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REPORT DATE (DD-MM-YYYY) 2. REPORT TYPE 3. DATES COVERED (From - To) 2012 Open Literature 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Repeated exposure to sublethal doses of the organophosphorus compound VX activates BDNF expression in mouse brain 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER Pizarro, JM, Chang, WE, Bah, MJ, Wright, LK., Saviolakis, GA, Alagappan, A, G., Robison, CL, Shah, JD, Meyerhoff, JL, Cerasoli, DM, Midboe, E, Lumley, LA 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER US Army Medical Research Institute of Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD Chemical Defense 21010-5400 USAMRICD-P10-040 ATTN: MCMR-CDT-N 3100 Ricketts Point Road 9. SPONSORING / MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) Defense Threat Reduction Agency 8725 John J. Kingman Road STOP 6201 Fort Belvoir, VA 22060‐6201 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION / AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES Published in Toxicological Sciences, 126(2), 497-505, 2012. This research was supported by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, Medical S&T Division. 14. ABSTRACT See reprint. 15. SUBJECT TERMS VX, mice, BDNF, neurotrophins, organophosphorus compounds, chemical warfare nerve agents, medical chemical defense 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF RESPONSIBLE PERSON OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES Lucille A. Lumley a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE UNLIMITED 9 19b. TELEPHONE NUMBER (include area UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED code) 410-436-8377 Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std. Z39.18 TOXICOLOGICALSCIENCES126(2),497–505(2012) doi:10.1093/toxsci/kfr353 AdvanceAccesspublicationJanuary12,2012 Repeated Exposure to Sublethal Doses of the Organophosphorus Compound VX Activates BDNF Expression in Mouse Brain Jose M. Pizarro,*,† Wenling E. Chang,†,‡ Mariama J. Bah,† Linnzi K. M. Wright,* George A. Saviolakis,† Arun Alagappan,† Christopher L. Robison,*,† Jinesh D. Shah,† James L. Meyerhoff,† Douglas M. Cerasoli,* Eric G. Midboe,* and Lucille A. Lumley*,†,1 *U.S.ArmyMedicalResearchInstituteofChemicalDefense,AberdeenProvingGround,Maryland21010;†DivisionofNeuroscience,WalterReedArmy InstituteofResearch,SilverSpring,Maryland20910;and‡DepartmentofBiotechnology,TheMITRECorporation,SanDiego,California92106 1TowhomcorrespondenceshouldbeaddressedatU.S.ArmyMedicalResearchInstituteofChemicalDefense,3100RickettsPointRoad,AberdeenProving Ground,MD21010-5400.Fax:(410)436-8377.E-mail:[email protected]. ReceivedNovember23,2011;acceptedDecember23,2011 AChE leads to increased levels of acetylcholine (ACh) at The highly toxic organophosphorus compound VX [O-ethyl neuronalsynapsesandneuromuscularjunctions,whichresultsin S-[2-(diisopropylamino)ethyl]methylphosphonate] is an irreversible symptoms of acute toxicity, including convulsions, tremors, inhibitor of the enzyme acetylcholinesterase (AChE). Prolonged hypothermia, urinary and fecal incontinence, and bronchial inhibitionofAChEincreasesendogenouslevelsofacetylcholineand constriction (reviewed in Russell and Overstreet, 1987). Acute is toxic at nerve synapses and neuromuscular junctions. We toxiclevels of CWNA, particularlyatdosesproducingseizures, hypothesizedthatrepeatedexposuretosublethaldosesofVXwould affect genes associated with cell survival, neuronal plasticity, and induce widespread neuropathological damage in several areas, neuronal remodeling, including brain-derived neurotrophic factor including the piriform cortex, thalamus, amygdala, and (BDNF). We examined the time course of BDNF expression in hippocampus (reviewed in Petras, 1994). In addition, CWNA- C57BL/6mousebrainfollowingrepeatedexposure(1/day35days/ induced seizures alter inflammatory responses and