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Preview DTIC ADA555771: The Effect of Autoclaving on Torsional Moment of Two Nickel-Titanium Endodontic Files

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REPORT DATE (DD-MM-YYYY) 2. REPORT TYPE 3. DATES COVERED (From - To) 30-01-2012 Scientific journal publication 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER The effect of autoclaving on torsional moment of two nickel–titanium endodontic files 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER J. B. King, H. W. Roberts, B. E. Bergeron & M. J. Mayerchak 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma City, OK NUMBER AKNeDe sAlDeDrR ESASi(rE SF) orce Base, Biloxi, MS 9. SPONSORING / MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) International Endodontic Journal, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2591.2011.01958.x Wiley Blackwell Publishing, doi:10.1111/j.1365- 111111 RRiivveerr SSttrreeeett Hoboken, NJ 07030-74 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT 2H 5ob9o1k.e2n0, 1N1J. 0071093508-5.x77 445 , 156–161, NUMBER(S) 2012 12. DISTRIBUTION / AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT Aim To evaluate the effects of repeated autoclaving on torsional strength of two nickel–titanium (NiTi) rotary endodontic files: Twisted Files (SybronEndo, Orange, CA, USA) and GT Series X files (Dentsply Tulsa Dental Specialties, Tulsa, OK, USA). Methodology Four groups of 20 GT Series X (size 20, .06 taper) and four groups of 20 Twisted Files (size 25, .06 taper) were subjected to 0, 1, 3 or 7 autoclave cycles. The nonautoclaved files served as controls. Failure in torsion was recorded using a torsiometer according to ANSI/ADA 58 and ISO 3630-1 standards. Mean results were analysed using analysis of variance (anova) at a 95% confidence level. Dunnett’s procedure was used for post hoc analysis. Results There was no significant difference in torsional moment between the number of autoclave cycles for Twisted Files. However, the mean torque at failure was significantly lower for GT Series X files after three (P < 0.001) and seven (P < 0.001) autoclave cycles. For Twisted Files, there was a significant increase (P < 0.001) in mean number of degrees of rotation to failure with more autoclave cycles compared to nonautoclaved files. For GT Series X files, there was no significant association (P = 0.527) between the number of autoclave cycles and the degrees of rotation to failure. Conclusions Repeat autoclaving of unused GT Series X files between three and seven times resulted in a significant reduction in torsional strength, whilst there was no effect observed for Twisted Files. . International Endodontic Journal, 45, 156–161, 2012. 15. SUBJECT TERMS autoclave, nickel–titanium, rotary endodontic, torsion. 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF RESPONSIBLE PERSON unclassified OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES Howard W Roberts, Col a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE 19b. TELEPHONE NUMBER (include area unclassified unclassified unclassified 5 code) (228) 376-5190 Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std. Z39.18 doi:10.1111/j.1365-2591.2011.01958.x The effect of autoclaving on torsional moment of two nickel–titanium endodontic files J. B. King1, H. W. Roberts2, B. E. Bergeron2 & M. J. Mayerchak3 1DepartmentofEndodontics,TinkerAirForceBase,OklahomaCity,OK;2KeeslerAirForceBase,Biloxi,MS;and3PrivatePractice, Roanoke,VA,USA Abstract Results There was no significant difference in tor- sionalmomentbetweenthenumberofautoclavecycles KingJB,RobertsHW,BergeronBE,MayerchakMJ.The for Twisted Files. However, the mean torque at failure effect of autoclaving on torsional moment of two nickel– was significantly lower for GT Series X files after three titanium endodontic files. International Endodontic Journal, (P<0.001) and seven (P<0.001) autoclave cycles. 45,156–161,2012. For Twisted Files, there was a significant increase Aim Toevaluatetheeffectsofrepeatedautoclavingon (P<0.001) in mean number of degrees of rotation to torsionalstrength oftwo nickel–titanium (NiTi)rotary failure with more autoclave cycles compared to non- endodontic files: Twisted Files (SybronEndo, Orange, autoclaved files. For GT Series X files, there was no CA, USA) and GT Series X files (Dentsply Tulsa Dental significant association (P=0.527) between the num- Specialties, Tulsa,OK, USA). ber of autoclave cycles and the degrees of rotation to Methodology Four groups of 20 GT Series X (size failure. 