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Preview DTIC ADA627892: The Effects of Hypothermia on Fibrinogen Metabolism and Coagulation Function in Swine

MetabolismClinicalandExperimental56(2007)214–221 www.elsevier.com/locate/metabol The effects of hypothermia on fibrinogen metabolism and coagulation function in swine Wenjun Zhou Martini TheUSArmyInstituteofSurgicalResearch,Ft.SamHouston,TX78234,USA Received17April2006;accepted10September2006 Abstract Clinicalcoagulopathyfrequentlyoccursinthepresenceofhypothermia.Theprimarypurposeofthisstudywastoinvestigatetheeffects of hypothermia on clotting protein fibrinogen metabolism and on coagulation function in a swine model. Twelve pigs were randomly allocatedintocontrolandhypothermiagroups.Hypothermiaof328Cwasinducedusingablanketwithcirculatingwaterat48C.Fibrinogen synthesisandbreakdownwerequantifiedusinga6-hourstableisotopeinfusionwithsubsequentgaschromatographandmassspectrometry analysis. Clotting enzyme thrombin generation kinetics was quantified at baseline and at the end of the infusion. Changes in fibrinogen metabolism and thrombin generation were correlated with coagulation function assessed by thromboelastography (TEG). Hypothermia decreased fibrinogen synthesis from the control value of 2.6 F 0.4 to 1.2 F 0.2 mg kg(cid:2)1 h(cid:2)1 (P b .05), with no effect on fibrinogen breakdown.Thrombingenerationattheinitiationphasewasdelayedbyhypothermia,buttherewerenochangesatthepropagationphase. In thromboelastography measurements,theinitial clottingtime(R time)wasprolongedfrom thebaseline valueof 3.01F 0.13to4.30F 0.24minutes(P b.05)andclottingrapidity(anglea)wasdecreasedfromthebaselinevalueof72.30F0.90to65.34F1.07(P b.05). Hypothermia caused no significant changes in clot strength (maximum amplitude) and clot lysis (LY ). We concluded that hypothermia 60 causedapotentialdeficitinfibrinogenavailabilityandadelayinthrombingeneration,consequentlyinhibitingcoagulationfunction.Ourdata support the current practices of rewarming andprescribing recombinant factor VIIa forhypothermic patients with coagulation defects. Published byElsevier Inc. 1. Introduction temperaturesdeclinedfrom358Ctolessthan328C[7].The complexity of clinical settings, such as tissue injury, blood Hypothermia, clinically defined as body temperature of loss, resuscitation, and hypothermia, makes it difficult to 348C or less, is commonly observed in severely injured clarify the mechanisms related to coagulation defects in trauma patients. As much as 66% of trauma patients arrive hypothermic patients. Therefore, we used a swine model to in emergency departments with temperatures of less than definetheeffectsofhypothermiaonthecoagulationprocess 368C [1]. Among nonsurviving trauma patients, approxi- in this study. mately80%havebodytemperaturesoflessthan348Catthe The coagulation process involves fibrin clot formation timeofdeath[2].Oneofthemostdistressingcomplications from the precursor fibrinogen. Thrombin, catalyzing the of hypothermia is the disruption of hemostasis. Compared conversionoffibrinogentofibrinclot,playsanimportantrole with patients with body temperatures of 36.18C F 0.78C, inthisprocess[10].Thrombinisgeneratedfromprothrombin there was a 2.4-fold increase of blood loss in postlapar- duringtheinitiationandpropagationphases.Intheinitiation otomy patients whose body temperature was 33.88C F phase,asmallamountofthrombinisproducedasaresultof 0.58C [3]. The association of hypothermic coagulopathy the formation of the activated tissue factor and factor VIIa with high mortality has been well described [3-9]. In a complex. In the propagation phase, a large amount of group of patients with injury severity scores of more than thrombin is generated upon the activation of a series of 25, the mortality increased from 10% to 100% when body procoagulant enzymes (ie, factors V, VIII, and IX) and platelets. Blood hemostasis requires rapid thrombingenera- tionandsufficientfibrinogeninthecirculation.Theeffectsof E-mailaddress: [email protected]. hypothermiaonthecoagulationprocesshavebeenestimated 0026-0495/$–seefrontmatter.PublishedbyElsevierInc. doi:10.1016/j.metabol.2006.09.015 Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 2. REPORT TYPE 3. DATES COVERED 01 FEB 2007 N/A - 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER The effects of hypothermia on fibrinogen metabolism and coagulation 