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Preview DTIC ADA550298: Photothermal Deoxygenation of Graphene Oxide for Distributed Ignition and Patterning Applications (Postprint)

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REPORT DATE (DD-MM-YYYY) 2. REPORT TYPE 3. DATES COVERED (From - To) 13-04-2009 Journal Article 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Photothermal Deoxygenation of Graphene Oxide to Graphitic Carbon for Distributed 5b. GRANT NUMBER Ignition and Patterning Applications (Postprint) 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER Scott Gilje & Jabarri Farrar (Northrop Grumman); Sergey Dubin & Richard B. Kaner (UCLA); Alireza Badakshan (Sverdrup); S.A. Danczyk (AFRL/RZSA) 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 43470876 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER Air Force Research Laboratory (AFMC) AFRL/RZSA AFRL-RZ-ED-JA-2009-152 10 E. Saturn Blvd. Edwards AFB CA 93524-7680 9. SPONSORING / MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) Air Force Research Laboratory (AFMC) AFRL/RZS 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S 5 Pollux Drive NUMBER(S) Edwards AFB CA 93524-7048 AFRL-RZ-ED-JA-2009-152 12. DISTRIBUTION / AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited (PA #09227). 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES Published in Advanced Materials, 2010, 22, 419-423. © 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co., KGaA, Weinheim 14. ABSTRACT In recent years, several researchers have reported on an enhanced photothermal effect exhibited when nanoscale materials such as carbon nanotubes, polyaniline nanofibers or Si nanowires were irradiated using a photographic flash. [1-3]. In these studies, the high surface to volume ratio of the nanomaterials being flashed, coupled with the inability of the small structures to efficiently dissipate the absorbed energy, led to a rapid increase in temperature and subsequent ignition/welding of the materials. Although heating materials through the use of light energy is not a new phenomenon, achieving such a rapid and dramatic temperature change using only millisecond pulses of light demonstrates a tangible and technologically significant capability, unique to nanoscale materials. [4] We have been able to achieve an enhanced photothermally activated reaction by exposing nanostructured graphene oxide (GO) porous networks, to a photographic flash. The exposure results in a pronounced photoacoustic effect along with a rapid temperature increase, which initiates a secondary deoxygenation reaction to yield graphitic carbon and CO . A photo- 2 initiated reaction could be used to achieve multiple ignition nucleation sites simultaneously. This type of “distributed ignition” has applications in liquid fuel rocket engines and in high efficiency homogenous charge compression ignition (HCCI) engines, where ignition control is of paramount importance. 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF RESPONSIBLE OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES PERSON Dr. S.A. Danczyk a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE 19b. TELEPHONE NUMBER SAR 6 (include area code) Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified N/A Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std. 239.18 www.advmat.de Photothermal Deoxygenation of Graphene Oxide for C O M Patterning and Distributed Ignition Applications M U N By Scott Gilje,* Sergey Dubin, Alireza Badakhshan, Jabari Farrar, I C Stephen. A. Danczyk, and Richard B. Kaner A T I O N A xenon discharge tube, such as is used to produce a deoxygenation of GO to create functionalized graphene sheets photographic flash, has been reported to cause the ignition of upon rapidheating to11008Cunder aninert atmosphere.[27,28] carbonnanotubes,siliconnanowires,andweldingofnanofibers Theseorganicsolventdispersiblesheetshaveenabledthedirect oftheconductingpolymerpolyaniline.[1–3]Inthesereactions,the creation of polymer composites, without the need for surfac- high surface-to-volume ratio of the nanomaterials being tants.