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DATES COVERED (From - To) New Reprint - 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Ammonia Vapor Removal by Cu3(BTC)2 and Its W911NF-07-1-0053 Characterization by MAS NMR 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER BD2256 6. AUTHORS 5d. PROJECT NUMBER Gregory W. Peterson, George W. Wagner, Alex Balboa, John Mahle, Tara Sewell, Christopher J. Karwacki 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAMES AND ADDRESSES 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER New York Structural Biology RRL 317B 1275 York Ave. New York, NY 10021 -6094 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR'S ACRONYM(S) ADDRESS(ES) ARO U.S. Army Research Office 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR'S REPORT P.O. Box 12211 NUMBER(S) Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2211 51980-CH.5 12. DISTRIBUTION AVAILIBILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES The views, opinions and/or findings contained in this report are those of the author(s) and should not contrued as an official Department of the Army position, policy or decision, unless so designated by other documentation. 14. ABSTRACT Adsorption equilibria and NMR experiments were performed to study the adsorption and interactions of ammonia with metal-organic framework HKUST-1, or Cu3(BTC)2 (BTC ) 1,3,5-benzenetricarboxylate). Ammonia capacities determined from chemical breakthrough measurements show significantly higher uptake capacities than from adsorption alone, suggesting a stronger interaction involving a potential reaction with the Cu3(BTC)2 framework. Indeed, 1H MAS NMR reveals that a major disruption of the relatively simple spectrum of 15. SUBJECT TERMS metal-organic frameworks, Cu3(BTC)2, HKUST-1, 1H MAS NMR, 13C MAS NMR, 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 15. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE ABSTRACT OF PAGES Michael Goger UU UU UU UU 19b. TELEPHONE NUMBER 212-939-0660 Standard Form 298 (Rev 8/98) Prescribed by ANSI Std. Z39.18 Report Title Ammonia Vapor Removal by Cu3(BTC)2 and Its Characterization by MAS NMR ABSTRACT Adsorption equilibria and NMR experiments were performed to study the adsorption and interactions of ammonia with metal-organic framework HKUST-1, or Cu3(BTC)2 (BTC ) 1,3,5-benzenetricarboxylate). Ammonia capacities determined from chemical breakthrough measurements show significantly higher uptake capacities than from adsorption alone, suggesting a stronger interaction involving a potential reaction with the Cu3(BTC)2 framework. Indeed, 1H MAS NMR reveals that a major disruption of the relatively simple spectrum of Cu3(BTC)2 occurs to generate a composite spectrum consistent with Cu(OH)2 and (NH4)3BTC species under humid conditionssthe anticipated products of a copper(II) carboxylate reacted with limited ammonia. These species are not detected under dry conditions; however, reaction stoichiometry combined with XRD results suggests the partial formation of an indeterminate diammine copper(II) complex with some residual Cu3(BTC)2 structure retained. Cu(II)-induced paramagnetic shifts exhibited by various species in 1H and 13C MAS NMR spectra are consistent with model compounds and previous literature. Although results show extensive ammonia capacity of Cu3(BTC)2, much of the capacity is due to reaction with the structure itself, causing a permanent loss in porosity and structural integrity. Adsorption equilibria and NMR experiments were performed to study the adsorption and interactions of ammonia with metal-organic framework HKUST-1, or Cu3(BTC)2 (BTC ) 1,3,5-benzenetricarboxylate). Ammonia capacities determined from chemical breakthrough measurements show significantly higher uptake capacities than from adsorption alone, suggesting a stronger interaction involving a potential reaction with the Cu3(BTC)2 framework. Indeed, 1H MAS NMR reveals that a major disruption of the relatively simple spectrum of Cu3(BTC)2 occurs to generate a composite spectrum consistent with Cu(OH)2 and (NH4)3BTC species under humid conditionssthe anticipated products of a copper(II) carboxylate reacted with limited ammonia. These species are not detected under dry conditions; however, reaction stoichiometry combined with XRD results suggests the partial formation of an indeterminate diammine copper(II) complex with some residual Cu3(BTC)2 structure retained. Cu(II)-induced paramagnetic