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Preview DTIC ADA629614: A Burn Intensive Care Unit Nurse's Perspective

A Burn Intensive Care Unit Nurse’s Perspective AndrewWallaceJr,RN,ASN KEYWORDS (cid:127) Burncare (cid:127) Nursing (cid:127) Intensivecare (cid:127) Perioperativecare Forburnpatients,thedayofsurgerycancomeasquicklyashoursoraslateasdays, possibly even weeks, after the initial injury. With reconstructive and scar revision proceduresthepatient’ssurgicaljourneymaynotenduntilyearsaftertheburn.Itis the first few surgical procedures that concern the burn intensive care unit (BICU) nursingstaffthemost.Afteralargeburnencompassing30%totalbodysurfacearea or greater, the first excision and grafting (E&G) procedures are the most critical. ExperiencedburnsurgeonsandBICUstaffknowthatthereisnosubstituteforearly, aggressiveexcisionoftheburnwoundinpatientswithlargeburns. DeeporFullthicknessburnsproduceaninflammatoryresponsewheretheeschar (thedeepcutaneousnecrotictissueproducedbythermalburnorcorrosiveapplica- tion) and the viable tissue meet. This area is where bacterial growth in the eschar attracts polymorphonuclear leukocytes (neutrophils) that release large amounts of proteolyticenzymesandinflammatorymediators.1Asaresult,thesemediatorsstart separatingescharfromthegranulatingtissuethatproducesnonsurgicalburnscars. Theseuntreatedburnsresultinlimitedmobilityanddisfiguringscars.Byremovingthe burnedanddevitalizedtissue,burnsurgeonsareabletosavethepatient’slifeaswell asimproveappearanceandfunction. ResearchshowsthatE&Gsurgicalinterventionnotonlyimprovessurvivalrates,it decreases the length of hospital stay and decreases the total cost associated with burns.1Additionally,ithasbeenshownthatmortalitydecreaseseveninthepresence of inhalational injuries. Early surgical removal of the burn wound and covering of thesurgicalsitewithautograftorallograftbecamethestandardofpracticein1976.1 The presence of a burn wound, partial- or full-thickness, is a constant drain on the patient’s reserves; surgical intervention and closure of the burn wound significantly limitthisdrain. The main objective in burn care is closure of the wound with the patient’s own epidermis. Sometimes closure is spontaneous, but often surgery is required to Theopinionsorassertionscontainedhereinaretheprivateviewsoftheauthorandarenottobe construedasofficialorasreflectingtheviewsoftheDepartmentoftheArmyortheDepartment ofDefense. UnitedStatesArmyInstituteofSurgicalResearch,FortSam,Houston,TX78234,USA E-mailaddress:[email protected] PerioperativeNursingClinics7(2012)71–75 doi:10.1016/j.cpen.2011.12.005 periopnursing.theclinics.com 1556-7931/12/$–seefrontmatterPublishedbyElsevierInc. Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302 Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number 1. REPORT DATE 2. REPORT TYPE 3. DATES COVERED 01 MAR 2012 N/A - 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER A Burn Intensive Care Unit Nurse’s Perspective 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER Wallace Jr. A., 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION United States Army Institute of Surgical Research, JBSA Fort Sam REPORT NUMBER Houston, TX 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release, distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a REPORT b ABSTRACT c THIS PAGE UU 5 unclassified unclassified unclassified Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 72 Wallace remove the eschar and cover the wound with autologous skin graft or autograft (harvestedfromthepatient).Whenthereisnotenoughautografttocoverthewound, thegoldstandardisuseofallograft,orcadaverskin,tocoverthewound.1Iffreshskin isavailable,itmaytakeasaskintransplantuntilthebodyrejectsit,whichmaytake weekstomonths.Thistemporarycoveringallowsdonorsitestohealbeforetheyare reharvested. The burn patient is transported to the operating room (OR) in a manner different fromthewayotherpatientsgoin.Thepatientisbroughtinonthespecialtybed(Kin AirbedorFluidAirbed,KCI,SanAntonio,TX,USA)thatheorshewasonintheBICU. Athermoreflectiveblanketcoversthepatienttomaintainandhelppreventanyheat losswhilemovingfromthewarmenvironmentoftheBICUoutintothecoolerhallway. Hemodynamic monitoring continues throughout the transport process until the patientisconnectedtothemonitorsintheOR.Allpumpsaretransportedalongwith his or her vasoactive drugs, and intravenous (IV) fluids are kept running during the transport to