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snoi gleaRts aynotiCilibai rnamVu lroeCtaW r ea tn.saReDK yhpargo nl aofe oocehOtcaSudarG dnal seIdo h fRyotisrevinU Narragansett, RI 02882 72 58 61-84 67 -8 4-:7 1 l8 0 :e-:4lT1xi0 aa4Fm-E ude.iru.osg@retsekd drawA53 6:0#14941000N mth.jhagprno/naeco/hcet_ics/lim.yvan.rno.www//:ptth GNOL MRETSLAOG ta hstesseco rlpacigolo idb n,alacime h,clacisy hep hytlevitatitna udqnatsred n ou stlia omgr egtn orluO nmul orcet a fwgonicr ocfirehpsom teadulc nsiesseco reps e. hsTret alwatsa o ncyitilibair aevsuac d n,ases adg nsatneirt u fneosael edr neakat pluacigolo i,bnoitalucr idc nganix ilmacisy h,pseitreporp evitatitna utqcurtsn ooscti s eaadbivo rlpl ihwcraes e sr.i sheTiradnu oebsa htspanoitca elracimehc .snoig elratsa onscinoitair arvie hd tnsaeitrepo rfepog n r aaosrfledom SEVITCEJBO suc oyframi r rp. usOret alwatsa o ncyitilibair alvaita pds nlaaropm e ftsoesu aec hgtnitagitsev nei reaW .ytinil ad sn,aerutarepm e,tllyhporol h,crett aemtalucitr adpedneps u,sedixo indobr a,cnegy xnsooi ) Ig(nidulc nsiesseco rfepogn ae rd tiacwelf esrnoitair arvie hetsuac edbetcel eesr esweitrepo repsehT in )ii i,(egnahc xs eaages-r i)ai i,(rett acminag rfnoooitisopmoc ed dn,anoitarips e,rsisehtnysotou tishp ,gnix ilmad i)tv i,()sexu ltfa edh n,ayticol edvn i,wnoitaid arralo ss(noitidn olcacigoloroet e ometsnopser .stup nciinegoporht n)ai vd (n,adn amlo rfffon u) rv,(snoitair asvs armet a,wnoitacifitarts HCAORPPA gninibmo cy bytilibaira vreta wlatsao cf osesua ceh tgnitagitsevn ier aeW ,stnemerusa ermo nisnu tises s akwr or wu8o9 YorFt o.i sriPsyla nd anganilpm ansmul orcet adwetcel ed sn,agnisn eestom eertilletas retse Ks(ret alwatsa odcnal seIdo hnyRilni admetcudnoc suomono tdueahsei t l.b) a6 a lt9e.,s9We1 gn oe H htstaeugaell ohct isweidu ttsni odjetcudn oe8cw9 YgFn i.r sumDets ytsnemerusa esmeires-emit latsa oecnima x oestdoht eemse hgtni s)uTSUK Hy(golonhc edT neacnei c fSyotisrevi ngUnoK segrahcs i ndsiegna hlcaun nea h,telc yncoosn ormemmus/retn iew h otet uadni hnCrehtu o nsyitilibairav e h ftnooig e narsitup nliarutlucir gda n,alairtsud n,inab rluac odl n,a)gnaiju heZh tr(ev ilRra eeP hmtorf k ro.eoa s tt t r as res5aneheha1eaKtvtpyD wocoirmgo ndo ic ypedraeercvneir e tspdaaxlhhertow fto eesvisnet n n ioarta eey hettov e odrted r nodinal seIdo h fRyotisrevi neU hmto refva ellacitabbas TS UktK raH toguwnoiyr rra acte sy eathpnt eop ssslda o yo.dWT nSe UWstKtaHnemerus adelmeif TP RndHaehsilbat sTeSU K 5H.9 n9no1Iitatress ildarotc or der hosfis ae bhfhtoc uemdivo rlpl itwaht d nRaRH VAAA OmNo r)flex irp e m p1ke(garev oace rlaac osledivo rtpa