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DTIC ADA586410: Physics Based Lumped Element Circuit Model for Nanosecond Pulsed Dielectric Barrier Discharges PDF

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Preview DTIC ADA586410: Physics Based Lumped Element Circuit Model for Nanosecond Pulsed Dielectric Barrier Discharges

JOURNALOFAPPLIEDPHYSICS113,083301(2013) Physics based lumped element circuit model for nanosecond pulsed dielectric barrier discharges ThomasUnderwood,1,a)SubrataRoy,1,b)andBryanGlaz2 1AppliedPhysicsResearchGroup,DepartmentofMechanicalandAerospaceEngineering, UniversityofFlorida,Gainesville,Florida32611,USA 2VehicleTechnologyDirectorate,U.S.ArmyResearchLaboratory,AberdeenProvingGround,Maryland 21005,USA (Received25December2012;accepted5February2013;publishedonline22February2013) This work presents a physics based circuit model for calculating the total energy dissipated into neutralspeciesfornanosecondpulseddirectcurrent(DC)dielectricbarrierdischarge(DBD)plasmas. Based on experimental observations, it is assumed that the nanosecond pulsed DBD’s which have been proposed for aerodynamic flow control can be approximated by two independent regions of homogeneouselectricfield.Anequivalentcircuitmodelisdevelopedforbothhomogeneousregions basedonacombinationofaresistor,capacitors,andazenerdiode.Insteadoffittingtheresistanceto an experimental data set, a formula is established for approximating the resistance by modeling plasmas as a conductor with DC voltage applied to it. Various assumptions are then applied to the governing Boltzmann equation to approximate electrical conductivity values for weakly ionized plasmas.Thedevelopedmodelisthenvalidatedwithexperimentaldataofthetotalpowerdissipated byplasmas.VC 2013AmericanInstituteofPhysics.[http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4792665] I. INTRODUCTION withrelevantphysicsthatcouldbeimplementedasanapprox- imation for the energy dissipated within a plasma for any The need for improved control over aerodynamic flow pulsed direct current (DC)dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) separation has increased interest in the potential use of configuration.Amongtheothergoalsinthispaperistoprobe plasmaactuators.Theinherentadvantagesofplasmaactuator into the background processes that occur within plasmas and flowcontroldevicesinclude:fastresponsetime,surfacecom- incorporatethatknowledgeintothemodel. pliance,lackofmovingparts,andinexpensiveness.However, it has been established that the actuators which affect the flow via directed momentum transfer are not effective at II. LUMPEDELEMENTCIRCUITMODEL Mach numbers associated with most subsonic aircraft appli- cations.Recently,Roupassovetal.1demonstratedthatpulsed Oneoftheprimaryassumptionsincreatingthismodelis that nanosecond pulsed DBD’s can be approximated by two plasma actuators, in which energy imparted to the flow independentregionsofhomogeneouselectricfield.Onesuch appears to effectively control flow separation, seem to be suitable at Mach numbers (M (cid:2) 0.3) beyond the capabilities region, dubbed the “hot spot” is the region adjacent to the powered electrode. This region makes up a small portion of ofthecurrentplasmainducedmomentumbasedapproaches. the total discharge area but was observed to be an important Given the fundamental differences between the novel pulsed discharge approach and the more conventional mo- component of the plasma discharge and necessary to obtain agreementwithexperimentallymeasuredshockwavedynam- mentumbasedapproaches,thereisaneedtodevelopaneffec- tive and efficient model for the energy delivered to the flow ics by Roupassovet al.1 Theother region,dubbed the“tail,” by the plasma. Once calculated, that value can be input to a encompasses the rest of the plasma discharge and extends to the edge of the dielectric. As both regions are independent, computationalfluiddynamicssolverasanenergysourceterm themodelpresentedinthispaperconsistsofasinglenetwork resulting in a coupled fluid/plasma dynamics model. Multiphysicsmodelsofthistypearerequiredinordertostudy foreachregioncontainingaresistor,capacitors,andadiode. As shown in Fig. 1, circuit elements that were used to