, thereexistsκ > 0suchthatQ ≥ κP and for all trajectory x of the “ideal” closed loop system (12) we have for all t ∈ R+: 0 V(x(t)) ≤ V(x(0))e−κt. Now, when the controller is implemented on a digital platform we have with the notations of the previous section, the dynamics of the closed loop system that is given by (14) x˙ = Ax+BK(x+e). We have ∇V(x)·(Ax+BK(x+e)) = −x(cid:62)Qx+2x(cid:62)PBKe. Then,foranevent-triggeredimplementation,onemayuse,assuggestedforinstancein[HJT12], the static event generator defined by the following rule: (cid:110) (cid:111) (15) t = 0, t = inf t ∈ R| t > t ∧σx(t)(cid:62)Qx(t)−2x(t)(cid:62)PBKe(t−) ≤ 0 0 i+1 i where σ ∈ (0,1) is a design parameter. Adapting the proof of [Tab07] (see also [HJT12]), it is possible to show that for all σ ∈ (0,1), there exists τ > 0 such that (5) holds. Moreover, it follows that for all t ∈ R+, 0 V(x(t)) ≤ V(x(0))e(σ−1)κt. Hence, by choosing σ close to 0, one can actually get as close as desired from the perfor- mances of the ideal closed loop system (12). We now propose to use a dynamic event generator based on the internal dynamic variable η satisfying the following differential equation: (16) η˙ = −λη+σx(cid:62)Qx−2x(cid:62)PBKe, η(0) = 0 where σ ∈ (0,1), λ > 0 are design parameters. The dynamic event generator is then defined by the following rule: (cid:110) (cid:111) (17) t = 0, t = inf t ∈ R| t > t ∧η(t)+θ(σx(t)(cid:62)Qx(t)−2x(t)(cid:62)PBKe(t−)) ≤ 0 0 i+1 i where θ ∈ R+ is an additional design parameter. 0 Remark 2. For this dynamic event generator, it is possible to show by adapting the proof of Lemma 1 that for all t ∈ [0,t ): ∞ (18) η(t)+θ(σx(t)(cid:62)Qx(t)−2x(t)(cid:62)PBKe(t−)) ≥ 0 and η(t) ≥ 0. Also, a similar result to Proposition 2 can be shown stating that the next execution time is larger when using the dynamic event generator (17) rather than the static event generator (15). Then, we can state the main result of the section: Theorem 4. For all λ > 0, σ ∈ (0,1) and θ ∈ R+, there exists τ > 0 such that for all 0 initial conditions x(0) ∈ Rn, the sequence (ti)i∈I defined by (17) statisfies (5). Moreover, x(t) and η(t) converge asymptotically to the origin. If we choose λ = (1−σ)κ, then for all t ∈ R+, 0 (19) V(x(t)) ≤ V(x(0))e(σ−1)κt. DYNAMIC EVENT GENERATORS 7 Proof. It is shown in [Tab07] and [HJT12] that there exists τ > 0 such that for all i ∈ I, for any value of x(t ) ∈ Rn, the execution time t generated using the rule (15) satisfies i i+1 t −t > τ. Then, it follows from Remark 2 that if t is generated using the rule (17) i+1 i i+1 then we will also have t −t > τ. This also implies that t = +∞. Now let us consider i+1 i ∞ the candidate Lyapunov function W : Rn×R+ → R+, for the augmented system given by 0 0 (14) and (16), defined by W(x,η) = V(x)+η. Then, for all t ∈ R+, 0 d W(x(t),η(t)) = −x(t)(cid:62)Qx(t)+2x(t)(cid:62)PBKe(t)+η˙(t) dt (20) ≤ (σ−1)x(t)(cid:62)Qx(t)−λη(t) which shows that W(x(t),η(t)) decreases and that x(t) and η(t) converge asymptotically to the origin. Moreover, if λ = (1−σ)κ, then it follows from Q ≥ κP and (20) that for all t ∈ R+, 0 d W(x(t),η(t)) ≤ (σ−1)κW(x(t),η(t)). dt Then, for all t ∈ R+, 0 (21) V(x(t)) ≤ W(x(t),η(t)) ≤ W(x(0),η(0))e(σ−1)κt = V(x(0))e(σ−1)κt. (cid:3) The proposed dynamic event generator for linear systems has several design parameters: σ ∈ (0,1), λ > 0 and θ ∈ R+. It appears from (19) that the parameter σ can be tuned 0 to adjust the level of performance of the closed loop system provided