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REPORT DATE (DD-MM-YYYY) 2. REPORT TYPE 3. DATES COVERED (From - To) 31 January 2007 Published Journal Article Feb 2003 – Aug 2007 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Fluorescence Assay Based on Aptamer-Quantum Dot Binding to Bacillus thuringiensis N/A Spores 5b. GRANT NUMBER N/A 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 62202F 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER Milada Ikanovic1, Walter E. Rudzinski1, John G. Bruno2, Amity Allman2, 5020 Maria P. Carrillo2, Sulatha Dwarakanath3, Suneetha Bhahdigadi3, Poornima Rao3, 5e. TASK NUMBER Johnathan L. Kiel4, and Carrie J. Andrews4 P4 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 01 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER 1Dept of Chemistry 3NanoScience Diagnostics, Inc. Texas State University -San Marcos 1826 Kramer Lane, Suite E. 601 University Drive Austin, TX 78758 San Marcos, TX 78666 Air Force Research Laboratory 2 Operational Technologies Corporation Human Effectiveness Directorate 4100 NW Loop 410, # 230 Biosciences and Performance Division San Antonio, TX 78229 Biobehavior, Bioassessment & Biosurveillance Branch Brooks City-Base, TX 78235 9. SPONSORING / MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) Air Force Materiel Command Biobehavior, Bioassessment & Biosurveillance Branch 711 HPW/RHP 711 Human Performance Wing Brooks City-Base, TX 78235 Air Force Research Laboratory 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT Human Effectiveness Directorate NUMBER(S) Biosciences and Performance Division AFRL-HE-BR-JA-2006-0029 12. DISTRIBUTION / AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES Published in the Journal of Fluorescence (2007), 17: 193-199. Public Affairs clearance number: PA# 06-359; 6 Oct 2006 14. ABSTRACT A novel assay was developed for the detection of Bacillus thuringiensis (BT) spores. The assay is based on the fluorescence observed after binding an aptamer-quantum dot conjugate to BT spores. The in vitro selection and amplification technique called SELEX (Systematic Evolution of Ligands by EXponential enrichment) was used in order to identify the DNA aptamer sequence specific for BT. The 60 base aptamer was then coupled to fluorescent zinc sulfidecapped, cadmium selenide quantum dots (QD). The assay is semi-quantitative, specific and can detect BT at concentrations of about 1,000 colony forming units/ml. 15. SUBJECT TERMS Bacillus thuringiensis, Aptamer, Quantum dots, SELEX, Fluorescence 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: Unclassified 17. LIMITATION 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF RESPONSIBLE PERSON U OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES Johnathan L. Kiel a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE U 8 19b. TELEPHONE NUMBER (include area U U U code) Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std. Z39.18 JFluoresc(2007)17:193–199 DOI10.1007/s10895-007-0158-4 ORIGINAL PAPER Fluorescence Assay Based on Aptamer-Quantum Dot Binding to Bacillus thuringiensis Spores MiladaIkanovic·WalterE.Rudzinski·JohnG.Bruno·AmityAllman· MariaP.Carrillo·SulathaDwarakanath·SuneethaBhahdigadi·PoornimaRao· JohnathanL.Kiel·CarrieJ.Andrews Received:14September2006/Accepted:2January2007/Publishedonline:31January2007 (cid:1)C SpringerScience+BusinessMedia,LLC2007 Abstract A novel assay was developed for the detection Introduction ofBacillusthuringiensis(BT)spores.Theassayisbasedon thefluorescenceobservedafterbindinganaptamer-quantum