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Dynamic Aspects of Conformation Changes in Biological Macromolecules: Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Société de Chimie Physique Orléans, 19–22 September 1972 PDF

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Preview Dynamic Aspects of Conformation Changes in Biological Macromolecules: Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Société de Chimie Physique Orléans, 19–22 September 1972

DYNAMIC ASPECTS OF CONFORMATION CHANGES IN BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES DYNAMIC ASPECTS OF CONFORMATION CHANGES IN BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES PROCEEDINGS OF THE 23RD ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SOCIETE DE CHIMIE PHYSIQUE ORLEANS, 19-22 SEPTEMBER 1972 Edited by CHARLES SAD RON Professeur au Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle Directeur du Centre de Biophysique MoIeculaire (C.N.R.S.) D. REIDEL PUBLISHING COMPANY DORDRECHT-HOLLAND! BOSTON-U.S.A. First printing: December 1973 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 72-97962 ISBN-13: 978-94-010-2581-2 e-ISBN-13: 978-94-010-2579-9 DOl: 10.1007/978-94-010-2579-9 Published by D. Reidel Publishing Company, P.O. Box 17, Dordrecht, Holland Sold and distributed in the U.S.A., Canada, and Mexico by D. Reidel Publishing Company, Inc. 306 Dartmouth Street, Boston, Mass. 02116, U.S.A. All Rights Reserved Copyright © 1973 by D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht, Holland Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1973 No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, by print, photoprint, microfilm, or any other means, without written permission from the publisher T ABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE ~I ORGANIZING COMMITTEE IX ACKNOWLEDGMENTS IX LIST OF PARTICIPANTS XI B. PULLMAN / Quantum-Mechanical Studies on the Conformation of Bio- molecules 1 M. PT AK / Analyse conformationnelle des biopolymeres par les methodes semi- empiriques 23 M. GOLDBERG / l'Etat natif est-ill'etat fondamental? 57 E. M. BRADBUR Y, P. D. CAR Y, C. CRANE-ROBINSON, and H. w. E. RATTLE / Conformations and Interactions of Histones and Their Role in Chromosome Structure 67 c. TONIOLO / Conformational Equilibria and Stability of Oligopeptides 87 A. HVIDT / Isotopic Hydrogen Exchange in Solutions of Biological Macro- molecules 103 P. COLSON and J. P. GASPARD / Determination of the Relaxation Spectrum of Macromolecules in Solution by the Analysis of the Electric Birefringence 117 PH. WAHL and J. c. BROCHON / Resolution of the Fluorescence Spectra of Proteins Using Decay Measurements 129 L. F. TEN EYCK and P. D. PULSINELLI / Tertiary and Quaternary Structural States of Hemoglobin 137 K. WUTHRICH, R. M. KELLER, and R. BAUMANN / Proton and Carbon-13 Nuclear Magnetic Resonances in Hemes and Hemoproteins: New Aspects for the Investigation of the Molecular Conformations 151 R. G. SHULMAN, D. R. KEARNS, B. R. REID, and Y. P. WONG / A High Resolu- tion NMR Study of Hydrogen Bonded Protons in tRNA 165 B. ALPERT, R. BANERJEE et L. LINDQVIST / Cinetique des changements de conformation tertiaires de l'hemoglobine etudiee par photolyse-Iaser 171 A. BAli D R AS / Transitions reversibles d'activite et de structure quaternaire de la L ( + ) lactate: cytochrome C oxydoreductase (cytochrome bz) de la levure Hansenula anomala 181 J. WYMA N / On Allosteric Models 207 H. BUC, M. H. BUC, M. MORANGE, L. c. OUDIN, and H. WINKLER / Conforma tional Changes in Glycogen Phosphorylase b from Rabbit Skeletal Muscle. Equilibrium and Kinetic Studies 225 VI TABLE OF CONTENTS R. CERF / Quelques problemes de cinetique conformationnelle de systemes co- operatifs 247 D. THUSIUS, G. FOUCAULT, and