detailed flow characteristics. However, detailed numerical simulations involving plasma kinetics are computationally model the plasma include: an air capacitor Ca, a dielectric prohibitivefor a varietyof coupled fluid/plasma designprob- capacitorCd,aresistorRf,andazenerdiodeDf.Theairca- pacitorrepresentsthecapacitancebetweenthedielectricsur- lems. To address this issue, efficient circuit element models face and the exposed electrode. The dielectric capacitor have been introduced to approximate the complex processes within plasmas. Circuit models such as those by Orlov2 rely representsthecapacitancebetweenthedielectricsurfaceand insulatedelectrodeandisproportionaltothethicknessofthe on empirical constants which may not be applicable to nano- dielectriclayer.Thus,thedielectriclayerintheformofboth second pulsed discharges. To date, an approximate model of nanosecond pulsed plasma actuators has not been developed. its thickness and the value of its dielectric constant plays an importantroleindeterminingtheeffectivenessoftheplasma This paper deals primarily with establishing a flexible model actuator. Finally, the zener diode, introduced by Orlov2 is utilized in the model to enforce an energy threshold value a)UndergraduateStudent. b)Electronicmail:roy@ufl.edu.URL:http://aprg.mae.ufl.edu/roy/. belowwhichplasmawillnotform. 0021-8979/2013/113(8)/083301/11/$30.00 113,083301-1 VC 2013AmericanInstituteofPhysics Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED 2013 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-2013 to 00-00-2013 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Physics based lumped element circuit model for nanosecond pulsed 5b. GRANT NUMBER dielectric barrier discharges 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION University of Florida,Applied Physics Research Group,Department of REPORT NUMBER Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering,Gainesville,FL,32611 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE Same as 11 unclassified unclassified unclassified Report (SAR) Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 083301-2 Underwood,Roy,andGlaz J.Appl.Phys.113,083301(2013) FIG.1.Electriccircuitmodelofadielectricaerodynamicplasmaactuator. Since a uniform charge distribution along the top of the dielectricisassumed,thetypicalasymmetric2Dplasmaactu- ator geometry featured in Fig. 1 can be simplified to a series ofhomogeneoussymmetricregions.AsshowninFig.2,these regions include: an anode sheath, “hot spot,” and “tail.” This assumption results in a series of coupled 1D models that accountfor the chordwisevariationalong the actuator.Fig.3 shows the simplified circuit model within each homogeneous region. A. Circuit FIG.3.Regionofhomogeneouspotential,i.e.,“hotspot.” As displayed in Fig. 1, the lumped element circuit is a (cid:2) (cid:2) A function of the two capacitance values, Ca and Cd. In this Cd ¼ 0hd d; (2) d model, the air is treated as both a conductor to generate a physicalrelationshipfortheresistanceRf andaparallelplate where Ad is the cross-sectional area of the dielectric capaci- capacitor to generate Ca. An advantage of modeling the tive element and hd is the height of the dielectric barrier plasmaasaconductorinadditiontoaparallelplatecapacitor layer. As displayed in Fig. 5, A is the product of the span- d is that it generates a physical relationship for the resistance, wiselengthoftheactuatorz andd ,thewidthofthedielec- a d Rf, a value that is traditionally empirically determined. The tricregion. airgapcapacitorcanbemodeledas3 Treatingtheplasmaasaconductor,theresistanceforDC voltageisproportionaltor ,A ,andh :Itcanbegivenas3 p a a (cid:2) (cid:2) A Ca ¼ 0haa a; (1) Rf ¼rhAa : (3) p a where A is the cross-sectional area of the air and h is the a a approximate height of the plasma region of interest. The StartingfromKirchoff’scircuitlaws,3thegoverningdif- heightoftheplasmahasbeenshownbyRoupassovetal.1to ferentialequationforthevoltagedropexperiencedbytheair be approximately independent of applied voltage for nano- gap,DV,isgivenby second pulsed DBD actuators. As displayed in Fig. 4, A is a the product of the spanwise length of the actuator za and la, dDVðtÞ¼(cid:3)dVapp(cid:2) Ca (cid:3)1(cid:3)(cid:3)j DVðtÞ ; thechordwisedistancefromtheexposedelectrodetotheend dt dt C þC R ðtÞðC þC Þ a d f a d ofthedielectricregion. (4) The capacitive element corresponding to the dielectric canbemodeledas3 (cid:4)1 if jEj>E j¼ crit (5) 0 if jEj(cid:4)E ; crit where V is the applied voltage and j is the contribution app fromthezenerdiode.Iftheelectricfieldmagnitude,givenas FIG.2.Plasmadischargeregionsanalyzedinthisstudy. FIG.4.Sketchofthecapacitiveairelement. 