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Climate Teleconnections and Recent Patterns of Human and Animal Disease Outbreaks Assaf Anyamba1*, Kenneth J. Linthicum2, Jennifer L. Small1, Kathrine M. Collins1, Compton J. Tucker1, Edwin W. Pak1, Seth C. Britch2, James Ronald Eastman3, Jorge E. Pinzon1, Kevin L. Russell4 1BiosphericSciencesLaboratory,NASAGoddardSpaceFlightCenter,Greenbelt,Maryland,UnitedStatesofAmerica,2USDA-ARSCenterforMedical,Agricultural,& VeterinaryEntomology,Gainesville,Florida,UnitedStatesofAmerica,3ClarkLabs,ClarkUniversity,Worcester,Massachusetts,UnitedStatesofAmerica,4DivisionofGEIS Operations,ArmedForcesHealthSurveillanceCenter,SilverSpring,Maryland,UnitedStatesofAmerica Abstract Background:Recentclustersofoutbreaksofmosquito-bornediseases(RiftValleyfeverandchikungunya)inAfricaandparts of the Indian Ocean islands illustrate how interannual climate variability influences the changing risk patterns of disease outbreaks.AlthoughRiftValleyfeveroutbreakshavebeenknowntofollowperiodsofabove-normalrainfall,thetimingof theoutbreakeventshaslargelybeenunknown.Similarly,thereisinadequateknowledgeonclimatedriversofchikungunya outbreaks.Weanalyzeavarietyofclimateandsatellite-derivedvegetationmeasurementstoexplainthecouplingbetween patternsof climatevariabilityand disease outbreaks ofRift Valleyfever andchikungunya. MethodsandFindings:Wederivedateleconnectionsmapbycorrelatinglong-termmonthlyglobalprecipitationdatawith theNINO3.4seasurfacetemperature(SST)anomalyindex.This mapidentifiesregionalhot-spotswhererainfallvariability mayhaveaninfluenceontheecologyofvectorbornedisease.AmongtheregionsareEasternandSouthernAfricawhere outbreaksofchikungunyaandRiftValleyfeveroccurred2004–2009.ChikungunyaandRiftValleyfevercaselocationswere mapped to corresponding climate data anomalies to understand associations between specific anomaly patterns in ecological and climate variables and disease outbreak patterns through space and time. From these maps we explored associationsamongRiftValleyfeverdiseaseoccurrencelocationsandcumulativerainfallandvegetationindexanomalies. WeillustratedthetimelagbetweenthedrivingclimateconditionsandthetimingofthefirstcaseofRiftValleyfever.Results showed that reported outbreaks of Rift Valley fever occurred after ,3–4 months of sustained above-normal rainfall and associated green-up in vegetation, conditions ideal for Rift Valley fever mosquito vectors. For chikungunya we explored associationsamongsurfaceairtemperature,precipitationanomalies,andchikungunyaoutbreaklocations.Wefoundthat chikungunya outbreaks occurred under conditions of anomalously high temperatures and drought over Eastern Africa. However, in Southeast Asia, chikungunya outbreaks were negatively correlated (p,0.05) with drought conditions, but positively correlatedwith warmer-than-normal temperaturesand rainfall. Conclusions/Significance:ExtremesinclimateconditionsforcedbytheElNin˜o/SouthernOscillation(ENSO)leadtosevere droughtsorfloods,idealecologicalconditionsfordiseasevectorstoemerge,andmayresultinepizooticsandepidemicsof Rift Valley fever and chikungunya. However, the immune status of livestock (Rift Valley fever) and human (chikungunya) populationsisafactorthatislargelyunknownbutverylikelyplaysaroleinthespatial-temporalpatternsofthesedisease outbreaks. As the frequency and severity of extremes in climate increase, the potential for globalization of vectors and disease is likely to accelerate. Understanding the underlying patterns of global and regional climate variability and their impactsonecologicaldriversofvector-bornediseasesiscriticalinlong-rangeplanningofappropriatediseaseanddisease- vectorresponse, control,and mitigation strategies. Citation:AnyambaA,LinthicumKJ,SmallJL,CollinsKM,TuckerCJ,etal.(2012)ClimateTeleconnectionsandRecentPatternsofHumanandAnimalDisease Outbreaks.PLoSNeglTropDis6(1):e1465.doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0001465 Editor:Xiao-NongZhou,NationalInstituteofParasiticDiseasesChinaCDC,China ReceivedJanuary13,2011;AcceptedNovember21,2011;PublishedJanuary24,2012 Thisisanopen-accessarticle,freeofallcopyright,andmaybefreelyreproduced,distributed,transmitted,modified,builtupon,orotherwiseusedbyanyonefor anylawfulpurpose.TheworkismadeavailableundertheCreativeCommonsCC0publicdomaindedication. Funding:ThisresearchissupportedinpartbyfundingfromtheDepartmentofDefense-ArmedForcesHealthSurveillanceCenter,DivisionofGEISOperations, theUnitedStatesDepartmentofAgriculture-AgriculturalResearchService,GoogleandBetty-MooreFoundationsandtheNationalAeronauticsandSpace