FEMSMicrobiologyEcology46(2003)189^196 www.fems-microbiology.org Phylogenetic and metabolic diversity of hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro- 1,3,5-triazine (RDX)-transforming bacteria in strictly anaerobic mixed cultures enriched on RDX as nitrogen source Jian-Shen Zhao a, Jim Spain b, Jalal Hawari a;(cid:1) a BiotechnologyResearchInstitute,NationalResearchCouncilofCanada,Montreal,Canada b AirForceResearchLaboratory^MLQL,TyndallAFB,FL32403,USA Received6May2003; receivedinrevisedform22July2003; accepted6August2003 Firstpublishedonline6September2003 Abstract Five obligate anaerobes that were most closely related to Clostridium bifermentans, Clostridium celerecrescens, Clostridium saccharolyticum,ClostridiumbutyricumandDesulfovibriodesulfuricansbytheir16SrRNAgenessequenceswereisolatedfromenrichment cultures using hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX) as a nitrogen source. The above isolates transformed RDX at rates of 24.0, 5.4,6.2,2.5,5.5Wmolh31g(dryweight)ofcells31,respectively,tonitrite,formaldehyde,methanol,andnitrousoxide.Thepresentresults indicate that clostridia are major strains responsible for RDX removal, and all isolates seemed to mainly transform RDX via its initial reductiontoMNXandsubsequentdenitration.Sinceclostridiaarecommonlypresentinsoil,wesuggestthattheymaycontributetothe removal of RDX in the subsurface (anoxic) soil. 4 2003 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Nitramineexplosive; RDXbiotransformation; Enrichmentculture; Phylogeny; Clostridium; Desulfovibrio; Denitration; Nitrosocompound 1. Introduction grading anaerobic consortia, little is known about the role of obligate anaerobes in degradation of the energetic Wide military and civilian application of hexahydro- chemical. Adrian et al. [6^8] and Beller [12] proposed 1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX), a highly explosive that acetogens are responsible for RDX removal in anaer- compound, has resulted in severe soil and groundwater obic consortia, but no acetogenic species were isolated. contamination [1,2]. RDX is toxic to various terrestrial Boopathy et al. [13] described degradation of RDX by and aquatic species [3,4]. The energetic chemical is a a sulfate-reducing consortium from creek sediment, but highly oxidized molecule that tends to be reduced under degradation of RDX by an individual sulfate-reducing anaerobic conditions [5^22,27^29,31,33]. Most reported bacterium was not reported. Thus far only one obligate RDX-degrading anaerobic bacteria are facultative includ- anaerobe, Clostridium bifermentans, isolated from a con- ing members of the Enterobacteriaceae family (Klebsiella taminatedsoil,wasreportedtoremoveRDXinacomplex pneumoniae, Serratia marcescens, Morganella morganii, brain-heart infusion medium [19]. Citrobacter freundii, and Escherichia coli) [10,11]. None One major concern regarding anaerobic degradation of of above bacteria was reported to grow on RDX as a RDX is the potential accumulation of toxic nitroso deriv- nitrogen source. atives [5^11]. We previously found that an anaerobic Although obligate anaerobes always exist in RDX-de- sludge[16^17]andafacultativeanaerobicisolate,K.pneu- moniae strain SCZ-1 [18], were able to cleave the RDX ring to ultimately give nitrous oxide (N O), formaldehyde 2 (HCHO) and methanol (CH OH). In the present study, 3 ourgoalwastoinvestigatethephylogeneticandmetabolic diversity of RDX-transforming bacterial isolates in the * Correspondingauthor.Tel.: +1(514)4966267; strictly anaerobic mixed cultures enriched on RDX as a Fax: +1(514)4966265. E-mailaddress: [email protected](J.Hawari). nitrogen source. 