signaling week32weeks)tosublethaldosesofVX(0.2LD50and0.4LD50). pathways associated with inflammation in these brain regions BDNF messenger RNA expression was significantly (p < 0.05) (Spradling et al., 2011). elevatedinmultiplebrainregions,includingthedentategyrus,CA3, Although the seizurogenic and neuropathological effects of and CA1 regions of the hippocampal formation, as well as the acute exposure to toxic levels of CWNA have been well piriformcortex,hypothalamus,amygdala,andthalamus,72hafter characterized, less knowledge exists about the effects of thelast0.4LD VXexposure.BDNFproteinexpression,however, 50 repeated exposure to sublethal doses of CWNA. Incidents wasonlyincreasedintheCA3regionofthehippocampus.Whether increasedBDNFinresponsetosublethaldosesofVXexposureisan such as the release of sarin in Tokyo subways (Ohbu et al., adaptive response to prevent cellular damage or a precursor to 1997) and the destruction of an ammunition depot that impending brain damage remains to be determined. If elevated contained both sarin and cyclosarin during the Persian Gulf BDNFisanadaptiveresponse,exogenousBDNFmaybeapotential War (reviewed in McCauley et al., 2002), as well as concerns therapeutictargettoreducethetoxiceffectsofnerveagentexposure. about the persistence of VX in the environment due to its low Key Words: neurotrophins; BDNF; organophosphorus volatility and high stability in surfaces such as asphalt (Gura compounds;chemical warfare nerveagents;VX; mice. et al., 2006), have increased awareness of the need to understand the short- and long-term effects of exposure to sublethal doses of CWNA. Bloch-Shilderman et al. (2008) VX (O-ethyl S-[2-(diisopropylamino)ethyl]methylphospho- havereportedthat ratsexposedto0.05LD VXfor3months 50 nate)isachemicalwarfarenerveagent(CWNA)thatirreversibly viaanosmoticminipumpshowanimpairmentintheopenfield inhibits serine esterases, including acetylcholinesterase (AChE) testaswellasreductionintheexpressionofvesicle-associated and butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE). Prolonged inhibition of membrane protein in hippocampal neurons. However, CWNA can also be administered repeatedly with minimal overt Disclaimers:Theviewsexpressedinthisarticlearethoseoftheauthor(s)and do not reflect the official policy of the Department of Army, Department of neurobehavioral effects, suggesting the development of Defense,ortheU.S.Government.Theexperimentalprotocolwasapprovedbythe tolerance to the disruptive effects of exposure (Russell et al., AnimalCareandUseCommitteeat theUnitedStatesArmyMedicalResearch 1986). Blood and brain AChE levels can be reduced with InstituteofChemicalDefense,andallprocedureswereconductedinaccordance appropriate dosing schedules to > 20% of normal with no withtheprinciplesstatedintheGuidefortheCareandUseofLaboratoryAnimals andtheAnimalWelfareActof1966(P.L.89-544),asamended. observablesignsoftoxicity(Sterrietal.,1980).Unfortunately, PublishedbyOxfordUniversityPress2012. 498 PIZARROETAL. there has been minimal research into the molecular mecha- 0.2LD VX(4.2lg/kg;n¼11),or0.4LD VX(8.4lg/kg;n¼9)onceperday 50 50 nisms of exposure to sublethal doses of CWNA, with the MondaythroughFridayat0830±1hfor2weeks,totaling10exposures.VXwas scinjectedbetweentheshoulderbladesinavolumeof5ml/kg,andtheLD value exceptionofBlantonetal.