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Preview DTIC ADA550999: Comment on The Two-Capacitor Problem Revisited: A Mechanical Harmonic Oscillator Approach

IOPPUBLISHING EUROPEANJOURNALOFPHYSICS Eur.J.Phys.30(2009)L59–L63 doi:10.1088/0143-0807/30/5/L01 LETTERS AND COMMENTS Comment on ‘The two-capacitor problem revisited: a mechanical harmonic oscillator approach’ CarlEMungan PhysicsDepartment,USNavalAcademy,Annapolis,MD21402-5002,USA E-mail:[email protected] Received12January2009,infinalform4February2009 Published13July2009 Onlineatstacks.iop.org/EJP/30/L59 Abstract Anexpressionisdevelopedfortheenergydissipatedwhenaconstantexternal force is suddenly applied to the end of a particle moving in 1D subject to a conservative restoring force and a general damping force. Assuming the particle was initially at rest and ends up in static equilibrium, the fraction of themechanicalenergylostdependsonlyontheconservativeforceandonthe netdisplacementoftheparticle. Mechanicalmodelsaresuggestedtoillustrate theideasandtheircapacitorcircuitanalogies. Thetreatmentisappropriatefor anintermediate-levelundergraduatemechanicscourse. (Somefiguresinthisarticleareincolouronlyintheelectronicversion) In a recent paper, Lee discusses a constant force suddenly applied to the end of a Hookean springinthepresenceofadampingforcethatcandependonbothvelocityandaccelerationas amechanicalanaloguetoabatterysuddenlyconnectedtoacapacitorandreturningtostatic equilibriumdissipatively[1]. ThepresentcommentextendsLee’sresultsinthreeways: (1) Theformofthedampingforceisbroadenedsothatitcandependonanyvariables, not justonvelocityandacceleration. (2) Theinteractionbetweenthetwomechanicalsystemsisgeneralizedtobeanyconservative forceinsteadofmerelyHookeansprings. (3) MechanicalmodelsaredevelopedfortheproblemthatmotivatedLee’sstudy,namelythat ofsuddenlyconnectingtogetherachargedandanunchargedcapacitor. Consider a particle moving in one dimension (call it x) under the action of three forces ingeneral: aconservativerestoringforceF (x),adampingforceF andastep-wiseconstant c d force F > 0 which is suddenly turned on for all t > 0. The damping force can be of any 0 form whatsoever provided that it has two properties: its direction is always opposite to the direction of motion of the particle, and its magnitude falls to zero when and only when the velocity of the particle is zero. This resistive force need not be viscous drag or radiation damping (proportional to velocity and to acceleration, respectively). It could for example bevelocity-independentkineticfriction(allowingaslightverticalagitationoftheparticleto 0143-0807/09/050059+05$30.00 (cid:2)c 2009IOPPublishingLtd PrintedintheUK L59 Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED FEB 2009 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-2009 to 00-00-2009 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Comment on ’The two-capacitor problem revisited: a mechanical 5b. GRANT NUMBER harmonic oscillator approach’ 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION US Naval Academy,Physics Department,Annapolis,MD,21402-5002 REPORT NUMBER 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT An expression is developed for the energy dissipated when a constant external force is suddenly applied to the end of a particle moving in 1D subject to a conservative restoring force and a general damping force. Assuming the particle was initially at rest and ends up in static equilibrium, the fraction of the mechanical energy lost depends only on the conservative force and on the net displacement of the particle. Mechanical models are suggested to illustrate the ideas and their capacitor circuit analogies. The treatment is appropriate for an intermediate-level undergraduate mechanics course. 