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REPORT DATE (DD-MM-YYYY) 2. REPORT TYPE 3. DATES COVERED (From - To) 2012 Book Chapter-ACSM's Advanced Exercise Physiology 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Physiologic Systems and Their Responses to Conditions of Heat and Cold 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER M.N. Sawka, J.W. Castellani, S.N. Cheuvront, A.J. Young 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER Thermal and Mountain Medicine Division MISC 09-34 U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine Natick, MA 01760-5007 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR'S ACRONYM(S) Same as #7 above. 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR'S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT Individuals exercise and work in a wide range of environmental conditions (e.g .. temperature, humidity, sun, wind, rain, and water). Depending on the environmental conditions and a person's metabolic rate and clothing, exercise can accentuate heat gain or heat loss, causing body temperature to rise or fall. Healthy humans normally regulate body (core) temperatures near 37°C at rest, and with environmental and/or exercise perturbations, body temperatures can fluctuate between 35°C and 4l°C without adverse health consequences. Fluctuations outside that range can be associated with morbidity and mortality. In this chapter, the term exercise refers to dynamic exercise, and training refers to repeated days of exercise in a specific modality leading to adaptations. The term stress refers to environmental and/or exercise conditions that tend to influence the body's heat content, and strain refers to the phys1ologtc consequences of stress. The magnitude of stress and the resulting strain depend on a complex interaction among environmental factors (e.g., ambient conditions and clothing) and the individual's biologic characteristics kg. acclimatization status and body size) and activity level (e.g., metabolic rate and duration). The term acclimatization refers to adaptations to both natural 15. SUBJECT TERMS (acclimatization) and artificial (acclimation) environmental conditions. In this chapter, we examine the effects of both heat stress apnhdy scioolldo gsitcre ssyss otenm psh, yhseiaotl,o cgoicld r,e sponses and exercise capabilities. Human thermoregulation during exercise is addressed, but more detailed reviews on this process during environmental stress can be found elsewhere. This chapter includes information on the pathogenesis of exertional heat illness and hypothermia, since exercise can increase morbidity and mortality from thermal injury. 1O6t.h SerE CchUaRpITteYr sC iLnA tShSisIF bICoAoTkI OemN pOhFa: size acute a1n7d. LcIhMrIoTnAiTc I(OtrNa iOnFin g) 1e8x.e NrcUisMeB, EwRh e1r9eaas. NinA tMhEis OcFh aRpEtSePr OthNeS fIBoLcEu sP iEsR oSnO Nac ute and cha.r oRnEicP O(aRcTc limba. tAizBaStiToRnA) CeTn vicro. nTmHIeSn PtaAlG eEx posureA,B aSlTthRoAuCgTh the effects OoFf exercisMe tircahinaienl gN o. nS apwhyksai,o Plohg.Dic. responses during thermal PAGES (Uhneactl aosrs icfoieldd) stUrenscsl aasrsei fdiiesdcusUsendc. lassified Unclassified 36 19b. TELEPHONE NUMBER (Include area code) 508-233-5665 Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8/98) Reset Prescribed by ANSI Std. Z39.18 32 HUMAN WATER AND ELECTROLYTE BALANCE ROBERT W. KENEFICK, PhD, SAMUEL N. CHEUVRONT, PhD, SCOTT J. MONTAIN, PhD, ROBERT CARTER, Ill, PhD, AND MICHAEL N. SAWKA, PhD US Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, Natick, Massachusetts, USA Summary Among the greatest challenges to body water homeostasis is the imposition of prolonged exercise and environmental stress. Sweating results in water and electrolyte losses. Because sweat output often exceeds water intake, there is an acute water deficit that results in a hypertonic hypovolemia and intracellular and extracellular fluid contraction. Although water and E!lectrolyte needs increase as a result of exercise, physiological and behavioral adaptations allow humans to regulate daily body water and electrolyte balance so long as food and fluid are r•eadily available. Although there is presently no consensus for choosing one hydration assessment approach over another, deviations in daily fluid balance can be determined with the use of two or more markers, which should provide added diagnostic confidence when serial measures are made. Hypohydration increases heat storage by reducing sweating rate and skin blood-flow responses for a given core temperature. In addition, hypohydration increases the risk for heat exhaustion and is a risk factor for heat stroke. Aerobic exercise tasks can be adve1rsely affected if hypohydration exceeds 2% of normal body mass, with the potential effect greater in warm environments and lesser in cool environments. Hyperhydration provides no thermoregulatory or exercise performance advantages over euhydration in the heat. Excessive consumption of hypotonic fluid over many hours can lead to hyponatremia. Marked electrolyte losses can accelerate the dilution and exacerbate the problem. Hyponatremia can be avoided by proper attention to diet and fluid needs. Introduction detecr and correct for