[29]ThermaldeoxygenationofGOtoformgraphiticcarbon irradiated, coupled with the inability of the small structures to datesbacktothe1960swhenBoehmandScholzfirstreportedon efficientlydissipatetheabsorbedenergy,leadstoarapidincrease the ignition and deflagration of graphite oxides prepared by in temperature and subsequent ignition or welding of the different methods.[30] Upon rapid heating to temperatures of materials. Although heating materials through the use of light (cid:1)2008C,GOdecomposestothemostthermodynamicallystable energy is not a new phenomenon, achieving such a rapid and oxideofcarbon,CO .AlongwiththeexothermicreleaseofCO , 2 2 dramatic temperature change using only millisecond pulses of H O,and COalsoform asminor products.[31] 2 light demonstrates a tangible and technologically significant Carbonnanotubeshavebeenconsideredasadditivestorocket capability thatisunique tonanoscale materials.[4] fuels to attain distributed fuel ignition because of the dramatic Graphene oxide (GO) is a deeply colored, water dispersible, temperatureincrease(inexcessof15008C)thatcanbeachieved oxidized form of graphene obtained through the treatment of usingmillisecondpulsesoflight.Ifdifferentpartsofthefuelcan graphitepowderwithpowerfuloxidizingagents.[5]AlthoughGO beignitedsimultaneously,bettercontrolandstabilityalongwith hasbeenknownforover150years,onlyrecentlyhavescientists lowered weight should be achievable.[32–34] Attempts aimed at hadaccesstothetoolsnecessarytoproperlyanalyzeitsatomically usingCNTsforignitionapplications,however,havefailed,since thinsheetstructure.Thishasrekindledinterestingraphiteoxide theCNTcombustionrequiresoutsideoxygen.Infact,theCNTs and has led to a number of recent discoveries, including: the themselves – like C and carbon soot – play little role in the 60 stacking of GO platelets to form paper-like materials of high ignitionprocess,insteaditistheironnanoparticlecatalystusedto modulusandstrength.[6,7]ManystudieshavesuggestedthatGO grow them, along with oxygen, that supports combustion.[35–37] can be reduced to graphene-like carbon sheets by applying Even with sufficient catalyst, uniformly dispersing CNTs into chemical reducing agents or by using thermal treatments.[8–10] liquidfuelsremainsproblematic.Herewereportthediscoveryof ThishasledtospeculationthatGOcouldfinduseasaprecursor the photothermally initiated deflagration of GO that can take in a bulk route to dispersible graphene sheets.[11–13] Already, placeeveninanoxygendeficientenvironment.SinceGOreadily several groups have succeeded in creating conducting polymer disperses in alcohols and other polar organic solvents, pre- composites,transparentconductingfilms,andsimpleelectronic liminary results indicate that with some chemical modification devicesbasedonreducedGO.[14–26]Inadditiontothechemical GO could be dispersed in fuels as well. This along with the reduction of GO, Aksay, et al. have reported the thermal currentinterestinGOasananoscaleplateletmaterialgaveusthe impetustoinvestigatethisphotothermallydrivenprocessfurther. A random porous network of GO platelets is created by [*] Dr.S.Gilje,Dr.J.Farrar freeze-dryingGOdispersions.Theporousstructureresultsfrom NorthropGrummanAerospaceResearchLabs theextractionofwaterwithoutcausingcollapseofthesolidmatrix NorthropGrummanCorporation of GO platelets due to capillary action, as would happen with RedondoBeach,California,90278(USA) conventional evaporation. Creating dry, low-density networks of E-mail:[email protected] nanoscaleGOplateletsservestwopurposes:first,thesurfaceto S.Dubin,Prof.R.B.Kaner volume ratio of the platelets is increased providing maximum DepartmentofChemistryandBiochemistryandCalifornia NanoSystemsInstitute,UniversityofCaliforniaLosAngeles surfaceareaforenergyabsorption;second,thermallyconductive LosAngeles,California,90095(USA) pathways through which absorbed energy can diffuse are Dr.A.Badakhshan reduced. The GO dispersions were comprised of platelets JacobsTechnology/RossGroupAirForce ranginginsizefrom100nm–5mmindiameterwiththemajority ResearchLabEdwardsAFB,CA93524(USA) of platelets around 500nm in diameter as analyzed by atomic Dr.S.A.Danczyk forcemicroscopy.TheGOfoamnetworksenablegreaterenergy AeroPhysicsBranch,CombustionDevicesGroup absorption and confinement leading to dramatic temperature AirForceResearchLaboratory;EdwardsAFB,California(USA) increases on exposure to a camera flash. Using freeze-drying, DOI: 10.1002/adma.200901902 porousGOfoamscanbemadetodensitiesdownto5mgcm(cid:2)3 Adv.Mater.2010,22,419–423 (cid:1)2010WILEY-VCHVerlagGmbH&Co.KGaA,Weinheim 419 www.advmat.de N graphitic platelets can be observed. Using O the scale bar as a gauge, the thickness of the I thinnestexpandedsheetscanbeseentorange T A from10to20nm. C X-ray powder diffraction of a compressed I N pellet of the reduced graphite oxide shows a U broad, low-intensity peak centered at M 2u¼26.48 indicating that after deflagration M the product is, in fact, graphitic in nature.