Communicative&IntegrativeBiology5:2,184–186;March/April2012;G2012LandesBioscience Dual channel STED nanoscopy of lytic granules on actin filaments in natural killer cells Emily M. Mace1 and Jordan S. Orange1,2,* 1Children’sHospitalofPhiladelphiaResearchInstitute,Philadelphia,PAUSA;2UniversityofPennsylvaniaSchoolofMedicine,Philadelphia,PAUSA Natural killer (NK) cells are innate target, polarization of the MTOC and immune effectors that eliminate directed secretion of lytic granules. Char- diseased and tumorigenic targets through acterization of the immunological synapse thedirectedsecretionofspecializedsecre- by 3D reconstruction of confocal images tory lysosomes, termed lytic granules. suggested a dense ring of peripheral actin This directed secretion is triggered with a paucity of central actin, allowing following the formation of an immuno- for secretion of granules through the void logical synapse (IS), which is character- in the center.2 However, it has previously ized by actin re-modeling and receptor been shown that the actin-associated organization at the interface between the motor protein myosin IIA is required for © 2012 Landes Bioscience. NKcellanditssusceptibletarget.Actinat degranulation in NK cell cytotoxicity.3 theIShasbeendescribedtobepermissive In subsequent studies, we determined to secretion by forming a large central that myosin IIA is directly associated with Do not distribute. clearance through which lytic granules NK cell lytic granules and is required for are released. However we, and others, their ability to interact with actin fila- have recently shown that the actin net- ments.4 This suggested that granules are work in NK cells at the IS is dynamic associated with actin prior to delivery to yet pervasive. These efforts used multiple the plasma membrane. We hypothesized high resolution imaging techniques to therefore that F-actin would be present demonstrate that the actin network does in central regions of the IS and would not act as a barrier to secretion, but serve a valuable function in directly instead enables the secretion of lytic interactingwithlyticgranules.Inpursuing granules through minimally sized clear- this question, we recently demonstrated ances. In our recent publication we that F-actin is, indeed present in the visualized actin using continuous wave central region of the IS, but had stimulated emission depletion (CW- been previously undetected due to the STED) and lytic granules using the limitations of conventional fluorescence Keywords: natural killer cells, confocal modality. Here we report for microscopy.5,6 STED microscopy, lytic granules, actin, the first time dual channel STED nano- While the diffraction barrier of light immunological synapse scopy of NK cell lytic granules on actin has previously limited the resolution of Submitted: 11/18/11 filaments. microscopy, new advances in imaging Accepted: 11/21/11 have resulted in an explosion of technolo- gies enabling the spatial resolution of As potent effector cells of the innate structures less than 200 nm.7 One such *Correspondenceto:JordanS.Orange; immune system that rely on germline technology is STED, which employs a Email:[email protected] encoded receptors for activation, NK cells toroidal-shaped depletion laser beam that must pass tightly regulated checkpoints to temporarily depletes fluorescent emission Addendumto:RakGD,MaceEM,BanerjeePP, the formation of a mature immunological around the fluorophore, thus enabling SvitkinaT,OrangeJS.Naturalkillercelllytic granulesecretionoccursthroughapervasive synapse and subsequent cytotoxicity.1 resolutionofobjectsseparatedbylessthan actinnetworkattheimmunesynapse.PLoSBiol These checkpoints include the rearrange- 50nm.8Inourrecentwork,weemployed 2011;9:e1001151;PMID:21931536;http://dx.doi. ment of filamentous (F-) actin at the multiple high-resolution imaging techni- org/10.1371/journal.pbio.1001151 interface between the NK cell and its ques, including total internal reflection 184 Communicative&IntegrativeBiology Volume5Issue2 ARTICLEADDENDUM fluorescence microscopy, platinum replica greater resolution in STED, with a The increased resolution we were able electron microscopy and CW-STED to FWHM value of 90 nm, whereas to identify using STED resulted in an demonstrate comprehensively that F-actin FWHM in confocal was 210 nm. ability to define lytic granules of an ispresent throughouttheIS.5Inaddition, we reported confocal microscopy of lytic granules on actin filaments detected by STED. We have since optimized dual color STED detection and here report the imagingofbothNKcelllyticgranulesand F-actin in STED. Imaging of Lytic Granules on Actin Filaments in Confocal and Dual Color STED In order to recapitulate the lytic IS in an alignment suitable for super-resolution imaging, we utilized glass coated with antibodies directed against the NK cell activating receptor NKp30 and adhesion receptor CD18, as described previously.5 The human NK cell line, NK92, was prepared in single cell suspension and adhered to antibody-coated glass for © 2012 Landes Bioscience. 