SincetheseminalworkofAlivisatos,therehasbeentremen- dotconjugatetoBTspores.Theinvitroselectionandampli- dous progress in using semiconductor nanocrystals (quan- fication technique called SELEX (Systematic Evolution of tumdotsorQD)asfluorescentlabelsforbiologicalsamples Ligands by EXponential enrichment) was used in order to [1–4]. For this particular assay system which uses QD for identifytheDNAaptamersequencespecificforBT.The60 thedetectionofaBacillus,thezinc-sulfidecapped,cadmium base aptamer was then coupled to fluorescent zinc sulfide- selenide QD which fluoresce at 655 nm have an advantage capped,cadmiumselenidequantumdots(QD).Theassayis over organic fluorophores in the range of wavelengths that semi-quantitative, specific and can detect BT at concentra- maybeemployedforexcitationandanarrowemissionspec- tionsofabout1,000colonyformingunits/ml. trum. Withan appropriate choice of excitation wavelength, the background fluorescence of the bacteria is attenuated Keywords Bacillusthuringiensis.Aptamer.Quantum and because of the narrow emission spectrum, there is no dots.SELEX.Fluorescence overlap of fluorescence intensity with that produced from thebacteria.Inaddition,nophotobleachingoftheQDhas beenobservedascanoccurwithorganicfluorophores[4–8]. Becauseofthenarrowemissionspectrum,QDmaybeused M.Ikanovic·W.E.Rudzinski((cid:1)) formultiplexedopticalcoding[3,7,8].Finallythelimitof DepartmentofChemistryandBiochemistry,TexasState detection for our QD assay (1000 CFU) is lower than that University-SanMarcos,601UniversityDrive, reportedforafluorophore-basedassayforBacillusanthracis SanMarcos,TX78666,USA inwhichabout6,000Bacillussporesweredetected[9]. e-mail:[email protected] SELEX (Systematic Evolution of Ligands by EXponen- J.G.Bruno·A.Allman·M.P.Carrillo tial enrichment) [10] has made possible the isolation of OperationalTechnologiesCorporation, oligonucleotide sequences with the capacity to recognize 4100NWLoop410,Suite230,SanAntonio,TX78229,USA virtually any class of target molecule with high affinity S.Dwarakanath·S.Bhahdigadi·P.Rao and specificity. These oligonucleotide sequences, referred NanoScienceDiagnostics,Inc., to as aptamers [11], are beginning to emerge as a class of 1826KramerLane,SuiteE,Austin,TX78758,USA moleculesthatrivalantibodiesinboththerapeuticanddiag- nostic applications including biological [12–15] and bacte- J.L.Kiel·C.J.Andrews rial detection [16, 17]. Unlike antibodies, aptamers can be AirForceResearchLaboratory,HEPC,2486GillinghamDrive, Bldg.175E,BrooksCity-Base,TX78235,USA denatured(viaheatorchemicalssuchasurea)andrenatured repeatedlywithoutlossoffunction[18,19]. Presentaddress: WenowreportthepreparationofaclassofQDattached A.Allman to an aptamer sequence (hereafter, abbreviated as aptamer- SevernTrentLaboratories, 880RiversidePwky,WestSacramento,CA95605,USA QD)whichisspecificforBacillusthuringiensis(BT,kurstaki Springer 194 JFluoresc(2007)17:193–199 strain)spores.BTisanendosporeformingbacteriumwhich in1XPBSbuffer(1.0Mphosphatebufferedsaline,pH7.4) producesintracellularproteincrystalsthataretoxictoalarge obtainedfromFisher(Houston,TX). numberofinsectlarvae[20–23].B.thuringiensisisclosely Five TSA spread plates were spotted with 100 µl of relatedtoB.cereus,afoodpoisoningagent[21,24]andB. 1:1,000 diluted BT or BG spores, five plates with 100 µl anthracis,thecausativeagentofanthrax[20,25].Although of 1:10,000 diluted BT or BG spores, and two plates with BTisharmfultohumansonlyatveryhighdoses(approxi- 100 µl of PBS buffer. The plates