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Preview DTIC ADA595520: Impulse Loading Resulting fromShallow Buried Explosives in Water-Saturated Sand

21 Impulse loading resulting from shallow buried explosives in water-saturated sand MGrujicic1(cid:1),BPandurangan1,YHuang1,BACheeseman2,WNRoy2,andRRSkaggs2 1DepartmentofMechanicalEngineering,ClemsonUniversity,Clemson,USA 2ArmyResearchLaboratory,SurvivabilityMaterialsBranch,Aberdeen,ProvingGround,Maryland,USA Themanuscriptwasreceivedon2March2006andwasacceptedforrevisionforpublicationon13October2006. DOI:10.1243/14644207JMDA96 Abstract: A transient non-linear dynamics analysis of the detonation of a landmine buried to different depths in water-saturated sand is carried out in order to determine the resulting impulse loading. The results obtained are compared with their experimental counterparts obtained using the vertical impulse measurement fixture (VIMF), a structural mechanical devicethatenablesdirectexperimentaldeterminationoftheblast-loadingimpulse.Themech- anicalresponseofthestructuralsteelusedintheconstructionoftheVIMFandthehydrodyn- amic response of the TNT high-energy high-pressure detonation products generated during detonation of a mine and of the air surrounding the VIMF are represented using the standard materials modelsavailableintheliterature.Themechanicalresponseofthesandsurrounding themine,ontheotherhand,isrepresentedusingthepresentauthors’recentmodifiedcompac- tionmodel[1],whichincorporatestheeffectsofdegreeofsaturationandtherateofdeformation, twoimportanteffects,thataregenerallyneglectedinstandardconstitutivemodelsforsand. The results obtained indicate that the use of the modified compaction model yields a sub- stantiallybetteragreementwiththeexperimentallydeterminedimpulseloadsovertheusethe original compaction model. Furthermore, the results suggest that, in the case of fully saturatedsand,theblastloadingisofabubbletyperatherthanofashocktype,i.e.itresembles under-waterexplosion. Keywords: detonation, shallow buried mine,blast loading, AUTODYN 1 INTRODUCTION the impulsive detonation loads from the landmines buried in different soil media and to model the Recent experience of the US military forces in Iraq responseofstructures/targetsofinterest.Elucidation clearlyshowedthatburiedandground-laidlandmines and quantification of the (time-dependent) load a are a major threat to the survivability of lightweight buried landmine applies to a target structure above vehiclesliketheM1114highmobilitymulti-purpose it when the landmine is detonated (typically rep- wheeled vehicles (HMMWV or Humvee) and that resented by the associated total vertical impulse or theypresentasignificantchallengetofieldingsurvi- by the spatial distribution of the specific impulse) vable platforms. The observed destruction arising is quite challenging, since such load depends on from detonation of the landmines is the result of the size and shape of the charge, its depth of burial, the large impulsive loads brought about by blast the distance between the soil surface and the and shock waves, mine fragments, and soil ejecta. target, and the properties (density, particle size and Thedesignofsurvivablevehiclesandplatforms(tar- distribution, presence of organic matter, water con- gets)requirestheabilitytounderstandandquantify tent, etc.) of the soil in which the landmine is buried. Direct experimental characterizations of landmine-blast events are highly critical for getting (cid:1)Correspondingauthor:DepartmentofMechanicalEngineering, a better understanding of the accompanying enor- Clemson University, 241, EIB, Clemson, SC 29634, USA. Email: mously complex phenomena. However, it is not [email protected] practical or cost-effective to carry out experimental JMDA96#IMechE2007 Proc.IMechEVol.221PartL:J.Materials:DesignandApplications Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED 2007 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-2007 to 00-00-2007 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Impulse loading resulting from shallow buried explosives in 5b. GRANT NUMBER water-saturated sand 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION Celmson University,Department of Mechanical REPORT NUMBER Engineering,Clemson,SC,29634 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT A transient non-linear dynamics analysis of the detonation of a landmine buried to different depths in water-saturated sand is carried out in order to determine the resulting impulse loading. The results obtained are compared with their experimental counterparts obtained using the vertical impulse measurement fixture (VIMF), a structural mechanical device that enables direct experimental determination of the blast-loading impulse. The mechanical response of the structural steel used in the construction of the VIMF and the hydrodynamic response of the TNT high-energy high-pressure detonation