[30] Thebroadnessofthediffractionpeakismost O likelyduetoboththesmallcrystallinedomain C sizes of the graphitic planes and the turbos- tratic nature of the expanded sheets. The deoxygenated carbon material that remains after photothermally induced deoxygenation wasanalyzedforitscarbonandoxygencontent usingX-rayphotoelectronspectroscopy(XPS) (see Supporting Information). The carbon content increases from 68.7% in the GO starting material, to 92.1%, while the oxygen content decreases from 29.3 to 7.7%. The remaining oxygen is most likely contained in residualfunctionalities((cid:2)COOH,(cid:2)OH,etc.) Figure1. a) An image of a GO foam sample before exposure to a photographic flash. b) A due to incomplete deoxygenation. Resistivity scanningelectronmicrograph(SEM)showstheporousnatureoftheGOfoam.c)Afterflashing, measurements taken on the deoxygenated theGOfoamignitesreleasingCO andHOandleavingbehindanexfoliated,deoxygenated 2 2 carbon resulted in a resistivity decrease from graphiticcarbon.d)AnSEMimageofthematerialshowsexfoliatedlayers.(inset)Underhigh magnification,thelayersmeasure10–20nminthickness. 9.98(cid:3)104V(cid:4)cmbeforeflashingto2.23V(cid:4)cm afterphotoinduceddeoxygenation.Thechange inresistivityofoverfourordersofmagnitude beforethestructurecollapsesunderitsownweight.Mostofthe isconsistentwithotherformsofreducedGOobtainedbythermal GO foams used in this study had a density of 15mgcm(cid:2)3. means.[27,28] Figure 1a is a photograph of a light-brown GO foam sample DuetotheexpandednatureoftheflashedGOfoams,theywere prepared by freeze drying a 15mgml(cid:2)1 dispersion to achieve a analyzedforsurfaceareabymeasuringN gasuptakeusingthe 2 densityof15mgcm(cid:2)3.Figure1bshowsanSEMmicrographof Brunaur-Emmett-Teller(BET)analysismethod.Beforeflashing,a thesamesamplemagnified1000(cid:3).IntheSEMimage,theGO GO foam with a density 15mg cm(cid:2)3 was measured to have a platelets appear as crumpled sheets ranging in diameter from surface area of 6m2 g(cid:2)1. After flashing, the measured surface 500nm to 20mm, that assemble to form a porous three- areayieldedarangefrom400to980m2g(cid:2)1.Webelievethelarge dimensionalnetwork.ThemechanicalintegrityoftheGOfoams range in values can be attributed to difficulties in determining increase with increasing density. Foams with a density of thesampleweightandadsorbedwatercontent.Exposureofthe <5mgcm(cid:2)3 typically collapsed easily and were difficult to flashed, deoxygenated carbon to hydrogen was performed, handle. Foams with a density ranging from 10 to 20mgcm(cid:2)3 resulting in anuptakeof 0.5wt%at 77K. were robust but required careful handling, while denser foams In additiontoGO foammaterials,it ispossible tomakeGO were quite sturdy much like a commercial silica aerogel. After filmswhichcanbephotothermallypatterned.Toaccomplishthis, flashing,thefoamslosetheirstructuralrobustness,fallapart,and thin GO films (<1mm in thickness) were created by filtering a areeasily blownaround bygusts ofair. dilute GO dispersion through a 0.2mm Nylon Millipore filter. Uponexposuretoaphotographicflash,theGOfoamemitsa Figure 2a shows optical microscope images of a copper poppingsoundmostlikelyattributabletoaphotoacousticeffect transmission electron microscope (TEM) grid placed on top of similar to the flashing of CNTs.