shifts exhibited by various species in 1H and 13C MAS NMR spectra are consistent with model compounds and previous literature. Although results show extensive ammonia capacity of Cu3(BTC)2, much of the capacity is due to reaction with the structure itself, causing a permanent loss in porosity and structural integrity. REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE (SF298) (Continuation Sheet) Continuation for Block 13 ARO Report Number 51980.5-CH Ammonia Vapor Removal by Cu3(BTC)2 and Its ... Block 13: Supplementary Note © 2009 . Published in The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 113 (31) (2009), ( (31). DoD Components reserve a royalty-free, nonexclusive and irrevocable right to reproduce, publish, or otherwise use the work for Federal purposes, and to authroize others to do so (DODGARS §32.36). The views, opinions and/or findings contained in this report are those of the author(s) and should not be construed as an official Department of the Army position, policy or decision, unless so designated by other documentation. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. 13906 J. Phys. Chem. C 2009, 113, 13906–13917 Ammonia Vapor Removal by Cu (BTC) and Its Characterization by MAS NMR 3 2 Gregory W. Peterson,* George W. Wagner, Alex Balboa, John Mahle, Tara Sewell, and Christopher J. Karwacki Edgewood Chemical Biological Center, 5183 Blackhawk Rd., APG, Maryland 21010-5424 ReceiVed: March 26, 2009; ReVised Manuscript ReceiVed: June 12, 2009 Adsorption equilibria and NMR experiments were performed to study the adsorption and interactions of ammonia with metal-organic framework HKUST-1, or Cu (BTC) (BTC ) 1,3,5-benzenetricarboxylate). 3 2 Ammoniacapacitiesdeterminedfromchemicalbreakthroughmeasurementsshowsignificantlyhigheruptake capacities than from adsorption alone, suggesting a stronger interaction involving a potential reaction with the Cu (BTC) framework. Indeed, 1H MAS NMR reveals that a major disruption of the relatively simple 3 2 spectrum of Cu (BTC) occurs to generate a composite spectrum consistent with Cu(OH) and (NH ) BTC 3 2 2 4 3 species under humid conditionssthe anticipated products of a copper(II) carboxylate reacted with limited ammonia. These species are not detected under dry conditions; however, reaction stoichiometry combined withXRDresultssuggeststhepartialformationofanindeterminatediamminecopper(II)complexwithsome residualCu (BTC) structureretained.Cu(II)-inducedparamagneticshiftsexhibitedbyvariousspeciesin1H n August 24, 200910.1021/jp902736z Introduction saithnsodewlf1,3CecxatMuesnAis3niSgveNaaMpmeR2rmmsoapnneieacntrctaalpoaasrcesiticynonopsfoirsCoteusni3t(tyBwTainCthd)2msS,tCrmoudHucetcEluhMrcaoolEmfitnp1hto:eeugcGnraidetpsyna.eacrnitidcypAisrmedviudioeeutFsoolriretmearcaatttiiuoornne.wAitlhthtohuegshtrruecstuulrtes K ooi: Rd Highlyporousstructurespossessingfunctionalizedactivesites W | aorfeaemssmenotniiaalfporresreetnetnstiaonunoifqulieghcthvaallpeonrgse.Pdeuremtaoneitnsthaidgshorvpatpioonr OF parensusmurbeeranodfreavdesorsribbeinlittymaasteariwalesa,kslyucbhouansdalcitgiavnadte.dAcltahrobuognhs dpyunriafimcaictiobnreaapkptlhicroautigohns.o11f–13sixYaMghOiFasndagcoai-nwsotrkseervse1r1alstutodxieidc aded by CITY COLLEGE d on July 1, 2009 on http:// paiearmzmeecffrffiseeotpeiursnlvccrislietettiutesiagivrselsnelfesoeysaroxrtdaboemahurdervierbnaiaaintwisrtsmlgeuaaitfabbmithfirnhlieeecmeencifeasootfionndenptuctisiepltaotgyimeuarhorablptlfleoefuctn-iwrhpognatltsatoarutsskhressruideueeidcnucehopgphc,frueeetahrhavsgstamaeehevtnneam.ec1caa,e2votmtibonvoBlemoliafeuaewton,mechndatu(ehius1maehcs0oeaoi-addfrw5dbeit)fithssnoyreooln,etrrrtslpmpcaoaottttaioiiimonoobvrndnneee- CbciassCmithnumruueaiep-3lmlai(BodolBmariigTtncrTauslCgan.yCel.tssu)C,rs2anoC,tanuiulthnde3dsf(usdoiBfei(iorSrnTdueBaCntpanotUmdo)hdx2restimthc)eicadodsgcotynao-ptnisfwnhaooaterormareemrrimonkiesxcemioetnirdrvdurogsaaec1vlb4tmtC.aiuyoLluorenee2vv+pfraaoarcalnolfhddudmeiodSamrffltOueeaecwdnSnxrocsdOhbntHeyiccxtoeaooKnilmb-omawUyrilsdpnioSetirCaryncTektuoaegp-e-tn1dnlriBasd,vay1Tate2aeeor,lC1idyydrr3 Downloublishe s(MysOteFmss).oOrfpopraorutsic-cuolaorrdninoatetioanrepomlyemtaelr-so(rPgCanPisc).frameworks ltirnickaerdbotoxyclaartbeo(xByTliCc)oxliyggaenndsa.t1o4,m15sPfrreovmiooursgsatnuidciebsenhzaevnee-s1h,o3w,5n- P that, once formed, the copper atoms in Cu (BTC) are 3 2 MOFs represent a relatively new class of porous materials unsaturated14,15andmaythereforebeavailableforchemisorption