water <1nd electrolyte Hux tso ers o;enrial considering rhe poremial day-ro-day imposition physi Humans rypically maintain stable day-tn-day body water cal <tctivity and environmental sucssors and rhe negative: anJ decrrolyte balance so long as fooJ and fluid arc readily consequences of gross Auid anJ electrolyte imbalances on available (Institute of MeJicinc, 2005). The> abilitr to health and performance. l'rf,rm Knotlllrdge m Nutriunn, Tent!. J·.dition. edited by Juhn W. Erdnun Jr, Ian A. 1\lacdonald and ~tcven II. Zci~rl ft) 20 12 Imcmarion;dl Life Sl·iences lnsliLuLc:. Published 20 ll by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 493 494 Present Knowledge in Nutrition, Tenth Edition • Human Water and Electrolyte Balance Water (total bc.dy water) plays many unique and vital body water values of 57.21 and 48.7 L, respectively. Thus roles within the body. Warer is r.he principal chemical Similar absolute total body warcr losses wouiJ result in ~ constirucm of the· human body and serves as the solvent greater percentage of total body water losses for individuals for biochemical reactions supporting cellular homeostasis wit:h more uody fat. (Instirute of Medicine, 2005). Water is also essential to Water balance represents the net difference ben.vee11 susrajn cardiovascular volume, and serves as rhe medium water i make and loss. However, when losses exceed inrakes, for rranspon with in chc body by supplying nutricms and rotal body water is decreased. Within the course of a day, removing waste. "VVatcr has unique properties, such as high it il> not uncommon to see wide deviations in hydration speci£c heat, which allow it to absorb merabolic heat status. The most common type of Jchydration (hypertonic within the! body, rhus playing a viral role in thermoregula hypovolemia) is caul>ed by a ncr loss of hypotonic body tion. ln addition, cell hydration is an imporram signal to Auids such as sweat, e.g. during heavy physical labor or regulate cell metabolism and gene expression (Hau~singer cxeCLise. For c.xample, inilividuals may dehydrate during and Gerok, 1994). physical activiry or exposure to hut weather because of For an average young adult male, total body water is l1uid non-avajlability or a mismatch between 1hirst and relatively constanlt and represents 50-70% ofbody weight body water losses (Costill, 1977; Sawka, 1992). In these (Sawka, 1988}. The distribution of total body water is instances, the person begins the rask wirh normal rota! divided imo intracellular fluid (ICF) and extraceiJular Hllid body water and dehydrates over a prolonged period. A (ECF) compartments. The lCF and F.CF contain -67% different type of dehydration (isoronic dehydration) occurs and -33% of total body water, respectively. The ECF is as a result of illness (iliarrhea, vomiting), exposw-e to further divided mtu the interstitial and plasma spaces extreme environments (cold, high altitude), injury (hem (Sawka, 1988). Hgure 32.1 depicts these Awd compart orrhage, burns), or use of certain medications (diuretics). ments and common me!t..hanisms for compartmental Rllid Fluid replacement is encouraged during physical acriv exchange. icy to avoid excessive Llehydracion, as water losses that The hydration of lean body mass is fu.irly constant exceed approximately 2% of initial body mass have been (-73% water) across rhe lifespan and independent of se.x repeatedly shown to compromise endurance performance and erhniciry. As a result, variabiliry in rota! body water is capability (Sawka et ttl., 2007}. However, indiscriminate primariJydue to <liiTerenccs in body composition (Institute drinking of water aml other electrolyte-poor beverages of Medicine, 2005). For example, using the equation, total without consideration of need can have negative conse body water= 0. 73 X lean body mass + 0.1 X fat mass quences. Hyponatremia is a clinic.'tl example of the conse (Inscirute ofMedicme, 2005), two individuals of90 kg and quences of ovcrdrinking and can be produced by drinking body composicio ns of 1S <Jn and 30% far will have total in excess of volume necessary to restore coral body water, and by drinlcing in excess of what is necessary to preserve electrolyte balance (Vrijem. and Rchrer, 1999: Montain et ,t/., 2001). Awd Intake This chapter reviews the physiology. needs, and assess ~ mem of human water and electrolyte balance. The extent ,---P-Ia_s_m_a....., Capi'llary Os_mo_tic ,JSF Exchange ICF to which water and electrolyte imbalances affect tempera (3.5 L) E_xc_h~ (11.5 L) ..._ (30 L) ture regulation anJ exercise performance are alsu con (B%TBW) - - (25% TBW) (67%TBW) t Lymph sidered. Throughout che chapter, euhydrarion refers ro normal body water content, hypohydrarion refers to a Fluid Output I ) body water deficit, and hyperhydrat.ion to increased body water content. Dehydration refers w the dynamic loss of Urine Sweat body water. FIG. 32.1 SchematiC of the approximate volume of water and mechanisms for exchange between Physiology of Water and plasma, interstitial fluid (ISF), and intracellular fluid Electrolyte Balance (ICF) compartments. Example assumes total body water (TBW) of -45 L for a 70-kg individual. Adapted Net body water balance (loss = gain) is