JournalofInvestigativeSurgery,18:19–23,2005 Copyright(cid:1)c Taylor&FrancisInc. ISSN:0894-1939print/1521-0553online DOI:10.1080/08941930590905170 Original Research Passive Biomechanical Properties of Sutured Mammalian Muscle Lacerations JohnF.Kragh,Jr.,MD OrthopaedicService,BrookeArmy ABSTRACT Muscle trauma, such as laceration or transection, is a MedicalCenterandU.S.ArmyInstitute common occurrence, but repairing delicate tissue poses a clinical chal- ofSurgicalResearch,FortSamHouston, Texas,USA lenge. This is at least partially due to the lack of established muscle repair models. The purpose of this study was to compare the biome- StevenJ.Svoboda,MD,and chanical properties of stitches in transected porcine and bovine mus- JosephC.Wenke,PhD U.S.ArmyInstituteofSurgicalResearch, cle bellies. A biomechanical protocol was designed for measuring su- ExtremityTraumaStudyBranch,FortSam ture performance in muscle belly lacerations. Twenty simple stitches Houston,Texas,USA in porcine and 21 stitches in bovine specimens were tested. Individ- JohnA.Ward,PhD ual stitches were placed in lacerated muscle bellies and tensioned on a DepartmentofClinicalInvestigation, biomechanicaltester(model8521S,InstronCorporation,Canton,MA). BrookeArmyMedicalCenter,FortSam Houston,Texas,USA The mean maximum load for porcine (22.0 N) and bovine (23.9 N) stitches was not significantly different (p = .48). The difference in ThomosJ.Walters,PhD U.S.ArmyInstituteofSurgicalResearch, mean strains at maximum load between porcine (9.7%) and bovine ExtremityTraumaStudyBranch,FortSam (8.0%) groups was statistically significant (p = .004). Failure mecha- Houston,Texas,USA nisms were similar. One porcine stitch avulsed the muscle transversely, while 19 stitches tore out longitudinally. All 20 stitches tore out in Received29March2004; bovine specimens. Sutured muscle was the weakest element in each accepted3August2004. test. The present study demonstrated that sutured muscles performed TheauthorsthankMichaelA.Dubick,PhD, andJillL.Sondeen,PhD,forassistancewith similarly for the two mammals regarding the parameters of maximum specimencollection,andRobertoRiosfor illustration.Nofundingwasreceivedforthe load and mechanism of failure. Regarding suturing of skeletal muscle presentstudy. lacerations,bothmammalianmodelshadsimilarbiomechanicalperfor- Theopinionsorassertionscontainedherein mance for maximum loads and failure mechanisms, while strain data aretheprivateviewsoftheauthorsandare nottobeconstruedasofficialorreflecting differed.Thestitchloadmagnitudesinthisstudyapproximatethosere- theviewsoftheDepartmentofDefenseor U.S.government.Theauthorsare quired to successfully repair transected muscle. Knowledge introduced employeesoftheU.S.government.This by this study fills a gap concerning muscle stitching relevant to clinical workwaspreparedaspartoftheirofficial dutiesand,assuch,thereisnocopyrightto care. betransferred. AddresscorrespondencetoLTC(P)Kragh, U.S.ArmyInstituteofSurgicalResearch, KEYWORDS biomechanical testing, epimysium, laceration, load, mus- ExtremityTraumaStudyBranch,3600 cle anatomy, muscle injuries, orthopedics, repair, stitch, surgery, suture, RawleyE.ChambersAve.,Room292-1Bldg. trauma 3611,FortSamHouston,TX78234-6315, USA.E-mail:[email protected] 19 Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302 Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number 1. REPORT DATE 2. REPORT TYPE 3. DATES COVERED 01 JAN 2005 N/A - 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Passive biomechanical properties of sutured mammalian muscle 5b. GRANT NUMBER lacerations 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER Kragh Jr. J. F., Svoboda S. J., Wenke J. C., Ward J. A., Walters T. J., 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION United States Army Institute of Surgical Research, JBSA Fort Sam REPORT NUMBER houston, TX 78234 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release, distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a