products generated during detonation of a mine and of the air surrounding the VIMF are represented using the standard materials models available in the literature. The mechanical response of the sand surrounding the mine, on the other hand, is represented using the present authors? recentmodified compaction model [1], which incorporates the effects of degree of saturation and the rate of deformation two important effects, that are generally neglected in standard constitutive models for sand. The results obtained indicate that the use of the modified compaction model yields a substantially better agreement with the experimentally determined impulse loads over the use the original compaction model. Furthermore, the results suggest that, in the case of fully saturated sand, the blast loading is of a bubble type rather than of a shock type, i.e. it resembles under-water explosion. 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE Same as 15 unclassified unclassified unclassified Report (SAR) Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 22 MGrujicic,BPandurangan,YHuang,BACheeseman,WNRoy,andRRSkaggs determination of the response of all targets of wassubsequentlyextendedbyBraid[7]toincorpor- interest to buried charges of all sizes in a variety of ate different charge sizes, soil types, and improved soils. Recent advances in numerical analysis capa- instrumentation. bilities, particularly the coupling of Eulerian solvers Inthepresentauthors’recentcomputationalwork (used to model gaseous detonation products and [8]basedontheuseofAUTODYN,ageneralpurpose air) and Lagrangian solvers (used to represent transient non-linear dynamics explicit simulation vehicles/platformsansoil),haveallowedsimulations software [9], a detailed comparison was made to provide insight into complex loading created by between the experimental results of Bergeron et al. the mine blast event. However, a quantified under- [10] and their computational counterparts for a standing of the blast phenomena and loadings number of detonation-related phenomena such as through computer modelling is still not mature. As the temporal evolutions of the shape and size of discussed in the present authors’ previous work [1], the over-burden sand bubbles and of the detona- the lack of maturity of computer simulations of the tion-products gas clouds, the temporal evolutions blasteventismainlyduetoinabilityofthecurrently of the side-on pressures in the sand and in air, etc. available materials models to realistically represent It was found that the most critical factor hampering the response of the materials involved under high- a better agreement between the experiment and deformation, high deformation-rate high-tempera- computational analysis is an inadequacy of the tureconditions,andthetypeofconditionsaccompa- current material models for sand to capture the nying landmine detonation. In particular, the soil dynamic response of this material under blast response and its dependence on the soil compo- loading conditions. Hence, the main objective of sition, microstructure, and water content are poorly the present authors’ subsequent work [1] was to understood [2]. improve the compaction materials model for sand Areviewoftheliteratureshowsthatthereexistsan inordertoincludetheeffectsofthedegreeofsatur- extensivebodyofworkdealingwiththeinvestigation ationandtherateofdeformation,thetwoimportant ofburied charges.However,muchofthiswork does effectsthatwereneglected intheavailableconstitu- notfocusonthecharacterizationoftheblastoutput tive models for sand. The new material constitutive oflandmines,butratheroncrateringeffectsinsoils, model for sand was subsequently validated for the with applications towards the efficient utilization of case of sand with a low level of water saturation by explosives for excavation (i.e. canals, trenches, etc.) comparing the experimental results associated with or in the survivability of structures subjected to detonation of the shallow-buried and ground-laid near surface blasts [3]. C4minesobtainedthroughtheuseofaninstrumen- Amongtheworkspublishedintheopenliterature, ted horizontal mine-impulse pendulum with their which directly deal with experimental characteriz- computational counterparts obtained via detailed ation of the effects of anti-tank (AT) and anti- numerical modelling of the same physical problem personnel (AP) landmine blasts, the following using AUTODYN. appear to be the most relevant to the present Theobjectiveofthepresentworkistotesttheability subject matter. Westine et al. [4] carried out exper- of the present authors’ newly developed materials iments on a plate, which was mounted above a constitutivemodelforsandwhenusedwithinatran- buried charge representing an AT landmine. The sient non-linear dynamics computational analysis to plate contained a number of through-the-thickness predict the effect of detonation associated with