083301-3 Underwood,Roy,andGlaz J.Appl.Phys.113,083301(2013) thephysicalevolutioninthenumberofparticles,fðv;J;r;tÞ, defined such that fðv;J;r;tÞ dv is the number of particles in a unit volume located at point r, time t, internal quantum number J, and differential velocity range vþdv. Using this distribution function, the number of particles at point r and FIG.5.Sketchofthedielectriccapacitiveelement. timetcanbedefinedas jDVj ð jEj¼ ; (6) X h Nðr;tÞ¼ fðv;J;r;tÞdv: (9) a J isgreaterthanthebreakdownelectricfield,2E ,requiredto crit This distribution function allows a mathematical ionizeair,thenjtakesonavalueofone,otherwiseitiszero descriptiontobedevelopedforthetemporalevolutioninthe tosignifythatplasmahasnotformed. number of particles resulting from particle collisions within a control volume. The time rate of change in the number of B. Conductivity particlesduetoexternallyappliedfieldscanbedescribedas5 To effectively calculate the resistance governed by Eq. Df fðvþdv;J;rþdr;tþdtÞ(cid:3)fðv;J;r;tÞ (3), an expression must first be developed for the electrical ¼ : (10) conductivity, r , of the plasma. This value is one that tradi- Dt dt p tionallyrequiresanumericalapproach.Tosimplifytheprob- lem to a point where an analytic formulation can be used, A partial differential equation can be developed to numerous simplifying assumptions were used and are describeEq.(10)usingformulasforthetimerateofchangeof describedinthefollowingparagraphs. vandrestablishedusingtheequationofmotionintheformof For any plasma, the resulting electric current is com- posed of two primary terms: the current from electrons and dv F ¼ ; (11) that from ions. As the drift velocity of electrons, w , in a dt m e non-equilibrium plasma is significantly higher than ions, the dr current density can be approximated as the portion from ¼v; (12) electrons if the number densities, N and N, are approxi- dt e i mately the same. Using a form of the generalized Ohm’s and the chain rule of calculus to obtain the Boltzmann ki- Law, the current density vector, J and r , respectively, can p neticenergyequationgivenas bewrittenas J(cid:2)(cid:3)eN w ¼r E; (7) Df @f @f F @f e e p ¼ þv(cid:5) þ (cid:5) : (13) Dt @t @r m @v r ¼eðN l þNlÞ; (8) p e e i i In order to approximate the total derivative, a relaxation time can be introduced defined as the time taken for the sys- where l and l represent the ion and electron mobilities, i e temtobereducedtoanequilibriumdistributionfunction.The respectively. Much like Eq. (7), the electrical conductivity tau approximation can be given as s(cid:2)ðN r jvjÞ(cid:3)1, where relation can be simplified using the concept of quasineutral- a ea r isthecollisioncrosssectionbetweenelectronsandatoms, ity which is defined as having approximate equal number ea v istheaveragecollisionvelocity,andN isthenumberden- densities for charged particles of opposite polarity. Thus, as a sityofatoms.5Ifthenumberofparticleswithinacontrolvol- l istypicallythreeordersofmagnitudelargerthanl,itisa e i umeisdefinedasaequilibriumdistributionfunction,f ,when good assumption to approximate the electrical conductivity 0 each particleis at the same energy level as its neighbor, then asonlycomingfromelectronsaslongasN isatleastofthe e the particle evolution over timedue to pairwise collisions af- same order of magnitude as N.4 Quasineutrality is a typical i teranexternalforcehasbeenappliedcanbegivenas5 assumption that is valid as long as the plasma being model- ing is far enough away from the powered electrode to avoid Df f (cid:3)f theboundarylayerinplasmaphysicscalledthesheath. ¼(cid:3) 0: (14) Dt s Since a pulsed DC voltage is assumed, the activation of the external electric field will follow the voltage waveform As s only