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Dynamic Characterisation of Analogue-to-Digital Converters (Kluwer international series in engineering and computer science, Volume 860) PDF

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Preview Dynamic Characterisation of Analogue-to-Digital Converters (Kluwer international series in engineering and computer science, Volume 860)

DYNAMICCHARACTERISATIONOF ANALOGUE-TO-DIGITALCONVERTERS tekst THE KLUWER INTERNATIONAL SERIES IN ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCE ANALOG CIRCUITS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING Consulting Editor: Mohammed Ismail. 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ISBN: 1-4020-7387-9 MODULAR LOW-POWER, HIGH SPEED CMOS ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER FOR EMBEDDED SYSTEMS Lin, Kemna and Hosticka Vol. 722, ISBN: 1-4020-7380-1 DYNAMIC CHARACTERISATION OF ANALOGUE-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS by Dominique Dallet Laboratoire IXL-ENSEIRB, Bordeaux, France and José Machado da Silva Universidade do Porto, INESC-Porto, Portugal AC.I.P. Catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress. ISBN-10 0-387-25902-3 (HB) ISBN-13 978-0-387-25902-4 (HB) ISBN-10 0-387-25903-1 (e-book) ISBN-13 978-0-387-25903-1 (e-book) Published by Kluwer Academic Publishers, P.O. Box 17, 3300 AADordrecht, The Netherlands. www.springeronline.com Printed on acid-free paper All Rights Reserved © 2005 Springer No part of this work may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilming, recording or otherwise, without written permission from the Publisher, with the exception of any material supplied specifically for the purpose of being entered and executed on a computer system, for exclusive use by the purchaser of the work. Printed in the Netherlands. Contents Preface ix ContributingAuthors xi Introduction xv Jose´ MachadodaSilva Glossary xvii PartI ADCCharacterisationBasedonSinewaveAnalysis 1 ADCApplications,ArchitecturesandTerminology 3 Jose´ MachadodaSilva,HHHe´lioMendonça 1. Introduction 3 2. ADCs’applications 5 3. ADCs’architectures 10 4. Terminology 15 5. QuantisationandA/Dconversion 20 6. Outputcoding 27 7. Errors,non-linearity,noise,anddistortion 31 8. Dataacquisitionandprocessing 40 9. Inputcharacteristics 43 2 SinewaveTestSetup 47 Pierre-YvesRoy,JacquesDurand 1. TestSetupdescription 47 2. Specificationoftheclockandinputsignal 49 3. Exampleoffilterspecification 56 4. Filterselection 57 5. Takingarecordofdata 59 3 Time-DomainDataAnalysis 61 DominiqueDallettt,DjamelHaddadi,PhilippeMarchegay 1. Introduction 61 2. Calculationofthedynamicparameters 62 3. Definitions 62 vi ADCDYNAMICCHARACTERISATION 4. Thefixed-frequencymethod 63 5. Thefour-parametermethod 65 6. DefinitionsofTHDandSNR 70 7. Themulti-harmonicsine-wavefittingmethod 71 8. Estimationofthenormalisedangularfrequency 73 9. Estimationofthelinearparameters 74 10. OntherankofEP 75 11. Thealgorithm 76 12. Multitonetesttocircumventsignalpurityproblems 77 4 Frequency-DomainDataAnalysis 85 Pierre-YvesRoy,JacquesDurand 1. DiscreteFourierTransformandFastFourierTransform 85 2. Choiceofinputandclockfrequencies 86 3. Windowing 86 4. Commentontheaccuracyoftheinputfrequency 88 5. Recordsize 90 6. CalculationofADCdynamicparametersinthefrequencydomain 92 5 CodeHistogramTest 105 GiovanniChiorboli,CarloMorandi 1. Introduction 105 2. The sampplingg strategggyy and its contribution to count variance and measurementuncertainty 108 3. Additionalcontributionstocountuncertainty: additivenoiseand jitter 115 4. Factorsaffectingthep.d.f. oftheinputsignal 122 5. Reqquired record lenggth and number of records, expression of mea- surementuncertainty 133 6. Choiceofthecoveragefactor 139 7. Compparingggthenumberofsamplesrequiredbyrandomandbysyn- chronoussampling. 