0168-6496/03/$22.0042003FederationofEuropeanMicrobiologicalSocieties.PublishedbyElsevierB.V.Allrightsreserved. doi:10.1016/S0168-6496(03)00216-2 FEMSEC15777-10-03 Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED SEP 2003 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-2003 to 00-00-2003 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Phylogenetic and metabolic diversity of 5b. GRANT NUMBER hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX)-transforming bacteria in strictly anaerobic mixed cultures enriched on RDX as nitrogen source 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION Air Force Research Laboratory- MLQL,Tyndall AFB,FL,32403 REPORT NUMBER 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES FEMS Microbiology Ecology 46 (2003) 189-196 14. ABSTRACT 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE Same as 9 unclassified unclassified unclassified Report (SAR) Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 190 J.-S.Zhaoetal./FEMSMicrobiologyEcology46(2003)189^196 2. Materials and methods charged with oxygen-free argon, followed by addition of sodium sul¢de (0.025%) and L-cysteine HCl (0.025%). 2.1. Chemicals and media When RDX was used as the sole carbon and nitrogen source, the headspace was charged with hydrogen gas RDX (99% pure) was provided by Defense Research (1 atm). When formate and carbonate was used, the head- and Development Canada, Valcartier, Canada [23]. Hexa- space gas was a mixture of carbon dioxide (20%) and hydro-1,3,5-trinitroso-1,3,5-triazine (TNX, 99% pure) hydrogen gas (80%). Nutrient broth was used as a rich was synthesized according to the method described by medium to preserve all RDX-degrading bacteria in the Brockman et al. [25]. Hexahydro-1-nitroso-3,5-dinitro- anaerobic sludge. 1,3,5-triazine (MNX, 98% pure) was provided by R.J. One ml oforiginal anaerobicsludgewas added to19ml Spanggord from SRI International (Menlo Park, CA, of anaerobic liquid medium containing RDX (0.1 mM) USA). All other chemicals used were of reagent grade. and incubated statically at 37‡C. After RDX disappear- The basic salts and vitamins medium were prepared as ance, a fresh amount of RDX (0.1 mM) was added and described previously using a Wolin vitamin solution (5 ml the microcosm was incubated for 2 weeks. The cultures in 1 l) and a trace metal solution [18,32]. The nutrient were subcultured (5% transfer) consecutively seven times broth was composed of 3 g l31 of beef extract and 5 g over a period of 6 months. The ¢nal enrichment cultures l31 of peptone. Yeast extract (1 g l31), or bacto peptone did not show any growth in the basic salts media in the (1gl31)orglucose(1gl31)wasaddedtoimprovegrowth absence of RDX (Table 1). The enrichment cultures were of bacterial isolates when necessary. The medium used for plated on Bacto Brewer Anaerobic agar prepared inside the isolation and maintenance of anaerobic bacteria was sealed serum bottles. Following incubation at 37‡C (3^ Bacto Brewer Anaerobic agar (58 g l31) (Becton Dickin- 7 days), colonies with di¡erent morphologies were picked son, Sparks, MD, USA). and were re-plated on the same agar media. The latter process was repeated three times for puri¢cation of iso- 2.2. Enrichment of anaerobic bacteria on RDX lates. Growth of the bacterial isolates on RDX, sodium nitrite (NaNO , 0.5 mM) and ammonium chloride 2 The original anaerobic sludge was from a continuous (NH Cl, 0.5 mM) as nitrogen source was evaluated by 4 up£ow anaerobic sludge blanket digester (Biothane) (pH measuring increase in OD and by microscopic exami- 600nm 6.5^7.5, 36^38‡C), located in Sensient Flavor Canada nation. (Cornwall, Ontario). It was used to convert nutrients in the food-processing wastewater to methane (70% of the 2.3. Phylogenetic analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences of total gas released). The following compounds were added bacterial isolates to the basic salts and vitamins medium to enrich bacteria using RDX (0.1 mM) as a nitrogen source: hydrogen, Colonies grown on pre-reduced PY agar [30] were formate and carbonate, ethanol, glucose and lactate (Ta- pickedforextractionoftotalDNAandPCRampli¢cation ble 1). Where applicable, sulfate (3.5 mM) was added to of 16S rRNA genes according to standard molecular biol- enrich sulfate-reducing bacteria. Prior to inoculation, the ogy methods [24,36]. Sequences, with a length ranging liquid medium in sealed serum bottles was degassed and from 1236 to 1314 bases, of 16S rRNA were compared Table1 Growth of the anaerobic sludge enrichment cultures and biotransformation of RDX (0.2 mM) as a nitrogen source in the presence of di¡erent carbon andenergysourcesafter8daysofincubationunderargon(measurementsweredoneintriplicateswithstandarddeviationsinparentheses) Carbonorenergysource Biomassincrease(OD600nm) RDXremoval RDXproducts (%) (%oftotalCorN) WithoutRDX WithRDX TNX N2O H2 (1atm)(RDXasCsource)a 0.01(0.0) 0.07(0.00) 94(57) 0.1(0.02) 31(3) Glucose(3.2mM)a 0.05(0.04) 0.55(0.1) 98(9) 0.4(0.1) 0 Ethanol(11mM)a;c 0.02(0.01) 0.2(0.1) 91(8) 0.2(0.05) 0.7(0.8) Ethanol(11mM)andsodiumsulfate(3.5mM)b;c 0.03(0.02) 1.0(0.1) 78(10) 0 21(9) Sodiumformate(7.3mM)andsodiumcarbonate(4.7mM),H2 0.01(0.01) 0.06(0.02) 59(41) 0 28(3) (0.8atm)andCO2 (0.2atm)a Sodiumlactate(13.5mM)b;c 0.2(0.1) 1.1(0.1) 83(0.6) 0 4.2(5.8) Sodiumlactate(13.5mM)andsodiumsulfate(3.5mM)b;c 0.3(0.1) 1.3(0.0) 93(24) 0 0.2(0.2) Beefextract(3gl31)andpeptone(5gl31)a;c;d 0.6(0.1) 0.6(0.1) 98(32) 0.9(0.3) 0.08(0.08) aInitialbiomass(OD600nm)rangedfrom0.02to0.06. bInitialbiomass(OD600nm)rangedfrom0.1to0.15. cTheseenrichmentculturesproducedmethane. dThelowbiomasswasprobablyduetoconversionofcarbontomethane. FEMSEC15777-10-03 J.-S.Zhaoetal./FEMSMicrobiologyEcology46(2003)189^196 191 to published sequences by BLAST. The 16S rRNA gene sequences of the isolates and those of closely related stan- dardstrainswerealignedbyClustalX(1.81).Theneighbor- joiningmethod(intheMEGA2package[26])basedonthe pairwise nucleotide distance of Kimura 2-parameter was used to build the phylogenetic tree. The number of boot- strap repetitions was 1000. 2.4. Anaerobic transformation of RDX General RDX biotransformation conditions are de- scribed in the above enrichment tests. The carbon and energy sources used for RDX transformation by enrich- ment cultures and their isolates are described in Table 1. For selected isolates, the headspace of serum bottles used for growth was charged with argon unless otherwise noted. Yeast extract (1 g l31 ), bacto peptone (1 g l31) or glucose (1 g l31) was added to improve growth of bac- Fig. 1. N2O production and removal during RDX biotransformation by terialisolateswhenindicated.Onemlofliquidculturewas themixedculturesenrichedonRDXandnutrientbroth. inoculated to 19 ml of liquid biotransformation media (initial OD of the 20 ml media after inoculation, duction of the nitroso derivatives MNX, DNX and TNX 600nm 0.05^0.15).Microcosmsweresampledunderstrictlyanaer- that did not persist (Fig. 1). Their disappearance was ac- obic conditions for subsequent analyses as described be- companiedbytheformationofHCHO,CH OH(datanot 3 low. shown) and N O (Table 1). The ¢nal yields of N O from 2 2 RDX by ¢ve of the eight enrichment mixed cultures were 2.5. Analyses of RDX and its products very low (Table 1). Fig. 1 shows that N O was only 2 formed as a transient product. The concentration of RDX and its nitroso products During RDX transformation