F. GUILLAIN / The Analysis of Chemical Re laxation Amplitudes and Some Applications to Reactions Involving Macro- molecules 271 M. LAZDUNSKI, c. LAZDUNSKI, c. PETITCLERC, D. CHAPPELET, M. FOSSET, c. GACHE, et M. DELAAGE / Mecanismes enzymatiques de type flip-flop 285 J. P. EBEL / Structure tridimensionnelle des acides ribonucleiques de transfert 301 J. J. HOPFIELD, S. OGAWA, and R. G. SHULMAN / The Rate of Carbon Mon- oxide Binding to Hemoglobin Kansas 327 J. RAMSTEIN, J. F. HOGREL, M. DOURLENT, M. LENG, et C. HELENE / Inter actions de la proflavine avec differents ADN et polynucleotides de synthese 333 c. HELENE, H. BORAZAN, J. L. DIMICOLI, J. C. MAURIZOT, M. DURAND, et J. J. TOULME / Interactions des acides amines aromatiques avec les acides nUcleiques 349 D. GENEST and PH. WAHL / Energy Transfers Study in the DNA-Ethidium Bromide Complex by means of Anisotropy Decay 367 M. LENG, V. DEUBEL, et J. C. THRIERR / Etude des interactions entre l'acide polyribo-uridylique ou l'acide polyribobromo-uridylique et des polycations 381 a F. TRAVERS, A. M. MICHELSON, et P. DOUZOU / Acide poly-uridylique basse temperature 393 w. GUSCHLBAUER,D. THIELE,M.-T. SARoccHI,etcH. MARCK / Phenomenes d'hysterese dans les polynucIeotides 401 D. VASILESCU, M. TEBOUL, H. KRANCK, et B. CAMOUS / Etude de la trans conformation thermique du Na-DNA en solution par la spectrographie de bruit 411 SH. LIFSON / Recent Developments in the Consistent Force Field Calculations 421 M. IWATSUBO, J. M. JALLON, et A. DI FRANCO / Etude cinetique des change ments conformationnels de la glutamate deshydrogenase par substrats et effecteurs 431 J. M. YON et J.-P. TENU / Mouvements moleculaires consecutifs a la fixation de metaux dans la p-galactosidase 447 B. LABOUESSE / Mouvements intramoleculaires dans la chymotrypsine 459 R. D. KORNBERG / The Diffusion of Phospholipids in Membranes 477 PH. DEVAUX, C. J. SCANDELLA, et H. M. MCCONNELL / Etude par marquage de spin de la diffusion laterale dans les membranes biologiques 487 s. FERMANDJIAN, D. GREFF, et P. FROMAGEOT / Angiotensine II et analogues: Etudes conformationnelles comparatives 493 J. P. CHANGEUX / Caracterisation, isolement et purification de la proteine re- ceptrice de l'acetylcholine a partir de l'organe electrique du gymnote 511 PREFACE On the day after the 1959 Cambridge Congress, during which the International Union of Pure and Applied Biophysics was founded, a biophysics section was formed within the Society of Physical Chemistry (Societe de Chimie Physique). Since then, three of the Society's annual meetings (the 11th, 17th, and 23rd) were devoted exclusively to the physico-chemical study of biological systems. The first of these was held in June 1961 at a hotel in Col de Voza, at the foot of an alpine glacier above Chamonix. The second, in May 1967, took place in the more learned setting of the venerable rooms of the National Museum of Natural History in Paris. The third - the one dealt with in the present volume - was recently held at Orleans-La Source in the newly built lecture theatres of the young University, which is near the great Institutes of the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), on the Sologne plateau. These three stages are milestones of an evolution which characterises (at least schematically) the explosive evolution of biological physico-chemistry. The first colloquium, with the title 'Deoxyribonucleic Acid: Structure, Synthesis and Functions', actually marks the first contact of the physical chemist with one of the then most prestigious biological macromolecules, the structure of which had just been discovered, and in this way celebrated one of the first and most striking successes of molecular biology. The second, less biologically