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Preview DTIC ADA568864: Complementary Waveforms for Sidelobe Suppression and Radar Polarimetry

ChapterC-XV-1 ComplementaryWaveformsforSidelobeSuppressionandRadarPolarimetry YuejieChi,AliPezeshki,andA.RobertCalderbank 1. Introduction Advances in active sensing are enabled by the ability to control new degrees of freedom and each new generation of radar platforms requires fundamental advances in radar signal processing [1],[2]. The advent of phased array radars and space-time adaptive processing have given radar designers the ability to make radars adaptable on receive [2]. Modern radars are increasingly being equipped with arbitrary wave- formgeneratorswhichenabletransmissionofdifferentwaveformsacrossspace,time, frequency, andpolarizationonapulse-by-pulsebasis. Thedesignofwaveformsthat effectivelyutilizethedegreesoffreedomavailabletocurrentandfuturegenerationof radar systems is of fundamental importance. The complexity of the design problem motivates assembly of full waveforms from a number of components with smaller time-bandwidth products and complementary properties. By choosing to separate waveformsinspace,time,frequency,polarization,oracombinationofthesedegrees offreedom,wecanmodularizethedesignproblem. Modularityallowsustofirstan- alyzetheeffectofeachcontrolvariableinisolationandthenintegrateacrossdegrees offreedom(e.g.,timeandpolarization)toenableadaptivecontroloftheradar’soper- ation. Sixty years ago, efforts by Marcel Golay to improve the sensitivity of far infrared spectrometry led to the discovery of complementary sequences [3]–[5], which have thepropertythatthesumoftheirautocorrelationfunctionsvanishesatalldelaysother than zero. Almost a decade after their invention, Welti rediscovered complementary sequences(therearehisD-codes)[6]andproposedtousethemforpulsedradar.How- ever, since then they have found very limited application in radar as it soon became evidentthattheperfectautocorrelationpropertyofcomplementarysequencescannot be easily utilized in practice. The reason, to quote Ducoff and Tietjen [7], is “in a practicalapplication, thetwosequencesmustbeseparatedintime, frequency, orpo- larization, which results in decorrelation of radar returns so that complete sidelobe TheresearchcontributionspresentedhereweresupportedinpartbytheNationalScienceFoundation underGrant0701226,bytheOfficeofNavalResearchunderGrantN00173-06-1-G006,andbytheAir ForceOfficeofScientificResearchunderGrantFA9550-05-1-0443. Y.ChiiswiththeDepartmentofElectricalEngineering,PrincetonUniversity,Princeton,NJ08544, USA.Email:[email protected]. A.PezeshkiiswiththeDepartmentofElectricalandComputerEngineering,ColoradoStateUniversity, FortCollins,CO80523,USA.Email:[email protected]. A.R.CalderbankiswiththePrograminAppliedandComputationalMathematics,PrincetonUniver- sity,Princeton,NJ08544,USA.Email:[email protected]. Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED 2010 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-2010 to 00-00-2010 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Complementary Waveforms for Sidelobe Suppression and Radar 5b. GRANT NUMBER Polarimetry 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION Colorado State University,Department of Electrical and Computer REPORT NUMBER Engineering,Fort Collins,CO,80523-1373 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES in