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Preview DTIC ADA582249: Effect of Atomic Layer Deposition on the Quality Factor of Silicon Nanobeam Cavities

Gehletal. Vol.29,No.2/February2012/J.Opt.Soc.Am.B A55 Effect of atomic layer deposition on the quality factor of silicon nanobeam cavities Michael Gehl,1,* Ricky Gibson,1 Joshua Hendrickson,2 Andrew Homyk,3 Antti Säynätjoki,4 Tapani Alasaarela,4 Lasse Karvonen,4 Ari Tervonen,4 Seppo Honkanen,4 Sander Zandbergen,1 Benjamin C. Richards,5 J. D. Olitzky,1 Axel Scherer,3 Galina Khitrova,1 Hyatt M. Gibbs,1 Ju-Young Kim,6 and Yong-Hee Lee6 1CollegeofOpticalSciences,UniversityofArizona,1630EastUniversityBoulevard,Tucson,Arizona85721,USA 2AirForceResearchLaboratory,SensorsDirectorate,2241AvionicsCircle,Building600, WrightPattersonAirForceBase,Ohio45433,USA 3ElectricalEngineeringandKavliNanoscienceInstitute,CaliforniaInstituteofTechnology, MC200-36,1200EastCaliforniaBoulevard,Pasadena,California91125,USA 4DepartmentofMicro-andNanosciences,AaltoUniversitySchoolofElectricalEngineering, P.O.Box13500,00076Aalto,Finland 5AdvancedConceptsTeam,EmcoreCorporation,10420ResearchRoad,Albuquerque,NewMexico87123,USA 6DepartmentofPhysics,KoreaAdvancedInstituteofScienceandTechnology,Daejeon305-701,Korea *Correspondingauthor:[email protected] ReceivedOctober4,2011;revisedDecember12,2011;acceptedDecember12,2011; postedDecember12,2011(Doc.ID155915);publishedJanuary25,2012 Inthisworkwestudytheeffectofthin-filmdepositiononthequalityfactor(Q)ofsiliconnanobeamcavities.We observeanaverageincreaseintheQof38(cid:1)31%inonesampleandinvestigatethedependenceofthisincreaseon theinitialnanobeamholesizes.Wenotethatthisprocesscanbeusedtomodifycavitiesthathavelargerthan optimalholesizesfollowingfabrication.Additionally,thetechniqueallowsthetuningofthecavitymodewave- length and the incorporation of new materials, without significantly degrading Q. © 2012 Optical Society of America OCIScodes: 350.4238,310.1860,310.6860. 1. MOTIVATION QDs and quantum wells in III–V systems, it presents more Photoniccrystal (PC)cavitiesprovideexcitingplatforms for of a challenge for silicon photonics. In this work, we show theabilitytodepositnewmaterialontopofasiliconPCcavity photonics applications in addition to fundamental cavity withaminimaleffectontheQ.Thisopensupthepossibilityof quantumelectrodynamics(cQED)experiments.Theabilityto fabricatecavitieswithsmallmodevolumes(V)andlargeQs incorporating active materials through similar methods. For example, one can dope Al O with layers of erbium during leads to large enhancements in light–matter interactions. By 2 3 the deposition process [8]. placing activeemitters such as quantumdots (QDs) into the cavity, it is easy to observe Purcell enhancement of sponta- neousemissionwithonlymodestQs.IncreasingtheQfurther 2. NANOBEAM CAVITIES leads to the quantum regime of strong coupling, in which One PC cavity geometry that is becoming popular is the 1D energy is able to coherently transfer between the emitter nanobeam, shown in Fig. 1. This design consists of a strip andcavitymultipletimesbeforedecaying.Thisregimeleads waveguidewithanarrayofetchedholes.Theholesbeginwith to exciting new physics, such as the Jaynes–Cummings uniform radius and spacing, creating a Bragg mirror region. ladder, deterministic single-photon sources, and photon Theholeradiusandspacingarethentapereddowntoacavity blockades [1–3]. regionwherethemodeisconfined,beforetaperingbackupto In additionto a highQ and low V,it isimportant that the another mirror region.The holes confine