REPORT b ABSTRACT c THIS PAGE SAR 6 unclassified unclassified unclassified Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 Original Research M uscle trauma, such as laceration, transec- we determined that refrigeration of muscle did not tion,orrupture,iscommoninmedicine, affectpassivebiomechanicalpropertiescomparedto posing clinical challenges for surgeons to fresh specimen testing. Further, differing durations repair disrupted delicate tissue [1, 2]. Often, severe ofrefrigeration,asusedinthecurrentstudy,didnot muscle trauma is treated without surgery, because affectpassivebiomechanicalproperties. historically, treatment outcomes of muscle injury A bovine steer tibialis anterior muscle was ac- without tendon involvement were suboptimal [3, quired freshly from a commercial slaughterhouse. 4].Recently,investigatorspresenteddatasupporting One muscle from one animal was used and refriger- ◦ surgical repair over nonoperative care of complete atedat4 Cfor84h.Theporcineandbovinemuscles muscle disruptions [5–9]. Models of muscle stitch- selectedhadhalf-belliesofsimilarsizeandshape. ingarebeingdeveloped,butcomparisonsofmodels Thecompartmentalfasciawasremovedfromspec- have not been reported. A better understanding of imens, and care was used to preserve epimysium. the models and the biomechanics of muscle sutur- Muscle belly lacerations were made in areas where ingiskeytothedevelopmentofoptimalrepairtech- no tendon was present. The laceration made with niques. Surgical research of muscle repair is needed a surgical blade was transverse to the long axis of to improve patient care and rehabilitation, because the muscle, and the laceration completely severed earlymobilizationofsuturedmuscleimprovesheal- the muscle belly into two half-bellies without con- ing [8, 9]. Early motion after repair leads to better nection. Saline was used to moisten the specimens healing, less scar, and less atrophy, but requires no throughout testing. Sutures were placed around the stitch failure by pullout during early loading [8, 9]. laceration edge to repair with simple stitches with Asskeletalmusclehassimilaritiesamongmammals, metric size 2 braided polyester suture. A stitch was mammalian muscle is often used to model human placed in the tendon using a running interlocking clinicalsituations.Sinceporcineandbovinemuscles technique. Both stitches were secured by tightening appear similar to human skeletal muscle, it was hy- inbothgripsbeforeloadingonabiomechanicalma- pothesizedthatbothmammalswouldmodelmuscle chine (Figure 1). The stitch tested in each test was bellylacerationrepairsimilarly. the stitch in the sutured portion of the muscle, and To improve the clinical performance of stitching the stitch in the sutured tendon was used simply to muscle, a biomechanical study was designed to test secure the specimen. In prior work with this setup, stitches in porcine and bovine muscle belly transec- weascertainedthatnoslippageoccurredattheloads tions, focusing on the passive traits of sutured mus- used. No rigor mortis occurred. No measured strain cles. The purpose of the present study is to com- of the sutures or tendon occurred, and only the su- pare maximum loads, strains, and failure mecha- tured portion of the muscle deformed. The weakest nismsofsuturedmusclebelliesinporcineandbovine element in each test was the sutured portion of the specimens. muscle. A biomechanical protocol was designed for mea- suringsutureperformanceinmusclebellylacerations MATERIALS AND METHODS in a porcine specimen and in a bovine specimen. Skeletally immature female Yorkshire cross pigs, Parameters compared were maximum load, strain at weighing approximately 40 kg, were acquired and maximumload,andmechanismoffailure.Thegauge then attended in an accredited facility for an ap- lengthwasthelengthofthespecimen,notincluding provedstudyotherthanthepresentstudy.Apigca- thesutures. daverextremitywasacquiredattheendoftheother A servohydraulic