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DTIC ADA570187: BCN Graphene as Efficient Metal-Free Electrocatalyst for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction PDF

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Preview DTIC ADA570187: BCN Graphene as Efficient Metal-Free Electrocatalyst for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction

Angewandte Chemie DOI:10.1002/anie.201109257 Catalysis BCN Graphene as Efficient Metal-Free Electrocatalyst for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction** Shuangyin Wang, Lipeng Zhang, Zhenhai Xia, Ajit Roy, Dong Wook Chang, Jong-Beom Baek, and Liming Dai* The cathodic oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) is an mechanisminnitrogen-dopedcarbonnanotubeelectrodesis important process in fuel cells and metal–air batteries.[1–3] significant as the same principle could be applied to the Although Pt-based electrocatalysts have been commonly development of various other metal-free efficient ORR used in commercial fuel cells owing to their relatively low catalysts for fuel-cell applications and even beyond fuel overpotential and high current density, they still suffer from cells. Indeed, recent intensive research efforts in developing serious intermediate tolerance, anode crossover, sluggish metal-freeORRelectrocatalystshaveledtoalargevarietyof kinetics, and poor stability in an electrochemical environ- carbon-based metal-free ORR electrocatalysts, including ment. This, together with the high cost of Pt and its limited heteroatom(N,B,orP)-dopedcarbonnanotubes,graphene, nature reserves, has prompted the extensive search for andgraphite.[4–14]Morerecently,wehavesuccessfullysynthe- alternative low-cost and high-performance ORR electro- sized vertically aligned carbon nanotubes co-doped with N catalysts. In this context, carbon-based metal-free ORR andB(VA-BCN)anddemonstratedasignificantlyimproved electrocatalysts have generated a great deal of interest electrocatalytic activity toward the ORR, with respect to owing to their low-cost, high electrocatalytic activity and CNTsdopedwitheitherNorB,onlyduetoasynergeticeffect selectivity,andexcellentdurability.[4–9]Ofparticularinterest, arisingfromtheNandBco-doping.[15]However,mostofthe we have previously prepared vertically aligned nitrogen- reported carbon-based ORR electrocatalysts (particularly, dopedcarbonnanotubes(VA-NCNTs)asORRelectrocata- heteroatom-doped nanotubes and graphene)were produced lysts,whicharefreefromanodecrossoverandCOpoisoning by chemical vapor-deposition (CVD) processes involving and show a threefold higher catalytic activity and better vacuum-based elaborate and careful fabrication, which are durability than the commercial Pt/C catalyst.[4] Quantum oftentootediousandtooexpensiveformassproduction.As mechanicscalculations[4]indicatethattheenhancedcatalytic demonstratedinthisstudy,therefore,itisofgreatimportance activityofVA-NCNTstowardORRcanbeattributedtothe todevelopafacileapproachtoBCNgrapheneaslow-costand electron-accepting ability of the nitrogen species, which efficient ORR electrocatalysts. The recent availability of creates net positive charges on the CNT surface to enhance solution-exfoliated graphite oxide (GO)[16] allows the mass oxygen adsorption and to readily attract electrons from the production of graphene and derivatives by conventional anode for facilitating the ORR. Uncovering this new ORR physicochemicaltreatmentsofGO. Herein, we have developed a facile approach to metal- free BCN graphene of tunable B/N co-doping levels as [*] Dr.S.Wang,Prof.L.Dai efficient ORR electrocatalysts simply by thermal annealing CenterofAdvancedScienceandEngineeringforCarbon(Case4- GOinthepresenceofboricacidandammonia.Theresultant Carbon),DepartmentofMacromolecularScienceandEngineering, BCN graphene was shown to have superior electrocatalytic CaseWesternReserveUniversity activitiestothecommercialPt/Celectrocatalyst(C2-20,20% 10900EuclidAvenue,Cleveland,OH44106(USA) platinum on Vulcan XC-72R; E-TEK). First-principles cal- E-mail:[email protected] culations were performed to