were incubated at 37◦C mately >1011 CFU/ml)[26,27],themethoddevelopedfor overnightandthecolonycountswereobtainedandreported binding of aptamer-QD to these spores can be applied to a asCFU. widerangeofharmfulbiologicalagentssuchasB.anthracis andB.cereus. Preparationofaptamer-QD AQDot655antibodyconjugationkitcontainingtheprotocol Experimental andallnecessaryreagentsforcouplingthiolstozincsulfide capped, cadmium selenide quantum dots (QD) which fluo- Determinationoftheaptamersequenceandsecondary resce at 655 nm was purchased from Invitrogen (Carlsbad, structurespecificforBT CA). Briefly, to activate the QD, 13.9 µl of 10 mM SMCC The aptamer specific for BT was obtained using SELEX (succinimidyl-4-(N-maleimidomethyl)cyclohexane-1-carb- according to the whole spore method of Bruno and Kiel, oxylate) were added to 125 µl of QD and left for one 1999 [17], except that the template and primers were more hour at room temperature. A solution of 5(cid:2) thiol modified similartoBrunoandKiel’slaterwork[28].Aptamerswere aptamer was prepared at 1 mg/ml in 300 µl of 1X PBS. cloned into chemically competent E. coli using a TOPO To reduce the aptamer, 6.1 µl of 1 M dithiothreitol (DTT) TA kit from Invitrogen (Carlsbad, CA). Plasmids were ex- was added to the solution and left for 30 min at room tracted and purified using Qiagen miniprep spin columns. temperature. Both the solution of activated QD and the DNA sequencing was performed using M13 Primers on solutionofreducedaptamerwerepassedseparatelythrough an Applied Biosystems ABI 377 system at Brooks-City adesaltingNAP-5column(SephadexG-25),and500µlof Base, TX. A sixty base 5(cid:2)-thiol modified oligonucleotide each were collected. The QD and reduced aptamers were (5(cid:2)-HS-(CH ) -CAT CCG TCA CAC CTG CTC TGG then reacted at room temperature for one hour. To quench 2 6 CCA CTA ACA TGG GGA CCA GGT GGT GTT GGC the conjugation reaction, 10.1 µl ofβ -mercaptoethanol TCC CGT ATC-3(cid:2)) based on the aptamer sequence was (final concentration of 100 µM) was added to the mixture then purchased from Integrated DNA Technologies, Inc, and left at room temperature for 30 min. The reaction (Coralville, IA). Free web-based “Vienna RNA” software product was concentrated using a 0.5 ml concentrator (at (∼ivo/RNA/)wasusedtoobtain 7000rpm,3000 × g,for15min),thenaddedtoaSuperdex thesecondarystructure.ThesoftwareusedDNAparameters 200 column and eluted with PBS. A total of 250 µl of atroomtemperature. column-purified,aptamer-QDwerecollected. Ten µl of aptamer-QD was dissolved in 1 ml of RO- purified water. A UV-2100 Spectrophotometer (Unico, Determinationofcolonyformingunits San Diego, CA) was used to measure the absorbance at 260nm.Theactualconcentrationofaptamer-QDwasdeter- Bacillusthuringiensis(BT,kurstakistrain)sporeswerepro- minedbycomparisonwiththeinitialaptamerconcentration videdbytheU.S.AirForceResearchLaboratoryatBrooks (1.08 mg/ml). The percent aptamer conjugated to the QD City-Base, TX, while the Bacillus globigii (BG; Bacillus wasdeterminedtobe98%. subtilisvar.niger)sporeswereobtainedfromtheU.S.Army DugwayProvingGround,UT.Ludoxdensitygradientcen- Bindingofaptamer-QDtobacillusspores trifugation of the BT spores was used in order to remove the protein crystals associated with the BT according to a Thirtyµlofaptamer-QDwereplacedinatubeanddiluted previouslypublishedprocedure[29].Theweightofthepuri- with600µlofPBS.Inatypicalreaction,100µlofthediluted fiedBTsporeswasdeterminedbyweighingatubecontaining aptamer-QD in PBS was added to 900 µl of 107, 