hntoita tgsniviec eertilletas eTwSU K tHnae hyC adJ n,aekni eyHr a,Ggn agFn i.Ms rhDt igwnik r. osWrosn eSsFiWaeS eto meetrille tgans igs nugo nKnfoooHi g eegnhrnitirru csceossec o eryhpdt utotctse jd oeartpalumrof . rna Iee yhfetosru oe chrte vsoesiu rfscoei r d ean,sastnemurts nsieires-em istuomonot u,agnisnes Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED 1998 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-1998 to 00-00-1998 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Water Column Variability in Coastal Regions 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION University of Rhode Island,Graduate School of REPORT NUMBER Oceanography,Narragansett,RI,02882 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES See also ADM002252. 14. ABSTRACT 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE Same as 6 unclassified unclassified unclassified Report (SAR) Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 edyhebtdiv o srga pnwg o nkKn or ie Horhgwotnfid n,utfrop ptucsej o Rrs N pinOohottitidda .TSU KoeHtlbalia vsadn urfeh tyd obnnaoitadnu orFehcuorC KROWDETELPMOC nmul orcet a fwsoeires-em igtnol-ra eey h ftsoisyla nea hdtetelpm orcets eaKn adD nnaosung aaMerdnA nnoiitatres s.iD d.rdheePhtelp mnoo cs. uytn atgBeasMnaga r erfcaonNar ter nhaseteenitreporp tni onPr odHnalyr afyMotisrevi ne Uhthtacraes elrarotcod-ts ogpni ow dose nih;s79 9r1ebmeceD .y aeBkaepase hnaCit aldatsa od cnganisn eestom eSrFiWa ehSt igwnikr osew ihesre hywrotarobaL gn o fHnooig eer h ntyitilibair alvacime hdc nsaesseco rlpatsa o fcsoeidu tdsetcudn oscdo odW nraetseK stsitnei cgsnitis is8va9 9t1sug uhAguor h7t9 9r1ebmetp emSo rafni hftCosa oncrehtu oe shd tnganoK e hft fyo arBetle htSr o nPmiets ytsnemerusa esmeires-em intmul orcet adawehsilba t .s eTeWSU KtHa dte nac 1ae afhmfft ro euwhsot lh e t4db tp.emae0c dael rpseewd nIoSsY/o c.es dunp EmTaScUKH dedulc ndie ssurosn e.e sshlTavret neitunim- 5ts1atnemerusa eemk aormte t n ma6fimowottob er eswnaicinhc eTtS U. KlHev erlet adw n,aytidibr u,tP R,O H,pnegy xdoevloss i,dytinil a,serutarepmet lacigoloroet edmetam o.t suntaAnemurts ne ihntiatni ad mneatarbil aoscterudeco re phndtieniart dn iewrusa eosmtupm aTcSU Ke Hhfttonorfret ae whtdtaehsilbat soes ls aamwets ytsnemerusaem 5y1re veerusse rcpirtemor ad bn,aytidim uehvital e,rerutarepm er ti,anoitaid arral o,snoitcer id dndaeeps ta htta olbla m naseo sru o)fSME Mm(ets ygSnipp alMatnemnoriv neEnir adaMepolev e. edsWetunim ses sra ep. tn eaohwiTt ayrntaooswre denlu idhrwao bdneop mgunp ireebtaw aeecsaf rsfutossisnoc seires-em iet h ntdie seu r sasarosn e fseoti uesm aes