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Preview DTIC ADA575158: Nanocomposites Based on Vapor-Grown Carbon Nanofibers and an Epoxy: Functionalization, Preparation and Characterization

EuropeanPolymerJournal46(2010)1404–1416 ContentslistsavailableatScienceDirect European Polymer Journal journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/europolj Macromolecular Nanotechnology Nanocomposites based on vapor-grown carbon nanofibers and an epoxy: Functionalization, preparation and characterization David H. Wang1,2, Sangwook Sihn1,2, Ajit K. Roy1, Jong-Beom Baek3, Loon-Seng Tan*,1 NanostructuredandBiologicalMaterialsBranch(AFRL/RXBN),ThermalSciencesandManagementBranch(AFRL/RXBT),Materialsand ManufacturingDirectorate,AirForceResearchLaboratory,Wright-PattersonAFB,OH45433,USA UniversityofDaytonResearchInstitute,Dayton,OH45469-0060,USA UlsanNationalInstituteofScienceandTechnology,Ulsan,SouthKorea Y G a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t O OL Articlehistory: Vapor-growncarbonnanofibers(VGCNF)werefunctionalizedwithamine-containingpen- N Received6January2010 dants via a Friedel–Crafts acylation reaction with 4-(3-aminophenoxy)benzoic acid. The H Receivedinrevisedform23April2010 resulting H2N-VGCNF was treated with epichlorohydrin, followed by sodium hydroxide Accepted27April2010 C solutiontoaffordN,N-diglycidyl-modifiedVGCNFthatisdesignatedasepoxy-VGCNF.Sub- E Availableonline5May2010 sequently,epoxy-VGCNFwasdispersedinanepoxyresin(Epon862)withtheaidoface- T O tone and sonication. After acetone had been removed under vacuum from the mixture, Keywords: N curingagent‘‘W”wasaddedtoepoxy-VGCNF/Epon862mixture,whichwasthenpoured Epoxy A intomoldsandcuredat250(cid:2)F(121(cid:2)C)for2hand350(cid:2)F(177(cid:2)C)for2htoformaseriesof Vapor-growncarbonnanofiber N epoxy/fVGCNF samples; fVGCNF designated for ‘‘functionalized VGCNF” was used to Epoxy-functionalized R Insitunanocomposites denoteourbeliefthatallepoxyfunctionshavereactedintheresultingnanocomposites. A TheVGCNFcontentwasincreasedfrom0.10to10.0wt%.Forcomparisonpurposes,the L pristineVGCNForpVGCNF(0.1–5.0wt%)wasalsousedintheinsitupolymerizationof U Epon862andcuringagent‘‘W”toaffordanotherseriesofepoxy/pVGCNFsamples.The C E epoxy-VGCNFshowedabetterdispersion intheepoxyresinthanpVGCNFaccording to L SEMresults.Boththetensilemoduliandstrengthsofepoxy/fVGCNFnanocompositesare O higherthanthoseofepoxy/pVGCNF.TheadditiveeffectofVGCNFonglass-transition(T) M g wasdiscussedintermsofthermalanalysisresults.Thethermalstabilityofthenanocom- O positeswasinvestigatedbythermogravimetricanalysis(TGA). R C PublishedbyElsevierLtd. A M 1.Introduction forcement, energy/electron transport or storage capabili- ties,and interactions withelectromagneticwavesas well Itiswellknownthatcarbonnanotube(CNT)orcarbon astheefficientwaystotransfertheiroutstandingproperties nanofiber (CNF) exhibits superior elastic moduli and tothepolymericmatrices.CNFs,whicharemoreeconomical strengthsaswellashighelectricalandthermalconductivi- thanCNT’s(about3–500timescheaperthanCNT),aretyp- ties,whichare importantfordevelopingadvanced multi- icallyproducedbyavapor-phasecatalyticprocessinwhich functionalnanocomposites[1,2].Therefore,theyarebeing acarbon-containingfeedstock(e.g.CH ,C H ,C H etc.)is 4 2 2 2 4 activelyinvestigatedwithrespecttotheirstructuralrein- pyrolyzedinthepresenceofsmallmetalcatalyst(e.g.ferro- cene, Fe(CO) etc.) and have an outer diameter of 60– 5 200nm,ahollowcoreof30–90nm,andlengthontheorder * Correspondence author. Tel.: +1 (937)255 9153; fax: +1 (937)255 of 50–100lm [3,4]. It follows that having aspect ratios 9157. (length/diameter) of greater than 800 should make them E-mailaddress:[email protected](L.