20 min then fixed. After fixation, cells werepermeabilizedandstainedforF-actin using phalloidin Alexa Fluor 488 and for Do not distribute. thelyticgranulecomponentperforinusing Pacific Orange-conjugated anti-perforin antibody. Using sequential scanning, we evaluated actin via phalloidin Alexa Fluor 488 in STED and anti-perforin via the Pacific Orange secondary antibody in both STED and confocal imaging modes. Images were acquired using Leica ASAF software then exported to Volocity software (Perkin Elmer) and thresholded using the same settings in all cases to allow for quantitative comparison of the images. As we had previously identified, both F-actin and lytic granules were present throughout the synapse.5 There was a qualitative improvement in the resolution of the lytic granules imaged using the STED modality (Fig.1A, red), when compared with confocal (Fig.1B, red). To quantitatively compare resolution, we Figure1.VisualizationoflyticgranulesimagedbyCW-STEDandconfocalonF-actin.NK92cells measured a single granule in both STED wereadheredtoglasscoatedwithantibodytoactivating(NKp30)andadhesion(CD18)receptor thenfixed,permeabilizedandstainedforperforinandactin.CellswereimagedusingCW-STED and confocal and determined the full (actin,green)andeitherCW-STEDorconfocal(perforin,red).Shownisthesamecellwithgranules width at half maximum (FWHM) using detectedbySTED(A)orconfocal(B).Aregionofinterestisenlargedtoshowgreaterresolutionof Leica ASAF software (Fig.1C). FWHM granules(centerpanel).(C)Fullwidthhalfmaximum(FWHM)measurementsofconfocal(green measures the width of the fluorescence line)andSTEDimages(redline).Horizontaldashedlinesshowhalfmaxima,verticaldashedlines intensity peak and thus reflects the ability showwidthathalfmaxima.(D)Representativelineprofileofpixelintensitiesofactin(greenline) andperforin(redline)takenfromalinebisectingasinglegranule(showninwhiteinSTEDimage toseparateorresolveobjects.Assuggested enlargement).AU,arbitraryunits. by our observations, analysis confirmed Communicative&IntegrativeBiology 185 apparent smaller size. Thus, with this cells.9-12 It is required for cell surface if this model extends to other immune improved ability to distinguish lytic receptor rearrangements, cell activation cells undergoing directed secretion of granules, we sought to confirm our earlier signaling and for the subsequent polariza- both specialized secretory lysosomes and findingthatlyticgranules,whilelocatedin tion of lytic granules to the IS. Previous cytokines. Alternatively, it may represent areas of F-actin hypodensity, were either studiesperformedusing3Dreconstruction an additional checkpoint utilized by cells in minimally sized clearances in contact ofconfocalimages,however,haveresulted of the innate immune system as they with or atop F-actin filaments. In order in a model for secretion in which lytic access pre-armed functions. Using dual to accomplish this, we measured line granules are expelled through a central color STED nanoscopy of lytic granules profiles of fluorescence intensity for per- clearance of actin in both NK cells and on actin filaments in NK cells we have forin and F-actin staining. Consistent their adaptive counterpart, the cytotoxic shown in unprecedented resolution details with our earlier findings, we found an T lymphocyte.2,3,13,14 Detailed super- of this new paradigm. intersectionoflineprofiles(Fig.1D).This resolution analysis of the NK cell lytic indicates that lytic granules are closely synapse by two independent laboratories Acknowledgments associated with F-actin and thus secreted suggests a new paradigm for cytotoxicity This work was supported by NIH R01 through minimally sized clearances. in which a pervasive actin network is AI67946(awardedtoJ.S.O.).Theauthors Actin reorganization at the IS is a present and acts not as a barrier but a wish to thank Geoff Daniels at Leica critical prerequisite for cytotoxicity in facilitator for secretion.5,6 With this new Microsystems for technical assistance and both adaptive and innate immune effector understanding it will be interesting to see Dr. G. Rak for helpful discussion. References 6. 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