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Preview DTIC ADA581803: Harnessing the Crowdsourcing Power of Social Media for Disaster Relief

C Y B E R - P H Y S I C A L - S O C I A L S Y S T E M S Editor: Daniel Zeng, University of Arizona, [email protected] Harnessing the Crowdsourcing Power of Social Media for Disaster Relief Huiji Gao and Geoffrey Barbier, Arizona State University Rebecca Goolsby, US Office of Naval Research Social media has recently played a criti- challenges that must be addressed to make crowd- sourcing a useful tool that can effectively facilitate cal role in natural disasters as an informa- the relief progress in coordination, accuracy, and tion propagator that can be leveraged for disaster security. relief. After the catastrophic Haiti earthquake on 12 January 2010, people published numerous Disaster Relief Systems texts and photos about their personal experiences and Crowdsourcing during the earthquake via social media sites such Coordination is a central, challenging issue in as Twitter, Flickr, Facebook, and blogs, and vid- agent-oriented distributed systems.3 Disaster relief eos were posted on YouTube. In just 48 hours, systems focus primarily on designing coordination the Red Cross received US$8 million in donations protocols and mechanisms to manage government directly from texts,1 which exemplifi es one benefi t and non-governmental organization (NGO) activi- of the powerful propagation capability of social ties. Research has shown that it is possible to lever- media sites. age social media to generate community crisis maps Survivors also use social media sites to keep in and introduce an interagency map (see Figure 1) to touch with the world after a disaster. The jammed allow organizations to share information as well mobile phone network in Japan caused by the re- as collaborate, plan, and execute shared missions.4 cent tsunami and earthquake made it diffi cult for The interagency map is designed to allow people to communicate with each other. In re- organizations to share information if they ope- sponse, they used Twitter, Facebook, Skype, and rate on the same platform or use similar data- local Japanese social networks to communicate representation formats. and keep in touch with their loved ones.2 Recently, the effi ciency at which government Although social media can positively impact and NGOs are able to respond to a crisis and disaster relief efforts, it does not provide an in- provide relief to victims has gained increased herent coordination capability for easily co- attention. Researchers are exploring and devel- ordinating and sharing information, resources, oping applications to leverage crowdsourcing for and plans among disparate relief organizations. disaster relief.5 Crowdsourcing allows capable Nevertheless, crowdsourcing applications based on crowds to participate in various tasks, from simply social media applications such as Twitter and “validating” a piece of information or photo- Ushahidi offer a powerful capability for collect- graph as worthwhile to complicated editing and ing information from disaster scenes and visual- management, such as those found in virtual com- izing data for relief decision making. This article munities that provide information—from Wiki- briefl y describes the advantages and disadvan- pedia to Digg. This is a form of collective tages of crowdsourcing applications applied to di- wisdom6 information sharing that strongly lever- saster relief coordination. It also discusses several ages participatory social media services and tools. 10 1541-1672/11/$26.00 © 2011 IEEE Ieee InTeLLIGenT SySTemS Published by the IEEE Computer Society IS-26-03-Cpss.indd 10 24/05/11 1:03 PM Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED 2011 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-2011 to 00-00-2011 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Harnessing the Crowdsourcing Power of Social Media for Disaster Relief 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION Arizona State University,Tempe,AZ,85281 REPORT NUMBER 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE Same as 5 unclassified unclassified unclassified Report (SAR) Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 Requester Organization Organizations Coordination The rapid growth of Response for the top events or crowd sourcing applica- to cover the majority of Interagency map tions for disaster relief Request Crowdsourcing events. profits from the develop- Third, providers can in- ment of online social media clude geo-tag information Public that provides an open, con- for messages sent from venient platform that can some platforms (such collect data from various as Twitter) and devices sources in a short time. (including handheld smart Figure 1. Interagency map. The map works as an intermediary As an example of an phones). Such crowd- between the public and relief organizations. Requests are attempt to adopt crowd- collected via social media crowdsourcing. Organizations can then sourced data can help sourcing to help the relief take actions, share information, and coordinate with each other relief organizations ac- community to enhance co- using the information on the map. curately locate specific operation, Ushahidi (www. requests for help. Fur- ushahidi.com) is an open source cri- of this free emergency number was thermore, visualizing this type of sis map platform created in 2007 and spread through local and national data on a crisis map offers a common deployed in locations such as Kenya,7 radio stations. disaster view and helps organiza- Mexico, Afghanistan, and Haiti. It As of 25 January, the Haiti crisis tions intuitively ascertain the current leverages Web 2.0 technologies to in- map had more than 2,500 incident status. tegrate data from multiple sources— reports, with more reports being phones, Web applications, email, and added every day. The large amount of Shortfalls of Crowdsourcing social media sites such as Twitter and nearly real-time reports allows relief for Disaster Relief Facebook—to provide an up-to-date, organizations to identify and respond Although crowdsourcing