-S.Tan). usefulasnano-levelreinforcementforpolymericmatrices. 1 USAirForceResearchLaboratory. 2 UniversityofDaytonResearchInstitute. Furthermore, since their inherent electrical and thermal 3 UlsanNationalInstituteofScienceandTechnology. transport properties are also excellent, there are many 0014-3057/$-seefrontmatterPublishedbyElsevierLtd. doi:10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2010.04.025 Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED 05 MAY 2010 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-2010 to 00-00-2010 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Nanocomposites based on vapor-grown carbon nanofibers and an epoxy: 5b. GRANT NUMBER Functionalization, preparation and characterization 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology REPORT NUMBER (UNIST),Interdisciplinary School of Green Energy & Inst of Advanced Materials & Devices,100, Banyeon,Ulsan 689-798, South Korea, 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT Vapor-grown carbon nanofibers (VGCNF) were functionalized with amine-containing pendants via a Friedel?Crafts acylation reaction with 4-(3-aminophenoxy)benzoic acid. The resulting H2N-VGCNF was treated with epichlorohydrin, followed by sodium hydroxide solution to afford N,N-diglycidyl-modified VGCNF that is designated as epoxy-VGCNF. Subsequently epoxy-VGCNF was dispersed in an epoxy resin (Epon 862) with the aid of acetone and sonication. After acetone had been removed under vacuum from the mixture curing agent ??W? was added to epoxy-VGCNF/Epon 862 mixture, which was then poured into molds and cured at 250 F (121 C) for 2 h and 350 F (177 C) for 2 h to form a series of epoxy/fVGCNF samples; fVGCNF designated for ??functionalized VGCNF? was used to denote our belief that all epoxy functions have reacted in the resulting nanocomposites. The VGCNF content was increased from 0.10 to 10.0 wt%. For comparison purposes, the pristine VGCNF or pVGCNF (0.1?5.0 wt%) was also used in the in situ polymerization of Epon 862 and curing agent ??W? to afford another series of epoxy/pVGCNF samples. The epoxy-VGCNF showed a better dispersion in the epoxy resin than pVGCNF according to SEM results. Both the tensile moduli and strengths of epoxy/fVGCNF nanocomposites are higher than those of epoxy/pVGCNF. The additive effect of VGCNF on glass-transition (Tg) was discussed in terms of thermal analysis results. The thermal stability of the nanocomposites was investigated by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE Same as 13 unclassified unclassified unclassified Report (SAR) Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 D.H.Wangetal./EuropeanPolymerJournal46(2010)1404–1416 1405 innovative possibilities for tailoring their polymer matrix structuraldamagetoCNTs,whichwoulddramaticallyde- composites into cost-effective, multifunctional materials. creasetheconductivityandmechanicalpropertiesofCNTs. Thus, many studies related to the enhancement of the Wehavedevelopedarelativelymildmethodtodirectly mechanicalpropertiesofanepoxymatrixbytheintroduc- arylcarbonylate vapor-grown carbon nanofibers (VGCNF) tionofCNFhavebeenconducted[5–7].Effortstoachieve via Friedel–Crafts (F–C) acylation reaction in poly(phos- homogeneous dispersion of CNFs in epoxies via chemical phoricacid)(PPA)witharomaticcarboxylicacids,andalso methodsusingstrongacidssuchassulfuricacidandnitric applied the technique