with ethanol- or lactate- MNX, hexahydro-1,3-dinitroso-5-nitro-1,3,5-triazine enriched mixed cultures, CH was produced, but not in 4 (DNX)andTNXinthesupernatantsoftheliquidsamples RDX transformation with glucose-enriched culture. were analyzed at 230 nm by a HPLC/UV method as de- scribed previously [16^18]. The methods for analyses of 3.2. Phylogenetic diversity of RDX-transforming isolates in NO3, CH , N O, HCHO and CH OH were described in the enrichment cultures 2 4 2 3 earlier reports [16,18]. All tests were performed in tripli- cates. Pure cultures were isolated and characterized from ¢ve oftheaboveenrichmentculturesusinghydrogen,formate, glucose, ethanol or ethanol plus sulfate as co-substrate(s). 3. Results and discussion Out of the 16 morphologically di¡erent colonies chosen, 15 exhibited RDX-removal activity. By comparing the 3.1. EnrichmentofRDX-degradingbacteriafromanaerobic partial 16S rRNA gene sequences of the isolates to sludge gene in the GenBank, we found that the 15 colonies be- longed to six genetically distinguishable bacterial species: In the enrichment cultures, optimal growth and RDX HAW-1, HAW-G3, HAW-G4, HAW-E3, HAW-HC1, transformation was observed when glucose, ethanol, or and HAW-ES2, isolated from enrichment culture fed lactate was added as a carbon source (Table 1). Addition with hydrogen, glucose, ethanol, formate, and ethanol ofsulfatefurtherimprovedgrowthonethanolandlactate. plus sulfate, respectively. The enriched mixed cultures removed 60^99% of 0.2 mM All the isolates were catalase and oxidase negative, ob- of RDX within 8 days, whereas in the abiotic controls ligateanaerobes,¢veofwhich(HAW-1,HAW-G3,HAW- with nitrogen in the headspace, RDX removal was less G4, HAW-E3, HAW-HC1) were Gram-positive, spore- than 10%. Growth of bacteria on RDX in the presence forming, straight rods. The phylogenetic tree of 16S of hydrogen gas or formate was poor. The entire ¢nal rRNA genes of the six isolates and those closely related enriched mixed cultures showed little growth in the basic standard bacterial strains is shown in Fig. 2. The sequen- salts media in the absence of RDX (Table 1), indicating ces of 16S rRNA genes of the ¢ve Gram-positive isolate that the energetic chemical acted as a nitrogen source for (HAW-1, HAW-G3, HAW-G4, HAW-E3, HAW-HC1) growth. fell within the clusters of Clostridium genus. Collins et AllenrichedmixedculturestransformedRDXwithpro- al. found that all the known species of Clostridium genus FEMSEC15777-10-03 192 J.-S.Zhaoetal./FEMSMicrobiologyEcology46(2003)189^196 Fig. 2. Phylogenyofanaerobic bacterial isolates. The phylogenetic tree was generated based on the pairwise nucleotide distance ofKimura 2-parameter using the neighbor-joining method included in MEGA2 software package. The bar indicates the di¡erence of two nucleotides per 100. The number be- sidethenodeisthestatisticalbootstrapvalue. were very heterogeneous by their 16S rRNA gene sequen- of both isolates (HAW-G3 and HAW-G4) fell within the ces, and could be separated to 19 clusters [44]. HAW-1 cluster XIVa of Clostridium genus [44] and were very was a long rod (1.5^11 Wm long with a diameters of 0.5^ closely related to Clostridium celerecrescens (ATCC 1 Wm) and had an opaque round colony. Its partial 16S 19403) and Clostridium sphenoides (DSM 5628) (Fig. 2). rRNA gene sequences fell within the cluster XI of Clostri- Highest similarity was found between the two isolates dium genus as described by Collins et al. [44], with (99.8% for HAW-G4; 99.5% for HAW-G3) and C. cele- C. bifermentans as the most closely related species (Fig. recrescens. HAW-E3 (or ES1) was also a short rod (1.5^ 2). HAW-G3 and HAW-G4 were short rods (1.5^3.0 Wm 3.0Wmlongwithadiameterof0.5Wm)anditscolonywas long with a diameter of 0.5 Wm) and their colonies were whitish and £at. Its partial 16S rRNA gene sequences fell transparent and colorless. The 16S rRNA gene sequences within the cluster XIVa of Clostridium genus [44] with the FEMSEC15777-10-03 J.