accounts for collisions between electrons and asastepfunction.Thus,twoexpressionswillberequiredfor neutral atoms,itisonlyaccurate intheevent ofweaklyion- r , where the first is valid for the period when an external izedplasma.Plasmaactuatorsconsideredinthispapertradi- p electric field is applied, as shown in Fig. 9 from 0 to 60ns, tionally feature a low degree of ionization, or simply the and the second when the voltage drop over the air gap is amount of air that is ionized, and thus can be treated in a zero. For the portions of the voltage waveform that DV is weakly ionized limit. In terms of the momentum-transfer zero, the power is also zero according to Ohm’s Law and collision frequency which can be defined as the mass cor- thustheconductivityduringthistimeisofnoimportance. rected rate at which a particle of a specific species collides Togenerateaanalyticformulafortheelectricalconduc- withanother,thecriteriaforaweaklyionizedplasmacanbe tivity, a distribution function must be introduced to describe givenas4 083301-4 Underwood,Roy,andGlaz J.Appl.Phys.113,083301(2013) (cid:3)(cid:2) (cid:6)(cid:3)(cid:2) : (15) neglected. The electrical conductivity and electron mobility, ei en respectively,canbegivenas This equation requires that the collision frequency betweenelectronsandionsbemuchlessthanthosebetween N ðt(cid:8)Þe2ðt(cid:8) (cid:2) t(cid:3)t(cid:8) (cid:3) r ðt(cid:8)Þ¼ e EðtÞexp dt; (19) electrons and neutrals. Thus, if this requirement is met, the p m Eðt(cid:8)Þ N(cid:8)r(cid:8) (cid:3)(cid:8) e 0 a ea collisional occurrences between electrons and charged par- ticles can be effectively ignored and the relaxation time e ðt(cid:8) (cid:2) t(cid:3)t(cid:8) (cid:3) established is a good approximation of the total time rate of leðt(cid:8)Þ(cid:2)m Eðt(cid:8)Þ EðtÞexp N(cid:8)r(cid:8) (cid:3)(cid:8) dt; (20) changeinthenumberofparticleswithinacontrolvolume. e 0 a ea After introducing a relaxation time to approximate Eq. where r is a function of electron energy and can be ea (13), an equation of motion describing the average velocity obtained for various molecules found in air from Phelps.6 of electrons can be established by multiplying by mev and Numerical values used in the model are included in the integrating over the electron velocity. An analytic formula- Appendix.Theelectronvelocitycanbeobtainedbyassuming tion for the average velocity an electron experiences due to a Maxwellian velocity profile. As a collection of electrons an externally applied field, we, can be obtained by assuming withinplasmahavearangeofvelocities,theMaxwellianve- thattheforcetermcanbeapproximatedastheLorentzforce locity profile represents the most probable distribution of e these velocities. Thus, the distribution of velocities, F¼(cid:3)eE(cid:3) ðv(cid:7)BÞ; (16) fðu;v;wÞ,canbegivenby4 c 2 1 3 where B represents the magnetic field and E represents the mðu2þv2þw2Þ electric field. As plasma actuators have no applied magnetic fðu;v;wÞ¼A3exp64(cid:3)2 k T 75; (21) field, B can be set equal to zero. Therefore, the equation of b e motionforanelectrondescribingw canbegivenas e (cid:2) (cid:3)1 m 2 A ¼N : (22) medweðtÞþmeweðtÞ¼(cid:3)eEðtÞ: (17) 3 e 2pkbTe dt s Using the non-relativistic definition of kinetic energy, a SolvingEq.(17),alinearfirst-orderdifferentialequation,an relationship can be established for the kinetic energy of an integralequationisobtained electronthatisvalidinthelimitjvj(cid:6)c,wherecisthespeed of light. Using this approximation, the relativistic formula- e (cid:2) t(cid:8)(cid:3)ðt(cid:8) (cid:2) t(cid:8)(cid:3) tionofthekineticenergycanbeapproximatedas w ðt(cid:8)Þ¼(cid:3) exp (cid:3) EðtÞexp (cid:3) dt: (18) e m s(cid:8) s(cid:8) e 0 mc2 1 E ¼ (cid:3)mc2 (cid:2) mv2: (23) k qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Equation (18) can be solved in conjunction with Eq. (7) 1(cid:3)jvj2=c2 2 toobtainanexpressionforthetimevaryingconductivityand in conjunction with Eq. (8) to obtain an approximation for AveragingEq.(21)andusingthenon-relativisticdefinitionof the time varying electron mobility if the ion mobility is kineticenergy,themeankineticenergyofelectronsbecomes4 2 1 3 ððð1 A 1m ðu2þv2þw2Þexp6(cid:3)2meðu2þv2þw2Þ7 du dv dw 32 e 4 k T 5 (cid:3)1 b e E ¼ ; (24) av 2 1 3 ððð1 meðu2þv2þw2Þ A exp6(cid:3)2 7 du dv dw 3 4 k T 5 (cid:3)1 b e where k isBoltzmann’s constant. From the definition of ki- TherequiredinputsforEqs.