applica- publicly available crisis map that is in to urgent cases in time. tions can provide accurate and timely turn available to relief organizations. Second, crowdsourcing tools can information about a crisis, current This platform uses crowdsourcing for collect data from emails, forms, crowdsourcing applications still fall social activism and public account- tweets, and other unstructured meth- short in supporting disaster relief ability to collectively contribute in- ods and then do rudimentary analysis efforts.10 Most importantly, current formation, visualize incidents, and and summaries, such as by creating applications do not provide a com- enable cooperation among various tag clouds, trends, and other filters. mon mechanism specifically designed organizations. These can help partition the data for collaboration and coordination into bins (such as most-frequently re- between disparate relief organiza- Advantages of quested resources) and requests into tions. For example, microblogs and Crowdsourcing predetermined, most-urgent catego- crisis maps do not provide a mecha- for Disaster Relief ries (such as medical help, food, shel- nism for apportioning response re- Compared to traditional relief meth- ter, or people trapped). Relief agen- sources, so multiple organizations ods, leveraging crowdsourcing for cies can then concentrate on the might respond to an individual re- disaster relief has three advantages. issues and events that are most quest at the same time. First, crowdsourced data including important to the relief effort. A second shortcoming is that data user requests and status reports are Figure 2 illustrates the food re- from crowdsourcing applications, collected almost immediately after a quests on Ushahidi-Haiti, and Figure 3 while useful, do not always pro- disaster using social media. Ushahidi- shows the most affected locations vide all the right information needed Haiti was set up two hours after during the Japanese tsunami based for disaster relief efforts. The ac- the 12 January earthquake by on the number of reports mapping curacy of the report’s geo-tag and volunteers from Tufts University on Ushahidi’s crisis map. Using these content is not guaranteed, although in Medford, Massachusetts.8 Soon maps, relief organizations can co- relief workers greatly need the abil- after, organizations were able to bor- ordinate resource distribution and ity to automatically and accurately row a short message service (SMS) make better decisions based on their locate crowdsourced data on the cri- short code phone number (Mission analysis of crowdsourced data. Fall- sis map. That is, a geo-located tweet 4636) to send free SMS texts.9 News back plans can be further developed does not necessarily refer to the may/june 2011 www.computer.org/intelligent 11 IS-26-03-Cpss.indd 11 24/05/11 1:03 PM Figure 2. Food requests after the Haiti earthquake. The Ushahisi-Haiti crisis map helps organizations intuitively ascertain where supplies are most needed. geo-location point. Someone might groups, so publicizing details about help locate a report’s actual spatial text the crisis map’s phone number relief efforts could endanger them. features. to report something they saw earlier, In addition, research has shown the possibly texting from a shelter about Challenges and Research need to leverage the information avail- a bridge that collapsed 10 miles down Issues able from the response group. For ex- the road. Furthermore, fraud reports Social media as a crowdsourcing ample, to supplement crowdsourcing from malicious persons might appear mechanism provides aggregate situ- information, groupsourcing10 collects as normal requests on crisis map. In ational awareness, important and disaster information such as a relief addition, there are often duplicate new communications pathways, and situation summary, validated geo- reports, and information essential some opportunities for assistance on tag information, and transportation for relief coordination is not readily an individual level. However, to make conditions provided by a sanctioned available or easily accessible, such as crowdsourcing a useful tool, we must group consisting of individuals with lists of relief resources or communi- address several challenges to leverage disparate resources, goals, and capa- cation procedures and relief organi- both the data and communications bilities working at the disaster scene. zation contact information. capabilities, including sensemaking, Lastly, current crowdsourcing ap- security, and coordination. To tackle Report Verification plications do not have adequate secu- these problems, we can employ text To some degree, crowdsourcing can rity features for relief organizations mining and social computing technol- automatically filter reports through and relief operations. For example, ogies by managing social knowledge photos, videos, and comments from crowdsourcing applications that are and modeling social behavior during other reports. Ushahidi, for exam- publicly available for reporting are the disaster relief.11 ple, lets users verify a report by click- also publicly available for viewing. ing a verification button. It leaves the Although it is important to provide Geo-tag Determination verification problem to the crowds information to the public, this can As we mentioned earlier, crowd- to get collective feedback. However, create conflicts when decisions must sourced data might include inaccu- this strategy—an open self-adjusting be made about where and when re- rate geo-tags, or might not include method, in technical terms—depends lief resources are needed. In some them at all. Thus, using social min- on a large number of people validat- circumstances, relief workers them- ing to consider both a reporter’s so- ing the reports. For Ushahidi maps, selves might be targeted by nefarious cial and physical networks could however, generally only a few people 12 www.computer.org/intelligent Ieee InTeLLIGenT SySTemS IS-26-03-Cpss.indd 12 24/05/11 1:03 PM Figure 3. Ushahidi’s Japanese tsunami map. By visualizing the most affected locations, the map helps relief organizations