thatcanbetailoredtomodifysurfacearea,poresize,functional- withammonia,whichisknowntoformcoordinationcomplexes ity,andtopologythroughreticularchemistry,3–6amethodology with alkali and transition metals.1,16–18 advancedbyYaghiandco-workers.Reticularchemistrypermits Thereactionofammoniawiththeindividualbuildingblocks thesynthesisofpredeterminedstructuresbyutilizingavariety of Cu (BTC) , i.e., Cu(II) ion and BTC, is well known. In of inorganic and organic building blocks, thus allowing the 3 2 aqueoussolution,Cu(II)ion,inthepresenceoflimitedammonia, developmentofhighcapacitymaterialscustomizedforspecific is initially converted to Cu(OH) ; however, copious amounts removalchemistries.AlthoughthemajorityofworkonMOFs ofammoniaeventuallyyield[Cu2(NH ) ]2+.19Carboxylicacids todatehasfocusedongasstorageapplications,7–10thisclassof 3 4 initially form the ammonium salt (Scheme 1) which, with materials shows promise for a broad range of air purification sufficient heating, can be pyrolized to their corresponding applications. Reticular chemistry permits the synthesis of amides:20 predeterminedstructuresbyutilizingavarietyofinorganicand It is further noteworthy, in particular, that copper salts of organicbuildingblocks,thusallowingthedevelopmentofhigh aromatic acids (i.e., Cu (BTC) ) are known to react with capacitymaterialscustomizedforspecificremovalchemistries. 3 2 ammonia(withheating)togeneratearomaticamines,20areaction Although MOFs have been studied for over a decade, very involving scission of the copper-carboxylate ionic bond. limited data exist on dynamic removal of toxic gases in air Other studies conducted on gas sorption behavior of Cu (BTC) ,aswellasotheropen-metalsiteMOFs,concluded *To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: 3 2 thattheunsaturatedmetalsitesmaycontributesignificantlyto [email protected]:(410)436-9794.Fax:(410)436- 5513. gas uptake.21–23 Furthermore, the relatively weak acidic coor- 10.1021/jp902736z This article not subject to U.S. Copyright. Published 2009 by the American Chemical Society Published on Web 07/01/2009 Ammonia Vapor Removal by Cu (BTC) J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 113, No. 31, 2009 13907 3 2 TABLE1: MicrobreakthroughOperatingConditionsfor EvaluationofCu(BTC) 3 2 operatingcondition value temperature 20°C relativehumidity -40°C(∼0%)dewpointand80% adsorbentmass 5-10mg adsorbentvolume 55mm3 flowrate 20mL/min airflowvelocity 2.7cm/s residencetime 0.16s relative humidity), and challenged to Cu (BTC) samples at a 3 2 flowrateof20sccm(referencedto20°C).Theeffluentstream was continuously monitored for ammonia and water break- through to saturation with an FTIR (Nicolet 380, with DTGS detector). A Cu (BTC) sample was loaded into the sample tube and 3 2 Figure1. Microbreakthroughsystemschematic. driedat100°Cinanitrogenstream.Thesampletubewasthen conditioned under dry or humid conditions. The ammonia challengewasthenconducteduntilsaturationandfollowedby dinationbondsofthestructuremayprovideadditionalreactive thenpurgedwithacleanstream.Followingthepurgestep,the centersforammoniaremoval.Inthisworkwepresentadetailed n August 24, 200910.1021/jp902736z bNEstruxMedpaRykert.ohifmrotehunegthaamalnmSaeloycnstiiiaos,nrneimtroovgaelnpirsooptheertrimesdoaftaC,uP3X(BRTDC,)a2ntdhrMouAgSh ntoeohfnifeftcPretoeshcXa-gteemsRex.nseDpe.occ.AsooeXnndsdd-eristcaeaioyoxmnnppdssolcseoabusftrrtwteeehareekiwrntfiehogrrrusoeltpmdueagxtocthpveoorentnsdefisusratrmnewwdweiadrrisertrheietvohadebemrantsamtiibp1nole0ener0difaao°.mruCRmsmiueensnodgudnleiataasrt K ooi: Materials.Cu(acetate)2(H2O),Cu(L-tartrate)3(H2O)3,Cu(CO3)- BrukerD8DiscoverX-raydiffractometerinthelocked-coupled COLLEGE OF NEW YOR09 on | d dcsargCetairuismaolrCo(cruOCelitupvnitoH3oheg(.ynnBa)l2abttTfw,neoc1CUdnaor,mszn)3Cu2es,aas5LniSlmse-leyAtodb-iinndwe1.2twneg,h4e3zied(o,teB5Dshfnit-osrMoDeti.ruteiCpMrFtflciruc)afyoFuar3w,c(b,rrBebtoeeCheortTxehdeuxyCra3yolf(n)ipolbB2ciourctwTlara,∼aiiCcanaficsi2ne)icd2d4dsday,athfdwinNnroetoadanHhimtso.e4cnasHosAiiztzypCeleenpdmOddterhipr3bwc,eeyhnsaariinaYtzCtetrdeuarahd.grNteeeThm,bNihoi’inyesf-- (((Gossdθ41ctnieofa0.-5pfbtrt4kaθeaesVlc)riÅiztmq,nmoe)ug4mioar(0rprd1reaotatme7dzert0itrAwaea.l6tirn)oiinntodwhassnt/nha-wsmdbet(etea4hoslprc0ocine)kncaoogkokncfibrVfenholtdemra,2uo-diθnc4nmddob0e)eauedtttpmseewul0acdesAme.tid0oen)Cp2rng(.ul1mθe2aS0-oKθ1aSnhθm3Ri)ooe)°pclm.