holes at incremental distances from the mine, in mines buried in fully water-saturated sand. This was which plugs of known mass were placed. The blast done by comparing the model predictions with their accompanying mine detonation caused the plugs experimental counterparts obtained in the work of to be driven out of the holes and from their velocity Taylor et al. [11], who carried out large-scale experi- the impulsive loading on the plate was calculated. mentsusingtheverticalimpulsemeasurementfixture Morris [5] used the results of Westine et al. [4] to (VIMF) at the Army Research Laboratory, Aberdeen, construct a design-for-survivability computer code MD. The VIMF is a unique facility that has been for lightweight vehicles. More recently, Bergeron designed specifically to measure accurately the verti- et al. [6] carried out a comprehensive investigation calimpulsefromburiedchargesweighingupto8kg. oftheburiedlandmineblastsusinganinstrumented Theorganizationofthepaperisasfollows.Abrief ballistic pendulum. From these experiments, the overview of the design, construction, and perform- pressure and impulse as a function of time were ance of the VIMF is given in section 2.1. The non- recorded at several locations in air directly above linear dynamics approach, the relevant materials the mine as well as in the sand surrounding the models,andthedefinitionofthecomputationalpro- mine, along with x-radiographs and high speed blem investigated are respectively discussed in sec- photographs of the associated soil cratering and tions 2.2–2.4. The results obtained in the present ejecting phenomena. The work of Bergeron et al. [6] work are presented and discussed in section 3. The Proc.IMechEVol.221PartL:J.Materials:DesignandApplications JMDA96#IMechE2007 Shallowburiedexplosives 23 main conclusions resulting from the present work introduction of water into the pit from the bottom. are summarized insection 4. Next, approximately 14.2m3 of commercially avail- able (Quickrete) sand is placed in the pit. The sand typically consists of 94.4 per cent sand, 0.3 per cent 2 COMPUTATIONAL PROCEDURE gravel, and 5.3 per cent silt/clay. The maximum dry-sand density is 1.49g/cm3, whereas the maxi- 2.1 An overview of the vertical impulse mum wet-sand density is 1.91g/cm3. Prior to each measurement fixture test,waterisallowedtofillthesandpituntilstanding wateris observedon top of thesand. The VIMF is a structural mechanical device that enables direct experimental determination of the imparted blast-loading impulse via measurements 2.2 Non-lineardynamicsmodellingofdetonation of the vertical displacement of a known fixed-mass phenomena vertical guide rail that is capped with a witness All the calculations carried out in the present work plate, which serves as a momentum trap to capture were done using AUTODYN, a general purpose the blast loading of the buried charge. The design non-lineardynamicsmodellingandsimulationsoft- and operation of the VIMF has been described in ware [9]. In this section, a brief overview is given of detail by Gniazdowski [12], Skaggs et al. [13], and the basic features of AUTODYN, emphasizing the Taylor et al. [11] and will be only briefly discussed aspects of this computer program that pertain to here. A schematic drawing of the VIMF including the problem at hand and that were not discussed in the vertical guide rail and the orientation of the the present authors’ previouswork[1, 8]. charge in the water-saturated sand is shown in A transient non-linear dynamics problem is ana- Fig. 1. To create the required water-saturated sand lysed within AUTODYN by solving simultaneously condition, a cylindrical pit 3.65m in diameter and the governing partial differential equations for the 1.32m deep is first constructed in the soil within conservation of momentum, mass, and energy the VIMF test area. To retain water in the sand pit along with the materials constitutive equations and and to keep the sand–water mixture separate from the equations defining the initial and the boundary the rest of the sand, the walls of the pit are lined conditions. The equations mentioned above are with 0.32cm thick poly ethylene sheets and the pit solved numerically using an explicit scheme and floor is built using a commercial swimming pool one of the two basic mathematical approaches, the liner. Once the pit liners are in place, a series of Lagrange approach and the Euler approach. Within water hoses is placed in pit bottom to allow the AUTODYN these approaches are referred to as pro- cessors. The key difference between the two basic processors is that within the Lagrange processor, the numerical grid is attached to and moves along with the material during calculation, whereas within the Euler processor, the numerical grid is fixed in space and the material moves through it. Theexactmathematicalformulationsofthegovern- ingdifferentialequationsaredifferentwithinthetwo