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dual band microstrip implantable antenna design for biomedical applications a thesis submitted to PDF

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Preview dual band microstrip implantable antenna design for biomedical applications a thesis submitted to

DUAL BAND MICROSTRIP IMPLANTABLE ANTENNA DESIGN FOR BIOMEDICAL APPLICATIONS A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES OF MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY BY DAMLA ALPTEKIN IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENG. AUGUST 2015 Approval of the thesis: DUAL BAND MICROSTRIP IMPLANTABLE ANTENNA DESIGN FOR BIOMEDICAL APPLICATIONS submitted by DAMLA ALPTEKIN in partial ful(cid:28)llment of the requirements forthedegreeofMaster of Science in Electrical and Electronics Eng. De- partment, Middle East Technical University by, Prof. Dr. G(cid:252)lbin Dural (cid:220)nver Dean, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences Prof. Dr. G(cid:246)n(cid:252)l Turhan Sayan Head of Department, Electrical and Electronics Eng. Prof. Dr. Nevzat G(cid:252)neri Gen(cid:231)er Supervisor, Elec. and Electronics Eng. Dept., METU Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lale Alatan Co-supervisor, Elec. and Electronics Eng Dept., METU Examining Committee Members: Prof. Dr. Sencer Ko(cid:231) Electrical and Electronics Engineering Dept., METU Prof. Dr. Nevzat G(cid:252)neri Gen(cid:231)er Electrical and Electronics Engineering Dept., METU Prof. Dr. G(cid:252)lbin Dural (cid:220)nver Electrical and Electronics Engineering Dept., METU Prof. Dr. G(cid:246)n(cid:252)l Turhan Sayan Electrical and Electronics Engineering Dept., METU Prof. Dr. Ergin Atalar Elec. and Electronics Engineering Dept., Bilkent University Date: 28.08.2015 I hereby declare that all information in this document has been ob- tained and presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare that, as required by these rules and conduct, I have fully cited and referenced all material and results that are not original to this work. Name, Last Name: DAMLA ALPTEKIN Signature : iv ABSTRACT DUAL BAND MICROSTRIP IMPLANTABLE ANTENNA DESIGN FOR BIOMEDICAL APPLICATIONS Alptekin, Damla M.S., Department of Electrical and Electronics Eng. Supervisor : Prof. Dr. Nevzat G(cid:252)neri Gen(cid:231)er Co-Supervisor : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lale Alatan August 2015, 116 pages In this study, numerical and experimental analysis of a dual band (Medical Im- plant Communications Service-MICS; 402−405 MHz, Industrial, Scienti(cid:28)c and Medical-ISM; 2.4−2.48 GHz) implantable antenna design for biomedical appli- cations are presented. The proposed antenna is in the type of Planar Inverted-F Antenna (PIFA) covered with a superstrate. For miniaturization, the metallic patch of the antenna is meandered and shorting-pin is used between the patch and ground plane. In addition, stacking patch structure is used to lengthen the current (cid:29)ow path. Numerical analysis of the implant antenna is carried out using commercially available Finite Element Method (FEM)-based High Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS) software. As a tissue model a generic dispersive skin model is used. Two antenna designs are presented: an initial antenna operating in MICS band and a miniaturized optimized antenna oper- ating in dual band (MICS and ISM). For both antennas, a parametric antenna model is presented and each antenna design step is explained. For experimental studies, skin mimicking phantoms are developed in MICS and ISM bands. The v proposed antenna is fabricated and in vitro tested. It is shown that the antenna resonates at 403.5 