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Radiative Transfer Modeling for COBOP yelb o .MsDitruC .c n,Icifitnei caSiouqeS 9725 S.E. 36 ht Street, Suite 308 040 8A,9Wdnal srIecreM : l5 i7a1 m8e-032- 6 90 :602xx61 a1f8-032-6 0:2enohp moc.icsaiouqes@yelbom 8100C79410 0:0rNeb mdurNawA MRET-GNOLLAOG wol l:a nhisam o w doeatn nyiroe hrtefsna retvitaid acrinae ceok a ostktir oswi hfltoa olglare veohT tnecserou lgfnidulc n,iseitrepo rlpacit pmoott od bnyahpargop omtott oeblbair ayvlhg ihht irwetaw .s emcontattosbbus SEVITCEJBO naitrebm a saLmiott oeb htta hetmus syalbairav nsieiradnu ombott orb osfled oemlbalia vyaltnerruC si h fteovitcej b eo. hsTnoitcer iddraw plu loat nyillau qtehg isltcelf etra hetcafr uas—ecafr ugsnitcelfer secnaid agrnillew ptucef fn aascmott onbaitrebmaL-n ohnci hotwtnet xe ehytfitna uosq takwr osw’raey .sr orsentea swr -ed et erd vastolyo wacubbe-eoabntwied HCAORPPA os le ae;s89 9,1yelbo Ml(ed ormefsna retvitaid a0 r.T4HGILORD YeHhT ,re v.es weoiHradn umoobt tnoabitrebmaL- n rosonwfo l)llamth.thgilordyh/moc.icsaiouqes.www//:ptth )49 9,1yelb o;MsFRR Bs(noitcn ueFcnatcelf eeRcnaid alRanoitcerid- idBerusa e fmkoc ael h fteosuaceb . detiolp xnee erbev esn ayhtilibap alcacitameht asm’THGILORD Y,Hslairet ammott onbae cloaut craof r osfecnai de atralum i osdte seur eswFR RnBaitrebmaL-n orn osfled olmacityla n,aydu tss’ra esyi hntI e dh)ntSaLL IrFe(nn aec nSrieL sganLig aemcInecsero urleFtawre d entohusttere tsfnnoioitautis hc ihfh tow,osbmet s)ySsLLI HrPe(temortc etphSgiL- wgonLig almaIrtcepsre peylHbat reonProbria .smargo rdple iPfOB oeC h nteil orroj ayamalp KROWDETELPMOC re h,tsorotcel fnearitreb msoantLoitamixor pdp oa yeo)abgdm nhsacas ussm(ot teo mbhogsuohtlA ,elpma xr eo,fd esbsa ra fege aos s.ae nchnatIitrebmaL-n oynr ee vr)asd esbsa ra geshsacu ss(mottob mot t eothb at,oh)stre tma lw na ”icdn( nosee“v asesl a er ehgsoetdts nreots ngensiweiv-ri daan e htta h ot,sed ies hmto rsfeva eslsa reg het e osdtn estelg nganiwe irvidan- f. feOlbis itvs o smeitartsbus ,naitrebmaL-n oynlralug nhat o eblbl iFwR RgBnitlus e er. heTtartsb ugsniylred neu hsterucs byoponac .elg nganiwe iev h ntdonep eldl itwhg idletcelf eer h ftrool oec hdtna hcu ss(ep ymtott osbuoir arv osfFR R fBsotnemerusa elmaut c fayotilibalia vea hgtnidneP elpm i)smargo rPpOB oe Chfttor assparotagitsev nrieh tyeobd agmni ew boe nrsatnemerusaem secnaid agrnillew peutalum i osdte seur esweiradnu ombott onbaitrebmaL-n o fnsoled olmacitylana hguor hntoitagapo rtphg indloes asbtnemug realpm i,selpma x.r eeocFafr urset ae whetvo bd annaihtiw Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED 1998 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-1998 to 00-00-1998 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Radiative Transfer Modeling for COBOP 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION Sequoia Scientific Inc,9725 S.E. 36th Street, Suite 308,Mercer REPORT NUMBER Island,WA,98040 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES See also ADM002252. 14. ABSTRACT 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE Same as 4 unclassified unclassified unclassified Report (SAR) Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 mr oef h ftFoR RoadBta eylrtemo eygpon ascsa rdgezilae dnia D 1 1 BRRF (2)62,z’H) ’ cos2)exp ln(1&f) % . (1) grass B cos2) cos2 ereH2N ,e2cnaid atrnedic nei h fteolg nraal oep h sti ,eDcnaid adretcelf eer h fteolg nea h sti e h sti ecnaidar r finooitca r efd hn,fa)stniait rebm aeodLbtemuss ae(tartsb umsott oe bhfytotivitcelfer y(2pon ae chhtguor hntw otdhgiar tgsniss atphg ir loyfpon ae chydtbebrosba N =2 e.