AdministrationGrant#NNH08CD31C/ROSES2007.Thefundershadnoroleinstudydesign,datacollectionandanalysis,decisiontopublish,orpreparationof themanuscript. CompetingInterests:Theauthorshavedeclaredthatnocompetinginterestsexist. *E-mail:[email protected] Introduction susceptibilityofmosquitoestoviruses;mosquitopopulationgrowth rate, distribution, and seasonality; replication and extrinsic Climate fluctuations leading to extreme temperatures, storm incubation period of a virus in the mosquito; and virus surges,flooding,anddroughtsproduceconditionsthatprecipitate transmission patterns and seasonality [1,2]. Extreme increases in mosquito-borne disease epidemics directly affecting global public precipitationmayincreasemosquitolarvalhabitatsorcreatenew health. Abnormally high temperatures affect populations of habitats and an overall increase in mosquito vector populations. mosquito disease vectors by influencing: mosquito survival; For instance, the probability of vector survival can increase with www.plosntds.org 1 January2012 | Volume 6 | Issue 1 | e1465 Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED 24 JAN 2012 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-2012 to 00-00-2012 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Climate Teleconnections And Recent Patterns Of Human And Animal 5b. GRANT NUMBER Disease Outbreaks 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION Armed Forces Health Surveillance Center,Division of GEIS REPORT NUMBER Operations,Silver Spring,MD,20910 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES PLOS Negelected Tropical Diseases, January 24, 2012 14. ABSTRACT 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE Same as 15 unclassified unclassified unclassified Report (SAR) Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 ClimateVariabiltyandRecentDiseaseOutbreaks forcing vectors and vertebrate hosts into human settlements, Author Summary increasing vector-human contact[1–7]. InterannualclimatevariabilityassociatedwiththeElNin˜o/ The El Nin˜o/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon is a Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon and regional wellknownclimatefluctuationthatisassociatedwithextremesin climatic circulation mechanisms in the equatorial Indian the global climate regime. Over the last 30 years, a number of Ocean result insignificant rainfall and ecological anomaly studies have shown that climate variability associated with the patterns that are major drivers of spatial and temporal ENSOphenomenoninfluencesseveralhumanandanimaldisease patternsofmosquito-bornediseaseoutbreaks.Correlation outbreaksincludingRiftValleyfever,MurrayValleyencephalitis, and regression analyses of long time series rainfall, chikungunya, malaria, Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome, and vegetation index, and temperature data show that large variousotherdiseases[8–14].ENSOispartoftheearth’sclimate scale anomalies occur periodically that may influence mechanismasinferredfromvariousreconstructionsofmillionsof mosquito vector populations and thus spatial and years of climate proxy data [15]. The influence of ENSO on the temporal patterns of Rift Valley fever and chikungunya outbreaks.RiftValleyfeveroutbreakeventsoccurredafter global climate system, especially over the global tropics, through aperiodof,3–4monthsofpersistentandabove-normal interannual variations in temperature, atmospheric circulation, rainfall that enabled vector habitats to flourish. On the andprecipitationatvariousdistantlocationsistermedteleconnection. other hand, chikungunya outbreaks occurred during Teleconnections produce differential anomaly patterns in these periods of high temperatures and severe drought over major climate variables with the near-cyclical transitions through East Africa and the western Indian Ocean islands. This is timefromthewarmElNin˜ophasetothecoldLaNin˜aphaseatthe consistent with highly populated environmental settings regional level around the world (Fig. 1). Teleconnections result wheredomesticandperi-domesticstoredwatercontainers fromthecouplingbetweenoceanic andatmospheric components were the likely mosquito sources. However, in Southeast of theearth’s climate system. Asia, approximately 52% of chikungunya outbreaks Periodicanomalouswarmingandcoolinginthetropicalcentral occurred during cooler-than-normal temperatures and toeasternPacificOceanregion(ENSO)cantriggeratropospheric were significantly negatively correlated with drought. bridge effect that propagates globally. This