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Preview DTIC ADA604393: Correlating the Structure, Optical Spectra, and Electrodynamics of Single Silver Nanocubes

J. Phys. Chem. C 2009, 113, 2731–2735 2731 Correlating the Structure, Optical Spectra, and Electrodynamics of Single Silver Nanocubes Jeffrey M. McMahon,†,‡ Yingmin Wang,§ Leif J. Sherry,† Richard P. Van Duyne,† Laurence D. Marks,§ Stephen K. Gray,‡ and George C. Schatz†,* DepartmentofChemistry,NorthwesternUniVersity,2145SheridanRoad,EVanston,Illinois60208,Chemical SciencesandEngineeringDiVision,ArgonneNationalLaboratory,Argonne,Illinois60439,andDepartmentof MaterialsScienceandEngineering,NorthwesternUniVersity,2220NorthCampusDriVe,EVanston,Illinois60208 ReceiVed: NoVember 9, 2008; ReVised Manuscript ReceiVed: December 20, 2008 Theplasmonicpropertiesofnoblemetalnanoparticleshavepotentialusesinawidevarietyoftechnologies, particularlysensing devices,based ontheiroptical response. To betterunderstandhownanoparticlescanbe incorporatedinsuchdevices,thedetailedrelationshipbetweentheopticalresponseandstructuralproperties of single nanoparticles is needed. Here we demonstrate that correlated localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR)spectroscopyandhigh-resolutiontransmissionelectronmicroscopy(HRTEM)measurementscanbe usedtoobtaintheopticalresponseanddetailedstructuralinformationforasinglenanoparticle,usingasilver (Ag)nanocubeastheexample.BycarefullyincorporatingtheHRTEMstructuraldetailsintofinite-difference time-domain (FDTD) electrodynamics calculations, excellent agreement with the LSPR measurements is obtained. The FDTD calculations show strong sensitivity between the nanocube optical response and the face-to-face width, corner and side rounding, and substrate of each cube, so careful determination of these parameters(1nmresolution)isneedediftheoryandexperimentaretomatch.Inaddition,thecomparisonof theory and experiment enables us to study the relative merits of the Johnson and Christy and Lynch and Hunter Ag dielectric data for describing perfect crystalline nanoparticles. 1. Introduction the same nanoparticle is obtained by microscopy.25,26 One of the most detailed microscopy methods is high-resolution Significant attention has been given to the study of the transmissionelectronmicroscopy(HRTEM),whichcanresolve plasmonic properties of noble metal nanoparticles as a result subnanometerfeaturesandhas∼10000timeshighermagnifica- of their potential uses as components in a diverse range of tion capabilities than optical microscopy. In addition, three- technologies, such as waveguides,1-3 photonic circuits,4,5 mo- dimensionalandinternalcrystallographicstructuralinformation lecularrulers,6andchemicalandbiologicalsensors.7-10Allof canbeobtainedbyusingHRTEMviavarioustechniques,such these applications are based on the localized surface plasmon as electron energy loss spectroscopy and diffraction. Mie resonance(LSPR)ofeachnanoparticle.LSPRsareexcitedwhen theory27 can be used to analytically describe the relationship electromagneticradiationinteractswithananoparticletocreate between the optical response, dielectric environment, and size coherent oscillations (excitations) of the conduction electrons. ofsphericalnanoparticles.However,formorecomplexshapes This phenomenon has two key consequences: (1) selective analyticaldescriptionsdonotexist,andnumericalmethods,such photon absorption and scattering allows the optical properties asthefinite-differencetime-domain(FDTD)method,28,29must ofthenanoparticlestobemonitoredbyconventionalUV-Vis be used. spectroscopy and far-field scattering techniques and (2) en- hancementoftheelectromagneticfieldssurroundingthenano- Thegoalofthisworkistodescribetherelationshipbetween particles leads to surface-enhanced spectroscopic techniques, the optical response, morphology, and dielectric environment such as surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy.11 Previous of a single silver (Ag) cubic nanoparticle, a nanocube. A studiesshowthattheplasmonfrequencyisextremelysensitive correlated LSPR-HRTEM measurement of the nanocube is to the nanoparticle composition,12 size,13 shape,14-16 dielectric presented,andusingFDTDwecarefullyanalyzetherelationship environment,17-19andproximitytoothernanoparticles.20-24To between the nanocube optical response, face-to-face width, better understand