(2004),whoevaluatedtheeffectsof 50 forVXgivenscinmiceis21lg/kg(Boskovic,1979). repeated exposure to sublethal doses of VX on neuronal gene expression using microarrays. MeasurementofAChEandBuChE Peptideswithknowntrophiceffectsmaybeuniquetargetsof Tailblood(14ll)wascollectedbytailnickandpipetted,usingaheparin- intoxication and important factors in the recovery of surviving dipped pipette tip, into centrifuge tubes that contained 186 ml sterile water. Sampleswerecollected2or72hfollowingthelastVXexposureandstoredat subjects. In addition, some latent effects of CWNA may be (cid:1)80(cid:1)Cuntilassayswereperformed.WholebloodconcentrationsofAChEand partially due to altered expression or action of neurotrophins. BuChEweredeterminedusingmethodsdevelopedattheWalterReedArmy Neurotrophins, including brain-derived neurotrophic factor InstituteofResearch(Haighetal.,2008). (BDNF), act through discrete tyrosine kinase (trk) receptors Euthanasia and are important for neuronal development, plasticity, cell Mice were euthanized by decapitation either 2 or 72 h after their last survival, and remodeling following ischemia, trauma, and toxin exposure, and brains were removed and stored in isopentane ((cid:1)80(cid:1)C) until exposure (reviewed in Mocchetti and Wrathall, 1995). BDNF sectioned. Coronal sections (14 lm) were cut using a cryostat, placed onto plays a critical role in neuronal plasticity, including the poly-L-lysineprecoatedslides(CellAssociates,Houston,TX),andkeptfrozen morphology of dendritic spines, demonstrated by the fact that untilprocessed. BDNF/TrkBsignalingincreaseddendriticspinedensityinapical MeasurementofBDNFMessengerRNAExpression dendrites of hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons at 24 h BDNF probe preparation. RNA probes for BDNF were generated by (Alonso et al., 2004). In rat hippocampus, BDNF is increased in vitro transcription reactions according to the instructions provided by the following traumatic brain injury (Grundy et al., 2000) and manufacturer (Strip-EZ RNA; Ambion, Austin, TX). For the production of ischemia (Tsukahara et al., 1998), which may be antisense BDNF RNA probes, a plasmid containing a 460-bp BDNF insert neuroprotective. BDNF has also been shown to rescue motor (SmithandCizza,1996)wasfirstlinearizedwithEcoRIandtranscribedwith T7 polymerase. For sense probes, this plasmid was linearized with SalI and neurons and substantia nigra dopaminergic cells from traumatic transcribed with SP6 polymerase. All complementary RNA probes were brain injury (Sendtner et al., 1992) and reduce striatal damage synthesized using 33P-labeled uridine triphosphate (UTP). For the in vitro and Parkinson’s-like symptoms induced by 1-methyl-4-phenyl- synthesis of RNA transcripts from DNA templates, a cocktail consisting of 1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine in monkeys (Tsukahara et al., 1995). 0.5lgDNAtemplate,5llribonucleotidetriphosphates(1llofeach10mM WehypothesizedthatrepeatedexposuretolowlevelsofVX solutionofadenosinetriphosphate,guanosinetriphosphateandUTP,and2ll modifiedcytidinetriphosphatesolution[2mM]),33P-UTP(specificactivityof would affect neurotrophin expression in brain regions 53109cpm/lg),2llRNApolymerase,2llof103transcriptionbufferand previously shown to be affected by CWNA. C57BL/6 mice nuclease-free HO needed to bring the final volume to 20 ll. The reaction 2 wereexposed tolow doses (0.2 or0.4 LD50) ofVX five times mixturewasincubatedfor1hat37(cid:1)C. per week (Monday to Friday) for 2 weeks. Expression of Insituhybridization. Slideswereallowedtowarmuptoroomtemperature BDNFinmousebrain wasmeasuredat 2or72 hafter thelast and fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde-EM grade (Electron Microscopy Sciences, VXexposure,similartotimepointsmeasuredbyBlantonetal. Hatfield, PA) in 13 phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) (0.01M KHPO, 0.1M 2 4 (2004) using microarrays, in which they observed a transient NaHPO,1.37MNaCl,0.027MKCl,pH7.2)for20min.Sectionswerewashed 2 4 increase in gene clusters following repeated exposure to with13PBSfor5minandthenwashedwithasolutioncontaining20lg/ml sublethal doses of VX. In our study, we hypothesized that proteinaseKin50mMTris-HCl,pH8.0,and5mMethylenediaminetetraacetic acid(EDTA)for5min.Slideswerethenwashedwith13PBSfor5minand BDNF levels would be affected by 2 h post-exposure and refixedin4%paraformaldehyde-EMgradein13PBSfor20min.Todiminish return to baseline by 72 h post-exposure. probe