to graft linear and hyperbranched acid[8–10]ormoreelaboratedschemes[11,12]havebeen poly(ether-ketone)s onto pristine CNF/carbon nanotube investigated.However,strong/oxidizingacidtreatmenten- (CNT)togeneratetheso-calledinsitunanocompositesin tailsharshreactionconditions,andhasoftenbroughtabout a one-pot fashion [13–18]. Subsequently, in addition to O O Cl Cl OH O O NH2 N OH THF O Cl Y 1 2 G O L O N H O NaOH/H2O C O E T O N N O A O N R 3 A L U Scheme1. Synthesisofepoxy-VGCNF(3). C E L O M (a) O R C A (b) M 7 2 0 3 a.u. (c) 34413384 24 6 6 78 0 1 94 7 3 306329602924 151 122711 7 33 663 974912 19488 267 1171 761 91 1 5 3 1 3 2 1 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 Wavenumber (cm-1) Fig.1. FT-IRspectraof(a)pristineVGCNF,(b)NH2-VGCNFand(c)epoxy-VGCNF. 1406 D.H.Wangetal./EuropeanPolymerJournal46(2010)1404–1416 100 80 57.2% %) 60 ht ( g ei W 40 20 Pristine VGCNF in Air Pristine VGCNF in Nitrogen Epoxy-VGCNF in Air Epoxy-VGCNF in Nitrogen 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 Temperature (oC) Y G Fig.2. TGAthermogramsofpristineVGCNFandepoxy-VGCNFwithheatingrateof10(cid:2)C/min. O L O N extendingtheapplicabilityofthisfunctionalizationmeth- of VGCNF with organic amine pendants have been used H odtoMWNT,wealsohavefoundusefulfunctionalitiesas to serve effectively as co-curing agents and property C E partofaromaticpendantssuchasOHandNH2tobechem- enhancersforepoxyresins[11,20–22],itwouldbeinstruc- T icallyunaffectedinthePPA-promotedF–Cacylation.Thus, tivetocomparethecompatibilityandeffectivenessofthe O whenVGCNFwastreatedwith(3-aminophenoxy)benzoic related epoxy-functionalized CNF [23] in facilitating the N A acid in PPA, NH2-functionalized carbon nanofiber, i.e., processing of the nanocomposites and enhancing their N H N-VGCNF, could be prepared with the degree of func- properties. Thus, in this work, the aromatic amine 2 R tionalization of (cid:2)5 atom%, and it was subsequently used functionalgroupattachedontheH2N-VGCNFsurfacewas A to participate (co-react) in the polycondensation of 2,2- converted in a two-step-one-pot reaction to N,N-diglyc- L U bis(phthalic anhydride)-1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoroisopropane idylaminomoiety.The resultingepoxy-VGCNFco-reacted C (6FDA)and1,3-bis(3-aminophenoxy)benzene(APB)toaf- insituwithepoxymonomers(Epon862andcuringagent E ford a series of VGCNF/polyimide nanocomposites with ‘‘W”),resultinginaseriesofdog-bonesamples,whichcon- L O interestingthermal-electricalproperties[19]. tained epoxy-VGCNF (corresponding to 0.10–10.0 wt% of M Glass- or carbon-fiber thermoset composites based on basic VGCNF). For meaningful comparison, the pristine O epoxy resins are the mainstay materials for numerous VGCNF(0.1–5.0wt%)wasalsousedintheinsitupolymer- R civilian and military applications. While various versions izationofEpon862andcuringagent‘‘W”toaffordanother C A seriesofdog-bonesamples. M Table1 ElementalanalysisdataforpristineandfunctionalizedVGCNF. 2.Experimental Sample Elementalanalysis C(%) H(%) N(%) O(%) 2.1.Materials Pristine Calcd 100 0 0 0 VGCNF Found 99.02 1.01 <0.20a <0.10a Vapor-grown carbon nanofibers (VGCNF, PR-19-HT) Epoxy- Calcdb 82.96 3.22 2.48 11.33 wereobtainedfromAppliedScienceInc.