the design rules for practical plasmonic corner and side rounding, and substrate. We also assess the devices, the properties of single nanoparticles, including the relative merits of the Johnson and Christy (JC)30 and Lynch relationshipbetweenparticlemorphology,substratecomposition, and Hunter (LH)31 Ag dielectric data for describing perfect plasmonspectralposition(s),dielectricsensitivity,andsensing crystalline nanoparticles. volume, need to be understood in greater detail. One way to studytheserelationshipsforasinglenanoparticleistomakea 2. Experimental Methods correlatedmeasurement,whereforexample,theopticalresponse 2.1. Materials.Thesubstratewasacommerciallyavailable is measured with spectroscopy and structural information on copperTEMgridwitha50-nmFormvarpolymerand2-3nm amorphouscarbon(C)layer(TedPella,Redding,CA).Thegrid *To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: schatz@ chem.northwestern.edu.Phone:847-491-5657.Fax:847-491-7713. was placed on an 18-mm No. 1 glass coverslip from Fischer †DepartmentofChemistry,NorthwesternUniversity. Scientific (Pittsburgh, PA). Glassware preparations utilized ‡ArgonneNationalLaboratory. H O ,H SO ,HCl,HNO ,andNH OHfromFischerScientific, §Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern 2 2 2 4 3 4 University. andultrapureH2O(18.2MΩcm-1)fromaMilliporeacademic 10.1021/jp8098736 CCC: $40.75  2009 American Chemical Society Published on Web 01/27/2009 Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED JAN 2009 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-2009 to 00-00-2009 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Correlating the Structure, Optical Spectra, and Electrodynamics of 5b. GRANT NUMBER Single Silver Nanocubes 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION Northwestern University,Department of Chemistry,2145 Sheridan REPORT NUMBER Road,Evanston,IL,60208 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE Same as 5 unclassified unclassified unclassified Report (SAR) Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 2732 J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 113, No. 7, 2009 McMahon et al. Figure 1. Correlated LSPR-HRTEM measurement of a single nanocube: (a) LSPR spectrum, (b) HRTEM image, and (c) HRTEM image with overlaidstructuralinformation(innm).Theinsetwhitescalebarsinpanelsbandcrepresent40nm.TheFDTDcalculatedscatteringcrosssection isalsoshowninpanelawithopenredcircles. system(Marlborough,MA).TrisodiumcitratedihydrateandAg wasusedtodigitallyselecttheregionofthedetectorchipover nitrate(99.9999%)werepurchasedfromAldrich(Milwaukee, which the nanoparticle’s scattered light was located. A region WI). of the same size was chosen where no nanoparticle scattering 2.2. Synthesis of Nanocubes. Colloidal suspensions of Ag existedforbackgroundsubtraction.Thespectrawereacquired nanoparticles were synthesized by reducing Ag nitrate with and divided by the lamp spectrum. sodium citrate, using an established scheme pioneered by Lee To locate the same Ag nanoparticle for the TEM study, the andMeisel.32Followingthisapproach,90mgofAgnitrateand asymmetriccenterofaTEMgridwasusedasamarktodefine 500 mL of ultrapure water were combined and brought to a a coordinate for each section of the grid (Figure 2 in the boil in a cleaned (3HCl:1HNO ) 1 L flask. Then, 10 mL of a Supporting Information). The grid was divided into four 3 1%sodiumcitratesolutionwasaddedwhilestirringvigorously, quadrants:(+,+),(+,-),(-,+),(-,-).Countingsectionsfrom and the resulting solution was boiled for 30 min. During this thecentergridmarkgavethenumericvalueofthecoordinate, time, the solution underwent a color change sequence: first to while the sign of the number gave the quadrant. During the light yellow followed by a change to opaque brown. The same time of the TEM study, a low-resolution optical image suspensionwasallowedtocool,andthentransferredtoabrown containingapproximatelyalltheparticlesinonespecificsection glass bottle for storage. Most of the nanoparticles in such a ofthegridwasrecorded,asshownbyFigure3intheSupporting suspensionaresphericalinshape,withadiameterof∼40nm. Information.TheTEMandopticalimageswereusedaspattern However, many other geometries are also present, such as recognition maps to determine the relative locations of the triangular prisms, rods, cubes, and hexagonal plates, which is