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Preview Dumu-e2-dub-ba-a: Studies in Honor of Åke W. Sjöberg

Studies in Honor of Ake W. Sjoberg Edited by Hermann Behrens Darlene Loding Martha T. Roth RESEAfiCn A/?C':!I'Ei - L!Qf:ij?'S LIBfiARY THE OK:? ::il !;≪UTE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO Occasional Publications of the Samuel Noah Kramer Fund, 11 Philadelphia, 1989 DUMU-E,-DUB-BA-A : studies in honor of Ake W. Sjoberg / edited by Hermann Behrens, Darlene M. Loding, \ and Martha T. Roth. p. om. --(Occasional publications of the Samuel Noah Kramer fund ; 9) Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 0-93471898-9 1. Akkadian philology. 2. Sumerian philology. Wc have no record of ht 3. Sumerians. 4. Middle East--Civilization--To enough to cut. We do know, 622. 5. Sjoberg, Ake W. the Sumerian Dictionary. Firs, I. Sjoberg, Ake W. 11. Behrens, Hermann, 1944- the keys of that small portable t) 111. Loding, Darlene M., 1942- . IV. Roth, Martha visitors, and other distractions-b Tobi. V. Series. at home, on weekends. PJ3126.SXS78 1989 In the years ahead scholars will se, 49T.1--dc20 89-20186 literature written on clay. As they ma. CIPt worked at indefatigably, and for which hi occasion to be thankful for this tool. Lest the reader of this formidable colle, ,dte to the lexicographer gets the wrong impression of hil. de appropriate. , Wke Sjoberg has somehow managed to enjoy thing et to learn to drive a car and he is terrible at croquet. But his capacity .~tH. ospitable, generous beyond measure, thoughtful of human amenities, ht a himself to a host of friends who salute him with respect for his scholarship, gratitua -s achievements, and friendship on NOTE: Serics Name Change this occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday. I'ublications of the Samuel Noah Krarncr Fund, 9 succccds I'ublications of thc Babylonian Fund, 8 James B. Pritchard June 1989 Copyright by The University Museum. @ Printed in the United States of America. Distributed by The Samuel Noah Kramer Fund, The University Museum, Philadelphia, Pa. All rights reserved. This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form (except by reviewers for the public press), without written permission from the publishers. TABLE OF CONTENTS Prophetical Echoes of Assyrian Growth and Decline ................................................. 1 G.W. Ahlstrb;m Some Literary Texts in the British Museum ..................................................................... 7 Bendt Alster and C.B.F. Walker Der "schlimme Tad" in Mesopotamien ............................................................................ 21 Josef Bauer CBS 6894: Ein Ergemma fur Dumuzi? .............................................................................. 29 Herrnann Behrens An Old Akkadian Literary Text from Umm al-Hafriyat ............................................... 33 Robert D. Biggs A Legal Text from the Reign of Eriba-Marduk (c. 775 B.C.) ....................................... 37 ].A. Brinkman The Statue of Sulgi-ki-ur,-sags-kalam-ma, Part One: The Inscription ......................... 49 Miguel Civil Part Two: The Statue ........................................................................................................... 65 Richard L. Zettler A Bilingual Suilla to NingeStinanna ................................................................................. 79 Mark E. Cohen Enki's Member: Eros and Irrigation in Sumerian Literature ......................................... 87 Jerrold S. Cooper Old Assyrian Terms for Bread (akalu, kirrum) ............................................................... 91 Veysel Donbaz Das "Wort im Ekur" oder die Peripetie in "Fluch uber Akkade" ................................. 99 Dietz Otto Edzard Nuzi and the Bible: A Retrospective ............................................................................... 107 Barry L. Eichler An Old Babylonian Kusarikku .......................................................................................... 121 Maria delong Ellis vii al-tar im Edubba: Notwendige Arbeitsgange beim Bau eines Schulhauses .............. 137 Zur Diskussion iiber die neue Paulus-Chronologie ....................................................... 