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Duality with real-space renormalization and its application to bond percolation Masayuki Ohzeki Department of Systems Science, Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University, Yoshida-Honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, 606-8501, Japan (Dated: January 14, 2013) Weobtaintheexactsolution ofthebond-percolationthresholdswithinhomogenousprobabilities on the square lattice. Our method is based on the duality analysis with real-space renormaliza- tion, which is a profound technique invented in the spin-glass theory. Our formulation is a more straightforward way compared tothevery recent study on thesame problem [R. M. Ziff, et. al.,J. 3 Phys. A: Math. Theor. 45 (2012) 494005]. The resultant generic formulas from our derivation can 1 giveseveralestimationsforthebond-percolationthresholdsonotherlatticesratherthanthesquare 0 lattice. 2 n a I. INTRODUCTION siswithreal-spacerenormalization,tothe inhomogenous J caseonthesquarelattice. Theresultantequationtopro- 1 vide the bond-percolationthresholds coincides with that Forest fire happens suddenly and spreads out rapidly. 1 proposedbyWu[6]. VeryrecentworkperformedbyZiff, In order to save the forest itself, living animals, humans and their community there, it is important to resolve et. al. has proved its validity by combination of the ] n a naive question: how can we prevent the fire spread several profound results [7]. Our technique provides a n morestraightforwardwayto derivethe exactformulaon throughthe whole system? In the presentstudy we take s- anassociatedmathematicalproblem,namely percolation the critical manifolds of the bond-percolation thresholds i [1]. Thepercolationisaverysimplebutubiquitousprob- without any other ingredients to support our analysis. d Moreover, we give explicit forms of several generic for- . lem,whichiscloselyrelatedtothephenomenoninvolved t mulas depending on the structure of the unit cell form- a in the formation of long-range connectivity in systems, m as well as forest fire as exemplified above. For instance, ing the lattice. The basis of our technique comes from the different streamof study onrandomspin systems,in it provides rich comprehensions for numerous practical - d issues including conductivity in composite materials, in- particular spin glasses. The straightforwardrederivation n of the existing equalities in the different context implies fectious disease, flow through porous media, and poly- o existence of close connection between different realms, merization. In the present study we restrict ourselves c bond-percolation problems and spin glasses. [ to the case of the bond percolation problem, where each bond to connect both ends on the system is selected in The paper is organized as follows. In the next sec- 3 a stochastic manner. The bond percolation is a typi- tion, we review the conventional duality and the star- v cal instance of the cooperative phenomena, with which triangle transformation for convenience. The third sec- 1 highly skillful techniques areessentialto deal. Neverthe- tion demonstrates the duality with real-space renormal- 2 5 less very simple formulas have been expected to hold for izationtotheinhomogenouscaseonthesquarelattice. In 1 the bond-percolation thresholds at which giant clusters 4 we find the resultant generic formulas for the bond- § . over the whole system appear. The key is a particular percolation thresholds and compare our results to the 1 1 symmetry embedded in the system, namely the duality. very recent studies. In the last section, we conclude our 2 In classical spin models, the duality is known to be study. 1 a hidden symmetry between the partition functions in : low and high temperatures. This symmetry allows us v i to identify the locations of the critical points for various X II. CONVENTIONAL ANALYSIS spin models such as the Ising and Potts models [2, 3]. r In the present study we employ the duality in order to a assessthebond-percolationthreshold,sinceq-statePotts Ouranalysisisbasedontheduality[2,3],whichisthe model can be mapped to the bond-percolation problem simplest way to estimate the bond-percolation thresh- in the limit of q 1 [4, 5]. The special symmetry of the olds. We consider the bond-percolation thresholds for → square lattice, namely self-duality, yields the exact solu- the lattice consisting of repetition of the unit cell as in tion ofthe bond-percolationthresholdin the case with a Fig. 1. Let us