-S.Zhaoetal./FEMSMicrobiologyEcology46(2003)189^196 193 Table2 GrowthofbacterialisolatesonRDX(0.1mM)asanitrogensourceandyieldsofRDXproducts (measurements weredoneintriplicates withstandard deviationsinparentheses) Isolate Bacterialgrowth(OD600nm increase)a Yieldsof¢nalproducts(%oftotalCorNinRDXremoved) WithoutRDX WithRDX Cproducts Nproduct CH3OH HCHO N2O HAW-G4b 0.03(0.02) 0.24(0.05) 80(6) 0.47(0.06) 27(0.8) HAW-E3c 0.02(0.01) 0.12(0.02) 8.7(0.1) 8.0(0.4) 33(2) HAW-ES2d 0.03(0.01) 0.10(0.02) 7.5(0.5) 0.4(0.1) 35(2) aInitialbiomass(OD600nm): HAW-G4,0.1; HAW-E3,0.11; HAW-ES2,0.07. bGlucose(1gl31)wasusedasacarbonsource. cEthanol(1gl31)wasusedasacarbonsource. dEthanol(1gl31)wasusedasacarbonsourceandsodiumsulfate(3.5mM)asanelectronacceptor. Clostridium saccharolyticum as the most closely related 3.3. Bacterial diversity on RDX metabolic kinetics species (Fig. 2). HAW-HC1 was a long rod (2.5^10 Wm long with a diameter of 0.5^1.0 Wm) and had an opaque When either glucose (for isolate HAW-G4) or ethanol andslightlyyellowishcolony.Its16SrRNAgenesequence (forisolate HAW-E3) wasused asacarbon source, isolate fell within the cluster I of Clostridium genus [44]. Its most HAW-G4 and isolate HAW-E3 used RDX as a nitrogen closely related species was Clostridium butyricum (Fig. 2). source for growth. Growth of the two isolates on RDX as The spores in the liquid cultures of the above ¢ve clostri- anitrogensourcewas con¢rmed byanobviousincreasein dial isolates (in yeast extract and peptone medium) could the OD in the presence of RDX and a negligible in- 600nm not be killed by heating at 95‡C for 10 min. They all crease in controls that did not contain RDX or any other fermented glucose and peptone to produce hydrogen gas. nitrogen source (Table 2). The two isolates were also The isolate HAW-ES2 was a Gram-negative, non-spore- found to grow when RDX in the above media was re- forming bacterium. Its 16S rRNA gene sequence fell with- placed with the ammonium ion. Addition of yeast extract in the cluster of Desulfovibrio genus with Desulfovibrio and peptone improved growth of both isolate HAW-G4 desulfuricansastheclosestmatch(Fig.2).Ingeneral,clos- and isolate HAW-E3, and enhanced RDX transformation tridiawerefoundtobethemajorRDX-removingbacteria. (data not shown). The speci¢c rate for RDX removal for Beller[12]proposedthathomoacetogensareresponsible bothisolates(HAW-G4andE3)was5.2and6.2Wmolh31 for removal of RDX (at a rate of 0.5 WM day31) in an g (dry weight) of cells31, respectively. As shown in Table aquifer bacterial mixture using hydrogen gas as the elec- 2, isolate HAW-ES2 also seemed to grow on RDX as a tron donor and RDX as a nitrogen source in the presence nitrogen source in the basic medium containing ethanol of carbonate. In the present study, a similar mixed culture and sulfate (Table 2). The speci¢c RDX-removal rate removed RDX at a rate of 25 WM day31, and contained a (5.5 Wmol h31 g (dry weight) of cells31) of HAW-ES2 fast RDX-removing clostridial bacterium HAW-1. A sim- was close to that of isolate HAW-G4 and E3. ilar clostridial RDX-removing strain identi¢ed as C. bifer- Although the enrichment culture was able to grow on mentans was previously isolated by Regan and Crawford RDX and H (Table 1), its isolate HAW-1 did not show 2 [19] from explosive contaminated soil, but the latter ap- any appreciable growth under the same conditions. How- peared to remove RDX