337 Edvin Larsson Certrud Farber ki-sikil-u,-da-kar-ra ............................................................................................................. 149 Feet of Clay ........................................................................................................................ 349 Erle Leichty Walter Farber A Sargonic Archive from the Lagash Region ................................................................. 155 Les Fantaisies du Dieu Enki: Essai sur les Techniques de la Narration dans les Mythes ............................................................................................ 357 Benjamin R. Foster Henri Limet A Manual of Sacrificial Procedure ................................................................................... 167 Two Old Babylonian Texts from Ur ............................................................................... 367 Daniel A. Foxvog Darlene Loding Fluch und Morser: Gedanken zur Symbolkraft eines Inschriftentragers .................. 177 A Revised Publication of a Unique Nuzi Text .............................................................. 371 Sabine Franke M.P. Maidman A Duplicate of a Rim-Sin Hymnal Excerpt ................................................................... 181 A New Sumerian Law Code ............................................................................................ 383 Douglas Frayne Piotr Michalowski and C.B.F.W alker The Ideology of Gender in the Bible and the Ancient Near East .............................. 185 Gifts and Tithes to the Temple in Ur .............................................................................. 397 Tikva Frymer-Kensk y Marc van de Mieroop A New Piece of Witchcraft ............................................................................................... 193 \ Einige Konigsinschriften des 3. Jahrtausends in der Markham Geller Hilprecht-Sammlung Jena ................................................................................................ 403 Assurbanipal and the Building of the EgigunQ .............................................................. 207 Joachim Oelsner Pamela Gerardi The Inscription of Idrimi: A Pseudo-Autobiography ? .................................................. 411 Mark and the Female Witnesses ...................................................................................... 217 Gary H. Oller Birger Gerhardsson Rahab and the Spies ........................................................................................................... 419 The Peril of High Living: Divinatory Rhetoric in Summa Alu ................................... 227 Magnus Ottosson Ann Guinan Some Morphological Aspects of Sumerian and Akkadian Nippur Originals ................................................................................................................. 237 Linguistic Areas .................................................................................................................. 429 William W.H al10 Olof Pedersdn The Babylonian Background of the Term "Milky Way" ........................................ 249 MUL.APIN and Vedic Astronomy .................................................................................. 439 Wolfgang Heimpel David Pingree Voyages of Votive Vessels in the Gulf ............................................................................ 253 Aja = Eos .............................................................................................................................. 447 Theresa Howard-Carter Marvin A. Powell The lil, of *En-lil, ................................................................................................................ 267 Agriculture and the Temple-Estate Economies of Old Thorkild Jacobsen Babylonian Nippur ............................................................................................................. 457 Zur Nominalbildung im Semitischen ............................................................................ 277 John Robertson Burkhart Kienast Eine Beschworung gegen den 'Bann' .............................................................................. 465 From Gudea to Sulgi: Continuity and Change in Sumerian W.H.Ph.R dmer Literary Tradition ............................................................................................................... 