processors and their details will not be presented in the current work, but can be found in reference [9]. Nevertheless, in order to show how the governing differential equations and the materials constitutive models define a self-consistent system of equations for the dependent variables (nodal displacements, nodal velocities, cell material densities, and cell internal energy densities), a brief description is given below for thecase of theLagrange processor. The momentum conservation equation relates the nodal accelerations (i.e. the nodal displacements andthenodalvelocities)tothegradientsofthecorre- sponding cellstresses.Thecell stresses,ontheother hand, are decomposed into hydrostatic and deviato- ric components. The hydrostatic stress is related to the cell density and internal energy by the equation Fig. 1 Theverticalimpulsemeasurementfixture of state, whereas the deviatoric stress is related to JMDA96#IMechE2007 Proc.IMechEVol.221PartL:J.Materials:DesignandApplications 24 MGrujicic,BPandurangan,YHuang,BACheeseman,WNRoy,andRRSkaggs the deviatoric strains, deviatoric strain rates, and When an Euler region interacts with a Lagrange temperature via the strength model. As will be dis- region, the boundary conditions on both regions cussed in more detail in section 2.3, the equation of are changed along the Euler/Lagrange interface. state and the strength model are material specific Thatis,onanEuler/Lagrangeinterface,theLagrange relations defined by the materials constitutive regionactsasageometricboundarytotheadjoining model. The material density is defined by the mass Euler region, whereas the Euler region provides a conservation equation, whereas the internal energy pressure boundary to the Lagrange region. As the density is defined by the energy conservation Lagrange region moves and distorts during calcu- equation. The temperature is related to the internal lation, it fills and empties the fixed Euler cells. To energy density using an adiabatic condition and the avoid the formation of extremely small Euler cells materialspecificheat.Deviatoricstrainsanddeviato- that could greatly reduce the computational time- ric strain rates are computed respectively using the step, such cells are automatically merged with corresponding nodal displacements and nodal largerneighbours. velocities. Thus the conservation equations and the To overcome the problems associated with the materials models define a set of self-consistent mesh distortions caused by large motions of a equations whose solution yields the temporal and Lagrange grid, an erosion algorithm is implemented spatial evolutions of the dependent variables listed in AUTODYN [9], which allows a cell to be removed above. from the calculation if a pre-defined instantaneous In the present work, both the Lagrange and Euler or incremental geometric strain, or effective plastic processors are used. The Lagrange processor was strain, is exceeded. When a cell is eroded, the mass used to model the sand and all the structural com- of the cell can either be discarded or retained at the ponents of the VIMF. The gaseous mine-detonation corner nodes of the cell. If the mass is retained, products and the air surrounding the VIMF are conservation of inertia and its spatial continuity are modelled using the higher-order single-material maintained during the erosion process. If the Euler-FCT processor where FCT stands for flux retained-inertiaoptionisusedandthecellssurround- corrected transport. Different regions of the mine/ ingaparticularnodeareeroded,thenodebecomesa air/VIMF/sand model are allowed to interact and freenode.Freenodesareallowedtocontinuetointer- self-interactusingtheAUTODYNinteractionoptions act with impact/slide boundaries and load other asdescribedbelow. bodies. When a node is eroded, the compressive The key feature that makes AUTODYN extremely strength of the material within the associated cells is powerful for solving coupled problems such as lost and the mass discarded (unless the retained- impact, explosion, fluid-structure interactions, etc., inertia option is used). For this reason, large erosion is its ability to model interactions between different strains (typically 1.5–2) are chosen so that cells are regions of the physical model as well as self- not eroded until they are quite severely deformed interactions of the regions. The way the regions and their compressive strength and/or mass are not interact depends on the type of processor used to likely to affectthe results. Previous work has demon- representthephenomenabeingmodelled.Ingeneral, strated that when the retained inertia option is used the interactions are classified as joint interactions excellent results are obtained for the tracking of the and impact/slideinteractions. motionsoftheerodedLagrangecells[9]. Whentwodomainsarejoined,theircorresponding nodes are fused together and will remain joined 