propagation is what Besides climate variability, other factors not accounted triggers teleconnections and is postulated to have a lagged for such as vertebrate host immunity may contribute to response of between 3–5 months. The effect of these teleconnec- spatio-temporal patternsofoutbreaks. tionsisthattheycantriggeranomalousconvectiveactivity,orlack of, at huge distances from the original site of warming [15–17]. humidity[1–5].Unusuallylowrainfallordroughtcanalsochange These effects can be and are indeed modulated by coupled habitats by concentrating water into small pools, potentially regionalcirculationpatterns[18,19].Thetendencyforclustersof increasingtheproportionofcontainerbreedingmosquitovectors. mosquito-bornediseasestooccursimultaneouslyorafewmonths Concurrently, these anomalous patterns of temperature and apart during an ENSO cycle shows how extremes in rainfall precipitation have impacts on the vertebrate hosts of disease resultingineitherpersistentfloodorseveredroughtcaninfluence vectormosquitoes.Increasedraincanincreasevegetation,habitat, regional ecology and consequently dynamics of mosquito vector foodavailability,andthussurvivalofvertebratehostpopulations. populationsatdistantlocationsaroundtheworld,especiallyinthe Decreased rain can severely reduce or eliminate food resources tropics [10,11,13,20]. Figure 1. Summary correlation map between monthly NINO3.4 SST and rainfall anomalies, 1979–2008. Correlation of sea surface temperaturesandrainfallanomaliesillustrateENSOteleconnectionpatterns.Thereisatendencyforabove(below)normalrainfallduringElNin˜o(La Nin˜a)eventsoverEastAfrica(SouthernAfrica,SoutheastAsia).Similardifferentialanomalypatternswereobservedforotherregions,especiallywithin theglobaltropics.Theseextremes(aboveorbelow)inrainfallinfluenceregionalecologyandconsequentlydynamicsofmosquitodiseasevector populationsandpatternsofmosquito-bornediseaseoutbreaks. doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0001465.g001 www.plosntds.org 2 January2012 | Volume 6 | Issue 1 | e1465 ClimateVariabiltyandRecentDiseaseOutbreaks At a gross global scale, the El Nin˜o phase of ENSO causes distinctandsimultaneouspatternsoffloodinganddrought(Fig.1). Specifically,thereisatendencyforwetter-than-normalconditions and floods to occur over Eastern Africa, the southern tier of the United States, Southern Brazil/northern Argentina and eastern- and-centralPacificIslands,Ecuador,andPeru.Similarly,thereis a tendency for drought to occur over a large area of Southeast Asia, Australia,northernandnorth–easternBrazil,andSouthern Africa. Theseconditions arelargely reversible duringthe LaNin˜a phase of ENSO [16,20,21]. Such extremes in regional climate regimes can create ecological conditions that influence the emergenceorre-emergenceofmosquitovectors,theirdistribution and abundance (as well as those of their vertebrate hosts), their population dynamics, and the transmission of mosquito-borne diseases of global public health relevance [1,22]. Climate-disease teleconnectionstudieshavebeencarriedout,butmosthavebeen limited by poor reporting and a lack of geo-referenced disease databases. In this study we analyze and illustrate how recent outbreaks of two mosquito-borne diseases, chikungunya and Rift Valley fever [8,9,22–24], over Africa and the western Indian Ocean basin islands were coupled to specific climate anomaly patterns. We use geo-referenced disease occurrence data (Fig. 2), and explore spatial and temporal associations of these disease outbreaksandhowtheychangewithvariabilityintheunderlying climate andecological patterns. Materials and Methods Todetermine theecological andclimaticconditions leading to andassociatedwithRiftValleyfeverandchikungunyamosquito- borne disease outbreaks, we analyzed relationships between locations of outbreaks and patterns of change in vegetation, rainfall, andtemperature. Data Rift Valley fever and chikungunya disease data. The baselinediseasecaselocationdatausedinthisstudywerebasedon human and livestock epidemiological surveys by different institutions in various countries. These data are limited to outbreaks between 2006–2009 for Rift Valley fever in East Figure2.Outbreaklocationsofchikungunya(2004–2006)and Rift Valley fever (2006–2009). Symbols indicate distribution of Africa, Sudan, and Southern Africa. For chikungunya data, we recent outbreaks of chikungunya (2004–2006) shown by yellow dots compiled data from two sources. The first source was data from and Rift Valley fever (2006–2009) shownby red, blue and greendots