Principles of Waveform Diversity and Design, SciTech Publishing, Inc., 2010. U.S. Government or Federal Rights License 14. ABSTRACT 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE Same as 18 unclassified unclassified unclassified Report (SAR) Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 cancellationmaynotoccur. Hencetheyhavenotbeenwidelyusedinpulsecompres- sionradars.” Variousgeneralizationsofcomplementarysequencesincludingmultiple complementary codes by Tseng and Liu [8] and multiphase (or polyphase) comple- mentarysequencesbySivaswami[9]andFrank[10]sufferfromthesameproblem. In this chapter, we present a couple of examples to demonstrate how degrees of freedom available for radar transmission can be exploited, in conjunction with the complementarypropertyofGolaysequences,todramaticallyimprovetargetdetection performance. The chapter is organized as follows. In Section 2, we describe Golay complementarywaveformsandhighlightthemajorbarrierinemployingthemforradar pulse compression. In Section 3, we will consider coordinating the transmission of Golaycomplementarywaveformsintime(overpulserepetitionintervals)toconstruct Dopplerresilientpulsetrains, forwhichtheambiguityfunctioniseffectivelyfreeof rangesidelobesinsideadesiredDopplerinterval. Thisconstructiondemonstratesthe valueofwaveformagilityintimeforachievingradarambiguityresponsesnotpossible with conventional pulse trains. The materials presented in this section are based on work reported in [11]–[13]. In Section 4, we will present a new radar primitive that enablesinstantaneousradarpolarimetryatessentiallynoincreaseinsignalprocessing complexity. In this primitive the transmission of Golay complementary waveforms iscoordinatedacrossorthogonalpolarizationchannelsandovertimeinanAlamouti fashiontoconstructaunitarypolarization-timewaveformmatrix.Theunitaryproperty enablessimplereceivesignalprocessingwhichmakesthefullpolarizationscattering matrixofatargetavailablefordetectiononapulse-by-pulsebasis(instantaneously). Thematerialspresentedinthissectionarebasedonworkreportedin[14],[15],[11]. 2. GolayComplementaryWaveforms 2.1. ComplementarySequences Definition 1: Two length L unimodular1 sequences of complex numbers x((cid:96)) and y((cid:96)) are Golay complementary if for k = −(L−1),...,(L−1) the sum of their autocorrelationfunctionssatisfies C (k)+C (k)=2Lδ(k) (1) x y where C (k) is the autocorrelation of x((cid:96)) at lag k and δ(k) is the Kronecker delta x function. Thispropertyisoftenexpressedas |X(z)|2+|Y(z)|2 =2L (2) whereX(z)isthez-transformofx((cid:96))givenbythepolynomial L(cid:88)−1 X(z)= x((cid:96))z−(cid:96). (3) (cid:96)=0 1TheoriginalcomplementarysequencesinventedbyGolayforspectrometrywerebinaryandpolyphase complementarysequenceswereinventedlater. However,inthischapterwewillnotdistinguishbetween themandrefertoallcomplementarypairsasGolaycomplementary. Henceforthwemaydropthediscretetimeindex(cid:96)fromx((cid:96))andy((cid:96))andsimplyuse xandy. Eachmemberofthepair(x,y)iscalledaGolaysequence. Atfirst,itmayappearthatcomplementarysequencesareidealforradarpulsecom- pression. However, as we will show in Section 2.2. the complementary property of thesesequencesisextremelysensitivetoDopplereffect. Forthisreason,complemen- tary sequences have not found wide applicability in radar, despite being discovered almostsixtyyearsago.SomeoftheearlyarticlesthatexploretheuseofGolaycomple- mentarysequences(ortheirgeneralizationstopolyphaseandmultiplecomplementary sequences)forradarare[6],[8]–[10]. 