2.3 Materialsconstitutivemodels throughout the calculation. In other words, joined regions act assingle regions. As discussed in the previous section, the complete When two Lagrange domainsundergo animpact/ definition of a transient non-linear dynamics pro- slide interaction, the nodes on the surface of one blem entails the knowledge of the materials models domain are constrained to interact with the nodes that define the relationships between the flow vari- on the surface of the other domain. The impact/ ables(pressure,massdensity,energydensity,temp- slide interactions allow the inclusion of friction as erature, etc.). These relations typically involve an well as of gaps which may open and close during equation of state, a strength equation, and a failure the calculation. Self impact/slide interactions may equation for each constituent material. These also be defined within a single region. The inter- equations arise from the fact that, in general, the action algorithm is based upon the use of a small total stress tensor can be decomposed into a sum detectiongap,whichdefinesaninteractiondetection of a hydrostatic stress (pressure) tensor (which zonearoundeachinteractingface.Wheneveranode causes a change in the volume/density of the enters this detection zone, it is repelled using a material) and a deviatoric stress tensor (which is momentumconservinginteractionlaw,whichprohi- responsible for the shape change of the material). bits penetration of thetwo interacting surfaces. An equation of state then is used to define the Proc.IMechEVol.221PartL:J.Materials:DesignandApplications JMDA96#IMechE2007 Shallowburiedexplosives 25 corresponding functional relationship between no strength or failure relations are required for this pressure,density,andinternalenergy(temperature), material. whereas a strength relation is used to define the appropriate equivalent plastic strain, equivalent 2.3.2 AISI 4340 steel plastic strain rate, and temperature dependences of the equivalent deviatoric stress. In addition, a Inthepresentwork,allthestructuralcomponentsof materials model generally includes a failure cri- theVIMFincludingthewitnessplateareassumedto terion, i.e. an equation describing the (hydrostatic bemadeoftheAISI4340steelplates.Forinertsolid or deviatoric) stress and/or strain condition(s) that, materials like AISI 4340 steel, a linear type of when attained, causes the material to fracture and equation of state is typically used, which assumes a loseits ability to support normal and shear stresses. Hooke’s law type relationship between the pressure In the present work, the following three materials and the volume change as are utilized within the computational domain: air, AISI 4340 steel, and sand. In the following sections, P ¼Km (2) a brief description is given of the models used for each of the three constituent materials. The values whereKisthebulkmodulusofthematerialandm¼ ofallthematerialparametersdefinedintheremain- (r=r (cid:2)1) is the compression ratio. Within the 0 der of the section are available in the AUTODYN AUTODYN material database, the initial material materials library [9]. The data cannot be disclosed density r, the bulk modulus K, the specific heat, 0 here due to copyright violation concerns. and the reference temperature are defined for AISI 4340 steel. TorepresenttheconstitutiveresponseofAISI4340 2.3.1 Air steel under deviatoric stress, the Johnson–Cook Airismodelledasanidealgasand,consequently,its modelisused.Thismodeliscapableofrepresenting equationofstateisdefinedbytheideal-gasgamma- the material behaviour displayed under large-strain, law relation as [9] highdeformationrate,high-temperatureconditions, ofthetypeencounteredinproblemsdealingwiththe r interactions of detonation products and solid struc- P ¼(g(cid:2)1) E (1) r tures. Within the Johnson–Cook model, the yield 0 stress is definedas where P is the pressure, gthe constant-pressure to constant-volume specific heats ratio (1.4 for a dia- Y ¼bAþB1nc½1þC log 1˙ (cid:3)½1(cid:2)Tm(cid:3) (3) pl 1 pl H tomic gas like air), r (1.225kg/m3) is the initial air 0 mass density, and r is the current density. For where 1 is the equivalent plastic strain, 1˙ is the pl pl equation (1) to yield the standard atmosphere equivalent plastic strain rate, A is the zero plastic pressureof101.3kPa,theinitialinternalenergyden- strain, unit plastic strain rate, room temperature sityEissetto253.4kJ/m3,whichcorrespondstothe yield stress, B is the strain hardening constant, n is airmassspecificheatof717.6J/kgKandareference the strain hardening exponent, C is the strain rate 1 temperature of288.2K. constant, m is the thermal softening exponent and Owing to the use of a single-material Euler-FCT T ¼(T2T )/(T 2T ) is a room tempera- H room melt room processor for the gas-phase region, the landmine ture (T ) based homologous temperature, while room detonation products are not modelled