the parameter λ is chosen such that λ = (1−σ)κ. Regarding the parameter θ, if θ (cid:54)= 0, then it follows from (18) that for all t ∈ R+, 0 d 1 1 V(x(t)) ≤ (σ−1)x(t)(cid:62)Qx(t)+ η(t) ≤ (σ−1)κV(x(t))+ η(t). dt θ θ Then, equation (21) yields d 1 (cid:16) (cid:17) V(x(t)) ≤ (σ−1)κV(x(t))+ V(x(0))e(σ−1)κt−V(x(t)) dt θ which shows that parameter θ can be tuned to limit the potential increase of the function V(x(t)). Finally,letusremarkthatfromthepointofviewofimplementation,theadditional cost due to the use of the dynamic event generator (17) is very little since it only requires the application of a first order filter to the signal used in the static event generator (15). 4. Example To evaluate our approach, we consider the example introduced in [Tab07] of the form (11) with (cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:20) (cid:21) 0 1 0 A = , B = . −2 3 1 (cid:2) (cid:3) A stabilizing controller is given by the control gain K = 1 −4 with an associated Lyapunov function V(x) = x(cid:62)Px satisfying (13) with (cid:20) 1 1 (cid:21) (cid:20) 1 1 (cid:21) P = 4 , Q = 2 4 . 1 1 1 3 4 4 2 We have implemented the event-triggered control schemes given by the static and dynamic event generators given by (15) and (17). We have used several values of parameter σ, for 8 ANTOINEGIRARD the dynamic controller we chose λ = (1 − σ)κ with κ = 0.48, and experimented several values of θ. On Figure 1, we have represented the evolution of the functions V(x(t) and W(x(t),η(t)) using a static event generator (15) and dynamic event generators (17) for σ = 0.001 and initialconditionx(0) = [ 10 0 ](cid:62). Itcanbeseenthattheinter-executiontimeissignificantly larger using the dynamic event controller. Also, when using the dynamic event generator the influence of parameter θ on the increasing of the function V(x(t)) appears clearly. It can be seen for instance that for θ = 0 the function V(x(t)) has large variations. These variations become smaller if we use θ = 0.1 and for θ = 1, V(x(t)) is almost monotically decreasing. Actually, for θ = 1, the shape of the function V(x(t)) is close to that obtained using the static event generator, while the inter-execution time remains significantly larger. 100 100 V(x(t)) V(x(t)) 90 V(x(0))e(σ−1)κ t 90 W(x(t),η(t)) Execution times V(x(0))e(σ−1)κ t 80 80 Execution times 70 70 60 60 50 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Time Time Static event generator Dynamic event generator: θ=0 100 100 V(x(t)) V(x(t)) 90 W(x(t),η(t)) 90 W(x(t),η(t)) V(x(0))e(σ−1)κ t V(x(0))e(σ−1)κ t 80 Execution times 80 Execution times 70 70 60 60 50 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Time Time Dynamic event generator: θ=0.1 Dynamic event generator: θ=1 Figure 1. EvolutionofthefunctionsV(x(t)andW(x(t),η(t))usingastatic event generator (15) and dynamic event generators (17) for σ = 0.001, λ = (1−σ)κ and initial condition x(0) = [ 10 0 ](cid:62). We also ran simulations for several parameter values and initial values given by x(0) = (cid:2) 10cos(cid:0)2πi(cid:1) 10sin(cid:0)2πi(cid:1) (cid:3)(cid:62), i = 1,...30. 