141 8. Determiningthetransfercharacteristic 142 9. Offseterrorandgain 143 10. Linearityerrors 147 11. Appendix 148 6 ComparativeStudyofADCSinewaveTestMethods 157 Jose´MachadodaSilva,HHHe´lioMendonça,SarrraMazoleni 1. Introduction 157 2. Generalconsiderations 159 3. Simulationresults 174 4. ATEImplementation 187 5. Conclusions 213 PartII MeasurementofAdditionalParameters Contents vii 7 JitterMeasurement 219 Pierre-YvesRoy,JacquesDurand 1. Introduction 219 2. Thedoublebeattechnique 220 3. Thejointprobabilitytechnique 230 4. Conclusion 233 8 DifferentialGainandPhaseTesting 235 Jose´MachadodaSilva,HHHe´lioMendonça 1. Introduction 235 2. Testsetupandhardwarerequirements 236 3. Analysis 237 4. Testresults 240 5. Calculationofdifferentialgainandphasefromthetestresults 241 9 StepandTransientResponseMeasurement 243 GiovanniChiorboli,CarloMorandi 1. Introduction 243 2. Settlingtimeandtransitiondurationofstepresponse 245 3. Frequencyresponsemeasurement 249 10 HysteresisMeasurement 255 GiovanniChiorboli,CarloMorandi 1. Introduction 255 2. Testconditions 256 3. Apracticalcase 257 4. CollectionofsamplesinHHHC↑andHHHC↓ 258 5. Somewarning 260 References 265 Index 279 Preface ThepresentbookisoneoftheoutcomesoftheprojectDYNAD-Methods andDraftStandardsfortheDynamicCharacterizationandTestingofAnalogue- to-Digital Converters. This project was held between 1997 and 2000, sup- ported by the European Commission under the Standards, Measurements and Testing Programme, reference SMT4-CT98 2214, within the Framework IV activities. ItsconsortiumcomprisedtheUniversityofParma-Italy, theÉcole Nationale Superieure d’Electronique, Informatique & Radiocommunications de Bordeaux - France, Thales (former TTM-Thomson CSF) - France, Italtel Spa - Italy, Infineon Technologies-Development Center Villach - Austria, and INESC-Porto - Portugal. Besides the authors of the different chapters of this book, other people contributed with their work to the start and success of the initiative. We acknowledge the efforts of Hubert Pernull, Otto Wiedenbauer, andAndreasBertlfromInfineon,RobertoScottifromItaltel,JorgeDuarteand JoseMatosfromINESC-Porto, M.HeuberandM.ZirnheldfromThales, and C.RebaifromENSEIRB. A state of the art overview of the methods and procedures employed for characterisingthedynamicperformancebehaviourofanalogue-to-digitalcon- verters using sinusoidal stimuli, is presented in this book. The three classical methods — histogram, sine wave fitting, and spectral analysis — are thor- oughly described, and new approaches are proposed to circumvent some of theirlimitations. Thisisamust-havecompendium,whichcanbeusedbybothacademicsand testprofessionals,tounderstandthefundamentalmathematicsunderliningthe algorithmsofADCtesting,andasahandbooktohelptheengineerinthemost importantandcriticaldetailsfortheirimplementation. DOMINIQUEDALLET,JOS´EMACHADODASILVA Contributing Authors CHIORBOLI, Giovanni graduated in Electronic Engineering from the Uni- versity of Bologna, Italy, in 1987. Until 1990, he was with the University of Bologna. Since 1990, he has been with the University of Parma, Italy, where heiscurrentlyanAssociateProfessorofElectronicMeasurements. Hisscien- tificinterestsareinthefieldofelectronicinstrumentation,analogue-to-digital and digital-to-analogue modelling and testing, and electrical characterization ofsemiconductordevicesandmaterialsformicroelectronics. DALLET, Dominique was born in Rochefort/Mer, France, on July 3, 1964. HeobtainedhisPhDdegreeinElectricalEngineeringin1995fromtheUniver- sityofBordeaux1,whereheiscurrentlyaprofessorattheElectronicEngineer- ingSchoolofBordeaux(ENSEIRB).Hismainresearchactivities, carried-out at the IXL laboratory, focus on mixed-signal circuit design and testing, digi- tal and analogue signal processing, and programmable devices’ applications. His interests include also digital design and its application in BIST structures for the characterization of embedded A/D converters, as well as, digital sig- nal processing applied to nondestructive techniques based on time-frequency representation. HADDADI, Djamel was born in 1971. He received the Engineer degree in physics and the Master degree in signal processing in 1996 from the Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble, and the PhD degree in Electronics from the Universit´e Bordeaux 1. He is a product responsible at STMicroelectron- ics since 2000. His main interests include ATE test and qualification of high performanceanalogueandmixed-signalICs.

The Analogue-to-digital converter (ADC) is the most pervasive block in electronic systems. With the advent of powerful digital signal processing and digital communication techniques, ADCs are fast becoming critical components for system’s performance and flexibility. Knowing accurately all the par
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