289 A Case of Contested Status .............................................................................................. 481 Jacob Klein Martha T.R oth BM 100042: A Hymn to Su-Sin and an Adab of Nergal ............................................... 303 Nissaba(k): "Die Herrin der Getreidezuteilungen" ....................................................... 491 S.N. Kramer Gebhard Selz Trois lettres d'Ugarit ......................................................................................................... 317 Le deuil pour Su-sin .......................................................................................................... 499 Sylvie Lackenbacher Marcel Sigrist A Babylonian Prayer to Aniina ......................................................................................... 321 W.G.L ambert viii Die Beziehungen zwischen Gatumdu und Inanna im Spiegel der Bauinschriften der LagaS-I- und -11-Zeit .................................................................. 507 i Horst Steible Enmerkar's Invention of Writing Revisited ................................................................... 515 ABBREVIATIONS Hermnnn Vanstiphout A Long Lasting Life ........................................................................................................... 525 Gabriela Voet and Karel van Lerberghe Enheduanna, En-Priestess, Hen of Nanna, Spouse of Nanna ..................................... 539 tablets in the collections the Oriental Institute, University loan Goodnick Westenholz of Chicago Genealogical and Geographical Thought in the Sumerian King List ......................... 557 Aa lexical series a A = ndqu, pub. MSL 14 Claus Wilcke AASF Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae The Body of the Able Ruler: Toward an Understanding of the Statues of Gudea ..................................................................................................... 573 AASOR The Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research Irene 1. Winter AB Assyriologische Bibliothek The Sumerian Verbal Aspect ........................................................................................... 585 AbB Altbabylonische Briefe in Umschrift und ubersetzung Mamoru Yoshikawa ActaSum Acta Sumerologica ADD C.H.W. Johns, Assyrian Deeds and Documents Bibliography of the Published Works of Ake W. Sjoberg ........................................ 593 AfO Archiv fiir Orientforschung List of Contributors ........................................................................................................... 597 AHw W. von Soden, Akkadisches Handworterbuch AIA tablets in the collections of the Ashmolean Museum AION Annali dell'Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli AJSL American Journal of Semitic Languages Alster Suruppak B. Alster, Instructions of Suruppak (= Mesopotamia 2) An lexical series An = Anum AnOr Analecta Orientalia ANEP J.B. Pritchard, The Ancient Near East in Pictures Relating to the Old Testament ANET J.B. Pritchard, Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament Antagal lexical series Antagal = Jaqii A0 tablets in the collections of the Musee du Louvre AOAT Alter Orient und Altes Testament AOATS Alter Orient und Altes Testament Sonderreihe AoF Altorientalische Forschungen AOS American Oriental Series AOSTS American Oriental Society, Translation Series APA Acta Praehistorica et Archaeologica ARM Archives royales de Mari ARN M. et al., Altbabylonische Rechtsurkunden aus Nippur BL S. Langdon, Babylonian Liturgies Arnaud Emar D. Arnaud, Recherches au pays d'AStata Emar BLOT Book List. Society for Old Testament Studies Ar Or Archiv Orienthlni BM tablets in the collections of the British Museum ARRIM Annual Review of the Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia Project Boehmer Glyptic R.M. Boehmer, Die Entwicklung der Glyptik wlihrend der Akkadzeit AS Ass yriological Studies Borger Asarhaddon R. Borger, Die Inschriften Asarhaddons, Konigs von Assyrien (= ASAW Abhandlungen der Sachsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften AfO Beih. 9) ASOR American Schools of Oriental Research Brinkman PKB J.A. Brinkman, A Political History of