(ASI),Cedarville, VGCNF Found 83.43 3.07 2.67 11.56 OH, USA via an Air Force contract.The carbon nanofibers a Lessthandetectionlimit. hadatypicaldiameterof50–200nmandlengthsvarying b ThemolecularformulaofC19H18NO4isbasedontheassumptionthat from 50 to 100 lm [24]. Both Epon 862 (a bis-phenol F for every 100 carbon there are five 4-[3-bis(3,4-diglycidy)aminophen- oxy]benzoylgroupsattached,accordingtoTGA(air)result.Themolecular epoxy) and ‘‘Epi-Cure” curing agent W were purchased formula of 4-[3-bis(3,4-diglycidyl)aminophenoxy]benzoyl group are fromMiller-StephensonChemicalCompany,Inc.Allother C195H90N5O20. The calculation is based on the following equation: reagentsandsolventswerepurchasedfromAldrichChem- Theoreticalweightlossat700(cid:3)C¼100(cid:4)nW(cid:4)cMþWn(cid:4)epMoxWyepoxy(cid:4)100wherenisthe icalInc.andusedasreceived,unlessotherwisespecified. numberof4-[3-bis(3,4-diglycidy)aminophenoxy]benzoylgroupsattached to VGCNF every 100 carbon. MWepoxy is the molecular weight of 2.2.Instrumentation 4-[3-bis(3,4-diglycidy)aminophenoxy]benzoyl group, which is 2822.65. Wcistheatomicweightofcarbon,whichis12.01.Whennisequalto5, theoreticalweightlossat700(cid:2)Cis57.2%basedonaboveequation.This Infrared(IR)spectrawererecordedonaNicoletNexus valueisingoodagreementwiththeweightlossat700(cid:2)C(57.4%). 470 Fourier transform spectrophotometer. Elemental D.H.Wangetal./EuropeanPolymerJournal46(2010)1404–1416 1407 Y G O L Fig.3. SEMimagesof(a)as-receivedVGCNF((cid:4)100k);(b)epoxy-VGCNF((cid:4)50k);(c)epoxy-VGCNF((cid:4)100k)and(d)epoxy-VGCNF((cid:4)100k). O N H C OH2C O CH O CH2O + H3CHH22CN CNHH32 + O O or OTE H CH2CH3 N N O A 4 5 O N Epon862 EponCuringAgent"W" 3 100parts 26parts 0.1-10wt% 6 AR L 0.1-10wt% U C Acetone E Sonication L O M Mold O R C A 250oC2h M 350oF2h Epoxy/VGCNFnanocomposites Scheme2. Preparationofepoxy/VGCNFnanocomposites. analysis and mass spectral analysis were performed by was Hitachi S-520. Sonication was conducted at 20kHz System Support Branch, Materials Directorate, Air Force with a 600W-power using Ace Glass GEX 600-5Ultrson- Research Lab, Dayton, Ohio. Differential scanning ic Processor. Tensile strength and modulus were mea- calorimetry (DSC) analysis were performed in nitrogen sured using a hydraulic load frame from MTS (Model# with a heating rate of 10(cid:2)C/min using a Perkin-Elmer 312.11). model 2000 thermal analyzer equipped with differential scanning calorimetry cell. Themogravimetric analysis 2.3.FunctionalizationofVGCNFwith3-aminophenoxy-4- (TGA) was conducted in nitrogen (N ) and air atmo- benzoicacid(1,H N-VGCNF) 2 2 spheres at a heating rate of 10(cid:2)C/min using a TA Hi-Res TGA 2950 themogravimetric analyzer. The Compound1waspreparedaccordingtopreviouslyre- scanning electron microscope (SEM) used in this work portedprocedure[19]. 1408 D.H.Wangetal./EuropeanPolymerJournal46(2010)1404–1416 Fig.4. Epoxy/fVGCNFdog-bonesamples. Y G O L O N H C E T O N A N R A L U C E L O Fig.5. Epoxy/pVGCNFdog-bonesamples. M O R C 0.6 15 A M msi]0.4 si] 10 us [ h [k ul gt d n Mo0.2 re 5 Pristine St Pristine Functionalized Functionalized 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 VGCNF Loading [wt%] VGCNF Loading [wt%] Fig.6. Moduliofepoxy/VGCNFnanocompositesvs.VGCNFcontents. Fig. 7. Tensile strengths of epoxy/VGCNF nanocomposites vs. VGCNF contents. 2.4.Synthesisofepoxy-VGCNF(3) VGCNF(0.5g)andTHF(50mL)wereadded,andthemix- Into a 250mL three-necked, round-bottomed flask turewassonicatedfor10minuntilVGCNFwasdispersed equipped with a magnetic stir-bar, nitrogen inlet, H N- homogeneouslyinTHF.Epichlorohydrin(5.0g,53.8mmol) 2 D.H.Wangetal./EuropeanPolymerJournal46(2010)1404–1416 1409 Y G O L O N H C E T O N A N R A L U C E L O M O R C A M Fig.8. SEMimagesof(a)0.1wt%epoxy/fVGCNF((cid:4)5k);(b)0.1wt%epoxy/pVGCNF((cid:4)5k);(c)5wt%epoxy/fVGCNF((cid:4)1k);(d)5wt%epoxy/pVGCNF((cid:4)1k); (e)5wt%epoxy/fVGCNF((cid:4)5k);(f)5wt%epoxy/pVGCNF((cid:4)5k);(g)5wt%epoxy/fVGCNF((cid:4)100k)and(h)5wt%epoxy/pVGCNFnanocomposites((cid:4)100k). was