as a separate T is the melting temperature. All temperatures melt material within the gas phase. Rather, the land- aregiveninKelvin.Itshouldbenotedthatnoplastic mine detonation products are modelled initially as a deformation of the VIMF or the witness plate is cylindrically shaped air region with a high density generally observed both in the experiments [11] and r and a high internal energy density. Following inthepresentcomputermodellingstudy.Neverthe- Fairlie and Bergeron [14], the initial density of the less,thestrengthmodelforAISI4340steelwasused detonation products is taken to be the density of the to be able to detect thepotential onset of plasticity. solid TNT explosive and the initial internal energy of Since no damage/failure of the VIMF or the wit- this gas is determined by converting the value of the ness plate occurs during its use, no failure model is Chapman–Jouget internal energy per unit volumeto used for AISI 4340steel. the corresponding value of the internal energy per unit mass. The corresponding detonation products 2.3.3 Sand pressure and the fireball temperature are computed usingstandardthermodynamicrelations. Sandhasgenerallyacomplexstructureconsistingof Sinceairisagaseousmaterialandhasnoabilityto mineral solid particles, which form a skeleton. The support either shear stresses or negative pressures, pores between the solid particles are filled with JMDA96#IMechE2007 Proc.IMechEVol.221PartL:J.Materials:DesignandApplications 26 MGrujicic,BPandurangan,YHuang,BACheeseman,WNRoy,andRRSkaggs effectively dry air (this type of sand is generally Compaction equation of state referred to as dry sand), with water (saturated Theoriginal‘compaction’equation ofstate for sand sand) or with a two-phase water/air mixture (unsa- is based on a piece-wise linear pressure-density turated sand). The relative volume fractions of the relation schematically shown in Fig. 2. It should be three constituent materials in the sand (the solid notedthat,sincepressuredoesnotdependexplicitly mineralparticles,water,andair)aregenerallyquan- on the internal energy, this relation is equivalent to tified by the porosity, a, and the degree of (water) the standard Mie–Gruneisen equation of state in saturation (saturation ratio), SR, which are respect- which the Gruneisen gamma parameter, ively defined as G¼v(@P=@E) , is set to zero. This means that the v V model would give a more reliable material response a¼ p (4) under the conditions when either the energy V absorbed is not very high (e.g. when the applied and pressure levels are not significantly larger than the pressurelevelsatwhichtheporousmaterialcrushes V andcompactsintoasolidmaterial),whentheinitial SR¼ w (5) V material porosity is small or when the magnitude of p the Gruneisengamma parameteris nearzero. Within the AUTODYN computer program [9], the where V is the volume of void (pores), V is the p w initial density of the porous material at a zero volume of water, and V is the total volume. pressure level, P , is denoted as r. As the pressure Surface roughness and the presence of inorganic/ 1 1 is applied, the relation between the pressure and organic binders are generally considered to be the thedensity(denotedinFig.2as‘plasticcompaction’) main causes for friction/adhesion at the inter-par- is defined using up to ten (r,P) pairs of values. This ticle contacting surfaces. Deformation of the sand portion of the pressure versus density relation is is generally believed to involve two main basic associated with a permanent, plastic compaction of mechanisms [14–17]: (a) elastic deformations (at sand. Full compaction of the sand corresponds to low pressure levels) and fracture (at high pressure thelastpairofthe(r,P)valuesoftheplasticcompac- levels) of the inter-particle bonds; and (b) elastic tion curve. and plastic deformations of the three constituent An increase in pressure beyond the point of full materials in the sand. The relative contributions of compaction is defined by the following elastic these two deformation mechanisms as well as loading linear pressure–densityrelation: their behaviour are affected primarily by the degree of saturation of sand and the deformation rate. Specifically, in dry sand the first mechanism P ¼C2(r(cid:2)r) (6) controls the sand deformation at low pressures, s s whereas the second mechanism is dominant at high pressures and the effect of deformation rate is of a second order. In sharp contrast, in saturated sand very low inter-particle friction diminishes the role of the first deformation mechanism. On the otherhand,therateofdeformationplaysanimport- ant role. At low deformation rates, the water/air residing in the sand pores is squeezed out during deformation and, consequently, the deformation of the sand is controlled by the deformation of the solid mineral particles. At high pressures, on the other hand, water/air is trapped within the sand pores