orientated, was devoted to the general study of helicoidal macromolecules in solution, thus marking a return to the fundamental pre occupations of the physical chemistry of macromolecules. The third, however, represents a considerable leap forward because it not only examines critically the problems of the determination of a variety of structures but also of the dynamics of the structural changes these molecules undergo under the influence of physical as well as chemical agents, thus showing the way towards a general study of the relationship between structure and function. It should perhaps be emphasised that, in spite of everything, we are still confined to the study of the macromolecular compounds in isolation from their native structural unit, and still far removed from the latter's complexities. Nevertheless we would like to point out that the last session of the congress was devoted to membranes and their properties, thus providing an important starting point leading to the physico-chemical study of the structures within the organic entity of the living cell. Without resorting to the daring extrapolations sometimes indulged in by the physical chemist when he allows himself to be too easily seduced by the wonderful VIII PREFACE world of biological facts, we do believe that this colloquium - no doubt one of many others equally as significant - represents a step forward on the long road towards combining in one unified theory both inanimate and living nature. We have been profoundly and sincerely inspired by all the eminent scientists, from abroad and from France, who honoured us with their presence and to whom we extend our warmest feelings of gratitude. c. SADRON Chairman of the Orgallizing Committee ORGANIZING COMMITTEE C. Sadron, Chairman L. Monnerie C. Troyanowsky, General Secretary J. Monod R. Banerjee M. Ptak P. Bothorel B. Pullman H.Buc A. Rassat J. Coursaget Miss J. Yon M. Daune Mrs. O. Yovanovitch ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The 23rd Annual Meeting of the Societe de chimie physique was organized with the financial help of the following organizations: Delegation generale al a recherche scienti fique et technique; Ministere de l'education nationale: Direction de la cooperation universitaire internationale; Direction des recherches et moyens d'essais; Commis sariat a l'energie atomique; and the following firms and industrial groups: Compagnie franQaise de raffinage; Laboratoires Sandoz; Societe l'Air Liquide; Societe Kodak PatM; Union des industries chimiques. We should like to renew our thanks to all the above. LIST OF PARTICIPANTS Albiser, G., Laboratoire de biophysique, Nancy Alfsen, Mme, Facu!te de Medecine, Laboratoire des Etats lies mo!ecu!aires, Paris Alpert, B., Institut de biologie physico-chimique, Paris Arrio, B., Institut de biochimie, Orsay Aslanian, Mme, Physique des solides, Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris Aufauvre, F., Centre Universitaire des Sciences et Techniques, Clermont-Ferrand Banerjee, R., Institut de biologie physico-chimique, Paris Baudras, A., Institut de physiologie, Toulouse Bechet, J. J., Enzymologie physico-chimique et moleculaire, Orsay Berliner, C., Chimie generale II, Universite de Bruxelles (Belg.) Berteaud, A. J., Laboratoire du CNRS, Bellevue Blandin, Mme, Centre de genetique moleculaire, Gif s/Yvette Bothorel, P., Centre de recherches Paul Pascal, 33-Talence Bottreau, A. M., Optique ultra-hertzienne, 33-Talence Bouhet, J. c., Service de biochimie, CEN, Sac1ay Bourgarit, J. J., Unite de physique biologique, Paris VII Bourgoin, D., Institut Pasteur, Service de biophysique, Paris Bradbury, E. M., Biophysics Laboratories, Portsmouth Polytechnic (G.B.) Brochon, J. c., Centre de biophysique