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE Same as 5 unclassified unclassified unclassified Report (SAR) Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 L60 LettersandComments Figure1. Graphsofthepotentialenergy(a)beforeand(b)afterturningontheforceF0. The equilibriumpositionsoftheparticleareindicatedbytheblackdots. preventanonzerostaticfrictionalforcefromarising).1Nowsupposethatatt=0theparticle isatrestatpositionx=0. Thatis,F hasnotyetbeenswitchedon,F =0becausetheparticle 0 d isatrest,andF (0)=0becausetheparticleisinstableequilibrium. Thentheparticlemust c lieatthebottomofaminimuminthepotentialenergyU (x)associatedwiththeconservative c forceF ,assketchedinfigure1(a). Withoutlossofgenerality,thereferencepositionforthis c potentialenergycanbelocatedatx=0sothat (cid:2) x U (x)=− F (x)dx =−W (x), (1) c c c 0 where W(x) denotes work done as the particle moves from the origin to position x, with a subscript(c,dor0)onWindicatingwhichforceisdoingthework. NowturnontheforceF . Itwillpushtheparticletowardspositivex. Underthecombined 0 action of the restoring force and this constant push, the particle will oscillate about some newequilibriumpositionx >0,buttheamplitudeoftheseoscillationswilldecayduetothe 0 dampingforceandeventuallytheparticlewillcometorestatx . Itisinstructivetoconsider 0 thesituationfromanenergypointofview. Thepotentialenergyassociatedwiththeconstant force(adoptingthesamereferencepositionasforU )islinearinposition, (cid:2) c x U (x)=− F dx =−F x =−W (x). (2) 0 0 0 0 0 ThetotalpotentialenergyofthesystemisnowU ≡U (x)+U (x)assketchedinfigure1(b). tot c 0 Initiallytheparticlewasatx=0withkineticenergyK =0;initsfinalequilibriumposition i 1 ThestandardintroductorymodelforfrictionisthatithasmagnitudeFd (cid:2)μNwhereμisthecoefficientoffriction (takentobethesameconstantforstaticandkineticfriction,forsimplicity)andNisthenormalforcebetweenthe particleandthesurfacewithwhichitisincontact. Theinequalitybecomesanequalitywhenevertheparticleisin motion. Ontheotherhand,Fdfallstozerowhentheparticleisatrest,assumingthatallotherforcesactingonthe particlesumtozero. LettersandComments L61 Figure2.Thesolid(blue)curvegraphsatypicalconservativeforceagainstposition,inwhichthe uppershadedareaisproportionaltothemechanicalenergylost. Thedashed(red)curveplotsa forceforwhichtheenergydissipationisminimal. atx itisagainatrestsothatK =0. Consequentlythesystemhaslostthemechanicalenergy 0 f (cid:2) x0 E =U −U =0−U (x )=F x + F (x)dx, (3) lost i f tot 0 0 0 c 0 whichisequalto−W (x ),inagreementwiththework-kinetic-energytheoremfortheparticle d 0 W (x )+W (x )+W (x )=K −K =0. (4) d 0 c 0 0 0 f i The energy loss E equals the vertical distance from the x-axis down to the minimum in lost the total potential energy in figure 1(b). Note that F does net positive work on the particle 0 as it moves from its initial to its final position; viewed as an external force, one can say it transfersenergyE =F x tothesystem. However,theconservativeforcefieldonlygained 0 0 0 anenergyofU (x )whichingeneralislessthanE . Thefractionallossinmechanicalenergy c 0 0 isf ≡E /E . lost lost 0 ThisfractionalenergylosscanberewrittenintermsofF only. Whentheparticleisat c restinitsnewequilibriumposition, F =0andthereforeF (x ) = −F . Equation(3)thus d c 0 0 implies (cid:2) f =1− (cid:3)Fc(cid:4) where (cid:3)F (cid:4)≡ 1 x0F (x)dx. (5) lost c c F (x ) x c 0 0 0 For example, if the conservative force is due to a Hookean spring of stiffness constant k, thenF (x) = −kx andequation(5)reproducesLee’sresultthatf = 50%. Theelectrical c lost analogue is that if a battery of emf ξ is suddenly connected to a discharged capacitor of capacitanceC,thenwhenitisfullychargeduptoQ=Cξ theelectricalenergy 1Qξ gained 2 by the capacitor is only half of the electrical energy Qξ lost by the battery. The rest was dissipatedasJouleheatingandradiation. Buttheimportantpointisthatnoknowledgeofthe exactdissipationmechanismisnecessarytoreachthisconclusion;equation(5)predictsa50% lossforthespringsystemregardlessoftheformofthedampingforce(providedonlythatits directionisalwaysoppositetothedirectionofmotionoftheparticle,andthatitsmagnitude fallstozerowhenandonlywhenthevelocityoftheparticleiszero). Equation (5) is general and also applies to non-Hookean forces, as long as they are restoring and conservative. As an example, for the anharmonic spring F (x) = −kx3, it c predictsthat75%ofthemechanicalenergywillbelost. Equation(5)hasasimplegraphical interpretation: f is the ratio of the shaded area (ACD) in figure 2 to the area of the entire lost L62 LettersandComments Figure3.AballofmassmslowlypulledupafrictionlessinclineθbyaconstantforceF0starting