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DTIC ADA551454: Coastal Benthic Optical Properties (CoBOP): Optical Properties of Benthic Marine Organisms and Substrates PDF

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Preview DTIC ADA551454: Coastal Benthic Optical Properties (CoBOP): Optical Properties of Benthic Marine Organisms and Substrates

Coastal Benthic Optical Properties (CoBOP): Optical Properties of Benthic Marine Organisms and Substrates le selrzahC .HaM se .clcnanecIiicsSyhP 0sr2 se detwnnneaieNlsCgunBE , rAeMvo0 d1n8A10 moc. p 3r2o0c30i 20s 3-p ) - 9@)8: l9:8 87le:8e 679zix6n9a(aaom(mfhep d r:a73#1w0C89A41000N MRET-GNOLLAOG g n ehi f rdcdm oleunrnrsah t aaaeio tf asettgoonni ss-tih eergatnhrengaTdonlu sm sscceiitinns ihfia ro eteregectccnnacrnnaae eacmro cdtiafsbncfhoeaeicrlnofgueilrsf s.nraail ru fnaci ledi aite,ndrrrcalnop aaecrW ehns nieiewn giohmttroebtweodh ls aed cinwitaotrhp eolp aoe c rneisp ihtetmtpsc rosaoe ettlceaodcripgoloib st nneamce re u blsdeaa etcet .sai mhes utgogdsorsotiietolnsvcoinooiirrbpp LACISNEHVCIETTC/ECJIBFOITNEICS esree vheli Tratrercoweef vjs ebissoh'tr:akeryow • cei n aherei ctenc tk caefrsn tpona tedcsnaincneMee salmmfefu eorebtisroruuslafem sronti a trsh r oec dotf btrnnpao ra aaiaphf ulnreutosol wtssmodosescnbriaunsagro ;m ahrcg ro )arsPepeOsiBet orrl (Ceaclpciaoih rtttePpnshOeatBoC • se i:cre e prngesennn saegiicanamceI Lc hsL dSt ern utrouercofohtuurtdlgnFoC es ct, nnnneeooc m iisfedt teorna, aruat sfcosnotoiuaeeeflemdgifmuirtcvanoteddi noissimeartceps • ec neyel fcbl isilst esye nrrnhceeooopnhdfupoatIlsrt feosgerlbnhhuitcsk-inrotns ses n;n osiyplnsaaermroc • ycn; es finesocec t imnd nefiee eehfcctnrmteesc iugpeeesisrlhapoeteusMlf • g .dn tdseiesl ptruaeei cunp izraediofyttlttlalnadooncCa HCAORPPA .ma r )g lPoe nciahOr thi lntsaeecBBpiisT att rp eOatope mofkror Phs(CorCastiopiwhT t r elon a Pn OgdcB iloaeC psfitdimfaa - ceethes ttf rgatc f arsue o8epardhs9lintaYfowFc .sa m,d ad ehng b aan,i eBli r rkhskeehcrTIcetcsooLnr ewteae dSCennsiaereRabMbiraC )s .edlcc nannnlarIeaao irct xcEic ud sSsolF eteydee iu lh(zPrsroyra(earbaMhwahcC , ettnaedmitdrnaapce Dfo ,nganeicrOee.n)iTgInME e e cerhnd etaaew itmhewcc ticehdtnlnneefBa cessrte nrInf eoomuelrsitfu usaem SpectroFluorometer )FS(B 1 ltanr etfm coeter npuressomafu erdmtestnair e,po- raevid es ct.nns eeec c m risesfeyruh uemetorrtttoaernrruo anfgcisosteesiduaafblerfmobaL a er erthnde ctoaw nei.i mr e o2ptwse-dmaiosxsrnoatuMlifaooarmrt coteepusilFcxeteiS noi tsaat wne.en gmonn udoiec id poy trladbdcoatnecuoapesesridnviiv Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED 1998 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-1998 to 00-00-1998 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Coastal Benthic Optical Properties (CoBOP): Optical Properties of 5b. GRANT NUMBER Benthic Marine Organisms and Substrates 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION Physical Sciences Inc,20 New England Business REPORT NUMBER Center,Andover,MA,01810 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES See also ADM002252. 14. ABSTRACT 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE Same as 4 unclassified unclassified unclassified Report (SAR) Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 .ycn eesi cec nhie ecfryncafe reso eweokere ntarpW oiatopow mruatTerolrebfataeltdon den r eseyrncc eo nnnhthemoeootcu ciihintlctpwe naii( ceacfnfshuifioetqsefrseoadullcf ys c et,nsd ta)e nee a hdi'ochrlttec ltsteeubisa oehrbrfnc/hrtofoip oasettaurboclahafprp' d e elycabnecahsitd a ls da rntereonct ht rescetoodeel(htiirpb pcosaenulhilitfava .) t mntu en rn mertogcociis f e tpeedpea rh osntdotdhOitnuetchalsexgbfumei- lwaorran e.ncno onif si at o ett atrdh laf ereieteunoehahsx hsihTptuete emteocrrusrooluftloinsi ,d)e1n4i0b 0 me1toe7ccs 9a(e4rsc1 ttn0eenna0cuoet0nrc ncNetdoecnplsamfeoercroulf no i etttc a nhrdtts egun nitddioaeecn nilshmxefactgemo bnieedip rhahutotsriabwem .murtceps ,s ytren t ece,memneyocrerpuncosoueaslcefcefmososroreotrcruceolpiusFmolrfcim sis ydsnle toal rn i nieoeft,aarfmoc atogadr emirntn dptaconxei oepsdissntiaamteicxe e lrb oliefashrnt ooscp tsgn eneerimh yg t mfiedseipr eslte efsebnwohouroettdrddpia .ecnecseroulf DET EKLRPOMWOC no int i ae8ph9it9c 1PiO Bn tdog.lCilerau i pfsfsmsataasnwceeP ecmrceeurwsusaeM .de c s n.ielassrlve yaedv elwaia lattdpn canma deDaa s ejsesetbd ehaoaorttmtdsda y td ie rlnro a iefsunmda q ean hde e x i,eleb e ela mcimohsamnruhottaneeodwShirefefbr gnit a dr, eo ea d b.tte roasaavnatlsidaewlerheron pboceeoftrr eepdlhpnpWaamoc .srehcraeser STLUSER dde esnzaiifb n o-aag ah rbgnmettdeariraun tWoeadruS btoLerLhgITF 2 sedivor ptah t ,es v ns ioos,teiescdtceaiacgr v caa elodimstatnfienrai iit taccenteereappuddssgii.f)(1 Montastrea cavernosa 100 08 004 044 06 884 04 02 eru g :Sie1LFgLa I mfFli,oadraoech 0 relative fluorescence 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 lia tdeedb b,f,aoonreegdm-iievcmeaprsf mn ,htgnelevaw d nnao iasrsticmeeps ta neoeirthatticxe .shtgnelevaw s t tdlrae u ahceesdltuctrelidnuaremoebiircy sps eegshr ndTooiou wthlftutfopemmoc senmtr eon ulm ree,gaie fm l2icclae.bfi egr )a(tsp nue1tnystisleaosap dwneiilmtaluM g een,er disned as dowd nfm ud oesao neahht eeihectans ht rueciaetapsmichtsdtandi n ennrmi ooi hd ni ncatleittieieha n pwitifuesyroolamb vaare ne rto hseasatihhaitteer yle s tneneretemnw eidr eu.rts socassf eenenl mecoemo isiretcp hc eeTeaphltstlaodc ge rsnge, e einh tfpdutatdnopnln r leu aaesnouc evseesos ebeukheshrlasratpatoevurlf t.nse lcrasoreforcoulf elbaliavA snotohp decseroulF snotohp eru g e.i.cdF2nlee cin sy oeedivr et ioar aftutirtoclauouefDqfpfemfroec Method 1 Method 2 t n5e1m5gip aic.iprsagA 3 asillnyhpaopltoCan 10.2 10.7 asoMontastrean revac 4.7 ataloMontastrea evaf 8.8 10.3 aillyhpotecyM.ps 4.7 11.6 aimy.lposcS 6.0 11.3 aimy.lposcS 5.2 aimy.lposcS 8.2 13.9 t n5e7m5gip aimy.lposcS 2.3 aim y.lposcS 3.0 delcenieycs e erelo vb u.ias l1tT edfcrueeolt ffaufvpemoC SNOITACILPPA/TCAPMI gnsi df tnoeatnetuh s betosr iteelfrmidlttnion reuw olecapr eroctruihcphestTpnsaebem .yssgn coonfili oo tott ypiasl oeobciletnsh isitrilTl elswooaaohpam fcttmeefiirsetupo sldm lned eia telbwnssaiyucsigradiatiove lcotriansfer ginhisnebst ot neborpeb ss t tlnrSel eoLgidmfLrwieIaa rFtnnuiose iah.esetgcsmnniieml ceesd eoermhoTulf n o .i e dmtft crleaons no etceidesdisi mhncnlyylptaseesp o esipglerfanehoivTuoelgdfno sst gen enr eeriunm tas tiegonflearnmeoaun uie srlgrslrftaioaeocvsfedemopms .snoitacilppa s nlo aifrtoefavoceisf iyt rns,ae ce nd eirtiitr feu mIu tihbei torchlsatoeteimppreesprrp se c gng nan nitis its c ldsbyseaneule hrarsere toemoryctteuaannr lmiateftxvreaohpmi s nro oi.yeftydhag utcolftilaoslorpiombci SNOITISNART ec nega r ntda sic etteessnn bl rueeyffem mbeobiferm dor eleuemasshrattecmepCoSBOP tpnu eostm renis gi edadttme nrristaeadn ppe efgosrmo nriikipedrtheoat swlneirroc ses y t e ga er. nardceassait encutesmsaio ablbouttiyd u rcprbstfeobarlvufoCeRM g.thnhtgi ii llrosw e erdedrdnfk y aeiHosdreMbnnt mnavaSmryaireoBrtmftdaniedar s l e hltdlae ti nnotsSuw eeuC au Lr shmogdtLtkatprnrI ro gi aFrolfonpiweogievnheotd n o gh ifn t.btoisiaoattwtRtaiae rdro pbm r ae fd enSltIoneetuLlsavhngLoyatieIcshbF e c mn yeeoeht ctgpsosaayt emrseri gsorouuet l totfgahfn wpo isrrntieciphdtanadueahW no ic.t eiufa bohgeitlhrnttaesoibrdcim STC EDJEOTRAPLER n o i gn dwftsp e ocro evn oa eeelRFhoonjveNtrtiaonvOSprempkBdi r Imoroawferom l e.as srrey uh ec db ryenP a lvOr ndeItleBeleinsroohlbaeov tgCtirhnacow siewjeonrp selc en rneeoar cfpeen fseheuctrs i. eedwmSrheeLotttLuas IlrypF fbsooiltleavced SECNEREFER lta nrt e tnfmrceoeoem rfp un usuridstt1 eaistesnamir e, pl oe.-zCra eM.vHiD" e cencen cadstn ec,afre "o ssol. meuf tcste pleiia.ndOhnfrrgintatnrangsEaerbmbous 36:2612-2617 (1997). lmth.larocpn/sllif/89isl/poboc/hcraeser/lezam/moc. p2rocisp.w ww//:ptth

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