generally regulated from Sawka (1988). wcU as a result nf thirst and hunger drives coupled \vith Human Water and Electrolyte Balance • Kenefick, Cheuvront, Montain, Carter, and Sawka 495 free access to food and beverage (Imrirure of Medicim:, 2% Increase 10% Decrease ECF Osmolality Circulatmg Volume 2005). This is accomplished by neuroendocrine and renal ! . n:sponscs (Andreoli n ttl., 2000) ro body water volume CNS Osrnoreceptor 13aroreceptor and tonicity changes, as well as non-regulatory social ~~----··; ·· behavioral factors (Rolls and Rolls, 1982). These homeo sratic responses collectively en:.ure rhal small degrees of ADH Release Angiolensin II hyper- and hypohydrarion arc readily compensated for in t y • ~ the short term. Using water balance studies. Adolph (Adolph and Dill, 1938: Adolph, 1943) found that daily body water varied narrowly berwcen 0.22o/o and 0.48%1 in temperate and warm environments, respecrivt:ly. However, --- Fluid Overloau - -- t:xercise am.l environmental insult often pose a greacer FIG. 32.2 Schematic diagram of fluid regulation in acute challenge ro fluid balance homeostasis. situations of fluid deficit and surfeit. Solid lines indi When body water deficits occur from sweat losses, a cate the osmotically stimulated pathways (primary) hypertonic hypovolemia generally results. Plasma volume and dashed lines indicate volume-stimulated path decreases and plasma osmotic pressure increases in propor ways (secondary). 6> indicates negative feedback pathways; ANP, atrial natiuretic peptide; ADH, anti tion to the decrease in rotal body water. Plasma volume diuretic hormone; CNS, central nervous system; ECF. decreases because it provides the fluid for sweat, and osmo extracellular fluid; OPR, oropharyngeal reflex. hlity increases because sweat is ordinarily hypotonic rela Adapted from Reeves et at. (1998). tive to plasma (Costill, 1977). Resting plasma osmolality increases in a linear manner from about 288 mosmollkg when cuhyLlrated to more chan 300 mosmol/kg when hypohydrarcd (Instimte ofMedici11e, 2005). The increase bur ir also underscores that body water losses are shared in osmotic pressure is primarily due to increased plasma among all fluid comp:mmenrs. sodium and chloride with no consistenr effect on potas Differtnt methods of dehydration are known or sus sium concentrations (Eddman et al., 1958; Senay, 1968; pected to affecl the partitioning of body water losses dif Kubica ~~ a/.. 1983). Figure 32.2 shows 1h e impact of feremly than those just described. For example, diuretics hyperosmotic hypovolemia on fluid regulation, i.e. conser increase urine formation and generally result in the loss of vation of water ar the sire of the kidney and acquisition of boch solures and warer. Diuretic-induced hypohydrarion warer via the scim11lacion of thir.~r. generally results in an isotonic hypovolemia, with a much Incomplete fluid re·placemenr decreases total body water greaLer rario of plasma loss ro body water loss rhan either and. as a consequence of free fiuid exchange, affecrs each exercise or heat-induced nypohydration (Kubica N nl., Auid :.pace (Figure 3.l.l) (Cost ill et nl, 19 76; Nose ~t n.l., 1983). As a result, relatively le!.s intracellular fluid is lose 198.3; Durkot et ttL, 1986; Singh tt a!., 1993). For example, afrer diuretic adminisLrarion, since there is nor an e.xrracel Cosrill et rtf. ( 1976) determined the distribution of body lular solute excess to Mimulate redistribution of body wacer loss among the fluid spaces as well as among differ warer. Factors such as hear acdimacizarion status, poHure, em body orgaru during hypohydrarion. They dehydrated climate, and mode and imensity of exercise can also humans via exercise :md heat exposure m a range of body produce significant variability in Lhe dimibulion of Auids mass losses from 2.2% to 5.8°/t, of body mass and deter chroughouL body fluid compartments. mined the lluid deficit apportioned between plasma and the 1111 racellular am! extracellular spaces. At a 2.2% body Consequences of Fluid Imbalance mass loss, I 0°/f) of wtal body water losses were from the plasma and 301% and GO% were from the intracellular and During prolonged physical exercise, profuse swearing exrraccllular spaces, rcspccrively. At 5.8% body mass loss, coupled wid1 d1e challenges of tlrink.ing enough often 1 I% of total body water losses were from the plasma, and leads to dehydrarion by 2-6o/o of rypical body mass 50% and 39% were from the intracellular and extracellular (Sawka et ,zl., 2005). Although thi:. is more common in spaces, respectivdy. This demonmarc.:s rhar hypohydrarion hot environments, similar deficits are observed in cold resulr:. in osmotic water redistribution from the inrracel climates when working in heavy clothing (O'Brien t't n/., lular to extracellular Huid space to maintain blood volume. 