5b. GRANT NUMBER function in swine 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER Martini W. Z., 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION United States Army Institute of Surgical Research, JBSA Fort Sam REPORT NUMBER Houston, TX 78234 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release, distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE SAR 8 unclassified unclassified unclassified Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 W.Z.Martini/MetabolismClinicalandExperimental56(2007)214–221 215 bycold-inducedchangesinstandardclinicallaboratorytests with recirculating water at 48C until the animal’s body ofprothrombintime(PT)andactivatedpartialthromboplas- temperature reached 32.08C (blankets were not used in the tin time (PTT) [11-16]. Prolonged PT and PTT have been control group). Afterward, pig body temperature was showninhypothermicpatientsandexperimentalanimals,as maintained at 328C F 0.58C throughout the remainder of wellasplasmasamplescooledinvitro[11-16].BecausePT the study. The Paratrend sensor for temperature measure- andPTTprovideestimatesoftheextrinsic-commonandthe ment was placed into the right carotid artery and the intrinsic-common pathways, respectively, those measure- recirculated-water blanket (48C) was placed on the pig ments could not reflect the effects of hypothermia on a (fromnecktogroin).Becausethetemperaturegradientfrom specificenzyme,suchasthrombin.Inaddition,theeffectsof the sensor (328C) to blanket (48C) remained unchanged hypothermia on dynamic aspects of fibrinogen metabolism during the 6-hour isotope infusion, the likelihood of havenotbeenidentified. artificially cooling the sensor by the blanket was minimal. Thisstudywasdesignedtoinvestigatetheeffectsofhypo- Pig body temperatures in the control group (without thermiaonfibrinogenmetabolism,thrombingeneration,and blankets) were maintained at 39.08C F 0.28C throughout coagulation function in vivo. After the induction of hypo- the study. No heparin was used in this study. thermia in a swine model, fibrinogen synthesis and break- 2.2. Stable isotope infusion for fibrinogen metabolism down were quantified using our newly developed stable isotopeinfusiontechnique[17],togetherwithquantifications The effects of hypothermia on fibrinogen metabolism inthrombingenerationkinetics.Changesinfibrinogenmeta- were investigated using our newly developed stable isotope bolismandthrombingenerationwerecorrelatedwithcoagu- technique [17]. Upon the completion of hypothermia lationfunctionalassessmentbythromboelastography(TEG). induction, priming doses of stable isotopes containing 1-13C-phenylalanine (18 lmol/kg) and d -phenylalanine 5 (18 lmol/kg) were given, followed immediately by a 2. Methods constant infusion of tracer 1-13C-phenylalanine (0.3 lmol kg(cid:2)1 min(cid:2)1) and d -phenylalanine (0.3 lmol kg(cid:2)1 min(cid:2)1). 2.1. Experimental design 5 The infusion of 1-13C-phenylalanine was maintained for This study was approved by the US Army Institute of 6 hours and the d -phenylalanine infusion was maintained 5 Surgical Research Institutional Animal Care and Use for 4 hours (Fig. 1). Blood samples (10 mL each) were Committee (A-03-003).Atotalof12crossbredcommercial juvenileYorkshireswine(40.9F0.8kg,JohnAlbertSwine Farm, Cibolo, TX) were randomized into 2 experimental groups: normal control (n = 6) and hypothermia (n = 6). After an overnight fast, animals were preanesthetized with glycopyrrolate (0.1 mg/kg, IM) and Telazol (6 mg/kg, IM; FortDodgeAnimalHealth,FortDodge,IA).Thepigswere then intubated and anesthesia maintained by 1.5% to 2.5% isoflurane in 100% oxygen by mask for the surgical procedures. A multiple sensor (Paratrend Diametrics Med- ical, High Wycombe, UK) was inserted in the right carotid artery for measuring mean arterial pressure, temperature, pH, and heart rate. A Swan-Ganz thermodilution catheter was inserted in the left jugular vein to measure cardiac output. The right femoral artery was cannulated for blood sampling and the left femoral vein was cannulated for infusionsofstableisotopesandmaintenancefluid.Theright femoral vein was cannulated for intravenous anesthesia of ketamine during the study. Upon completion of surgical procedures, lactated Ring- er’s solution was infused at 0.04 mL kg(cid:2)1 min(cid:2)1 as a maintenance fluid in both control and hypothermia groups. Anesthesia was switched to a combination of isoflurane (0.5%) and continuous intravenous drip of ketamine (0.15 mLkg(cid:2)1h(cid:2)1of100mg/mL)inallpigsforthereminderof the study period. After a 10-minute stabilization period, blood samples were taken from the femoral artery for baseline measurements. Hypothermia was induced in the Fig.1.Measurementoftotalplasmaproteinandfibrinogenconcentrations hypothermia group by means of a water-pumped blanket andbloodplateletlevelsduringhypothermia(328C)inpigs. 