moleculaire, Orleans Buc, H., Biochimie cellulaire, Institut Pasteur, Paris Buc, M. H., Mme, Biochimie cellulaire, Institut Pasteur, Paris Caloin, M., Acoustique moleculaire, Strasbourg Cambrai, M., Laboratoire de recherches Unilever, La Plaine St Denis Cardinaud, R., Departement de biologie, CEN, Gif s/Yvette Castaing, Mme, Laboratoire de biochimie physique, Orsay Cerf, Acoustique moleculaire, Universite B. Pascal, Strasbourg Chaillot, B., Biologie physico-chimique, IBANA, Dijon Chambron, 1., Institut de physique biologique, Strasbourg Changeux, J. P., Neurobiologie moleculaire, lnstitut Pasteur, Paris Charlier, M., Centre de biophysique moleculaire, Orleans Charmasson, R., Laboratoire de physique des liquides, Universite de Provence, Marseille Checcucci, A., Laboratorio per 10 studio delle pro prieta fisiche di bimolecule e cellule, Pi sa (Ital.) Clar, Mme, Laboratoire de recherches Unilever, La Plaine St Denis Claverie, 1. M., Unite de physique biologique, Universite Paris VII Clement, R., Groupe de biophysique du CRM, Strasbourg XII LIST OF PARTICIPANTS Colonna-Cesari, F., Laboratoire de biophysique, Nancy Colson, P., Service de chimie physique, Universite de Liege (Belg.) Colson-Guastalla, Mme, Laboratoire de biologie physico-chimique, Universite de Montpellier Cotrait, M., Laboratoire de cristallographie et de physique cristalline, Talence Coursaget, 1., Departement de biologie du CEA, Gif s/Yvette Daune, M., Universite Blaise Pascal, CRM, Strasbourg De Coen, 1. L., Departement de biologie moleculaire, U niversite de Bruxelles ( Belg.) Delbos, G., Optique ultra-hertzienne, 33-Talence Devaux, P., Stanford University, California (U.S.A.) Di Franco, A., MIle, Enzymologie physico-chimique et moleculaire, Orsay Donzel, 8., Centre de biophysique moleculaire, Orleans Dornand, 1., EN SCM, Montpellier Douzou, P., Institut de biologie physico-chimique, Paris Dunand, 1. 1., Societe CAMECA, Courbevoie Ebel, 1. P., Laboratoire de chimie biologique, Universite L. Pasteur, Strasbourg Ellenberger, M., Departement de biologie, CEN, Saclay Engelborghs, Y., Departement de biologie moleculaire, Universite de Bruxelles (Belg.) Fermandjian, S., Service de biochimie, CEN Saclay., Gif s/Yvette Filitti-Wurmser, S., Mme, Institut de biologie physico-chimique, Paris Finer, E. G., Laboratoire de recherches Unilever, Welwyn (G.B.) Fougnot, c., Mile, Centre scientifique et poly technique, Saint-Denis Fredericq, E., Laboratoire de chimie physique, Universite de Liege (Belg.) Freymann, R., Laboratoire de Physique moleculaire experimentale, Universite de Paris VI Fuchs, R., Laboratoire de biophysique du CRM, Strasbourg Gache, c., Centre de biochimie et de biologie moleculaire, Marseille Garnier, 1., Laboratoire de biochimie physique de l'INRA, Orsay Garrigou-Lagrange, c., MIle, Centre de recherches P. Pascal, 33-Talence Gaspard, 1. P., Institut Laue-Langevin, 38-Grenoble Genest, D., Centre de biophysique moleculaire, Orleans Gentou, c., Service de biochimie medicale, Faculte de medecine, Clermont-Ferrand Gerard, D., Laboratoire de physique, UER de Sciences, Strasbourg Gingold, Service de biophysique, CEN Saclay, Gif s/Yvette Goldberg, M., Biochimie cellulaire, Institut Pasteur, Paris Grosjean, H., Laboratoire de chimie biologique, Universite Iibre de Bruxelles (Belg.) Grouselle, M. 1., Institut de biochimie, Orsay Guinand, S., MIle, Laboratoire de biologie physico-chimique, Orsay Guschlbauer, W., Service de biochimie du CEN Saclay, Gif s/Yvette Hanss, M., U.E.R. de medecine et biologie, Bobigny Helene, c., Centre de biophysique moleculaire, Orleans Hellemans, L., BioI. Dynamics, Universite de Louvain (Belg.) Her, c., Laboratoire de recherches Unilever, La Plaine St-Denis

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