2.2. GolayComplementaryWaveformsforRadar Abasebandwaveformw (t)phasecodedbyaGolaysequencexisgivenby x L(cid:88)−1 w (t)= x((cid:96))Ω(t−(cid:96)T ) (4) x c (cid:96)=0 whereΩ(t)isaunitenergypulseshapeofdurationT andT isthechiplength. The c c ambiguityfunctionχ (τ,ν)ofw (t)isgivenby wx x (cid:90)∞ χ (τ,ν)= w (t)w (t−τ)e−jνtdt wx x x −∞ L(cid:88)−1 = A (k,νT )χ (τ +kT ,ν) (5) x c Ω c k=−(L−1) where w(t) is the complex conjugate of w(t), χ (τ,ν) is the ambiguity function of Ω thepulseshapeΩ(t),andA (k,νT )isgivenby x c L(cid:88)−1 A (k,νT )= x((cid:96))x((cid:96)−k)e−jν(cid:96)Tc. (6) x c (cid:96)=−(L−1) If complementary waveforms w (t) and w (t) are transmitted separately in time, x y withaT sectimeintervalbetweenthetwotransmissions,thentheambiguityfunction oftheradarwaveformw(t)=w (t)+w (t−T)isgivenby2 x y χ (τ,ν)=χ (τ,ν)+ejνTχ (τ,ν). (7) w wx wy Since the chip length T is typically very small, the relative Doppler shift over chip c intervalsisnegligiblecomparedtotherelativeDopplershiftoverT,andtheambiguity 2Theambiguityfunctionofw(t)hastworangealiases(crossterms)whichareoffsetfromthezero-delay axisby±T. Inthischapter,weignoretherangealiasingeffectsandrefertoχw(τ,ν)astheambiguity functionofw(t). Rangealiasingeffectscanbeaccountedforusingstandardtechniquesdevisedforthis purpose(e.g.see[16])andhencewillnotbefurtherdiscussed. Figure1. TheperfectautocorrelationpropertyofaGolaypairofphasecodedwave- forms functionχ (τ,ν)canbeapproximatedby w L(cid:88)−1 χ (τ,ν)= [C (k)+ejνTC (k)]χ (τ +kT ,ν) (8) w x y Ω c k=−(L−1) where in this approximation we have replaced A (k,νT ) and A (k,νT ) with the x c y c autocorrelationfunctionsC (k)andC (k),respectively. x y Along the zero-Doppler axis (ν = 0), the ambiguity function χ (τ,ν) reduces to w theautocorrelationsum L(cid:88)−1 χ (τ,0)= [C (k)+C (k)]χ (τ +kT ,0)=2Lχ (τ,0) (9) w x y Ω c Ω k=−(L−1) wherethesecondequalityfollowsfrom(1). Thismeansthatalongthezero-Doppler axis the ambiguity function χ (τ,ν) is “free” of range sidelobes.3 This perfect au- w tocorrelation property (ambiguity response along zero-Doppler axis) is illustrated in Fig. 1foraGolaypairofphasecodedwaveforms. Offthezero-Doppleraxishowever,theambiguityfunctionχ (τ,ν)haslargeside- w lobesindelay(range)asFig. 2shows. ThecolorbarvaluesareindB.Therangeside- 3TheshapeoftheautocorrelationfunctiondependsontheautocorrelationfunctionχΩ(τ,0)forthe pulseshapeΩ(t). TheGolaycomplementarypropertyeliminatesrangesidelobescausedbyreplicasof χΩ(τ,0)atnonzerointegerdelays. x 10−6 4 50 4.5 40 5 30 5.5 20 6 10 Delay(sec)6.5 0 7 −10 7.5 −20 8 −30 8.5 −40 9 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 Doppler(rad) Figure2.TheambiguityfunctionofaGolaypairofphasecodedwaveformsseparated intime lobespersistevenwhenapulsetrainisconstructedinwhichw(t)=w (t)+w (t−T) x y is transmitted several times, with a pulse repetition interval (PRI) of T seconds be- tweenconsecutivetransmissions. Inotherwords,theambiguityfunctionofaconven- tionalpulsetrainofGolaycomplementarywaveforms,wherethetransmitteralternates between w (t) and w (t) during several PRIs, also has large range sidelobes along x y nonzeroDopplers. ThepresenceofDoppler-inducedrangesidelobesintheambiguity functionmeansthatastrongreflectorcanmaskanearby(inrange)weaktargetthatis