216 W.Z.Martini/MetabolismClinicalandExperimental56(2007)214–221 collected from the femoral artery cannula at 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, measurement. Specifically in this study, d -phenylalanine 5 5.5,6,6.5,and7hours.Ofthe10-mLblood,3mLwasused wasinfusedfrom1to5hoursandstoppedat5hours.EB , pre for measurements of blood chemistry (green-top vacutainer calculated using Eq. (3), is the predicted enrichment of tube, Fisher, Houston, TX) and platelet (purple-top vacu- fibrinogen-bound amino acid if d -phenylalanine infusion 5 tainer EDTA tubes, Fisher); 2 mL for fibrinogen concentra- had not stopped at 5 hours but had continued to the end of tion analysis (blue-top vacutainer tubes, Fisher); and 5 mL the study. EB was the actual measured fibrinogen act for fibrinogen kinetics analysis (purple-top vacutainer phenylalanine enrichment with d -phenylalanine infusion 5 EDTA tubes, Fisher). A bolus injection of sterile indoc- stopped at 5 hours. The values of EF, EB , and EB pre act yanine green was given and blood samples (2 mL each, in varied with time during the infusion study. For example, in gold-top vacutainer tubes, Fisher) were collected before the one representative pig, EF, EB , and EB were 7.54%, pre act injectionandat5,10,and15minutespostinjectiontoassess 2.04%, and 1.95%, respectively, at 5 hours, and 5.02%, pig plasma volume. Additional blood samples (3 mL each) 2.13%, and 2.06% at 5.5 hours. The changing patterns were collected at 0 and 5 hours to assess changes in of these parameters between 5 and 7 hours allowed coagulation function. Thus, a total of 114-mL blood was the calculation of the fibrinogen breakdown rate using collected duringthe7-hour study,andthisvolumeofblood Eqs. (2) and (3). wasadequatelycompensatedbythevolumeofmaintenance Fibrinogen FBRs represent the fraction (%) of total fluid (0.04 mL kg(cid:2)1 min(cid:2)1). At the end of the isotope fibrinogen breakdown (or loss) during a unit of time; infusion, animals were euthanized with sodium pentobarbi- absolutebreakdownratesrepresenttheamountoffibrinogen tal (100 mg/kg, IV). (mg) breakdown per kilogram of body weight during a unit Mean arterial pressure, temperature, and heart rate were oftime.Forexample,FBRof5%/hmeansa5%breakdown recordedcontinuouslyduringthestudy.Cardiacoutputwas of the total fibrinogen pool in 1 hour; ABR of 3 mg kg(cid:2)1 determined by thermodilution in triplicate at baseline and h(cid:2)1meansa3-mgbreakdownoffibrinogenperkilogramof hourly throughout the remainder of the study. body weight in 1 hour. Absolute breakdown rate was calculated by multiplying FBR times pig total plasma 2.3. Calculations for fibrinogen synthesis and breakdown volume and fibrinogen concentration (ABR = FBR (cid:3) Fibrinogensynthesisandbreakdownrateswerequantified plasma volume (cid:3) fibrinogen concentration). Similarly, using a primed constant infusion of stable isotope 1-13C- fibrinogen absolute synthesis rate was calculated by phenylalanine and d -phenylalanine (Cambridge Isotope multiplying FSR times pig total plasma volume and 5 Laboratories, Andover, MA). In stable isotope d -phenylal- fibrinogen concentration. 5 anine,5hydrogenatoms(1H,massnumberof1)innaturally In stable isotope tracer methodology, protein synthesis present phenylalanine C H CH CH(NH )COOH (FW 165) andbreakdownratesareindependentofthetracersusedfor 6 5 2 2 are replaced by 5 deuterium (2H, mass number of 2) to the quantifications. Specifically in this study, fibrinogen become C d CH CH(NH )COOH (FW 170). Calculations incorporation rate calculated from d -phenylalanine is the 6 5 2 2 5 forfibrinogensynthesisandbreakdownhavebeendescribed same as that from 1-13C-phenylalanine. Likewise, fibrino- previously [17]. Briefly, plasma fibrinogen fractional syn- gen breakdown rate from 1-13C-phenylalanine would have thesisrate(FSR)wascalculatedusingtheformula: beenthesameasthatfromd -phenylalanineinthisstudyif 5 (cid:2) (cid:3) (cid:2) (cid:3) 1-13C-phenylalaninewasinfusedfor4hoursandstoppedat FSR¼ EB (cid:2)EB = EF(cid:3)t ð1Þ ðt2Þ ðt1Þ 5 hours. In our calculation, it was assumed that the plasma where EB is the enrichment of fibrinogen-bound amino fibrinogen pool acted like a single pool for calculation of (t) acids and EF is the enrichment of plasma amino acids FBR.Previousstudieshaveuseda2-poolmodeltodescribe (precursor enrichment). Enrichment is defined as tracer fibrinogen turnover and have concluded that the 2 pools (labeledaminoacids)totracee(unlabeledaminoacids)ratio represent intravascular and extravascular spaces [18-21]. (TTR). However,thesestudieswereconductedoveraperiodof6to Plasma fibrinogen fractional breakdown rate (FBR) was 15 days and the effect from the extravascular pool on the calculated using the formula: intravascularpoolcouldonlybedetectedafterdays[18-21], (cid:2) (cid:3) (cid:2) (cid:3) indicating that it takes more than 1 day for the single-pool FBR¼ EB (cid:2)EB = EB (cid:3)t ð2Þ pred act ðt1Þ assumption to be invalid. Thus, considering the time frame used in this study (7 hours), it is reasonable to assume that EB ¼EB þFSR(cid:3)EF(cid:3)t ð3Þ pred ðt1Þ the plasma fibrinogen pool acts like a single pool. whereEB isthepredictedfibrinogen-boundd -phenylal- pred 5 2.4. Thrombin generation kinetics anine enrichment, EB is the actual measured fibrinogen- act bound d -phenylalanine enrichments, EB is the starting Thrombin generation was assessed by measuring throm- 5 (t1) fibrinogen-bound phenylalanine enrichment when d -phe- bin–antithrombinIII(TAT)complexfromfreshwholeblood 5 nylalanine infusion is stopped, EF is the enrichment of samples, following the procedure described by Rand et al plasma phenylalanine, and t is the amount of time that has [22].Briefly,thrombingenerationanalysiswasperformedin elapsed from the starting fibrinogen-bound phenylalanine a closed temperature-controlled chamber. Chamber temper- W.Z.Martini/MetabolismClinicalandExperimental56(2007)214–221 217 Table1 2.6. Analytical methods Physiologicchangesafterhypothermia(328C)inpigs Blood chemistry was determined by standard clinical Meanarterial Heartrate Cardiac methods (Dimension Clinical Chemistry System, Dade pressure(mmHg) (bpm) output(L/min) Behring,Newark,DE).Plateletcountsweremeasuredusing Controlgroup Baseline(0h) 87F4 107F6 3.6F0.4 an ABX Pentra 120 Hematology Analyzer (ABX Diagnos- End(7h) 80F5 115F5 3.2F0.3 tics, Irvine, CA). Plasma fibrinogen concentration was Hypothermiagroup determined based on clotting functional changes using the Baseline(0h) 85F3 108F5 3.9F0.6 Blood Coagulation System (Dade Behring, Deerfield, IL). End(7h) 53F34 66F144 1.8F0.24 For assessment of plasma free amino acid enrichments DataareexpressedasmeansFSE. from the infusion of 1-13C-phenylalanine and d -phenylala- 4 P b.05comparedwithcorrespondingbaselinevalues. 5 nine, 0.2 mL plasma was acidified by 0.3 mL 15% sulfosalicylicacidandtheacidified plasma supernatantwas loaded onto a cation exchange column (AG 50W-X8 resin, atures were set and maintained to match animal body 200-400 mesh, H+ form, Bio-Rad Laboratories, Richmond, temperature at the time blood samples were withdrawn. CA). Amino acids were separated after elution with 6 N Thus, measured thrombin generation reflected that of the ammoniumhydroxide.The extractsweredried under speed animal. Fresh whole blood samples were aliquoted into vacuumandderivatizedbyN-methyl-N-(tert-butyldimethyl- 12tubescontaining20mmol/LHEPES,150mmol/LNaCl, and 5 mmol/L CaCl . A bquenchQ solution (50 mmol/L silyl)-trifluoroacetamide at 1008C for 1 hour. Plasma 2 fibrinogen was isolated by adding 0.5 mol/L CaCl and EDTA and 10 mmol/L benzamidine in HEPES-buffered 2 thrombin to form fibrin clot, following the procedure saline) was added to each of the aliquots at different time described by Stein et al [27]. The purity of fibrinogen by intervalstostopclotformation.Thequenchedsampleswere usingthisprocedurehasbeenvalidatedpreviouslybyaffinity centrifuged and supernatants were collected for TAT chromatography[28]andbypolyacrylamidegelelectropho- concentration measurement using commercially available resis[29].Theclotwasthenwashedandhydrolyzedin6N ELISA kits (Enzygnost TAT, Dade Behring, Deerfield, IL). HCl at 1108C for 24 hours and dried under speed vacuum. The TAT