hgtniniatn orcebma hwco lhafguorht S PlGaitnere f.f siAndoitair alvlyhporol htccet e oddte s surietemorou lhfguorht- w.o slAtfnemerusaem stnemerusa eymawred neu h ftnooitis oep hgt odl nyaalps i oddte ssu amwets ygsnitra hccinortce ldena sg dgern fn nheotoaeottKuhHaotwhgu o s rse d hes.eft iistoa8rulc 1erau scvdern W eodttcnan oi4ces .ra ee yhgtnir uydraut srEev ilRra erPewol oyttinutrop pfpooi hlsaicrem m ndoaoecyolp een dbatca hStM Ee Mhfntoois r deaevpolev eedW lla mdasraob ndoets ente esb amhets yss i. hyTlsuomonot usatnemerusa eemcafr uysawred nnuiatbo . sret agwn ogKn ohHguor hsttisna rytli asdek atma hltess erveniatnoc ,ret tdaemdnep slua sttocte l mloeottc snyositart leirfuss edreptamotua -di emapeosle vseddooW .ta olbla mmaso rgfnilpm adsle igfnir undobr accinag reotalucitr adp n,allyhporol hncotknalpotyhp .sret alwatsa ofgconisn eestom eertillet aSsFiWa ed SnRaRH VhAt ie wsr uoe fraat aedsehT lacit pe ohnntooitamrof neidivo romptets yrsetemortce pcsit proeb ilfennahc-r u pt oauerfsetseK .gnilpm adsle igfnir undmul orcet aew h ftsoeitreporp e h ftsoae rlaarev ers onfoitulos elrex irp e mph1kt iswega mRiRH V fAeosabat adadehsilbat seeW erutarep meectaf r aueesdsiv odoretpssec onr epee vbsaeh g. as emrhieT tlaawts acoicfi cnarPetsew seir e.Asslenna hdcerarf nria edn nealbis iev h nteicnatcelf eer h ntdoes aMb P nSsinoitair adv n)aTSS( oe Bhmto rdfnet xsenoig eer s.e ehsTabat asdi hndtiedulc neir eswnoig erralugnatc egrnippal-re vfoo .tia rntoS z e udh,Lntnaik nff ol oeTu,hGatn itfhso Cahotc u,otsia rntaSw i,a aTaenS ith sC,aiEaH ,tsr ieFh ta(ni h nCsieirotarob aelnir a omsttis ilvarev eesd a emgwn ogKn o nHkir o fwroa eey hgtniruD h th ,eucfAho noOtSaaaS nerhiSB th ,euC,AhoyOtShSpargo ns aefetocuOti tds rn,diIdnhnaToceS ,nahsgno h,Zy aaBy atnDaoita thScraes elRacigolo ieBnir ae Mh,tygolonae cfeOotutits na IeaSnihC .oadgni Qn iytisrevin Unaec Oeh tdn a,seitisrevin Unemai Xdn a,naniJ en i nrnoaiiMtare p ponooohCsk rSoUW- o dneneihitStapicit rsad podroneWat s8 e9tK9s1u gnuIA ,oadgn i nQdil esh adw neacif fAOISAR NeO h ytdbezinag rso ahwci hywgolonhc edT neacneicS .anihC STLUSER s’gn ogKn onHehtgner t osst'09 9y1lr aee h ntdiehsilbat snee egbniv a,hytisrevi nwu e sanTiSUKH retle htSr ofePoro he s hndtoetac ossliupm a.s cetcIremm od cn,aygolonhc e,tecnei cnssieitilibapac fsoae rnaab rduepolev eydlhg ieh hdtnoy egbn ogKn o fHeod itss aee h ntyo adbesolcne-im e,asyaB sesseco rfnpooitagitsev neivisneherpm otcsr ie fhdtetcu d.n noeocWolw od Kndanal sgIn ogKnoH ,ytinil a,serutarepm efstotnemerusa esmeires-em intoituloser-hg i.eh yh aTrBetle htSr ongPinirrucco lacigoloroet e,mnoosn