explain the high catalytic L.Zhang DepartmentofMechanicalEngineering,TheUniversityofAkron capability of the BCN graphene. This newly developed Akron,OH44325(USA) method can thus provide simple but efficient and versatile Prof.Z.Xia approachestolow-costmassproductionofBCNgrapheneas DepartmentofMaterialsScienceandEngineering,Departmentof efficient metal-free ORR electrocatalysts for fuel cells and Chemistry,UniversityofNorthTexas(USA) otherapplications. Dr.A.Roy Figure1 shows XPS survey spectra for three BCN ThermalScienceandMaterialsBranch,Materials&Manufacturing graphene samples of different chemical compositions, along Directorate,AirForceResearchLaboratory(USA) with the mixture of GO and boric acid (B-GO) starting Dr.D.W.Chang,Prof.J.-B.Baek material as reference. Comparing with the B-GO starting InterdisciplinarySchoolofGreenEnergy,UlsanNationalInstituteof mixture,thesalientfeatureforBCNgraphenesamplesisthe ScienceandTechnology(UNIST)(SouthKorea) appearance of a pronounced XPS N1s peak, indicating the [**] ThisworkwassupportedfinanciallybyAFOSR(FA9550-10-1-0546), incorporation of N in addition to B into GO by thermal FOSRMURIA(FA9550-12-1-0037),AFRL(FA8650-07-D-5800) annealing in the presence of boric acid and ammonia. Like throughUTC(11-S587-100-01-C1),theWCUProjectthrough UNIST,andUSAFOSR-KoreaNBIT. VA-BCN nanotubes,[15] the presence of a O1s peak in the SupportinginformationforthisarticleisavailableontheWWW BCN graphene samples is due to the incorporation of underhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1002/anie.201109257. Angew.Chem.Int.Ed.2012,51,4209–4212 (cid:2)2012Wiley-VCHVerlagGmbH&Co.KGaA,Weinheim 4209 Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED 16 MAR 2012 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-2012 to 00-00-2012 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER BCN Graphene as Efficient Metal-Free Electrocatalyst for the Oxygen 5b. GRANT NUMBER Reduction Reaction 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology REPORT NUMBER (UNIST),Interdisciplinary School of Green Energy & Inst of Advanced Materials & Devices,100, Banyeon,Ulsan 689-798, South Korea, 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE Same as 4 unclassified unclassified unclassified Report (SAR) Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 Angew.andte Communications around190eV,indicatingthatBatomshavebeensuccessfully incorporatedintothegraphenelatticenetwork.TheCN,CB, and BN chemical bonds have also been observed in the corresponding FTIR spectrum shown in Figure2c. As seen from Raman spectra in Figure2d, a Dband located around 1342cm(cid:2)1 and a Gband around 1570cm(cid:2)1 were observed. TheGbandarisesfromthebondstretchingofallsp2-bonded pairs,includingC(cid:2)C,B(cid:2)C,N(cid:2)C,andB(cid:2)N,whiletheDband isassociatedwiththesp3defectsites.Thehigher-orderpeak appeared at 2680cm(cid:2)1 and a small broad peak at 2910cm(cid:2)1 canbeassignedtoacombinationofD+DandD+Gbands. Although there is no significant change in the position of DandGbands,BCNgrapheneshowsadifferentI /I value D G fromthatofgrapheneoxideandN-dopedgraphene.Ascan be seen in Figure2d, the intensity ratio of I /I increased D G fromGOtoN-dopedgrapheneowingtotheintroductionof Figure1. XPSsurveyspectrafora)aboricacid–grapheneoxidemix- defects by N-doping. Upon co-doping with B and N, the ture,andb–d)BCNgraphenesampleswithannealingtimesofb)2h, intensityratioofI /I increasedfurther. c)0.5h,andd)1hat10008C. D G The proven synergetic effect associated with the Nand Bco-doping,[15] together with the superb thermal stability (Supporting Information, Fig- ureS1)andporosity(Support- ing Information, FigureS2), makes the BCN graphene attractive for metal-free ORRelectrocatalysts,particu- larlyatelevatedtemperatures. AsshowninFigure3a,asub- stantial reduction process oc- curredatabout(cid:2)0.28Vinthe presence of oxygen, whereas no obvious response was observedatthesamepotential range under nitrogen. The linear-sweep voltammetry (LSV) curves given in Fig- ure3b clearly show that the ORR activity is very low for B C N , which is probably 38 28 34 due to its low conductivity associated with the low carbon content (see below). In contrast, B C N shows 12 77 11 anonsetpotentialclosetothat Figure2. High-resolutiona)XPSC1s,b)XPSB1s,c)FTIR,andd)RamanspectraofBCNgraphenein of the commercial Pt/C cata- comparisonwithN-dopedgraphene,grapheneoxide,orboricacidandgrapheneoxidemixtures. lyst, indicating an excellent ORR catalytic activity physicochemicallyadsorbedoxygen,suggestinganadditional induced by the synergetic effect through co-doping with N advantageastheORRelectrode.