materials tester (model 8521S, study, and the institutional review board approved InstronCorporation,Canton,MA)wasusedtoapply the present study. The porcine quadriceps femoris tension. Under position control with a 0.1-kN load musclegroupfromoneanimalusedandwasrefriger- cell,themachineappliedtensionalongthelongaxis ◦ atedat4 Cfor40h.Inapriorstudyatourlaboratory, ofthemuscle,andthesutureswereheldingripswith 20 J.F.KRAGH,JR.ETAL. Original Research TABLE 1 Mean maximum load (±SD expressed in newtons), mean strain at maximum load (±SD expressed as mm/mminapercentage),andsignificance(pvalue)forporcine andbovinemusclestitches Porcine muscle, Bovinemuscle, mean±SD mean±SD pValue Maximumload(N) 23.9±8.93 22.0±7.98 .48 Strain 8.0±1.79 9.7±1.83 .004 (mm/mm×100%) eredsignificant.Clinicallysignificantloadandstrain differencesweresetat6Nand3%basedonunpub- lished work by us with this setup, and sample size estimationconfirmedadequatepower.Software(ver- sion11.5SPSS,Inc.,Chicago)wasusedforstatistical analysis. RESULTS FIGURE 1 Testing setup of materials testing system with The results of load testing are summarized in connected specimen. The tester includes the base platform, Table 1 and Figure 2. The mean maximum load for two uprights, upper crossbar, and two grips. The load cell is labeled,andgripsholdstitches.Thesimplesutureisgripped porcine repairs was 23.9 N, while that for bovine below, and the tendon suture is gripped above. The muscle repairs was 22.0 N. The difference between groups specimenisahalfbellytransectedinthemiddle. was not significant (p = .48). The ranges, standard leatherfacing.Thescientificmodeltestedthepassive deviations, and 95% confidence limits were similar propertiesofthespecimensimilartotheclinicalsit- betweengroups. uation [8]. The specimen was preloaded minimally TheresultsofstraintestingaredisplayedinTable1 with 5 to 8 N to remove slack immediately prior to and Figure 3. The mean strain at maximum load testing. Stitched muscles were loaded at an elonga- for porcine repairs was 8.0%, while that for bovine tion rate of 25 mm/min until failure. Two failure modesweredefined.Suturetear-outoccurswhensu- turespulloutlongitudinallyfromthemuscle.Avul- sion is the mechanism of failure when the muscle failstransverselyandaportionofmuscleisremoved asthesuturecutsoutofthemuscle. Software(SeriesIX,InstronCorporation,Canton, MA) was used for data collection, and the system recorded the maximum load in newtons and the strain at maximum load in mm per mm expressed as a percent. Further, the mechanism of failure was observeddirectlyandrecorded. Independent sample t-tests were used as the test FIGURE2 Maximumloadsforsuturedbovineandporcine statistic for loads and strains, and Levene’s test was muscle bellies. The gray box plots have the 25th and 75th used for assessing equality of variances. For mech- percentile confidence limits as the lower and upper borders anism of failure analysis, a 2×2 contingency test respectively.Thebarsarethe95%confidencelimits.Thedots areoutliers.Themeanisadashedlinewithinthegraybox,and wasusedwithFisher’sexacttestbecauseofthesmall themedianisasolidlinewithinthegraybox.Thedifference sample sizes. A p value of less than .05 was consid- betweengroupsinmeanmaximumloadisnotsignificant. SUTUREDSKELETALMUSCLELACERATIONS 21 Original Research parametersofmaximumloadandmechanismoffail- ure. The strain parameter was statistically different by a small amount. Both animal models approxi- mated closely the human clinical situation and val- idated the testing method by showing the weakest link to be the muscle in each test. The finding that thebovinemodelhadhigherstrainatmaximumload wasprobablybecausethebovinemodelappearedto have more muscular connective tissue. The epimy- sium of the bovine tissue seemed slightly more ro- bust than the porcine muscle, and the greater con- nectivetissuelikelypermittedgreaterelongationand FIGURE 3 Strain at maximum load for stitches in bovine