(19)and(20)include:N ,the b e neticenergy,therelationshipbetweenE andjvjwithvector numberdensityofelectrons,N ,thenumberdensityofatoms, av a componentsðu;v;wÞcanbeestablishedandtheaveragether- andT ,thetemperatureoftheelectrons.Amongthesevalues, e malvelocityofelectronsbecomes N canbe assumedtobe constantintimeasthe numberden- a sityofatomsissignificantlyhigherthanthatoffreeelectrons. sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Many other models incorporate a constant electron 3k T jvj¼ b e: (25) temperature into their model.2,7 Using experimentally me measured values of reduced electric field,8 E=N vs. a 083301-5 Underwood,Roy,andGlaz J.Appl.Phys.113,083301(2013) electrontemperatureasdetailedinFig.6,thismodelcalcu- where A and B are empirical constants that have tabulated lates a new electron temperature at each time step by com- values of 15 and 365, respectively, for air at atmospheric paring the E=N value experienced by the plasma, produced pressure.9 from using Eqs. (4)–(6), with Fig. 6. It is assumed in this paperthattheeffectsofanappliedelectricfieldhaveanin- stantaneous,on a time scale much faster than10(cid:3)9 s,effect C. Dischargedevelopment onelectrons. Thefinalremainingunknownrequiredtoclosetheequa- Atime-varyingdifferentialequationthatgovernsNe can tion system is to determine how the electric potential be obtained from the drift-diffusion equations. The electron changes over the horizontal length of the actuator. To accu- continuityequationthatgovernsNecanbegivenby rately model this, it is important to incorporate the wall effectsoftheplasmaactuator.Intermsofpotentialvariation, @Neþr(cid:5)C ¼ajC j(cid:3)bnn ; (26) these wall effects attract charged particles ofoppositepolar- @t e e i e ity and shield charged particles of the same polarity. Therefore, for regions beside the anode (powered electrode where Ce is called the charged species flux, a is the for positive pulses), an anode sheath is developed where an Townsend coefficient of ionization, and b is the recombina- attractionofelectronsoccursandarepulsionofpositiveions tioncoefficient betweenelectron andneutral atoms.Bysim- occur. For regions above the dielectric region on top of the plifying the plasma discharge into a combination of two grounded electrode, a cathode sheath is developed where homogeneous regions plus an anode sheath and by invoking positive ions are collected and electrons are repelled. Fig. 7 the irrotational property of electric fields, Eq. (26) can be illustratesthetwopredominate sheathsthataredevelopedin simplified by ignoring any spatial variation in the number asymmetricplasmaactuators. densityofelectrons,i.e.,Ce becomes Itisimportanttoconsidertheeffectsofchargecollection andrepulsionintheseregionsassuchphenomenoncanhave Ce (cid:2)NelejEj: (27) largeeffectsonthevariationoftheelectricpotentialoverthe chordwiselengthandheightoftheplasmadischarge. Assuming the number densities of electrons and ions are equal, i.e., in the quasineutralregion,the electron continuity equationforair,withacompositionof80%N and20%O , 1. Walleffects 2 2 canbewrittenas As the model introduced in this paper is interested in solvingfortheamountofenergytheplasmatransferstoneu- dN e (cid:2)a jN l Ej(cid:3)0:80b N2(cid:3)0:2b N2; (28) tral species, the relative importance of both the anode and dt air e e N2 e 02 e cathodesheathregionsneedstobeestablished.Energy,Q,is a function of electrical conductivity and electric field where a and b, respectively, can be approximated as hav- air ingtheform9 strengthandcanbegivenas (cid:2) (cid:3) Bp Q¼r jE2jV : (32) a ¼Apexp (cid:3) ; (29) p vol air E Equation (32) shows that the energy transfer from both (cid:2) (cid:3) 300 b ¼2:8(cid:7)10(cid:3)7 ; (30) sheath regions is proportional to the conductivity of the N2 Te plasmawithineachregion.Asthecathodesheathregiontyp- ically has very few electrons due to repulsion effects, the (cid:2) (cid:3) 300 b ¼2(cid:7)10(cid:3)7 ; (31) current within this region will be carried by positively 02 Te chargedions.Themobilityofsuchionsaresignificantlyless than that of an electron, so as a first order approximation if the local charged species number density and electric field strength are assumed equal, the conductivity in the cathode sheath will be significantly less than the conductivity in a bulkplasmaandtheanodesheath,i.e., FIG.7.Collectivewalleffectsoftheexposedpoweredelectrodeandvirtual FIG.6.Plotofelectrontemperaturevs.reducedelectricfield. electrode(dielectricregion).