the OR and during the procedure. Up to three IV poles with two three-chamber pumps each are transported with the patient. Additional staff are requiredtohelpmaneuverthebed,themonitors,andtheIVpolesforasafeandquick triptotheOR. Respiratory therapists are part of the transport team because the volumetric diffusiverespiratorventilatorisoftenusedintheOR.Therespiratorytherapistwears a backpack harness containing a green fiberglass oxygen tank that is connected to theventilator,whichremainsconnectedtothepatientduringthetransport. TheentireORstaffwaits,wearingprotectivegowns,masks,eyewear,andgloves, as the patient is rolled into the room. Once lines are secured the team is ready to movethepatientovertotheORtabletoposition,prep,anddrapeappropriatelyfor thebeginningoftheE&Gprocedure. Positioningtheburnpatientproneforanypartofthesurgicalprocedurehasitsown setofissues.Wheneverthepatientisturnedontoapronepositionforharvestingof graftsordebridementofburns,thepotentialexistsforinvasivelinestobedislodged, Foley catheter, trauma, and, most critical, unintentional extubation, which would cause decompensation and require emergent return to the BICU. Additionally, pronating a patient often results in facial and scleral edema, even with the use of specialfacepaddingandgoggles. Burn wounds have been classified into three categories: first-, second- and third-degree. The burn community prefers to use the terms superficial or partial- thicknessandfull-thicknesstodescribeburninjuries.Typically,afirst-degreeburnis not considered part of the burn wound because it involves only the epidermis and heals quickly with the growth of new keratinocytes.1 The second-degree, or partial- thickness,burndestroysalloftheepidermisaswellasportionsofthedermis.Some partial-thicknessburnshealwithoutsurgicalinterventionifthefollicularbulgeareais uninjured.Itisthoughtthatstemcellsoriginatingfromthebulgeareaproducethenew keratinocytes that repopulate the epidermal basal cell layer including sebaceous glands and hair follicles within the new epidermis.1 This burn wound is extremely painful, making cleaning and debridement a horrific procedure for the patient and a stressfuldailyactivityfortheburnnurse.Partial-thicknessburnsthatcanbeleftalone aretreatedwithtopicalantimicrobialagents. Atangentialexcisionisusedonapartialthicknessburnbyremovingthinlayersof burned skin until the surgeon reaches viable dermis or the subcutaneous fat is exposed.Severalinstrumentsmaybeusedtoexcisetheburnwoundincludingknives with adjustable guards that allow the surgeon to vary the depth of penetration or dermatomes.TheRosenbergknife,Goulianknife,Watsonknife,and,VersaJetwater BurnICUPerspective 73 dissector are some examples of tangential excision instruments used in burn procedures.Withatangentialexcision,healthytissueisdeterminedbythepresence of dermal or subcutaneous bleeding.2 The burn is debrided to a shiny white dermal surfacewithfinecopiousbloodflow. Deep-,orfull-thickness,burnsinvolvetheentirethicknessofthedermisandextend intothesubcutaneousfat.Ifsmallenough,afull-thicknessburnwoundwillhealasthe eschar separates and granulation occurs, but this process leads to hypertrophic scars. Surgical intervention is most likely the only choice in any full-thickness burn injury.Thisleather-likeinjuryisrelativitypainlessandnonblanching.Allotherburned areashavepainassociatedinandaroundtheburnwound.EarlyE&Gdecreasesthe painassociatedwiththeburnwoundovertime.2 Current practice is to excise as much of the burn wound as possible during the initialsurgicalprocedure,takingintoaccountthestabilityofthepatient.1Theexcision of the burn wound can be a tangential excision that removes the burned tissue, leavingasmuchoftheunderlyingviabletissueaspossible.Withthistypeofexcision body contours are better preserved, hospital stay is decreased, reconstructive surgicalproceduresarefewer,andpatientsreportlessassociatedpain.1 The fascial excision is a formal integumentectomy excision that removes the subcutaneous fat including the lymphatic tissue down to the fascia. Although less bloodlossisexpected,thisprocedurecreateswhatisknownas“step-offs.”During afascialexcision,thesurroundingviabletissueandunderlyingfatresultinanuneven surfacethatcreatesthestep-off.Typically,electriccauterycanbeusedtoexcisethe burnwound,decreasingbleedingasthetissueisremoved. Meshedsplit-thicknessautograftgivesalessdesirablecosmeticappearancebutis required when available donor sites