Post-Kassite Babylonia 1158- ASS Anandasrama Sanskrit Series 722 B.C. (= AnOr 43) ATHE B. Kienast, Die altassyrischen Texte des Orientalischen Seminars BRM Babylonian Records in the Library of J. Pierpont Morgan der Universitat Heidelberg und der Sammlung Erlenmeyer-Base1 Bu tablets in the collections of the British Museum ATLAL The Journal of Saudi Arabian Archaeology Bu A B. Meissner, Babylonien und Assyrien AThD Acta Theologica Danica Buccellati Amorites G. Buccellati, The Amorites of the Ur I11 Period AUCT Andrews University Cuneiform Texts \ BZAW Beihefte zur Zeitschrift fiir die alttestamentliche AWL J. Bauer, Altsumerische Wirtschaftstextea us Lagasch Wissenschaft (= Studia Pohl 9) CAD The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University BA Beitrage zur Assyriologie of Chicago BaghForsch Baghdader Forschungen Cahiers DAFI Cahiers de la Dabgation Archkologique Frangaise en Iran BaghMitt Baghdader Mitteilungen CBQ Catholic Biblical Quarterly BAM F. Kocher, Die babylonisch-assyrische Medizin in Texten und CBS tablets in the collections of the University Museum of the University Untersuchungen of Pennsylvania BASOR Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research CCT Cuneiform Texts from Cappadocian Tablets BASOR SS Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, Charpin Clergk D. Charpin, Le clergk d'Ur au sihcle d'Hammurabi Supplementary Studies Cohen Enmerkar S. Cohen, Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta (unpub. Ph.D. diss., BBSt L.W. King, Babylonian Boundary Stones University of Pennsylvania) BBVO Berliner Beitrage zum Vorderen Orient Cohen ErSemma M. Cohen, Sumerian Hymnology: The Ergemma Commentary BE Babylonian Expedition of the University of Pennsylvania, Series A: Contenau Manuel G. Contenau, Manuel d'archeologie orientale Cuneiform Texts Cooper Agade J.S. Cooper, The Curse of Agade Berlin EnsubkeSdanna A. Berlin, Enmerkar and EnsubkeSdanna (= OPBF 2) Cooper An-gim J.S. Cooper, The Return of Ninurta to Nippur (= AnOr 52) Bezold Cat C. Bezold, Catalogue of the Cuneiform Tablets in the Kouyunjik Craig ABRT J.A. Craig, Assyrian and Babylonian Religious Texts Collection of the British Museum CRRAI Compte Rendu, Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale BibArch Biblical Archaeologist CSSH Comparative Studies in Society and History BibMes Bibliotheca Mesopotamica CT Cuneiform Texts from Babylonian Tablets Bilgi~A pellativa E. Bilgic, Die einheimischen Appellativa der kappadokischen Texte CTN Cuneiform Texts from Nimrud BIN Babylonian Inscriptions in the Collection of J.B. Nies Dandamaev Slavery M.A. Dandamaev, Slavery in Babylonia Birot Tablettes M. Birot, Tablettes kconomiques et administratives d'kpoque babylonienne ancienne conservkes au Muske d'Art et d'Histoire David AV J.A. Ankum, et al., eds., Symbolae iuridicae et historicae Martino de GenBve David dedicatae. Tomus alter: Iura Orientis antiqui Deimel Pantheon A. Deimel, Pantheon Babylonicum GNN geographical names Deimel WF A. Deimel, Die Inschriften von Fara 3 Grant Smith College E. Grant, Cuneiform Documents in the Smith College Library Delitzsch HWB F. Delitzsch, Assyrisches Handworterbuch Gratz College AV Gratz College Anniversary Volume de Sarzec Ddcouvertes E. de Sarzac, Dkcouvertes en Chaldke Grayson Chronicles A.K. Grayson, Assyrian and Babylonian Chronicles (= TCS 5) DP M. Allotte de la Fuye, Documents prksargoniques Hall Moongod M. Hall, A Study of the Sumerian Moon-god, Nanna/Suen (unpub. Ea lexical series ea A = nbqu, pub. MSL 14 Ph.D. diss., University of Pennsylvania) Ebeling Handerhebung E. Ebeling, Die akkadische Gebetsserie Su-ila "Handerhebung" Harris Sippar R. Harris, Ancient Sippar (= VIO 20) Hatt Mammals R. Hatt, The Mammals of Iraq Ebeling Stiftungen E. Ebeling, Stiftungen und Vorschriften fiir assyrische Tempe1 HBA E. Weidner, Handbuch der babylonischen Astronomie (= VIO 23) Hecker Giessen K. Hecker, Die Keilschrifttexte der Universitatsbibliothek Giessen ED Early Dynastic Hecker Grammatik K. Hecker, Grammatik der Kultepe-Texte (= AnOr 44) Edzard Rechtsurkunden D.O. Edzard, Sumerische Rechtsurkunden des 111. Jahrtausends HG J. Kohler, et al., Hammurabi's Gesetz Edzard ZZB D.O. Edzard, Die "Zweite Zwischenzeit" Babyloniens Hilprecht Excavations