MHz with a re(cid:29)ection coe(cid:30)cient of −23 dB, and a 10-dB bandwidth of 56 MHz, which covers the MICS band, moreover, it resonates at 2.45 GHz with a re(cid:29)ection coe(cid:30)cient of −22 dB, and a 10-dB bandwidth of 200 MHz, which covers the ISM band. The maximum simulated gain is found as -33 dBi. Communication link measurements are performed using commercially availableMicrosemi-ZarlinkApplicationDevelopmentKitforMedicalTelemetry (ZLE70102)inordertocheckthefunctioningoftheproposedantenna. Designed antenna is inserted into MICS band phantom and it is achieved to wake-up base station module at ISM band and to send data at MICS band in 4 meter range. Moreover, patient safety issues, comparative analysis of radiation performance for di(cid:27)erent phantom models, e(cid:27)ect of coaxial cable, far (cid:28)eld properties of im- plantable antennas, and gain measurement of the electrically small antennas are discussed. Keywords: ImplantableMedicalDevices,ImplantableAntenna,ElectricallySmall Antenna, Planar Inverted-F Antenna, Dual Band Medical Telemetry vi (cid:214)Z B(cid:157)YOMED(cid:157)KAL UYGULAMALAR (cid:157)˙(cid:157)N V(cid:220)CUT (cid:157)˙ER(cid:157)S(cid:157)NE YERLE(cid:147)T(cid:157)R(cid:157)LEB(cid:157)L(cid:157)R ˙(cid:157)FT BANTLI M(cid:157)KRO(cid:147)ER(cid:157)T ANTEN TASARIMI Alptekin, Damla Y(cid:252)ksek Lisans, Elektrik ve Elektronik M(cid:252)hendisli§i B(cid:246)l(cid:252)m(cid:252) Tez Y(cid:246)neticisi : Prof. Dr. Nevzat G(cid:252)neri Gen(cid:231)er Ortak Tez Y(cid:246)neticisi : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lale Alatan A§ustos 2015, 116 sayfa Bu (cid:231)al(cid:25)‡mada; biyomedikal uygulamalar i(cid:231)in tasarlanan, (cid:231)ift bantta (Medikal ImplantHaberle‡meServisi-MICS;402-405MHz,End(cid:252)striyel,BilimselveMedikal- ISM; 2.4-2.48 GHz) (cid:231)al(cid:25)‡ma (cid:246)zelli§ine sahip, v(cid:252)cut i(cid:231)erisine yerle‡tirilebilir an- tenin say(cid:25)sal ve deneysel analizi sunulmu‡tur. (cid:214)nerilen anten y(cid:252)zeysel devrilmi‡ F-anten (PIFA) tipinde olup, (cid:252)zeri (cid:252)stsubstrat ile kaplanm(cid:25)‡t(cid:25)r. Anten boyutu- nun k(cid:252)(cid:231)(cid:252)lt(cid:252)lmesi amac(cid:25)yla, metalik ‡erit b(cid:252)k(cid:252)lm(cid:252)‡ ve metalik ‡erit ile toprak d(cid:252)zlemi aras(cid:25)nda k(cid:25)salt(cid:25)c(cid:25) pin kullan(cid:25)lm(cid:25)‡t(cid:25)r. Ayr(cid:25)ca, ak(cid:25)m ak(cid:25)‡ yolunu uzatmak amac(cid:25)yla katmanl(cid:25) yama yap(cid:25)s(cid:25) kullan(cid:25)lm(cid:25)‡t(cid:25)r. Implant antenin say(cid:25)sal analizleri piyasada mevcut olan ve Sonlu Eleman Y(cid:246)ntemine (FEM) dayal(cid:25) (cid:231)(cid:246)z(cid:252)m yapan Y(cid:252)ksek Frekansl(cid:25) Yap(cid:25) Simulatoru (HFSS) program(cid:25) ile y(cid:252)r(cid:252)t(cid:252)lm(cid:252)‡t(cid:252)r. Doku modeli olarak frekansa ba§l(cid:25) elektriksel (cid:246)zellikleri de§i‡en genel deri modeli kul- lan(cid:25)lm(cid:25)‡t(cid:25)r. (cid:157)ki adet anten tasar(cid:25)m(cid:25) sunulmu‡tur: MICS bantta (cid:231)al(cid:25)‡an (cid:246)n anten tasar(cid:25)m(cid:25) ve (cid:231)ift bantta (MICS ve ISM) (cid:231)al(cid:25)‡an k(cid:252)(cid:231)(cid:252)lt(cid:252)lm(cid:252)‡ anten tasar(cid:25)m(cid:25). (cid:157)ki anten i(cid:231)in de, parametrize edilmi‡ anten modeli sunulmu‡ ve her bir tasar(cid:25)m vii ad(cid:25)m(cid:25) a(cid:231)(cid:25)klanm(cid:25)‡t(cid:25)r. Deneysel (cid:231)al(cid:25)‡malar i(cid:231)in, MICS ve ISM bantta, dokunun elektriksel (cid:246)zelliklerini taklit eden fantomlar geli‡tirilmi‡tir. (cid:214)nerilen anten (cid:252)re- tilmi‡ ve bu fantomlar i(cid:231)erisinde test edilmi‡tir. Giri‡ geri d(cid:246)n(cid:252)‡ kayb(cid:25)n(cid:25)n 