1996). The mismarch between intakes and losses is due to 496 Present Knowledge in Nutrition, Tenth Edition • Human Water and Electrolyte Balance papacthlenaiyroJsfss noiewsors ml,rw oeagshpntielrccereaeresls ua iamwndndviadliabvl n bilddtyeael- guhhaerayol.vs d Fi orpioarmuartrle pe p fxrotaooascvm emcefpo ruslmlet.l h,yp Teb eidhorteex ehre seyrirns dra, e rrlpaneoot gweowd etHtehror eo wglr-i amefstiiiengatru hssa s,t ier(aBnxiDtoatcteloere<namsuetssrgi ipoohttyneefer rd 2wti y%anof !e re. wkbtt ahoe((Ler2dJ u,0ys da0h2 mbe70oli)a0tsl siso6t syn;a r einB~ep.rdt ao o hk anwoelee.w re.xd reee2 evtc 0aeutl0h/ret.,7sea ,s) at 2. ss a0spHbbo0oalcy7ersipt )ak-.totse oephFt dbeyo macdwrlia lrefi akirxcthepai omldsasnkheyp iotellieeelrns ss, rrcwadt2cnahaatdocithodtcpeuaec0ncon(ehi tyeeoWyodSttpermalfeaa0donemph uTmadpri taerta s5 . aoteyesardhpirdo wwwrhpilpoe)lhe mdhtdef.eeoit .ee ,sekvrotdoeeh r yrr nep3roarT ,waaaacvfaaure1d aatm oom,mhrsr-ttahschdh 9tarliu ticnr5aisu yenepaeohtei a9su1trscaOeds rfptgr e nece e5mlu9iieinrim em,rabac a o d .nt) l 9ayarLrtaeir cab.palniagoefato r2o c nrmordai-osgnml ufs geB s l)0d d rfriimeidaisr.a naoieve arn. v oeexrbnd h2ny ricsbence&Asan et(tlc•ijkt° n:,,ds•.hnuo:n(or!uitgJ Sr.utCse ivoK-cd e adgtoewunsanpac rcaiet alu mnewt lddeves hh imhaglafmst ct eseyn(e veyorhkrpyeeeo rSe redle dnasraeae see a idnaapfda niis,ls ve<[ nsrn coc hwee e irnotateyitestanheodvvSgi naemtdd erk1 olsuge( enaad i c atni a9sshCinco rhtrsuthhrlfjn n,usapeey9aeeocuee reylehticsrs dtaaee a2urrdestarp1eak reerspirn ri :ulmmrt e.svot9 e Jue a e haft(i mnaateovdis9r roSvopIrleetse t arontco nh2Cynorraeyme baybnrmicedclosn)w drl pntyuoe orni.ogpetpea msei ie s m ikrnsrcdcrfucee onhstr dT tiaes oa our, re[lwionindhen be, aiaac ilgarmt tc,st elfnn ol teeet1ec i hyUrtcco h hsacm dbp heme91 t ooucaatraoleroyoati n99h.oyipvocfmeein,pm stn t of2of9rs cea lroeet ewic2e laekmo)an2 hpoccse drbrsM.0rncdibet ;1wiemeae hen e loeah0id·jirntaewn egen ocuMionupnma5fw sftesnd h lcshthenfn rea awfaend eaiotiteeaai edng )mtifcm tvt cla ntmdmea.f nhyecia lhtc iornar rdmteseosarionaemopefrharg ne osnniro rnudtnlriitio s ,eg n t,n isrn e dt ts f lhwutdhwliao2sitteeatanbnwiecoefohnptahh0vnftadprrifrkoT nencar es aee0oeiraa a pedosecrecn delsmtsh5melta emde yl i as. no ert)oe,naoox ond- i 4 lov.xoswnr hp2cbvmd ((cefcr b%istltrLBeg osere cl0/riethe diadmacoeoeodelre ctncu rg hs1e hbeedrhbpdr,ne s dhs0auv g oaheoef ea) samrkvissymi)selr udncyuewrhbmt .a ieea pdsb pvro vedtrolomtdsdr Ao o ekyeiron3inrelhtve >teesrhrydati oa rt ht ewheosbkdvsby/reyy2to aw o temeiiun i tm tyf daen%s,oeoL oav bo lompi rrnsdefsaanud,iraeofrar apf pean r d sevslg ooo rb9tn> ew1lnrpll,esinca hinpryioc 0fna d9y3enne ncdtta(iio tcc o ns9bw r10sebkf tt.emtrcr iifa u se7.ofs9 ee°sccet(hoglWig xtdhii ;eCdsd5Cti aat.ehnro meime ireneoss 8yGmvrv,heuiun.r flte eo; l acaaefiod dotea salaam Htetigeyti ti, eyluisuSeinfimchc esfeeln-noaezm vrh cytrac.u taefsai ssoawaopg hfhrwef ts ep sO onptebhmoia (e a,oer(gi)eankc elCicwdoevnoIe rvecd a tfersan.tedw nevcbt he af t . ft rhsm7ceo ri doerfo~esebheasotec,lyrela xn riuu yt/eetettflei cortpdm ae lasfn arvuc emeu tahouareoeti/h swxh rdcaruln.yvq/ihtrthfeeo.heo,a.inno tsh,gepr, us ynty n: 1nhctc 2chesay oeh2tdndpo triieet s0a6e1et pnh sey0rirr~f pr extntb09c0moacaoayepf0 a eeteavsute8 ho3htv%Mdop 2mir iriten plyit3u)imtocforhpo)grasrld ..eodea;pni..enon bey rhf s,p edrrrarAe md a n ee dw Ifa Mifam~i2~rlsr( oso tucmr tieaates0a ot e-ratahinnareviut ethtena0x2emmtnnkeechre etnmildaee3n ros%oalec sore se st y,r o)tr n en ,n s ments (Sawka et al., 1983; Kenefick eta!., 2004; Cheuvront incTrehaese pse. rformance penalty accompanying hypohydration eardttmc&s2hasiehchr toomny0ttaaarAec irmade0t/rv aaaa. eenr5,liltpmpl sartadlig.aihloe-2o,tt e et)mieybmb0nhsco tr2sbyio 0.e un ii ci0 u- o5(ssn> F spG0rctlaaa2 pioao rt1lsm)ponrogehegor.e/)p o rfeiuem iceefe wslee aooaasaxae nmelnsbtrrroaf!:d rimsi de mbboifl ecum i onaettopmtrao tndadeyanl oa sleca dynslvl h t,et.eh eeoc sa,acm r aqMd eorvhaQpsi1au c en aesc9cbae (sbcpsrG9MecLneo efllr8woaeecioc r to.ybn-tecer;erlp .inmse e og rnrloE, cre Taoe t oaf vyeeprrh1lir eenedeh non9e srerpsrydnr soy8stiiet p uotvbe 0aeayawoari tbbd;t!c eal eh.ll s hhrfatneCidyoofu no(! c e dt. hne1g ,reocr brewet9n -to a os utd19aioetycopunvui99!arkpon.rtgcres)9, sie nok e ln8 2mr.o n hppd t;oei0n ytrshuydpf 0Ho gpyBsnudo et2eocshyoateriri)rgu hiitpmcct agneaelyoaoco!ahdri go l.l dcrr ,- m3(oeM-i4w4a2bnn03foa0n0 yh/ ov-%ybo °aT0mpiri c oCecr5eobxh,ooridh ) ehcnoerr-n yf eeyedbuo 5d m ncsdeibmbta%percephreos mne aa hceyndpct,scroyrlpdt ytsiyey-v.isnoe r vr1,ceiia snnfonnelmd2Kitoie-l lodin ymo%radoaeae gm,gs n n nree s2ii,wee a f.drcn a 0ffd8ianahi eimlT° cnalc%tcecm Ceothkdeenter o e e defer-(eotlrvaade rt 12necwnfaoid 5fava3 ti!laouoehln-ue.ie% amrrrcyrgnrwes(ototpoft2h ii, nebuh oonbi0eenmilehinrmrr c rl chnh.y ase 01 a eeei Cpdn0n)cw x h pert °cheoyr.axeetCy reebotpreaccHcimue,strrooiol a cessovi2hpnhnlein rwr s0yety vt goepowrre°dwpe niae vCdrrbooabtrraiep h uru,sfmedart ke oytr,e3 en er eeaorddcd0fdim t bnrr o u°t cacsb r2SraCtrueitmamyo0inacars, n l°vcd e2paw)3agCeen ° n%rn db obrC.htcaad sOy,.ft ee Human Water and Electrolyte Balance • Kenefick, Cheuvront, Montain, Carter, and Sawka 497 ,_.. Ordinary body mass fluctuations 2 ~ Thirst threshold, decline in maximal aerobic power, impaired ~ _ thermoregulation. altered cognitive function, decline in sport skills 3 "' IJj «< E 4 !