binding to protein moieties and thus reduce background hybridization, tissue sections were acetylated in 300 ml 0.1M triethanolamine, pH 8.0, containing0.75mlaceticanhydrideandincubatedfor10min.Slideswerethen MATERIALSAND METHODS washedinPBSandindiethylpyrocarbonate-treatedwater(DEPC-H2O)for5min each.Next,theslidesweredehydratedbywashinginanascendingethylalcohol (EtOH)concentrationseries:60%EtOH(1min),80%EtOH(1min),95%EtOH Animals (2min),99%EtOH(1min),chloroform(5min),99%EtOH(1min),and95% MaleC57BL/6mice(25–30g,10–16weeksold;JacksonLaboratories,Bar EtOH(1min).Sectionswereallowedtoairdryandusedimmediatelyforinsitu Harbor,ME)weregroup-housed(sixpercage)uponarrivalattheUSArmy hybridization according to the method of Wisden et al. (1991). Hybridization Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense (USAMRICD; Aberdeen solution(50%formamide,0.6MNaCl,10mMTris-HClpH7.5,1mMEDTA, ProvingGround,MD)underareverselight-darkcycle(lightsoffat1100),with 50lgheparin,10mMdithiothrietol,0.5mg/mlsingle-strandedDNA,0.5mg/ml foodandwateravailableadlibitum.Micewerescimplantedwithidentification transfer RNA, 10% polyethylene glycol 8000, and 13 Denhardt’s solution: chips(BioMedicDataSystemsInc.,Seaford,DE)1weekbeforethestartofVX Novagen),containing 4 3 106 cpm/ll ofeithersense orantisense33P-labeled exposures. UTPRNAprobes(specificactivityof>1.13108cpm/lg),washeatedto80(cid:1)C, placedonicefor1min,andpipettedontothesections,whichwerethencovered DrugExposure withcoverslips.Slideswereplacedhorizontallyinaslideboxcontainingtissue VX,dilutedinsaline(PhoenixScientificInc.,FtDodge,IA),wasobtainedfrom papersoakedwith5mlPBS.Slideswerethenincubatedinahybridizationoven the Surety Issue Laboratory at USAMRICD, aliquoted into serum vials, sealed at 56(cid:1)C for 16–24 h. Next, cover slips were removed from brain sections by with Teflon septa, and stored at (cid:1)80(cid:1)C to ensure that mice received the same placingslidesverticallyandthenwashedtwicein23saline-sodiumcitrate(SSC) dilutionandlotoverthecourseoftheexposures.Micereceivedsaline(n¼11), (3.0MNaCland0.3Msodiumcitrate)at50(cid:1)Cfor30min.Thiswasfollowedby VXINCREASESCNSBDNF 499 a30-minwashusingslowagitationinasolutioncontaining23SSCand14M Quantification of BDNF protein expression. The mouse hippocampus 2-b-mercaptoethanol(BME)at50(cid:1)C,one30-minwashinaribonuclease(RNase) region was identified and traced for each image collected in Quantity One solutioncontaining10llof5–10U/llRNaseOne(Promega,Madison,WI),23 software. The background region was also traced for each image. The SSCand,14MBMEat37(cid:1)C,a30-minwashinasolutioncontaining23SSC, intensities of each traced area and background region were measured. The 14M BME, and deionized formamide at 50(cid:1)C, and then a 30-min wash in protein expression was defined by the ratio of hippocampus intensity versus asolutioncontaining23SSC,14MBME,and1%Napyrophosphate.Finally, background for each image, and it was globally normalized against each the slideswerewashed in DEPC-HO for5 min and then dehydratedin60% collectionday. 2 EtOHfor1minandthenin95%EtOHfor5min.Sectionswereallowedtoair DataAnalysis dry and were autoradiographed on Kodak BioMax maximum sensitivity (Eastman Kodak Co, Rochester, NY) film at 80(cid:1)C for 3 days. The film was Resultsarepresentedasmean±SEM.One-wayANOVAwithafactorof developed and scanned for analysis. Controls for the in situ hybridization drug dose was used to compare significant changes in BDNF expression included brain sections hybridized with both sense or unlabeled antisense (mRNA or protein) and to compare AChE and BuChE levels following VX oligonucleotide probes and RNase A-treated sections. For RNase controls, exposure at each time point. Post hoc tests were performed using least brainsectionswerefixedasdescribedaboveandthenpretreatedwithRNaseA significantdifferencetest. (20lg/ml)overnightat37(cid:1)C.Next,sectionsweretreatedwith33P-labeledRNA