define p, r, s, and t as the inhomoge- homogenousprobabilityoneachbond. Evenforthecase nous probabilities to connect both ends of the assigned without self-duality, we can perform the duality analy- bonds. The conventional duality analysis can lead to sis to obtain the bond-percolation thresholds in several thebond-percolationthresholdsforthehomogenouscase cases in conjunction with another technique, namely the p = r = s = t on the square lattice. In addition to the star-triangle transformation [4]. duality, the star-triangle transformation gives the bond- In the present study, we generalize the star-triangle percolation thresholds for the inhomogenous case on the transformationto the case on the square lattice. We ap- triangularandhexagonallattices. First,letusreviewthe ply the generalizedtechnique, namely the duality analy- conventionalduality for convenience. 2 vice versa, after the dual transformation through the q- component discrete Fourier transformation. When the dual lattice is the same as the original one, the system $ holds self-duality. For instance, the square lattice is the case. ThenwecanregardZ∗(x∗,x∗, )asZ(x∗,x∗, ) 0 1 ··· 0 1 ··· andcanobtaintheexactvalueofthecriticalpointbythe ’ & duality. We restrict ourselves to the case on the square # ! lattice. Notice that N /2 = N on the square lattice. B S " LetusextracttheprincipalBoltzmannfactorswithedge spins parallel x and x∗ from both sides of Eq. (2) as % 0 0 FIG. 1: The unit cell of the inhomogenous bond-percolation (x0)NBz(u1,u2,···)=(x∗0)NBz(u∗1,u∗2,···), (3) problem on the square lattice. The unit cell is a part of the square lattice, which is covered with the dashed lines. The where z is the normalized partition function basostihgneenddsvaolnueesacph, rb,osndanodntthaereunthitecperllo.babilities to connect zZ(/u(1x,∗u)2N,B··.·W) eh=eredZefi/(nxe0t)hNeBrelaatnidveBzo(ult∗1z,mua∗2,n·n··fa)ctor=s 0 u = x /x = 1/(1+v) and u∗ = x∗/x∗ = v/(q+v). k k 0 k k 0 The well-known duality relation can be obtained by A. Duality rewriting u∗ in the same form as u by use of v∗ as k k v/(q+v) = 1/(1+v∗), namely v∗ = q/v. Notice that Weconsidertheq-statePottsmodelwiththefollowing the quantity v∗ has a different parameter K∗ from the Hamiltonian, original coupling K = βJ, which implies transformation of the temperature. We obtain the exact value of the H = J δ(φ φ ), (1) − ij i− j critical temperature from the fixed point condition Xhiji v2 = q under the assumption that a unique transition c where J is the strengthofinteractions andtakes differ- undergoes in the system. The limit q 1 can then ij → entvalues asJ , J , J ,andJ ,whichwillcorrespondto give the bond-percolation threshold in the homogenous p r s t the probability assigned on the bonds. The summation case pc = p = r = s = t on the square lattice through is taken over all bonds, δ(x) is Kronecker’sdelta, and φi pc = vc/(1+vc), namely pc = 1/2 [4, 5]. We can also standsforthespindirectiontaking0,1, ,andq 1. Let derive the critical point by the following simple equality ··· − us estimate the critical point of the q-state Potts model, since itcorrespondstothe bond-percolationthresholdin x =x∗. (4) 0 0 the limit of q 1 [4, 5]. → We here assume the homogeneous case J = Jp = Indeed this equality gives vc =1, namely pc =1/2. J = J = J . The duality exploits an inherent symme- r s t For the case without self-duality, we can find an im- try embedded in the partition function with the inverse portant relation from v∗ =q/v. We can relate the prob- temperature β as Z = exp(βJδ(φ φ )) = φi hiji i − j ability assigned on the bond on the original lattice to φi hiji(1+vδ(φi −φPj)), wQhere v = exp(βJ)−1 [2]. that on the dual one as p∗ = 1−p in the limit q → 1 Two different approaches to evaluate the partition func- [4, 8]. In other words, the probability p that both ends P Q tion, the low- and high-temperature expansions, can be are connected on the original lattice is transformed into relatedtoeachotherbytheq-componentdiscreteFourier the disconnectedprobabilityonthe duallatticeas1 p∗ − transformation for the local part of the Boltzmann fac- and vise versa. We can rewrite this fact in terms of the tor, namely edge Boltzmann factor x = 1+vδ(k) [3]. relationship of the connectivity as k Specifically, each term in the low-temperature expan- sion can be expressedby xk, while the high-temperature P(AB)=P(A¯B¯), (5) one is written in the dual edge Boltzmann factor x∗ = | l kxkexp(i2πkl/q)/√q. As a result, we obtainadouble where the