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DATES COVERED (From - To) New Reprint - 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Structure and magnetism of nanocrystalline and epitaxial W911NF-08-1-0317 (Mn,Zn,Fe)3O4 thin films 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 611103 6. AUTHORS 5d. PROJECT NUMBER F. J. Wong, A. J. Grutter, J. M. Iwata-Harms, V. V. Mehta, U. S. Alaan, E. Arenholz, Y. Suzuki 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAMES AND ADDRESSES 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER University of Iowa @ Iowa City Office of Sponsored Programs The University of Iowa Iowa City, IA 52242 - 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR'S ACRONYM(S) ADDRESS(ES) ARO U.S. Army Research Office 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR'S REPORT P.O. Box 12211 NUMBER(S) Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2211 54223-MS-MUR.37 12. DISTRIBUTION AVAILIBILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES The views, opinions and/or findings contained in this report are those of the author(s) and should not contrued as an official Department of the Army position, policy or decision, unless so designated by other documentation. 14. ABSTRACT Nanocrystalline (NC) textured Mn0.5Zn0.6Fe1.9O4 (MZFO) films, grown at room temperature on both isostructural and non-isostructural substrates, show magnetization values significantly suppressed from epitaxial MZFO films. X-ray absorption spectroscopy and x-ray magnetic circular dichroism measurements indicate larger ratios of Fe3þ to Fe2þ ions on the tetrahedral sites in the NC films compared to the epitaxial films. The magnetization loops of the NC films are shifted by 200"400 Oe 15. SUBJECT TERMS structure, magnetism, nanocrystalline, films 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 15. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE ABSTRACT OF PAGES Michael Flatte UU UU UU UU 19b. TELEPHONE NUMBER 319-335-0201 Standard Form 298 (Rev 8/98) Prescribed by ANSI Std. Z39.18 Report Title Structure and magnetism of nanocrystalline and epitaxial (Mn,Zn,Fe)3O4 thin films ABSTRACT Nanocrystalline (NC) textured Mn0.5Zn0.6Fe1.9O4 (MZFO) films, grown at room temperature on both isostructural and non-isostructural substrates, show magnetization values significantly suppressed from epitaxial MZFO films. X-ray absorption spectroscopy and x-ray magnetic circular dichroism measurements indicate larger ratios of Fe3þ to Fe2þ ions on the tetrahedral sites in the NC films compared to the epitaxial films. The magnetization loops of the NC films are shifted by 200"400 Oe at low temperatures. No such effect is observed in the epitaxial films. We hypothesize that the presence of a more structurally disordered, possibly magnetically frustrated, matrix exchange biases the crystalline regions REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE (SF298) (Continuation Sheet) Continuation for Block 13 ARO Report Number 54223.37-MS-MUR Structure and magnetism of nanocrystalline and ... Block 13: Supplementary Note © 2012 . Published in Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. Ed. 0 111, (7) (2012), (, (7). DoD Components reserve a royalty-free, nonexclusive and irrevocable right to reproduce, publish, or otherwise use the work for Federal purposes, and to authroize others to do so (DODGARS §32.36). The views, opinions and/or findings contained in this report are those of the author(s) and should not be construed as an official Department of the Army position, policy or decision, unless so designated by other documentation. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. JOURNALOFAPPLIEDPHYSICS111,07A337(2012) Structure and magnetism of nanocrystalline and epitaxial (Mn,Zn,Fe) O 3 4 thin films U.S.Alaan,1,a)F.J.Wong,1A.J.Grutter,1,2J.M.Iwata-Harms,1V.V.Mehta,1,2 E.Arenholz,3andY.Suzuki1,2 1DepartmentofMaterialsScienceandEngineering,UCBerkeley,Berkeley,California94720,USA 2MaterialsSciencesDivision,LawrenceBerkeleyNationalLaboratory,Berkeley,California94720,USA 3AdvancedLightSource,LawrenceBerkeleyNationalLaboratory,Berkeley,California94720,USA (Presented31October2011;received 24September2011;accepted14November2011;published online21February2012) Nanocrystalline(NC)texturedMn Zn Fe O (MZFO)films,grownatroomtemperatureonboth 0.5 0.6 1.9 4 isostructural and non-isostructural substrates, show magnetization values significantly suppressed from epitaxial MZFO films. X-ray absorption spectroscopy and x-ray magnetic circular dichroism measurements indicate larger ratios of Fe3 to Fe2 ions on the tetrahedral sites in the NC films þ þ comparedtotheepitaxialfilms.ThemagnetizationloopsoftheNCfilmsareshiftedby200 400Oe " at low temperatures. No such effect is observed in the epitaxial films. We hypothesize that the presence of a morestructurally disordered,possibly magneticallyfrustrated, matrixexchange biases thecrystallineregions.VC 2012AmericanInstituteofPhysics.