[38] A color change from light aGOfilmwhilestillattachedtotheNylonfilter.UsingtheTEM browntodarkblackcanbeseenimmediatelyafterexposuretothe gridasamask,theGOfilmwasexposedtoaflashatcloserange flashindicatingconversiontodeoxygenatedgraphiticcarbon.A inducing deoxygenation to graphitic carbon. Figure 2b is an photographoftheflashedGOfoamisshowninFigure1c.The opticalmicroscopeimageoftheGOfilmafterflashing.Lookingat lightbrownspotsaroundtheperipheryofthesamplecorrespond the image, defined regions of black (exposed) and brown totheunreactedregionsattheedgesofthesampleasaresultof (masked) can clearly be seen mimicking the TEM grid mask. cooling and expansion of the foam as the reaction front SEMimagesofthemaskedfilm(Fig.2c)showhowtheexposed propagates. Figure 1d, shows an expanded structure much like regions on the GO film expand outward upon ignition by the that of exfoliated graphite and comparable to recent reports on flash.ThereleaseofCO andH Oduringdeflagrationislikelythe 2 2 thermallyreducedGO.[27,28]TheinsetpictureofFigure1dshows causeof theplatelets pushing out fromthe surfaceof thefilm. the flashed GO foam at 100000(cid:3) magnification. At this Another promising application for photothermally initiated magnification, the expanded nature of the flash deoxygenated reactionsisasanignitionpromoterforfuels.BydispersingGO 420 (cid:1)2010WILEY-VCHVerlagGmbH&Co.KGaA,Weinheim Adv.Mater.2010,22,419–423 www.advmat.de In preliminary experiments, we have been C abletosuccessfullyigniteethanolfuelsusing O GO as a photothermal initiator. Figure 3a M showsaphotoofaGOfoamsampleplacedon M a paper soaked with ethanol. Upon flashing U (Fig.3b),theethanolvaporreadilycombustsas N a result of the GO ignition. After the ethanol I C fuelisconsumed,wecanseethedeoxygenated A carbonproductglowingbrightredasaresult T I ofthecombustionreactionandthevolumeof O the sample increases due to exfoliation N (Fig. 3c). Pyrometer readings of this ignition processindicatethatbyflashingGOachieves temperatures of 400–5008Cwithin a few ms. In our experiments, we were able todisperse GO platelets into ethanol and methanol with mild sonication. The GO platelets did not disperse well in more aliphatic fuels such as Figure2. a) An opticalmicroscopyimage shows a GO film with a Cu transmission electron kerosene. We speculate that dispersibility of microscopy(TEM)gridontopbeforeflashing.b)AfterflashingandremovingtheTEMmask,the GOinorganicscouldbefacilitatedwiththeuse patternoftheTEMgridhasbeentransferredtotheGOfilmasseenintheopticalmicroscope ofsurfactantswithoutlossofthephotothermal images.c)ThedeoxygenationandsubsequentreleaseofCO2andH2Oblowtheplateletsof function of GO platelets as an ignition deoxygenatedcarbonoutfromthesurfaceasdepictedinseriesofSEMimagesatprogressively promoter. highermagnifications. Over the past decade, extraordinary efforts havebeenundertakentobothimprovethefuel efficiency of traditional gasoline engines and plateletsinaliquidfuel,itcouldbepossibletoinitiateignitionof searchforclean,renewablealternativefuelstogasoline.Oneidea the fuel using a flash of light as opposed to a traditional spark thathassurfacedfromthisthrustisthenotionofahomogeneous plug. Illumination of a fuel/oxidizer mixture would enhance charge compression ignition (HCCI) engine that combines the combustionbyallowingignitiontooccuratnumerouslocations high efficiency of a diesel engine with the low emissions of a simultaneously.Oneofthemajordrawbacksofcurrentelectrical sparkignitionengine.InatypicalHCCIengine,fuelandairare sparkignitionisthatitisasingle-pointignitionsource.Ideally, mixedhomogeneouslylikeasparkignitionengine,butignition multipleignitionnucleationsiteswillallowformorecontrollable, occursbymeansofauto-ignitionunderhighcompressionsimilar and therefore more efficient and reliable ignition and combus- to a diesel engine.[40] The high compression ratio of HCCI tion.Thisisofcriticalimportanceforapplicationssuchasliquid engines provides an efficiency increase of up to 15% over fueledrockets,wherecurrentignitionmethodsareknowntobe traditional spark ignition engines.[41,42] Currently, one of the plagued by several problems. Issues such as combustion majorchallengesfacingHCCIengineshasbeencontrollingthe instability and start-up transients not only can cause severe unpredictable compression-induced ignition process. By using damage,butalsodegradationinengineefficiencyandanincrease anignitionpromotersuchasGO,itcouldbepossibletoachieve in emissions of pollutants. It is thought that nearly 30% of distributed ignition in HCCI engines, thus providing accurate thecombustioninstabilitiesinrocketengines,leadingtoengine ignitiontiming,resultinginthehomogeneousdetonationoffuel damageandpossiblelossofcargoandhumanlife,canbetraced andair. back to the nature of the propellant’s initial energy release Highlyabsorbingnanoparticulatematerialsareabletoachieve process,as describedbyHarrjeandReardon.