quantity on the left-hand side expresses the expression of the partition function by use of two differ- probabilitythatAandB areconnected,andthatonthe P ent edge Boltzmann factors as right-hand side stands for the probability that A¯ and B¯ Z(x0,x1,···)=qNS−N2B−1Z∗(x∗0,x∗1,···). (2) naroetedtishceonsinteesctoend.thTehoereignidnaploliantttsicAe.aOnndtBheinotFhiegr.h2andde-, A¯ and B¯ represent the sites on the dual lattice. Then whereZ∗ isthepartitionfunctiononaduallattice. Here the bond percolation threshold for the homogenous case N and N denote the numbers of sites and plaquettes, S B onthe squarelattice canbe representedby the following respectively. The unity in the power of q can be ignored equality in the following analysis. We obtain another system on the dual graph, on which each site on the original lat- tice exchanges with each plaquette on the dual one and P(AB)=P(AB). (6) | 3 Z∗(x∗,x∗, ) = Z(x∗(tr),x∗(tr), ) in Eq. (2). We 0 1 ··· 0 1 ··· here use the renormalized-edge Boltzmann factor x∗(tr) k defined as 1 v q x∗(tr) = i 1+δ(φ φ ) , (7) k √q Xφ0 Yi (cid:26)√q (cid:18) i− 0 vi(cid:19)(cid:27) where the product runs over i=p,r, and s for the three bondsontheunitcellofthehexagonallattice,namelythe down-pointing (up-pointing) star. We here assume the inhomogeneous system with vi =exp(βJi) 1. We take − the summation over the internal spin φ denoted by the 0 black circle on the unit cell as in Fig. 3. The coefficient 1/√q comes from that in front of the partition function ! on the right-hand side of Eq. (2). Notice that N is S the same as the number of down-pointing (up-pointing) ! triangles N on the triangular lattice, and N = 3N . tr B S The subscript k denotes the configuration of the edge FIG. 2: Duality relation of the bond-percolation problem. spins φ on the unit cell. On the other hand, The dotted line denotes the disconnected bond. The bold { l=p,r,s} we rewrite the originalpartitionfunction in terms of the line represents theconnected bond. The white circles denote the original sites. The black circles represent the dual sites product of the edge Boltzmann factors as (original plaquettes). x(tr) = (1+δ(φ φ )v ). (8) k i− 0 i i Y The double expression of the partition function can be % ! ! written as " # " # Z(x(tr),x(tr), )=Z∗(x∗(tr),x∗(tr), ). (9) $ $ 0 1 ··· 0 1 ··· ! % % Similarly,letusextracttherenormalized-principalBoltz- mannfactorswithedgespinsparallelx(tr)andx∗(tr)from FIG.3: Theinhomogeneousbond-percolationproblemonthe 0 0 both sides of Eq. (9) as triangular and hexagonal lattices. The assigned values p, r and s are the connected probabilities assigned on each bond x(tr) Ntrz(tr)(u(tr),u(tr), ) on the unit cell. On the hexagonal lattice, we put the dual { 0 } 1 2 ··· probabilities p∗,r∗ ands∗,which areobtained after thedual = x∗(tr) Ntrz(tr)(u∗(tr),u∗(tr), ). (10) transformation. Theblackcircleonthehexagonallatticerep- { 0 } 1 2 ··· resentstheinternalsitewesumoverinthestar-triangletrans- Notice that the number of the down-pointing (up- formation. pointing) stars is the same as N . and z(tr) is the tr normalized partition function z(tr)(u(tr),u(tr), ) = 1 2 ··· B. Star-triangle transformation Z/(x(0tr))Ntr and z(tr)(u∗1(tr),u∗2(tr),···) = Z/(x∗0(tr))Ntr. We here define the renormalized-relativeBoltzmann fac- tors u(tr) = x(tr)/x(tr) and u∗(tr) = x∗(tr)/x∗(tr). Simi- Let us consider the case on the triangular lattice. We k k 0 k k 0 larly to the case on the square lattice, we put the simple hereremovethe homogeneousrestrictionthatweimpose equality as above. We deal with the bond-percolation problem with the inhomogenous probabilities on the triangular lattice x(tr) =x∗(tr). (11) as depicted in Fig. 3. 0 0 The dual transformation changes the triangular lat- This equality yields the critical manifold of the q-state tice into the hexagonal lattice. Then we cannot perform Potts model as detailed in Appendix A. By taking the the same analysis as that in the case on the square lat- limit q 1, we obtain the equality for the bond- tice. We employ another technique to relate the hexago- → percolation thresholds on the triangular lattice as nal lattice to the original triangular lattice. This can be achievedby the partialsummation overinternalspins at T(p,r,s)=0, (12) the down-pointing (up-pointing) star on the hexagonal lattice,namelystar-triangletransformation[4]. Thenwe where can transform the partition function on the hexagonal lattice into that on another triangular lattice, namely T(p,r,s)=prs p r