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Preview DTIC ADA628225: Hemodynamics Associated with Breathing Through an Inspiratory Impedance Threshold Device in Human Volunteers

Hemodynamics associated with breathing through an inspiratory impedance threshold device in human volunteers Victor A. Convertino, PhD; Duane A. Ratliff, MS; Kathy L. Ryan, PhD; Donald F. Doerr, BSEE; David A. Ludwig, PhD; Gary W. Muniz; Deanna L. Britton; Savran D. Clah; Kathleen B. Fernald; Alicia F. Ruiz; Keith G. Lurie, MD; Ahamed H. Idris, MD Objective: Increased negative intrathoracic pressure during Measurements and Main Results: Compared with the control spontaneous inspiration through an impedance threshold device condition,ITDproducedhigherstrokevolume(124(cid:1)3vs.137(cid:1) (ITD) causes elevated arterial blood pressure in humans. This 3 mL; p (cid:2) .013), heart rate (63 (cid:1) 3 vs. 68 (cid:1) 3 beats/min; p (cid:2) studywasperformedtodeterminewhethertheacuteincreasein .049),cardiacoutput(7.69vs.9.34L/min;p(cid:2).001),andsystolic bloodpressureinducedbybreathingthroughanITDisassociated bloodpressure(115(cid:1)2to122(cid:1)2mmHg[15.33(cid:1)0.3to16.26 with increased stroke volume and cardiac output. (cid:1)0.3kPa];p(cid:2).005)withoutaffectingexpiredminuteventilation Design: Randomized, blinded, controlled trial. (6.2 (cid:1) 0.4 to 6.5 (cid:1) 0.4 L/min; p (cid:2) .609). Setting: Laboratory. Conclusions:BreathingwithanITDatrelativelylowimpedance Subjects: Ten women and ten men. increases systolic blood pressure by increasing stroke volume Interventions:Wemeasuredhemodynamicandrespiratoryre- and cardiac output. The ITD may provide short-term protection sponsesduringtwoseparateITDconditions:1)breathingthrough against cardiovascular collapse induced by orthostatic stress or afacemaskwithanITD(impedanceof6cmH O[0.59kPa])and hemorrhage. (Crit Care Med 2004; 32[Suppl.]:S381–S386) 2 2) breathing through the same face mask with a sham ITD KEY WORDS: respiration; blood pressure; heart rate; stroke vol- (control). Stroke volume was measured by thoracic bioimped- ume; cardiac output; peripheral vascular resistance; shock; hy- ance. potension; hemorrhage; orthostasis H emorrhagicshockremainsa sure and greater organ blood flows in tions raise the possibility that a Starling leading cause of death hypovolemic, hypotensive humans and effect with a subsequent increase in worldwide(1–3).Oneofthe animals(6–13).Buildingonthisconcept, stroke volume and cardiac output repre- challengestoeffectivetreat- an inspiratory impedance threshold de- sents the underlying mechanism associ- ment is maintenance of vital organ per- vice (ITD) was designed to create a vac- ated with the elevated blood pressure fusion when intravenous access, intrave- uumwithinthechesteachtimethechest during inspiratory resistance (16). How- nous fluids, drug therapies, and surgical expandsduringthedecompressionphase ever, stroke volume during resistance intervention are not immediately avail- of inspiration (9–11, 14). Recent studies breathing with an ITD set at relatively able(4,5).Greaternegativeintrathoracic have demonstrated that use of an ITD low inspiratory impedance has not been pressurecanbeproducedbyapplyingre- increases left ventricular end-diastolic reported in animals or humans. We hy- sistance during spontaneous inspiration volume (9, 15) and end-tidal CO (6, 7, pothesized that the acute relative eleva- 2 (6–10) and has been associated with ele- 13) in conditions of circulatory collapse tioninbloodpressureinducedbybreathing vations in systemic arterial blood pres- and hemorrhagic shock. These observa- through an ITD would be mechanistically linked with increased stroke volume and cardiac output. This investigation is fo- cused on testing this concept for the first