are limited or the patient has suffered an extensiveburn.Themeshedskinisachievedbyrunningthesheetgraftthroughthe surgicalmesheratadeterminedratioofexpansion(1:1through4:1).Theparallelslits created in the sheet graft allow the skin to be expanded when being placed on the excisedwoundbed.Thenewlyplacedmeshedautograftwillbegintoreepithelialize acrosstheintersticesconnectingthemeshedskintoprovidewoundclosure.Timeto closure is dependent on the patient and ratio of expansion. When healed, the graft retains the wafflelike meshed appearance, texture, and color. Meshed graft is protectedbythesurgicaldressingfor3to5days,allowingthegrafttoadheretothe woundbed.Leavingthedressingsonforsuchanextendedtimeallowsthefibrinseal thatinitiallyholdstheautograftinplacetoadvancewithcapillarygrowthandcollagen production.2 Allograft may be placed over the larger expanded autograft to protect against shearing. The use of negative-pressure dressings or Wound Vacs (KCI, San Antonio,TX,USA)mayalsobeusedtocoverandprotectthenewlyplacedautograft, keepingthedressinginplaceforthesame3to5dayspostoperatively. Eachtypeofgraftplacedonthepatienthasspecificimplicationsinthepostoper- ative period for the BICU staff. Split-thickness sheet autograft, or sheet graft, is a continuouslayerofdonorskinthatisharvestedfromthedonorsiteandsecuredtothe patientwithstaples,sutures,oradhesivestrips.Thistypeofgraftisusuallyreserved forcosmeticareasliketheface,neck,hands,andfingers.Thethicknessofthegraft harvested typically is 0.009 to 0.020 inches as determined by the burn surgeon to maximizeoutcomefortheindividualpatient.Thethickergraftstendtoshrinklessand provide a better cosmetic appearance.2 With sheet grafts, typically 12 to 24 hours postgraftplacementthenurseandsurgeonevaluatethegraftandremoveanyblood clots and accumulated serum. The sheet graft must be assessed and evaluated frequently to remove any subgraft hematoma or seroma by needle aspiration or by placing a small incision to roll out fluid or clots. Rolling out the seroma toward the 74 Wallace edgeofthegraftwithacotton-tipapplicatorduringthefirstseveraldayscanbecome anhourlytask. Burn patients typically become hypothermic while in the OR despite increased roomtemperature(85°–95°F)anddrapingwhileontheORtable.Itisnotuncommon for the BICU room temperature to be increased to between 85° and 100° F. Most nurseschoosetohavetheroomaswarmaspossiblebecausetheyunderstandthat postoperativehypothermiaincreasestheriskofvasoconstriction,hypoperfusion,and metabolic acidosis. Heat lamps and space blankets along with increased room temperature are efficient ways to warm the patient and provide an optimal environ- ment for graft take. Another piece of equipment that should be available is a rapid infuserwithheatingcapabilities.ThisdeviceallowsforafastdeliveryofIVfluidsfor hypovolemic shock and gives the staff another option to reverse the hypothermic statethepatientmayreturnin. Forpostoperativepatientsdeemedatriskforhemodynamicinsufficiency,theUS ArmyBurnCenterpreparesvasopressin,norepinephrine,anddobutaminepriortothe patient’s return from surgery. The first drug of choice is vasopressin. In the Army BICU,vasopressinishungasafirstlinedruginhemorrhagicshockassociatedwith excessivebloodloserelatedtoextensiveE&G.Vasopressinactsontherenalsystem by increasing the water permeability of the distal tubules and collecting ducts, allowingwaterreabsorption.Italsoactsonthecardiovascularsystembyincreasing peripheral vascular resistance and in turn increasing the arterial blood pressure. Vasopressin is an on/off drug; there is no need to titrate up or down. The standard doseis0.04U/minor2.4U/h. If the patient continues to require cardiovascular support, norepinephrine is the next choice in the bedside arsenal. Norepinephrine acts on both (cid:1)-and (cid:1)- 1 2 adrenergic receptors, causing vasoconstriction and increased peripheral vascular resistance. At increased doses and when combined with other vasopressors it can leadtolimbischemia.Incausingvasoconstrictionandlimbischemia,norepinephrine is basically starving the newly placed graft of blood flow and increasing the risk of poorornografttakeandultimatelyriskinganothersurgicalprocedureforthepatient toundergo.Forthisreasonnorepinephrineisnotconsideredasafirstlinevasopres- sor in the Burn ICU. Norepinephrine is hung and titrated up, down, and off very quickly,ifpossible. SinceDobutamineisadirect-actingagentwhoseprimaryactivityresultsfromthe