s+1. (13) − − − 4 resultant quantity is written as x(sq) = (1+v δ(φ φ )). (16) k i i− 0 # "! "! # Similarly, we obtXaφi0ni=thYp,er,sd,tual renormalized-edge Boltz- mann factor as v q x∗(sq) = i 1+δ(φ φ ) . (17) k Xφ0 i=Yp,r,s,t(cid:26)√q (cid:18) i− 0 vi(cid:19)(cid:27) Wecanthenrewritetherelationobtainedbytheconven- tional duality (2) as Z(x(sq),x(sq), )=Z(x∗(sq),x∗(sq), ). (18) 0 1 ··· 0 1 ··· Weextracttherenormalized-principalBoltzmannfactors x(sq)andx∗(sq)withalledgespinsontheunitcellparallel 0 0 as FIG. 4: The unit cell with four bonds for the inhomogenous caseonthesquarelattice. Theblackcircledenotestheinter- (x(sq))NB/4z(sq)(u(sq),u(sq), ) nal spins that we sum over, while thewhite ones are fixed as 0 1 2 ··· φi=0. =(x∗0(sq))NB/4z(sq)(u∗1(sq),u∗2(sq),···), (19) where z(sq) is the normalized partition function If we perform the dual transformation on this equality, but z(sq)(u(sq),u(sq), ) = Z/(x(sq))NB/4 and 1 2 ··· 0 we find the solution for the bond-percolation thresholds z(u∗(sq),u∗(sq), ) = Z/(x∗(sq))NB/4. We here de- on the hexagonal lattice as 1 2 ··· 0 fine the renormalized-relative Boltzmann factors u(sq) = x(sq))/x(sq) and u∗(sq) = x∗(sq)/x∗(sq). Then we H(p∗,r∗,s∗)=0, (14) k k 0 k k 0 impose the following equation to identify the location of the critical point where x(sq) =x∗(sq). (20) H(p,r,s)=prs rp rs ps+1. (15) 0 0 − − − Thedirectevaluationofthisequalityintheleadingorder As shown above we can obtain the exact solution of the of ǫ where q = 1 + ǫ gives the formula for the bond- bond-percolationthresholdsforseveralcasesthroughthe percolation thresholds, as detailed in Appendix B, duality and the technique in conjunction with the star- triangle transformation. (1+v )C(p,r,s,t)=0. (21) i i Y III. DUALITY WITH REAL SPACE where RENORMALIZATION C(p,r,s,t)=1 pr ps rs pt rt st − − − − − − The duality with the star-triangle transformation, +prs+prt+rst+pst. (22) which is the partial summation of the unit cell on the hexagonal lattice, leads to the exact solution for the It is reasonable that a unique transition undergoes if we bond-percolationthresholdsonthetriangularandhexag- tunethetemperaturefortheinhomogeneousinteractions onallattices as in (12) and(14). Let us developthe sim- as J , J , J , and J , which correspond to the probabili- p r s t ilar analysis to the successful case on the triangular and ties of the bond-percolation problem in the limit q 1. → hexagonal lattices. Therefore the singularity of the free energy should be WestartfromEq. (2)forthecaseonthesquarelattice. unique for change of the temperature. The duality can Notice that the edge Boltzmann factor is not enough to thenidentify the locationofthe criticalpoint. Therefore express the local property of the inhomogeneous system. we conclude that C(p,r,s,t) = 0 gives the exact bond- Thus we consider to use the renormalized-edge Boltz- percolationthresholdsfortheinhomogeneouscaseonthe mannfactorinspiredbythestar-triangletransformation. square lattice. Wetakethesquareunitcellconsistingoffourbondsfrom TheequalityC(p,r,s,t)=0wasoriginallyconjectured bothofthe originalanddualsquarelatticesas inFig. 4. [6], confirmed numerically with high precision and de- Let us take the product of the edge Boltzmann factors rived in a different way [9]. The proof of validity of and perform the summation over the internal spin. The Eq. (22) has been very recently established [7]. It is 5 not simple to show the validity of Eq. (22), since it b = 0 b = 2 is based on the indirect analysis via considerations of the bond-percolation problem on different lattices. The present analysis demonstrates the more straightforward analysis. Without recourse to the duality, the real-space b = 1 renormalization group analysis can give the exact bond- percolation thresholds for the homogenous case but fails into the approximations for the inhomogenous case [10? ]. By virtue of the duality, we can here find the exact answer for the critical point while we stand on the fixed point of the renormalization group. FIG.5: The clusterfor thedualitywith real-space renormal- ization on the square lattice. The white circles denote the The duality with real-space renormalization as shown fixedspins for evaluation of the principal Boltzmann factors. above is essentially the same as the profound technique The black circles express the spins we trace over (similarly in the analysis of the random spin system, in particular to the star-triangle transformation) to obtain the principal spin glasses [11, 12]. For