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CONTRACT NUMBER The volume estimates and their applications 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION University of South Carolina,Department of REPORT NUMBER Mathematics,Columbia,SC,29208 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT We prove new estimates for the entropy numbers of classes of multivariate functions with bounded mixed derivative. It is known that the investigation of these classes requires development of new techniques comparing to the univariate classes. In this paper we continue to develop the technique based on estimates of volumes of sets of the Fourier coefficients of trigonometric polynomials with frequences in special regions. We obtain new volume estimates and use them to get right orders of decay of the entropy numbers of classes of functions of two variables with a mixed derivative bounded in the L1-norm. This is the first such result for these classes. This result essentially completes the investigation of orders of decay of the entropy numbers of classes of functions of two variables with bounded mixed derivative. The case of similar classes of functions of more than two variables is still open. 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a REPORT b ABSTRACT c THIS PAGE Same as 17 unclassified unclassified unclassified Report (SAR) Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 THE VOLUME ESTIMATES AND THEIR APPLICATIONS1 B.S. Kashin and V.N. Temlyakov Abstract. Weprovenewestimatesfortheentropynumbersofclassesofmultivariatefunctions with bounded mixed derivative. It is known that the investigation of these classes requires development of new techniques comparing to the univariate classes. In this paper we continue to develop the technique based on estimates of volumes of sets of the Fourier coefficients of trigonometricpolynomialswithfrequencesinspecialregions. We obtainnewvolumeestimates and use them to get right orders of decay of the entropy numbers of classes of functions of two variables with a mixed derivative bounded in the L1-norm. This is the first such result for these classes. This result essentially completes the investigation of orders of decay of the entropy numbers of classes of functions of two variables with bounded mixed derivative. The case of similar classes of functions of more than two variables is still open. This paper is dedicated to the 70th birthday of S.A. Telyakovskii 1. Introduction We obtain in this paper new estimates of volumes of sets of the Fourier coefficients of trigonometric polynomials of two variables with frequences in a hyperbolic layer. Section 2 is devoted to this kind of estimates. Then, in Section 3 we use results of Section 2 to prove lower estimates for the entropy numbers of classes of functions with bounded mixed derivative. The new volume estimates from Section 2 allowed us to essentially complete the investigation of orders of decay of the entropy numbers (cid:1) (Wr ,L ) for all 1 ≤ q,p ≤ ∞ m q,α p and large enough r in the case of classes of functions of two variables. In Section 4 we apply results of Section 2 to the following problem of discretization. We