FromtheUSArmyInstituteofSurgicalResearch, tuteofSurgicalResearchandtheNationalAeronautics timeinhumans. FortSamHouston,TX(VAC,KLR);BioneticsCorpora- and Space Administration (CRDA DAMD17-01-0112) tion(DAR),TechnologyImplementationBranch(DFD), andagrantfromtheU.S.ArmyCombatCasualtyCare and Spaceflight and Life Sciences Training Program ResearchProgram. METHODS (DLB,SDC,KBF,AFR),NASA,KennedySpaceCenter, Theviewsexpressedhereinaretheprivateviews FL;GeorgiaPreventionInstitute,DepartmentofPedi- oftheauthorsandarenottobeconstruedasrepre- Subjects.Atotalof20healthy,normoten- atrics,MedicalCollegeofGeorgia,Augusta,GA(DAL); senting those of the National Aeronautics and Space sive,nonsmokingmen(n(cid:1)10)andwomen(n Professional Performance Development Group, San Administration,DepartmentofDefense,orDepartment (cid:1)10)servedassubjects.Descriptivedatafor Antonio, TX (GWM); Advanced Circulatory Systems, oftheArmy. the subjects are presented in Table 1. The Minneapolis, MN (KGL); Department of Emergency K.Lurieisaco-inventoroftheimpedancethresh- subjects had not undergone any particular Medicine, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN olddeviceandfoundedAdvancedCirculatorySystems type of exercise training. Because of the po- (KGL); and Department of Surgery and Emergency todevelopthedevice. tentialeffectsoncardiovascularfunction,sub- Medicine, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Copyright©2004bytheSocietyofCriticalCare Center,Dallas,TX(AHI). MedicineandLippincottWilliams&Wilkins jects refrained from exercise and stimulants Supported,inpart,byaCooperativeResearchand such as caffeine and other nonprescription DOI:10.1097/01.CCM.0000134348.69165.15 DevelopmentAgreementbetweentheUSArmyInsti- drugs48hrsbeforetesting.Duringanorien- CritCareMed2004Vol.32,No.9(Suppl.) S381 Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302 Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number 1. REPORT DATE 2. REPORT TYPE 3. DATES COVERED 01 SEP 2004 N/A - 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Hemodynamics associated with the human hypertensive response to 5b. GRANT NUMBER breathing through an inspiratory impedance threshold device. 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER Convertino V. A., Ratliff D. A., Ryan K. L., Doerr D. F., Ludwig D. A., 5e. TASK NUMBER Muniz G. W., Britton D. L., Klah S. D., Fernald K. B., Ruiz A. F., Idris A., Lurie K. G., 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION United States Army Institute of Surgical Research, JBSA Fort Sam REPORT NUMBER Houston, TX 78234 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release, distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a REPORT b ABSTRACT c THIS PAGE SAR 6 unclassified unclassified unclassified Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 tation period that preceded each experiment, thevalveandtheskinofthesubject’sfacethat the1-mintimeperiod.Tidalvolume(inliters) allsubjectsweremadefamiliarwiththelabo- was sufficient to eliminate any air leakage wascalculatedbydividingminuteventilation ratory, the protocol, and procedures. Experi- (Fig. 1A). Because of the greater vacuum byrespiratoryrate. mental procedures and protocols were re- withinthechest,alargeramountofbloodis Hemodynamic Measurements. Continu- viewedandapprovedbytheResearchCouncil drawn from the extrathoracic venous system ousHRwasmeasuredwithaHewlett-Packard and Human Use Committee of the US Army into the chest and heart during inspiration, monitoring system from a standard electro- InstituteofSurgicalResearchandtheHuman thereby enhancing cardiac preload (6, 9). cardiogram. SBP and DBP were measured Investigative Review Board of the Kennedy Therefore,useoftheITDresultsinanimme- noninvasivelywithanautomatedsphygmoma- Space