several models in the random Bolztmann factors. spin system, the dual transformation cannot relate the original system to the same one with a different tem- perature as the case for the q-state Potts model despite IV. GENERIC FORMULAS ON BOND existence of self-duality of the lattice. In these cases, we PERCOLATION THRESHOLDS recover the self-duality of the random spin models via real-space renormalization over larger range beyond the When we analyze the homogenous case on the square unit cell, namely summation over several internal spins lattice, the formula of the bond-percolation threshold is by taking larger size of the cluster in order to find the a relation on the unit cell with the two-terminal struc- correct fixed point in a relatively wide space of param- ture (a single bond) as in Eq. (6). On the other hand, eters as well as the temperature. Then we impose the the unit cell where we perform the analysis consists of following condition to estimate the critical point simi- the three-terminal structure for the case on the triangu- larly to the conventional analysis by the duality (4), its lar and hexagonal lattice as depicted in Fig. 3. As in combination with the star-triangle transformation (11), this case, for the lattice consisting of repetition of the and the above analysis (20) [11, 12] three-terminalunitcell,the genericformulaofthe bond- percolation thresholds is known to be [15]. x(b) =x∗(b), (23) 0 0 P(ABC)=P(AB C), (24) | | where x(b) and x∗(b) are renormalizedprincipaland dual 0 0 where the quantity on the left-hand side expresses the Boltzmannfactors onthe cluster. The size of the cluster probabilitythattheendpointsA,B,andC onthethree- is denoted by b (b = 0 means the simple duality with- terminalunitcellareallconnected,andthatontheright- out renormalization). It is examined that, if b is taken hand side stands for the probability that none of A, B, to be a large value, we can recover the self-duality fol- and C are connected. lowing the concept of renormalization [13, 14], and Eq. We obtain the critical manifold (12) for the bond- (23) can give a precise estimation of the critical point percolation thresholds on the triangular lattice from the [11]. When we deal with the random spin system on above formula (24). We here demonstrate the reduction the square lattice, the estimation by setting b=1 (four- to Eq. (12) from Eq. (24). In the case on the triangular bond cluster as depicted in Fig. 5) often attains satis- lattice, let us write down all terms included in P(ABC) fiable precision. If one wishes to enhance the precision, as the systematic improvement is achievable by increase of b (i. e. b = 2 16-bond cluster as in Fig, 5). Indeed we P(ABC) = prs+pr(1 s)+p(1 r)s+(1 p)rs can also estimate the bond-percolation thresholds from − − − = pr+sp+rs 2prs. (25) the criticalpoints viaanalysisonthebond-dilutionIsing − model, which is a typical model in the random spin sys- On the other hand, the probability that none of the end tem. InAppendix C,we demonstratethe rederivationof points are connected is the formula C(p,r,s,t) = 0 through the duality analy- sis with real-space renormalizationfor the bond-dilution P(AB C) = (1 p)(1 r)(1 s) Ising model with inhomogenous distribution. Equation | | − − − (23) yields the formula C(p,r,s,t) = 0 for the bond- = 1 p r s+pr+rs+sp prs. − − − − percolationthreshold for the inhomogeneous case on the (26) square lattice. Below we examine the obtained result through the duality with real-space renormalization in Thus we can obtain Eq. (12) from Eq. (24). several points of view. Beyond the case on the square In addition, on the hexagonal lattice, Eq. (24) can lattice, we try to apply several similar systems. be reduced to Eq. (14). On the hexagonal lattice, the 6 ! ! ! % " ! % " % % " ’ # ’ ’ ’ $ ! & & $ $ # " $ # # ! ’ % " ’ % & # # & " FIG. 6: Transformations into the hexagonal and triangular lattices from the squarelattice. FIG. 7: Covering by the two four-terminal unit cells. The shaded squares express the unit cells. The left panel denotes theoriginal squarelattice, andtheright onedepictsthedual left-hand side of Eq. (24) is written as lattice. P(ABC) = prs. cell. Thiscanbe achievedbyeliminating the termsasso- The right-hand side can be given as ciated with the disconnected probabilities with D¯ since P(AB C) = (1 p)(1 r)(1 s)+p(1 r)(1 s) they are always connected as in Fig. 6 (right). In ad- | | − − − − − dition we omit the dependence on D. Then Eq. (29) +(1 p)r(1 s)+(1 