(mdhl11Aeeer°.osorn5ddams4wden(DialedÅtwiitr5moee)5i0dnti0hr0mtaa°i5ulnCdoswgXXiuiuanin--ttgKirrhttoehaaRndyyaea Y 20 85 °C and subsequently immersed in dichloromethane for 3 characterizationtoshallowdepthtoavoidbackgroundsignals) Downloaded by CITPublished on July 1, eodtliexnabmpyNraiospai.QsteoerrTudonaahtgtcuneoelrtenaeaaccAnorrhyefrdalsoan1stmtaod7ilvre0sapemA°twpiCmuoreet.noorsesnsEouiaarqr-becues-txii1vlrp.iaaboEntrsegaeidciadnh.guCNsnfauirdm3tor(emoBprglTe1ehCn0oig)-fa2h5Cdwtsuoveo3arra(cepBmutmTiuoaCemnxa)is2meuaqwurtueamidas- c(1asB/ln8seTd6CtaeCrupm,s)3c)d2(gaaBo(nr1foTkn8f-2eC.b3dθN)lum2Hb)eRge4s,Het0ow3aC.l0c0ueOt.2te2iion°o3µn.n(m2s2f.θo.oC4lr))mumw3e(ma5Bds.°oTa1lCaHd)nd)w2deN-diMt1Nhto2RHs01t°4ismHrprweiLCncigOttorh.fa3ADRaon2feOsattihecmcetpoimosnsnoteial.zduiCenitaiiuont(e32ng-, pressureof1atm.Adsorbedvolumeswereinitiallyreportedat showeddissolvedBTC(8.77ppm)andDMF(8.29,3.37,and3.22 STP and subsequently converted to equivalent liquid volumes ppm),yieldinganapparentmoleratioof0.32DMFperBTC.Thus, attheboilingpointofnitrogen.Pretreatmentconditionsforthe theCu(BTC) contained7.5wt%residualDMF. 3 2 unexposedandammonia-exposedCu (BTC) were150°Cfor BTC-NHHCO Reaction.BTC(500mg,2.4mmol)wasdry- 3 2 4 3 16 h under vacuum (∼1 × 10-9 atm). mixedwith600mgofNH HCO (7.6mmol)towhich0.5mL 4 3 Ammonia Breakthrough. A microscale breakthrough ap- of H O was added with stirring. Immediate gas evolution 2 paratus was developed to assess the adsorption and reaction indicated the desired reaction was occurring, and it subsided behaviorofadsorbentsamplesforairpurificationapplications. afterseveralminutes.Theresultingmaterialwasallowedtodry Thesystemwasdesignedtooperateatnearambienttemperature in air to recover the solid (NH ) BTC. 13C CP-MAS NMR 4 3 overarangeofhumidities.Aschematicofthetestapparatusis confirmedtheidentityandpurityofthetrisubstitutedmaterial. presented in Figure 1. The test conditions are summarized in BTC-Cu(CO)Cu(OH)-NHHCO Reaction.BTC(100mg, 3 2 4 3 Table 1. Briefly, the system utilizes a small adsorbent sample 480µmol),160mgofCu(CO )Cu(OH) (720µmol),and400 3 2 size(∼5-10mg)packedintoanominal4mmi.d.frittedglass mg of NH HCO (5.1 mmol) were stirred in 1 mL of H O. 4 3 2 tube. The chemical is delivered as a dilute gas stream using a Immediategasevolutionresultedandthesolutionturneddark gassamplingcanisterwhichhasbeenpurgedwithdryairand blue.Afterbeingstirredovernight,thedark-bluesolutionwas sealed. A measured volume of ammonia is injected into the allowed to dry in air to yield a dark-blue solid. canister through a septum using a gastight syringe which is NMR. 1H MAS NMR spectra were obtained using 30-45° subsequentlypressurizedto1atm.Thecontentsweredelivered pulses and relaxation delays of 1-2 s on Varian Unityplus byacalibratedmassflowcontrollerandverifiedwithabubble 300WB, INOVA 400WB and 600NB, and Bruker AVANCE meter.Thedrychemicalstreamwasmixedwitheitheradryor 750WB NMR spectrometers equipped with Doty Scientific humid air dilution stream to achieve a concentration of 1000 7-mm Super Sonic (300WB and 400WB) and 5-mm XC mg/m3 at the either dry (-40 °C dew point) or humid (80% (600NBand750WB)VT-MASNMRprobes.13CMASNMR 13908 J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 113, No. 31, 2009 Peterson et al. humid case first exposure suggests a slight discontinuity at ∼50%ofthefeedconcentration,perhapsaresultofsignificant change in the structure of the Cu (BTC) . The humid second 3 2 exposuresampleshowsrapidbreakthroughconsistentwithloss of porosity. The reaction under dry conditions indicates 4 mol NH per 3 mol of Cu (BTC) are sequestered. Thus, in the absence of 3 2 water, the formation of a diammine-copper species is impli- catedwhichwouldallowuptosixNH ifthereactionwereto 3 gotocompletionpriortoammoniabreakthrough.Suchaspecies, Cu(NH ) CO ,isknown,25andthecompoundundergoesslow 3 2 3 decomposition upon exposure to moist air, apparently to Cu(OH) Cu(CO ). Scheme 2 shows the formation of the Figure2. AmmoniabreakthroughofCu(BTC) indryair. 2 3 3 2 analogouscompoundforCu (BTC) ,“Cu(NH ) BTC ”,under 3 2 3 2 2/3 dry conditions, the carboxylates of BTC serving as the coun- terionligandsratherthancarbonatetoformthisindeterminate species.Themoisture-promoteddecompositionofthediammine species is also shown, forming an indeterminate copper- hydroxide,theslightformationofwhichisdetectedby1HMAS NMR (see below). With ample water, ammonium salts of the BTC might be COLLEGE OF NEW YORK on August 24, 200909 on | doi: 10.1021/jp902736z hFTddhhuiAgrruumyyuCmmBi//rdfisuLiieeddi3rtEc(s//yBfisot3.enr.T2ecsdx:CotpAnee)oN2dxxmsppsuHemaoorxm3sesopuunpCorrileseaaeuprbearceiatkicethasrpooaufcgiCthy6218u....