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Ending the Iraq mission By CPT Chase A. Hasbrouck combined training exercise in our Signal sites, we adopted a January 2011, we turned our decentralized model, with each Longfellow famously wrote, full attention to the upcoming ESC standing up a combined “Great is the art of beginning, deployment. One of the company OPS/NETOPS cell that but greater is the art of ending.” advantages of deploying to a handled reporting and network On 23 April 2011, the 62nd mature theater like Iraq was outages. This was necessary due Expeditionary Signal Battalion the wealth of assistance that to one of the challenges present began writing its own ending was provided by the unit we in the Iraqi theater, where we as the final ESB deployment in were relieving, the 40th ESB. had requirements to support support of U.S. Forces-Iraq’s After studying several plans, we both divisional and USF-I communications requirements. adapted a geographical model networks. As the first 100 days of the similar to 40th’s, with each After an initial adjustment deployment draws to a close, expeditionary Signal company period, this model worked well. it’s instructive to look back and responsible for providing signal The battalion’s handling of the determine the lessons learned. support to one of three distinct planning enabled small-unit regions within the Iraqi Joint leaders to focus on training Operations Area. Due to the their Soldiers. This training was Pre-deployment quantity and dispersion of crucial because of the wide-scale After completing our File photo CPL Kari Anglin, 40th Expeditionary Signal Battalion, disconnects a generator at Victory Base Camp in Iraq in September 2011 prior to a STT’s redeployment. 48 Winter - 2011 Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED 2011 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-2011 to 00-00-2011 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Ending the Iraq mission 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION Army Communicator,U.S. Army Signal Center,Fort REPORT NUMBER Gordon,GA,30905-5301 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE Same as 3 unclassified unclassified unclassified Report (SAR) Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 use of commercial equipment sites, which led to avoidable time we had several initial problems in theater. While the majority of and expense costs. Conducting with network configurations our mission involved support a “LOADEX” also helped. Many which normally would have for a conventional satellite commanders discovered that been resolved during the infrastructure, we also had a they needed more containers SWITCHEX. Soldiers from the significant number of LOS IP than expected. 40th ESB helped us resolve all radios instead of conventional Second, we learned the concerns and problems. mil-spec LOS’s, and custom- that having multiple unit The issues were exacerbated built TCF’s instead of JNN’s. movement officers embedded by the multiple-network Fortunately we obtained a small at the company level helped configurations discussed above. number of IP radios prior to the tremendously. The sheer In a few instances, our battalion deployment to train our battalion quantity of equipment moving NETOPS section was reduced network engineers, who then in theater necessitated a to communicating with a site provided setup and operation decentralized movement plan, by text messages sent via Blue instructions. While this led to with each company UMO Force Tracker to a nearby BFT- IP radio troubleshooting mostly responsible for that company’s equipped unit. While conducting being performed at the battalion movement. UMO’s were kept troubleshooting in this manner level, the systems worked well very busy, and having extra was excruciating, we successfully enough that the additional personnel to assist kept things worked out the problems and workload was minor. moving. got all systems successfully One small confounding Finally, we learned that it online. This underlines the factor was network management. was important to keep flexibility need for good relationships with The IP radios used a custom in mind when planning supporting units. Without their Web interface for configuration allocation of spares. Delivering assistance, we would not have that was incompatible with the spares to a small contingency been able to communicate with version of Internet Explorer operation site is not a speedy our communications team at all. used in theater. Ultimately, we process. For theater movement, Compounding the problem resolved this by installing an we were reliant on other units was the dual reporting chain. alternate browser on selected which sometimes allocated only Several of our sites were under computers. This caused one convoy per week. It was the tactical control of another persistent IA difficulties. critical that smaller bases receive unit and reported to them, but The most pressing issue we priority for spares fill, in order still relied on us for spares and tackled was planning equipment to prevent outages caused by troubleshooting assistance. containerization and movement. malfunctioning equipment. While this problem