-{Decrement of 20-30% in physical work capacity f 5 1- Further impairment In the ability to thermoregulate during exercise 6 t- >50% decrement in exercise performance 7 t- High risk of collapse during exercise in a warm/hot environment v -L( Approximate upper limit for survival, severe hypematremla, neurologic 12 disturbance, seizure, coma, death FIG. 32.3 The impact of dehydration on physiological function and ability to perform work/exercise relative to percent losses in body mass. Adapted from Greenleaf (1992). dccremems include increased body core temperature, on physiological function, ability to perform worklexercist' increased cardiova'\cular strain, increased glycogen ut iliza and survivability are depicted in Figure 32.3. rion, and perhaps altered central nervous system function (Monca in et al., 1998; Febbraio, 2000; Nybo and Nielsen, Illnesses and Disease 2001; Cheuvrom ~~a!., 2010b). Though each facror is unique, evidence suggests rhat they imeract ro contribute In clinical medicine, diswrbances of body fluid and elec in concert, rarhcr rhan in isolation, ro degrade aerobic trolyte balance are a..~sociared with significant medical exercise performance (Cheuvront eta!., 2003). The relacive costs, morbidity, and mortality across the lifespan (Warren comribution of each factor may differ depenJing on rhe n nL., 1994; Black n al.. 2003). Fluid and electrolyte specific activity, environmental conditions, hear acclimaci imbalances represent a common problemacic complication zation status, and athletic prowess, bur elevated hyperther of acme medical treatment scenarios (e.g. cardiovascular, mia probably acts to accentuate the performancedecrcmem. renal, burns) and are also functionally linked to a number One explanation lor rhe impact ofhypohydracion on exer of acute and chronic diseases (Manz, 2007). The World cise performance is .1 reduction in circulating blood and I lealth Organization ( 1995) considers hypohydracion of plasma volume. Cardiac filling is reduced and larger frac 55% of body mass ro be mild on a life-threau:ning scale. tional utilization of oxygen is required ar any given work When substantial solute (elecrrolytt:) is lost in situations load (Cheuvronr t't al, 201 Ob). Ultimarely, rhese responses of long duracion work and hear srresb (profuse swearing), have a negaLive impact on exercise/work performance, or during cold or high-altitude exposure, and in numerous especially in warnn/hor cnvironmems. illnesses and disorder~ (e.g. gastroenteritis, hyperemesis, Hypohydrarion and hyperthermia have also been shown Jiureric treatmenc, dialysis), an isotonic or hypotonic ro degrade cognitive/mental performance when concentra hypovolemia is rhe result (World Healrh Organizarion. tion, skilled tasks, and tactical issues are involved (lnsrirute 1995; Mange et al.. 1997; Cheuvront ~tal., 2005b; Sawka of Medicine, 200:5). The evidence is srronger for a negative el rtf., 2007). However, proper diagnosis of hypovolemia effecr of hyperthermia rhan for mild hypohydrarion on of isotonic or hypotonic origins. especially in austere envi degrading cognitive/mental performance (Cian et a/., ronments, remains elusive because an accurate and reliable 2000), but the two are closely linked when physically method for assessmem has nor yet been developed (McGee acrive in warm/hot weather. The impact ofhypohydracion ec a/., 1999). l 498 Present Knowledge in Nutrition. Tenth Edition • Human Water and Electrolyte Balance It has been suggested that chronic plasma hypertonicity nirude of sodiwu dilution. In chose individuals whu .iS a result of hyjpohydration may promote obcsily and produce a relatively salty sweat, there are siwations where related metabolic dysregulation, and may play a role in drinking sodium-free water at rates near to or slightly le.!.~ chronic. disease (Haussinger et nl., 1993; Keller et al., than sweating rare can lheorecically produce biochemical 200:3: Srookey et ttl., 2004). Presently, support is limited, hyponatremia when coupled with the progressive loss of but there IS increasing evidence rhar chronic mild hypo elecrrolyres (Momain ct a/., 2001). As such. the mecha hydration may account for various morbidilies including nism chat leads ro cxerdse-associateJ hyponatremta is urolithiasis (kidney slOncs). urinary tract infections, ovcrdrinking in its absolute (volume-related) and rdauve blaJder and colon cancer, constip:uion, hypertension, forms (relative lO sodium loss). venous thromboembolism, coronary arrery disease, mitral Exercise-associated hyponan·cmta l..dn be prevented by valve prolapse, stroke, gallstones. glaucoma, and dental not drinking in excess of sweating rate, and by consuming diseases (Manz, 2007). While further epidemiological salt-containing fluids or foods when participating in exer studies will he net~ded to determine possible links between cise events that produce multiple how·s of continuous or chronic hypohydxation and these morbidities, the dangers near-continuous swearing. of over-drinking (hyponatremia), arc wcU known. Hydration Assessment Hyponatremia Hyperhydrauon is not easy to sustain since overdrinking Hwnan hydration assessment is a key component for pre of water or carbohydrate-dectrolyre solution produces a vention and proper trcarmem of fluid and electrolyte fluid overload that is rapidly excreted by cl1e