Master draftsman of the Renaissance his life in paintings Boston ruDiic Horary a >4.i WITHDRAWN No longerthe property of the Boston Public Library. Sale of this material benefits the Library. 40 Ik ALLSTON BRANCH LIBRARY DORLING KINDERSLEY London • NewYork • Sydney • Moscow Visit us on theWorldWideWeb at AL BR ND588 Contents D9 A4 1999 How to use this book Thisseriespresentsboth thelifeandworksofeach artistwithinthecultural, social,andpoliticalcontext oftheirtime.Tomakethe 1471 -1499 bookseasytoconsult,they aredivided intothreeareas 8 Afamilyof 34 Betweennarcissism whichareidentifiableby emigrants andmelancholy sidebandsofdifferent Nuremberg's 36 VeitStossandthe colors:yellowforthepages "goldenage" early16thcentury devotedtothelifeand 2 Durertheapprentice: inNuremberg worksoftheartist,light fromgoldwork 38 Stylisticdevelopment blueforthehistoricaland topainting 40 PaumgartnerAltarpiece culturalbackground,and 4 Germanartattheend 42 Thedeathof pinkfortheanalysisof ofthe 15thcentury his fatherand majorworks.Eachspread 6 Ajourneythrough Durersnew focusesonaspecifictheme, earlyRenaissanceart responsibilities withan introductorytext 8 Family,friends, 44 ThemythofVenice andseveralannotated andcharacter 46 Thestudyof illustrations.Theindex 20 GiovanniBellini perspectiveand section isalso illustrated andGiorgione Italianhumanism andgivesbackground 22 Earlyengravingsand 48 Merchantsand informationon keyfigures thehumanistcall intellectualsin andthelocationofthe 24 The FourHorsemen ItalyandGermany artist'sworks. oftheApocalypse 50 RoseGarlandAltarpiece 26 FrederickofSaxony, 52 Theconflictbetween On page2:Durer,Self- the firstpatron beautyandtime portraitinaFur-Collared 28 Theportraits 54 AdamandEve Robe, 1500,Alte 30 The HallerMadonna 56 Contemplating Pinakothek,Munich. theworldof nature:an encyclopedicmind 58 TheVisionof StEustace 60 Theexampleof LeonardodaVinci 62 TheGreatPieceofTurf 66 Wealthand 102 ErasmusofRotterdam 134 Indexofplaces socialobligations andMelanchthon 138 Indexofpeople 68 ThecourtofMaximilian 104 StJeromeinMeditation ofHapsburg 106 Thecoronation 70 Portraitofthe ofCharlesV EmperorMaximilian I 108 ThejourneytoHolland 72 Paintersand 110 Pupils,imitators, humanistsatAugsburg andfollowers 74 Newexpressive 112 TheReformation forms:illumination 114 Thepeasantrevolt andsculpture 116 Theattitudeof 76 Thealpine anintellectual watercolors aristocrat 78 Altdorfer:the 118 Portraitof wondersofnature Johannes Kelberger 80 Officialduties:the 120 Thetheoryofthe decorationofthe "fourhumors" Hallofthe Insignia 122 The FourApostles 82 AdorationoftheTrinity 124 Thetreatises 84 JakobFuggerandthe 126 Theidealofa cityofAugsburg perfectbeauty 86 Madonnas 128 TheRenaissance, 88 Theplagueand aseasonbriefly theTurkishthreat: interrupted thecloudsgather 130 Deathandlegacy 90 MelencoliaI 92 Engravedand paintedportraits 94 Thedevelopment ofartin southernGermany 96 Theadmiration forintelligence andtranquillity 98 StJeromein hisStudy The goldsmith's son makes good • 1471 - 1499 A family of emigrants A, lbrecht Diirer was one of the greatest of all German artists and a principal thinker of the Renaissance. His art dominated the European cultural scene during the first decades ofthe 16thcentury.Always atthe forefront of intellectual debate and consorting with artists and thinkers, princesandemperors,hewasakeyplayer in the major historical events ofhis time. Weknowagreatdealabouthim,thanks to the ample documentation of the day and to the master's own Durer,Portraitofhis diaries and notes. His father, also named Albrecht, was MotherBarbaraHolper, 1490,Schlossmuseum, descended from a family of Hungarian goldsmiths. In 1455 Weimar.Thisportraitof Albrecht the Elder moved to Nuremberg,where he adopted the hismotherisprobably surname Diirer and found employment in the workshop of the oneofDurer'searliest gold- and silversmith Hyeronimus Holper. In 1467, aged 40, he paintings,although its married Holper's daughter Barbara.After more than 10years he attribution isdoubtful. becamemoreorlessestablishedinoneofthemostthrivingcities inEuropeandwasintheverybusinesswhichwasatthecenterof Durer, Viewof the economyand exports: theworking ofprized metals to make Nurembergfromthe precious objects or scientific instruments. In 1468Albrecht the West, 1497,formerly Elder was granted membership of the goldsmiths' guild and Kunsthalle,Bremen. Thissplendidwatercolor opened his ownworkshop. On May21, 1471 his sonAlbrechtwas showsDurer'sfeeling born, thethirdof 18children. forlandscape. 4 I