probes as described above. For unlabeled-antisense controls, brain sections were fixed as described above and then incubated at 42(cid:1)C for 16–24 h with RESULTS 103unlabeledantisensebeforebeingtreatedwith33P-labeledRNAprobesas described above. Control brain sections did not have any bound 33P-labeled Spatiotemporal Distribution of BDNF oligonucleotide probe. In situ hybridization audioradiographs of controls are shownelsewhere(Pizarroetal.,2004). We examined the temporal profile of BDNF mRNA expression at 2 and 72 h after repeated injections of saline QuantificationofBDNFmessengerRNAexpression. Imageanalysisof and 0.2 or 0.4 LD VX, using in situ hybridization analysis theinsituhybridizationwasdoneinablindfashion(groupswereunknownto 50 (Fig. 1). Mice that were injected with 0.4 LD VX showed the data analyst). Films exposed to the hybridized sections were used for 50 densitometricanalysistomeasurechangesinBDNFmessengerRNA(mRNA) elevated levels of BDNF mRNA expression at 2 and 72 h levels in the whole brain and the regions of the hippocampal formation.For following the final exposure in areas of the hippocampus, insituhybridizationanalysisofthedentategyrus(DG),CA3,andCA1regions lateralamygdala,cortex,hypothalamus,andthalamus.Insome ofthehippocampalformation,opticaldensitymeasurementswereobtainedby brain regions, 0.2 LD VX also increased BDNF mRNA tracingeachregion.ThesameprocedurewasusedtomeasureBDNFmRNAin 50 expression at 2 h, but not at 72 h, post-exposure. regionsof the thalamus,hypothalamus, amygdala,piriform cortex,and other cortical areas. Films were captured electronically for densitometric analysis QuantitativemeasuresoftheeffectsofVXonBDNFmRNA using the Model GS-800 Calibrated Imaging Densitometer and the Quantity levels in the piriform cortex (Pir), amygdala (anterior baso- Onesoftware(Bio-RadLaboratories,Hercules,CA). lateralamygdala, posterior basolateralamygdala, andposterior basomedial amygdala), ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus MeasurementofBDNFProteinExpression (VMH), dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus (DMH), parafas- Immunohistochemistry. Slideswerethawedatroomtemperaturefor15– cicular thalamic nucleus (PF), intermediodorsal thalamic 30minandthenfixedincoldacetonefor10min.Slideswereblockedwith3% nucleus(IMD),paraventricularthalamicnucleus(PVT),medial donkeyseruminPBSwithmildagitationfor1h,andonlytheBDNFslides habenularnucleus(MHb),retrosplenialgranularcortex(RSG), wereincubatedwith0.5%TritonX-100inPBSwithmildagitationfor30min. The slides were incubated with primary antibody or antiBDNF (SC-546 at retrosplenial agranular cortex (RSA), DG, hippocampus CA1 1:100;SantaCruzBiotechnology,Inc.,SantaCruz,CA),withmildagitation field,hippocampusCA3field,andposteriorparietalassociation for 2 h. They were incubated with a secondary antibody, Alexa Fluor 555- area (PPtA) were assessed by densitometric analysis. As conjugateddonkeyanti-rabbitIgG(A31572at1:1000;MolecularProbes,Inc., illustrated in Figure 2A, these brain regions were identified Eugene, OR), with mild agitation for 50 min. To ensure that there was no using The Mouse Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates (Paxinos nonspecificbindingfromtheantibodiesthemselvestothetissues,threetypesof negativecontrols were examined. Forthe first control, there was no primary and Frankin, 2001). The most intensely expressed regions in antibodyappliedtothetissuesections.Forthesecondcontrol,thenormalrabbit the brain include the cell granule layer of the DG, CA3, and IgGwasusedinsteadoftheprimaryantibody.Forthethirdcontrol,theprimary CA1subregionsofthehippocampus,amygdala,frontalcortex, antibody is mixed with a blocking peptide (Ab:blocking peptide 1:30) and and the piriform cortex. incubatedfor1hbeforeaddingthesecondaryantibody.Theimagesofthebest twosectionsoneachslideweretakenwithacharge-coupleddevicecamerain