[15] andB.[15]TheelectrontransfernumbernofORRonthisBCN As oxygen-containing groups in GO were reduced by graphene electrocatalyst is close to 4, as determined by the thermaltreatment,thehigh-resolutionXPSC1sspectragiven rotating ring disk electrode (RRDE) data shown in the in Figure2a clearly show an almost total loss of the oxygen SupportingInformation,FigureS3. componentabove286eV,whilethecarbonpeakat284.5eV Infuelcellsandairbatteries,theoxygencathodeshould becomesmoreasymmetric.Figure2bshowsthecorrespond- haveahighworkingpotentialtoensureareasonablereaction inghigh-resolutionXPSB1sspectra.ForthemixtureofGO rateandsufficientlyhighenergyconversionefficiency.There- andboricacid,thebindingenergyofB1sataround192eVis fore, it is important to compare the potential of oxygen attributable to the boron oxide. For the BCN graphene reduction for different catalysts. The so-called half-wave samples,however,thebindingenergyofB1sshifteddownto potential, a potential at which the current is a half of the 4210 www.angewandte.org (cid:2)2012Wiley-VCHVerlagGmbH&Co.KGaA,Weinheim Angew.Chem.Int.Ed.2012,51,4209–4212 Angewandte Chemie Figure4. BCNgraphenemodels:a)puregraphene(C H ),b)– 100 26 f)BC NH ,g)–k)B C N H ,andl)B C N H .Cgray,Hwhite, 7 87 6 26 12 77 11 26 38 28 34 26 Bpink,Nblue. those BCN graphene samples, was also constructed. As the distributions of boron and nitrogen atoms on graphene are unspecified, we constructed five possible structures with the same composition for BC NH and B C N H . As 7 87 6 26 12 77 11 26 mentioned earlier, B C N is not ideal for the ORR 38 28 34 applicationowingtoitslowconductivityassociatedwiththe largeBNcluster(Figure4l).Inthesestructures,theBandN distributeeitherrandomlywithoutanyBNbondsorinsmall BNclusters,orsinglerelativelylargeBNcluster,asshownin Figure4b–k. Figure3. a)Cyclicvoltammetry(CV)curvesofORRonBCN Wefirstcalculatedthehighest-occupiedmolecularorbital (B C N )grapheneinnitrogen-andoxygen-saturated0.1mKOH 12 77 11 (HOMO)andlowest-unoccupiedmolecularorbital(LUMO) solutionsatascanrateof50mVs(cid:2)1.b)LSVcurvesofORRonBCN graphenewithdifferentcompositionsinoxygen-saturated0.1mKOH energyseparationofthepureandBCNgraphenestructures. solutionat10mVs(cid:2)1andcomparedwiththecommericalPt/Celectro- AsmallHOMO–LUMOgapimplieslowkineticstabilityand catalyst. high chemical reactivity because the smaller energy gap meansthatthestateofthegrapheneisenergeticallyfavorable limitingcurrentinaLSVcurve,hasbeenconvenientlyused to add electrons to a high-lying LUMO and to extract forthispurpose.ItisinterestingtoseefromFigure3bthatthe electrons from a low-lying HOMO, and thus the facile half-wave potential of the B C N electrode for ORR in formation of activated complexes for any potential reac- 12 77 11 0.1m KOHsolutionwasataround(cid:2)0.25V,whichiscloseto tion.[18]Table1liststhevalueofHOMO–LUMOenergygap thatofthePt/Cbutmuchmorepositivethanthoseofother for these graphene structures. Compared to pure graphene, BCN graphene electrodes. Furthermore, the current density thesubstitutionofCbyBandNleadstoasmallerenergygap. ofORRonB C N withinalmostthewholepotentialrange However, overdoping of B and N, as is the case of 12 77 11 coveredinthisstudyishigherthanthatoftheotherBCNand Pt/C electrodes. The above results from these not-yet Table1: HOMO-LOMOenergygap,spindensity,andchargedensityof optimized BCN graphene electrodes clearly indicate that pureandBNgraphenestructures. the controlled doping of graphene with B and N could Structures Energy Maximumspinden- Maximumchargeden- significantly improve the electrocatalytic activity toward gap sity(Spindensi- sity(Chargedensi- ORR. [eV] ty>0.15)[b] ty>0.15)[b] The electrocatalytic activity of the BCN graphene was C H 0.80 0 0.19(4.0%) alsostudiedtheoreticallybydensityfunctional(DFT)calcu- 100 26 BC NH [a] 0.79 0.33(3.6%) 0.38(10.8%) lationswithGaussian03(RevisionE.01;Gaussian,Inc.,Wall- B7C87N6 H26 [a] 0.71 0.36(2.8%) 0.56(21.6%) 12 77 11 26 ingford, CT, 2004). The details of this calculation are B C N H 1.23 0 0.34(37.0%) 38 28 34 26 describedelsewhere.