then added. The resulting mixture was agitated and 83.43%; H, 3.07%; N: 2.67%. FT-IR (KBr, cm(cid:5)1): 3373, refluxedunderdrynitrogenfor3d.Thereactionmixture 3063, 2960 (CH), 2924 (CH ), 1663 (ketone carbonyl), 2 was then allowed to cool to room temperature. Sodium 1599, 1488, 1233 m (Ar–O–Ar), 1267 m (epoxy; C– asym sym hydroxide solution (50 wt%, 5.20g, 65mmol) was added, O–C),1171,974,912m (epoxy;C–O–C),761. asym andthemixturewasagitatedunderdrynitrogenatroom temperature for 3 d. Finally, it was poured into water 2.5.RepresentativeprocedureofpreparationofVGCNF/epoxy and the black precipitate was collected and washed with nanocomposites(epoxyresinwith5.0wt%VGCNFload) alargeamountofwateruntilpHreachneutral.Theprod- uct was dried under vacuum at 50 (cid:2)C for 24h to afford Epoxy-VGCNF(2.629g)orpristineVGCNF(1.125g)was 0.48g (93%) of a black powder. Anal. Calcd. for dispersedintoEpon862(20.0g)bysonicatinginacetone C H N O : C, 82.96%; H, 3.22%; N: 2.48%. Found: C, (50mL). Acetone was removed under vacuum at room 195 90 5 20 1410 D.H.Wangetal./EuropeanPolymerJournal46(2010)1404–1416 (a) 100 80 %) 60 ht ( g ei W 40 20 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 Temperature (oC) Y G (b) O 100 L O N H 80 C E T O %) 60 AN ht ( g N ei W R 40 A L U C E 20 L O M O 0 R 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 C A Temperature (oC) M fVGCNF Epoxy Epoxy/fVGCNF 0.1wt% Epoxy/fVGCNF 0.3wt% Epoxy/fVGCNF 1wt% Epoxy/fVGCNF 3wt% Epoxy/fVGCNF 5wt% Epoxy/fVGCNF 10 wt% Fig.9. TGAthermogramsofepoxy/fVGCNFatheatingrateof10(cid:2)C/min(a)inairand(b)innitrogen. temperature.Thenthecuringagent‘‘W”(5.2g)wasadded. pleswereheatedusinga30-mintemperaturerampfrom Theviscousmixturewasagitatedfor30min.Theresulting room temperature to 250 (cid:2)F for 2h, followed by a 30- viscous mixture was poured into dog-bone molds. The minrampfrom250to350(cid:2)Ffor2hunderN atmosphere 2 sample molds were placed into vacuum at 50 (cid:2)C for 2h inanoven.Theywereallowedtocooltoroomtemperature toremovethebubblesformed.Finally,thedog-bonesam- andreleasedfromsiliconemolds. D.H.Wangetal./EuropeanPolymerJournal46(2010)1404–1416 1411 Table2 Thermalpropertiesofepoxy/fVGCNFnanocomposites. DSC TGA Innitrogen Inair VGCNF(wt%) DH(J/g) Tp((cid:2)C) Tonset((cid:2)C) Tga((cid:2)C) Td5%b((cid:2)C) Charc(%) Td5%b((cid:2)C) Charc(%) Chard(%) 100 – – – – >900 99.7 723 98.1 4.9 0(0) 415 194 148 137 362 12.3 370 0.21 0.20 0.1(0.23)e 442(442)f 194 130 138 364 12.7 371 0.19 0.19 0.3(0.69)e 457(458)f 206 133 141 360 13.2 367 0.53 0.32 1.0(2.33)e – – – 134 361 14.0 368 2.53 0.78 3.0(6.99)e – – – 131 363 16.5 365 3.91 0.43 5.0(11.6)e 471(496)f 215 136 129 360 18.9 363 6.99 1.5 10.0(23.3)e – – – 109 355 21.7 370 13.1 2.7 a InflectioninbaselineonDSCthermogramobtainedinN2ataheatingrateof10(cid:2)C/min. b Temperatureatwhich5%weightlossrecordedonTGAthermogramobtainedataheatingrateof10(cid:2)C/min. c Charyieldat700(cid:2)C. d Charyieldat850(cid:2)C. e Thevaluesforthewt%basedonepoxy-VGCNFareintheparenthesis. f Normalizedvaluesareintheparenthesis. 