olmanosa ee s hfstotcef fe ehntwo hesv alhev erlet a,wytidibr u, tH,pnegyxo tdaenimret es day warBetle htSr ofePorutcur tlsacit r .ee gvhnTix id mntaropsna rltad id tn,agnicrof lacitre vn inoitaira vlaunn ae h .Tstnemerusae mdesab-pih sgnis uslavretn iylhtno myletamixorppa hcr amM o. rsFesseco rlpacigolo idb nlaacime h nctocef ftanatrop myir esav ayh aeB h ntnioitacifitarts sret aewcafrusb ugsniylre vsoret aewnil asss erlemr ahwt idweifitar te srsaret ae whrtebot chOguorht edshnrtae ts6ter-amu4 cecnoilc o. na a ceeny ShiphTht C uemo h oS yteroa hftBetntiarte nteapht egania rldla msas a th;isniatnu ogmnipo lyslpee t ysdbegn i sryi a eB . h 0mTt2uo b sahitp erdet alwatot smaer teslbair ayvllanosa ews eyafl n,oy aeB h otetgrahcs itda hstrev itrnacifing i osen reare h.Tnisab e hfstoae rdaetalup oepr oe mhrta esnret aewcafr ue s hnstieitinil adsecud edrn u. ofeffWon ulrac odlna d doas lsaret ae ws.e shrTet acwitsem ofedograhcs ie dhoe t tussdii hetveil eed bwn,aenilerohs nyefoahoiBtt rloapr t nne . f oe h)ydoeico tnanh gtaeButeegoWrofr tdsinunarohpso hspt(neirtun enilconc ye phwtol enbegy xe ohntoig es ri. h)nt%I051-04 1n(egy xfsoonoitarut ahsg iyhr ed vathaht scn iof h ioe p,thy osrtaerdoBr topaduieerie fp.in todga i en rt ttiotu%a ertso0 rslub1fuapDaotweads .cixo nrcaoixop yehmoc edblu oscret aewcafrusb ue shsttup ntineirt urnehtr uhft idwna m o. rgFn ogKn o fHsoret alwatsa oec h nteolc yncoosn onmai seA h fteocneulf nei hdtenima xeeW d l etoptheC uatsthstaeht r eomh notsrdf nginwo rytlsevita l eeerrra eyhrtaur bhegFuo rrhetbmevoN aa ne tiS meshsohaCdrtEnf ett nx.eet rs sreiuwhc hTt tsouatoesh t mrtoonrnef rlrautC saanoiChC yrega meitillet afssoisyla n.r amu aOtNe ioaVtni hftCosa ohctu oe shgtno ltaiar tnSawi ae Thhtguorht re tettaamluci tdreadpn es ptfsnou useo gmsratarlops ntanret rlrautC saa n o d itCelshahowChtCoths e m. ur slet pvIlirR a ee rhPdotofi rwe op w l eorfshle itt. ng e inhgwo TnKnfoooHi g ee)ohrMttPS( erhetbmet phegSuo r yh.matr oMertF nginwi ryurdau tgsnEaij u ehtfhZ so t eesohwdttnetxe lasrev e° r 0 ns8ait1lus ehrci htwnerr umCr aa WeaSni hhCtu oe Shpstut ensoosn ormemm utssewhtuos dsneaid udtls e rimuf oosrtf l.u a saeenSR ith sC ea mohEtatt eNmi oVtrrfopsn arret tlaawts anoic e h ftdooir ewpo lhfg ieh h sthici h,wnoosn ormemm ues hgtnir utda hwto hgsnisn eestom eertilletas laitnats b sueais r.e ghnT ogKn oeHsirpm otca hstdnal s5 i3e 2hhtguor hstdnet xeemu ls pt,irev ilRraeP detropp ussnoitartnecn olclyhporol heccafr uhsg iyhr edv nMa PdSesaerc n,iseitinil aescafr u nseisaerced .snoitartnecn otcneirt uhng iyhb el bnae eebv ae) hw8g9uA-nu Js(ts eyttinutroppo-fo-pi