therecentepidemicinEasternAfricaandWesternIndianOcean overeasternandsouthernAfricaandtheIndianOceanislands. islands, covering 2004–2006. The second source was a historical doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0001465.g002 1952–2010 dataset compiled from various sources, including literature in the online archives of the U S Centers for Disease for Environmental Prediction and the National Centre for Control and Prevention (CDC), the WHO, and other relevant Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) were used to examine sources to create a statistically robust sample for this study. We theclimateanomalypatterns.Theconceptofteleconnectionswas wereprimarilyconcernedwithgeographiclocationsofthedisease illustrated using the Global Precipitation Climatology Project casesinordertocomparethemwithenvironmentaldata.Ateach (GPCP) data set. SPOT Vegetation normalized difference historical outbreak location an approximate geographic latitude/ vegetation index (NDVI) data were used as a proxy for longitude location was determined using place names. Historical ecological dynamics to assess and infer ecological conditions outbreakswerelocatedinEastAfrica,CentralAfrica,SouthAsia associated with RiftValley fever outbreaks. (primarilyIndiaandBangladesh),andSoutheastAsia,providinga broader historical context in which to analyze chikungunya- Approach climaterelationships.Mostcomprehensivegeo-referencedrecords WemappeddiseaselocationdataoncorrespondingNDVIand ofchikungunyawerelimitedtotherecentepidemicperiod(2004– climate data anomalies in order to understand associations 2010).FulldetailsofchikungunyaandRiftValleyfevercasedata between specific anomaly patterns in ecological and climate are provided insections3 and5 of TextS1. variables and disease outbreak patterns through space and time. Environmentalandclimatedata. Weutilizedanumberof We further explored the associations by plotting and comparing environmentalandclimatedatasetsdescribedindetailinTextS1 disease data against cumulative rainfall and vegetation index and summarize in Table 1. Satellite-derived Africa Rainfall anomalies to illustrate the lag time between the driving climate Climatology (ARC) rainfall estimates for Africa and global conditions andthetiming offirst casediseaseoccurrenceforRift surface air temperature and rainfall data from National Centers Valley fever. For chikungunya we further investigated the www.plosntds.org 3 January2012 | Volume 6 | Issue 1 | e1465 ClimateVariabiltyandRecentDiseaseOutbreaks Table1. Climateand disease data sets usedinthe study. Data Source Coverage Climatologyperiod Purpose NINO3.4SST NOAA/CPC 5uN–5uS,170uW–120uW,monthly 1971–2000 teleconnections WIO NOAA/CPC 10uN–10uS,40u–64uE,monthly 1971–2000 teleconnections GPCPRainfall NOAA/CPC global,monthly,1u 1979–2009 teleconnections,chikungunya NCEPAirTemperature NOAA/CPC global,monthly,2.5u 1968–1996 chikungunya ARCRainfall NOAA/CPC Africa,monthly,10kmspatial 1995–2006 RiftValleyfever,chikungunya resolution SPOTVegetationAVHRRNDVI VITO Africa,monthly,1km,8km May1998–April2008 RiftValleyfever NASA/GIMMS spatialresolution DiseaseData(RiftValleyfever, CDC-K,WHO,FAO,OIEand episodic(RiftValleyfever: N/A climate-ecology-disease chikungunya) variousnationalgovernments 2006–2009,chikungunya: teleconnectionsand 1952–2010) relationships Allanomalyindiceswerecomputedasmonthlydeparturesfromtheirrespectiveclimatologicalvalues(long-termmeans)definedbytheperiodsshownabove.NINO3.4 SSTindexwascomputedbytheNationalOceanicandAtmosphericAdministrationClimatePredictionCenter(NOAA/CPC)aspartofoperationalENSOmonitoring activities.WecomputedtheWIOindexdirectlyfromtheglobalSSTdatabasedonpreviousresearchbyLinthicumetal.(1999).SPOTVegetationdatawereprocessedby VlaamseInstellingvoorTechnologischOnderzoek(VITO)inBelgiuminto10-daycompositedata.Monthlycomposites,long-termmeans,andanomaliesfromthesedata wereprocessedbytheNASA/GlobalInventoryModelingandMappingStudies(GIMMS)group. doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0001465.t001 relationships among surface air temperature, precipitation anom- Cumulative rainfall analysis. Since Rift Valley fever alies,andchikungunyaoutbreaksthroughcorrelationanalysis.For outbreaks are known to follow periods of extended above- Rift Valley fever we further investigated relationships between normal rainfall, we calculated a cumulative rainfall anomaly precipitation and Rift Valley fever outbreaks through logistic index basedon theARC dataset asfollows: regression.Resultswereinterpretedintermsofvectorbiologyand population