(1)Anodesheathand(2)cathodesheath.12 083301-6 Underwood,Roy,andGlaz J.Appl.Phys.113,083301(2013) r (cid:6)r (cid:2)r : (33) equal number densities of both electrons and ions (n ¼n), s(cid:3)c p s(cid:3)a e i while the cathode and anode sheaths only have electron and When combined with the fact that the volume of both ion densities, respectively. If this is assumed then the anode sheath regions are orders of magnitude less than the bulk sheath can be approximated as having a net charge density plasma, an order of magnitude approximation to the plasma equal to the quasineutral region’s calculated electron number discharge can be obtained by ignoring the cathode sheath’s density.Byassumingthe anode sheathisdevoidof anyposi- effects for nanosecond pulsed plasma discharges. Although tive ions and has a time-dependent number density of elec- the cathode sheath is approximately negligible in terms of trons,Poisson’sequationforthesheathcanbegivenby energy transfer, the higher electric field strength and higher conductivity present in the anode sheath contain important d2/ eN ðtÞ physics necessary for capturing the energy transferred by a dx2 ¼ (cid:2)e : (41) 0 plasma discharge. Fig. 2 shows the updated “hot spot” and “tail” regions with the anode sheath included in the hot spot If this form is assumed for a single Debye length (k ), then D regionadjacenttothepoweredelectrode. theremainingdischarge(restof“hotspot”and“tail”)region is part of the quasineutral bulk plasma and can be given by 2. Electricpotentialvariation Laplace’sequation Toestablishavariationintheelectricpotential,thegov- erningMaxwellequationscanbeusedwhicharewrittenas3 d2/ ¼0: (42) dx2 q r(cid:5)E¼ f; (34) (cid:2) Theordinarydifferentialequationsforelectricpotentialvari- 0 ation in the hot spot and tail regions, respectively, can be r(cid:5)B¼0; (35) solvedtoprovideanapproximate1Dspatialvariation @B r(cid:7)E¼(cid:3) ; (36) 8eN @t < ex2þC xþC if x(cid:4)k /ðxÞ¼ 2(cid:2)0 1 2 D (43) @E : r(cid:7)B¼l Jþl (cid:2) ; (37) C3xþC4 if x>kD: 0 0 0 @t Equation (43) requires a total of 4 boundary conditions. in differential form where q ¼eðn (cid:3)n Þ is the net charge f i e Thosecanbesummarizedas density and l is the permeability of free space. In the ab- 0 sence of a time-varying magnetic field, Eq. (36), Faraday’s / ðx¼0Þ¼V ; (44) 1 app LawofInduction,simplifiesto / ðx¼LÞ¼V ; (45) r(cid:7)E¼0; (38) 2 break / ðx¼k Þ¼/ ðx¼k Þ; (46) 1 D 2 D andsincethecurlofEiszero,theelectricfieldcanbesolved for as a potential function / and substituted into Gauss’ d/ d/ 1ðx¼k Þ¼ 2ðx¼k Þ; (47) Law, Eq. (34). The resulting equations, respectively, can be D D dx dx givenby where/ isthepotentialintheanodesheath,/ isthepoten- E¼(cid:3)r/; (39) 1 2 tial inthe quasineutral region, L islength of the actuator, and q k is a Debye length. The first boundary condition is V at r2/¼(cid:3) f: (40) D app (cid:2) thecathodeandthesecondisbasedontheexperimentalobser- vationsbyRoupassovetal.1Itwasobservedthataplasmadis- Thenetchargedensitywithinthequasineutralregionofa charge could be approximated as stopping at the edge of the plasma is equal to zero as n ¼n. For the anode sheath, the grounded electrode for asymmetric actuators independent of e i net charge density can be approximated if the plasma is the applied voltage; so, the edge represents the absolute limit assumedtouniformlydistributeitschargedensity.Therefore, of ionization or the breakdown voltage of air. Using Eqs. the quasineutral region of the “hot spot” and “tail” features (44)–(47)asboundaryconditions,thepotentialbecomes 8 (cid:6) (cid:7) eN eN eN V (cid:3)V >>><2(cid:2)ex2þ 2(cid:2) Le k2D(cid:3) (cid:2) ekDþ breakL app xþVapp if x(cid:4)kD 0 0 0 /ðxÞ¼ (48) (cid:6) (cid:7) >>>: 