concentrations from the supernatant samples The released amino acids after hydrolysis were isolated, reflect thrombin content generated from fresh whole blood dried,andderivatizedinthesamemannerasforplasmafree samplesbeforequenchtimepoints.Thistechniquehasbeen aminoacids.Theenrichmentsofphenylalaninefromplasma used to assess thrombin generation kinetics in various free amino acid pool and in fibrinogen protein were studies [22-24]. determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry 2.5. Coagulation function (model5973,Hewlett-Packard,PaloAlto,CA)intheelectron impactionizationmode.Aselectiveion-monitoringmethod Thromboelastograph is an instrument designed to mon- wasusedatnominalmass-to-chargeratio(m/z)of336(m+0), itor and analyze the coagulation state of a blood sample 337(m+1),338(m+2),339(m+3),340(m+4),and341(m+5) [25]. The TEG measures the changes in clot physical forphenylalanineaspreviouslydescribed[17]. strength using a special stationary cylindrical cup, which is oscillated with rotation cycles. When a blood sample is 2.7. Statistical analysis added to the cup, force changes in rotation movements are All results are expressed as means F SE. Comparisons converted by a mechanical-electrical transducer to an between the control and hypothermia groups in fibrinogen electrical signal, which is recorded by a computer as a synthesis and breakdown measurements were made with clotting curve. The clotting curve provides a coagulation Student t test. Comparisons over time in substrate concen- profile from a measured blood sample. For example, trations, thrombin generation, and coagulation parameters reaction time (R time) represents the latency time for initial detectable clot formation. Angle a measures the rapidity of fibrin clot buildup and cross-linking. Maximum amplitude (MA) represents maximum strength or stiffness of the clot, andLY indicatesthepercentageofclotlysisat60minutes 60 after MA is achieved. In this study, coagulation functionwas assessed by TEG (TEG 5000 Hemostasis Analyzer, Hemoscope, Niles, IL) using fresh whole blood samples and pig thromboplastin (extracted from pig brain tissue following procedures described previously from our laboratory, reference [26]) at thecoretemperaturesoftheanimalsat0hourandat5hours duringtheinfusion.Bloodsamples(3mLeach)weregently Fig. 2. Effects of hypothermia (328C) on fibrinogen synthesis and withdrawntominimizeshear-inducedplateletactivation. breakdowninpigs.*P b.05comparedwithcontrolvalues. 218 W.Z.Martini/MetabolismClinicalandExperimental56(2007)214–221 and1.4%F0.1%/hinthehypothermiagroup(P b.05).The absolute synthesis rate, calculated by multiplying FSR with plasmavolumeandfibrinogenconcentration,wasdecreased fromthecontrolvalueof2.6F0.4to1.2F0.2mgkg(cid:2)1h(cid:2)1 byhypothermia(P b.05,Fig.2). Fibrinogen FBRs were calculated based on the changes offibrinogenphenylalanineenrichmentTTR(m+5)afterthe cessationoftracerd -phenylalanineinfusion.Thecalculated 5 FBRs were 3.6% F 1.0%/h in the control group and 4.0 F 0.6%/h in the hypothermia group (P N .05). The ABRs, calculated by multiplying FBR with plasma volume and Fig. 3. Changes in thrombin generation kinetics in hypothermic (328C) fibrinogen concentration, were not significantly different pigs. *P b .05 compared with corresponding quench time values from between the hypothermia and control groups (Fig. 2). baselinesamplesinthesamegroup. 3.3. Thrombin generation kinetics were made using Bonferroni multiple comparisons test Thrombingenerationwasmeasuredatbaselineandatthe relative to baseline. Statistical significance was set at end of the study. There were no differences in thrombin the .05 level. generationkineticsatbaseline(0hour)betweenthe2groups. In the control group, there were no changes in thrombin 3. Results generation from baseline to the end of the study. However, there was a delay in the initiation phase of thrombin 3.1. Hemodynamics and substrate concentration generation by hypothermia. At the 3-, 4-, and 5-minute Hypothermiawassuccessfullyinducedinabout1hourin quenchtimepointsfromthesamplestakenattheendofthe the hypothermia group. All 12 pigs survived the 6-hour study, thrombin generation in the hypothermia group isotope infusion study. There were no differences in all decreased to 11% F 3%, 30% F 9%, and 65% F 14% baseline measurements between the 2 groups. There were of the corresponding