106, 105, only1mlofPBS;thisweightwassubtractedfromtheweight 104,103CFUofBTspores.Themixturewasvortexedbriefly ofpurifiedBTsporesin1mlofPBS. (speed 8) on a VSM -3 Vortex Mixer (Shelton Scientific, Tryptic soy agar (TSA) was obtained from Fluka (St. Peosta,IA)andlefttoreactatroomtemperaturefor20min. Louis, MO) and four percent TSA plates were prepared. Essentially, the same procedure was repeated for a series Stocksolutionsof1mg/mlofBTorBGsporeswereprepared of controls: aptamer-QD with no spores, unconjugated QD Springer JFluoresc(2007)17:193–199 195 with BT spores, aptamer-QD bound to purified BT spores, Fluorescencespectra andaptamer-QDboundtoBGspores. Prior to collection of the spores, 13 mm Durapore Figure 1 illustrates the intrinsic fluorescence of the BT membrane filters (PVDF, hydrophilic, 0.45 µm, Millipore, spores. BT spores do not fluoresce at 655 nm which is the Billerica,MA)werewashedtwicewithPBS.Thesporesex- fluorescentwavelengthoftheQD,buttheydoexhibitfluo- posed to either the aptamer-QD or unconjugated QD were rescentintensityat455nm.BGsporesalso,didnotexhibit thencollectedonthefilterandwashedthreetimeswith1ml fluorescenceintensityat655nm(datanotshown). of1PBS.Washedsporeswerecollectedin1mlofPBS.All Unconjugated QD were tested against BT spores to de- experimentswereperformedinduplicate. termineifthereisanynon-specificbindingbetweenQDand BT spores. The spectra obtained are shown in Fig. 2. Even Fluorescencespectra at the highest concentrations of BT spores, we observed a minimalamountoffluorescenceat655nmwhichcouldbe A Cary Eclipse Fluorescence Spectrophotometer (Varian, attributedtonon-specificbinding. PaloAlto,CA)wasusedtoobtainthefluorescencespectra. The spectra obtained for aptamer-QD bound to BT are Solutionswereexcitedat400nmandthefluorescenceread showninFig.3.ThefluorescenceintensityvarieswithBTin between430and700nm.Excitationandemissionslitswere therange103 to106 CFU,thusdemonstratingthataptamer set to 10 nm and the spectra were run with the detector bound to QD can still recognize BT spores. The QD have voltagesetat600V. a nominal size of 20 nm which is about the size of a large proteinorantibody.InapreviousreportZhaoandcowork- erspublishedscanningelectronmicrographsofmuchlarger Results 60nmsilicananoparticlesattachedtoanantibodyboundto E.Coli[30]. DeterminationofBTandBGcolonyformingunits SinceBTsporescontaincrystalsthatmayinterferewith the binding between aptamer-QD and BT spores, the BT The CFU for BT and BG spores was determined as fol- sporeswereisolatedfromthecrystalsusingdensitygradient lows:the1:1000dilutionofsporeswasovergrown,therefore centrifugation. Purified spores were then reacted with the onlythecoloniesgrownata1:10,000dilutionofsporeswere aptamer-QDandtheresultsareshowninFig.4.FromFig.4 counted.Theaveragewastakenandmultipliedbythedilu- itcanbeseenthatthereisanenhancedfluorescenceintensity tion factor to determine the CFU. The number of CFU for associatedwiththepurifiedBTspores.Althoughtheremoval BT was determined to be 1.4 × 107 CFU and the number of the crystals yields a more intense signal and better con- ofCFUforBGwasdeterminedtobe1.8 × 108CFU. sistencyinreproducingtheresultsfromreactiontoreaction, Fig.1 FluorescenceSpectraofBTspores.Solidlinerepresentsfluorescencespectraof104CFUofBT;otherdilutionsareshowninthelegend Springer 196 JFluoresc(2007)17:193–199 Fig.2 FluorescenceSpectraof unconjugatedQDreactedwith BTspores.Solidlineisthe spectraofunconjugatedQD reactedwith107CFUofBT spores.Otherdilutionsare showninthelegendarea