hysawred ne uhfstohtn oemer httsr ie fhgtniruD t sieamu lrpev ilRra eeP h fttonet xee h ntwoo lrfev idr nlalafni a nrsiegna h fcsotcef fee het eost syatidibr uhtg iyhr enevisaerc ee dhe teoe stl .be garen aWogKn ofnHooig ee rhhtguor hstetartenep ralucit r saaephca eyrtidibr ue thn.te shrWet aa weaSni hhCtu ohSt ix wid mnoat nticev dsaret aewht desaercn ieh ty bdesua cs ieveile be whcih w,yllacitamar dsesaercn iecnecseroul fllyhporolh ceulav .nmul orcet ae whott ntihgiln ufnsooitartenep spihsnoital enroitarbil adco oygr edvedivo rnpoig egrn ogKn oe Hhttuohguor hntek astelpm aestercsiD d nMa PcSirtemiva rngeew td e nbeacnecserou llflyhporol hdc nnaoitartnecn olclyhporol hnceewteb e hrte v) tom1unob aa(rtce plsacit pnooitulos ehrg idheni a.t sbetoWnemerusa eymtidibr ultacitpo nmul orcet a,wecnaidar rnimul orcet a,wecnaidar rrial o fms0on09-0 5fe2ogn ahrtgnelevaw eghntidiv o erarp t aea.sdh eth pThe tdniowitai draar lnfooositaune tltaartc e dp,nseacnatcelfer fnooig eer h ntsiega meitillet aRsIN-S IRVRH VdA nraol oncae cyofitna u oqdtede ennoitamrofni gn.ogHnoK fsonoitagitsev nri udonet x oe stduewol lsa ashega meitillet aSsFiWa edS nRaRH V fAsoisyla neahT s nfeoohi ttryr eroohapt turgot e nsl anv g eiErdgeiienfhrannrRhootreaoa tKuPHscecsosecorp ev aeThwSU KtgHan agTniln a. DrhDt inwoitaroball ohcgu o.r shrTet alwatsa occific anPretsew fsoret afwle hlsatnenitn oec h ntlilyhporol heccafr u fssonoitair alvanosa eds nlaaita pes hdteziretcarahc nonemone hmpoo lnbotknalpoty hrpetn igwnirruc e farsoisyla neavisneherpm odac iods l. eaaWnihC suoi ven eriarupt ase ifdhetrevoc s;eitwdia rntoS z eutfhLsotewht u aoaesnS ihhtC u eonhSit .)39 9,1x od Fnraetse Ky(rega mSiC ZfnCooitagitsevni ftosa oe chgtno lsaesseco rlpatsa ofsconoitagitsev ntini ogjniog nloarev epsolev eondtug eebv aehW nema id Xnyagolonae cfeOotutits na IeaSni hhCtu oe Sh,tgn ogKn omHo rsfrotagitsev n hiat niiwhC feo seu h ntnooitamrof neidivo rdp nyarega meitillet a fssoesyla neadivo r opetl bea r. eayWtisrevinU e raani h nCsirotagitsev nei hdt n,asmets ytsnemerusa ermosn essuomonot uealbalia vyallaicremmoc evitarepo oecs e. hsTisyla nganisn eestom eer h nttisis s oaatt addle irfie h ftsoeip o scgunidivorp o gsara e5y1- 0n1ug eebr etwa hatni h nCsitsitnei chst iswegnahc xleanoissefo r npdoli usbtcejorp gn o , Hdr,;(ne5) at86gs98n e19a ,.K1Wdr)ne8at8s9e1K SNOITACILPPA/TCAPMI snoitair alvacigolo idb n,alacisy h,placime hecsu atca hstesseco r fpsotcef fee het e osetl bwa oen reaW gn ogKn od Hnsaret alwatsa odcnal seIdo h:Rstnemnoriv ntenereff iedti uo qwfstoret alwatsa onci e hnteewt e,bsetami llcaciportb ud sneatarepm