look for a set of points with a property: (E) the uniform norm on this set of points is equivalent to the uniform norm for any trigonometric polynomial with frequences from a given hyperbolic layer. We give in Section 4 other proof of the following surprizing result from [KT3], [KT4]: the cardinality of a set with the property (E) must grow at least as N1+a, a > 0, where N is the dimension of the corresponding subspace of trigonometric polynomials. The proof of the above result from [KT3], [KT4] made use of extremal properties of the multivariate normal distribution and an inequality for the trigonometric polynomials from [T2]. Later, other inequality for the trigonometric polynomials has been obtained in [T6]. Our proof in 1The second author was supported by the National Science Foundation Grant DMS 0200187 and by ONR Grant N00014-96-1-1003 1 this paper uses this new inequality and the volume estimates from Section 2. This allowed us to simplify the original proof (see [KT4]). We now formulate the main results of the paper. Let s = (s1,...,sd) be a vector with nonnegative integer coordinates (s ∈ Zd) and + ρ(s) := {k = (k1,...,kd) ∈ Zd+ : [2sj−1] ≤ |kj| < 2sj, j = 1,...,d} where [a] denotes the integer part of a number a. Denote for a natural number n Qn := ∪(cid:1)s(cid:1)1≤nρ(s); ∆Qn := Qn \Qn−1 = ∪(cid:1)s(cid:1)1=nρ(s) with (cid:5)s(cid:5)1 = s1 +···+sd for s ∈ Zd+. We call a set ∆Qn hyperbolic layer. For a set Λ ⊂ Zd denote T (Λ) := {f ∈ L1 : fˆ(k) = 0,k ∈ Z\Λ}, TR(Λ) := {f ∈ T(Λ) : fˆ(k) ∈ R,k ∈ Λ}. (cid:1) For a finite set Λ we assign to each f = fˆ(k)ei(k,x) ∈ T (Λ) a vector k∈Λ A(f) := {(Refˆ(k),Imfˆ(k)), k ∈ Λ} ∈ R2|Λ| where |Λ| denotes the cardinality of Λ and define BΛ(Lp) := {A(f) : f ∈ T(Λ), (cid:5)f(cid:5)p ≤ 1}. The volume estimates of the sets BΛ(Lp) and related questions have been studied in a number of papers of the authors of this paper: the case Λ = [−n,n], p = ∞ in [K1]; the case Λ = [−N1,N1]×···×[−Nd,Nd], p = ∞ in [T2], [T3]; the case of arbitrary Λ and p = 1 in [KT1]. In particular, the results of [KT1] imply (see Theorem 2.4 of this paper) for d = 2 and 1 ≤ p < ∞ that (vol(B∆Qn(Lp)))(2|∆Qn|)−1 (cid:7) |∆Qn|−1/2 (cid:7) (2nn)−1/2. We will prove in Section 2 (see Theorem 2.5) that in the case p = ∞ the volume estimate is different: (vol(B∆Qn(L∞)))(2|∆Qn|)−1 (cid:7) (2nn2)−1/2. We note that in the case Λ = [−N1,N1]×···×[−Nd,Nd] the volume estimate is the same for all 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞. We discuss this in more detail in Section 2. In Section 3 we apply the volume estimates to the problem of asymptotic behavior of the entropy numbers of the classes Wr . We now give the corresponding definitions. For a 1,α natural number m and a compact set F in a Banach space X with the unit ball B(X) we define the mth entropy number as (cid:1)m(F,X) := inf{(cid:1) : ∃f1,...,f2m ∈ X : F ⊂ ∪2j=m1(fj +(cid:1)B(X))}. 