the light along one cavity and emitter be near resonance with each other. Pre- dimension, while it is confined by index guiding along the vious work has shown the ability to reversibly tune cavity other two. The substrate can be etched from underneath resonances by 5 nm using the condensation of gases at low the cavity, leaving it suspended, or in the case of this work, temperatures [4]. Additionally, tuning of 2D photonic crystal thecavitycanremainonthesubstrateforincreaseddurabil- systemshasbeenshownusingatomiclayerdeposition(ALD) ity.SimulationsofunsuspendedcavitiespredictQsashighas of hafnium oxide [5] and titanium oxide [6] and plasma- 366,000 with a mode volume of 0.552(cid:2)λ∕n(cid:3)3. Experimentally, enhanced chemical vapor deposition of silicon nitride [7]. unsuspended silicon nanobeam cavities have already been In thiswork,weobserveashiftincavityresonanceof20to measured with Qs of 360,000 [9]. 29nm,withahightuningprecisionasaresultofthemultiple- In this work, nanobeams are fabricated on silicon-on- cycle deposition process. insulator wafers, consisting of a 220 nm silicon layer on Finally, it is important that one can incorporate an active topofa2μmSiO layer.Thestructureisdefinedusingelec- 2 medium with the cavity. While this can be achieved with tronbeamlithographyandformedusinginductivelycoupled 0740-3224/12/020A55-05$15.00/0 ©2012OpticalSocietyofAmerica Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED 25 JAN 2012 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-2012 to 00-00-2012 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Effect of atomic layer deposition on the quality factor of silicon nanobeam 5b. GRANT NUMBER cavities 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION California Institute of Technology,Electrical Engineering and Kavli REPORT NUMBER Nanoscience Institute,1200 East California Boulevard,Pasadena,CA,91125 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE Same as 5 unclassified unclassified unclassified Report (SAR) Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 A56 J.Opt.Soc.Am.B/Vol.29,No.2/February2012 Gehletal. TodeterminetheintrinsicQofacavity,weusethecrossed polarizerresonantscatteringtechnique[10,12].Thisisafree spacemethodinwhichatunablelasersourceisfocusedonto the cavity with a microscope objective. The incident light is polarizedat45°withrespecttothepolarizationofthecavity mode.Thereflectedlightispassedthroughapolarizerat90° relativetotheincidentlight.Lightthatsimplyreflectsfromthe substratewillbeblockedbythecrossedpolarizer.Lightthat Fig. 1. (Color online) Schematic of the 1D nanobeam cavity with couplesintothecavitywillscatteroutwiththepolarizationof overlayofnormalizedelectricfieldenergydensity. the cavity mode, a portion of which will be able to pass through the final polarizer and be detected. Because of the plasmaetching.Eachnanobeamischaracterizedbyalattice increaseddifficultyandlowsignal-to-noiseratioofthismea- constant“a,”whichisthedistancebetweenthecenterofthe surement,thistechniqueisusedonlytodeterminetheintrin- holesinthemirrorregion.Thevalueofavariesfrom390to sic Q of the best cavities. 