30 30 We ran the simulations on a frame of 10s. The mean values, standard deviations and the coefficients of variability (ratio between the standard deviation and the mean value) DYNAMIC EVENT GENERATORS 9 of inter-execution times are reported in Table 1. It can be seen that the use of dynamic event generators results in significantly larger inter-execution times in average. The gain is considerable for small values of σ. For σ = 0.1, it allows us to increase the inter-execution times by a factor between 2 and 3. Interestingly, the maximal average inter-execution time is not always obtained for θ = 0 which corroborates Remark 1. The optimal values of θ, from that point of view, seems to be 0.1 for σ = 0.001, 0.01 for σ = 0.01 and 0 for σ = 0.1. Also, looking at the coefficient of variability, it appears that the use of dynamic event generators reduces significantly the variability of the inter-execution times and thus renders the behavior of the system more predictable. Mean Value: M σ = 0.001 σ = 0.01 σ = 0.1 Static 0.0031s 0.0256s 0.1790s Dynamic (θ = 0) 0.1276s 0.4514s 0.5818s Dynamic (θ = 0.01) 0.1450s 0.4706s 0.5804s Dynamic (θ = 0.1) 0.1722s 0.4671s 0.5723s Dynamic (θ = 1) 0.1457s 0.4112s 0.5538s Dynamic (θ = 10) 0.1142s 0.3247s 0.5113s Dynamic (θ = 100) 0.0688s 0.2030s 0.4268s Standard Deviation: SD σ = 0.001 σ = 0.01 σ = 0.1 Static 0.0359s 0.1066s 0.2695s Dynamic (θ = 0) 0.2521s 0.2805s 0.1532s Dynamic (θ = 0.01) 0.2611s 0.2609s 0.1475s Dynamic (θ = 0.1) 0.2733s 0.2550s 0.1458s Dynamic (θ = 1) 0.2608s 0.2881s 0.1875s Dynamic (θ = 10) 0.2454s 0.3162s 0.2515s Dynamic (θ = 100) 0.1929s 0.2897s 0.3131s Coefficient of Variation: CV = SD/M σ = 0.001 σ = 0.01 σ = 0.1 Static 11.7282 4.1731 1.5053 Dynamic (θ = 0) 1.9746 0.6214 0.2634 Dynamic (θ = 0.01) 1.8003 0.5543 0.2541 Dynamic (θ = 0.1) 1.5871 0.5459 0.2548 Dynamic (θ = 1) 1.7897 0.7008 0.3385 Dynamic (θ = 10) 2.1486 0.9738 0.4919 Dynamic (θ = 100) 2.8044 1.4275 0.7337 Table 1. Mean value, standard deviation and coefficient of variability of inter-execution times for 30 initial conditions. 5. Conclusion In this paper, we have presented a new class of event generators for event-triggered control systems. The main contribution lies in the introduction of a dynamic internal variable, which justifies the name of dynamic event generators. We have proved the stability of the 10 ANTOINEGIRARD resulting closed loop system and we have shown that the resulting inter-execution times are larger than those obtained using a static event generator. Experimental results support these statements and show that the gain is significant. Also, these results show that the variability of the inter-execution times is smaller thus rendering the behavior of the system more predictable. Therearestillseveralopenproblems. Oneoftheseisthederivationofatightlowerboundfor theinter-executiontime. Wehaveshownthatthelowerboundestablishedin[Tab07]isvalid for our event generators; however it is far from being tight. Another interesting problem is the theoretical analysis of the influence of parameter θ. Experimental results show that the value of θ for which we obtain the largest average inter-execution time depends on the value of the parameter σ. However, a theoretical analysis is needed in order to determine systematically the optimal value of θ. This paper also has many potential applications. Indeed, similar schemes could certainly be used in the contexts of decentralized [MT11], output-based [DH12], or periodic [HDT13] event-triggered control systems. Also, dynamic event generators could be used to derive new algorithms for self-triggered control systems [WL09, AT10]. Acknowledgements. The author would like to thank Romain Postoyan for valuable com- ments on a preliminary version of this paper. 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