[39] adramatictemperatureincreaseuponexposuretoshortpulsesof The short-comings of the existing systems combined with moderateintensitylight.Thesetemperatureincreasesoccurasa intuitive engineering advantages of low- energy, lightweight distributed ignition, has motivatedpreviousattemptstousesinglewall carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) as photoignition enabling additives to fuels.[32–34] In these experiments, the SWNTs were found to only igniteinthepresenceofambientoxygenand didnotdispersewellinthetestfuels.Flashing ofSWNTsisalsoheavilydependentontheFe catalystconcentration.Incontrast,GOcarries Figure3. AseriesofphotographsshowingaGOfoamsamplebefore,duringandafterflash itsownoxygensupplyandishighlydispersible ignitionwiththetimeintervallabeledinmilliseconds(ms).ByplacingaGOfoamsampleontoa infuelssuchasalcohol;therefore,GOmaybe papersoakedwithethanolandflashing,theGOfoamiscapableofignitingtheethanolvaporas a promising additive as an ignition promoter depictedin the centerphotograph. Afterignition,the deoxygenated GO samplecanbe seen forfuels. glowingredfromtheenergyreleasedduringthereaction. Adv.Mater.2010,22,419–423 (cid:1)2010WILEY-VCHVerlagGmbH&Co.KGaA,Weinheim 421 www.advmat.de N consequenceofthehighsurfacetovolumeratioandlownumber A liquid nitrogen bath (77K) was used for N2 and H2 isotherm O ofthermallyconductingpathwaysbywhichtodissipateabsorbed measurements. The N2, H2, and He gases used were UHP grade. For measurementoftheapparentsurfaceareas(SLang),theLangmuirmethod I light energy. One of the distinguishing characteristics that sets T wasappliedusingtheadsorptionbranchesoftheN isothermsassuminga A photothermal ignition of GO apart from the flashing of other N cross-sectionalareaof16.2A˚2/molecule.Them2icroporevolumes(Vp) C nanomaterials, is that instead of merely igniting or melting a we2re determined using the Dubinin-Raduskavich (DR) transformed N I 2 N material, an exothermic decomposition reaction occurs. The isothermsacrossthelinearregionofthelowpressuredata. U benefitofsuchaprocessisthattheenergyrequiredforignitionis M notprovidedsolelybythesourceoftheflashasitwouldbewith M other nanomaterials. This enables the use of lower power light Acknowledgements sourcesand/orlargerparticlesinordertoachieveignition,since O C the combustion of the particles themselves adds energy to the The authors thank Hsiao Hu Peng for use of his lab facilities and system. In the future, GO or other oxygen bearing, self- freeze-dryingsystem;ChristinaBaker,VincentTung,JonathanWassei,and decomposing particles may make it possible to tune the HenryTranfortheirhelpincarryingoutmeasurementsandintellectual photoignition behavior of a fuel to provide more controllable contributions;YanXuforhelpmakingopticalmeasurements;Dr.Hiroyasu Furukawaforcarryingouthydrogenabsorptionmeasurements;andGrant distributed ignition. In patterning applications, the solubility UmedaforhishelpwiththeBETmeasurements.Fundingforthisresearch differencesbetweenGOanddeoxygenatedgraphiticcarboncould has been provided by The Northrop Grumman Corporation, Aerospace beusedtoquicklyseparateexposedandmaskedregionsofathin SystemsDivision,AerospaceResearchLabs(ARL)internalresearchand GOfilm.Usinganorganicsolvent,thebroken-upflashedareasof development(IRAD)fundwithmatchingsupportfromtheUniversityof aGOfilmcouldbewashedawayleavingthemaskedGOportions California Discovery Program (RBK), the Focused Center Research intact. Subsequent thermal or chemical reduction of the ProgramFunctionalEngineeredNanoArchitectonics(FCRP/FENA)Center (RBK),andtheAirForceResearchLabs(AFRL)NanoEnergeticsStrategic patterned GO films to conducting, reduced GO would make it TechnologyTeams(STT).SupportingInformationisavailableonlinefrom possible tocreatehighly conducting patterns.[43] WileyInterScienceorfromtheauthor. 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