enteewt esbecnereff ie dre ar.e shrTet alwatsaoc nretsaeht r eosfhnnotret tmarp oytlsret stenwelav e er dh pantaeanS ihhtC u eolnhSaitsre vneorosnom yllacip y stniosa ets eew h ItnR is(nosa eysrd/t edw nraemmus/retn inweewt elbasrev eersa hdp n,aSU ese hfetot i. p)nsrIemm ugsnir usndiosa et see whgtn ogKn onsHiaere hswhtn ormetn iewht .seca lhpt o nbyitilibair alvatsa otccef ftaa hstesseco rtpnetsisn oycr eevm ogsnie ees r easwecnereffid d neanihsn uftsonuo me ahhtt iywr asvmoo lnbotknalpoty hd pnnaoitcudo rnpegy xcoitehtnysotohP feosa hep hhtt isweir a,vstneida rlgacime hlcacitr e nvsiesaerc nsiwol ltaa h,tnoitacifita r. tsSseniduolc tro hyslevital e freo rsatne vmeo o. lsBedutilp mlaad iptaen/gnir p nssiecnereff i odet undo oemht noig eer hhtt iswae roa wetse hnteewt esbecnereff itdnacifing ies eoss l. easWy a5d -y3llacip y,tnoitarud sesaerc n,iytinil assecud etra hmtets yrsev irroj a fameograhcs ied h ytdbetcef fyaltae rggn ogKn ofHo cinegoporht nfsaotcef freegr ae leo.ss sleraWet alwatsa oe chott nsitneirt usngni rd bn,aytidibrut .s erheT tlaawts asfIonoRcoit rto spnno aimyhrtau trseE vlirRaeP/g ngo nK eosnhHtitupni roj aem h fteorutc ieptelpm oecr o samsuev isgnoig eor wetse hnteewt esbecnereff idd nsaeitiralimis .snoitcn ugfnicr otfnereff iosdtmets ylsatsa ofecosnops ee rhfd tonsaessecorp SNOITISNART seirehs ieFnir alManoit aeN h ttsarotagitsev n yidbe sguni eeb r Ia nRdieniat beov a ehswtlus eerhT nsinoitair ad vnsadne rfstonoitaula vreie hn)tiLMN-SFM Ny(rotarob aeLnir atMtesnagarr aeNcivreS yr eevmoc es ba)hMED-I Rt(nemegan alMatnemnoriv nftEonemtrap eI.eD RshmTetsyso cleatsaoc ytila urqet atwcet eoed tss utd iny aae B hnstitnemerusa esmeir eesm intoituloser-hg ie h hndtietseretni ydbe sguni eeb rkar oswi h ntdiepolev esddoht e em. hlTaciti recmoc eybe hetrof esbmelborp gne h. s g.as gn fuennooHsioKrsHPe cloar tpy s dfaeeuoouhtcnts i T ts SonrtUtooaKctHagitsevni d nsatnemerusa eemcafr uysawred nsuuounitn oec s ougtninnig e sb,iytisrevi nnUema i tX,agnoH gniunitn o nctiseret ndiesserp xeev ayh e. htTiar tnSawi aeT h ftsoeidu trsie h ntginisn eestom eertilletas -fo-pi hgasnihsilbat s n esihut ikwr o owdteer geav ay he. hsTeidu tesse h ntmie hhtt ikwr otwni orjuo ne h,wgnihso ad Knnaema inXeewt etbiar tnSawi ae Thstsor cmaargo rtpnemerusa eymtinutroppo .deniat b eonb agcnidnuf STCEJ ODREPTALER yo ulbanoitid d faeodarg pdu neasahcr uep hrt oyflni aem rhaci h,wAA O yNdbedivo rspdn ugfni syuB fsoegnahc xee hetnima x oemtets ytsnemerusa elmatsa o IceR hgtnidnet xee r ea,wsmets yrsosn edsna dae eMnED- Id RnSaFMN- A.A y OatNBtesnagarr ad Nnfale hlsatnenitn oe chnteewt esbretaw