Center for the use of human subjects. diateincreaseinarterialbloodpressure(6,7, nometerbloodpressuremeasurementdevice. Eachsubjectgavewritteninformedvoluntary 9,12,13,15).Thereislittleresistanceduring Meanarterialpressurewascalculatedbydivid- consenttoparticipateintheexperiments. exhalation. ing the sum of SBP and twice DBP by three. Protocol.Eachsubjectcompletedtwotest- Measurement of Ventilatory Response to Beat-to-beat SV was measured noninvasively ing sessions that entailed measurements of ITDBreathing.Aftertheinitial3minsofITD using thoracic electrical bioimpedance with arterial blood pressures, heart rate (HR), breathing, minute ventilation (in liters per an HIC-2000 Bio-Electric Impedance Cardio- strokevolume(SV),andrespiration1)during minute) was measured from the additive in- graph (Bio-Impedance Technology, Chapel breathing through a face mask with an ITD spiratory flow for 1 min with an Interface Hill, NC). The thoracic electrical bioimped- (AdvancedCirculatorySystems,EdenPrairie, Associates (model VMM 402, Laguna Niguel, ance technique is based on the resistance MN)setatapproximately6cmH O(0.59kPa) CA) turbine transducer (Fig. 1B). Inspiratory changes in the thorax to a low-intensity (4 2 and 2) during a control session (breathing impedance was measured during the same mA),high-frequency(70kHz)alternativecur- throughthesamefacemaskwithashamITD). time interval using an MKS (PDR-C-1C, An- rentappliedtothethoraxbytwoouter-surface SubjectswereblindedtothetypeofITDused. dover, MA) pressure transducer between the electrodes placed at the root of the neck and The order of treatment was counterbalanced ITD–patientmaskinterface(Fig.1B).Thean- two surface electrodes placed at the xiphoid sothattensubjects(fivemenandfivewomen) alogwaveformwasrecordedonaGould(East- processatthemidaxillaryline.TheR-waveof underwenthemodynamicandrespiratorytest- lake,OH)strip-chartrecorder,andthechange the electrocardiogram was taken as a land- ingduringactiveITDtreatmentfirstwhilethe in pressure (negative intrathoracic pressure) mark to average dZ/dt waveforms over ten remaining ten subjects (five men and five wasmeasuredincentimetersofH O.Respira- cardiaccyclesthatwererecordedin20secsat 2 women)underwenttestingwiththeshamITD tory rate (in breaths per minute) was mea- the beginning of minute 4 of each measure- treatment(controlcondition)first.Therewas sured by counting the negative pressure de- ment period. SV measured during and at 5 approximately 1 wk (mean (cid:2) SD, 7.2 (cid:2) 1.3 flections occurring on the strip chart during mins after ITD breathing was determined as days)betweeneachexperimentaltestsession. Both testing sessions were initiated at the sametimeofdayforanyparticularsubject. Table1.Subjectgroupdescriptivedata HR,SV,arterialbloodpressures,andtidal volumes were measured as subjects breathed Women Men throughafacemaskwithanITD.Thehemo- (n(cid:1)10) (n(cid:1)10) dynamic and respiratory measurements were repeated at 5 mins after completion of the Age,yrs 32(cid:2)4 33(cid:2)4 14-min ITD breathing cycle. This protocol Height,cm 167(cid:2)2 177(cid:2)1 represented a complete experimental session. Weight,kg 63.8(cid:2)2.5 78.8(cid:2)2.9 Avalvesetat6cmH O(0.59kPa)ofcracking Heartrate,beats/min 66(cid:2)3 61(cid:2)3 pressure(i.e.,thepre2ssureatwhichthevalve Systolicbloodpressure,mmHg 110(cid:2)3 120(cid:2)3 Systolicbloodpressure,kPa 14.6(cid:2)0.4 16.0(cid:2)0.4 opened, allowing air inflow) was chosen be- Diastolicbloodpressure,mmHg 71(cid:2)2 75(cid:2)3 causeimpedancelevelsashighas20cmH O 2 Diastolicbloodpressure,kPa 9.46(cid:2)0.3 75(cid:2)0.4 (1.96 kPa) were previously proven tolerable and sufficient to increase arterial blood pres- Valuespresentedasmean(cid:2)SE. sureinhumansubjects(13,17).Eachsubject hadhisorherowndisposablefacemask.Dur- ing