dynamics. We suggested caveats for non-outbreak n n X X years when climate and ecological conditions would indicate an Cn~ Ri{ Mi imminent outbreak. i~1 i~1 where C is the cumulative rainfall anomaly value for time Mapping and analysis n steps1to n,Sisthesummation function,R wastotalrainfallat Anomalycalculations. Ingeneral,foreachclimate/environ- i time step i of the series, and M is the average total rainfall for mental variable, wecalculatedanomalies asfollows: i time step i. The time period was normally chosen to represent the rainy season, in which case C measured the difference n X ~X{X between the current and average seasonal total rainfall [15]. To a u determine whether the ARC estimates indicated flood where Xa=was the anomaly or difference of climate variable for conditions, i.e., where Cn was consistently positive, we any given month (X) from its long-term mean (Xu) The anomaly calculated Cn for the months prior to reported Rift Valley fever wasaquantitativemeasureofthedeparturefromnormal/average outbreaks for four regions: East Africa (outbreak period conditions resulting in, for example using rainfall (Figs. 3 and 4), December, 2006 to April, 2007), Sudan (September– extreme wetness (above-normal rainfall, positive anomaly values) November, 2007), Southern Africa (January–April, 2008), and or extremedryness (drought, negativeanomaly values). Madagascar (March–May, 2008). A similar method was applied Teleconnections mapping. To illustrate the concept of to NDVI data for outbreak periods for East Africa (2006–2007), teleconnections globally we calculated monthly rainfall anomalies Sudan (2007), and South Africa (2007–2008, 2008–2009), and fortheGPCPdatasetbasedon1979–2008longtermmeans.The fortheinitialchikungunyaoutbreakperiodinEastAfrica(2004– rainfall anomalies were then correlated with the NINO3.4 sea 2006).Thisindexrepresentsaproofofconceptfirstsuggestedby surfacetemperature(SST)anomalyindexbycalculatingPearson’s Linthicum et al. [25], that Rift Valley fever activity follows correlationcoefficientoverthemonthlytimeseriestoproducethe widespreadandabove-normalrainfallenablingtheemergenceof mapshowninFig.1.Additionaldetailsofteleconnectionanalyses large populations of Rift Valley fever vector mosquito species. areprovidedinsection1ofTextS1. Further details of cumulative rainfall analysis are provided in Time-space mapping. To illustrate the ecoclimatic section 4 of Text S1. teleconnectionconnectionpatterns inrelation toRiftValley fever Logistic regression. In order to quantify the relationship outbreaksweplottedaHovmo¨llerdiagramofNDVIanomaliesfor betweenrainfallanomalyandtheoccurrenceofRiftValleyfever, eachoutbreakregion(EastAfrica,Sudan,andSouthAfrica)against we used logistic regression. For each region (East Africa, Sudan, theNINO3.4SSTanomalies.Thisdiagramshowsthespatialand Southern Africa, Madagascar), we calculated the cumulative temporal dynamics of NDVI anomalies in relation to temporal rainfall anomaly for the four months immediately prior to and dynamicsofENSO(representedbytheNINO3.4index),Western including the onset of Rift Valley fever activity. These regional equatorialIndianOcean(WIO)SSTanomalies,andtheRiftValley reference periods were as follows: (1) East Africa, September– feveroutbreakpatterns.DetailsofhowtheHovmo¨llerdiagramwas December, 2006, for the December, 2006 outbreak; (2) Sudan, derived are given in section 6 of Text S1 and the results are June–October, 2007, for the October, 2007 outbreak; (3) South presentedinFig.5. Africa, October, 2007–January, 2008, for the January, 2008 www.plosntds.org 4 January2012 | Volume 6 | Issue 1 | e1465 ClimateVariabiltyandRecentDiseaseOutbreaks ... .10 ... ................: . ..... 0 .... . -~~~~- .............. :·. ........: . ..... :-.10 .. QI .. :: ..: . ..... :-20 .. . . ..................... :. ........................: . ..... :-30 .. . . .. .. .. .. . . :so ;30 :40 . . Cumulative Rainfall Anomaly, mm <-400 -400 -300 -200 -1 00 -25 25 1 00 200 300 400 >400 Figure3. Cumulative rainfall anomaliesover EasternAfrica, October–December, 2005.Negativerainfall anomaliescorrespond tothe large-scaleregionaldroughtinEasternAfricaduringOctober–December,2005.Anomalieswerecalculatedwithreferencetothe1995–2000long termmean.Epicentersofchikungunyaoutbreaksduringthisperiodareshownbythefouropenblackdots. doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0001465.g003 outbreak;and(4)Madagascar,December,2007–March,2008,for referenceperiodforeachyear2004–2008.Thecumulativerainfall theMarch,2008outbreak.ForeachoutbreaksitegiveninFig.1, anomalywasexpressedasafractionofmeancumulativerainfallto we calculated the cumulative rainfall anomaly over the regional maketheregressioncoefficientsindependentoftherainfallunitof -:iff:.i. www.plosntds.org 5 January2012 | Volume 6 | Issue 1 | e1465 ·~·· ClimateVariabiltyandRecentDiseaseOutbreaks ..... : ...........0 .. : :45 --!o>'U- ........... :.. ........ . . -.30.: 30 35 30 35 Cumulative Rainfall Anomaly (mm) Cumu•lat•ive• N•D•V•I •An•om aly(%) I I II II I I I <-400 -400 -300 -200 -100 -25 25 10 0 200 300 400 >400 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 -5 5 20 40 60 80 100 Figure 4. Cumulative rainfall anomalies and vegetation index anomalies for East Africa, Sudan and Southern Africa. Patterns of rainfallanomaliesprecedingoutbreaksofRiftValleyfeverin(A)EastAfrica:September–December,2006,(C)Sudan:June–September,2007,and(E) SouthernAfrica:October,2007–January,2008.Eachoutbreakwasprecededbypersistentandabove-normalrainontheorderof+200mmfora periodof,2–4months(Fig.S2).Thisresultedinanomalousgreen-upofvegetation,creatingidealecologicalconditionsfortheproductionofAedes andCulexmosquitovectorsthattransmitRiftValleyfevervirustodomesticanimalsandhumans.Vegetationanomaliesareshownfor(B)EastAfrica: October,2006–January2007,(D)Sudan:July–September,2007,and(F)SouthernAfrica:October,2007–January,2008.RiftValleyfeveroutbreaksare markedwithyellowdots. doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0001465.g004 -:iff:.i. www.plosntds.org 6 January2012 | Volume 6 | Issue 1 | e1465 ·~·· ClimateVariabiltyandRecentDiseaseOutbreaks Figure5.SpatialandtemporalanomalypatternsofNDVI,SSTinrelationtoRVFoutbreaks.Spatialandtemporalanomalypatternsin normalizeddifferencevegetationindexforselectedareasofSouthAfrica(A:29uEand32.5uE,averagedfrom23uSto27uS),Sudan(B:32.5uEand34uE, averagedfrom11uNto15uN),Tanzania(C:34uEand37uE,averagedfrom4.5uSto8.5uS)andKenya(D:37uEand42.5uE,averagedfrom2uSto2uN). RegionswereplottedbygeographicpositionwesttoeastandrepresentareaswithdenseconcentrationsofRiftValleyfevercases.NDVIanomalies are depicted as percent departures from the 2002–2008 long-term mean, and show the response of vegetation to variations in rainfall. Periods shadedingreentopurpleindicateabove-normalvegetationconditionsassociatedwithabove-normalrainfall.Periodsofpersistentdroughtorbelow normalrainfallareshowninshadesofyellowtored.EachRiftValleyfeveroutbreakwasprecededbyabove-normalvegetationconditionsresulting frompersistentabove-normalrainfallintheHornofAfricaandSudanin2006–2007.ChikungunyaepidemicsoccurredoverEastAfricaandIndian Oceanislandsduringthe2005–2006droughtperiodshownbynegativeNDVIanomaliesfrom2005–2006[D:redboxedarea].Clustersofepidemics/ epizootics of Rift Valley fever in East Africa (2006–2007) and Sudan (2007) occurred during the El Nin˜o event of 2006–2007 when there were concurrentanomalouslywarmerWIOandNino3.4SSTs.ThetransitiontoLaNin˜aconditionsinlate2007–early2008spatiallyshiftedtheareaof above-normal rainfall and enhanced vegetation conditions to South Africa and Madagascar between February–March, 2008 and sporadically betweenFebruary–March,2009inSouthAfrica,leadingtooutbreaksofRiftValleyfeverintheseregions.Thisillustratesthatspatialdisplacementsin extremerainfallandecologicalconditionsdrivenbylarge-scaleclimatemechanismssuchasENSOandregionalcirculationleadtospatial-temporal shiftsinareasatriskforoutbreaksofthesemosquito-bornediseases. doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0001465.g005 measurement. We coded Rift Valley fever presence with a 1 for theyearofoutbreakandabsencewitha0forallotheryears,and e(b0zxib1) then ran a logit model regression of Rift Valley fever presence/ p~ , i 1ze(b0zxib1) absence on cumulative rainfall anomaly.The logitmodel was www.plosntds.org 7 January2012 | Volume 6 | Issue 1 | e1465 ClimateVariabiltyandRecentDiseaseOutbreaks where p was the code for disease absence/presence for wetter-than-normalconditionsintheseregionsduringtheElNin˜o i observation i (1 or 0), x was the cumulative rainfall anomaly (warm) phase of ENSO. Negative correlations over Southern i (expressed as a fraction of mean cumulative rainfall) for Africa and the western Pacific region, including Australia, the observation i, and the fitted coefficients, shown in Table 2, were greater Indonesian Basin, and northern South America, indicate b (intercept term)and b (rainfall anomalyterm). thetendencyfordrier-than-normalconditionsduringElNin˜o[10]. 