20,.06taper)andfourgroupsof20TwistedFiles(size Conclusions Repeat autoclaving of unused GT 25,.06taper)weresubjectedto0,1,3or7autoclave Series X files between three and seven times resulted cycles. The nonautoclaved files served as controls. in a significant reduction in torsional strength, whilst Failure in torsion was recorded using a torsiometer there wasno effectobserved forTwisted Files. accordingtoANSI/ADA58andISO3630-1standards. Keywords:autoclave, nickel–titanium, rotary end- Meanresults were analysed using analysisof variance odontic, torsion. (anova)ata95%confidencelevel.Dunnett’sprocedure was usedfor posthocanalysis. Received15May2011;accepted28August2011 preparation is complex; however, cyclic fatigue and Introduction torsionalfailurehavebeenfrequentlyimplicated(Gam- Nickel–titanium (NiTi) is an alloy with increased barini 2001, Xuet al. 2006). Cyclic fatigue conditions flexibility and shape memory capabilities, and contin- involveforces impartedon the rotating endodontic file ued research into different NiTi manufacturing meth- as it repeatedly bends around a curved canal, often odshasbeenhallmarkedwiththegoalofimprovingthe causing failure independent of torsional (twisting) physical and mechanical properties of the NiTi rotary forces acting on the file. Additionally, friction encoun- endodontic file (Thompson 2000). These fabrication teredduringthenegotiationofnarrowrootcanalscan techniquesareusuallytargetedtowardsincreasingfile cause files to bind, which can lead to fracture if the flexibilityandstrength,whicharepromotedtoenhance mechanical properties of the NiTi alloy are exceeded treatment efficiency and reduce the rate of iatrogenic (Xuetal. 2006). errors (Gambarini 2001, Gambarini etal. 2010). The ArecentlymarketedNiTifilesystem,theTwistedFile aetiology of instrument fracture during root canal (SybronEndo,Orange,CA,USA),issaidtobefabricated using a unique, proprietary process involving heating, coolingandtwistingofaNiTiwireblank(SybronEndo Correspondence: HowardW. Roberts, 81st Dental Squadron, Literature2010).Thisprocessissaidtoinducechanges 606 Fisher Street, Keesler AFB, MS 39534, USA (e-mail: [email protected]). intheNiTimolecularphasestructure,whichinturnis 156 InternationalEndodonticJournal,45,156–161,2012 ª2011InternationalEndodonticJournal Kingetal. AutoclaveeffectonNiTifiletorsion advertised to optimize the Twisted File’s physical failure (Eggert etal. 1999, Rapisarda et al. 1999, properties (SybronEndo Literature 2010). According Scha¨fer 2002, Alapatietal. 2005, Valois etal. 2008). to manufacturer’s promotional literature and nonsci- Thepurposeofthisstudywastoobservetheeffectof entificpublications,theTwistedFileisallegedtopossess 1, 3 and 7 autoclave cycles on the torsional failure of threetofourtimestheresistancetotheeffectsoftorsion TwistedFilesandGTSeriesXfiles.Thehypothesiswas and cyclic fatigue, and in most root canal configura- formed that autoclave conditions would not have an tions,asinglefileisadvertisedtobeusedtoprepareand effect oneither NiTifile system (nullhypothesis). shapethe entire tooth(Sybron EndoLiterature 2010). TheGTSeriesXfile(TulsaDentalSpecialties, Tulsa, Materials and methods OK,USA)isbasedonM-wiretechnologyandissaidto be based on a proprietary NiTi composition combined Eighty GT Series X (size 20, .06 taper) files and eighty with a reduced core mass design (GT Series X TwistedFiles(size25,.06taper)wereeachdividedinto Brochure 2009). Accordingly, the reduced core is four groups (n=20). The control group was not described as achieved by reducing the number of subjected to autoclaving. Groups 1, 2 and 3 were cutting flutes combined with wider and increased subjected to autoclave sterilization (STATIM 5000; blade angle to produce a slimmer instrument that is Sciscan USA, Canonsburg, PA, USA) one, three and advertised to create a more flexible, yet strong design seven times, respectively. Each autoclave cycle con- for increased cutting efficiency (GT Series X Brochure sisted of a peak temperature of 132(cid:2)C for 6min, and 2009). all cycles were performed according to manufacturer’s Manufacturer’sinstructionsforGTSeriesXfilesstate instructions. For Groups 2 and 3, instruments were