(6809o3m(fBoCTl/ukC3g())B2TSCac)m2appaCaltceuis83t(y04105B%....(T0764mCor)el2/l)matiovle aoabao1hbtpwtohHcsnyurffeiioctmtFdsCNitphoMpCchioouisuosiHe1udrpcAps(nsH(Otut3(eeatcOhuSlscsdtoiMHoelesmiHfnaNernedo)stAeds)id2eraMtt2aiCedSmo.tfuiicidnnoRupotfptNT)ir(hontotltO(hhfhMeatrosnsohemusetHesirseRsseImseifd),n(xoxohc2sbrcatmpotruyreNhetihooniemntlaeoiHhsdosssrSnaieieuaawN3dsmcd.cqcfiotd)HhetTtusfprareinedasoye3hlrtmtstmeeeonieieazt.wtsu,eeprrcnacasaeciostald1triaeatopnhoes)smchladonbutwSkuacilmsubtnomcuiiimtti(htomnitylhsinioeiw,daoezeefmncjenone,soslocsrdheyatbrotnhmoNoe2(spcbeswSlp,loHppfyoiroceamenlgwe3ehcrslrshtmsooii)ehisitte.dbmrnaaposbIfbusnreunoeeeeayatScgrrdtlpicfmc2vthteoorhaohew)siarribe.nbdettmtwassimuiTamcuetoiatchesuhrneantitrtivleigidbecaooeosohn2ehlrdnneerfrtt,,, oaded by CITY ed on July 1, 20 sir“nepCsleaPtcrx”utarmwatioeawsnntendraoeentldauo,ysbfestodaroi)n.fCe1u13dC3-BaC2tTPC1s0w2w,0ad.as6isrueMescmetHdepzxfloocroyitnetahdteitoh((nceNr(oHV9s04as)°-r3piBaponuTlalCs4rei0mzs0)aoWtaidoneBndl dpbtceauoytprsrtiaashnaicebgmitldyemtrh6yifenoNaerfinHcdrNso3thHppupee3merxrcpmi(adoInoIss)luaaiormnrefipstC(heloeuesnf3)crBl,yoaT(ms2eC4).2o0(t,1hfr)eaethnsfiepdnoecrhmco5utm.ima4vtpieiomdlleyntom,eolaafrctoeeaourdnttiadavkiloet,efirnoasinntouhdanpel/ ownlblish creolmaxpaotiuonndd(esleaey obfel2ows.)SuosliuntgionaN5MmRsspceocntrtaacwt etrimeeobatanidneda or (3) some thermal decomposition of the di- and tetraammi- Du necopper(II) complexes during activation to release their P on the Varian Unityplus 300WB NMR spectrometer using a sequestered NH as shown at the bottom of Scheme 2. Note standard5-mmsolutionNMRprobe.Allspectrawerereferenced 3 thatinthecaseofthedrysample“Cu BTC ”isnottheoriginal to external TMS. 3 2 structure, just the indeterminate material remaining following lossoftheNH .Forthedrysample,thepresenceofitsgreater Results and Discussion 3 residual capacity (1.7 mol of NH per mol of Cu BTC ) 3 3 2 AmmoniaBreakthroughCapacity.Ammoniabreakthrough compared to that of the humid sample (0.6) could be simply experiments for once- and twice-exposed Cu (BTC) samples due to residual, unreacted material (detected by XRD). The 3 2 wereconducted.Inthebreakthroughcurves,Figures2-3,the ammonium carboxylate species formed in the humid sample twice-exposedsamplesexhibitasignificantlyreducedammonia are apparently extremely stable salts, which would not be ex- capacity relative to the once exposed samples. Ammonia is pected to release NH during activation to regenerate the free 3 known to be able to complex with either the copper atoms or carboxylate;rather,asdiscussedabove,ammoniumisretained the carboxylates of the MOF framework. The performance of bycarboxylatesduringheating,eventuallyformingamideswhen the once- and twice-exposed Cu (BTC) samples under both heatedtosufficientlyhightemperatures(Scheme1)sareaction 3 2 dryandhumidconditionsaresummarizedinTable2.Integration that would not regenerate NH capacity. 3 ofthebreakthroughcurvetosaturationisusedtocalculatethe The reactions depicted in Scheme 2 obviously involve the dosage(concentration-timeproduct,Ct)andcapacity(retained structural collapse of the MOF, creating materials of indeter- ammonia mass per mass of Cu (BTC) ). Note that substantial minatestructure.ThisissupportedbyPXRDdata,asshownin 3 2 loss in capacity is exhibited by the twice exposed samples. Figure 5, and 1H MAS NMR (see below). It should be noted The shape of the first and second exposure breakthrough that,inthepresenceofwater,thereactionpresentedinScheme curves under dry conditions are similar, while those at humid 2forthehumidconditioncanindeedproceedtocompletionas conditionsdiffer.Thedrycaseindicatesthatthermalregenera- confirmed by the observation that stirring a water-suspension tion does result in partially restored adsorption capacity. The of Cu (BTC) with excess NH HCO leads to its complete 3 2 4 3 Ammonia Vapor Removal by Cu (BTC) J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 113, No. 31, 2009 13909 3 2 SCHEME2 dissolutionandanimmediatedeepbluecolor,characteristicof Cu (BTC) before and after exposure to ammonia. Figure 6 3 2 the expected [Cu(NH ) (H O) ]2+ complex (see Experimental showsalinearplotofthemeasuredisothermdata,andFigure 3 4 2 2 n August 24, 200910.1021/jp902736z