strainpriortofailure.Thesmallstatisticaldifference andporcinemuscle.Strainisexpressedasmm/mmasaper- cent. The gray box plots have the 25th and 75th percentile in strain between the two muscles is not clinically confidencelimitsasthelowerandupperborders,respectively. significant. The two different muscles selected from Thebarsarethe95%confidencelimits.Thedotsareoutliers. the two species have obvious differences and may Themeanisadashedlinewithinthegraybox,andtheme- dianisasolidlinewithinthegraybox.Thedifferencebetween have different length–tension diagrams, but despite groups in mean strains at maximum load is significant by a differences,themusclestestedhadmeasuredbiome- clinicallyinsignificantamount.Thedataoverlapconsiderably chanicalpropertiesthataresimilarordifferlittle. betweengroups. Thefindingsofthepresentstudyapplytohuman repairswas9.7%.Thedifferencebetweengroupswas and veterinary surgical care of muscle disruptions. statistically significant (p = .004). The ranges, stan- Both porcine and bovine muscle tissues handle darddeviations,and95%confidencelimitsweresim- grossly similar to human muscle, and both mod- ilarbetweengroups. els offer usefulness to investigators studying severe The mechanisms of failure were not significantly muscledisruption.Bothporcineandbovinemuscles different between groups (p = .49). One porcine canprovidecliniciansarefrigeratedpracticematerial stitch avulsed the sutured portion of the muscle, prior to facing the clinical challenge of human or while 19 sutures failed by tearing out longitudinally veterinarymusclelacerationrepair.Bothspeciescan from the muscle. No bovine stitch avulsed muscle, beusedtomodelclinicalapplications,asthebiome- while20suturestoreout(Table2).Thesuturedpor- chanicalpropertiesofinterestdifferedlittleornotall. tionofthemusclewastheweakestlinkineachspec- The clinical relevance of the loads pertains to re- imenandtest. habilitation of muscle injury, and the estimation of muscleandstitchloadscanhelpexplainclinicalsuc- DISCUSSION cessandfailure.Letusassumeabicepsbrachiimuscle is repaired as the belly is commonly repaired [7, 8], Thisstudydemonstratedthatsuturedmusclesper- and the belly is architecturally simpler than many formedsimilarlyforthetwomammals,regardingthe muscles.Forearmsupinationtorqueaverages9N·m ◦ [10]maximallyat90 ofelbowflexion.Ifthebiceps TABLE 2 Failuremechanismsandsignificance(pvalue)of contributes 5 times more than the supinator mus- suturespulledfromporcineandbovinemuscles cle, since the biceps cross sectional area is 5 times Porcine Bovine greaterthanitssynergist,thenthebicepscontributes muscle muscle pValue five-sixths;7.5N·m(9N·m×5/6),oftotalsupina- Numberofstitches 20 21 tiontorque.Ifthebicipitaltuberosityis15mmfrom Failuremechanisms 19/1 21/0 .49 the center of supination (longitudinal rotation axis Tear-outs/avulsions ◦ Tear-outproportion 95% 100% of the radius) at 90 of elbow flexion, then the mo- (Tear-outs/total)×100% mentarmis0.015m.Therefore,themaximumbiceps 22 J.F.KRAGH,JR.ETAL. Original Research forceis500N(7.5N·m/0.015m)[11].Ifindividual of the laboratory findings beyond the narrow scope stitchescanbearloadsof20N,asinthecurrentstudy, of the current study may be limited. Further model then25stitchescanbearthe500-Nrequirement.As development is needed to address the complex and the biceps circumference is 16 cm [2π×(2.5 cm)2], poorlyunderstoodproblemofsurgicalrepairofmus- manystitchescanbeusedclinicallytobearloadsuc- clelaceration. cessfully [7, 8], but the difference between success and failure is small. As rehabilitation forces are typ- CONCLUSIONS ically below maximum, stitches may be able to bear estimated loads successfully, but risk of failure by This study established that porcine and bovine tear-outremains.Threelimitationsofthecalculation muscle suturing performs similarly in biomechani- are notable. First, noncompliant patients may con- cal testing, except for strain at maximum load. 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