baseline values from the same group also no significant changes in the hemodynamics in the (allP b.05,Fig.3).Beyondthe5-minutequenchtime,there controlgroupovertheentireexperimentalperiod.Uponthe were no significant differences in thrombin generation completionofhypothermiainduction,thereweresignificant between the samples taken at baseline (0 hour) and at the decreases in mean arterial pressure, heart rate, and cardiac end of the study (Fig. 3). Thus, hypothermia primarily output (Table 1). These measurements remained unchanged inhibitedtheinitiationphaseofthrombingeneration. during the remainder of the study. At baseline (0 hour), plasma fibrinogen concentration wassimilarinthecontrol(173F9mg/dL)andhypothermia (161 F 13 mg/dL) groups. Plasma total protein was also similarinthecontrol (5.5F0.3g/dL) andthehypothermia (5.6 F 0.2 g/dL) groups. Platelet counts at baseline were 311F34103/lLinthecontrolgroupand325F39103/lLin the hypothermia group. During the 6-hour isotope infusion, there were no significant changes in fibrinogen concentra- tion, total protein content, or platelet count in either group (Fig.1).Plasmavolume,measuredbyindocyaninegreendye at5hoursduringtheinfusion,was50.0F0.5mL/kginthe control group and 55.4 F 2.0 mL/kg in the hypothermia group(P b.05). 3.2. Fibrinogen synthesis and breakdown TheenrichmentofplasmafreephenylalanineTTR(m+1) reached plateau values in both animal groups after 1-hour infusion of 1-13C-phenylalanine (21.23% F 0.58% in the control group and 25.68% F 1.03% in the hypothermia group, P b .05). Plasma fibrinogen-bound phenylalanine enrichmentTTR(m+1)increasedlinearlyduringtheinfusion of 1-13C-phenylalanine. Fibrinogen FSRs, calculated from the increased slope of fibrinogen-bound phenylalanine Fig.4.Effectsofhypothermia(328C)oncoagulationfunctionbyTEGin enrichment(m+1),was2.7%F0.2%/hinthecontrolgroup pigs.*P b.05comparedwithbaselinevaluesinthesamegroup. W.Z.Martini/MetabolismClinicalandExperimental56(2007)214–221 219 3.4. Coagulation function amplified in clinical settings when the multiple factors of hypothermia, hemorrhage, resuscitation, and tissue injury Coagulation was measured at 0 hour and at 5 hours are all involved. Additional efforts are needed to define the during the infusion. There were no changes in TEG individual and combined effects of these factors on measurements in the control group during the study. In the coagulation defects. Nonetheless, our kinetic results from hypothermia group, the initial clotting time (R time) was this study demonstrate that there is a potential deficit in prolongedfromthebaselinevalueof3.01F0.13to4.30F fibrinogen availability from hypothermia alone due to the 0.24 minutes (P b .05, Fig. 4). Clotting rapidity (angle a) consequences of inhibited production without changes was decreased from the baseline value of 72.30 F 0.90 to in utilization. 65.34 F 1.07 (P b .05, Fig. 4). There were no significant Thrombin, catalyzing fibrinogen to fibrin clot, plays an changes in clot strength (MA) and fibrinolysis (LY ) by 60 important role in maintaining hemostasis. In this study, hypothermia (data not shown). hypothermia of 328C significantly delayed the initiation phase in thrombin generation, but had minimal effects on the propagation phase. Because the initial thrombin is 4. Discussion generatedupontheformationoftissuefactorandfactorVIIa Sufficientfibrinogenavailabilityisessentialforeffective complex, our data led us to speculate that the observed clotting. Using our newly established stable isotope inhibition in thrombin generation by hypothermia is technique [17], we investigated hypothermia effects on primarily in the formation (or activation) of tissue factor fibrinogen metabolism and coagulation function. Our data and factor VIIa complex. Additional studies are needed to showed, for the first time, that hypothermia of 328C confirm or deny this speculation because we did not decreased fibrinogen synthesis by about 50% with no measure plasma levels of tissue factor or factor VIIa in this changes in fibrinogen breakdown, indicating a potential study. Interestingly, we observed a reverse sequence in the deficit in fibrinogen availability. This deficit may become effectsofacidosisonthrombingeneration[31].Inpigswith more problematic when massive blood loss and resuscita- acidosisofpH7.1,wefoundthatthrombingenerationinthe tion are present because