nanoparticles. easily verified by using electron microscopy.17,33 2.4. Structural Characterization. Following the optical When ready to use, a 2-10 µL aliquot of nanoparticle characterization, the same sample was transferred to a JEOL solutionwasdrop-coatedontothesurfaceofaTEMgrid.The JEM-2100F Fast TEM (Tokyo, Japan), operating at an ac- substratewasthenlefttodryinairuntilthesuspensiondroplet celerating voltage of 200 kV, which was used to acquire all wasnolongervisiblebyeye.Sampleswerefurtherdriedinan TEM data. N environment for 1 h. 2.5. Computational Methods. FDTD calculations were 2 2.3. OpticalCharacterization.Allsinglenanoparticlescat- carried out using standard techniques.29 The computational teringspectrawereobtainedwitheitheraNikonEclipseTE300 domain was discretized using grid spacings of 1.0 nm, and orNikonEclipseTE2000-Uinvertedopticalmicroscope(Nikon, terminatedwithconvolutionalperfectlymatchedlayers(CPML). Japan)coupledtoaSpectroPro300iimagingspectrometerand ThedielectricfunctionsofAgandCweremodeledusingDrude a liquid nitrogen cooled Spec-10:400B CCD detector. These plus2Lorentzpolefunctions(eq1intheSupportingInforma- microscopesuseatungstenfilamentforillumination,whichwas tion) fit to empirically determined dielectric data30,31,34 over focused on the surface of the sample by a Nikon 0.8-0.95 wavelengths important to this study (λ ) 300-800 nm). numericalaperture(NA)dark-fieldcondenser.Singlenanopar- Formvarandglasswerebothmodeledusingarefractiveindex ticlesscatterthislightintothecollectionoptics.Forourapproach of n ) 1.5. A Gaussian damped sinusoidal pulse with wave- itwascriticalthattheNAoftheobjective(collectionoptic)be length content over the range of interest was introduced into smaller than the NA of the condenser so that none of the the computational domain using the total field-scattered field illuminationlightwouldbecollected.ANikonvariableaperture techniqueatnormalincidencefromtheairside.Scatteringcross (NA)0.5-1.3)100×oilimmersionobjectivewaschosenfor sections were calculated by integrating the normal component this purpose. Figure 1 in the Supporting Information shows a of the Poynting vector over a boundary enclosing the particle schematic diagram of this apparatus. using the scattered fields. To acquire a single nanoparticle scattering spectrum, the nanoparticle of interest was first imaged at the center of the 3. Results and Discussion spectrometerslit,whichwasnarrowedtothediffractionlimited spotsizeofthenanoparticleimage.Thegratingwasthenrotated ColloidalAgnanoparticlesweresynthesizedandacorrelated out of zero order into first order, and the dispersed light was LSPR spectrum-HRTEM image of a single nanocube was imaged.WinSpecsoftware(PrincetonInstruments,Trenton,NJ) obtained(Figure1).FromtheHRTEMimage(Figure1c),the Single Silver Nanocubes J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 113, No. 7, 2009 2733 face-to-facewidthsarefoundtobe85.6(5)and80.9(5)nmalong both in-plane directions, with two of the corners rounded to 11.0(5) nm radii of curvature and the other two rounded to 12.0(5)nm.Thestructuralinformationavailablefromthisimage islimitedbytheTEMresolutionandthetop-downperspective. However,acubeheightof83(1)nmcanbeassumedbytaking theaverageofthein-planeface-to-facewidths,andtheradiiof curvatureofthebottomedgesandcornerscanbeinferredfrom the corresponding top corners. TwomainpeaksareobservedintheLSPRspectrum,anarrow peak at 399 nm and a broad peak at 461 nm. The assignment ofthesepeakshasbeenanalyzedindetailpreviously,17where it was demonstrated that they are resonances associated with the tips of the cube where the electromagnetic fields are the mostintense.Twopeaksresultfromthetwodielectricenviron- ments present, and have adiabatic correlations with the dipole and quadrupole resonances of the cube in a homogeneous environment. By analogy to the corresponding dipole and quadrupole resonances for spherical- or spheroid-shaped par- ticles, the dipole resonance is expected to be broader than the Figure2. Two-dimensionalschematicdiagramofthenanocubesystem latter due to important radiative damping effects.15 Figure 1a modeledwithFDTD.Theparametersinthefigurearedefinedinthe showsthatthisanalogyholdsforthecuberesonances,withthe text. linewidthofthehigherwavelengthpeakbeing2.03timesthat of the lower wavelength peak (experimental). Of course other