[doi:10.1063/1.3676619] Thin films and nanoparticles of spinel structure oxides apparent exchange bias. X-ray absorption spectroscopy exhibit a range of functional properties through variation of (XAS)andx-raymagneticcirculardichroism(XMCD)show cation species, lattice distortions, and crystallite size.1 By thatNCfilmshavemoretetrahedrallycoordinatedFe3 rela- þ varying one or more of these factors, we can modify the tivetooctahedrallycoordinatedFe2 andFe3 . þ þ magnetic, electrical, or optical properties of these materials. All thin film samples were prepared using pulsed laser Furthermore,transition-metalspineloxideshavecationsthat deposition (PLD) (KrF laser with fluence of 1.2 J/cm2) # can manifest themselves in different valence states, making with a target of composition Mn Zn Fe O . In this 0.5 0.6 1.9 4 themparticularlysensitivetoopticalexcitation.Inparticular, study, MZFO thin films were grown on (001) Si and (110) photomagnetism has been observed in a few spinel structure MgAl O (MAO) substrates at room temperature in a back- 2 4 materials,2,3 including doped spinel structure ferrites and ground pressure of approximately 9 10 7Torr and with a " chalcogenide spinels.4–6 In these materials, photomagnetism laser repetition rate of 10Hz. For$comparison, epitaxial is understood to arise from light induced electronic transi- MZFO films were grown on (110) MAO at 410 C in % tions that give rise to electron redistribution among cations. 18.2mTorrofa99%N /1%O mixturewithalaserrepetition 2 2 Initially,effectshadbeenobservedprimarilyatlowtempera- rateof5Hz.Filmthicknessrangedfrom180nmforsamples tures. More recently, nanocrystalline (NC) spinel structure grown in a 99%N /1%O environment to 280nm for those 2 2 ferrite films have been identified to exhibit photomagnetic deposited in vacuum, as measured by Rutherford backscat- effectsatroomtemperature.7,8Becauseopticalsensitivityof teringspectrometry(RBS). spinel ferrites can be greatly affected by cation and micro- Structural characterization indicates that regardless of structural disorder, a detailed study of the correlation substrate choice and deposition conditions, all MZFO films between the structural and magnetic properties of these NC in this study are textured along the out-of-plane [110] direc- films is imperative for understanding the origin of the tion. The normalized h–2h spectra in Figure 1 demonstrate photomagneticfunctionality. that MZFO films grown on (001) Si and (110) MAO show Inthispaper,wepresentastudycorrelatingthestructure only substrate peaks and the hh0 MZFO reflections. The of NC and epitaxial (Mn,Zn,Fe) O (MZFO) spinel thin filmsdepositedin18.2mTorrof99%N /1%O werefound 3 4 2 2 films with their magnetic properties. X-ray diffraction to be epitaxial through / scans, thus confirming two-fold (XRD) studies indicate that room temperature growths of symmetry about the (110) plane for both the film and sub- MZFO on both isostructural and non-isotructural substrates strate.Asexpected,theseepitaxialfilmson(110)MAOhave give rise to textured NC films while high temperature the sharpest diffraction peaks and smallest FWHM values, growths on isostructural substrates yield epitaxial films. At with Dx 0.7 in the out-of-plane reflection. Room % ¼ low temperatures, NC films exhibit a shift in the magnetic temperature grown samples on MAO have broader film hysteresis, which isnotseen intheepitaxial films. Theexis- peaks with typical FWHM values of about Dx 1.5 . The % ¼ tence of a disordered, magnetically frustrated matrix may h–2hspectrashowthattheroomtemperaturedepositedfilms explain reduced magnetization in the NC films and the have larger lattice parameters (8.58A˚) compared to their epitaxial counterparts (8.50A˚) and the PLD target’s lattice a)Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: constant. The larger lattice parameter may be related to [email protected]. structural disorder associated withlow temperature thin film 0021-8979/2012/111(7)/07A337/3/$30.00 111,07A337-1 VC 2012AmericanInstituteofPhysics Downloaded 31 Aug 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions 07A337-2 Alaanetal. J.Appl.Phys.111,07A337(2012) timesbroaderthanthoseoftheepitaxialsamplesonMAOand overthreetimesbroaderthanthoseoftheNCfilmsonMAO. Theseresultsindicatethatdespiteroomtemperaturedeposition conditions, the substrate still imposes a significant degree of crystallographicorderingthatissustainedbythesystem. Variations in growth conditions and substrate choice for MZFO films can give rise to appreciable differences in the magnetization loops as measured by SQUID magnetometry (Figure 2). Epitaxial samples on (110) MAO appear to saturatenear 680emu/cm3 at 10K. By comparison, NC films reachmagnetizationvaluesofaround160emu/cm3at5Tbut donotappeartosaturate.Atlowtemperatures,NCfilmsalso revealashiftinthehysteresisloops,whilenosuchbehavioris observed at any temperature in the epitaxial samples. We define the coercive field H to be the average of the absolute c valuesofthetwofieldsatwhichthemagnetizationiszero.H c is around 30Oe for all films measured at 300K. After field cooling in 65T to 10K, the NC samples on both Si and MAO have H values of about 1100Oe and 1600Oe, c respectively. The epitaxial films exhibit considerably smaller FIG.1. (Coloronline) XRDh–2hscansfor(a) an epitaxialfilmon(110) H values of approximately 350Oe at 10K. Larger coercive MAO,(b)aNCfilmon(110)MAO,and(c)aNCfilmon(001)Si,allshow- c fields in theNCsamples areexpected sincedefective regions ingonlythe(220)and(440)reflectionsforMZFO. mostlikelypindomainwalls.11 In order to understand further the differences in the mag- growth. RBS revealed that the films had lower relative con- netic properties for the NC and epitaxial films, we examined centrations of zinc and oxygen compared to the PLD target more closely the magnetization loops at low temperatures. stoichiometry of Mn Zn Fe O , due to the volatility of Using conventional notation from classic antiferromagnetic- 0.5 0.6 1.9 4 zinc. It is difficult to use RBS to accurately estimate the ferromagneticcasesofexchangebias,wedefinetheexchange atomic concentrations in MZFO due to the similar cation field H tobe the shift of the loopsfrom the originbytaking ex atomicmassesandstandardcomplicationswithcharacterizing the average value of the fields associated with the two zero oxygen. Nonetheless, a rough simulation showed that while magnetization crossings, as shown in the inset of Figure 2. the Mn:Zn ratio (normalized to Fe) for the target is 0.81, the Whileexchangebiasiscommonlyknowntooccurbetweenan Mn:Znratiosfor a room temperaturedeposited film on(001) antiferromagnetandaferromagnet,wereportontherarecase Si,aroomtemperaturedepositedfilmon(110)MAOandthe of exchange bias in a single-material system. Venzke et al. high temperature deposited film on (110) MAO are 1.5, 1.1, have also shown that such an effect can occur between ferri- and1.6,respectively. magnetic and adjacent glassy magnetic regions in the same While strong preferred orientation in MZFO films de- material.12 Our hysteresis loops at 10K of the NC samples posited at room temperature on isostructural substrates is appear to be shifted to negative and positive fields for 5T þ somewhat surprising, perhaps even more unexpected is the and 5T field cooling, respectively. H is about 200Oe for " ex emergence of highly textured films grown at room tempera- the NC MZFO films on (001) Si and 380Oe for the NC ture on (001) Si, a non-isostructural substrate with a large latticemismatch.Filmson(001)Siexhibitboththebroadest diffraction peaks (Dx 4.5 ) and the largest lattice parame- % ters ( 8.60A˚). Since D¼x scans provide a measure of the in- # plane crystalline quality, it is clear that higher temperature growth and isostructural substrate choice are essential for high crystallinity; however, our results show that low temperature growth on an isostructural substrate can indeed stabilize some degree of registry between the substrate and overlying film. The texture, observed even in films grown on non-isostructural (001) Si substrates at low temperatures, sug- gests that the energetic plume in PLD plays a significant role in microstructural ordering. If we assume that XRD peak broadening is due exclusively to size effects and not strain, thenwecanuseScherreranalysistoestimateaparticlesize9,10 of about 10nm. The FWHMs for both h–2h and x scans follow the same trend, suggesting that defects, as well as FIG.2. (Coloronline)SQUIDmagnetizationcurvesat10K,field-cooledin 5Tof(i)anepitaxialMZFOfilmon(110)MAO,(ii)aNCfilmon(110) crystallite size, contribute to peak broadening. The films