fibrinogen levels may already be propagation phase was inhibited by acidosis by as much as nearorbelowthethresholdfornormalcoagulationfunction 50%, with no changes in the initiation phase [31]. Thus, before hypothermia fully develops. In addition, because hypothermia and acidosis inhibit thrombin generation fibrinogen synthesis under normal circumstances is very kinetics via different mechanisms. Although the mecha- slow relative to its pool size (about 3%/h) [17,30], it may nisms underlying these differential changes remain to be take a long time to reflect synthesis changes in fibrinogen elucidated, it appears that different approaches should be concentration. For example, when there is a 50% inhibition used to recover thrombin activities in hypothermic and in synthesis and no change in breakdown, it would take acidotic coagulopathy. more than 6 hours to result in detectable changes in Using cell-based in vitro clotting assays, Wolberg et al fibrinogen concentration (about 10%). Thus, the severe [32]andMengetal[33]investigatedthesystemiceffectsof inhibition imposed by hypothermia on fibrinogen synthesis hypothermiaonenzymeactivities,thrombingeneration,and islikelytobemaskedduetothelackofimmediatechanges coagulation function. The authors reported that there were infibrinogenconcentration.Therefore,ourmetabolicresults no significant changes in tissue factor activities on maysupportthecurrentpracticeofimmediaterewarmingas phospholipids and monocytes when temperature dropped well as the prescription of blood products to replenish from 378C to 338C, but significant inhibitions occurred coagulation factors in hypothermic trauma patients. when temperature dropped to less than 338C [31,32]. Ourobservationofinhibitedfibrinogensynthesiswithout Thrombin generation decreased by 5% and 64% of the significant changes in fibrinogen breakdown indicates that valueat378Cwhentemperaturedroppedfrom378Cto338C fibrinogen synthesis and degradation are independently and 238C, respectively [32]. Similarly, we observed regulated in response to cooling. The significant decreases inhibitions in thrombin generation by hypothermia in our in fibrinogen synthesis shown in this study were expected study, using an in vivo model and a different thrombin because protein synthesis requires a series of signals for generation assay. Furthermore, the inhibition appears to be gene expression activation as well as translation activation, likely in the initiation phase (during the formation of factor whereas protein breakdown only requires the presence of VII and tissue factor complex). Thus, findings from proteases. Thus, temperature is likely to have more impact references [32] and [33] and the present study support the on fibrinogen synthesis than on fibrinogen breakdown. notionthatrecombinantfactorVIIaisapotentialtherapyfor Interestingly, we observed the opposite in pigs with reversing hypothermia coagulopathy. hemorrhagic shock [17]; after a moderate hemorrhage, Our measurements of fibrinogen metabolism and throm- fibrinogen degradation was accelerated but synthesis bin generation correlated well with coagulation functional remained unchanged in pigs [17]. Apparently, complex assessmentbyTEG.Reactiontime(R)inTEGisthelatency mechanisms may be involved in regulating fibrinogen timeforinitialdetectableclotformation.AprolongedRtime synthesis and degradation. This complexity may be further represents a deficiency in enzyme activity or clotting factor 220 W.Z.Martini/MetabolismClinicalandExperimental56(2007)214–221 levels. Angle a measures the rapidity of fibrin buildup and of fibrinogen degradation in normal humans are not cross-linking. It is affected by the availability of fibrinogen available at present. Thus, we are not able to compare and platelets, but mostly by thrombin activity (amount). In degradation rates between pigs and humans. However, the this study, we observed a delayed onset of thrombin values between synthesis and degradation in our control generation, which was consistent with a prolonged R time pigsindicatethatpigsareareasonablemodelforfibrinogen andadecreasedainTEGmeasurements.Becausefibrinogen metabolic studies. With respect to coagulation, the pig has synthesisrateisverylowcomparedwithtotalfibrinogenpool becometheestablishedanimalmodelduetothesimilarities size, the inhibition in fibrinogen synthesis by hypothermia in human and