=r)1u 0giF F=R RDhBci hr wo,frotcelf enraitreb m oadatLerapm oFcR RsBi hstwohs /B cos2NFR RhaBt idw n,a .t srua dnlu e ldd oeont sm esuteaabhht Fig. 1. Comparison of BRRFs. The black dotted line is a Lambertian reflector rof2N = 03 ;seerged eht der enil si .qE )1( rof f = ;1.0 eht neerg enil si a tsud-ranul.FRRB STLUSER secnaid agrnillew peutalum i os0t .T4HGILORD Y nHdie seur e.1wg i fFeoso hetk islFR RdBezilaedI secnaida rthgilya dgnillewp uf oelpmax en aswoh s2erug i .Fsnoitidno clatnemnorivn ef oyteira varof sre traaw e elenhc ditsatmnemerus adneeoms asbe(itrep olrapci ttpnoere hrnei t tfareowasluci tr roaafp e rsaecnai d .ae hrht Tp 0ts em2aamdwot t .oe )bhtTnemirep xdele i8f9 9s1amah aPBOB oe Chfto fHt=o0hgi etaehacnaid ae.r hn Tues h otstelg ntahg i tr,aelg nganiwe irvid a fnnooitcn usanfawohs ecnaidar reim ae s hfmtoott onbaitreb m fataoLa hmto ryfltae rrgeff it dosne oydpon ascsa re ghetvoba ,mott oe ftbhe Hoht v =g .o 5i r sbmeaoeahFerg e0nd6a hrtetae rsegilg nraid ae nhltit neucnatcelfer ygbniretta cessuac e,bsmott onbaitrebmaL-n odn nnaaitrebm aeL h nteicnereff iedlbatcet eedltt i sleireht e h,tes as ci. hsnteIlg nganiwe irvidan-f feogr ar losftcef fmeott oe bhsterucs broet agwninevret neiht e hetr eswretemar arpeh tl olf,aisep ymtott oo bwe thneticnereff ihdc ue met sodnlu orwosn eSsLLIF SLLI HeP h otttseret n fi sohici h,wecnaid agrnivael-ret aew h st”ir ina id“eleb aelvr u ec. heTmas .smot t ooewbst eenhcitneref ftoisndo m eldeals uroows n.ser isohsTnes Fig. 2. Comparison of upwelling radiances for a Lambertian bottom vs. a bottom with a BRRF described by Eq. (1). Each bottom has the same irradiance ,ecn aRtce l=ferE E/ = 0.293. u d h ceu k m tasoomndnret teacpnat cetlr aflungnearereff ied htta hwto h.2sg i fFeoso hetk islnoitalumiS -n odn nnaaitreb m, arLeve w. osHrosn eSsLLI H rPSoLL IeF h ytdbeviec esrlang ies h nteicnereffid -n o fantocef fnei aem hsst ueR. hcTnatcelf eercnaidar rtinereff ihdc uemv anh ascmott onbaitrebmaL lanoiti d. deAcnaid agrnillew peu hle ftldutingamaore veo h nttocef fse t eiyb ammott onbaitrebmaL .)999 1y(elb o nMniev ieg rsatluser NOITACILPPA/TCAPMI mo t strhoot bpmeodt teovbei r storetortagitse vRr nNe diOhyetbpoole vgen dieserlbae deosmrevnI laveirt eers o. hSTLLI H sPhac ussrosn ersol oncae cloartcepsrep ymho rnfoitamrof nnioitacifissalc ek islnoitalum iTsHGILOR D. YrHotcelf enraitrebm a ea Lobmtott oeb hetmus syallaren esgmhtirogla naitrebmaL-n or nodfetaula veosebtmhtirog lnaoisrev ndiesopo re phwtol lkar otwnese re phnetisoht .)999 1y(elb ondMietrop eelrbl id wnyaawred nskuir o sw.i sheTiradnu ombottob SNOITISNART deviec esrlang ies hgtnidnatsred n oultatnemadn u sfeivo bdaenilt utoa hetk iglniled ormefsna retvitaidaR .e dgonmirettacs-cits a,ltehgil ydnaeidtar enp eo,hrwos nDe IsdOeEta l ee,ryhrrobtos nSeLs L eIyhFbt nei sru onfoita tsSmets ylSatsa olCav aeN h ftdonar t . SoMntev inge eebv ashtlus erralim ids neasehT si hndtiemrofr espnoitalum ie s hfetom odsetsegg udsnar t.. SsrnDoitaula vmeets yDsI Od EnSaLLIF .ydu tss’raey STCEJ ODREPTALER ded nyulfetara p ose,hisdwna rh.t tMSdiewtanidr okso ricso iw,hntoit csensoitisn a erdnhteit t.so1An ne hewcnamrofr empe tSs LyfnL sooIiFtcide rdpraw odtetcer isndioitarobal l .or Rc uNyOOb .thgily a nddietarepo fsotnemerusa ed mn,ass o .yVeKbd agmni ee brsaep ymtott osbuoir ar vosfFR RfsBotnemeru s.a 2eM dedn uyfletarap ees rmao h fwhot o,benoiff a .M yRebd agmni eeb rsaeipon ascsa rag e nsdile itfhg ielht sledo mFRR Blacitylan aelpmi sylrev oeh tecalpe ro tdes ue blli w,elbaliav aneh w,ata drie h .TRN Oyb .snoitalum ilsaiti neise h ntdie seur etwa h )t.1 q sEhacus( SECNEREFER 2 9,5s ,. s y4.,e9C e.l 9Db1ro cthMgPiLi dna :em rvreiettfaasWinedaar RTn i ldarus.traeaNt aWcA .segap n, iA,Wdnal srIecr e,M.c n,Icifitnei caSio u.q eedSi u’Gsre s0 U.t4hgilo r.d 8y9H 9, 1 ..,DCyelboM .noitaraperp eo kbt.l saeTcnaid agrnillew pnsuoeiradnu ombott onbaitrebmaL-n ofsnotc e.f 9f9E 9 ..1,DCyelboM .5 -b 1e, FM, NeaFtn a,Sgnite esMecnei ccSitau q.Argonae c.Olonm i.Lc o. Sme Ahtntaevig

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