anOlympusBX51microscopecontrolledbytheOASISTurboscan(Objective VX Effects on BDNF Imaging, Cambridge, U.K.) on the second and third day after each assay. Two hours following the last VX exposure, BDNF mRNA Turboscanisahigh-speedmosaicimagingsystemadaptedinImage-ProPlus expression was increased in regions of the hippocampal 6.0(MediaCybernetics,Inc.,Bethesda,MA)software.The imagesofeach formation (DG [F ¼ 9.74; p < 0.01], CA1 [F ¼ 6.15; sectionwerealignedandputtogetherautomaticallyusingTurboscanmodule 2,13 2,13 andsavedasamosaicimage.Thepredictivefocussettingwasusedtoadjust p<0.02],andCA3[F2,13¼6.70;p<0.02];Fig.2).Both0.2 the focus for three corners (upper right, bottom right, and upper left). The LD and 0.4 LD VX-treated mice had increased BDNF 50 50 exposure time was3 s for scanning sectionsusing a 34 objective, 900 ms mRNAexpressionintheDGat2hafterthelastVXexposure, using a 310 objective, 300 ms using a 320 objective, and 600 ms using whereas only 0.4 LD VX-treated mice had significant a 340 objective. The intensities of mouse hippocampus region and 50 increased expression in CA1 and CA3, relative to saline- background(nontissuearea)weremeasuredusingtheQuantityOnesoftware (Bio-RadLaboratories). treated mice. BDNF mRNA expression was also increased in 500 PIZARROETAL. FIG.1. DifferentialspatiotemporaldistributionofBDNFmRNAinthebrainafterrepeatedexposuretolowlevelsofthechemicalwarfareagentVX.Graded densitometricdisplayofautoradiographsofinsituhybridizationsshowedspatiotemporalbindingofthe33P-labeledprobeagainstBDNFmRNAinmousebrains afterexposuretosalinecontrol(AandB),0.2LD doseofVX(CandD),and0.4LD doseofVX(EandF).AsignificantincreaseinBDNFmRNAexpression 50 50 inthebrainisobserved2hand72hfollowingthelast0.4LD exposurecomparedwithcontrols. 50 regions of the hippocampus 72 h after the last 0.4 LD VX 0.001], and RSG [F ¼ 7.85; p ¼ 0.005]). In piriform 50 2,16 exposure (DG [F ¼ 9.74; p < 0.01], CA1 [F ¼ 11.75; cortex, both 0.2 LD and 0.4 LD VX increased BDNF 2,16 2,16 50 50 p ¼ 0.001], and CA3 [F ¼ 10.78; p ¼ 0.001]). BDNF mRNA expression2h post-exposure [F ¼ 6.26;p < 0.02], 2,16 2,13 proteinexpression,ontheotherhand,wasonlyincreasedinthe andBDNFremainedincreased72hafterthelast0.4LD VX 50 CA3 regionofthehippocampusat72hafterthelast0.4LD exposure [F ¼ 10.98; p < 0.02]. 50 2,16 VX exposure ([F ¼ 4.01; p ¼ 0.030]; Fig. 3). Inareasofthehypothalamus,0.4LD VXincreasedBDNF 2,28 50 In the MHb, BDNF mRNA expression was increased by mRNA expression 2 h (DMH [F ¼ 9.74; p < 0.01] and 2,13 0.4 LD VX at both 2 h [F ¼ 5.47; p ¼ 0.02] and 72 h VMH[F ¼9.74;p<0.01])and72h(DMH[F ¼4.91; 50 2,13 2,13 2,16 [F ¼5.51;p¼0.02]afterthelastVXexposure,relativeto p < 0.03] and VMH [F ¼ 7.82; p ¼ 0.005]) after the last 2,16 2,16 saline-treatedmice(Table1).Inthalamicnuclei,BDNFmRNA VX exposure, relative to saline-treated mice. In the lateral expression was also increased 2 h after the last 0.4 LD VX amygdala, BDNF mRNA expression was also increased by 50 exposure(PVT[F ¼8.00;p<0.01],PF[F ¼6.18;p< 0.4 LD VX at both 2 h [F ¼ 4.78; p < 0.04] and 72 h 2,13 2,13 50 2,13 0.02],andIMD[F ¼8.22;p<0.01])and72hafterthelast [F ¼ 8.90; p ¼ 0.003] following the last VX exposure. 2,13 2,16 0.4 LD VX exposure (PVT [F ¼ 4.81; p < 0.03], PF 50 2,16 [F ¼ 4.94; p < 0.03], and IMD [F ¼ 6.28; p < 0.02]). VX Effects on Blood Enzymes 2,16 2,16 In cortical areas, including the PPtA, RSA, and RSG, WholebloodlevelsofAChE[F ¼90.10;p<0.001]and 2,13 0.4 LD VX increased BDNF mRNA expression 2 h after the BuChE[F ¼981;p<0.001]weresignificantlylessinmice 50 2,13 lastexposure(PPtA[F ¼5.81;p<0.02],RSA[F ¼6.30; repeatedlyexposedto0.2LD VXand0.4LD VX,2hafter 2,13 2,13 50 50 p < 0.02], and RSG [F ¼ 5.74; p ¼ 0.02]). BDNF mRNA the last exposure, relative to control (Fig. 4). Levels of AChE 2,13 expression remained increased 72 h after the last VX exposure [F ¼2.73;p ¼0.1] inVX-treated mice returned tocontrol 2,16 (PPtA [F ¼ 10.71; p ¼ 0.002], RSA [F ¼ 12.52; p ¼ levels and were not significantly different 72 h post-exposure. 