0 1 Correlation analysis. For chikungunya, we tested the These anomaly patterns are largely reversed during the La Nin˜a hypothesis that disease outbreaks were correlated with elevated (cold)phaseofENSOasshowninpreviousstudies[10].Extremes temperature and/or drought by plotting occurrences against in rainfall anomalies resulting from phase shifts in ENSO affect surface air temperature anomalies and precipitation anomalies regional ecological patterns [11,12] differentially, and influence undertwoscenarios.Inthefirstscenario,meanttosimulatehigh the emergence of different disease vectors and consequently temperatures and moderate drought, cumulative anomalies were patterns of vector-borne disease outbreaks [13,14]. In particular, madefora3-monthperiodpriortoandthenincludingtheactual there is a tendency for outbreaks of Rift Valley fever to occur in month of thecase, for a total of 4 months. An example forApril EasternAfricaduringtheElNin˜ophaseandforoutbreaksofRift would be: January, February, March, and April anomalies ValleyfevertooccurinSouthernAfricaduringtheLaNin˜aphase, aggregated to create the 4-month cumulative anomaly. Using as willbeshown laterinthis study. the same method, a second scenario was constructed for a prolongedperiodofhightemperaturesandseveredrought,except Temporal sequence of outbreaks in relation to eco- this time for a 7-month total. A frequency of occurrence was climatic conditions obtained by extracting values from each of the two scenarios for The2004–2009periodofanalysisisanillustrationoftheabove each of the chikungunya locations, for each region. For the teleconnection patterns and demonstrates how different climate temperatureanomalies,theoccurrenceswereclassifiedashigher- andecologicalanomalyextremesresultingfromtheseteleconnec- than-normal if the anomalies were .0, or cooler-than-normal if tions influence vector-borne disease outbreaks through variations ,0. The precipitation anomalies were classified similarly as in temperature, rainfall, and ecology. The clusters of outbreaks wetter-than-normalordroughtif.0or,0,respectively.Because and epidemics/epizootics of chikungunya and Rift Valley fever eachgeographicregionhadanoccurrencesamplesizeof$30,the acrossAfrica(Fig.2)[8,9,23,24]occurredduringperiodsofsevere binomialtestofsignificancewasused.Thistestassumesanormal droughtforchikungunya(2004–2006;Fig.3)[19,26],andduring distribution, random sampling, and mutually exclusive data. A periodsofabove-normalrainfallforRiftValleyfever(late2006to confidence level of 95% was assumed for the 2-tailed test. If the 2009, Fig. 4) [8,27]. During 2004–2006 there was a regional region’s occurrences passed the test of significance, the nature of chikungunyaepidemiccoveringcoastalEastAfricathatexpanded therelationshipwastestedbycalculatingthePearson’scorrelation tocoverwesternIndianOceanislands,andlaterpartsofIndiaand coefficient.Additionaldetailsofchikungunyacorrelationanalyses areprovidedinsections2and5ofTextS1.Resultsbyregionare Southeast Asia through 2010 (Fig. S4). The bulk of the human presented inFigs. 6 and7. cases were reported during the most severe drought period of 2005–2006 in East Africa and the western Indian Ocean islands. This chikungunyaoutbreak wasconsistent with droughtresulting Results from circulation anomalies forced by the ENSO cold phase (La Climate-disease teleconnections Nin˜a) and a regional circulation pattern characterized by The map in Fig. 1 shows the correlation between monthly anomalously high pressure in the western equatorial Indian NINO3.4 SST anomalies and monthly GPCP rainfall anomalies Ocean and low pressure in the east. These pressure patterns led for 1979–2010. It illustrates how variations in sea surface to enhanced surface westerlies, causing enhanced descending temperature in the equatorial eastern Pacific (ENSO) influence motion over East Africa and the western Indian Ocean and rainfallvariabilityatvariouslocationsaroundtheworld.Itisalsoa ascending motion over Indonesia [21,26,27]. This pattern of depictionoftheconceptofteleconnections.Thecentraltoeastern regional circulation hampered convective activity and precipita- Pacific Ocean region, Ecuador, Peru, Eastern equatorial Africa, tionandresultedinoneofthemostseveredroughtseverobserved andthesoutherntieroftheUnitedStatesindicatethetendencyfor intheregion (Fig.2). Table2. Resultsof logisticregression ofRift Valleyfever presence/absence oncumulative rainfallanomalies. Region coefficients stderror zvalue p(.