ralim ids nmaets yysaB-d irm uhot igwn o. lyA aeB h fttor arpep peu h ntmiets ytsnemerusaem d nsatneida rlgaret a nlsiegna hkcca r otetl b ealbl i ewyw aeB h fteocnart nee hrta esntnemerusaem .sret aewrohsf fhot iewgnahcxe yegwolonh c deenTcane iecnSi rnnaoiMitarep opnoooChsk rSoUW-o ndieSrosnops- R eNthOAt ,sret a fwsoexu lef hettagitsev n oiyttisrevi nnUema i tXsaeugaell ohct itwcejo rtpni odajetalumrof ts ae Ehd tna aeaSni hhCtu oe Shstkn itla httiar tnSawi ae Thnstiecnatsb uestalucitr ad pn,adevlossid - Y nF tiri otfropp ulsanoitid dkae elsl i ewdw n,anug esb achip osti h ntkor olwaiti nei m. oaS eaSnihC 99. SECNEREFER . yraEstuarine,ut srEev itRucitcenn oe Chnntio rfsiomr olfaci m. e 5.h8 rC9e1ts e.KR .d Dn.,aHgnoH latsaoC dna flehSe cneicS21:449-459. ,gno H.H d n .a.rRe.tDse K .6891 x oedteaRt sfo nori n ies rreoehht tsaf fwo.fuoreP Limnology and y hparg31(o3na)e:c5O12-524. :a eaSni hhCtu oe S hfgtonisn eestom elracigolo id bnlaaci m.e 3h.9C x9 o1.FF .d Mn.aR .,DretseK nginisn eeStom e nRmouisop m. y3S 9t‘nemnori .s v noid ntIa nn:niEvreu tiesasbotilletas sse rlPaicremm oeC h.T).sd eu( i .LdA ngan a .F,Megna hlCabo ldG nhacraes elRatnemnorivnE (H.K.) Ltd., Hong Kong, pages 59-72 and 135-139. eto meetrille t da,nssatnemerus agenmi l..e6 nd 9oo9sM1un g d.a,nA Mxa.o FF,..M R,.rDetseK y r. ts i53:sem1ne3i1hr-Cra14M5.et alwatsa o ncsitneutitsn oecvit cyallacigolo i fbgonisnes . ret afwle hlsatnenitn oa ceaSni hhCtu oe Shnstinoitair alvano s. a 8.e8 rS9e1ts e.KR .d Dn.,aZgnaW ,ygolo ne atfeuoct Oi r . taea 3, sn beh91s,ni .m St-kIhpucu1rCNio8onSW adeectOceleS .gnijie B,sser Pnaec Oanih C,acini SaimedacA SNOITACILBUP fl u nGyitilibair alvacime h fcsotnemerusa enmoitulos ehr g. i8H 9. 9r1ets e.KR .dD n .a,AnosungaM .detti m .bs,nr uaecseO –l halcn tarrcau ieofsfsaJoyehRplWoeG e dhenSpa o,lmSaertS .e rudeniraMec onropitar tdietvor p:nmyAitinila krleat a..w8r a9ee9t S1s.e R Kd,..nnDAaosungaM .dettim by,urstsimehC . sreniraMet alwatsa o ncpiihsnoital eyrtinilas/ytinilak le.a h8 T9. 9r1ets e.KR .dD n ,a,AnosungaM .dettim by,urstsimehC fyortsime hxcod ed rnnaoitubirt s . ie 7.dh9 rT9e1ts e.KR .d Dn,a. r,Jnosn a.HK .,A.W .,DnavilluS’O .yr at uttuscEs mn ,enirautsEao urnqi ia leatsaoCthtteP dna flehSe cneicS45:769-788. . gni aeSygorlonhceTotin olmatnemnoriv neemit- l. a 7.e9 rR9e1ts e.KR .d Dn.aNcM .,JhtrubeiS 38(10):47-51. r en tofnioitwavr egsnb io. sr.ene 8teg9 osr9ma1eKR-re l .l,dEürn.MeaF t .s .,Re,,Hi.Kg.-NDnDIaT , aae neniraM SihhytgolocE C utenoihiSat rnt o StzfsuoeLwht usomso onlobtknalpotyhp .dettim bs,uesir esSsergorP .

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