3.Resultsanddiscussion at700(cid:2)CduetoVGCNF.BasedonTGAandelementanaly- sis results (Table 1 and Fig. 2), we concluded that there Y 3.1.Synthesisandcharacterizationofepoxy-VGCNF were approximately five arylcarbonyl groups covalently G attached to the nanofiber surface for every 100 carbon O VGCNFusedinthisworkhadbeenthermallystrippedat sites.SEMrevealsthatthepristineVGCNFexhibitssmooth L O temperaturesupto3000(cid:2)Ctographitizeanyamorphous texturessuchasstackedDixiecupsonthesurfacewhereas N carbons.Itisacomplexmixturecomprisedofmulti-walled theroughsurfacesofthefunctionalizedVGCNFareclearly H carbonnanotubeswithstraight,helical,nestedandbamboo indicativeofmodificationwithorganicmoieties(Fig.3). C E configurations,ofwhichthelattertwoaredominant.While T thebambooconfigurationissimilartothatofthestraight, 3.2.PreparationofVGCNF/epoxynanocomposites O N multi-wallednanofibers,exceptforthepresenceofnodes A (defectsites)alongtheirlengths,thenestedCNF,alsoknown Epoxy-VGCNF(correspondingto0.10–10.0wt%ofbasic N asfish-bonetype,hasanorientationsimilartothatofastack VGCNFcomposition)andthepristineVGCNF(0.1–5.0wt%) R ofDixiecupswithahollowcoreandthedefectsitesatthe were mixed with Epon 862 and curing agent W with the A ‘‘cuprims”[25,26].WebelievethatVGCNFwerefunctional- aid of both acetone and sonication. The viscous mixtures L U izedwithamine-containingpendantsatthedefectsitesviaa werepouredintothesilicone‘‘dog-bone”moldsandcured C Friedel–Crafts acylation reaction with 4-(3-aminophen- to afford a series of epoxy/epoxy-VGCNF nanocomposites E oxy)benzoicacidtoaffordH2N-VGCNF(1)withca.5atom% (designatedas epoxy/fVGCNF) anda series ofepoxy/pris- OL functionalization [19a]. The resulting H2N-VGCNF was tine VGCNF nanocomposites (designated as epoxy/ M subsequently treated with epichlorohydrin to form the pVGCNF) as shown in Scheme 2. While epoxy-VGCNF O open-chain intermediate 2, which was directly converted couldbemixedwithepoxyupto10wt%(Fig.4),themax- R tooxirane(epoxy)ringusingsodiumhydroxideaq.solution imumcontentofthepristineVGCNFwas3wt%.Themix- C A to afford the epoxy-containing product, epoxy-VGCNF (3, turecontaining5wt%ofpristineVGCNFwastooviscousto M Scheme1).Compound3exhibitsthesymmetricalofepoxy be processed. As a result, only broken dog-bone samples ring at (cid:2)1270cm(cid:5)1 and asymmetrical m(C–O–C) at wereobtained(Fig.5). 912cm(cid:5)1aswellastheassociatedaliphaticC–Hbandsat 2959and2924cm(cid:5)1(Fig.1).Thevibrationbandofcarbonyl 3.3.Mechanicalpropertiesofepoxy/VGCNFnanocomposites groupinepoxy-VGCNFwasunexpectedlyshifted,butstill within the range, from 1624cm(cid:5)1 (in H N-VGCNF) to Thetensilepropertiesoftwoseriesofnanocomposites 2 1663cm(cid:5)1.Theveryweakbandat3373cm(cid:5)1ontopofthe weretestedandshowninFigs.6and7.Thetensilemoduli broadm(OH)band(duetodifficult-to-removewaterofcrys- ofepoxy/fVGCNFsamplesaresimilartotheneatresinup tallization in KBr) could be attributed to the presence of to 5 wt%. The sample containing 10wt% epoxy-VGCNF smallamountofsecondaryamine. showsa15%ofmodulusincreasecomparedwiththeneat ThepristineVGCNFexhibitedexcellentthermalstabil- resin(0.54msivs.0.47msi).However,forthesamplesin ity in both air and nitrogen as shown in Fig. 2. However, which the pristine VGCNF was blended with epoxy, their epoxy-VGCNFstartedto lose weightat 253 (cid:2)C in air, and moduli continue to decrease from 0.54 msi (neat resin) 234(cid:2)Cinnitrogen,respectively,duetothedecomposition to0.42msifor3wt%VGCNF/epoxysamples,whichcorre- of organic epoxy groups. The TGA curve taken in air sponds about 11% lower than the modulus of neat epoxy showed a two-stage degradation. Epoxy-VGCNF lost resincuredunderthesameconditions.Thetensilestrength 57.2% of weight between 250 and 700 (cid:2)C, attributable to oftheepoxy/fVGCNFcompositeswouldincreaseupto6% thelossofarylcarbonylsubstituents,with42.8%ofresidue whentheVGCNFcontentwasincreasedfrom0to3wt%.

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