[17]AsshowninFigure4,weconstructed [a]Averagevaluesoffivestructures.[b]Thenumber(percentage)in three BCN graphene models, BC NH , B C N H , and 7 87 6 26 12 77 11 26 parenthesisrepresentsthenumberoftheatomswithaspinorcharge B38C28N34H26,whichcorrespondtotheexperimentalsamples. densitylargerthan0.15,dividedbythetotalnumberofatomsinthe Forcomparison,puregraphene,C H ,withthesamesizeas graphene,excludingtheHatoms. 100 26 Angew.Chem.Int.Ed.2012,51,4209–4212 (cid:2)2012Wiley-VCHVerlagGmbH&Co.KGaA,Weinheim www.angewandte.org 4211 Angew.andte Communications B C N H , results in a significant increase in the energy are much more stable than those on the commercial Pt/C 38 28 34 26 gap. As a result, B C N H has the highest energy gap, electrode. 38 28 34 26 which is almost two times as high as that of others. As the Insummary,wehavesuccessfullydevelopedafacilelow- conductivityofthematerialsisinverselyproportionaltothe cost approach to mass production of BCN graphene with band gap, the conductivity of B C N H is significantly tunable N-/B-doping levels simply by thermal annealing 38 28 34 26 reduced. This could greatly affect its electron transfer and grapheneoxideinthepresenceofboricacidunderammonia thus catalytic capability. Among all these structures, atmosphere.Theresultantmetal-freeBCNgraphenesamples B C N H has the lowest energy gap, suggesting that were demonstrated to show ORR electrocatalytic activities 12 77 11 26 B C N H should have the highest chemical reactivity or evenbetterthanthecommercialPt/Celectrocatalyst(C2-20, 12 77 11 26 thebestcatalyticperformance.Thesetheoreticalpredictions 20% platinum on Vulcan XC-72R; E-TEK). In a good areconsistentwith theexperimentalresultsdiscussedabove agreement with the experimental observations, the first- (SupportingInformation,FigureS4). principles calculations revealed a doping-level-dependent The atomic spin and charge densities determine the energy bandgap, spin density, and charge density. BCN catalytic capability of materials for ORR.[4,17] Our previous graphene with a modest N- and B-doping level was demon- workshowsthatthecarbonatomswithpositivespinorcharge strated to show the best ORR electrocatalytic activity, fuel density larger than 0.15 are most likely to serve as catalytic selectivity, and long-term durability, along with an excellent activesites.[19]Thus,thenumberofatomswithlargepositive thermal stability and porosity. The thermal annealing gra- spin or charge density is another measure of its catalytic pheneoxideinthepresenceofboricacidunderammoniacan capability. The atomic spin density and charge density were thusprovidesimplebutefficientandversatileapproachesto calculated for these BCN graphene model structures (Sup- low-costmassproductionofBCNgrapheneasefficientmetal- porting Information, FigureS5), and the largest spin and free ORR electrocatalysts for fuel cells and many other chargedensities,togetherwiththepercentageofatomswith applications,suchasmetal–airbatteries. large spin or charge density, are also listed in Table1. The pure(C H )andhighlydoped(B C N H )graphenedo Received:December30,2011 100 26 38 28 34 26 not have spin density at all. Although the highly doped Publishedonline:March16,2012 . graphene contains the most atoms (37%) with large charge density(>0.15),alltheseatomsareborondistributedinBN Keywords: B/Ndoping·electrocatalysis·fuelcells·graphene· phase(SupportingInformation,FigureS5d).BecausetheBN oxygenreduction clusterisinsulating,electrontransferinthisgraphenesample can be difficult during ORR. 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