p)(1 r)s − − − − recovers P(A¯B¯C¯) = P(A¯B¯ C¯), namely Eq. (24). The = 1 pr rs sp+2prs. (27) differencebetweenthefou|r-t|erminalunitcellsassociated − − − withEqs. (28) and(29) comesfromthe tiling mannerto Equation (24) reproduces Eq. (14). coverthe whole lattice. The former case is the full tiling We heregiveagenericformulaforseverallatticescon- ofthe unit cell. Onthe other hand, the latter caseis the sisting of repetition of the four-terminal unit cell as in checker-boardtiling as in Fig. 7. Fig. 6 (left). The analysis as detailed in Appendix C In order to show the efficiency of the above generic provides the generic formula for the four-terminal unit formula, we take a fascinating instance of the applica- cell as tion beyond the case of the square lattice. By the above P(ABCD)+P(BCD A)+P(ACD B) generic formula (29), we can recover the equality for the | | bond-percolationthresholdsonthebow-tielattice,which +P(ABD C)+P(ABC D)=P(AB C D), | | | | | is dealt with to prove the validity of Eq. (24) [7]. The (28) four-terminal unit cell of the bow-tie lattice is shown in Fig. 8. Equation (29) can be then reduced to where P(BCD A) is the probabilitythat BCD connects | with each other while A is disconnected, and the other u prs(1 t)+pr(1 s)t+p(1 r)st+(1 p)rst quantities follow the same manner. We can reproduce { − − − − +p(1 r)(1 s)t+p(1 r)s(1 t) Eq. (24) by reduction to the three-terminal unit cell (in − − − − particularhexagonallattice)byremovingthesinglebond +(1 p)r(1 s)t+(1 p)rs(1 t) − − − − from four bonds as in Fig. 6 (left). It means that all +prst +(1 u)C(p,r,s,t) connected probabilities to D vanish as P(ABCD) = 0 } − =C(p,r,s,t) u(1 pr st prst)=0. (30) since D can not be connected, and we omit depen- − − − − dence on D for the disconnected probability with D as This equality has been given by combination of the re- P(ABC D)=P(ABC). sults for the three-terminal unit cells by splitting of | For the case of the four-terminal unit cell, we can the four-terminal unit cell to two triangles as in Refs. obtain another generic formula. By the conventional [7, 9, 16]. Then the combination of the duality and star- duality, we relate the bond-percolation problem on the triangle transformation yields the exact solution of the original square lattice to that on the dual square lat- bond-percolation thresholds on the bow-tie lattice. tice through the duality relation. The probabilities ex- As another interesting but wrong instance of applica- pressing connectivity of the edge sites are then changed tions, let us apply the generic formula (29) to the bond- as P(ABCD) = P(A¯B¯ C¯ D¯) and P(D ABC) = percolation problem on the Kagom´e lattice by consid- P(D¯C¯ A¯B¯) similarly to|Eq|. |(5). Another g|eneric for- ering the four-terminal unit cell with up-pointing and | | mula for the four-terminalunit cell as in Fig. (6) (right) down-pointing triangles as in Fig. 9. Here we take the can be expressed as homogenous case for simplicity. We then obtain the fol- P(A¯B¯ C¯ D¯)+P(A¯B¯ C¯ D¯)+P(B¯C¯ D¯ A¯) lowing polynomial from the generic formula (29) as | | | | | | | +P(C¯D¯ A¯B¯)+P(D¯A¯B¯ C¯)=P(A¯B¯C¯D¯), 1 3p2 6p3+12p4 6p5+p6 =0. (31) | | | | − − − (29) The solution is p = 0.52442971, which is known to be c whichisdetailedinAppendixC.Hereletusagainreduce an approximate estimation (Wu’s conjecture [3]), while the above equality to the case of the three-terminal unit a numerical evaluation gives p = 0.52440502(5) [17]. c 7 lem. We hope that the future study reveals more clear relationship between their different realms. % ! V. CONCLUSION ’ & ( $ In the present study, we rederived the exact solution # " forthebond-percolationthresholdsinthe inhomogenous FIG. 8: The bow-tie lattice. The shaded squares express the caseonthe squarelattice byuseoftheduality withreal- four-terminal unit cells. space renormalization, which is a generalized analysis of the star-triangle transformation. In addition, we obtain two different generic formulas depending on the tiling manner of the four-terminal unit cell to cover the whole lattice. Both equalities can be reduced to the known formula for the three-terminal unit cell, which includes the triangular and hexagonal lattices. The application ! of the generic formula reproduces the exact solution on thebow-tielatticeandthewell-knownapproximatesolu- tionontheKagom´elattice. Thefurtheranalysispossibly gives more precise value of the bond-percolation thresh- # " old on the Kagom´e lattice. The duality analysis