movingatadifferentspeed. Figure3showsthedelay-Dopplermapattheoutputofa radarreceiver(matchedfilter),whenaconventional(alternating)pulsetrainofGolay complementarywaveformswastransmittedover256PRIs. Thehorizontalaxisshows Doppler and the vertical axis depicts delay. Color bar values are in dB. The radar scenecontainsthreestationaryreflectorsatdifferentrangesandtwoslow-movingtar- gets, which are 30dB weaker than the stationary reflectors. We notice that the range sidelobes from the strong stationary reflectors make it difficult to resolve the weak slow-movingtargets. ThesensitivityofGolaycomplementarywaveformstoDoppler effecthasbeenthemainbarrierinadoptingthesewaveformsforradarpulsecompres- sion.AswewillshowinSection3,thisissuecanberesolvedbyproperlycoordinating thetransmissionofGolaycomplementarywaveformsovertime. 3. DopplerResilientPulseTrains Waveformagileradarsarecapableofchangingtheirtransmitwaveformonapulse- by-pulsebasis,andhencearenotlimitedtotransmittingthesamewaveform(orwave- x 10−5 N=256, Alternating sequence with output in dB 1.2 90 80 1.3 70 1.4 60 1.5 50 Delay(sec)1.6 40 30 1.7 20 10 1.8 0 1.9 −0.25 −0.2 −0.15 −0.1 −0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 Doppler(rad) Figure3. Delay-Dopplermapattheoutputofaradarreceiver(matchedfilter),when aconventional(alternating)pulsetrainofGolaycomplementarywaveformsistrans- mitted. formpair)overtime.Itisnaturaltoaskwhetherornotitispossibletoexploitthisnew degreeoffreedomtoconstructaDopplerresilientpulsetrain(orsequence)ofGolay complementarywaveforms, forwhichtherangesidelobesofthepulsetrainambigu- ityfunctionvanishinsideadesiredDopplerinterval. Followingthedevelopmentsin [11]–[13],weshowinthissectionthatthisisindeedpossibleandcanbeachievedby coordinatingthetransmissionofaGolaypairofphasecodedwaveforms(w (t),w (t)) x y intimeaccordingto1’sand−1’sinaproperlydesignedbiphasesequence. Definition2: ConsiderabiphasesequenceP = {p }N−1,p ∈ {−1,1}oflength n n=0 n N,whereN iseven. Let1representw (t)andlet−1representw (t). TheP-pulse x y trainw (t)of(w (t),w (t))isdefinedas P x y 1N(cid:88)−1 w (t)= [(1+p )w (t−nT)+(1−p )w (t−nT)]. (10) P 2 n x n y n=0 The nth entry in w (t) is w (t) if p = 1 and is w (t) if p = −1. Consecutive P x n y n entriesinthepulsetrainareseparatedintimebyaPRIT. The ambiguity function of the P-pulse train w (t), after ignoring the pulse shape P ambiguityfunctionanddiscretizingindelay(atchipintervals),canbewrittenas[13] 1 N(cid:88)−1 1 N(cid:88)−1 χ (k,θ)= [C (k)+C (k)] ejnθ+ [C (k)−C (k)] p ejnθ (11) wP 2 x y 2 x y n n=0 n=0 whereθ =νT istherelativeDopplershiftoveraPRI.Thefirsttermontheright-hand- side of (11) is free of range sidelobes due to the complementary property of Golay sequencesxandy. ThesecondtermrepresentstherangesidelobesasC (k)−C (k) x y isnotanimpulse. Wenoticethatthemagnitudeoftherangesidelobesisproportional tothemagnitudeofthespectrumS (θ)ofthesequenceP,whichisgivenby P N(cid:88)−1 S (θ)= p ejnθ. (12) P n n=0 By shaping the spectrum S (θ) we can control the range sidelobes. The question is P howtodesignthesequenceP tosuppresstherangesidelobesalongadesiredDoppler interval. OnewaytoaccomplishthisistodesignP sothatitsspectrumS (θ)hasa P high-ordernullataDopplerfrequencyinsidethedesiredinterval. 