thiswouldbeimpracticalandanunnecessarystepintrying seen that aptamer-QD also bind to BG spores. However toassessthepresenceofBTsporesintheenvironment. the intensity at 655 nm at a given value of CFU is To determine the specificity, aptamer-QD was reacted lower for the BG spores when compared with the BT with BG spores. From the results in Fig. 5 it can be spores. Fig. 3 Fluorescence Spectra of aptamer-QD bound to BT spores. Aninsetintheupperlefthandcornerrepresentsthesamedatawith Dashedlineisthespectrumofaptamer-QDreactedwith106 CFUof the exclusion of the data for 106 CFU of aptamer-QD bound to BT BT (apt QD-106-BT). Other dilutions are shown in the legend area. spores Springer JFluoresc(2007)17:193–199 197 Fig. 4 Fluorescence Spectra of aptamer-QD bound to purified BT inthelegendarea.Theinsetintheupperlefthandcornerrepresentsthe spores.Solidlineisthespectrumofaptamer-QDreactedwith106CFU samedatawithexclusionof106CFUofaptamer-QDboundtopurified ofpurifiedBTSpores(aptQD-106-pureBT).Otherdilutionsareshown BTspores Discussion Thoughitisdifficulttopostulatehowthestemloopstructure contributestothebindingofBT,itshouldbenotedthatmany BTaptamers otheraptamerswithreportedsecondarystructuresalsohave stems,loopsandbulges.Thesearecommonfeaturesofmany Figure6showsthenucleotidesequence(5(cid:2)-CATCCGTCA DNAaptamers[31]. CAC CTG CTC TGG CCA CTA ACA TGG GGA CCA Thesingleaptamersequenceresultedfromtwoseparate GGTGGTGTTGGCTCCCGTATC-3(cid:2))andpredictedstem attempts at the whole spore SELEX process of Bruno and loopstructureoftheaptamerspecificforBTobtainedfrom Kiel[17]followedbycloningintochemicallycompetentE. SELEXandtheViennaRNAsoftwareprogramrespectively. coliusinganInvitrogenTOPOTAcloningkit.Fourclones Fig.5 FluorescenceSpectraof aptamer-QDreactedwithBG spores.Solidlineisthe spectrumofaptamer-QDreacted with107CFUofBGspores(apt QD-107-BG).Otherdilutions areshowninthelegendarea Springer 198 JFluoresc(2007)17:193–199 fluorescenceintensityat0CFUyieldsaminimumdetectible signal of about 2. This in turn yields a limit of detection (LOD) between 103 and 104 CFU. The signal intensity for purified BT spores as compared to BT spores ranges from about50%(at104and105CFU)toover100%greater(at106 CFU)whichisconsistentwiththefactthatBTsporescon- tainabout30%byweightofproteincrystals.Finally,there is a marked increase in the fluorescence intensity at about 105 CFUforboththeBTsporesandthepurifiedBTspores whencomparedwiththeBGspores.Atconcentrationsabove 105 CFUtheaptamer-QDdiscriminatesbetweenBTandits closerelativeBG. Acknowledgements TheauthorsthanktheU.S.AirForceResearch Laboratory,BrooksCity-Base,SanAntonio,TX,forpartiallaboratory support.WewouldalsoliketoacknowledgetheDepartmentofDefense (U.S.ArmyContractNo.DACA42-03-C-0063)forfinancialsupport ofthisproject. Fig.6 SecondaryloopstructureofBTaptamer References were obtained after the first SELEX attempt, but no useful 1. Alivisatos AP (1996) Semiconductor clusters, nanocrystals, and sequencesresultedfromtheclones.ThesecondSELEXat- quantumdots.Science271:933–937 2. ChanWCW,MaxwellDJ,GaoX,BaileyRE,HanM,NieS(2002) tempt resulted in two clones containing identical aptamer Luminescent quantum dots for multiplexed biological detection sequences which are reported here. The fact that only one andimaging.CurrOpinBiotechnol13:40–46 usefulaptamersequenceresultedfromtwoidenticalclones 3. LidkeDS,Arndt-JovinDJ(2004)Imagingtakesaquantumleap. after two attempts at the SELEX process (each consisting Physiology19:322–324 4. 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