403.5 MHz’de -23 dB oldu§u ve 10-dB deki 56 MHz’lik bant geni‡li§i ile MICS ban- d(cid:25)n(cid:25) kapsad(cid:25)§(cid:25) g(cid:246)sterilmi‡tir. Ayr(cid:25)ca, antenin 2.45 GHz de -22 dB’lik giri‡ geri d(cid:246)n(cid:252)‡ kayb(cid:25)na sahip oldu§u ve 10-db’deki 200 MHz’lik bant geni‡li§i ile ISM band(cid:25)n(cid:25) kapsad(cid:25)§(cid:25) g(cid:246)sterilmi‡tir. Antenin en y(cid:252)ksek kazan(cid:231) de§eri benzetimlerde -33 dBi olarak bulunmu‡tur. Antenin i‡leyi‡ini kontrol etmek amac(cid:25)yla ticari olarak bulunan Microsemi- Medikal Telemetri i(cid:231)in Zarlink Uygulama Geli‡tirme kiti(ZLE70102)kullan(cid:25)larak,haberle‡mehatt(cid:25)(cid:246)l(cid:231)(cid:252)mleriger(cid:231)ekle‡tirilmi‡tir.Ta- sarlanan anten MICS bantta (cid:231)al(cid:25)‡an fantom i(cid:231)erisine yerle‡tirilmi‡, 4 metrelik bir mesafede baz istasyonu (cid:252)nitesi ISM bantta uyand(cid:25)r(cid:25)lm(cid:25)‡ ve MICS bantta veri g(cid:246)nderimi sa§lanm(cid:25)‡t(cid:25)r. Ayr(cid:25)ca; hasta g(cid:252)venli§i, farkl(cid:25) fantom modellerine g(cid:246)re radyasyon performanslar(cid:25)n(cid:25)n kar‡(cid:25)la‡t(cid:25)r(cid:25)lmas(cid:25), e‡ eksenli kablonun etkisi, imp- lant antenin uzak alan (cid:246)zellikleri ve elektriksel olarak k(cid:252)(cid:231)(cid:252)k antenlerin kazan(cid:231) (cid:246)l(cid:231)(cid:252)mleri tart(cid:25)‡(cid:25)lm(cid:25)‡t(cid:25)r. Anahtar Kelimeler: Implant edilebilir Medikal Cihazlar, Implant Anten, Elekt- rikselK(cid:252)(cid:231)(cid:252)kAnten,Y(cid:252)zeyselDevrilmi‡F-Anten,˙iftBantMedikalHaberle‡me viii To my beloved mother... ix ACKNOWLEDGMENTS First of all, I would like to thank my supervisor Prof. Dr. Nevzat G. Gen(cid:231)er. I want to express my gratitude to him due to the entire support and assistance he gave me throughout my thesis study. In addition, I would like to thank my co-supervisor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lale Alatan. I want to present my appreciation to her for spending her valuable time to my thesis study. I cannot achieve the desired results without her guidance and encouragement. Therefore, I present my endless appreciation to her. Especially, I would like to thank Prof. Dr. G(cid:252)lbin Dural (cid:220)nver for initiating me antenna design when I was an undergraduate student. Due to her positive motivation and encouragement, I found the courage to start the graduate study. I would also like to acknowledge the members of my thesis jury for having accepted to examine this work and for their valuable comments and insights. I would moreover thank Fikret K(cid:252)(cid:231)(cid:252)kdeveci and my friends from Kardiosis for their precious support during my graduate study. I would like to express my gratitude to the members of Brain Research Labo- ratory; Dr. Reyhan Zengin, Balkar Erdo§an, Ekrem Bayraktar, and (cid:220)mit (cid:157)rgin for motivating me in my hard times. I would also like to thank to my friends from the Antenna Laboratory; Sava‡ Karada§, Yusuf Sevin(cid:231) and Feza Mutlu for creating a lovely laboratory environment. I am grateful to Adem Ate‡ and Erdin(cid:231) Yurdakul for their help in fabrication processes and measurement se- tups. Without the talent of Erdin(cid:231), it would not be possible to overcome any technological problem while prototyping. I would like to thank my friends for all the great time we spent together: Mursel Karada‡, for his support and friendship. I could never be able to become a research assistant without his help. It is a privilege to work with such a clever x

DUAL BAND MICROSTRIP IMPLANTABLE ANTENNA DESIGN FOR .. Table 3.4 Recipe for skin mimicking gel in the ISM band 78 xvi
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