kidneys imbalances (Mange 1'1 tzl., 1997; Oppliger and Bartok, (figure 32.2) (FretUld et ttl., 1995). llowevcr, excessive 2002; Cheuvront eta/., 2005). The efficacy of any assess imake ofhypotunic fluid, especially over an exTended rime, menr marker depends critically upon me nature of body can dilute plasma sodium m dar1gerously low levels Auid los11es. In many clinical and most sports medicine (<135 mEq/L). Dilution of plasma sodium will induce situations, hypenonic hypovolemia occurs when there is movement of water from the extracellular fluid inro ceUs. net loss of hypotonic body Auids (Mange l't rtf., 1997; Ifit occurs rapidly and is ofmfliciem magnitude, this fluid Cheuvront ~~ al., 2005; Sawka et a/., 2007). The rise in shift can congcM rhe lungs. swell the brain, and alter exuacellular tonicity is a hallmark clinical feature that central nervous system funnion. The clinical signs and provides diagnosric diMincrion from isoronic or hyporonil symptoms associ1ated with hyponauemia include confu hypovolemia (Feig and McCurdy, 1977; Mange et td., sion. disorientation, mental obtundarion, headache, 1997). Hypotonic fluid losses modulate renal function and nausea, vomiring, aphasia, incoordination, and muscle urine composition in accordance with the body water weakness with the severity of J>-ymptOmatology related m deficit (Robenson and Mahr. 1971 ), thus providing rhc me magnitude of decline in scnrm sodium and the rapidity fundamental fran1ework for using blood (osmolaliry. with which it develops (Knochel, 1996). Complications of sodiwn, fluid regulatory hormones) and urine (osmolality. severe and rapi~Uy evolving hyponatremia include seizures, specific gravity, color) as principal body-fluid hydradon coma, pulmonary edema, and cardiorespiratory arrest. assessment measures. Symp10matic hyponatremia arises during clinical care, but Although plasma osmolality is the criterion hydration l1.1s developed in otherwise healthy Individuals participat assessment measure for large-scale fluid needs assessment ing in marathon and uhramarathon comper:irion (Davis surveys (lnslilutc of Medicine, 2005). me opcimal choJCC eta/., 2001; Spcc:dy eta!. • 2001; llcw et ,t/., 2003), military of method for assessing hydration is limited by the circum tra1ning (Garigan and RisteJt, 1999; O'Brien et nl., 2001), stances and intent of the measurement. Popular hydration and recreational acriviries (Backer et ttl., 1993). assessment techniques vary greatly Ill their applicability co The hyponatremia associatd with prolongeJ exercise laborarory or field usc because of methodological linura most often occurs when individuals consume low-sodium rions which include the necessary circumstances for accu drinks or sodium-free water in excess of sweat losses. eimer rate measurement, ease of application, and sensitivity for Juring or shordy after completing exercise (Garigan and detecting small bur meaningful changes in hydration Risted t, 1999; Momain et rd., 200 1; Speedy et n/., 2001). status (Table 32.1). Large population hcterogeneily Unreplaced sodi1um losses contriburc w the rate and mag- explains, in part, why there arc presently few hydration Human Water and Electrolyte Balance • Kenefick, Cheuvront, Montain, Carter, and Sawka 499 TABLIE 32.1 Laboratory hydration assessment techniques summary Techn·i-q-u-e- ----------A-d-v-a-nt-a-g-es- -------------D--is-a-d-v-an-t-a-g-es- ------------------- Complex markers Total body water Accurate, reliable Analytically complex, expensive, requires (dilution) baseline and serial measures Plasma osmolality Accurate, reliable (clinical Analytically complex, expensive, invasive standard) Simple markers Fluid input/output Accurate, reliable (clinical Requires urinary catheter and serial standard) measures Urine Easy. rapid, screening tool Easily confounded, timing critical, concentration frequency and color subjective Body mass Easy, rapid, screening tool Requires baseline; confounded by changes in body composition Other markers Blood: Pla·>ma volume No advantages over Analytically complex, expensive, Pla'sma sodium osmolality (except invasive, multiple confounders Fluid balance hyponatremia detection hormones for plasma sodium) Bioirnpedance Easy, rapid Requires baseline, multiple confounders Salivcl Easy, rapid Highly variable, multiple confounders Physical signs Easy, rapid Too generalized, subjective Tilt t1~st (orthostatic Rapid Highly variable, insensitive, requires tilt challenge) table or ability to stand Thirst Positive symptomatology Subjective and variable, develops late and is quenched early Adap·ted from Institute of Medicine (2004) and Cheuvront eta/. (2005). TABLE 32.2 Biomarkers of hydration status Measure Euhydration Population reference interval Dehydration Total body water (L) <1% N/A ~3%(?) Plasma osmolality (mmol/kg) <290 285-295 ~97 Urin1~ specific gravity (units) <1.02 1.005-1.035 ~1.025 Urinr~ osmolality (mmol/kg) <700 300-900 ~831 Urin1~ color (units) <4 N/A ~5.5 Body weigh~ (kg) <1% N/A ~% 'Potentially confounded by changes in body composition during very prolonged assessment periods. Compiled from Kratz et a/. (2004), Cheuvront et a/. (2005, 201 Oa), and Sawka eta/. (2007) status marker~ th;u display