all experiments, continuous beat-by-beat HRwasmeasuredfromanelectrocardiogram and systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) blood pressures were measured noninvasively by a sphygmomanometricbloodpressuremonitor- ing device. Each experimental session was conductedoveraperiodof(cid:3)60mins. Breathing with the ITD.At the beginning of each experimental testing session, each subject breathed spontaneously through an ITD for 14 mins. The ITD comprises a valve thatcloseswhenthepressurewithinthetho- rax is less than atmospheric pressure and a second valve (termed the safety check valve) that opens at a preset negative intrathoracic pressure (6–8, 14). The ITD was designed to create inspiratory resistance and to therefore Figure1.Photographsoftheimpedancethresholddevice(ITD)aloneandappliedtoasubject.Left, increasethemagnitudeofthevacuumwithin illustrationoftheITDplacementonasubjectinstrumentedformeasurementofheartrate(electro- thechestofaspontaneouslybreathingsubject cardiogram),bloodpressure(cuff),andstrokevolume(electricalimpedanceelectrodesontheneck duringinspiration.TheITDwasattachedtoa andthorax).Right,illustrationofthevalveconnectedtoafacemaskandsensorsformeasurementof facemasktoensurethatasealexistedbetween ventilatoryvolume/rateandinspiratorypressure. S382 CritCareMed2004Vol.32,No.9(Suppl.) the average SV from the ten cardiac cycles. andbloodpressure,allvalueswerewithin DISCUSSION VentricularSVwasdeterminedwiththepartly established normal limits. empiricalformula:SV(inmillilitersperbeat) ITD and Sex Effects. Sex did not in- One of the primary mechanisms that (cid:1)p(cid:4)(L/Zo)(cid:5)2(cid:4)LVET(cid:4)(dZ/dt)min,where fluence the responses of SBP(F(cid:1)0.348; contribute to severe hypotension and ul- p(inohm-centimeters)isthebloodresistivity, p (cid:1) .563), DBP (F (cid:1) 0.016; p (cid:1) .902), timatelyshockafteranacutehemorrhage a constant of 135 ohm-cm (1.35 ohm-m) in HR(F(cid:1)0.845;p(cid:1).370),SV(F(cid:1)2.894; isthereductionincirculatingbloodvol- vivo; L (in centimeters) is the mean distance between the inner pick-up electrodes; Z (in p (cid:1) .106), CO (F (cid:1) 0.321; p (cid:1) .578), umeandsubsequentreductionincardiac ohms) is the mean baseline thoracic imoped- TPR(F(cid:1)0.030;p(cid:1).864),minuteventi- fillingandSV(19).Therefore,anythera- ance;LVET(inseconds)istheleftventricular lation (F (cid:1) 0.084; p (cid:1) .776), or tidal vol- peutic approach that is designed to in- ejection time; and (dZ/dt) (in ohms per ume (F (cid:1) 0.296; p (cid:1) .593) across treat- crease venous return and SV without min second) is the height of the dZ/dt peak (Z- mentduringeitherspontaneousbreathing causinghemodilutionshouldbeaneffec- point) measured from the zero line. Most in- tive therapy for the acute treatment of through the ITD or control experimental vestigators who measured SV with thoracic massivebloodloss.Theapplicationofre- conditions.Women(11breaths/min)had electrical bioimpedance have reported corre- sistance during spontaneous inspiration a slightly higher respiratory rate than lationcoefficientsof0.70–0.93incomparison has been shown to cause an immediate men (9 breaths/min) (F (cid:1) 5.174; p (cid:1) withthermodilutiontechniques(18).Cardiac increase in arterial blood pressure when output (CO) was calculated as the product of .035)duringITDbreathing.Fiveminutes applied in different clinical models asso- HRandSV.Totalsystemicperipheralresistance after spontaneous breathing on the ITD ciated with significant life-threatening (TPR)wascalculatedbydividingmeanarterial was terminated, SBP, DBP, HR, SV, CO, hypotension(6,7,9–13).Theconceptby pressure by CO, and is expressed as peripheral and TPR were statistically similar (F val- resistanceunits(inmmHg·min(cid:5)1·L(cid:5)1). ues of (cid:3)0.415; p values of (cid:6).527) across which the ITD functions to increase bloodpressureisbasedonthemechanics StatisticalAnalysis.Thestatisticalanalysis was a standard two group (men, women) by experimental conditions. Based on these ofproducingagreatervacuumwithinthe twotreatment(6cmH OITD,control)bytwo analyses,thedatawerecombinedandan- thorax during each inspiration, which time periods (during,25 mins after) mixed- alyzed as a sample size of 20. subsequentlymayincreasevenousreturn model analysis of variance. The model was Respiratory Effects of Spontaneous andpreloadtotheheart(6,7,9,10).We mixed in the sense that subjects were nested Breathing on an ITD. Average peak neg- thereforehypothesizedthattheelevation within groups by sex and crossed with treat- ative airway pressure of (cid:5)9.4 (cid:2) 0.3 cm in arterial blood pressure induced by ap- ments and time (i.e., one between-subjects H O ((cid:5)0.92 (cid:2) 0.03 kPa) was generated plication of respiratory resistance (i.e., 2 factor [sex] and two within-subjects factors during spontaneous breathing on the spontaneous breathing through an ITD) [treatment and time]). To simplify the statis- ITD.Therewasnomaintreatmenteffect resultsfromanincreaseinSVandCO.To ticalanalysisandmakeitmoreinterpretable, (F (cid:1) 0.271; p (cid:1) .609) on minute venti- test this hypothesis, we measured SV in separate statistical models were constructed lation during spontaneous breathing normovolemic, normotensive human formeasurementstakenduringITDbreathing and5minsafterthecessationofITDbreath- throughtheITD(6.5(cid:2)0.4L/min)com- subjects during spontaneous breathing ing. All main effects and subsequent interac- pared with breathing through the sham throughanITD.Ourdataconfirmedthat tions were analyzed across six dependent ef- device (6.2 (cid:2) 0.4 L/min). However, tidal applicationoftheITDincreasedSBPina fects (SBP, DBP, HR, SV, CO, TPR). Exact p volumewashigher(F(cid:1)10.05;p(cid:1).005) manner similar to that previously re- values were calculated for each independent and respiratory rate was lower (F (cid:1) ported (6, 7, 9–13, 15). A new finding of effect and reflect the probability of obtaining 8.084; p (cid:1) .011) during spontaneous thepresentinvestigationwasthattheel- theobservedorgreatereffectgivenonlyran- breathingthroughtheITD(0.86(cid:2)0.04L evation in blood pressure induced by dom departure from the assumption of no and 9 (cid:2) 1 breaths/min, respectively) spontaneous inspiration on an ITD was effects. Orthogonal polynomials (i.e., dose- mechanistically associated with an in- response modeling) or independent contrasts compared with breathing through the were constructed in the event of statistical sham device (0.67 (cid:2) 0.04 L and 10 (cid:2) 1 crease in SV and CO. An increase in SV and CO during differences associated with the main effect of breath/min, respectively). spontaneous breathing against high re- the treatment (i.e., inspiratory impedance Hemodynamic Effects. Mean ((cid:2)SE) level). Standard errors are raw measures of SBP, DBP, HR, SV, CO, and TPR data sistancepressures(68–88cmH2O[6.67– variation about the specific treatment group 8.63 kPa]) has been reported previously duringand5minsafterthecessationof mean. These standard errors do not reflect (16). Because of the extraordinarily high spontaneousbreathingthroughtheITD variabilityspecifictothefactorsbeingtested resistance, Coast et al. (16) suggested are presented in Figure 2. There was a or the variability associated with statistical that the increased CO was a result of tests and subsequent p values given in the large main treatment effect of sponta- greater energy demand required for the text. neous breathing through the ITD on workofbreathing.Ourdataareuniquein SBP, HR, SV, CO, and TPR (F values