455 nm in 5 nm steps, shifting the cavity mode through the range of our measurement ability. In the taper region, the 4. ATOMIC LAYER DEPOSITION latticeconstantvariesfrom0.98ato0.86a,whileinthecavity region,thelatticeconstantis0.84a.Thenominalholeradiusis Atomiclayerdepositionisathin-filmdepositionprocessthat 0.3 times the local lattice constant. worksthroughthesequentialapplicationoftwoormoregas phasechemicals.Thegrowthtakesplaceasachemicalreac- tionatthesamplesurfaces.Thereactionisself-limiting,allow- 3. CHARACTERIZATION BY ingaccuratecontroloffilmthicknesssimplybycountingthe MEASUREMENT OF THE CAVITY QUALITY number of cycles. FACTOR Q Becauseofthenatureofthisdepositiontechnique,there- InordertocharacterizetheQofsiliconnanobeamcavities,we sultingfilmisconformalandgrowsalongthesurfacenormal use the tapered microfiber probe technique [10,11]. In this [13]. This effect has already been utilized to grow microlens technique,anopticalfiberisheatedandstretched,suchthat arrays [14] and planarized optical gratings [15] and to tune itadiabaticallytaperstoaregionwithadiameterontheorder photonic crystal waveguides [7,16]. The conformal film also of 1 μm. This region of the fiber is then carefully positioned reduces surface roughness, and ALD-grown Al2O3 and TiO2 across the nanobeam cavity. A tunable narrowband laser films have been found to significantly reduce propagation source is coupled into one end of the fiber, and the trans- losses in silicon strip and slot waveguides [13,17]. Because mittedpowerisdetectedattheotherend.Asthelasersource thegeometryofthesiliconnanobeamcavityisamodifiedsi- istunedintoresonancewiththecavity,someofthepoweris liconstripwaveguide,webelievethatthisprocesscouldlead coupledintothecavitymode,resultinginameasurabledipin to decreased losses and higher Qs in these structures. transmission through the fiber. Forthiswork,weinvestigatedthethin-filmgrowthofboth As a result of the tapered microfiber probe, the cavity TiO2 andAl2O3 onnanobeamcavitiesbyALD.TiO2 isdepos- experiences an additional amount of loss. This causes an ited at 120 °C using a process with titanium tetrachloride increaseinthemeasuredresonancelinewidthandthusade- (TiCl4) and water as precursors [18]. Al2O3 is deposited at creaseinthemeasuredQcomparedtotheintrinsicQofthe 200 °C using a process with trimethylaluminum (Al2(cid:2)CH3(cid:3)6) and water as precursors [19]. Figure 2 shows scanning elec- cavity. This effect was studied in [10], which found that by tronmicrograph(SEM)imagesofacavitybeforeandafterthe positioning the probe near the edge of the nanobeam, cou- pling to the cavity is minimized, leading to a measured Q deposition of 20 nm of Al2O3, showing a clear reduction in closer to the intrinsic Q. Forthis study, allQs are measured hole size due to the thin film. attheedgeofthenanobeamcavity.Becauseofthepositioning 5. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS uncertaintyoftheprobe,whichleadstoslightchangesinthe coupling and hence the measured Q, five measurements Forinitialtests,twonanobeamsampleswerefabricatedusing are taken of each cavity; the maximum value is used for all the same design parameters. They were first characterized comparisons. using the tapered microfiber technique. While imaging the Fig.2. SEMimagesofthecavityregionofasiliconnanobeam(a)beforeand(b)afterdepositionof20nmAl O byALD. 2 3 Gehletal. Vol.29,No.2/February2012/J.Opt.Soc.Am.B A57 Fig.3. (Coloronline)QofseveralcavitiesafterALDplottedagainsttheQmeasuredbeforeALD,for20nmof(a)Al2O3and(b)TiO2.Thesolidline hasaslopeof1andrepresentsnochangeintheQ,whilethedottedlinerepresentstheaveragechangeof38%forAl O and−1.3%forTiO . 