H. Hilprecht, Excavations in Assyria and Babylonia EPHA Ecole pratique des hautes ktudes, annuaire Hinke Kudurru W.J. Hinke, Selected Babylonian Kudurru Inscriptions ES tablets in the collections of the Eski $ark Eserleri Muzesi, Istanbul Hirsch Untersuchungen H. Hirsch, Untersuchungen zur altassyrischen Religion EWO Enki and the World Order (= AfO Beih. 13/14) Falkenstein ATU A. Falkenstein, Archaische Texte aus Uruk HKl R. Borger, Handbuch der Keilschriftliteratur Falkenstein A. Falkenstein, Die neusumerischen Gerichtsurkunden HLC tablets in the collections of the Oriental Institute of the University of Gerichtsurkunden Chicago (formerly at Haverford College) FAOS Freiburger Altorientalische Studien HS tablets in the Hilprecht collection, Jena Festschrift MatouS B. HruSka and G. Komor6czy, eds., Festschrift Lubor MatouS HSAO Heidelberger Studien zum Alten Orient FFF FAILAKA Fouilles Franqaises HSM tablets in the collections of the Harvard Semitic Museum Fish Catalogue T. Fish, Catalogue of Sumerian Tablets in the John Rylands Library HSS Harvard Semitic Series Flodrikene Erling Bjel ed., Cappeleus Verdhistorie, Vol. 2 (1982) HUCA Hebrew Union College Annual FLP tablets in the collections of the Free Library of Philadelphia Hunger Kolophone H. Hunger, Babylonische und assyrische Kolophone (= AOAT 2) Foster Umma B.R. Foster, Umma in the Sargonic Period Ub lexical series BAR-ra = bubullu Frankena TSkultu R. Frankena, Taultu, De sacrale Maaltijd in het assyrische Ritueel IB field numbers from Isin excavations FRLANT Forschungen zur Religion und Literatur des Alten und Neuen ICK Inscriptions cunkiformes du Kultkpk Testaments ILN Illustrated London News Frymer-Kensky Ordeal T. Frymer-Kensky, The Judicial Ordeal in the Ancient Near East (unpub. Ph.D. diss., Yale University) IM tablets in the collections of the Iraq Museum Fs. Michel 0. Betz, M. Hengel, and P. Schmidt, eds., Abraham unser Vater. ISET M. Gig and H. Klzllyay, Sumerian Literary Texts in the Festschrift fur 0. Michel Archaeological Museum of Istanbul Fs. Oberhuber M. Meid and H. Trenkwalder, Im Bannkreis des Alten Orients Isin B. Hrouda, Ishan-Bahriyat GAG W. von Soden, Grundriss der akkadischen Grammatik ITT Inventaire des tablettes de Tello Geller Forerunners M. Geller, Forerunners to UDUG-UUL Jacobsen Copenhagen T. Jacobsen, Cuneiform Texts in the National Museum, Copenhagen Genouillac Kich H. de Genouillac, Premieres recherches archkologiques Kich ti xiv xv Jacobsen Harps T. Jacobsen, The Harps That Once . . . Kraus Konigliche F.R. Kraus, Konigliche Verfugungen in altbabylonischer Zeit Verfugungen Jacobsen Tammuz T. Jacobsen, Toward the Image of Tammuz Krebernik M. Krebemik, Die Beschworungen aus FBra und Ebla Jacobsen Treasures T. Jacobsen, The Treasures of Darkness Beschworungen JANES Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society of Columbia University JBL Journal of Biblical Literature Krecher Kultlyrik J. Krecher, Sumerische Kultlyrik Journal of Cuneiform Studies KSS Kasi Sanskrit Series JCS JEN Joint Expedition with the Iraq Museum at Nuzi Kt field numbers from excavations at Kultepe JENu Joint Exepedition with the Iraq Museum at Nuzi, unpub. KT Hahn J. Lewy, Die Kultepetexte aus der Sammlung Hahn . . . JEOL Jaarbericht van het Vooraziatisch-Egyptisch Genootschap KTS J. Lewy, Die altassyrischen Texte vom Kiiltepe bei Kaisarije "Ex Oriente Lux" KUB Keilschrifturkunden aus Boghazkoi JESHO Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient Kummel Familie H.M. Kummel, Familie, Beruf und Amt im spatbabylonischen Uruk JHA Journal for the History of Astronomy L tablets in the collections of the University Museum of the University of Pennsylvania JNES Journal of Near Eastern Studies Jones-Snyder T.B. Jones and J. Snyder, Sumerian Economic Texts from the Third Lamberg-Karlovsky C.C. Lamberg-Karlovsky, Excavations at Tepe Yahya, Iran Ur Dynasty Excavations JQR Jewish Quarterly Review Lambert BWL W.G. Lambert, Babylonian Wisdom Literature JRAS Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society Landsberger Brief B. Landsberger, Brief des Bischofs von Esagila JSOR Journal of the Society of Oriental Research Landsberger Kult. B. Landsberger, Der kultische Kalender der Babylonier und Assyrer Kalender (= LSS 6/1-2) JSS Journal of