coordinate and prioritize their responses. serve as verifiers, across the spectrum Because the volume and tempo of Scientific data on earthquakes, of Ushahidi map cases. A fraudulent messages in a massive disaster will be floods, and other phenomena could message could conceivably propagate so high, automated summaries and augment user data to populate mod- itself quickly with good camouflage, analysis to make sense of hundreds, if els to predict the time and location especially in a chaotic disaster envi- not thousands, of unstructured mes- of future requests and needs. Crowd- ronment, unless better incentives for sages will be another greatly needed sourced data plus model results could verification are present. capability. help first responders, governmental As crisis maps and similar crowd- agencies, and NGOs get ahead of the sourcing applications are developed, Spatial-Temporal Mining for Social demand curve and become more pro- it will be necessary to develop trust Behavior Prediction active in deploying aid and rescue ca- management systems that can recog- Currently, volunteers and victims pabilities. One possibility is to design nize and report questionable postings on the ground report incidents and spatiotemporal classifiers for mod- and flag them for more scrutiny and requests—that is, people who have a els that will assist in such demand verification. phone or other communication de- forecasts. vice. There are no applications for Automated Report Summarization forecasting future requests or for fill- Scalability and Safety Police departments and other first re- ing in the likely requests that would Scalability is a problem for many intel- sponders will need summarized re- come from blacked-out areas if such ligent distributed systems because the quest reports and the ability to drill people experience limited communi- increasing number of requests, agen- down to individual tweets and texts. cation ability. cies, and agent behaviors significantly may/june 2011 www.computer.org/intelligent 13 IS-26-03-Cpss.indd 13 24/05/11 1:03 PM enlarges the dimension of the search be designed and leveraged for system 3. A. Bedrouni et al., Distributed Intelli- space.3 Large-scale data-management evaluation and improvement. Creating gent Systems: A Coordination Perspec- technology will be necessary to main- an automatic recommendation system tive, Springer, 2009. tain a system’s stability. that helps improve resource distribu- 4. R. Goolsby, “Social Media as Crisis Safety is another problem that tion coordination and transportation- Platform: The Future of Community must be considered in a disaster relief route suggestions is another research Maps/Crisis Maps,” ACM Trans. Intel- management plan, especially in the direction that can utilize real-time ligent Systems Technology, vol. 1, no. design of a crowdsourcing system. data collection and relief history. 1, 2010, article no. 7. While making data publically avail- There is no doubt that new coordi- 5. J. Howe, “The Rise of Crowdsourcing,” able, such systems must protect the nation platform and crowdsourcing Wired, vol. 14, no. 6, 2006, pp. 1–4. NGOs’ privacy and ensure the safety applications such as crowdsourced 6. J. Surowiecki, “The Wisdom of of their workers. translation, filtering, and categoriza- Crowds,” Am. J. Physics, vol. 75, no. 2, C tion will continue to become avail- 2007, p. 190. rowdsourcing integrated with cri- able and will significantly contribute 7. P. Meier and K. Brodock, “Crisis sis maps has been a powerful tool in to future disaster relief efforts. We Mapping Kenya’s Election Violence,” humanitarian assistance and disaster are confident that great numbers iRevolution blog, 23 Oct. 2008; http:// relief. Future crowdsourcing applica- of lives will be saved as govern- irevolution.net/2008/10/23/mapping- tions must provide capabilities to bet- ments and NGOs find better ways to kenyas-election-violence. ter manage unstructured messages employ the integration of social 8. J. Heinzelman and C. Waters, and enhance streaming data. En- media, crowdsourcing, and collabora- Crowdsourcing Crisis Information in hancements will also include methods tive tools into disaster relief systems. Disaster-Affected Haiti, US Inst. of of fusing information with data from Peace, 2010. other sources, such as geological data References 9. CrowdFlower, “Mission 4636,” 2010; about fault lines and reports of vari- 1. J. Morgan, “Twitter and Facebook www.mission4636.org. ous earthquake aftershocks. Research- Users Respond to Haiti Crisis,” BBC 10. H. Gao et al., “Promoting Coordina- ers are just beginning to consider trust News, 15 Jan. 2010; http://news.bbc. tion for Disaster Relief: From management systems to help evaluate co.uk/2/hi/americas/8460791.stm. Crowdsourcing to Coordination,” messages with respect to the huge 2. Digital Blogger, “Japan Tsunami Proc. Int’l Conf. Social Computing, troves of messages being traded in and Earthquake Use of Twitter, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling, and cyberspace and via cell phones. Facebook, Skype and Other Social Prediction, Springer-Verlag, 2011, Furthermore, metrics that gauge the Networks,” 12 Mar. 2011; http:// pp. 197–204. success of crowdsourcing and coordi- bubblecube.wordpress.com/2011/03/12/ 11. F.-Y. Wang et al., “Social Computing: nation systems for disaster relief will japan-tsunami-earthquake. From Social Informatics to Social Intel- ligence,” IEEE Intelligent Systems, vol. 22, no. 2, 2007, pp. 79–83. Huiji Gao is a PhD student in the Data Mining and Machine Learning (DMML) lab at Arizona State University. Contact him at [email protected]. Our experts. Your future. Geoffrey Barbier is a doctoral candi- date in computer science and a student in the Data Mining and Machine Learning (DMML) lab at Arizona State University. Contact him at [email protected]. Rebecca Goolsby is an anthropologist for www.computer.org/byc the US Office of Naval Research. Contact her at [email protected]. 14 www.computer.org/intelligent Ieee InTeLLIGenT SySTemS IS-26-03-Cpss.indd 14 24/05/11 1:03 PM

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