was quickly This was the issue that caused Deployment resolved, we determined that this our company commanders the Once our battalion arrived is an element that should have most headaches, and caused us in theater, we faced immediate been introduced into our pre- to learn several painful lessons. hurdles. The ship delivering deployment CTE. First, we learned that spending our equipment was delayed Once we were in-place adequate time preparing by several weeks, causing our and established operations ran accurate DA Form 1750’s carefully constructed timeline smoothly. As we had predicted, (packing lists) and load plans to disintegrate. We had planned we suffered several equipment is essential. The commanders for a two-week validation failures over the initial weeks of that dedicated necessary period for each assemblage and operation, mostly due to heat- time accomplishing this task team upon arriving in country. related issues. ECU systems ended up saving inordinate Instead of pushing deadlines and HPA’s were the most likely amounts of time downrange even later, we elected to ship the to fail, though we suffered conducting their cyclic and equipment immediately to its several generator problems as sensitive items inventories. A final destination, skipping our well. Thinking about issues corollary to this was to keep planned SWITCHEX. While we like cooling and power may inventory requirements in mind narrowly made all our movement sound plebian to some, but our when determining equipment deadlines (several teams from experience was that cooling and destinations. A few sub-hand the 40th ESB conducted their RIP power problems were vastly receipt holders found their with our team immediately on more numerous than network equipment dispersed to multiple arrival, and left soon thereafter), (Continued on page 50) Army Communicator 49 (Continued from page 49) in advance. Being prepared in advance with a retrograde plan Conclusion and connectivity problems. We and forming good relationships While we have faced mitigated this by deploying extra with the supporting unit on several challenges, we have spares to sites and ensuring the base is essential. There defeated them all and become our C&E warrant officer was are many elements that have a stronger unit for it. We are closely tied in to our NETOPS for a hand in the plan. The base approaching our “crunch prompt action. command team or mayor’s cell, time,” as we tag in to provide Finally, one continuing issue the CRSP yard, the RPAT yard, communications support to was equipment movement. the TACON unit’s headquarters, many bases decommissioning It was far too easy to become etc. are all involved. A proactive strategic assets. Based on the overly reliant on RFID tracking commander ensures his ideas obstacles we’ve overcome so in order to track the locations are represented. A non-proactive far, I’m confident that we will of our containers. On several commander will have his continue to adapt and overcome, occasions, we had RFID tags retrograde planned for him. This providing a world-class level fall off or stop transmitting. We generally leads to a less than of communications support to ensured we had LNO’s at all ideal outcome. troops in theater. “Forewarned is major transportation hubs who Aggressively disposing of Forearmed!” could confirm the presence or excess equipment (either via absence of equipment at the site. turn-in or return to home station) CPT Chase A. Hasbrouck is Retrograde is important because it will currently serving as the information From the start, we knew speed your clearance when the systems manager for the 62D that we’d have to plan for our departure day comes. As can Expeditionary Signal Battalion, departure while planning our be expected in a mature theater currently deployed to Iraq in arrival, due to the compressed like Iraq, our units signed for support of Operation New Dawn. timeline of the mission. This was significant amounts of theater Prior to this assignment, he confirmed when we arrived. provided equipment. Do not attended Signal Captain’s Career Many commanders aggressively delay in the process of turning in Course and the Information Systems pursued their base closure TPE. The line at the RPAT yard Manager Course at Fort Gordon, plans, frequently requesting gets longer as departure day Ga. (and receiving) permission to comes closer. close bases weeks or months ACRONYM QuickScan BFT – Blue Force Tracker LNO – Liaison Officer ECU – Environmental Cooling Unit LOS – Line-Of-Sight ESB – Expeditionary Signal Battalion NETOPS – Network Operations ESC – Expeditionary Signal Company RFID – Radio Frequency Identifier C&E – Communications and Electronics RPAT -- Redistribution Property Assistance Team COS – Contingency Operation Site SWITCHEX – Switching Exercise COTS – Commercial off the Shelf TACON – Tactically Controlling (unit) CRSP – Central Receiving and Shipping Point TCF - Technical Control Facilities CTE – Combined Training Exercise TPE – Theater-Provided Equipment HPA – High Power Amplifier UMO – Unit Movement Officer IA -- Information Assurance USF-I – United States Forces-Iraq IP – Internet Protocol 50 Winter - 2011

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