and the deformation of the sand is controlled bythedeformationandthevolumefractionsofeach of the three constituent phases. Within AUTODYN, the dynamic response of sand is represented using a compaction materials model that was formulated using the experimental results obtained by Laine and Sandvik [18]. A brief descrip- tion of the original compaction materials model for sand as well as its modification, as proposed in the Fig. 2 Pressureversusdensityrelationsfordrysandas presentauthors’recentwork[1],arediscussedbelow. definedintheAUTODYNmaterialslibrary[9] Proc.IMechEVol.221PartL:J.Materials:DesignandApplications JMDA96#IMechE2007 Shallowburiedexplosives 27 where C is the sound speed in fully compacted of sand porosity,a¼12(r/r), as s 1 s sand at zero pressure and r is the mass density of s the fully compacted sand under a zero applied r ¼r(1(cid:2)a)þr a (8) 1,sat s w pressure. Elastic unloading/reloading of a porous material likesandatanylevelofcompactionisgenerallygov- 5. Whenthesaturatedsandissubjectedtorelatively erned by the followingdifferential equation low deformation (compression) rates, water is given enough time to leave the pores, and hence the density of the fully compacted sand and the @P ¼C2(r) (7) pressure at which full compaction is attained are @r identical to their counterparts inthe dry sand. 6. Whenthesaturatedsandissubjectedtoveryhigh whereCisthesoundspeedinsandatadensityr.As compression rates, water will be trapped inside indicated in Fig. 2 by the curves denoted as elastic the pores and, due to a very low compressibility unloading/reloading, the pressure–density relation of the water, the compressibility of the sand is during elastic unloading/reloading is not linear, controlled by the compressibility of its solid which is due to the fact that the sound speed in phase.Inotherwords,thesaturatedsandbehaves sand is a function of the material density. Within asafullycompactedsandunderhighdeformation AUTODYN [9], density dependence of the sound ratesandcanonlyundergoanelasticcompaction. speed, C, is defined as a piece-wise linear relation It should be noted that, while it is a common interms ofup to ten (r,C)pairsof values. approach to treat water trapped inside the sand The original compaction equation of state under high strain-rate conditions as an incom- describedabovedoesnotincludetwoveryimportant pressible fluid, in the present work water is con- factors controlling the dynamic response of sand sidered as a compressible fluid with a bulk under the blast loading conditions, i.e. the effects of modulus of 2.15GPa. The curve labelled ‘high the degree of saturation and the deformation rate. deformation rate’ for the saturated sand differs Inthepresentauthors’previouswork[1],theoriginal from the one labelled ‘fully compacted sand’ for compactionequationofstateforsandwasmodified drysand,inFig.3,intworespects:(a)thedensity inordertoincorporatethesetwoeffects.Themodifi- of saturated sand is lower in this case since the cationsofthecompactionequationofstateforsand density of water is lower than the density of werebased onthe followingset of assumptions. sand solid particles; and (b) the slope of the first curve is lower since the bulk modulus of water is 1. Theaveragesandparticlesize,particlesizedistri- lower than that of thesolidsand particles. bution, and the presence of inorganic/organic natural matter in sand have a second-order effect on the dynamic constituent response of the sand. This assumption was justified by the experimental observations reported in reference [2], which clearly showed that the effect of sand type (e.g. prairie sand containing high level of silt and clay, impurity-free 230/þ50 sand, etc.), on the detonation-induced momentum transfer to the instrumented horizontal mine-impulse pendulum was small in comparison with the effect ofthe degreeof saturation. 2. The dynamic mechanical response of the sand at any degree of saturation can be obtained as a linearcombinationofthecorrespondingdynamic material behavioursfor thedry and thesaturated sand. 3. Thedynamicmechanicalresponseofthedrysand isnotratedependentanditcanberepresentedby the original compaction model implemented in AUTODYN [9]. 