on MAOand(iii)aNCfilmon(001)Si.Insetshowstheexchangebiasednano- siliconhaverockingcurveFWHMsthatareapproximatelysix crystallinefilmon(001)Si. Downloaded 31 Aug 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions 07A337-3 Alaanetal. J.Appl.Phys.111,07A337(2012) FIG.3. (Coloronline)(a)XASand(b)XMCDofironions at30 incidenceand300Kin(i)anepitaxialMZFOfilmon % (110)MAO,(ii)aNCfilmon(110)MAOand(iii)aNC filmon(001)Si.Thesiteoccupanciescorrespondingtothe peaksinXMCDarelabeled,with“Oh”and“Td”denoting octahedralandtetrahedralsites,respectively. MZFOfilmsonMAO.The slightlylarger exchangebias field In summary, we have demonstrated a straightforward valuesfortheNCsamplesonMAOisamanifestationofstron- way to achieve NC spinel ferrite films with varying degrees ger coupling between defective, magnetically frustrated ofcrystallinitywithoutexposingsamplestoconditionsabove regions with more crystalline ferrimagnetic regions.11,12 XRD room temperature. While epitaxial thin films of MZFO are indicated that the epitaxial films are less defective. Conse- highly crystalline and exhibit symmetric hysteresis loops quently,weobservethatunderthesame65Tfield-cooledcon- with high saturation magnetization values, the films depos- ditions, the epitaxial film exhibits little to no shift away from itedatroomtemperatureshowexchangebiasingatlowtem- the origin at 10K. Exchange biasing vanished in hysteresis peratures and exhibit reduced magnetization values even at loopsforallNCandepitaxialsamplesatroomtemperature;this highfields.ThemagneticpropertiesoftheseNCMZFOthin observationindicatesthatinNCfilmsthefrustratedregionsno films can be explained by the coexistence of crystalline longereffectivelybiastheferromagneticregionsduetothermal regions surrounded by more disordered regions. The considerationsattemperaturesashighas300K.Thus,theexis- exchangebiasisattributedtocouplingbetweentheferrimag- tenceofmagneticallyfrustratedregionsallowsustoaccountfor netic and magnetically frustrated regions. Together these themagneticpropertiesofourNCfilms. resultsindicatethatcontrollingthepresenceofMZFOnano- Tocorrelatethedifferencesbetweenthemagneticbehav- crystallitesthatareweaklycoupledtoeachotherisaneffec- iorofthefilmswiththeatomicstructure,weperformedXAS tivemeansoftuningthemagnetism. and XMCD at beamline 4.0.2 of the Advanced Light Source We thank Gopalan Srinivasan for the MZFO targets and to obtain element and valence specific information. The Fe K. M. Yu for his assistance in RBS data collection. We also XASspectra(Figure3(a))forallfilmshavethesamecharac- thank Jostein Grepstad, Chunyong He, John L.R. Watts, Mat- teristicfeatures.Thesmallpeakaround707-eVonthelower- thew Gray, Ted Sanders, Kari Thorkelsson, Jayakanth Ravi- energyshoulderoftheL edgeisindicativeofhigherconcen- chandran, Morgan Trassin, and Matt Lucas for useful 3 trations of Fe3 or lower concentrations of Fe2 . In Figure discussions. This work was supported by the Office of Naval þ þ 3(b), the L XMCD spectra for Feareshown, normalized by Research under Grant No. N00014-10-1-0226. U.S.A. is sup- 3 theXMCDpeakat708.6eV,whichcorrespondstoFe3 with ported by a National Science Foundation Graduate Research þ octahedral coordination.13 The two lower-energy peaks con- Fellowship. F.J.W. is supported by the Army Research Office vey information on the relative concentrations of Fe2 com- under Grant No. MURI W911NF-08-1-0317. A.J.G., V.V.M., þ paredtoFe3 inoctahedralandtetrahedralsites,respectively, andtheAdvancedLightSourceare supportedbythe Director, þ as indicated in Figure 3(b).13,14 It is clear that there is a OfficeofScience,OfficeofBasicEnergySciences,oftheU.S. greaterconcentrationofFe3 withtetrahedralcoordinationin Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02- þ NC films relative to the epitaxial films. The NC films also 05CH11231. 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The increase in the 11J.Nogue´setal.,Phys.Rep.422,65(2005). mixed nature of Fe3 occupancy in the NC films suggests 12S.Venzkeetal.,J.Mater.Res.11,1187(1996). þ that variations in cation occupancy could potentially be used 13N.D.Tellingetal.,Appl.Phys.Lett.95,163701(2009). 14J.-S.Kangetal.,Phys.Rev.B77,035121(2008). to design materials with alternative charge transfers and a 15J.S.Bettingeretal.,Phys.Rev.B80,140413(R)(2009). photomagneticeffectinducedbyanelectronictransition. 16R.W.TealeandD.W.Temple,Phys.Rev.Lett.19,904(1967). Downloaded 31 Aug 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions

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