potential for high no~ological guide ro detect a negative body fluid balance stemming sensitivity from ,, practical, single measure (Cheuvronr from hypertonic hypovolemia. Hydration shoulJ be con .n tl!., 2010a). Change measures can provide good diag sidered adequate when any two assessment outcome~ are nostic accuracy. hut their usefulness also depends on rhe consisrem with euhydrarion (Table 32.2) (Cheuvront and homogeneicy of measures taken on rhe same person if day Sawka, 2005; )awka et al., 2007). Values rhar occur to-day monitoring is desired (Cheuvrom et tti., 20 I Oa). bcrween euhydration and hypohytlration represenr cypical More acute change measures (over hours) re4uire a valid human variation (Kratz et rtl., 2004) in homeosratit. set baseline and control over confounding variables. Table poims relating to biology as well as to social (dret) and 32.2 provides definable thresholds which can be used as a environmental (exercise, climate) influences. l 500 Present Knowledge in Nutrition, Tenth Edition • Human Water and Electrolyte Balance Water and Elec:trolyte Needs load, and choice of clothing for prorccrion against env1• ronrnemal elements (Latzka and Monrain, 1999). Human water and elecrrolyre needs should not be based Therefore, water losses. and hence warcr needs, will va.ty on a "minimal'' inrake, as this might eventually lead w a considerably among moderately active people based on deficit and possible adverse performance and health con changing exuancous influences. sequences. The Food and Nutrition Board of the lnscitute Swear contains elccuolytes, primarily sodium chlonde of Mcdu.:ine instead base the dietary recommended intake and w a lesser extem potassium, calcium, and magnes•um (DR£) for water needs on an adequate intake (AI). The (CosWl eta/., 1975; Coscill, 1977; Verde t't a/., 1982). AI is based on expcri mentally derived intake levels that arc Sweat sodium concentration averages -35 mEq/L (range expected ro meet nuuirional adequacy for essentially all 10-?0mEq/L) and varies depending upon diet, sweating members of a healthy populaLion. The AI level for water rate, hydration level, and heat acclimauon state (Allan and is 2.7 ro 3.7Uday for sedentary women and men over age Wllson, 1971; Cosrill et til., 1975). Sweat potassium con 19 . respectively (Institute of Medtcine, 2005). These values centration averages 5 m£q/L (range 3-ISmEq/L), calcium represent total warc-r imake from all fluids (80%) and averages 1 mEg/L {range 0.3-2mE.q/l.), magnesium aver foods (20%). The AI for sodium is 1.5 g/day, or 3.8 g/day ages O.SmEq/L (range 0.2- 1.5mEq/L), and chJoride sodium chloride (lnslirme of Medicine, 2005). lr should averages 30 mEq/L (range '5-60 mEq/L) (Cost ill, 1977). be recognized, however, rhat endurance athletes and occu Neither gender, malllration nor aging seems to have pational laborers performing extended hours of work, p~r­ marked etTects on sweat electrolyte concentrations ticularly in warm cl imatcs, may greatly exceed the AI lor (Morimoto eta/., 1967; Meyer ct al.. 1992). Sweat glands water and sodium (lnstirute of Medicine, 2005). reabsorb sodium by active tran:.pon, bur the ability to Table 32.3 (Rehrer and Burke, 1996) illustrates the reabsorb sweat sodium does not im.rease proportionally wide variability in h1:>udy swear losses observed borh within with the ~weating race. As a result, the concentration of and between sporu and occupations. Depending upon the sweat sodium increases ar high sweating races (AII:tn and duration of activiry and heat stress exposure, cl1e impact of these elevated hourly sweat rates on daily water require ments will vary. Fi~;ure 32.4 depicts generalized modeling approxim.ltions for daily water and sodium requirements Average daytime a1r temperature (•F) :0 a> benaseerdg yu peoxnp ecnadkiurluairLcc d( ascwtievaittyin gle rvaetle)s aasn da faLimr ctreiomn poefr adtauilrye >:l3iS: 14 59 68 77 86 95 104 10000 .c~a0:·. (lnstirute of Medicine, 2005). Applying this prediction ..:Q£'!l.! 12 A 8000 -a~<. mtwood-elr,o i ts iixs- cfloeladr tfhroamt d baialsye wlinaete br yr esqiumirpelme emnarsn icpaunl ainticornea osef £..l.!. !. 180 Bc 6000 l0ac/) ·. etther variable. For example, daily water rcquircmems for ~~ 6 0 4000 3:; any o-iven energy eKpenJirure in temperate climates (20°C) ("i0j 4 2000 isii' cstewamne pa~tei rlpoalsteus erisen ,t ovo eirtnhyc elhruo dree n wrveeilraaotthinvemer eh(n4utr0an°li Cdif)ra.y cI,m na risar d mdaliostotiio onmn ,to o~do ailfaiyrr "a:~CQ0;:T) 20 1r5 -Min2i0m um d2a5i ly wa3te0r requ3i5re men4t0 0 :3~II$> Average daytime air temperature (•C) TABLE 32.3 Sw1~ating rates for different sports FIG. 32.4 Daily water need!i and required daily Sport Mean (Uh) Range (Uh) saso dai urems uinltt oakf ec heasntgimesa tiend p fhryosmic aslw aecatti-vloitsys a pnrde adiicr ttieomns Water polo 0.55 0.30-0 80 perature. Daily energy expenditures of A = 3600 kcal/ Cycling 0.80 0.29-1.25 day, B = 2900 kcal/day, C = 2400 kcal/day, ~nd Running 1.10 0.54-1.83 D = 1900 kcal/day corresponds to very active. act1ve, Basketball , .1, 0.7Q-1.60 low activity, and sedentary. Adapted from Institute Soccer 1., 7 0.7Q-2.10 of Medicine (2005). Data compiled from Rehrer and Burke (1996). Human Water and Electrolyte Balance • Kenefick, Cheuvront, Montain, Carter, and Sawka 501 Wilson, 1971; Cosrill et ttl., 1975; Buono et ,zi., 2008). meals and a prurracred recovery period (8 ro 12 hours) has Hear acclimarion improves rhe abilicy w reabsorb sodium, elapsed since I ht: last exercise ses11ion, then rhe person rhus hear-acclimaD.c>d persons have lower sweat sodium should already be close to being euhydrated (Institute of concentrations (>')Oo/o reduction) for any given sweating Medicine, 2005). During exercise rhc objective is w drink rate (Allan and Wilson, 1971). enough fluid ro prevent excessive dehydration (>2% body Generaliu:tl modeling approximations for daily sodium mass loss) to accrue and compromise performance. The needs based upon calcula[(:d sweating rates as a function amoum and nne of fluid replacement depends upon an of d<tily energy expenditure (acriviry level) and air rem pera individual's swearing rate, the exercise duration, and ture (lnstirure of Mcdicint:, 2005) are presc:med in Figure opporruniries ro drink. his recommended char individuals 32A. This analys1.s assumes that persons are hear acclt should moniror body mass changes during rraining/ mared and have a swear sodium concemr:trion of25 m£q/L activity to estimate their sweat losr during a particular (:tbour 0.6 g/L). The average American diet contains -4 g/ exercise task with respect w rhe weather conditions. Jay sodium (Tnstitttle of Medicine, 2005) bur varies grearly Carbohydrate consumption can be bencfiLial to msta•n depending upon ethnic preferences for tood. lncreases or exercise intensicy during high-inrensiry exercise events of decreases in sodiwn stores an: usually corrected by adjust - 1 hour or longer, as well as less intense exercise/activity menrs in a person's ~alt appetite. ln addition, when physi sustained for longer periods (Coyle and Monrain 1992) cal acriviry increa11t:s, the additional caloric imake associated Carbohydrate-based sports beverages are used to meet car with increased acri vity usually covers rhe additional sodium bohydrate needs, while attempting ro replace sweat water required (lnsrirute uf Medicine, 2005). fhereforc!, sodium and electrolyte losses. Carbohydrate solutions of 5-1 Oo/o supplememacion is gencr:1lly not necessary, as normal consumed at a rare of I L per hom would approximate a dietary sodium inrake appe.us adequate ro compensate for consumption rare of 1 g per minute, which has been dem swear ~odium losses (Sawka et nl., 2007). There are rwo onstrated ro maimain blood glucose levels and e..xercise exceptions: first, !Prolonged heavy sweating can produce performance (Coyle and Monrain, 1992). The greate~r substantial $alt losses, and st:condly, for those unacclima rates of carbohydrate delivery have been achieved wirh a tized to the wcalher, during the first few days of warm/hot mixture of simple sugars (e.g. glucose, sucrose, fructose, weather as they will be secreung saltier rhan usual sweat. malrodexrrin). Salting food to taste is usually an adequate solution in The lnstimte of Medicme also provtdes general guid these circumstances. Another strategy is ro rehydrate with ance for compo~irion of "sports beverages" for persons lluids conraining ·-20m Eq/L of sodium. Most commercial performing prolonged physical acrivicy in hot weather spores beverages approximate this conccnrrarion (Sawka (1nstitute of Medicine, 1< )94). The need for these differenr ~t a/., 2007). components will depend on the specific exercise task (e.g. intensiry and duration) and wearher conditions, and can be mer u~ing non-fluid source!> such as gels, energy bars, Fluid Replacement and orher fooJs. Following activity, consumption of The 2007 American College of Spans Medicine Position normal meals and snacks with a suHiciem volume of plain Statement on E:"ercise and Fluid Replacement (Sawka water will restore euhydrarion, provided rhe food contains d Ill., 2007) summarize.~ current knowledge regarding sufficient sodium m replace sweat losses (Institute of fluid and electrolyte needs and the impact of their imbal Medicine, 2005). If hypohydration is substantial (>2% J.nces on performance and healrh. This statement stresses body mass loss) with a relatively short recovery period the fact that individuals have varying swear rates, and (<4-6 hours), then an aggressive rehydration program may individual fluid needs can be very clifferem despite per be menred {Maughan et al., 1996). torming a similar task in nearly identical environmental In most cases of gastroinrt::.stind! tract disturbances rhat LOndirions. The ACSM Position Staremenr also provides resulr in diarrhea and/or vomiting(- I day), typical tntake recommendations in relation to hydration prior co, during, of food and fluid over rhe course of a few Jays will correct and lollowing ex:ercise/activiry. Briefly, the objective i~ to tluid and electrolyte losses. However, when these maladies begin physical acrivicyeuhydrared and with normal pl.tsrna are left unrreared, prolonged bnurs (>I day) may require electrolyte levek lf sufficient beverages are consumed with a unique lluid replacernem strategy. Severe hypohyJrarion

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