4. Theinitialdensityofthesaturatedsand,r ,can Fig. 3 Pressure versus density relations for saturated 1,sat becalculatedusingdensitiesofthesolidmaterial sand at low and high deformation rates inthesand,r,andwater,r ,andtheknownlevel proposedinreference[1] s w JMDA96#IMechE2007 Proc.IMechEVol.221PartL:J.Materials:DesignandApplications 28 MGrujicic,BPandurangan,YHuang,BACheeseman,WNRoy,andRRSkaggs 7. Under intermediate deformation rates, the than the overall compressibility of the saturated dynamic material response of the saturated sand sand is equal to that in the fully compacted dry can be obtained using a linear interpolation of sand. The new equation of state is implemented in the high- and low-deformation rate behaviours the user subroutine ‘mdeosuser.f90’ and interfaced of the saturated sand. A value of 1.0.105s21 is with theAUTODYN computer program [9]. used as the ‘high’ deformation rate, 1˙ , and a high value of 1.0.1023s21 is used as the ‘low’ defor- mation rate, 1˙ . At the deformation rates Compaction strength model low exceeding 1.0.105s21 and at the deformation The ‘compaction’ strength model for sand is based rates below 1.0.1023s21, thedynamic behaviour on an isotropic, perfectly plastic, rate independent of sand is assumed to be rate independent and yield-surface approximation and postulates that the to correspond to the dynamic sand behavior at yield stress depends explicitly on pressure and not the respective (1.0.105 or 1.0.1023s21) defor- on material density. Within the AUTODYN program mation rates. The linear interpolation of the [9], the relationship between the yield stress, Y, and dynamic sand behaviour at the intermediate pressure,P,isdefinedasapiece-wiselinearfunction deformation rates was based on the logarithms consistingofuptoten(P,Y)pairsofvalues.Theyield of thedeformation rates as stress quantifies the resistance of the material to a (cid:1) log 1˙(cid:2)log 1˙ (cid:2) plastic (irreversible) shape change. The plastic r¼r þ(r (cid:2)r ) high shape change occurs when the magnitude of the high low high log 1˙ (cid:2)log 1˙ low high second invariant of the deviatoric part of the stress (9) tensorbecomes equalto the yield stress. Unloading (and subsequent reloading) of a pre- where the densities r, r , and r correspond viously plastically deformed material is of an elastic high low respectively to the deformation rates 1˙, 1˙ and (reversible) nature and, in this case, the deviatoric high 1˙ and are all associated with the same level of stress is proportional to the deviatoric strain with low pressure. The computational results obtained are the proportionality constant being equal to the found not to be significantly affected by an order shear modulus, G. In a porous material such as of magnitude changes in the values for the high- sand,theshearmodulusisafunctionofthematerial and low-deformation rates. density. The ‘compaction’ G versus r relation is 8. Since the irreversible plastic deformation of sand defined within AUTODYN [9] as a piece-wise linear is dominated by the plastic deformation beha- function using upto ten (r,G)pairs ofdata. viour of its solid phase, it is assumed to be inde- Theoriginalstrengthcompactionmodelhasbeen pendent of the degree of saturation and the rate modified inthe present authors’ recent work [19]to ofdeformation.Inotherwords,onlytheequation account for the fact that water acts as an inter- of state in the original compaction model was particle lubricant and reduces the shear strength of modifiedinreference[1]followingtheaforemen- the sand. The modification of the original strength tioned procedure. Following the preliminary compaction model was carriedout as follows. study reported in the present authors’ previous 1. It is first recognized that the ratio of the shear work reference [8], the strength compaction strength to the pressure for the entire range of model has been modified in the present authors’ pressures in the original yield strength versus recent work [27] to account for the inter-particle pressure relation for dry sand yields an effective water-induced lubrication effect, which lowers friction coefficient in a narrow range between the sand’s yield strength. Details of this modifi- 1.25 and 1.35. cation are presented below. 2. The presence of water in the fully saturated sand The pressure versus density relationships corre- createsawater-basedshearlayerphysicallysepa- sponding to the original compaction model for ratingsandparticlesandreducestheeffectivefric- sand and also for dry sand at a porosity level of tion coefficient and, thus theshearstrength. 38 percent are displayed in Fig. 2. The pressure 3. While the thickness of such a layer (and thus the versus density relationships corresponding to satu- magnitude of the inter-particle friction coeffi- ratedsandinthepresentformulationwithaporosity cient) is dependent on the rate of deformation, levelof38percentaredisplayedinFig.3.Itshouldbe only pressure-dependent values of the inter- notedthatthepressureversusdensitycurvelabelled particle friction coefficient in the limit of infinite ‘highdeformationrate’inFig.3,whichwasoriginally deformation rates ofthe saturated sand are used. reported in reference [1] has been corrected to 4. FollowingtheworkofDowsonandEhret[20],the account for the fact that the compressibility of the values of the inter-particle friction coefficient in solid mineral particles in the saturated sand rather the saturated sand are set to vary between 0.1 at Proc.IMechEVol.221PartL:J.Materials:DesignandApplications JMDA96#IMechE2007

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