considered below. Unfortunately we have no way to estimate effectscanalsocontributetothelinewidths,includingcharge thedielectricconstant,sointherestofthispaperwehavetaken transfer processes between the particle and its surrounding it to be 1.0. medium (so-called “chemical interface damping” effects35). Scatteringcrosssectionswerethencalculatedfornanocubes However,inthepresentapplicationthewidthsofthepeaksseem modeledbyusingtheLHdielectricdatawithface-to-facewidths to be well accounted for by electrodynamics calculations in of d ) 80 and 90 nm and no rounding, and compared to which the particle and surrounding media are described using experiment (Figure 3a). These parameters were chosen to bulk dielectric constants (Figure 1a). elucidate only the effects due to the face-to-face widths, and To determine the effects that the nanocube parameters and areattheextremesoftheactualparametersseenintheHRTEM surroundingmediahaveontheopticalresponse,FDTDcalcula- image (Figure 1c). The d ) 80 nm nanocube is seen to agree tions were performed. The Ag nanocube was defined by its better with experiment, with the higher and lower wavelength dielectricconstant(JCorLH),face-to-facewidth(d),andradii peaks 21 and 10 nm closer to the experimental values, of curvature of the corners and sides (r). Even though in the respectively. The difference in shifts is related to the smaller experiment each face-to-face width and radius of curvature of dielectricsensitivityofthelowerwavelength(morequadrupolar) acornerorsideisslightlydifferent,theywereassumedidentical modecomparedtothehigherwavelength(moredipolar)mode, forthecalculations.Thenanocubewasspacedbyadistanceh asnotedpreviouslyforotherparticleshapes.36Thiseffectarises from a carbon (C) layer with thickness h . The C layer was from the shorter range of the near-field decay of the lower C placed on an infinite n ) 1.5 substrate, and the surrounding wavelengthmode.However,evenforthed)80nmnanocube, mediumwasair(n)1.0).Figure2showsatwo-dimensional thecalculatedlowerandhigherwavelengthpeakpositionsare schematic diagram of the described system. Scattering cross 35 and 44 nm red-shifted from the experimental values, respectively. This discrepancy arises from the choice of sections for normal incident illumination were calculated for parameters other than the face-to-face width, which also have comparisonwiththeexperimentalLSPRspectrum.Eventhough a large effect on the positions of both peaks and their relative intheexperimentthecubeisilluminatedatanangleandlight amplitudes (see below). is only collected for a range of angles around the forward Scattering cross sections were then calculated for a d ) 80 direction(seeFigure1intheSupportingInformation),ourpast nm nanocube with corners and sides rounded to various radii studies of these effects indicate that theory and experiment of curvature, and compared to experiment (Figure 3b). In shouldhavesimilarLSPRspectra.Thescatteringcrosssection addition, to increase the dielectric sensitivity we moved the ofananocubewithaface-to-facewidthofd)83nmandr) nanocubetoh)1nmabovetheClayer.Thecalculationsshow 13 nm of rounding, spaced h ) 2 nm above an h ) 2 nm C that the higher wavelength peak shifts by 41 nm as the radii thickClayer,andmodeledwithJCdielectricdataisshownin increase from r ) 0 to 12 nm, whereas the lower wavelength Figure1a,whereexcellentagreementwithexperimentisseen. peakshiftsbyonly29.5nm.Theseresultsareagainrelatedto Thenanocubewaspositionedath)2nmabovetheClayerto the dielectric sensitivity of the quadrupolar mode versus the simulatetheeffectthatthenanocubemaynotberestingdirectly dipolar mode, and they highlight the importance of near-field onthesubstrate.Thisspacingcouldarisefromphysisorbedor contact area in determining the dielectric response of the weakly chemisorbed H2O, CO2, and hydrocarbons on the nanocube, as has been found previously for other particle substrate,aswellascitrate,O2,andpossiblyhydroxylsonthe shapes.37 nanocube surface. Depending on the thickness and dielectric Additional insight concerning the effect of the C layer is constantofadsorbedmolecules,theplasmonresonancepositions provided by scattering cross sections calculated with the and line widths will be affected, so other choices of h are nanocubeplaceddirectlyonthesubstrate,withandwithoutC 2734 J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 