at a rate (180 WM day31, 1.2 ever, addition of yeast extract greatly improved its growth OD of biomass) slower than that (330 WM day31, and the removal rate of the energetic chemical (data not 600nm 0.8 OD of biomass) of isolate HAW-1. To the best shown). Isolate HAW-1 showed the highest speci¢c RDX- 600nm of our knowledge, isolate HAW-ES2 is the ¢rst RDX-de- removal rate (24.0 Wmol h31 g (dry weight) of cells31) gradingsulfate-reducingbacterium,althoughaconsortium among all isolates, suggesting that this strain might pos- has been reported to remove the energetic chemical under sess a high RDX-transformation activity. sulfate-reducing condition [13]. Similarly, the isolate HAW-HC1 from an enrichment Although the presence of methanogens in the ethanol- culture that was able to grow on RDX as a nitrogen enriched mixed cultures was demonstrated by the forma- source and formate as a carbon source (Table 1) did not tion of CH , we did not obtain any methanogenic isolate show any obvious growth on RDX under the same con- 4 from the above ethanol enrichment culture. This could be ditions. Addition of yeast extract, peptone and glucose attributed to the employment of isolation medium that moderately improved the growth of strain HAW-HC1 favored the growth of fermentative bacteria rather than andenhancedRDXremoval.IsolateHAW-HC1exhibited methanogens. The present results and the previous reports the lowest speci¢c rate (2.5 Wmol h31 g (dry weight) of [10,11,18,19,28,33] showed that most known RDX-remov- cells31) for RDX removal among all the isolates. ing anaerobic (facultative or obligate) isolates are fermen- All the above four clostridial isolates are strictly anaer- tative bacteria. obic fermentative bacteria, exhibiting faster RDX-removal FEMSEC15777-10-03 194 J.-S.Zhaoetal./FEMSMicrobiologyEcology46(2003)189^196 rates than any previously reported facultative anaerobic ductiontoMNX,DNXandTNXorviainitialdenitration bacteria belonging to the fermentative Enterobacteriaceae followedbyringcleavagetoproduceHCHO,CH OHand 3 family (10, 11, 18, 28). For example, the RDX-removal N O [5,18]. In all tested isolates, formation of MNX was 2 rates (2.4^24.0 Wmol h31 g (dry weight) of cells31) of the found, but TNX and DNX were only detected in low present isolates were approximately 6 to 60 times higher amounts, indicating that denitration of MNX was a dom- than the rate (0.41 Wmol h31 g (dry weight) of cells31) of inant route to RDX ring cleavage and secondary decom- the previously isolated K. pneumoniae strain SCZ-1 [18]. position. This suggests that obligate fermentative anaerobes are All RDX-removing facultative bacteria of the Entero- faster in removing RDX than facultative ones. bacteriaceae family [10,11,18,28] and strictly anaerobic bacteria [19,33], including the present isolates, are known 3.4. RDX metabolic products by bacterial isolates to contain hydrogenase enzyme [34,35,37^39]. Most of the RDX-removing anaerobic bacterial isolates known thus Like the enrichment cultures, bacterial isolates also fararefermentativeH producers.AlsoarapidH -depen- 2 2 transformed RDX to initially produce the nitroso deriva- dent RDX transformation activity was previously de- tives MNX, DNX and TNX prior to ring cleavage to scribed in the crude extract of Clostridium acetobutylicum HCHO and CH OH. After 5 days of incubation in the [33]. Finally, Enterobacteriaceae only exhibited hydroge- 3 basic salts media containing either glucose or ethanol as nase and RDX-removing activity under anaerobic condi- a carbon source, isolate E3 and G4 removed 83^99% of tions [10,11,18,28]. Experimental evidence gathered thus 0.1 mM RDX, with production of 8^17% of nitroso de- far