2 Let r > 0 and α ∈ R. Define (cid:2)∞ F (t,α) := 1+2 k−rcos(kt−απ/2), t ∈ [0,2π]. r k=1 We define for x = (x1,x2) and α = (α1,α2) Fr(x,α) := Fr(x1,α1)Fr(x2,α2). Finally, we define Wr := {f : f = F (·,α)∗ϕ, (cid:5)ϕ(cid:5) ≤ 1} q,α r q where ∗ means convolution. The problem of estimating (cid:1) (Wr ,L ) has a long history. m q,α p We will mention some results only in the case d = 2. The first result on the right order of (cid:1) (Wr ,L ) in the case p = q = 2 has been obtained by S.A. Smolyak [Sm] in 1960. m q,α p Here is a list of further contributions: Dinh Dung [D], 1985, the case 1 < q = p < ∞; V.N. Temlyakov [T1], [T2], 1988, the case 1 < q,p < ∞, r > 1 and the case p = 1,1 < q < ∞; E.S. Belinsky [B], 1990, the case p = 1, q = ∞, r > 1/2; B.S. Kashin, V.N. Temlyakov [KT1], [KT2], 1994–1995, the case p = 1, q = ∞, r > 0; J. Kuelbs, W.V. Li [KL], 1993, the case p = ∞, q = 2, r = 1; V.N. Temlyakov [T5], 1995, the case p = ∞, 1 < q < ∞; V.N. Temlyakov [T6], 1998, the case p = ∞, q = ∞, r > 1/2. In Section 3 we study the case left open: q = 1, 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞. We prove that (see Theorem 3.1): (1.1) (cid:1) (Wr ,L ) (cid:7) m−r(logm)r+1/2, 1 ≤ p < ∞, r > max(1/2,1−1/p) m 1,α p and (cid:1)m(W1r,0,L∞) (cid:7) m−r(logm)r+1, r > 1. It is interesting to compare these estimates with the case 1 < q,p < ∞ where we have (1.2) (cid:1) (Wr ,L ) (cid:7) m−r(logm)r. m q,α p We note that when we turn from q > 1 to q = 1 the exponent for logm jumps from r in (1.2) to r +1/2 in (1.1). 2. The Volume Estimates The main goal of this section is to prove new estimates of volumes of sets of the Fourier coefficients of trigonometric polynomials of two variables (dimension d = 2) with frequences in a hyperbolic layer. In some cases we will give estimates in the arbitrary dimension d. It is well known (see [K1], [T2], [T4], [KT1]) that the volume estimates of the above mentioned sets can be used in different problems of approximation theory including the problem of estimating the entropy numbers of function classes. We use the notations T (Λ), A(f), and BΛ(Lp) introduced in Section 1. In the case Λ = Π(N) := [−N1,N1] × ··· × [−Nd,Nd], N := (N1,...,Nd), the volume estimates are known. We formulate it as a theorem. 3 Theorem 2.1. For any 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞ we have (vol(B (L )))(2|Π(N)|)−1 (cid:7) |Π(N)|−1/2, Π(N) p with constants in (cid:7) that may depend only on d. We note that the most difficult part of Theorem 2.1 is the lower estimate for p = ∞. The corresponding estimate was proved in the case d = 1 in [K1] and in the general case in [T2] and [T3]. The upper estimate for p = 1 in Theorem 2.1 can be easily reduced to the volume estimate for an octahedron (see, for instance [T4]). The results of [KT1] imply the following estimate. Theorem 2.2. For any finite set Λ ⊂ Zd and any 1 ≤ p ≤ 2 we have vol(BΛ(Lp))(2|Λ|)−1 (cid:7) |Λ|−1/2. The following result of Bourgain-Milman [BM] plays an important role in the volume estimates of finite dimensional bodies. Theorem 2.3. For any convex centrally symmetric body K ⊂ Rn we have (vol(K)vol(Ko))1/n (cid:7) (vol(Bn))2/n (cid:7) 1/n 2 where Ko is a polar for K, that is Ko := {x ∈ Rn : sup(x,y) ≤ 1}. y∈K Having in mind application of Theorem 2.3 we define some other than BΛ(Lp) sets. Let E⊥(f) := inf (cid:5)f −g(cid:5) , E⊥ (f) := inf (cid:5)f −g(cid:5) Λ p p Λ,R p p g⊥T(Λ) g⊥T(Λ),gˆ(k)∈R and B⊥(L ) := {A(f) : f ∈ T(Λ), E⊥(f) ≤ 1}. Λ p Λ p It is clear that BΛ(Lp) ⊆ BΛ⊥(Lp). Moreover, if the orthogonal projector PΛ onto T (Λ) is bounded as an operator from Lp to L then we have p (2.1) vol(BΛ(Lp))(2|Λ|)−1 (cid:7) vol(BΛ⊥(Lp))(2|Λ|)−1. For example it is the case when Λ = ∪s∈Aρ(s). We also consider BΛ,R(Lp) := {A(f) : (cid:5)f(cid:5)p ≤ 1, f ∈ T (Λ), fˆ(k) ∈ R} 4 and B⊥ (L ) := {A(f) : E⊥ (f) ≤ 1, f ∈ T (Λ), fˆ(k) ∈ R}. Λ,R p Λ,R p Using the Nikol’skii duality theorem and the basic properties of the de la Vall´ee Poussin operators one can prove the following relation p (2.2) BΛ,R(Lp)o = BΛ⊥,R(Lp(cid:1)), p(cid:6) = p−1. Proof of (2.2). This proof uses standard ideas from the duality arguments. We will not give all the details of the proof and, instead, we will outline the main steps of the proof. First, we note that the relation BΛ⊥,R(Lp(cid:1)) ⊆ BΛ,R(Lp)o follows immediately from the inequality that holds for any f,g ∈ T (Λ): R (cid:3) (cid:2) 1 2π | fˆ(k)gˆ(k)| = | fg¯| ≤ EΛ⊥(f)p(cid:1)(cid:5)g(cid:5)p. 2π 0 k∈Λ Second, we prove the inverse inclusion (2.2A) BΛ,R(Lp)o ⊆ BΛ⊥,R(Lp(cid:1)). Let X denote the real Banach space L := {f ∈ L : fˆ(k) ∈ R} p,R p with (cid:5)f(cid:5)X := (cid:5)f(cid:5)p. Then any u ∈ Lp(cid:1),R defines a continuous linear functional on X by the formula (cid:3) 1 2π (u,f) := | fu¯|. 2π 0 For such a functional we have (cid:5)u(cid:5)X∗ = (cid:5)u(cid:5)p(cid:1). Indeed, the inequality (cid:5)u(cid:5)X∗ ≤ (cid:5)u(cid:5)p(cid:1) follows from the Ho¨lder inequality and the opposite one (cid:5)u(cid:5)X∗ ≥ (cid:5)u(cid:5)p(cid:1) follows from the observation that for any f ∈ L the function v(x) := 1(f(x)+f¯(−x)) is from L and (cid:5)v(cid:5) ≤ (cid:5)f(cid:5) . p 2 p,R p p We continue the proof of (2.2A). Let f ∈ BΛ,R(Lp)o. Then from the definition of the polar we get that for any g ∈ T(Λ), gˆ(k) ∈ R, (cid:5)g(cid:5) ≤ 1 the following inequality holds p (cid:2) | fˆ(k)gˆ(k)| = |(g,f)|≤ 1. k∈Λ For N ∈ N denote E⊥,N(f) := inf (cid:5)f −g(cid:5) . Λ,R p g⊥T(Λ),g∈T([−N,N]),gˆ(k)∈R p 5 Then obviously for any N EΛ⊥,R(f)p(cid:1) ≤ EΛ⊥,,RN(f)p(cid:1). Next, using the appropriate de la Vall´ee Poussin operators one can check that for any g ∈ T (Λ∪(Z\[−N,N])) with (cid:5)g(cid:5) ≤ 1 we have R p (cid:5)gΛ(cid:5)p ≤ 1+(cid:1)N, (cid:1)N → 0, N → ∞ where (cid:2) gΛ := gˆ(k)eikx. k∈Λ Therefore, by the Nikol’skii Duality Theorem we obtain EΛ⊥,,RN(f)p(cid:1) = sup |(f,g)| ≤ sup |(f,g)| ≤ 1+(cid:1)N. g∈TR(Λ∪(Z\[−N,N])),(cid:1)g(cid:1)p≤1 gΛ:(cid:1)gΛ(cid:1)p≤1+(cid:3)N,gΛ∈TR(Λ) This completes the proof of (2.2A). We will now show that the volumes of BΛ(Lp) ⊂ R2|Λ| and BΛ,R(Lp) ⊂ R|Λ| are closely related. First of all if (cid:2) (cid:2) (cid:5) a ei(k,x)(cid:5) ≤ 1/2, (cid:5) b ei(k,x)(cid:5) ≤ 1/2 k p k p k∈Λ k∈Λ then (cid:2) (cid:5) (a +ib )ei(k,x)(cid:5) ≤ 1. k k p k∈Λ Therefore, 1 1 (2.3) ( BΛ,R(Lp))⊗( BΛ,R(Lp)) ⊆ BΛ(Lp). 2 2 Next, let (cid:2) f(x) = (a +ib )ei(k,x). k k k∈Λ Then (cid:2) 1 a ei(k,x) = (f(x)+f¯(−x)) k 2 k∈Λ and (cid:2) 1 i b ei(k,x) = (f(x)−f¯(−x)). k 2 k∈Λ This implies that (2.4) BΛ(Lp) ⊆ BΛ,R(Lp)⊗BΛ,R(Lp). We get from (2.3) and (2.4) that (2.5) (vol(BΛ(Lp))(2|Λ|)−1 (cid:7) (vol(BΛ,R(Lp))(|Λ|)−1. Similarly we get (2.6) (vol(B⊥(L ))(2|Λ|)−1 (cid:7) (vol(B⊥ (L ))(|Λ|)−1. Λ p Λ,R p This observation, Theorems 2.2 and 2.3 combined with (2.1) imply the following statement. 