theyareintendedexclusivelyforsingle-patientuse(GT cooled to room temperature, removed from the steril- SeriesXBrochure2009),whilsttheuseofTwistedFile ization packaging and repackaged prior to subsequent is dependent on canal conditions, clinical demands autoclave cycles. After the annotated autoclave cycles placed upon the file and critical file inspection before were complete, groups were subjected to torsional andaftereachuse(SybronEndoLiterature2010).The testing. TwistedFilemanufacturer’sinstructionsalsostatethat Torsional testing was accomplished in accordance thefileshouldnotbeusedifthefilebecomesdeformed, with ANSI 58 and ISO 3630-1 standards using a looses cutting efficiency or fails to function normally microprocessor-controlled torsiometer (Torsiometer/ (Sybron Endo Literature 2010). Whilst physical evi- Memocouple;SabriDentalEnterprises,Downer’sGrove, dence of file deformation is evident, assessment of IL, USA). Prior to respective file placement in the rotary file’s cutting efficiency and function is more torsiometer, the handle was removed at the point of subjective in nature and may tempt clinicians to use shaftattachment withwirecutters,withtheshaftend the Twisted File to prepare and shape more than one secured in a chuck connected to the torsiometer’s treatment case. This creates a situation in which a rotating motor. The file’s distal three millimetres was rotary endodontic file may be subject to multiple thensecuredintothetorsiometer’storquesensor.Each autoclave sterilization cycles. Furthermore, inaddition filewasthenrotatedinaclockwisedirectionasviewed to autoclaving before prior use, practitioners also may from the shank end at a speed of two rotations per prefer using prearranged packages of selected files of minute until file tip fracture (Best etal. 2004) with which not all may be used during a single treatment. torsional moment and rotational degrees to failure This could involve unused rotary files that might be recorded.Meanresultswereevaluatedusinganalysisof subjected to multiple autoclave cycles for subsequent variance (anova) at a 95% level of confidence. Dun- cases. nett’s procedure was used forposthoc analyses. The effects of autoclaving NiTi files have generated contrastingreports:somestudiessuggestthatsteriliza- Results tion may increase NiTi torsional strength (Silvaggio & Hicks1997),whilstotherinvestigationshavereported MeantorsionaltestingresultsareshowninTable1.A increased susceptibility to cyclic fatigue and decreased significant difference (P <0.001) in file failure torque torsional moment (Canalda-Sahili etal. 1998, Viana was identified within the GT Series X files, with files etal.2006).AdditionalresearchsuggestsrepeatedNiTi undergoing three and seven autoclave cycles demon- autoclave sterilization negatively affects the mechani- strating significantly lower failure torque as compared cal properties and leads to premature instrument to control (P<0.001). In contrast, no significant ª2011InternationalEndodonticJournal InternationalEndodonticJournal,45,156–161,2012 157 AutoclaveeffectonNiTifiletorsion Kingetal. Table1 Mean(SD)maximumtorqueatfailure(Nm).n=20. surfaceconcentrations decreasedwithautoclaveexpo- sure time, which led the authors to propose that Autoclavecycles Twistedfile GTseriesX oxidationwastakingplace(Shabalovskaya&Anderegg 0 51.40(6.46)A 97.95(11.04)A 1995). Auger spectroscopy analysis identified increas- 1 46.32(5.84)A 94.75(8.84)A 3 43.25(7.28)A 85.67(9.59)B ing parallel amounts of both surface oxygen and 7 48.70(4.73)A 78.10(7.36)B titanium deposits on autoclaved endodontic NiTi files, which suggested the presence of titanium oxides Valueswithincolumnsannotatedwithsameletterarestatisti- callysimilar(P=0.05). (Rapisarda etal. 1999). Additionally, atomic force microscopy found that rotary NiTi files demonstrated increasesinfilesurfaceirregularitiesafterautoclaving, Table2 Mean(SD)rotationaldegreestofailure(degrees). whichwereattributedtocorrosionprocesses(Canalda- n=20. Sahili etal. 1998). Autoclavecycles Twistedfile GTseriesX An evaluation of NiTi rotary files that failed during 0 586.55(64.18)A 445.65(62.39)A clinical use identified that the predominant failure 1 670.63(59.74)B 441.80(47.30)A mode was file fracture owing to crack propagation 3 672.65(103.16)B 483.11(66.57)A through grain boundaries that initiated at oxide 7 702.25(80.64)B 430.75(66.49)A formations. Even