tfiCMShleaeeecCmrtsachipbotuiarunrtichy1d)e4.eghgteCoaroSsaumstdripumebctdruetieudrlsamrgitageeilnnCDeathdtraiyeottsanhtbpaeoaollfsCwoeFug,dm3reo(arB3njpmehTXi.Ccc-Uar)Dan2syicaunutsgadbeiitCfchsfeoresanfydcttwmreteipoamorwneseiitttpsrheuyaidctntwhCetrihIatnFhes. ehp7nxryiteshIsrhsntoisebogurFiweertisenssgsiusaaal.rdeelsAscoso6lgar,tmsbhpdseaalaindocjtoat1vrto0isoythf-ylpuo3et.mhwoMefIetsosthihalsaaeemottcttuenhrhelieaedtlrraramoatstigmaivmeewmwnuipoiltitrahnshetiisaaoaas-dnmuusssrnpoemoelrsifxbafibpelAcldeoarlsatoaaeimwodtdnsorso1euaorl0npmaf-tttipit1ovh.olneeef K ooi: ComparingthesimulatedpowderX-raydiffractionpatternwith isotherm data on similar Cu-BTC structures indicated that Rd W | pmraetpearrieadlsCpuri3o(BrTtoC)a2mcmonofinrimasvtahpeoroveexrpaollsustraet.eIonftthhee cstaasretinogf OF iCnud3i(cBatTioCn)2tehxaptotsheedCtoud3(rByTaCm)m2 ohnaisalvoasptosr,omtheereofisistsomoerigcilneaarl GE p:// crystallinity tending to a more amorphous material. The ap- COLLE09 on htt pcCoeuanrfi(aBrnmTcCes)tohfeenxdepiwfofseeprdeenacktoessahonufdmciddriyssaatpmaplmesaoyrnmainamceevtaroypfoiorn.rigtDhiniefaflcearpeseneackoessf aded by CITY d on July 1, 20 bCfipeegutau33wk(rBseeseTw.nCeAdr)ei22ftafmceboraumetlneaprttiiislaoetlandsr,tcoibanfungtthbaneenoedsrxehipeguneomrriionimdutesahnmietnaSmdleuoaxpnnipnidaogrsvtihiamnapsguolbrIanectefehondarlmcPleaXanrtrgRiioeeDdnd oe ownlblish owuetrteosfoumllyecshuabratlcetedriizfefetrheensceedsifbfeertweneceens.tIhtewaesxpneortiemdetnhtaatlthaenrde Du P simulation that are difficult to explain at present. NitrogenAdsorptionEquilibriaonAmmoniaExposedCu3- Figure6. NitrogenisothermsofCu3(BTC)2beforeandafterammonia (BTC). Nitrogen adsorption isotherm measurements at the exposure. The dry, once-exposed sample exhibits capillary filling, 2 indicatingthepresenceofsomemacroporosity;however,thehumid, boiling point of nitrogen, 77.34 K, were performed on once-exposedsamplehasverylimitednitrogenadsorption,indicating structuralcollapseand/orporeblockage. Figure5. PXRDdataindicatethatthehumidonceammoniaexposed (a)samplehasasignificantlydifferentXRDpatternthantheunexposed Figure 7. Log plot of nitrogen isotherms of Cu(BTC) before and 3 2 sample(c),indicatingacompletechangeintheCu(BTC) framework. after ammonia exposure. Neither the dry, once-exposed nor humid, 3 2 Thedryonce-exposed(b)samplehasapatternsomewhereinbetween once-exposedsamplesshowanylow-levelnitrogenadsorption,indicat- theunexposedandonce-exposedhumidsamples. ingtheabsenceofmicropores. 13910 J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 113, No. 31, 2009 Peterson et al. TABLE3: CalculatedPorosityandApparentSurfaceArea N /g-sorbent,indicatingcompletecollapseofthestructureand 2 ValuesfromNitrogenAdsorptionIsothermData loss of microporosity. totalpore DRamicropore On the basis of the NH capacity, the N isotherms are in 3 2 BETcapacity volumeat volumeatSTP goodagreementforthecapacityreductionassociatedwithNH 3 Cu3(BTC)2sample (m2/g) STP(cc/g) (cc/g) adsorption and thermal regeneration. ammoniaunexposed 1460 0.68 0.54 NMR of Paramagnetic Compounds. For MAS NMR, dryonce-exposed 150 0.68 0.06 Cu (BTC) presents a challenge, owing to its paramagnetic 3 2 humidonce-exposed 16.2 0.49 0.003 Cu(II).Ishiietal.26havepointedoutthedifficultyofassigning aDubinin-Radushkevichadsorptionisothermequation. peaks as a result of large paramagnetic shifts and that line- narrowingbyhigh-powerprotondecouplingisnotaseffective TABLE4: AmmoniaandNitrogenAdsorptionCapacityof due to the large spectral distribution of paramagnetic shifts. Cu3(BTC)2 Moreover,McDermottetal.27notedthatwidespinningsideband relative capacitya patternsarisewhicharereflectiveofthelargeparamagneticshift Cu(BTC) sample adsorbate pressure (cc/g-adsorbent) dispersion, chemical shift anisotropy, and bulk susceptibility 3 2 dryunexposed ammonia 0.000145 218.0b anisotropy. dryunexposed nitrogen 0.000145 301c Even still, McDermott et al.27 point out that well-resolved dryonce-exposed ammonia 0.000145 106.5 MAS NMR spectra can be obtained in favorable cases where dryonce-exposed nitrogen 0.000145 0.20 slowelectronspin-latticerelaxationandelectronspin-diffusion aCapacity at P/P ) 0.000145, equivalent to 1000 mg/m3 (1.093 are effective at “decoupling” individual protons from the i s mmHg) NH, P ) 7500.0 mmHg at 298 K, V (NH) ) 24.78 L/ (normal) global proton dipolar-coupled spin system. In these 3 sat m 3 mol at 298 K. bAmmonia capacity at 298 K determined from instancescarbon-protonpairsbehaveasisolatedspinsystems. oaded by CITY COLLEGE OF NEW YORK on August 24, 2009ed on July 1, 2009 on | doi: 10.1021/jp902736z abptadt8sAaSmasadhhapdndmtr1re0utoeieeemsodsc.