2e(cid:2)NeLk2DþVbreakL(cid:3)Vapp ðx(cid:3)LÞþVbreak if x>kD: 0 083301-7 Underwood,Roy,andGlaz J.Appl.Phys.113,083301(2013) The Debye length provides an order of magnitude TABLEI.Experimentalparameters.1 approximationfortheextentofaplasmasheathbyassuming an exponential Boltzmann distribution in the charge density ha 0.4mm within the plasma discharge. Substituting this into Poisson’s hd 0.3mm (cid:2) 2.7 equation, d (cid:2) 1 a d2/ (cid:6) (cid:2) e/ (cid:3) (cid:7) An 30mm2 (cid:2)0 dx2 ¼eN1 exp k T (cid:3)1 ; (49) Ad 30mm2 b e V 50kV DT 60ns where N is the charged particle density far away from the 1 electrode. Taking a first-order Taylor expansion, the Debye lengthcanbegivenas4 k (cid:9)(cid:2)(cid:2)0kbTe(cid:3)12: (50) whichallowsanumericalODEsolver,suchasthoseemploy- D N e2 ingtheDormand-Princemethodtominimizefunctionalerror 1 by adjusting the step size after each time step.10 Numerical integration required for Eqs. (19) and (20) and energy Although at high voltages, a first-order approximation fails, derivedfromthecircuitmodel,givenas Eq. (50) still provides an order of magnitude approximation oftheextentoftheanodesheath. ðt DV2 Q¼ dt; (60) R ðtÞ D. Numericalprocedure 0 f Whensolvingfortheenergyimpartedtoneutralspecies, were performed viathe Gauss-Kronrod quadraturemethod10 a coupled equation system results from Eqs. (4) and (28). ateachtimestep. Thecoupledtermsinclude III. RESULTS R /N ; (51) f e A. Validationagainstexperiment C /DV; (52) e Tovalidatetheaccuracyofthe modeldescribedinthis b/DV; (53) paper, comparisons with data presented in Roupassov etal.1areprovided.Theexperimentalparametersthatwere /1 /Ne: (54) mentioned and used in the circuit model are given in Table I. Reference 1 uses the electrode configuration detailed in To solve the resulting equation system, the Dormand-Prince Fig.8. Runge-Kutta method was employed. This method provides Fig.9illustratesanapproximationoftheappliedvoltage an efficient way to incorporate an adaptive step size that is squarewavethatwasintroducedintheexperimentalworkof important for computational efficiency in a problem that Roupassov et al.1 The slope that is introduced is to simulate requires small time steps for convergence. The benefit of afunctionthatisdifferentiable.ThisisneededforV0 ðtÞin app such a procedure can be illustrated through a simplistic the governing differential equation as detailed by Eqs. (4) example.Iftheerrorofeachtimestepisdefinedas and(5).Onecouldalsogenerateacontinuousfunctionusing Fourier decomposition of a traditional square wave; how- (cid:2)i ¼yðtÞ(cid:3)yi; (55) ever,thiswouldnotaccountfortheminorriseandfalltimes k k foundinexperimentation. then if two step sizes are considered, h and h , the error of 1 2 each iteration and their relative error, respectively, can be givenas yðtÞ(cid:3)y1 ¼(cid:2)1 ¼ah ; (56) n1 n1 1 yðtÞ(cid:3)y2 ¼(cid:2)2 ¼ah ; (57) n2 n2 2 y2 (cid:3)y1 ¼aðh (cid:3)h Þ: (58) n2 n1 1 2 Therefore, for a given error tolerance, (cid:2), a sequence of step sizescanbegenerated ðh (cid:3)h Þ(cid:2) FIG. 8.Experimental scheme used by Roupassov et al.1 for the discharge hiþ2 ¼qjyiiþ1(cid:3)iþy1 ij; (59) gap. (1) High-voltage electrode; (2) dielectric layer; (3) low-voltage elec- niþ1 ni trode,(4)zoneofdischargepropagation,and(5)insulatingplane. 083301-8 Underwood,Roy,andGlaz J.Appl.Phys.113,083301(2013) FIG.9.Plotoftheinputvoltage,V vs.timeusedinthemodel. app FIG.10.Plotofelectronnumberdensityvs.timeforthe“hotspot.” B. “Hotspot”results finer the relative error tolerances are required to be to guar- For the small region of 0.4mm(cid:7)0.4mm over all time anteeconvergenceofasolution. outsideoftheanodesheath,thetimevariationinthenumber Using the results displayed in Figs. 10 and 11, the total density can be established. As an initial condition for Eq. power dissipated toneutral species as afunctionoftime can (28), 1015 m(cid:3)3 electrons were assumed based on work by be established. Using the result of Eq. (4) and the relation- Ref. 1. As displayed in Fig. 10,there is a large gradient that ship for the instantaneous power, the time-varying power occurs during the rise time that peaks around 1:13(cid:7)1019 impartedtotheflowcanbegivenas7 m(cid:3)3. It is also evident