Semitic Studies LA S S. Parpola, Letters from Assyrian Scholars (= AOAT 5) Kang Drehem S. Kang, Sumerian Economic Texts from the Drehem Archive Leemans Foreign Trade W.F. Leemans, Foreign Trade in the Old Babylon Period KAR Keilschrifttexte aus Assur religiosen Inhalts Legrain TRU L. Legrain, Le temps des rois d'Ur KAV Keilschrifttexte aus Assur verschiedenen Inhalts LIH L.W. King, Letters and Inscriptions of Hammurabi KB Keilinschriftliche Bibliothek Limet Anthroponymie H. Limet, L'Anthroponymie sumerienne Kinnier-Wilson Etana J. Kinnier-Wilson, The Legend of Etana Limet Etude H. Limet, Etude de documents de la periode d'Agad6 Kirk Myth G.S. Kirk, Myth, Its Meaning and Functions in Ancient and Other Cultures Limet Metal H. Limet, Le travail du metal au pays de Sumer au temps de la III. dynastie d'Ur Klein Sulgi J. Klein, Three Sulgi Hymns Limet Ur I11 Brussels H. Limet, Textes sumeriens de la IIIe dynastie d'Ur Klengel Geschichte H. Klengel, Geschichte Syriens in 2 Jahrtausenden LKA Literarische Keilschrifttexte aus Assur Kramer Elegies S.N. Kramer, Two Elegies on a Pushkin Museum Tablet LKU Literarische Keilschrifttexte aus Uruk \ Kramer Enmerkar S.N. Kramer, Enmerkar and Lord of Aratta Longman Autobiography T. Longman, Fictional Akkadian Royal Autobiography (unpub. Kramer History S.N. Kramer, History Begins at Sumer Ph.D. diss., Yale University) Kramer Poetry S.N. Kramer, From the Poetry of Sumer LSS Leipziger semitistische Studien Kramer Schooldays S.N. Kramer, Schooldays: A Sumerian Composition Relating to the Lu lexical series lu2 = $a, pub. MSL 12 Education of a Scribe (= MM 2) Kramer Sumerians S.N. Kramer, The Sumerians Kraus Edikt F.R. Kraus, Ein Edikt des Konigs Ammi-Saduqa von Babylon xvi xvii MAD Materials for the Assyrian Dictionary Nik M.V. Nikolski, Dokumenty khoziaistvennoi otchetnosti . . . Maidman Nuzi Family M. Maidman, A Socio-economic Analysis of a Nuzi Family Archive NPN I.J. Gelb, P.M. Purves, and A.A. MacRae, Nuzi Personal Names (unpub. Ph.D. diss., University of Pennsylvania) (= OIP 57) Malku synonym list malku = ~ T T U N-T field numbers of tablets excavated at Nippur by the Oriental MAM Mission archi5ologiques B Mari Institute and other institutions Mander Pantheon P. Mander, I1 pantheon di Abu-Siiliibikh OAIC I.J. Gelb, Old Akkadian Inscriptions in the Chicago History Museum Maqlu G.Meier, Die assyrische Beschwijrungssammlung MaqlQ (= AfO Beih. 2) OB Old Babylonian MAR1 Mari Annales de Recherches Interdisciplinaires OECT Oxford Editions of Cuneiform Texts MCS Manchester Cuneiform Studies OIC Oriental Institute Communications MDOG Mitteilungen der Altorientalischen Gesellschaft OIP Oriental Institute Publications MDP M6moires de la delegation en Perse OLA Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta MEE Materiali Epigrafici di Ebla Oller Idrimi G. Oller, The Autobiography of Idrimi (unpub. Ph.D. diss., University of Pennsylvania) Melanges Birot J.M. Durand et J.R. Kupper, eds., Miscellanea Babylonica OLZ Orientalistische Literaturzeitung Memorial Ataturk fitudes d'archkologie et de philologie anatoliennes OPBF Occasional Publications of the Babylonian Fund MI0 Mitteilungen des Instituts fiir Orientforschung OPKF Occasional Publications of the S.N. Kramer Fund MJ Museum Journal Or Orientalia MLC tablets in the collections of the J. Pierpont Morgan Library Or NS Orientalia Nova Series MMA tablets in the collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art OrAnt Oriens Antiquus MNB tablets in the collections of the Louvre OrSuec Orientalia Suecana Moortgat Art A. Moortgat, The Art of Ancient Mesopotamia Ottosson Gilead M. Ottosson, Gilead, Tradition and History Moscati Introduction S. Moscati, An Introduction to the Comparative Grammar of the Semitic Languages Owen Nippul! D.I. Owen, Neo-Sumerian Archival Texts Primarily from Nippur MRS Mission de Ras Shamra PAPS Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society MSL Materials for the Sumerian Lexicon Parrot Tello A. Parrot, Tello, Vingt campagnes de fouilles MSLSS Materials for the Sumerian Lexicon, Supplementary Series PBS Publications of the Babylonian Section of the University Museum of the University of Pennsylvania MVAG Mitteilungen der Vorderasiatisch-Aegyptischen Gesellschaft PDT M. Gig, et al., Die