2,16 2,16 VXINCREASESCNSBDNF 501 FIG.2. InsituhybridizationanalysisofBDNFmRNAexpressioninhippocampalregionsfollowingrepeatedexposuretolowlevelsofVX.(A)Regions analyzedwereidentifiedusingTheMouseBraininStereotaxicCoordinates(PaxinosandFrankin,2001).AsignificantincreaseinBDNFexpressionwasobserved 2hand72hafter0.4LD exposurecomparedwithcontrolsintheCA1(B),DG(C),andCA3(D).Inaddition,asignificantincreaseinBDNFexpressionwas 50 observedintheDG2h,butnot72h,afterthelastexposureto0.2LD VX.*p<0.05;**p<0.01;***p<0.001. 50 Levels of BuChE [F ¼ 20.53; p < 0.001] increased with proteinexpression,ontheotherhand,wasonlyincreasedinthe 2,16 time following VX exposure but were still significantly lower CA3 region of the hippocampus at 72 h following the last than that of control mice 72 h after the last exposure. exposureto0.4LD VX.ThelackofchangeinBDNFprotein 50 expression intheother brain regions may reflect a deficiency in the translation of the newly synthesized BDNF mRNA, DISCUSSION indicating that the BDNF gene is regulated at the level of transcription and translation or an increased turnover rate of Repeated exposure to 0.4 LD50 VX increased BDNF mRNA BDNF protein. Several other studies have also shown that expression in multiple brain regions, including areas of the changesinBDNF mRNA and protein are not always correlated hippocampus, amygdala, hypothalamus, thalamus, and cortex. (Nanda and Mack, 2000; Pollock et al., 2001). BDNFmRNAexpressionwasincreasedintheseregionsatboth The greater susceptibility of the piriform cortex and 2 and 72h following the lastexposure to 0.4 LD VX. In two hippocampus to changes in BDNF mRNA expression follow- 50 brain regions, the piriform cortex and the DG of the ing repeated exposure to 0.2 LD VX is of interest because 50 hippocampus, BDNF mRNA expression was also increased at these two limbic regions are important for the generation and 2h,butnot72h,afterthelastexposureto0.2LD VX.BDNF propagation of seizures. In addition, the piriform cortex and 50 502 PIZARROETAL. FIG. 3. Immunohistochemistry analysis of BDNF protein expression in hippocampal regions following repeated exposure to low levels of VX. Regions analyzedincludedtheCA1(A),DG(B),andCA3(C).AsignificantincreaseinBDNFexpressionwasobserved72hafter0.4LD exposureinCA3compared 50 withcontrols.**p<0.01. hippocampus are particularly sensitive to showing prolonged Increased BDNF expression following hypoxia-ischemia, cholinesterase inhibition following repeated low-dose soman hypoglycemiccoma,andtraumaticbraininjuryhasbeenwell exposure; other regions, including the thalamus and hypothal- documented (reviewed in Murer et al., 2001). Many studies amus, are also affected but to a lesser extent (Howerton et al., suggest that the functional effects of insult-induced neuro- 1991). Although we did not observe convulsions in mice trophinexpressioninthecentralnervoussystem(CNS)result exposed to low levels of VX, we did see transient tremors in neuronal protection (reviewed in Lindvall et al., 1994). followingthelastVXexposures.Evaluationofseizureactivity One suggested mechanism by which BDNF may be neuro- was not recorded in this study but may provide useful protective in stroke models is through the prevention of information in future studies. apoptotic cell death (Schabitz et al., 2000). Other suggested Seizures increase BDNF mRNA expression in the hippo- mechanisms include the prevention of glutamate-induced campalformation,cerebralcortex,andamygdaloidcomplexof excitotoxicity and cytoskeletal protein degradation. Exoge- rodents (reviewed in Murer et al., 2001). Because chronic nousBDNFtreatmentprotectsandincreasessurvivalofbasal infusion of BDNF into the hippocampus inhibits kindling forebrain and hippocampal/cortical neuron cultures after (Larmetetal.,1995),ithasbeensuggestedthatupregulationof insults, such as excitotoxins, calcium overload, and elevated BDNF by seizures may in turn limit epileptogenesis, possibly concentrations of free radicals (Lowenstein and Arsenault, through upregulation of neuropeptide Y, which has anticon- 1996). vulsant properties (Reibel et al., 2001). Our findings that Neurotrophins in the hippocampus also contribute to long- repeatedexposurestolowdosesofVXincreaseBDNFmRNA term potentiation (Messaoudi et al., 1998) and learning and expression in brain regions important for seizure initiationand memory.Inratswithhippocampaldamageandspatialmemory propagation may have implicationsfor failure ofthese mice to impairment,BDNFlevelsaredecreased(reviewedinvanPraag develop convulsions. et al., 1998), whereas training in a radial arm spatial memory VXINCREASESCNSBDNF 503 TABLE 1 InSituHybridization Analysis ofBDNF mRNAExpression (Mean OpticalDensity± SEM)in OtherBrain Regions Following Repeated Exposureto LowLevels of VX 2hpost-exposure 72hpost-exposure Brainregion Saline 0.2LD VX 0.4LD VX Saline 0.2LD VX 0.4LD VX 50 50 50 50 Amygdala 0.0528±0.0005 0.0618±0.0018 0.0782±0.0116* 0.0693±0.0066 0.0692±0.0034 0.0970±0.0049** DMH 0.0533±0.0006 0.0639±0.0026 0.0775±0.0114* 0.0711±0.0079 0.0706±0.0047 0.0976±0.0072* IMD 0.0532±0.0005 0.0639±0.0037 0.0758±0.0064** 0.0731±0.0095 0.0722±0.0055 0.1090±0.0093** MHb 0.0529±0.0005 0.0616±0.0020 0.0741±0.0087** 0.0715±0.0083 0.0669±0.0038 0.0945±0.0047* PF 0.0537±0.0007 0.0619±0.0025 0.0723±0.0068** 0.0734±0.0090 0.0675±0.0043 0.0959±0.0046* PVT 0.0530±0.0007 0.0616±0.0021 0.0770±0.0081** 0.0728±0.0098 0.0703±0.0043 0.0987±0.0044* Pir 0.0582±0.0010 0.0850±0.0050* 0.1020±0.0170** 0.0918±0.0133 0.0948±0.0060 0.1510±0.0072*** PPtA 0.0547±0.0005 0.0614±0.0023 0.0804±0.0106** 0.0714±0.0071 0.0687±0.0046 0.1080±0.0076** RSA 0.0544±0.0008 0.0622±0.0023 0.0791±0.0095** 0.0699±0.0065 0.0684±0.0039 0.1040±0.0061*** RSG 0.0530±0.0006 0.0584±0.0018 0.0738±0.0087** 0.0666±0.0060 0.0647±0.0036 0.0900±0.0045** VMH 0.0542±0.0008 0.0675±0.0025 0.0813±0.0116** 0.0752±0.0088 0.0725±0.0038 0.1080±0.0071** *p<0.05;**p<0.01;***p<0.001. testincreaseshippocampalBDNFinrats(Mizunoetal.,2000). post-exposure, changes in gene expression in regions of the Administration ofantisense BDNF(i.c.v.)prevents acquisition CNS are still present. and blocks retention in trained rats. In humans, a deficit in Whether BDNF might be a therapeutic target for neuro- neurotrophins was found in areas with Alzheimer’s plaques behavioral deficits following repeated exposure to low-dose (Soontornniyomkij et al., 1999). VXremainstobedetermined.Thesafetyofusingrecombinant Given that the administration of ACh agonists into the methionyl human BDNF administered intrathecally was tested hippocampus increases expression of BDNF and trkB mRNA in phase I/II clinical trials as a potential treatment for (French et al., 1999), ACh is a mediator of BDNF expression amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) (Ochs et al., 2000), and in the CNS. This is in agreement with our findings that in phase III trials for ALS (Kalra et al., 2003). Unidirectional inhibiting AChE and thereby increasing ACh levels increases transport of BDNF from the periphery into the CNS has been BDNF expression. As expected, levels of blood AChE shown in mice, indicating that pharmacokinetically this and BuChE were significantly reduced 2 h after the last neurotrophin is a potential therapeutic candidate (Pan et al., VX exposure and approached that of controls by 72 h 1998). Of potential interest, soldiers in the Gulf War, some post-exposure. The current findings indicate that although of whom may have been exposed to a combination of blood levels of AChE return to that of control by 72 h organophosphatesorotherenvironmentalinsults,haveagreater FIG.4. 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