%TrcaomsmfloirnrkoeeehnlrceordabtosrwegoabRhpctdee.snst-rodo-nHaiwoheicottcantrtuooyarievoocidgay-husn,ouermi1hplatsankrtr5senstrriasdeiaroeesiddi2ereFcmltvnnlusslrstroiiisdrebooeigzoaose,dsdaisgratunurclsrtpteadthrrdyaulsettinoteaoeetiorsiioietaoarvsnnsea6msennr2pee.,dggxid19nepnles5oohp8anitolsdx8kfinarotttarTiise0eurKtcsplmrsota%lhlstat.eeysysdntie(tadlueosisgSaciRgvdreanonteroeeeneliHereilxsvsnatnipaoa,hthetpttutScTmafeeiteaoaduooharpdumltprlpaennbelreosoplcbldeettegresfotersmssyieiiraatrtdsoetoleiutrhyotuaoipx2nsihdne.trrthnop)siehgeeid.vaFersoesmrCoumenssiIonscguneneiuahnippbcNussdfrtb3orolrgayr(sieodepowrteBttiismorsvueergdVoTsefse7reaeagaueaseiCntemsscrtwsixps0oenheu)tihpo.smg2nditsnr4othoc.,enhafsockwvasoUiyaicFoesonfinenrmsaocidlnptimcguksaradpttapturmolhhheoetneealervodeeeeeefr-rtt. dwspts1s12tCrHufaThh3Hoohppt4ilshCuteopieetroiiiaFnaulnn(nkwo-wclnatgosrdngH-Clihleie,presr1nneiageevHzHetnwacgnehiwds)idegiido)nxieohnrro,ndiupstfa,(letrfme1aeoe.v-prhTmnaHtron)ptreliFhtaaeh22intpdewhdh(nebctoues6slHhayitgelsneers19gi“seit3mlpl,2oasnihpChflOw)nirn-aI-5eeaa-n.persdgt,)pe.rrlMeTphelaa,ropws(sTmbihcenmmfFAuowpiaehooehdifil;eaoeshSurseurgvefiagttsdearcstpueCirck.Nnhlev,aaidlprailgOeeiselreitMsran.otbtir1hnaos,2isdHg82rocebi-ttsRd6,)gs)oaxil,pi,ptoMg(netlinmyosrhl-nnibnmymoplnetdAoism-1ovoetnnegeeoithceS8viseiinecrrddenstfoo3edvotnorfheieNgslbraeuretuardpepcstdfMcaptpada1oproesttb3solwirmmsedsrpCRineybbnt”eweCore;ylagvefregsMepfruiolepdenmortidsua(rhwgeresAgooaistpyssicsatldhdoSiCcohrtatt(wdfaieri,sobνnacvHaqnuaNsobnitRisheuitscaanf3auvtbhMoelaieCrwteMlnt)nle)e(dhCnRinHoe21eateeo(Atodyr-rbb7iHcb5easol1aS3iodwtnHessH2nnsusuiOepdie(atrkMed-pptreνeedlc)hHvvCyprlccRo1AioenaecmttHzon3uo)rrlurdwaC)Sngyeae-f3;lt., DownlPublish eaxnhdaiusssteudbsstaamntpialetesd.Tinhitshiesvinadluiceasticvaelcouflaatelodssfroofmmtihceroipsootrhoesrimty mmoagtinoent,icwacsomstpilllexv.alSiducfhorcmonaksiidnegraatsiosingsnmreegnatsrdiinngthrisespidauraa-l dipolar interactions can similarly be employed to render 13C data. MAS NMR assignments for Cu (BTC) and related model Table 3 summarizes the BET capacity (or apparent surface 3 2 compounds (Figure 8) as discussed below. area),thetotalporevolume,andtheapparentmicroporevolume. 1H MAS NMR of Cu(BTC). The most striking feature The fresh material exhibits 10 times greater apparent surface 3 2 present in the 1H MAS NMR spectrum of Cu (BTC) (Figure areathanthedry,ammoniaonce-exposedsampleand100times 3 2 9) is the wide pattern of rather narrow spinning sidebands, greater apparent surface area than the humid, ammonia once- indicative of a rigid species unencumbered by homonuclear exposedsample.Theapparenttotalporevolumeisnotgreatly dipolar effects. The central peak of the sideband pattern is at differentbetweenthethreesamplesasthisquantityiscalculated 8.1 ppm and is straightforwardly assigned to the ring protons at a high relative pressure, where all three samples show significantnitrogenadsorption.Theapparentmicroporevolume of the BTC constituent. There are at least two other similarly indicatethatthemicroporouschannelsofthefreshmaterialhave sharp peaks which, lacking spinning sidebands, are obviously been greatly widened after exposure to both dry and humid duetomotionallyaveragedspecies.Improvementinresolution ammoniachallenges,furtherindicatingthattheporousnetwork was obtained at higher field, Figure 9, where near-baseline has rearranged. resolution is achieved for the three major peaks at 750 MHz Table4showsthemeasuredcapacitiesoftheCu (BTC) for (17.5 T) along with slightly better resolution of smaller, 3 2 ammonia and nitrogen at a relative pressure equivalent to the overlapping peaks (see below). ammoniafeedconcentration(1000mg/m3,P )1.093mmHg, The anhydrous form of Cu (BTC) is purple, whereas the i 3 2 298K)usedinthebreakthroughexperimentsdiscussedabove. hydrated form is blue.28 Exposing a nominally dry sample of The nitrogen capacity at 0.000145 relative pressure for the Cu(BTC) toairresultedintheseriesofspectrashowninFigure 3 2 unexposedsampleishigherthantheammoniacapacityforthe 10.Itisclearfromthesespectrathatadsorbedwateryieldsthe same sample by about 38%. Following exposure to ammonia, peakatca.12.6ppm(H O···Cu),withallthepeakstendingto 2 the nitrogen capacity decreases markedly to about 0.20 mL- shiftupfieldwithincreasedwateruptake.Furthernotethatpeaks