suggests that RDX transformation was initiated by a rivatives and 3^9.6% of nitrite (relative to the total nitro- hydrogenase activity. gen in RDX removed). The yields of TNX of the latter Clostridia, which seemingly play a major role in the two isolates were less than 1%. During transformation of rapid removal of RDX under strictly anaerobic condi- RDX by isolate ES2, the yields of DNX and TNX were tions, are also present in soils contaminated with RDX negligible. All the nitroso derivatives were not persistent. [19]. Therefore our observations suggest that clostridia in CompleteremovalofRDXanditsnitrosoderivativespro- the anoxic environment of soil may also use RDX as a duced the ring cleavage products HCHO and CH OH. In nitrogen source without accumulating nitroso derivatives. 3 one case, isolate HAW-G4 transformed RDX to produce On the other hand, aerobic bacteria such as Stenotropho- mainly CH OH, accounting for 80% of total carbon of monas maltophilia [40] and species of Rhodococcus [41^43] 3 RDX removed. in soil have been reported to degrade RDX. Since both Although we did not detect NO3 during RDX incuba- aerobic (surface soil) and anaerobic (subsurface soil) envi- 2 tionwiththemixedcultures,wewereabletodetectitwith ronments are present in soils, both aerobic and anaerobic all isolates with highest yield (9.6% of total N in RDX bacteria will compete for RDX at the oxic/anoxic bound- removed) observed with isolate HAW-E3, indicating that ary. Further study on this ecological aspect would be use- in addition to nitroso routes, RDX degradation also in- ful to understand how RDX is degraded in a ¢eld soil volved denitration. Previously we showed that Rhodococ- environment. cus sp. Strain DN22 aerobically degraded RDX via initial denitration to the dead end product 4-nitro-2,4-diazabuta- nal [42]. We did not detect the latter in the present study, Acknowledgements but we could not exclude its formation probably because of its instability under the anaerobic conditions used. We thank Kevin Orouke from Sensient Flavor Canada All isolates produced N O as ¢nal products, which ac- for providing the anaerobic sludge. We are grateful to 2 counted for approximately one third of the total nitrogen Sonia Thiboutot and Guy Ampleman from the Defense content of RDX removed. The pure cultures fed with Research and Development Canada, Valcartier, Quebec, NO3 in the absence of RDX did not produce N O. In Canada, for providing us with the energetic chemicals. 2 2 contrast to the enriched mixed cultures (Table 1), none We thank Louise Paquet, Chantale Beaulieu and Alain of the ¢ve isolates removed N O, suggesting that other Corriveau for technical assistance. Funding was provided 2 unidenti¢ed bacteria in the mixed cultures were responsi- by the U.S. Strategic Environmental Research and Devel- ble for N O removal. opment Program (SERDP # CU1213). 2 The formation of the secondary product N O was sug- 2 gested to be derived from one of the ^N^NO groups 2 originally present in RDX [16]. In this paper, all isolates References gave N O with yields close to 30% of the total nitrogen in 2 RDX (Table 2), suggesting the involvement of only one ^ [1] Hass,R.,Schreiber,I.,vo«nLow,E.andStock,G.(1990)Conception N^NO group(representingonethirdofthetotalnitrogen 2 fortheinvestigationofcontaminatedmunitionplants(2): Investiga- content of RDX) in its formation. As reported previously, tion of former RDX-plants and ¢ling stations. Fresenius J. Anal. RDX can be transformed anaerobically via sequential re- Chem.338,41^45. FEMSEC15777-10-03 J.-S.Zhaoetal./FEMSMicrobiologyEcology46(2003)189^196 195 [2] Myler, C.A. and Sisk, W. 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