with real-space renormalization FIG.9: TheKagom´elattice. Thefour-terminalunitcellcon- shownin the presentstudy is essentially the same as the sists of theup-pointingand down-pointingtriangles. specialtechnique,whichhasdevelopedincontextofspin glass theory. The method has been useful to describe the precise phase boundary [11, 12, 21]. The straight- Thereasonwhytheaboveequalityyieldsanwrongvalue forward rederivation of the existing results on the bond- comes from the solvability by the duality and the stat- percolationproblemaregiveninthedifferentcontextim- triangle transformation. Our generic formula (29) then pliesexistence ofafascinatingtheoreticalconnectionbe- fails to give the exact answer but possibly an approxi- tween different realms, graph polynomial and theory of mate estimation when the system lacks the solvability. spin glasses. However our formulation by the duality with real- We emphasize high nontriviality of our results shown space renormalization can give a more precise value of in the present study. The exact solutions for finite di- the bond-percolation threshold on the Kagom´e lattice. mensional many-body systems have been rare in spite The above case is the same as that we used to find in of the long-year efforts. However the situation begins study on random spin systems [11, 12]. The generic for- to change by development of the duality analysis, which mulas as in (28) and (29) can be given by Eq. (23) for is found to be applicable to a relatively broad class of b=1throughanalysesoftherandomspinsystemsasde- problems, namely spin glasses and inhomogenous perco- tailedinAppendix C.We canobtainthe precisevalueof lation problems. We hope that the duality analysis with the bond-percolationthreshold by considering the larger real-spacerenormalizationwouldplayanessentialrollto cluster over the four-terminal unit cell, namely 16-bond understand the nature of the many-body systems as the cluster(b=2)andmore. Althoughwehereceasethedis- conventional duality proposed by Kramers and Wannier cussiononthe bond-percolationproblemonthe Kagom´e contributedtoestablishmentoftheOnsagersolution[22]. lattice since its threshold is out of scope in the present study, we remark that several recent development on this issue. The similar analysis is proposed in context of the graph polynomial as demonstrated in Refs. [18– 20]. Theideaisessentiallybasedonconsiderationonthe Acknowledgments large cluster over the four-terminal unit cell to estimate the bond-percolation thresholds on the Kagom´e lattice. The method has indeed succeeded in giving very pre- The author thanks the fruitful discussions with H. ciseestimationsofthebond-percolationthresholdonthe Nishimori, K. Fujii and R. M. Ziff, and is grateful to J. Kagom´e lattice as p = 0.52440500(1) [20]. These fact L. Jacobsen, T. Obuchi, and T. Hasegawa for comments c suggestthattwoindependent methods developedinran- on the manuscript. This work was partially supported domspinsystemsandgraphpolynomialwouldbeclosely by MEXT in Japan, Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists relatedtoeachotherthroughthebond-percolationprob- (B) No.24740263. 8 Appendix A: Derivation of Eq. (12) from Eq. (11) Therefore Eq. (B1) can be reduced to (1+v ) We evaluate Eq. (11) in this appendix. From the def- i i inition, we write down Eq. (11) as Y 1 1 2+ + v 1 (1+v )= 1 (q 1) v + (q+v ) . (A1) ×(− 1+vi i− ! 1+vi) i q2 ( − i i ) Xi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi = (1+vi)C(p,r,s,t). (B4) Thisisthecriticalmanifoldoftheq-statePottsmodelon i Y the triangular lattice. Let us take the leading term of ǫ We reproduce Eq. (22). ofq =1+ǫforobtainingthebond-percolationthresholds on the triangular lattice. x∗(tr) x∗(tr) Appendix C: Alternative way to Eq. (22) 0 − 0 1 v i We show an alternative way to give Eq. (22) with =ǫ (1+v ) 2+ + . i − 1+vi 1+vi! recourse to the bond-dilution Ising model on the square i i i Y X Y lattice. We consider the following Hamiltonian (A2) H = J S S , (C1) By rewriting eachv in terms of the probability assigned ij i j i − on each bond as p=vp/(1+vp) etc., we reach Xhiji where S stands for the Ising spin taking 1, and J i ij (1+v )T(p,r,s)=0, (A3) ± i standsfortherandomcouplingfollowingthedistribution Yi functions which is reduced to Eq. (12). P (J )=pδ(J J)+(1 p)δ(J ). (C2) p i ij ij − − We also define P , P and P for each bond. s t u Appendix B: Derivation of Eq. (22) In random spin system, we need to take the configu- rational average of J to evaluate