of demonstrating that a relatively low in- (cid:6)4.481; p values of (cid:3).049). There was RESULTS spiratory resistance can increase CO and no statistically distinguishable treat- blood pressure with no effect on meta- DescriptiveData.AverageandSEbase- ment effect of spontaneous breathing bolic demand because the average ((cid:2) line values for age, height, weight, HR, through the ITD on DBP or minute standarderror)oxygenuptakeintensub- andbloodpressuresforwomenandmen ventilation. Five minutes after sponta- jects during 6 cm H O (0.59 kPa) of ITD 2 arepresentedinTable1.Maleandfemale neous breathing on the ITD was termi- breathing (247 (cid:2) 17 mL/min) was not groups were matched for age. Subjects nated, all hemodynamic variables were statistically different from that of 228 (cid:2) showedtheexpectedandwell-established statisticallysimilar(Fvaluesof(cid:3)0.415; 14mL/minduringbreathingonthesham differences between sexes on height, p values of (cid:6).527) across experimental device (unpublished data). Breathing weight, HR, and blood pressure. For HR conditions (Fig. 2). throughtheITDwaswelltoleratedbyour CritCareMed2004Vol.32,No.9(Suppl.) S383 Figure2.Systolicanddiastolicbloodpressures,heartrate,strokevolume,cardiacoutput,andtotalperipheralvascularresistanceduring(Breath)andafter (5-minRec)spontaneousbreathingontheimpedancethresholddevice(ITV)at0cmHOresistance(shamcontrol,openbars)and6cmHO(0.59kPa) 2 2 resistance(linedbars).Barsandlinesrepresentmean(cid:2)1SE,respectively(n(cid:1)20).bpm,beatsperminute;PRU,peripheralresistanceunits. subjects. In light of the statistically sim- response relationship to a higher sure, either individually or collectively, ilareffectsonventilatorymechanics(vol- operating range (20, 21). We also found caused by breathing through an ITD in umeandrate)andoxygenuptakeduring thattheelevatedHRresponseduringITD our subjects probably reduced sympa- breathing on the ITD and sham devices, breathingwasassociatedwitharesetting thetic nerve activity to the vasculature. ourresultssuggestthattheapplicationof of the baroreflex to a higher operating This compensatory response of the pe- an ITD to patients in a clinical setting range in our subjects (17). Thus, the in- ripheralvascularresistancecouldprovide could provide a tolerable therapeutic ap- crease in CO elicited by spontaneous twoimportantmechanismsofprotection proach for acute treatment of life- breathing on the ITD involves mecha- if applied during hemorrhage. First, a threateninghypovolemiaorhypotension. nisms that contribute to elevations in lower relative vasoconstriction would InadditiontoanincreasedSV,anun- both SV and HR. functiontoincreaseperfusionofvitalor- expected elevation in HR during sponta- TPR was significantly lower during gansandsubsequentlydelayischemicin- neousbreathingontheITDalsocontrib- spontaneousinspirationontheITDcom- jurytotissues.Second,theabilitytorely uted to higher CO and SBP. Because of pared with the control condition. This on less peripheral vascular resistance for the elevation of arterial blood pressure may be expected in light of the evidence agivenbloodlosswouldprovideagreater duringinspiratoryresistance,wehadan- that a linear stimulus-response relation- capacity for vasoconstrictive reserve to ticipatedabradycardicresponsemediated ship exists between SV and sympathetic defend against hypotension and cardio- by arterial baroreflex feedback control, nerve activity (22, 23). Thus, as cardiac vascular collapse (24). Future experi- but ITD breathing actually elicited a filling, SV and blood pressure decrease ments are necessary to test this intrigu- tachycardicresponseinthefaceofrising underconditionsofcentralhypovolemia, ing hypothesis. arterial blood pressure. 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