3.1. ResiliencetoModestDopplerShifts Let us first consider the design of a biphase sequence whose spectrum has a high- ordernullatzeroDopplerfrequency. TheTaylorexpansionofS (θ)aroundθ =0is P givenby (cid:88)∞ 1 S (θ)= f(t)(0)(θ)t (13) P n! P t=0 wherethecoefficientsf(t)(0)aregivenby P N(cid:88)−1 f(t)(0)=jt ntp , t=0,1,2,... (14) P n n=0 TogenerateanMth-ordernullatθ = 0,weneedtozero-forceallderivativesf(t)(0) P uptoorderM,thatis,weneedtodesignthebiphasesequenceP suchthat N(cid:88)−1 ntp =0, t=0,1,2,...,M. (15) n n=0 This is the famous Prouhet (or Prouhet-Tarry-Escott) problem [17],[18], which we nowdescribe. Prouhet Problem: [17],[18] Let S = {0,1,...,N −1} be the set of all integers between0andN−1.GivenanintegerM,isitpossibletopartitionSintotwodisjoint subsetsS andS suchthat 0 1 (cid:88) (cid:88) rm = qm (16) r∈S0 q∈S1 forall0 ≤ m ≤ M? ProuhetprovedthatthisispossibleonlywhenN = 2M+1 and thatthepartitionsareidentifiedbytheProuhet-Thue-Morsesequence. Definition 3: [18],[19] The Prouhet-Thue-Morse (PTM) sequence P = (p ) k k≥0 over{−1,1}isdefinedbythefollowingrecursions: 1. p =1 0 2. p =p 2k k 3. p =−p 2k+1 k forallk ≥0. Theorem1(Prouhet)[17],[18]: LetP =(p ) bethePTMsequence. Define k k≥0 S ={r ∈S={0,1,2,...,2M+1−1}|p =0} 0 r (17) S ={q ∈S={0,1,2,...,2M+1−1}|p =1} 1 q Then,(16)holdsforallm,0≤m≤M. Wehavethefollowingtheorem. Theorem2: LetP = {p }2M−1 bethelength-2M PTMsequence. Then,thespec- n n=0 trumS (θ)ofP hasan(M −1)th-ordernullatθ =0. Consequently,theambiguity P functionofaPTMpulsetrainofGolaycomplementarywaveforms(transmittedover 2M PRIs) has an (M −1)th-order null along the zero Doppler axis for all nonzero delays. Example1: ThePTMsequenceoflength8is P =(p )7 = +1 −1 −1 +1 −1 +1 +1 −1. (18) k k=0 ThecorrespondingpulsetrainofGolaycomplementarywaveformsisgivenby w (t) = w (t)+w (t−T)+w (t−2T)+w (t−3T) PTM x y y x +w (t−4T)+w (t−5T)+w (t−6T)+w (t−7T). (19) y x x y Theambiguityfunctionofw (t)hasasecond-ordernullalongthezero-Doppler PTM axisforallnonzerodelays. Figure 4(a) shows the ambiguity function of a length-(N = 28) PTM pulse train of Golay complementary waveforms, which has a seventh-order null along the zero- Doppleraxis.ThehorizonalaxisisDopplershiftinradandtheverticalaxisisdelayin sec. Themagnitudeofthepulsetrainambiguityfunctioniscolorcodedandpresented indBscale. Azoom-inaroundzero-DopplerisshowninFig. 4(b). Wenoticethatthe rangesidelobesinsidetheDopplerinterval[−0.1,0.1]radhavebeenclearedout. They areatleast80dBbelowthepeakoftheambiguityfunction. ThismeansthataPTM pulse train can resolve a weak target that is situated in range near a strong reflector, provided that the difference in speed between the weak and strong scatterers is rela- tivelysmall. Figure5showstheabilityofthePTMpulsetraininbringingoutweak slow-moving targets (e.g. pedestrians) in the presence of strong stationary reflectors (e.g. buildings)forthefivetargetscenariodiscussedearlierinFig. 3. Thisexample clearly demonstrates the value of waveform agility over time for radar imaging. We notethattheGolaycomplementarysequencesusedforphasecodinginobtainingFigs. x 10−5 N=256, PTM with output in dB 90 0.8 80 70 1 60 c) 1.2 50 e s ay( 40 el D 1.4 30 20 1.6 10 1.8 0 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 Doppler(rad) (a) x 10−5 Zoom around 0 for PTM Sequences 90 0.8 80 70 1 60 c) 1.2 50 e s ay( 40 el D 1.4 30 20 1.6 10 1.8 0 −0.1 −0.05 0 0.05 0.1 Doppler(rad) (b) Figure4. Ambiguityfunctionofalength-(N =28)PTMpulsetrainofGolaycomple- mentarywaveforms: (a)theentireDopplerband (b)Dopplerband[−0.1,0.1]rad

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