|z|) confidence EastAfrica(n=383) b 23.1202 0.3050 210.231 ,2610216 .99.9% 0 b1 2.8096 0.3264 8.608 ,2610216 .99.9% Sudan(n=257) b0 24.6153 0.8952 25.156 2.5361027 .99.9% b 26.5603 5.1397 5.168 2.5361027 .99.9% 1 SouthAfrica(n=185) b0 22.022 0.260 27.777 7.40610215 .99.9% b1 4.575 1.106 4.135 3.5561025 .99.9% Madagascar(n=65) b 22.0897 0.5849 23.573 0.000353 .99.9% 0 b1 210.6091 3.8901 22.727 0.006387 99.9% LogisticregressionofRiftValleyfeverpresence/absenceoncumulativerainfallanomaliesovera4monthperiod.Foreachregion,thetoprowpresentsresultsforthe interceptterm(b0)andthebottomrow(b1)fortherainfallanomalyterm.RegionalRiftValleyfeveroutbreaksweresignificantlypositivelycorrelatedwithpersistently above-normalcumulativerainfallovera4monthperiod(99.9%confidence,b.0),exceptinMadagascar(b,0). 1 1 doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0001465.t002 www.plosntds.org 8 January2012 | Volume 6 | Issue 1 | e1465 ClimateVariabiltyandRecentDiseaseOutbreaks Figure6.Frequencydistributionsofchikungunyaoutbreakeventsinrelationtotemperature.Frequencydistributionsofchikungunya outbreakeventsand4-monthcumulativetemperatureanomaliesforEastAfrica(A),CentralAfrica(B),SouthAsia(C),andSoutheastAsia(D).The4- monthanomalythresholdwasusedtorepresentperiodsofeithercooltemperaturesordroughtandextremehightemperaturesThedashedlineat zerodepictsthe1979–2009long-termmeantemperature,withwarmer-than-normaltemperaturesshowntotheright(red)andcooler-than-normal temperaturesshowntotheleft(blue)oftheline.Casesshowntotherightofthedashedlineoccurredduringperiodsofelevatedtemperaturewitha persistenceof4months. doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0001465.g006 Historically, chikungunyaisknownto beenzootic inwest and Mombasa (November, 2004) as the drought peaked in Kenya central Africa in a sylvatic cycle involving wild non-human (Fig. 3). primatesandforestspeciesofAedesmosquitoes[28].Thefirstand In time the chikungunya outbreak spread and impacted the subsequent documented outbreaks of chikungunya occurred western Indian Ocean islands including Seychelles, Comoros, during periods of heavy rainfall, filling natural and artificial Mayotte, Mauritius, and La Reunion, all in 2005, infecting containers that serve as immature mosquito habitats [29,30]. between30–75%ofthepopulationsinaffectedareas[2,21](Figs.2 However,in2004–2006theseveredroughtdescribedabove[26] and 3). The entire western equatorial Indian Ocean region was led to widespread storage of water in containers around impacted by a large scale drought in 2005 (Fig. 3) [26]. In households. Unprotected stored water allowed Aedes aegypti on December, 2005 a mutation was observed in some of the theEast African coast [9,31] to reproduce in large numbers and chikungunyaisolatesfromLaReunionthatcausedasingleamino permit establishment of a Central/East African genotype of acid substitution in the E1 envelope glycoprotein (E1-A226V) chikungunya virus in highly populated areas of the East African [33,34].AlthoughAedesalbopictuswasconsideredacompetentbut coastandthewesternIndianOceanislands[28].Inadditionand secondary vector of chikungunya [35], the E1-A226V mutation possibly most importantly, elevated temperatures during the increased virus replication and dissemination in this mosquito, drought facilitated the amplification of the virus and increased enhancing its vector competence and increasing the potential for vectorialcapacityinthemosquitoes[9,31].ExposureofAe.aegypti the virus to permanently extend its geographic range [33,34]. As larvae to similarly elevated temperatures in the laboratory has many as 3 other independent events led to the E1-A226V beenshowntoselectforstrainsadaptedtosurvivelongeratthese mutation in India, Cameroon, Gabon, and Sri Lanka, and temperatures and significantly increase susceptibility of adult geographical expansion of the adaptation of the virus to Ae. mosquitoes to chikungunya virus, enhancing vectorial capacity albopictus [36,37,38]. Subsequently the outbreak continued east- andvectorcompetence,respectively[32].ThissuggestsAe.aegypti ward affecting many Indian Ocean countries and in conjunction was adaptable to actual environmental conditions of severe withhumantravelandtourismaffectedsomeEuropeancountries drought and elevated temperatures presented here. The initial ([9,24,33],Text S1). chikungunya cases were identified at health care facilities in Cessation of the drought in eastern Africa was marked by the Lamu (June, 2004) in the initial stages of the drought, and development of contrasting patterns of SST anomalies in the www.plosntds.org 9 January2012 | Volume 6 | Issue 1 | e1465

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