113, No. 7, 2009 McMahon et al. Figure5. ComparisonofJCtoLHAgdielectricdataformodeling perfectcrystallinenanoparticles,usingad)90nmnanocubeasthe example. The nanocube has corners and sides rounded to r ) 7 nm radiiofcurvatureandisplaceddirectlyonan)1.5substratewithno Clayer. nanorings,38whichgivesusconfidencethattheoptimalparam- etersthatwehavechosentocomparetoexperiment(Figure1) are unique. ToassesstherelativemeritsoftheJCandLHAgdielectric data when used to model perfect crystalline nanoparticles, scattering cross section of a d ) 90 nm nanocube with r ) 7 nm rounding were calculated and compared to experiment for Figure3. FDTDcalculatedscatteringcrosssectionsofananocubein both sets of data (Figure 5). For these calculations there was responseto(a)thevariationintheface-to-facewidthwithnocorner roundingandplacedh)2nmabovetheClayerand(b)thevariation no C layer, and the nanocube was placed directly on the n ) in the radii of curvature of the corners and sides of a d ) 80 nm 1.5substrate.ItisseenthattheJCdatagiveresultsthatagree nanocube placed h ) 1 nm above the C layer. In both cases, the much better with experiment, with the lower and higher nanocubeismodeledbyusingtheLHdielectricdataandtheClayer wavelength peaks 10 and 21 nm closer to the experimental ishC)2nmthick. values, respectively. In addition, the JC dielectric data more accuratelydescribethewidthandrelativeamplitudeofthelower wavelength peak. We should note that both the JC and LH dielectric data sets were inferred from thin films that are presumablypolycrystallineorsomewhatamorphousincharacter. It is therefore not a priori obvious why the JC dielectric data bestdescribeourperfectcrystallinenanoparticles.However,it has been found that for crystalline Ag nanowires the LH dielectric data provide a too lossy description, and effectively reducingtheloss(moreconsistentwiththeJCdielectricdata) improvesagreementwithexperiment.39Similarconclusionswere obtained in studies of Ag nanostrips made by using e-beam methods.40 4. Conclusions Understandingtherelationshipbetweentheopticalresponse, Figure 4. FDTD calculated effect of the C layer on a d ) 90 nm structure,anddielectricenvironmentofsinglenanoparticlesis nanocube.ThenanocubeismodeledwiththeLHdielectricdata,has cornersandsidesroundedtor)7nmradiiofcurvature,andisplaced importanttoeffectivelydesigndevicesbasedontheirplasmonic directlyontheClayer. properties. Here we presented a detailed study of silver (Ag) nanocubes. A correlated LSPR spectrum-HRTEM image of a single nanocube was first obtained. FDTD calculations were present(Figure4).Forthesecalculations,thecontactareawas then performed to study the relationship between the optical made large by using a d ) 90 nm nanocube with only r ) 7 response, face-to-face width, radii of curvature of the corners nm rounding, and the effect of C was heightened by making and sides, and the substrate. It was found that all of these the layer h ) 3 nm thick. The results show that the C has parameters have a large effect on the optical response, but if C little effect on the lower wavelength peak, but red-shifts and they are carefully incorporated into the FDTD calculations significantly damps the higher wavelength peak. This is again excellent agreement with experiment is obtained. In addition, related to the fact that the near-field decay of the lower it was found that the JC Ag dielectric data are more accurate wavelength mode is much shorter than the higher wavelength fordescribingperfectcrystallinenanoparticlescomparedtothe mode, and is therefore relatively unaffected by the substrate. LH dielectric data. These results demonstrate the importance These findings demonstrate the exquisite sensitivity of the ofdetailedstructuralanddielectricenvironmentinformationin plasmonresonancepropertiestosubstratepositionanddielectric single nanoparticle studies for obtaining good agreement response, a result previously demonstrated by using gold between experiment and theory. Single Silver Nanocubes J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 113, No. 7, 2009 2735 Acknowledgment. This work was supported by the NSF (14) Jensen,T.R.;Malinsky,M.D.;Haynes,C.L.;VanDuyne,R.P. (EEC-0118025,CHE-0414554,BES-0507036),AFOSR/DAR- J.Phys.Chem.B2000,104,10549–10556. (15) Kelly, K. L.; Coronado, E.; Zhao, L. 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