2 3 2 cavities,itwasnoticedthattherewasresidualmaskmaterial nanobeamQ[Fig.5(a)]indicatethattheQishighlydependent remainingfromfabrication.Thismaterialwasremovedusing ontheholeradius,withapeakQneararadiusof0.3timesthe a 10 min O2 plasma etch. The cavities were recharacterized, latticeconstant.Toaccountforthedecreaseinholeradiusas and it was noted that the cavity wavelength decreased by aresultoftheALDcoating,athirdsamplewasfabricatedwith 6.5nmonaverage,buttherewasnosignificantchangeincav- anaddedoffsettotheholeradius.Foreachlatticeconstant, ityQ.Onesamplewasthencoatedwith20nmofTiO (index 13 cavities were defined with offsets ranging from −30 to 2 2.27atλ(cid:4)1.55 μm),whiletheotherwascoatedwith20nmof (cid:5)30 nmin5nmsteps.Fourarraysofthesecavitieswerefab- Al O (index1.62atλ(cid:4)1.55 μm).Thesampleswerecharac- ricated with varying electron beam dosage, but only two 2 3 terizedagain,followingthesameprocedure.TheTiO (Al O ) arrays provided useful cavities. 2 2 3 coated sample showed a shift in cavity mode of 59.2(cid:1) Thissamplewascharacterized,coatedwith20nmofAl O , 2 2 0.7(cid:2)30.3(cid:1)0.8(cid:3)nmonaverage.TheresultsoftheQmeasure- and then recharacterized. Fifty-three of the 60 cavities that ments are plotted in Fig. 3. While one TiO coated cavity werecharacterizedonthisthirdsampleshowedincreasesin 2 showedanincreaseinQof29%,theaveragechangeinQover theQ,withtheaverageincreasebeing20(cid:1)19%.Figure5(b) all cavities was −1.3(cid:1)16%. Every Al O coated cavity showsaplotofthemeasuredQpriortoALDcoatingasafunc- 2 3 showed an increase in Q, with an average increase of 38(cid:1) tionofholeradiusoffset.ThereisatrendtowardhigherQsfor 31%andamaximumincreaseof124%.Thelargestandardde- cavitieswithsmallerholes.Unlikethesimulation,thereisnot viationforthissamplemostlyresultsfrom2ofthe19cavities, aclearpeakintheQ.Thissuggeststhatourrangeofholesizes whichshowedanincreaseofmorethan100%.Figure4shows did not cover the designed range. Looking at the percent in- ameasurementofacavityfromtheAl O -coatedsamplebe- creaseintheQasafunctionoftheholeradiusoffset(Fig.6), 2 3 fore and after deposition. This measurement was performed thereisalsoacleartrendtowardagreaterincreaseforcav- usingthecrossedpolarizerresonantscatteringtechnique,so ities with larger holes. Following ALD, these cavities have themeasuredQisthatoftheintrinsicQ.Thisshowsthecavity holesizesclosertothoseofthecavitiesthatshowedthehigh- Q to have increased from 107,000 to 212,000. est Qs prior to ALD. This is consistent with the idea that While the deposition of 20 nm of Al O on that particular the increase in Q is due to the shift of hole size closer to 2 2 sampleresultedinaclearincreaseinthecavityQ,fromthese the optimal (highest Q) design. initial tests it is not clear what factors contributed to this Figure7showsaplotoftheshiftinthecavitymodewave- increase. The fact that the sample coated with TiO did not length as a result of the deposition of 20 nm of Al O , along 2 2 3 show the same increases suggests that the effect is not ex- with FDTD simulation results. While the wavelength shift clusively due to a decrease in surface roughness. Finite- showed very little dependence on the lattice constant, it difference time-domain (FDTD) simulations of the silicon showedastrongdependenceontheinitialholeradiusoffset. Fig.4. (Coloronline)Crossedpolarizerresonantscatteringmeasurementofacavity(a)beforeand(b)afterbeingcoatedwith20nmofAl O , 2 3 yieldingameasuredQof107,000beforeand212,000after.ThebeforedatawerecollectedpriortotheO plasmaetch,whichremovedthemask 2 residueandshiftedthecavitypeaktoshorterwavelengthby6.5nm. A58 J.Opt.Soc.Am.B/Vol.29,No.2/February2012 Gehletal. Fig.5. (Coloronline)(a)FDTDsimulationoftheQpriortoALDcoating,showingtheexpectedpeakaround0nmoffset.The0nmoffsetcor- respondstoaholeradiusof0.3timesthelatticeconstant.