6 Theorem 2.4. Let Λ have the form Λ = ∪s∈Sρ(s), S ⊂ Zd+ is a finite set. Then for any 1 ≤ p < ∞ we have vol(BΛ(Lp))(2|Λ|)−1 (cid:7) |Λ|−1/2. We now proceed to the main results of this section. Denote N := 2|∆Q |. n Theorem 2.5. In the case d = 2 we have (2.7) (vol(B∆Qn(L∞)))1/N (cid:7) (2nn2)−1/2; (2.8) (vol(B∆⊥Qn(L1)))1/N (cid:7) 2−n/2. It is interesting to compare the first relation in Theorem 2.5 with the following estimate for 1 ≤ p < ∞ that follows from Theorem 2.4 (2.9) (vol(B∆Qn(Lp)))1/N (cid:7) (2nn)−1/2. We see that in the case Λ = ∆Qn unlike the case Λ = Π(N1,...,Nd) the estimate for p = ∞ is different from the estimate for 1 ≤ p < ∞. Proof of Theorem 2.5. We begin with the proof of the lower estimate in (2.7). We will formulate and prove it in a more general form. Lemma 2.1. Let Λ ⊆ [−2n,2n]d and N := 2|Λ|. Then (vol(BΛ(L∞)))1/N ≥ C(d)(Nn)−1/2. Proof. We use the following result of E. Gluskin [G]. Theorem 2.6. Let Y = {y1,...,yM} ⊂ RN, (cid:5)yi(cid:5) = 1, i = 1,...,M and W(Y) := {x ∈ RN : |(x,y )| ≤ 1, i = 1,...,M}. i Then (vol(W(Y)))1/N ≥ C(log(M/N))−1/2. Consider the following lattice on the Td: Gn := {x(l) = (l1,...,ld)π2−n−1, 1 ≤ lj ≤ 2n+2, lj ∈ N, j = 1,...,d}. It is clear that |G | = 2d(n+2). It is well known that for any f ∈ T ([−2n,2n]d) one has n (cid:5)f(cid:5)∞ ≤ C1(d) max |f(x)|. x∈Gn 7 Thus, for any Λ ⊆ [−2n,2n]d we have (2.10) {A(f) : f ∈ T(Λ), |f(x)| ≤ C1(d)−1, x ∈ Gn} ⊆ BΛ(L∞). Further (cid:2) |f(x)|2 = | fˆ(k)ei(k,x)|2 = k∈Λ (cid:2) (cid:2) ( Refˆ(k)cos(k,x)−Imfˆ(k)sin(k,x))2 +( Refˆ(k)sin(k,x)+Imfˆ(k)cos(k,x))2. k∈Λ k∈Λ We associate with each point x ∈ G two vectors y1(x) and y2(x) from RN: n y1(x) := {(cos(k,x),−sin(k,x)), k ∈ Λ}, y2(x) := {(sin(k,x),cos(k,x)), k ∈ Λ}. Then (cid:5)y1(x)(cid:5)2 = (cid:5)y2(x)(cid:5)2 = |Λ| and |f(x)|2 = (A(f),y1(x))2 +(A(f),y2(x))2. It is clear that the condition |f(x)| ≤ C1(d)−1 is satisfied if |(A(f),yi(x))| ≤ 2−1/2C1(d)−1, i = 1,2. Let now Y := {yi(x)/(cid:5)yi(x)(cid:5), x ∈ G , i = 1,2}. n Then M = 2d(n+2)+1 and by Theorem 2.6 (2.11) (vol(W(Y)))1/N (cid:14) (log(M/N))−1/2 (cid:14) n−1/2. Using that the condition |(A(f),yi(x))| ≤ 1 is equivalent to the condition |(A(f),yi(x)/(cid:5)yi(x)(cid:5))| ≤ (N/2)−1/2 we get from (2.10) and (2.11) (vol(BΛ(L∞)))1/N (cid:14) (Nn)−1/2. This completes the proof of Lemma 2.1 Lemma 2.1 implies immediately the lower estimate in (2.7) because in this case |∆Q | (cid:7) n 2nn. We emphasize that Lemma 2.1 shows that the lower estimate similar to (2.7) holds for any Λ ⊆ [−2n,2n]2 with |Λ| (cid:7) |∆Q | and therefore it does not depend on the geometry of n Λ. We now proceed to the proof of the upper estimate in (2.7). This proof uses the geometry of ∆Q . Comparing the estimate (2.7) with Theorem 2.1 we conclude that the upper n estimate in (2.7) cannot be generalized for all Λ ⊆ [−2n,2n]2 with |Λ| (cid:7) |∆Q |. We prove n first the lower estimate in (2.8). We will use the following lemma that follows directly from Lemma 2.4 in [T6]. 8

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