the free energy. We ij We here demonstrate the detailed evaluation of Eq. often employ the replica method to perform the configu- (21) fromEq. (20). We canwrite the difference between rationalaverage. Insteadoftheaveragedlogarithmofthe the left and right-hand sides of Eq. (20) by use of defi- partitionfunction(free energy),weanalyzethe averaged nition of the renormalized-edge Boltzmann factors as in power following the well-known identity as Eqs. (16) and (17) as [Zn] 1 [logZ]= lim − , (C3) x∗(sq) x(sq) n→0 n 0 − 0 where [ ] expresses the configurational average. Ini- v q ··· = i i q 1+ 1+ tially we deal with the replicated system by setting n as Qq2 ( − i (cid:18) vi(cid:19)) a natural number. At the final step of analysis, we take Y thelimitofn 0. Wethenregardtheaveragedpowerof q 1+ (1+v ) . (B1) thepartitionf→unction[Zn]astheeffectivepartitionfunc- i −( − i ) tion written as Zn (the replicated partition function). Y Let us perform the duality analysis with real-space We take the leading term of ǫ of q = 1+ǫ. In advance, renormalization by dealing with the effective partition we evaluate the following quantities function. The effective partition function consists of the v q following edge Boltzmann factor as i i q 1+ 1+ =Qq2 ((1+−v ) 1Yi 2(cid:18)ǫ+ǫvi(cid:19)) 1 +ǫ vi x{Siα} ="αYn=1exp(KτijSiαSjα)#, (C4) i i − i 1+vi i 1+vi! where K = βJ, and τij takes 0 or 1 and expresses the Y X Y existenceoftheinteraction. Thesuperscriptαrunsfrom (B2) 1tonstandingfortheindexofthereplicas. Ontheother and hand the dual edge Boltzmann factor is defined as x∗ q 1+ (1+vi) {Siα} ( − i ) 1 n n Y = eKτij +SαSαeKτij . = (1+vi) 1+ǫ 1 (B3) (cid:18)√2(cid:19) "αY=1(cid:0) i j (cid:1)# 1+vi! (C5) i i Y Y 9 Let us take the cluster with four bonds as in Fig. 5 In order to identify the location of the bond-percolation to evaluate Eq. (23) for b = 1. In order to evaluate thresholds, we consider K . We obtain →∞ therenormalized-edgeBoltzmannfactors,wefixtheedge spins to S =1 on the cluster and sum over the internal i spin similarly to the star-triangle transformation. The renormalized-principalBoltzmann factor is written as log 24−Piτi−Qi(1−τi) 1+ τi =2log2. " !!# i Y n (C9) (1) x = exp(Kτ S ) , (C6) 0 i 0 First, let us take the homogenous case p = r = s = t "( ) # XS0 Yi Equation (C9) becomes where the product runs over i = p,r,s and t. The dual renormalized-principalBoltzmann factor is given by p4 4p3(1 p)+4p(1 p)3+(1 p)4 =0. (C10) − − − − − n 1 x∗(1) = eKτi +e−KτiS . (C7) 0 4 0 "((cid:18) (cid:19)XS0 Yi (cid:0) (cid:1)) # This implies Taking n 0 in Eq. (23), we obtain the following for- → mula p4+4p3(1 p)=4p(1 p)3+(1 p)4. (C11) − − − 2coshKτ log i i 1+ tanhKτ =2log2. i 2cosh Kτ " (cid:18)Q i i(cid:19) i !# Letusobtainthegenericformulafortheinhomogenous Y P (C8) case (22). From Eq. (C9) we find prst+ prs(1 t)+pr(1 s)t+p(1 r)st+(1 p)rst { − − − − } p(1 r)(1 s)(1 t)+(1 p)r(1 s)(1 t)+(1 p)(1 r)s(1 t)+(1 p)(1 r)(1 s)t −{ − − − − − − − − − − − − } (1 p)(1 r)(1 s)(1 t)=0. (C12) − − − − − By simplifying the above equality, we reproduce Eq. (22). We canfind the generalformula (28) as follows. The first termin Eq. (C12) prst correspondsto P(ABCD) in Eq. (28). The following four terms in the firstline is P(ABC D), P(ACD B), P(ABD C), and P(BCD A), respectively. | | | | The remaining terms become P(AB C D). Therefore the above equality (C12) suggests the generic formula (28). − | | | On the other hand, the simple duality as p∗ =1 p reduces Eq. (C12) to − p∗r∗s∗t∗+ p∗r∗s∗(1 t∗)+p∗r∗(1 s∗)t∗+p∗(1 r∗)s∗t∗+(1 p∗)r∗s∗t∗ { − − − − } p∗(1 r∗)(1 s∗)(1 t∗)+(1 p∗)r∗(1 s∗)(1 t∗)+(1 p∗)(1 r∗)s∗(1 t∗)+(1 p∗)(1 r∗)(1 s∗)t∗ −{ − − − − − − − − − − − − } (1 p∗)(1 r∗)(1 s∗)(1 t∗)=0. (C13) − − − − − Then the collection of all the terms in the first line be- and P(C¯D¯ A¯B¯), respectively. The last term is noth- comes P(A¯B¯C¯D¯). Each term in the second line corre- ing b−ut P(A|¯B|¯ C¯ D¯). We thus obtain another generic sponds to P(A¯B¯ C¯ D¯), P(B¯C¯ D¯ A¯), P(D¯A¯B¯ C¯), formula−(29). | | | − | | − | | − | | [1] D.StaufferandA.Aharony,Introduction To Percolation http://link.aip.org/link/?JMP/17/439/1. Theory (CRC Press, 1994), 2nd ed., ISBN 0748402535, [4] F. Y. Wu, Rev. Mod. Phys. 54, 235 (1982), URL URLhttp://www.worldcat.org/isbn/0748402535. http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/RevModPhys.54.235. [2] H. A. Kramers and G. H. Wan- [5] H. Nishimori and G. Ortiz, Elements of Phase Transi- nier, Phys. 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