PuzriS-Dagan-Texte der Istanbuler MVN Materiali per il vocabolario neosumerico Archaologischen Museen N tablets in the collections of the University Museum of the University Peiser Urkunden F.E. Peiser, Urkunden aus der Zeit der 3. babylonischen Dynastie of Pennsylvania PMA tablets in the collections of the University Museum of the University Nabnitu lexical series SIG,.ALAM = nabnztu, pub. MSL 16 of Pennsylvania NABU Nouvelles assyriologiques brbves et utilitaire Porada Corpus E. Porada, Corpus of Ancient Near Eastern Seals NB Neo-Babylonian PRU J. Nougayrol, et al., Le Palais Royal d'Ugarit Nbn Nabu-na'id PSAS Proceedings of the Seminar of Arabian Studies Ni tablets excavated at Nippur in the collections of the Archaeological PSBA Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology Museum of Istanbul xviii xix PSD The Sumerian Dictionary of the University Museum of the Schott Gilgamesch A. Schott, Das Gilgamesch-Epos University of Pennsylvania SD Studia et Documenta ad iura Orientis antiqui pertinentia R H.C. Rawlinson, The Cuneiform Inscriptions of Western Asia Sefati Love Songs Y. Sefati, Love Songs in Sumerian Literature (unpub. Ph.D. diss., RA Revue d'assyriologie et d'archkologie orientale Bar-Ilan University) RAI Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale SEL Studi epigrafici e linguistici sul Vicino Oriente antico Ranke PN H. Ranke, Early Babylonian Personal Names SEM E. Chiera, Sumerian Epics and Myths (= OIP 15) REC F. Thureau-Dangin, Recherches sur l'origine de l'kcriture Seux Hymnes M.-J. Seux, Hymnes et prihres aux dieux de Babylonie et d'Assyrie cunkiforme SG F. Ellermeier, Sumerisches Glossar Reisner Telloh G.A. Reisner, Tempelurkunden aus Telloh Si field numbers of tablets excavated at Sippar RGTC Rkpertoire gkographique des textes cunkiformes SLT E. Chiera, Sumerian Lexical Texts (= OIP 11) RHA Revue hittite et asiatique Smith Idrimi S. Smith, The Statue of Idri-mi RHR Revue de l'histoire des religions SMN tablets excavated at Nuzi in the Semitic Museum, Harvard RIM Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia University RIA Reallexikon der Assyriologie SMS Syro-Mesopotamian Studies Roberts Pantheon J. J.M. Roberts, The Earliest Semitic Pantheon SP E. Gordon, Sumerian Proverbs Romer SKIZ W.H.Ph. Romer, Sumerische "Konigshymnen" der Isin-Zeit Speleers Recueil L. Speleers, Recueil des inscriptions de l'Asie . . . Bruxelles RS field numbers of tablets excavated at Ras Sharnra SRT E. Chiera, Sumerian Religious Texts RSO Revista degli studi orientali Starr Rituals I. Starr, The Rituals of the Diviner RTC F. Thureau-Dangin, Recueil de tablettes chaldkennes STh Studia Theologica SAHG A. Falkenstein, W. von ~odenhumerischeun d akkadische Hymnen StNT Studien zum Neuen Testament und Gebete Stolper Entrepreneurs M.W. Stolper, Entrepreneurs and Empire SAKI F. Thureau-Dangin, Die sumerischen und akkadischen StOr Studia Orientalia Konigsinschriften Strassmaier AV J.N. Strassmaier, Alphabetisches Verzeichnis (= AB 4) Salonen Tiiren A. Salonen, Die Tiiren des alten Mesopotamien Strassmaier HuitiBme J.N. Strassmaier, Texte und Transcription, VIIIe Congrhs Salonen Ziegeleien A. Salonen, Die Ziegeleien im alten Mesopotamien CongrBs internationale du Orient-Sect. sem. (b) San Nicold M. San Nicold, Beitrage zu einer Prosopographie neubabylonischer Streck Asb M. Streck, Assurbanipal . . . (= VAB 7) Prosopographie Beamten der Zivil- und Tempelverwaltung STT O.R. Gurney, J.J. Finkelstein, and P. Hulin, The Sultantepe Tablets SANE Sources from the Ancient Near East Studies Diakonoff M.A. Dandamayev, et al. eds., Societies and Languages of the SA OC Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization Ancient Near East SB Standard Babylonian Studies Lacheman M.A. Morrison and D.I. Owen, Studies on the Civilization and Culture of Nuzi and the Hurrians in Honor of Ernest R. SBH G.A. Reisner, Sumerisch-babylonische Hymnen nach Thontafeln Lacheman griechischer Zeit SbTU Spatbabylonische Texte aus Uruk Studies Oppenheim Studies Presented to A. Leo Oppenheim Schollmeyer A. Schollmeyer, Sumerisch-babylonische Hymnen und Gebete STVC E. Chiera, Sumerian Texts of Varied Contents an Samag Suppl. VT Supplement, Vetus Testamentum xxi

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