porcine coagulation processes [36,37]. wasnotreflectedinthechangeoffibrinogenlevelswithinthe Thromboelastography has been used to assess blood shorttimeframeofthisstudy(6-hourhypothermia).Evenso, coagulation profiles for several decades. Its high sensitivity we observed coagulation changes of delayed thrombin in detecting and monitoring coagulation changes has been generation, prolonged clotting time, and decreased clotting recognized in clinical studies since the 1970s [38] rapidity. Thus, if hypothermia is prolonged, depleted Comparable values of clotting formation time, MA, and fibrinogen levels would be present and the observed clotting rapidity have been reported by Velik-Salchner et al coagulationchangeswouldlikelybeamplified. [39] in blood samples from human and pigs. However, In this study, fibrinogen synthesis rate is the amount of Landskroner et al [40] recently showed a difference in ex fibrinogen (expressed as milligram per kilogram of body vivo lysis assays between human and pig plasma samples, weight) that is synthesized and released to circulation in indicating possible differences in fibrinolysis between 1 hour. Fibrinogen breakdown rate is the total loss of human and pigs. Although the validity remains to be clari- fibrinogen (expressed as milligram per kilogram of body fied, a swine model appears to be a reasonable choice for weight) from plasma, which includes removal from plasma coagulation studies at this time. by cells and loss to the extravascular space. Because our In summary, we investigated the effects of hypothermia method does not allow the quantification of fibrinogen on the coagulation process in a swine model. Differential breakdown from a specific pathway, we were not able to effects of hypothermia were observed on fibrinogen differentiate the effects of hypothermia on fibrinogen synthesis and degradation, as well as on the initiation and breakdown by cell removal, or loss to the extravascular propagation phases in thrombin generation. Hypothermia space. Recently, Kamler et al [34] reported that edema inhibited fibrinogen production, delayed initial thrombin formation by the peripheral vascular system of rats was generation, and consequently compromised the clotting markedly increased during hypothermia, indicating that the process. Based on our results, rewarming is highly lossofplasmaprotein(includingfibrinogen)totheextravas- recommended due to the potential deficit in fibrinogen cular space might be increased by hypothermia. Additional availability and thrombin generation inhibition caused by studies are needed to clarify the effects of hypothermia on hypothermia.Inaddition,recombinantfactorVIIamaybea individualpathwaysinvolvedinfibrinogenbreakdown. beneficialadjunctinhypothermicpatientswithbleedingdue Normal coagulation process requires a dynamic balance toitspotentialtoreleasetheinhibitionintheinitiationphase of complex regulations in procoagulant, anticoagulant, and of thrombin generation. fibrinolyticprocesses.Togetherwithprocoagulantenzymes, platelets and fibrinolysis play important roles in blood coagulation. In this study, we did not observe changes in Acknowledgments TEG LY (fibrinolysis). Similar findings have been 60 This study was supported by the US Army Medical reported by Watts et al [16] in hypothermic trauma patients ResearchandMedicalCommand.Theopinionsorassertions and by Kurrek [12] in hypothermic pigs. We also did not contained hereinaretheprivateviews ofthe author andare observe changes in platelet counts, which was consistent not to be construed as official or as reflecting the views of with unchanged MA in TEG measurements. Similarly, theDepartmentoftheArmyortheDepartmentofDefense. Staab et al [15] reported that temperature changes in mini- TheauthorthanksSusanneChristensen,DouglasCortez, pigs did not cause changes in platelet aggregations. andMichaelSchererfortechnicalassistance;AmyNewland However, Watts et al [16] showed significant alterations in for editing the manuscript; and the Veterinary Service plateletfunctionbyTEGinhypothermicpatients.Although Support Branch and Laboratory Support Branch at the US speciesdifferencesandtraumainjurymightcontributetothe Army Institute of Surgical Research. discrepancy, additional investigation is required to clarify the effects of hypothermia on platelet function. 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