Ammonia Vapor Removal by Cu (BTC) J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 113, No. 31, 2009 13911 3 2 Figure8. SuccinctstructuralelementsofCu(BTC) andCu(II)-containingmodelcompoundsindicating13CMASNMRassignments.Assignments 3 2 maybereversedforCu(tartrate)(H2O)3(seetext).AlthoughthestructureforCu(meso-tartrate)(H2O)3isshown,Cu(D-tartrate)(H2O)3(andpresumably the L-tartrate model compound under study) similarly possesses the two types of CO2- and HCOH groups which are differentiated by prime notation.29ThebinuclearCu(formate) corestructureshownisstabilizedinthepresenceofamine-typeligandsbutnotwater.30ForCu(CO)Cu(OH) 2 3 2 edge-sharing Cu(II) octahedral chains (two octahedrals wide) are represented by triangles, strips of which are linked31 by the CO2- group as 3 indicated. TABLE5: 13Cand1HMASNMRShiftsObservedforCu(BTC) andModelCompounds 3 2 compound group 13C(temp) 1H ref CO- -183(331K) - 2 OF NEW YORK on August 24, | doi: 10.1021/jp902736z CCCCCCuuuuuu(((((3(aaCfLBolc-OatreTanmt3rCai)tnaCtr)etea2eu))t·2)e(2x(2(O)H(HD(CHH22M5OO)2H2OF))5)N·3y)H2O OCCHCCCCCCCNCOHHHHHOOOOHCH′O32232322---2---2′- 1--1--5-1n-47706o82347131336528sabi97b(((g(((329a(222n(3922(3999a1892l3888Ks891KK)8KKKoK))Kb)))K)s))erveddownto173K 8-2------64-1.85411((.22144((992682(88992((88922KK899K))K88bb)K)KK))) 22t2tthhh679iiisss((11www3HCooo))rrrkkk GE p:// dCH- 228(298K) 8.1(298K) COLLE09 on htt HdCH2CO3<(DMF) 2-3480(,229188K(2)98K) -∼9.71,2.77.1(2(92898KK)c) thiswork Y 20 HCdO(DMF) 165(298K) ca.12.7(298K)d aded by CITd on July 1, H2OaCpOea2-k.assignments may be reversed. bCH assignments may be reversed. cPeak shifts upfield with increasing water adsorption. dUnderlies oe ownlblish assigned to residual, adsorbed DMF (see below) are observed sample(rightsideofFigure11).Ininitialspectra,abroadfeature DPu to be easily displaced/perturbed by water as previously noted at 2.3 ppm was observed to quickly dissipate within minutes by Chui et al.14 That adsorbed water shifts intensity from the whereas a second peak at -6.0 ppm persisted for days, and downfield DMF peak to the upfield DMF peak is consistent thesepeaksareattributedtobulkDMFliquidandDMFsorbed withtheassignmentofthesetwopeakstoDMF···CuandDMF onthe(exterior)surfaceofthecrystallites.Thepeaksofinterest displaced to the channels, respectively (see below). at9.7and7.1ppmremainedunalteredwhilethesamplesatat The identity of the remaining sharp 1H MAS NMR peak(s) room temperature. Annealing the sample at 100 °C for 23 h was inferred from 13C MAS NMR spectra (see below) which apparentlyassistedreadsorptionofDMF;firstintothechannels revealedthatthesampleofCu(BTC) containedaconsiderable (7.1ppm)andeventuallycomingtorestattheCu(II)sites(9.7 3 2 amount of DMF, apparently left over from its synthesis.14 ppm). Exposure to air restores the intensity of the water peak Heating a sample of Cu (BTC) in air at 170-180 °C while at 12.7 ppm with concomitant sharpening of the DMF peaks, 3 2 intermittently observing the 1H and 13C MAS NMR spectra presumablyduetoincreasedmotionaffordedbythecoadsorbed (Figure 11, left side) revealed immediate loss of the residual water. As further confirmation of these assignments, Soxhlet- water peak at 12.7 ppm, slower loss of peak intensity at 7.1 extracted (MeOH) Cu (BTC) is totally devoid of both DMF 3 2 ppm, and even slower loss of peak intensity at 9.7 ppm. Loss peaks, leaving only the pristine methine spinning sideband of intensity for the latter two peaks correlated with loss of patternandaresidualwaterpeak(seeSupportingInformation). intensityforDMFin13CMASNMRspectra(notshown);thus, 13C MAS NMR of Cu(BTC). 13C MAS NMR spectra 3 2 thesetwopeaksareattributedtoCu(II)-boundDMF(9.7ppm) obtained for Cu (BTC) , with and without high-power proton 3 2 and “channel-DMF”14 (7.1 ppm) as a result of their relative decoupling, are shown in Figure 12 (the large peak near 115 desorptionpropensities.Also,theseassignmentsareconsistent ppm common to both spectra is due to the Kel-F rotor end- with the water-displacement behavior noted above. caps). The difference between the two spectra is startling: In Further confirmation of the assignments of these peaks to theabsenceofdecoupling,asharpsetofspinningsidebandsis adsorbed DMF was obtained by observing changes in 1H and observed containing a center band at 228 ppm, whereas 13C MAS NMR spectra after adding liquid DMF to the same decoupling causes the sharp 228-ppm peak to vanish and the