in Fig. 10 that the recombination of electrons is largely negligible on the nanosecond time scale. DV2ðtÞ If a frequency of 1 kHz is used, the recombination of elec- PðtÞ¼ : (61) R ðtÞ f trons with atoms allows a steady-state electron number den- sity to be achieved on the nanosecond time scale. The As shown in Fig. 12, the instantaneous power is domi- recombination of electrons becomes a significant quantity nateduringtherisetimeforthe“hotspot”region.Uponinte- when exploring the dynamics of a plasma discharge on the grating the instantaneous power over time using Eq. (60), microsecondtimescale. this model produces an energy value of 2.1 mJ for this UsingEq.(4)andFig.6,themodelwasabletoproduce region. When compared to the experimentally determined atime-varyingelectrontemperature.AsdisplayedinFig.11, valueof4.2mJbyRoupassovetal.,1thismodelproducesan there is an initial spike in the electron temperature to 29eV order of magnitude estimate for the energy imparted to neu- ((cid:2)340000K) that coincides with the peak in electron num- tralspeciesinthisregion. berdensityat11ns.Fig.11alsosuggeststhattheassumption ofaconstantelectrontemperatureisnotanaccurateassump- C. “Hotspot”sheathresults tion for nanosecond pulsed DBD plasmas. The variability in theelectrontemperaturebeyond40nsisduetothenumerical Using the Debye length approximation provided by Eq. errortolerancesthatareselectedwhensolvingEqs.(4),(19), (50)andthesolutionfromthequasineutral“hotspot”region and(28).Fig.11showsthatwhenreducingtherelativeerror ðn (cid:9)1019 m(cid:3)3, T (cid:9)10 eV), a Debye length of 7.43 lm is e e intheDormand-Princemethodfrom10(cid:3)2 to10(cid:3)3,thestrong generated. The electron number density experienced in the functional variability experiences a significant reduction. anodesheathisassumedtobeequaltothevaluescalculated Thehigherthegradientsareduringtheriseandfalltime,the in the adjacent “hot spot” region. Fig. 13 shows the time FIG.11.Plotofelectrontemperaturevs. time for the “hot spot”: (a) 10(cid:3)2 error and(b)10(cid:3)3error. 083301-9 Underwood,Roy,andGlaz J.Appl.Phys.113,083301(2013) FIG.12.Plotofpowervs.timeforthe“hotspot.” FIG.14.Plotofelectrontemperaturevs.timeforthe“hotspot”sheath. variation in the electron number density within the sheath andalsoshowsapeaknumberdensityof1:13(cid:7)1019m(cid:3)3. Using the revised form of the electric potential within theanodesheathgivenbyEq.(48)andusingFig.6,theelec- tric temperature variation over the duration of the pulse can be established. As displayed in Fig. 14, there is an initial spike in the electron temperature to ((cid:2)348000K) that coin- cideswiththepeakinelectronnumberdensityat11nsmuch likethehotspotregion. AsshowninFig.15,theinstantaneouspowerisdominant during the rise time for the anode sheath region. Upon inte- gratingtheinstantaneouspowerovertimeusingEq.(60),this model produces an energy value of 0.045 mJ for this region. This number is quite small compared to the 2.1 mJ experi- FIG.15.Plotofpowervs.timeforthe“hotspot”sheath. enced in the “hot spot” region. However, the anode sheath doeshaveaslightlyhigherlinearenergydensitythanthe“hot D. “Tail”results spot” region(6J/m vs. 5.25J/m). The reason that thereisnot For the region 0.4mm(cid:7)4.6mm, the time variation in significantdeviation predicted inthe anodesheath andquasi- the number density can be established. As an initial condi- neutral“hotspot”regionsisthatexplicitchargebuildupisnot tionforEq.(28),1015 m(cid:3)3electronswereassumed,thesame accounted for in the circuit model within the sheath region. number of electrons assumed for the “hot spot” region. AsshownbyRef.11,theelectricfieldinthesheathandadja- WhencomparingFigs.10and16,thetailregionexperiences centquasineutralregionsareapproximatelyequaluntilcharge a lower growth rate in the number of electrons which is due buildup is allowed within the anode sheath during the length to the lower electric field experienced by this region. As ofthepulseoraseriesofpulses. describedbyEq.(28),alowerelectricfieldproducesalower FIG.13.Plotofelectronnumberdensityvs.timeforthe“hotspot”sheath. FIG.16.Plotofelectronnumberdensityvs.timeforthe“tail.”

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