fromanequilibriumpositionatthebottom. Figure4. Aballattachedtoaninitiallyrelaxedspringinsideabox. Att=0theboxissuddenly rotatedclockwiseby90◦aboutitshinge,sothattheball’sweightstretchesthespring. rectangle(ABCD).Withthisinmind,aforceF needstohavethefollowingfunctionalform c toresultinminimalenergyloss. GiventhatithastostartatpointA,endatpointC,andbe monotonicallyincreasinginbetweensothatitrestoreseverywhere(notjustforsomespecial choice of x ), it has to hug sides AD and DC like the dashed curve in figure 2. Noting that 0 the force is then essentially constant over most of the particle’s trajectory, a simple way to realize such a system in practice is sketched in figure 3. A ball lies at the bottom (defining theinitialequilibriumposition)ofaV-shapedgroovewithsmoothwallsinclinedatangleθ to thehorizontal. Astringistiedtotheball. Startingtheinstantaftert=0,aconstanttension ofF =mg sinθ isappliedtoquasistaticallydragtheballanydesiredfinaldistancex along 0 0 theincline. Theconservativerestoringforceisgravityanditscomponent2alongthedirection of motion is the constant F (x) = −mg sinθ. The work done by the tension all goes into c increasingthegravitationalpotentialenergyoftheballwithoutlossbecauseitispulledupthe frictionlessinclinesoslowlythatairresistanceisnegligible. Notethatgravitycanbe‘turnedoff’infigure3bymakingtheangleofinclineθ equalto zero. Thisideasuggestsasimplemethod(sketchedinfigure4)forconstructingthemechanical systemdiscussedbyLee(i.e.,aparticleontheendofaHookeanspringtowhichaconstant forceissuddenlyapplied). Amassrestsonthesmoothbottomofaboxatthefreeendofa spring whose other end is fixed to the side of the box. The box is initially horizontal but is hingedatitscorner. Att=0theboxissuddenlytippedvertically. Themasswillsubsequently oscillateuntilairdragbringsittorestatanewequilibriumpositionwiththespringstretched byx =mg/k. 0 So far these mechanical models have treated one particle experiencing a step-wise constant external force. Similar mechanical analogues can be constructed for the circuit probleminwhichachargedcapacitorissuddenlyconnectedtoanunchargedcapacitor. Panel 2 Theintroductionofacomponentisjustifiedeitherbyproperlydefiningtheworkinequation(5)astheintegrated dotproductofforceanddisplacement,orbycomputingtheworkdonebythesumofthegravitationalandnormal forces. LettersandComments L63 Figure5.Interactingmechanicalsystems:(a)twospringsofidenticalstiffnessconstantconnected toaballthatexperiencesairdragwhenmovingand(b)apairofequal-massballsonsmooth inclinesofequaltiltconnectedbyalightstringaroundafrictionlesspulley.Inbothcases,theleft systemstartsoutwithpositivepotentialenergyandtherightsystemwithnone. (a)offigure5showsaHookeanexample, whilepanel(b)presentsatwo-particleversionof figure3. Incase(a),theleftspringstartsoutcompressedbyx (sothatithaspotentialenergy 0 U = 1kx2),whiletherightoneisinitiallyrelaxed(andthusU =0). Afterthepinispulled Li 2 0 Ri outanddampinghasbroughtthesystembacktorest,bothspringshaveequalcompressions (cid:3) (cid:4) of 1x . ThereforethefinalelasticenergiesareU =U = 1k 1x 2sothat 2 0 Lf Rf 2 2 0 (U +U )−(U +U ) f = Li Ri Lf Rf =50% (6) lost (U +U ) Li Ri just as for the single-spring example in figure 4. On the other hand, for the system in figure5(b),wheretheleftparticlebeginswithpositivegravitationalpotentialenergyandthe rightparticlewithnone,thesystemcanbequasistaticallybroughttoafinalstateinwhichboth particlesareatequalheightwithnooverallchangeinmechanicalenergy. In conclusion, a more general treatment of energy principles, illustrated with several concretemechanicalmodels,hasbeenpresentedheretoexpanduponconceptsintroducedin Lee’spaper[1]. Inparticular,connectingacompressedandanuncompressedspringtogether is an effective analogy to the well-studied problem of wiring a charged and an uncharged capacitortogether. Thistwo-springsystemcanbemorereadilyvisualizedbystudents,helping themtomakesenseoftheenergylossinsuchproblems. Inaddition,itunderscoresthecritical roleofthedampingmechanisminattainingafinalstateofequilibrium. ©USGovernment. References [1]LeeK2009Thetwo-capacitorproblemrevisited:amechanicalharmonicoscillatormodelapproachEur.J. Phys.3069–74

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