(b)PlotoftheaveragemeasuredQofseveralcavitiespriortoALDcoatingversusthehole radiusoffset,showingatrendofhigherQforcavitieswithsmallerholes(morenegativeoffset).Dosereferstothedosageusedduringelectron beamlithography. Theshiftalsoshowedsomedependenceonthedosageused determined by the growth rate of the thin film, which can during electron beam lithography. This is likely due to the be very slow. For the ALD technique used in this work, the dependenceoftheholesizeandbeamwidthonelectronbeam growth rate was around 0.1 nm∕cycle, with a cycle time of dose.Thehigherdosearray,whichshouldhavelargerholes 3.45 s. This results in a wavelength shift on the order of due to the increased exposure of the mask, showed wave- 0.1–0.15nm∕cycle. length shifts in the range of 21.6(cid:1)0.2nm for the smallest InordertoinvestigatetheeffectoftheAl O coatingonthe 2 3 holes to 28.0(cid:1)0.1nm for the largest holes. The lower dose modevolume,weusenumericalmethods.FDTDsimulations array showed wavelength shifts in the range of 20.2(cid:1) revealanearlylinearrelationshipbetweenthemodevolume 0.2 nmforthesmallestholesto27.1(cid:1)0.4nmforthelargest. and hole radius offset. The mode volume increases from The FDTD simulations predict a similar range of wave- 0.410(cid:2)λ∕n(cid:3)3 fora(cid:5)30 nmoffset,to0.658(cid:2)λ∕n(cid:3)3 fora−30nm length shift. The tuning precision is very high because it is offset. At the same time, the increase in mode volume as a result of depositing 20 nm of Al O shows little dependence 2 3 ontheholeradiusoffset,fluctuatingintherangeofa2.06%to 6.45% increase. 6. CONCLUSIONS WehaveshownthatALDcanbeavaluabletoolfortuningthe resonant wavelength and Q of 1D silicon nanobeam cavities postfabrication. The low index and low deposition rate of Al O allowsforveryprecisecontrolofthewavelengthshift. 2 3 Theinitialsizeofthecavityholesalsoplaysanimportantrole in the resonance shift. Cavities with smaller holes to begin with will have modes that are more confined to the silicon Fig.6. (Coloronline)PlotoftheaveragepercentchangeintheQof and therefore will see less of an effect from the additional thecavitiesfromFig.4versustheinitialholeradiusoffset,showinga dielectric material. trend of greater increase for cavities that began with larger holes Initial results show that a 20 nm coating of Al O can in- 2 3 (morepositiveoffset).TheFDTDresultsareplottedforcomparison. crease the Q of 1D silicon nanobeam cavities by 38(cid:1)31%. WhiletheexactnatureofthischangeintheQisnotfullyun- derstood,bothsimulationandexperimentshowthattheQis significantlyaffectedbythesizeofthecavityholes.Therefore, itislikelythatthechangingholesizeresultingfromtheAl O 2 3 depositionisresponsibleformuchofthechangeintheQob- served in this work. There still remains much to be done to determine the contribution of other effects to the change in theQ.TheconformalnatureoftheALDfilmwillleadtode- creasedsurfaceroughnessanddecreasedscatteringlossesat theAl O –airinterface;however,thelargeindexmismatchof 2 3 Al O and silicon means that scattering at this interface will 2 3 stillbesignificant.Additionally,thethinfilmcouldbecausing surface passivation, leading to decreased absorption by sur- facestates.Finally,thefilmmaybeaffectingthemodeprofile, Fig.7. (Coloronline)Plotoftheaverageshiftinwavelengthofthe cavitymodefollowingALDversustheholeradiusoffset,alongwith pulling the field away from the oxide layer and decreasing theFDTDsimulationresults. losses into the substrate. Repeating these experiments with Gehletal. 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