stimulation of the (cid:2)-adrenoceptors of the heart which increases contractility and 1 cardiacoutput,itisoflittleuseimmediatelypostoperativelybecausethepatientoften has hypovolemic shock. Once fluid and blood products have restored intravascular volume,dobutaminemaybeused. AttheArmyBurnCenter,havingtwo“bricks”atthebedsideisapracticeusedfor a large-burn patient returning from the OR. The brick is a consolidation of elements usedduringamassivetransfusionintoonebagandisonlyusedinthefaceofongoing bleeding and severe hypotension while waiting for blood products. The brick is composed of 100 mL of 25% albumin and 1 A ofsodium bicarbonate in 1 L Ringer lactate. If the mean arterial pressure is low ((cid:1)50), the physician may transfuse the patientpostoperativelywithpackedredbloodcells,plasma,and/orplatelets. The hypovolemic state brought on by massive blood loss in the OR and possible continued blood loss from open wounds and donor sites continues to assault the patient’s hemodynamic stability. At this time, BICU nurses hang the brick while waitingforadditionalbloodproductstoarrive. Totalfluidsinfusedincludecolloids,crystalloids,bloodproducts,andhypodermal clysis (subcutaneous fluid instillation). Colloids (albumin and plasma proteins) are BurnICUPerspective 75 usedtoincreaseintravascularvolume;crystalloids(lactatedRingerandnormalsaline) help in the vascular volume but also replace the extracellular fluid. The amount of packedredbloodcellsgivenintheburnORisagoodindicatorofbloodlossand allows the BICU nurse to anticipate the need for more products to have on hand in the BICU. In the burn OR, hypodermal clysis is a subcutaneous injection of saline into the dermisthatallowsforeasierharvestingoverirregularsurfacesliketheribsorback.At the Army Burn Center, a solution of 1 L ofRinger lactate with 1 cc of epinephrine 1:100,000 U infused with an 18-gauge spinal needle and a pressure pump is used. Thisderma-infusedsolutioniseventuallyabsorbedintothepatient’svasculatureover the course of several hours. Physicians and BICU staff must be made aware of this volume to adjust the IV volume being administered and reduce the risk of fluid overload. It is impossible to accurately estimate blood loss during burn surgery. During the procedure,bloodisnotcollectedincanisterswhereitcanbemeasuredbutisunder the patient, in surgical drapes, absorbed in sponges and towels, on the floor, and evenwasheddowndrains.Theestimatedbloodlossisanartformestablishedover countlesssurgicalproceduresandisawell-educatedguessbytheexperiencedburn anesthesiologist. Urine output is also a component of fluid loss and should be includedintheORtoBICUreport. Donor site care is different from burn wound care; each burn facility has its own wayofdressingandmanagingdonorsites.OneisXeroformgauzestapledoverthe wound, Telfa and epi-laps (sterile burn sponges soaked in a solution of 10 cc epinephrine1:100,000Uin1Lsterilenormalsalineirrigation)thencompressedwith an elastic bandage. The dressing is removed 24 hours postoperatively. Heat lamps areappliedifadditionaldryingisrequired.Lampsareplaced18to24inabovethesite for 20 minutes each hour to facilitate drying. A positioning device that elevates the limb and allows air flow around the donor site to aid in drying is effective. Some biologicaldressingsareused,butiffluidaccumulatesunderthedressingitcanlead toinfectionandpossibleconversiontoafull-thicknesswound.Infectionandpossible conversionoccurswhenadonorsitehasdecreasedperfusionandthewoundfluidis lefttocreateanoverlymoistwoundbed. AtriptotheburnORincreasestheworkloadoftheBICU,butawell-preparednurse can receive the patient from the OR in any condition and lead the nursing team throughapotentiallychaotic,intense,andemergentpostoperativeperiod. Burncarerequiresconstantcommunicationandattentiontodetail;itisaphysical form of nursing that requires mental and physical toughness. From the warm environment and long hours at the bedside caring for the patient to the interaction with the families, burn nurses are at the front of patient care. With the proper education and training, those who choose the rewarding title of burn nurse make a differenceeverydayinthelivesoftheirpatientsandtheirpatients’families. REFERENCES 1. HerndonDN.Totalburncare.3rdedition.Philadelphia:Elsevier;2007.Chapters11, 13,14,15. 2. CarrougherGJ.Burncareandtherapy.StLouis(MO):Mosby;1998.Chapter10.

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