though the rotary files evaluated Valueswithincolumnsannotatedwithsameletterarestatisti- had undergone an average of six to eight clinical uses callysimilar(P=0.05). (inferring repeat autoclaving conditions), the authors ascribedtheidentifiedoxideswereattributablemoreto differencewasidentifiedwithintheTwistedFilegroups NiTi file manufacturing and preparation process (Ala- (P=0.563). patiet al.2005). Results of rotational degrees to failure are listed in However,anotherstudyreportedthatfiveautoclave Table2. A significant difference (P<0.001) in rota- cyclesdidnotnegativelyaffectthefatiguepropertiesof tional degrees to failure was found within the Twisted Profile size 25 and size 30, .06 taper files (Viana etal. Fileswithallautoclavedsamplesdemonstratingsignif- 2006), and this somewhat corroborated an earlier icantlyhigherrotationaldegreestofailurecomparedto investigationwhichfoundthatautoclavecyclesof1,5 control. A significant difference was not identified and 10 times increased both torsional flexibility and (P=0.527) within the GTSeries X filegroups. rotationalflexibilityforProfileSeries29,.04taperNiTi files (Silvaggio & Hicks 1997). Contrastingly, another investigation indentified that 10 autoclave cycles Discussion resulted in an overall decreasing trend of torque The torsional properties of NiTi files have been attrib- resistance with Nitiflex (Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaigues, uted to file design (Turpin etal. 2000, Kim etal. Switzerland) and Naviflex (Brasseler, Savannah, GA, 2009a,b),alloycomposition,aswellasmanufacturing USA) files (Canalda-Sahili etal. 1998), and a recent thermomechanical processes (Kell etal. 2009). Fur- report found that repeat autoclaving significantly thermore, other reports ascribe the most decisive reduced cyclic fatigue resistance of size 25, .06 taper influence concerning NiTi file stress distribution and TwistedFilesbutnotthesize25,.04taperTwistedFiles torsional behaviour to be the cross-sectional configu- andProfile GTSeries X files(Hilfer etal. 2011). ration of a particular file (Turpin etal. 2000, Berutti The torsional values of baseline GT Series X files etal. 2003, Xu etal. 2006, Kim etal. 2009b, Zhang found during this evaluation corroborate well with etal. 2010). resultspublishedintworecentstudies(Kelletal.2009, The effects of autoclave conditions on the surface Kramkowski & Bahcall 2009). Interestingly, the con- characteristicsandmechanicalpropertiesofNiTialloys ditionsofthisstudyresultedinasignificantdecreasein andendodonticinstrumentshavebeenreported.Ithas torsional moment resistance in the GT Series X files beenidentifiedthatNiTialloysdisplayhighercorrosion after three and seven autoclave cycles as compared to rateswithincreasedtemperature(Pun&Berzins2008) control.Therewasnosignificantdifferencenotedafter whilstthatrepeatedautoclavingconditionsalteredthe one autoclave cycle. However, repeat autoclaving did surfaceconcentrationsofnickel,titanium,oxygenand not induce any change in the rotational degrees to carbon in NiTi alloys (Shabalovskaya & Anderegg failureofGTSeriesXfile.Thesefindingsarecontrasted 1995).Furthermore,thelatterreportstatedthatnickel by those of Kell et al. (2009) who found a transient 158 InternationalEndodonticJournal,45,156–161,2012 ª2011InternationalEndodonticJournal Kingetal. AutoclaveeffectonNiTifiletorsion increase in torque at failure and a decrease in mechanicalloadingwilleventuallyleadtodeformation rotational degrees to failure for GT Series X files. and file survival could be largely dependent on cross- However,theirdissimilarresultsweretheproductofa sectionalconfiguration(Kimetal.2008,2009a,Ounsi differing protocol, as Kell etal. (2009) used an inno- etal. 2008, Arbab-Chirani etal. 2011) as well as the vative method that included controlled functional use inherentfracturetoughness(McKelvey&Ritchie1999, of the rotaryfiles instandardized resin blocks followed Plotino etal. 2009). byautoclaving.Becauseoftheseaddedconditions,the Unfortunately, crack propagation resistance of NiTi authorssuggestedthattheinitialincreaseintorqueat alloyhasbeenreported tobelowercomparedtothose failure could be possibly the outcome of work harden- of other alloys of similar strength; therefore, once a ing. microcrack is initiated, it may quickly propagate to The results of the Twisted File testing are worthy of result in catastrophic failure (McKelvey & Ritchie note.IncontrasttotheGTSeriesXresults,thenumber 1999,Plotinoetal.2009).Investigationsintoclinically of autoclave cycles did not significantly affect the fracturedNiTifilessuggestthatapredominantnumber torsionalmomentoftheTwistedFile,whilstrotational of failures are attributable to crack propagation initi- degreestofailuresignificantlyincreased.However,the ated from grain boundaries, oxide particles and/or meantorquevaluesatfailurefortheTwistedFileunder surface imperfections (Alapati et al. 2005, Alexandrou the conditions of this study consistently accord with etal.2006,Shenetal.2009).Asautoclaveconditions those recently reported by Gambarini etal. (2010) for have been suggested to induce corrosion with some Twisted Files without a surface deoxidation finishing NiTi endodontic files (Rapisarda etal. 1999, Valois process. This recent study is the first to the author’s etal.2008),perhapsincreasedsurfacecorrosioncould knowledge that describes in detail the Twisted File potentiallyexplainthetorsionalresultsoftheGTSeries surface treatment process (Deox) as the ageing for an Xfiles.Unfortunately,ultrastructuralevaluation offile extended period of time the newly twisted NiTi rotary surfaces after autoclavecycles was not possible. files in a heated salt bath. Furthermore, according to Theresultsofthisstudycorroboratetherecommen- Gambarini etal. (2010), the Deox process is not dations of the Twisted File manufacturer, as Sybron- equivalent to a surface electropolishing finishing tech- Endo allows clinician discretion in terms of the nique but is designed to enhance file durability via instrument use/reuse. Furthermore, this study should stabilizingthemetalliccrystallinestructureandreduc- provide sufficient data to allow clinicians to autoclave ing surface defects (Gambarini etal. 2010). Addition- an unused GT Series X file before clinical use, as ally,Gambariniet al.(2010)confirmedthevalueofthis recommendedbythemanufacturer.Directcomparison Deox treatment by reporting that Twisted Files with of the results of this study with those of previous NiTi Deox treatment had 90% greater torque failure values torsional study reports may be only accomplished in as compared to Twisted Files with no deoxidation general as both files evaluated in this study involve treatment. The results of Gambarini etal. (2010) newer manufacturing techniques. When feasible, compared with the results of this study reasonably future research should include functional forces as allow the present authors to assume that the Deox well as file failure analysis involving ultrastructural procedure is a relatively new processing technique examinations. introduced bythe manufacturer. Studies based on clinically fractured NiTi instru- Conclusion ments suggest that fracture usually occurs owing to a single overloading event under torsion, tensile or Under the conditions of this study, repeat autoclaving bending–loading forces (Alapati et al. 2005, Parashos of unused Twisted Files did not affect their torsional & Messer 2006, Spanali-Voreadi et al. 2006). The strength. However, the same conditions werefound to causeoffailureowingtotheseforceseitherindividually significantlyreducethefracturestrengthofGTSeriesX or in combination continues to be a source of debate filesafter threeautoclave cycles. (Parashos et al. 2004). Some maintain that metal fatigueisthepredominantfailuremechanism(Cheung Acknowledgements etal. 2005, Peng etal. 2005), whilst other investiga- tors report that torsional failure accounts for the None of the authors involved in this study have any majority of clinical failures (Sattapan etal. 2000, financial interest in any materials used in this study. Alapati etal. 2005). Regardless of the mechanism, This research was supported by the American Associ- ª2011InternationalEndodonticJournal InternationalEndodonticJournal,45,156–161,2012 159 AutoclaveeffectonNiTifiletorsion Kingetal. ation of Endodontics Foundation. Additionally, the Hilfer PB, Bergerone BE, Mayerchak MJ, Roberts HW, authorsgratefullyappreciatethemanufacturer’sdona- Jeansonne BG (2011) Multiple autoclave cycle effect on tion of the files used in this study. The opinions cyclicfatigueofnickel-titaniumrotaryfilesproducedbynew expressedinthisworkarethoseoftheauthorsonlyand manufacturingmethods.JournalofEndodontics37,72–4. 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